

September Astrology Forecast 2024: Step Into Your Calling

September 2024 Astrology Forecast

September 2024 is a month of heightened energy and transformation, thanks to the powerful "double 8" influence.

The Virgo New Moon encourages you to set intentions for nourishment and self-care, while the Pisces Supermoon Eclipse brings deep emotions and revelations to the surface. Welcome the Equinox as a time of balance and clarity, and trust the higher process unfolding in your life.

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Tags: September forecast

August Astrology Forecast 2024: Rekindle Your Passions

August 2024 Astrology

August 2024 is a vibrant and exciting month, overflowing with potential for love, abundance, and unexpected turns.

The energetic Leo season, the reflective influence of Mercury Retrograde and the powerful numerology of 888 combine to create a month primed for your transformation and personal evolution.

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Tags: August 2024 astrology, August 2024 numerology

July 2024 Astrology Forecast

July unfolds in the caring and nurturing zodiac sign of Cancer

Cancer’s influence invites introspection into your childhood and foundational emotions. These reflections may illuminate how past experiences shape your current feelings of security and affection

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Tags: July 2024, July 2024 astrology

June 2024 Astrology Forecast

June astrology is imbued with Gemini’s vibrant energy, lighting up the sky with its social and intellectual sparkle.

Your social calendar is likely to be bustling. Venus and Jupiter cozy up in this communicative Gemini, creating a perfect climate for forging new connections and socializing. 

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Tags: June astrology 2024

May 2024 Astrology Forecast

Marvelous May is filled with heart. Your focus shifts towards reevaluating your passions, leading you to an understanding of your deepest desires.

This journey is underpinned by joy, opening doors to romance, blessings, and abundance.

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Tags: May 2024 forecast

April 2024 Astrology Forecast

April 2024 Astrology Forecast

April's astrology is steeped in the emotionally charged energy of eclipses and marked by the year’s most electrifying transit.

April’s astrology brings a whirlwind of change and self-discovery. The month is steeped in the emotionally charged energy of eclipses and marked by the year’s most electrifying transit, setting the stage for a series of unexpected twists and surprising revelations.

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Tags: April 2024 forecast

March 2024 Astrology Forecast – Soulful Eclipse Season Begins

March 2024 Astrology Forecast

In this March 2024 Astrology Forecast I share three action steps to help you navigate this psychically and spiritually charged month.

You can have brand new chapters as you’re letting go of old chapters. First of all, the skies are free and clear this month. Again, just like last month, another month without any retrogrades. So enjoy it while you can because on April 1st Mercury goes retrograde. So right now it’s a time to really go for your dreams and take action on your plans.

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Tags: March Forecast

February 2024 Astrology Forecast: Forge Your Destiny!

February 2024 Astrology Forecast

This February 2024 Astrology Forecast welcomes the Year of the Dragon which symbolizes strength, ambition, protection, and prosperity.

February bursts onto the scene like a fresh new year, free from the constraints of retrogrades and brimming with potential. The stars align, whispering encouragement as you step forward with bold ambition and unbridled dreams.

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Year of the Dragon 2024: Unleash Your Inner Fire

2024 Year of the Dragon

The 2024 Year of the Wood Dragon will nurture the flames fueling your passions. Discover how with this personal transformation guide.

As we welcome the 2024 Lunar New Year, we enter the enchanting and dynamic Year of the Wood Dragon. This period in Chinese astrology combines the formidable energy of the Dragon with the nurturing properties of the Wood element, setting the stage for a year of growth, creativity, and transformative power.

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Tags: Year of the Dragon

2024 Astrology and Numerology Forecast (Video)

2024 Astrology and Numerology

Get ready for an epic year ahead in 2024! This is a year packed with potential, spiritual lessons, and the chance to finally unleash your inner warrior.

In this forecast, we dive deep into the key numerology (8), astrology, and Lunar Zodiac influences to give you the ultimate roadmap for navigating this transformative year.

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Tags: 2024 Forecast

December 2023 Astrology Forecast – Dare to Dream BIG

December 2023 Astrology Forecast

In this 2023 Astrology forecast, I encourage you to reflect on the past twelve months and confidently set your sights on the year ahead.

You’ve done more than your fair share of soul-searching this year. In the process, you’ve grown spiritually and emotionally. By taking the time to reflect on your many achievements, you can better understand who you are and what you are capable of.

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Tags: Forecast

Nov 2023 Astrology Forecast-Bringing Light to the Shadow

November 2023 Forecast

In this November 2023 astrology forecast, I share how to maintain your center so you can BE THE LIGHT the world needs.

With Mars and Mercury currently in Scorpio, the energy of this sign is exceptionally potent. As a water sign ruled by Pluto and the dark side of Mars, Scorpio is closely connected to the deepest recesses of your psyche.

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Oct Astrology Forecast: Love in the Time of Eclipses

October astrology forecast

In this October Astrology forecast, I share how to make the most of the spiritually charged energy this month and flow with the changes.

October Astrology brings unexpected events. This is an illuminating month filled with emotional intensity and spiritual revelations. The stars are aligning for a period of deep soul-searching; two powerful eclipses will reveal hidden truths and long- buried secrets that may hold the key to unlocking new possibilities.

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Sep 2023 Astrology Forecast: Soul-Searching and Surprises

September 2023 Forecast

In this September 2023 Astrology forecast, I share how to avoid the mayhem of Mercury Retrograde and have a peaceful month.

September astrology brings surprising twists and unexpected events.

We begin this month with SIX planets, plus Chiron, an asteroid known as the Wounded Healer, in retrograde.

With retrogrades in every corner of the heavens, you will rethink all aspects of your life.

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August 2023 Astrology Forecast – Blue Moon Magic

August 2023 Astrology Forecast

This is a rare Blue Moon month. In this August Astrology Forecast, I share three Action Steps to help you navigate this month's wild energy.

So these moons, they’re incredible. What is a Blue Moon month? It has nothing to do with the color of the moon. It’s all about the frequency. Blue Moons are when you have two Full Moons within a calendar month. So we begin this month with a Full Moon in Aquarius and then on August 30th at the end of the month there’s a Full Moon in Pisces.

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July 2023 Astrology Forecast

July 2023 Astrology Forecast

July 2023 astrology has arrived! Get ready for a joyful and transformative journey!

Neptune and Saturn are retrograde in dreamy Pisces, offering you an opportunity for deep soul searching.

Venus, the planet that governs your self-worth, will also retrograde in the radiant sign of Leo on July 22nd.

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June 2023 Astrology Forecast

June 2023 Astrology Forecast

You're off to a great start on June 1st with a blessed meet-up between beneficent Jupiter and the Moon's North Node in Taurus. Jupiter brings optimism and expansion. The North Node points you toward your destiny.

Throughout the month, you’ll expand your comfort zone – like a plant that has outgrown its container.

In this month’s forecast, you’ll learn how to tap into the energetic momentum for a bigger, brighter future.

Onward and upward for you!

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May 2023 Astrology Forecast

May Astrology Forecast

In this May 2023 astrology forecast, we'll take a deep dive into the themes of destiny, unexpected events, and karmic cycles.

First up, we’ve got powerhouse Pluto going retrograde on May 1st. Though the retrogrades of slow-moving planets tend to be more subtle in our day-to-day lives, Pluto always packs a powerful punch, especially since this is at 0 degrees Aquarius.

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April 2023 Astrology Forecast

April 2023 Astrology Forecast

The Universe is really shaking things up for you.

Get ready for an epic astrological ride this April! Brace yourself for a month of incredible energies and opportunities for transformation with a rare Black Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, the start of Mercury retrograde, and an 11 Universal Month in numerology.

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March 2023 Astrology Forecast

March 2023 Forecast

In this March 2023 Astrology Forecast, I share with you how to make changes consciously, before the Universe does it for you!

March astrology sets the stage for a complete paradigm shift. The stars are aligning to bring about a powerful transformation that will ripple through our lives and the world.

This month, two major planets, Saturn and Pluto, will switch signs, ushering in a time of profound personal and global transformation.

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February 2023 Astrology Forecast – Full Speed Ahead!

February 2023 Forecast

In this February 2023 Forecast, find out how the stars will align for you to make the most of this auspicious time.

With the Sun in Aquarius and Pluto in Aquarius next month, expect innovation, creativity, and forward movement in your life.

This month, the skies are also free of retrogrades, providing a clear path forward. This creates a sense of momentum and energy in the heavens, and you can expect to feel a boost in your personal growth and development.

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Mercury Retrograde Dates in 2023

Mercury Retrograde

Mark your calendar! The best way to prepare for Mercury Retrograde is to plan ahead. If you have the dates on your calendar, you'll know not to schedule anything where you're taking on too much or starting new projects.

You may discover insights that have previously been overlooked. It is an opportunity to gather information to make optimal decisions for your future. You will have more clarity after Mercury goes direct. You can re-evaluate your intentions to ensure your actions align with your authentic truth. If you make any important decisions during the retrograde period, you may have to make adjustments or clarifications later.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Mercury Retrograde

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

2023 Forecast

In this 2023 YEAR AHEAD ASTROLOGY FORECAST, I share THREE ESSENTIAL KEYS TO HAPPINESS and what it means to be in a 7 Universal Year.

Looking to the stars for guidance?

It’s 2023 – an exciting time to be alive! We are in the middle of a seismic shift in our society, and it’s only natural to feel a bit overwhelmed by all the changes.

But fear not! You can use astrology and numerology to make sense of it all.

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Tags: Forecast

December 2022 Astrology Forecast

December 2022 Forecast

After the intensity of Scorpio season, fiery Sagittarius restores your optimism and joy. Find out more in this December 2022 Forecast.

9 is the number of culmination and endings. You’re learning how to release the energy and circumstances you have outgrown so you can be the Lightworker you were born to be. You will deepen your intuitive connection. Make sure you take time for yourself.

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November 2022 Astrology Forecast

November 2022 Forecast

Prepare to chart a new course. The winds of change are coming. In this November 2022 Forecast I share steps to navigate this eclipse season.

We begin the month amid eclipse season. Eclipses are always two weeks apart. Our New Moon eclipse was on October 25, and we have a powerful Full Moon eclipse in Taurus on November 8.

The time between lunations is brimming with intuitive insights. You will feel especially sensitive with our Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio.

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October 2022 Astrology Forecast – A Twist of Fate!

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

October is a whirlwind! In this October 2022 Astrology Forecast video, I offer you essential steps to navigate this tumultuous terrain.

We enter this month with six planets in retrograde. Thankfully, Mercury stations direct in Virgo on October 2nd. Hallelujah!

If you’ve been holding off signing contracts, investing in larger purchases, or making decisions, now is a more opportune time.

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September 2022 Astrology Forecast – Time To Slow Down

September 2022 Astrology Forecast

This September 2022 Forecast prepares you for this month's emotionally nuanced energy since it is a potent time for healing.

We have SIX planets in retrograde, plus Chiron, an asteroid known as the Wounded Healer. Mercury goes retrograde in Libra and Virgo from September 9 through October 2.

Mercury is a personal planet. Jupiter and Saturn are social planets. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are transpersonal planets. ALL of these planets are retrograde this month.

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August 2022 Astrology Forecast – Break FREE & Be BOLD

August 2022 Forecast

In this August 2022 Astrology forecast, I share 3 steps to channel this month's fierce energy to free yourself from restrictive circumstances.

August begins with a shebang!

On August 1, fiery Mars conjuncts electrifying Uranus and the North Node of the Moon. This celestial meetup in Taurus has not occurred since 1855.

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July 2022 Astrology Forecast: Love & Karmic Lessons

July 2022 Astrology Forecast

This July 2022 Astrology Forecast brings the fireworks. It's a month full of passion, love, and life lessons. Watch my video to find out more.

In numerology, July 2022 is a 13/4 Universal Month (7 +2+0+2+2 = 13). 13 is a Karmic Number, so the love lessons you’ll experience won’t necessarily be easy. When this number is activated, you need to go within to find your inner strength.

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June 2022 Astrology Forecast – LOVE & HARMONY Restored

June 2022 Astrology Forecast

In this June 2022 astrology forecast, I share with you three action steps to luxuriate in this month’s loving vibes so you can make the most of it.

Our June astrology forecast shows sunny celestial skies! After a whirlwind month, you can find your footing again. Eclipse season is behind us. And PHEW! Mercury stations direct in Taurus on June 3, helping you gain traction on your plans.

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May 2022 Astrology Forecast – Eclipse Energy!

May 2022 Astrology Forecast

May 2022 astrology and numerology bring BIG energy with eclipses, a retrograde, & major planetary shifts! Watch my forecast video for more!

You are probably experiencing the intensity already. Maybe you are feeling extra-sensitive or emotional. Perhaps you have some relationship conflicts that you thought you worked through. Or maybe you are stuck in emotional patterns that you thought you healed.

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April 2022 Astrology Forecast – Reach for the Stars!

April 2022 astrology forecast

In this April 2022 Astrology forecast, I share with you how to make the most of this incredibly potent energy and ride the waves of success.

April’s energy is electric! We begin this month with an empowering New Moon in Aries on April 1. This is one of the best days of the year to start a new venture or launch a project.

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February 2022 Astrology Forecast

February 2022 Astrology Forecast

February astrology brings BIG energy.

In this month’s forecast, I’ll share with you how to make the most of this month’s momentum and stay peaceful while the world is chaotic.

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2022 Astrology Forecast

It's almost the New Year! 2022 is right around the corner. You are probably wondering if this coming year will be better.

The answer to that is…2022 will be what you make of it.

We will have three once-in-a-lifetime astrological events. So, there will be no lack of CHANGE.

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December 2021 Astrology Forecast

2021 December Forecast

What an epic ending to an extraordinary year! December brings all the fireworks! It is sure to be a busy, bustling month full of hope and inspired ideas for a better future.

Our month is off to a brilliant beginning with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th. New Moon eclipses always initiate change. This eclipse connects with the moon’s
south node culminating in the completion of a karmic cycle.


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November 2021 Astrology Forecast – Your Inner Vision

November 2021 Astrology Forecast

November Astrology brings surprises! We are in Scorpio season!

Our Sun is in Scorpio for the first three weeks of November. Scorpio is deeply sensitive. Its nature is to connect you to the depths of your psyche and the emotions buried in your shadow. Mercury and Mars are in this soulful sign for most of the month.

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October 2021 Astrology Forecast

October 2021 Astrology Forecast

Buckle up! October Astrology brings a wealth of surprises. We begin the month with SIX planets in retrograde - plus Chiron (an asteroid known as the wounded healer).

Our main mischief-maker Mercury will be retrograde. He’s in his backspin until October 18th. There’s always a two-week shadow period after Mercury goes direct. This allows you to process the many lessons you received. We have a predominance of planets in air signs. This makes for indecisiveness, over-thinking, and feeling anxious. It is helpful to ground yourself every day to stay calm and centered.

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September 2021 Astrology Forecast – Tune Into Your Soul

September 2021 Forecast

In this astrology and numerology forecast, I share with you 3 essential practical steps to make positive changes for a healthy and happy future.

Virgo Season is here! The Earth Goddess is here to help you tune into your soul. We begin the month with our Sun and Mars in this earthy sign.

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August 2021 Astrology Forecast

2021 August Forecast

In this astrology forecast, I share with you the three essential steps to creating a prosperous, happy future!

August astrology brings an abundance of possibilities! August 8th is known as the 8:8 Lion’s Gate portal. On that powerful day, we will have our New Moon in Leo. This is also a Blue Moon month! On August 22nd, we have our second Full Moon in Aquarius.

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July 2021 Astrology Forecast: JOY & CREATIVE EXPRESSION

July Forecast

In this forecast, I offer you three essential steps to help you get your groove back and create a happy future.

July’s astrology is bringing joy! After a month of upheaval and chaos, you can feel more relaxed and have fun! Yes, you can actually enjoy yourself!


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June 2021 Astrology Forecast: A WHIRLWIND of CHANGE

June Astrology Forecast

In this June Astrology forecast video, I share with you the three essential steps to stay centered during this high-octane time.

What’s in store for June astrology? Buckle up! It’s going to be a wild ride! If you think your plans are set in stone, the Universe will have some surprises for you. Change is inevitable.

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May 2021 Astrology Forecast

May 2021 astrology forecast

In this May Astrology forecast, I share with you how to stay centered and avoid the mayhem of May's energies.

Marvelous May is here! What an action-packed month is ahead of us! There’s an abundance of astrological activity. We have a lot of coming and going in the heavens. You’ll most likely experience a burst of activity as well.

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April Energy Forecast – New Opportunities Abound!

April Forecast

Awesome April is here! In this forecast, I share with you how to tap into this potent energy to propel your life forward.

It’s GO time! April’s astrology is FULL SPEED AHEAD! We have no planetary retrogrades. The skies are free and clear. Everything you’ve put on the back burner can now get your attention. You’ll feel the fire beneath your feet with an abundance of planets in Aries.

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Our Dreamiest Pisces New Moon This Year

Pisces New Moon

The Sun and Moon, our celestial luminaries met in the sky this morning the sweetest New Moon of the year. They are connecting in dreamy Pisces.

Venus and Neptune are joining them in the sensitive sign.⁠⁠ New Moons are always a fertile time for setting intentions. As the Moon’s light waxes, your wishes gain momentum.⁠⁠ Pisces is a sign of dreams, imagination and connection.⁠⁠ Neptune is currently in Pisces. Neptune is Pisces’ ruling planet.⁠

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Tags: Moon Phase, Pisces

March Energy Forecast – Heal Your Heart & Soul

March Forecast

Magical March is here! Our Sun is moving through mystical Pisces until our enchanting equinox on March 20th.

Venus and Neptune will be in the sensitive sign of Pisces. This will open your heart and connect your deepest desires. With these dreamy planets in the same sign as the Sun, the sky is the limit for you to pursue your passions. Progress is inevitable in the 8 Universal Month. 8 is the number of abundance, strength, and expansion. With no planets retrograde, it’s an opportune time to act toward your goals.


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February Energy Forecast – Your Higher Purpose!

Fabulous February is here!⁠ Can you believe it? 2021 is going to be FAST! Yet action-packed.⁠

It feels like the first day of 2021 was both a year ago and a minute ago. You know what I mean?⁠ As quickly as this year is moving this is a month to slow down and reflect. We have our first retrograde of the year! Yes, it’s that mischief-maker Mercury. He’ll be in his backspin until February 20th. ⁠

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2021 YEAR AHEAD ENERGY FORECAST – New Frontiers Await You!

2021 Forecast

In this 2021 Forecast I explore why this dynamic year will be full of excitement and transformational change.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2021 is finally here! Get ready! 2021 will be a wild ride! This dynamic year will be full of excitement and transformational change.

As the calendar turns annually, it ushers in a new Universal Year in numerology. The spiritual lessons and vibrational shift depicted by the Universal Year Number are experienced globally.

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A Return to Light – Brighter Days Ahead


A new era of hope is here.

We celebrate our solstice tomorrow,(December 21) marking the return of light in the northern hemisphere, while southern neighbors will have warmer days.

What a bright future is ahead of us!

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Tags: Astrology Forecast

Are You Ready For A Revolution?


Are you ready for a revolution?

Change is coming. Buckle up! This week brings all the fireworks. It began with the New Moon Solar eclipse in Sagittarius.

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Tags: 2021, Astrology Forecast

Oct 2020 Energy Forecast – Reimagine Your Life Purpose


In this October 2020 astrology and numerology forecast, I share with you how to navigate these conflicting energies so you can experience peace, even when the world feels chaotic.

In this October 2020 astrology and numerology forecast, I share with you how to navigate these conflicting energies so you can experience peace, even when the world feels chaotic.


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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

September Energy Forecast – Restore Your Well Being

September Forecast

The astrology and numerology of September bring some intensity. It will be a soulful month full of spiritual lessons.

Sweet September is here! The astrology and numerology of September bring some intensity. It will be a soulful month full of spiritual lessons. This is a time to ground yourself and get back to business.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

August Energy Forecast – Rekindle Your Passions

August Energy Forecast

Amazing August is here! Can you feel the fire?

Amazing August is here! Can you feel the fire? We’re in Leo season for the first three weeks of the month, which intensifies your passions, brings courage and confidence, and joyful creativity. In Numerology, August 2020 is a 3 universal month.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

July Energy Forecast – Building Better Boundaries

july forecast

Your psychic senses are on high! You might remember your past or receive visions for your future.

Your psychic senses are on high! You might remember your past or receive visions for your future. Your Spirit Guides are communicating to you through symbols and synchronicities, so pay attention!

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

June Energy Forecast – Stay Open To Possibilities

June Energy Forecast

Mercury will be retrograde in Cancer. As we heal the wounds of our collective psyche, our personal traumas are unearthed as well.⁠⁠

For the next three weeks, the trickster planet will bring technical snafus, communication mishaps, and cross-wiring.⁠⁠ 2020 being the way it is, the effects of this transit are much, much deeper than that.⁠⁠

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May Energy Forecast – Reimagine a Better Future

May Forecast

In this energy forecast, I share with you insights about the spiritual messages and meaning of this year, as well as how to make May a month of beauty.

In this energy forecast, I share with you insights about the spiritual messages and meaning of this year, as well as how to make May a month of beauty. Yes, even in the midst of this mayhem, May can be a marvelous month.

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April Forecast-Spiritual Strength In Challenging Times

April Energy Forecast

In numerology, April 2020 is an 8 Universal Month.

In numerology, April 2020 is an 8 Universal Month. 8 is known as the number of expansion and abundance. It is also the number of STRENGTH. You often learn strength through adversity.

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February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

February Energy Forecast

February 2020 is all about LOVE, ROMANCE, and RELATIONSHIPS! (More of that please!)

This is sure to be a fun February if you attune to the rhythm of the Universe. In this month’s forecast, I share with you the three essential steps you need to make this month filled with joy and love.

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2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

If you look back at your life this year, you can marvel at how much you've grown!⁠⁠ You've only just begun....⁠

In this forecast, I share with you how this year is a karmic-cleansing year of growth and change. You’ll learn your four keys to happiness and success for 2020 and beyond.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

open your heart

This guided healing will help you let go of anything that doesn't serve your highest good, so you can start the new year feeling amazing!

2019 was rich with spiritual lessons and soul’s growth. Perhaps you want to let go of any residual heaviness you have that you don’t want to take with you into the new decade.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

2020 Spiritual Lessons-How to Handle Life’s Curveballs

If you've ever built anything from the ground up, you know it's not easy. Yet it is entirely worthwhile.

In this video you’ll discover an essential lesson of 2020 and how to handle it when life throws you a curveball.


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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

2020 – A Year Of Karmic Awakening


What a year this has been! It has certainly been rich with spiritual lessons and profound insights.

Most likely you’re experiencing some revelations about why you made some past decisions and how you can empower yourself moving forward.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Karma

Magical, Mystical 12-12-12 Full Moon

full moon

This last Full Moon is illustrating how breathtaking the Universe is, and just how epic this journey has been.

Mystical. Magical. Magnificent. These are the words that describe the last Full Moon of the decade. This decade has been intense, illuminating, and inspiring in many ways.


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Tags: Moon Phase

December Energy Forecast – Awaken to New Possibilities


What a spectacular ending to the year!

The beginning of the new decade marks a time of expansion and radical shifts to all your structures. It’s a time to build your dreams -from the ground up.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

November Energy Forecast – RADICAL CHANGES


November is going to be a life changing month.

Scorpio season is here. You most likely are feeling it. Emotional intensity is in the air.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

October Energy Forecast – Rekindle Your Passions


Awesome October is here! Your relationships are the focus all month long.

In this forecast, I share with you the essential steps to rekindle your passions, so you can feel fulfilled in your personal and professional life.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

September Energy Forecast – Heal Your Body And Soul

September is a double 3 month. Joyful, creative 3 energy will be exponential since 2019 is a 3 Universal Year. 3 teaches you to express your emotions.

September is a double 3 month. Joyful, creative 3 energy will be exponential since 2019 is a 3 Universal Year. 3 teaches you to express your emotions.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

August Is The Summer Of Love

summer love

August is the summer of love. Yes, this applies to you even if you live in the Southern Hemisphere (I know it's winter there!).

August is the summer of love. Yes, this applies to you even if you live in the Southern Hemisphere (I know it’s winter there!).

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Tags: love

August Energy Forecast – Reclaim Your Power!

august energy forecast

Awesome August is here!

It’s time for you to rekindle your passions and reclaim your power. Leo loves a little drama, so I’ll begin by sharing a little story.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

Diving Deep Into Spiritual Waters


What a day for dreaming!  Our Moon dips into the spiritual waters of Pisces today.

There are many other planets dipping into the stream of your psyche.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Empath Empowerment, Spirit Guides

How to Own Your Truth in Uncertain Times?


Our Lunar Eclipse was yesterday, but the eye-opening transformational energy will linger for a long time.Most eclipses are intense. This particular season has ushered in so much healing.

Our Lunar Eclipse was yesterday, but the eye-opening transformational energy will linger for a long time. Most eclipses are intense. This particular season has ushered in so much healing.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Empath Empowerment

I’m Moving To Portland + Awesome Eclipse Energy

eclipse energy

Awesome Eclipse Energy

We have an important month coming up and I wanted to touch base with you. I was ambitious to think I’d film a forecast video on the road. So, I’m sharing my thoughts with you now to help you prepare for Tuesday’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer.

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Tags: Empath Empowerment

June Energy Forecast – Shift Into Higher Consciousness


Joyful June is here!

June is a month for you to prepare emotionally, spiritually, and mentally for extraordinary changes ahead.  The June energy forecast is here!

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

May 2019 Astrology & Numerology Forecast – Passion And Prosperity


Marvelous May is here!

The May 2019 Astrology & Numerology forecast illuminates the most awesome energy. In numerology, May 2019 is an 8 Universal Month. (5 +2+0+1+9 = 17, and 1+7 =8).

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

April Astrology & Numerology Forecast – Truth Revealed


Amazing April is here!

March’s Mercury Retrograde mayhem is behind you! April ushers in the renewal energy of spring (and glorious autumn in the southern hemisphere). April’s astrology brings many surprises.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

March Astrology & Numerology Forecast – Miracles Await You!


Marvelous March is here!

The astrology and numerology for this month bring rejuvenating energy.

Thank heavens! After a fast-paced frenetic February, now you can restore your body, mind, and spirit.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

Uranus 2019 – Get Ready To Change Your Life


Your life is about to change!

This year, our Aquarius New Moon ushered in the Year of the Earth Pig. Hooray! This brings a more cooperative, nurturing and feminine energy to the year.

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Tags: Uranus

Supermoon Eclipse Magic – For Intuitive Guidance And Success

The Universe has a map of the cosmos.

The patterns created by the planets and numbers are like a celestial navigation system.  They can guide you toward fulfilling your soul’s purpose.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Self Empowerment