October 2022 Astrology Forecast – A Twist of Fate!

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October 2022 Astrology Forecast

We have a dizzying amount of activity in the heavens this month. So many twists and turns. It’s a life-changing month that is going to change the course of your destiny.

Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your October forecast. And a lot is happening. So I’m going to say this to you chronologically and weave this together for you at the end because a lot is going on.

And Venus is very involved all month long. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, attraction, and your relationships. Including your relationship to your self-worth.

A Twist of Fate!

Very busy. So this is a month of tuning into your heart so you can change your direction towards one that lights you up Inside. Relationships are a theme throughout the month because we are in Libra season until the 23rd.

And then we move into Scorpio, which is also about relationships. And, of course, with Venus being so prominent, your relationships mirror what is in your heart.

So please pay attention to everything happening in your life, how people are receiving you, relating to you, how you’re relating to them, and things coming up for you. Things are going to be in bold relief right now. The universe is going to illustrate to you how you value yourself or how you don’t.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

It will become clear your relationship with money, your career, and the balance in your life are the things Libra illustrates. All of those things, the reciprocity in your relationship. Are you giving more than you are receiving? Please pay attention to all of it. We enter this month with SIX planets, retrograde plus Chiron, the Wounded Healer.

And I know that you have been feeling those retrogrades throughout September, and we’ve had Mercury retrograde. So hallelujah! Mercury goes direct on October 2nd!

Mercury’s the planet of your mind, and so you’ve been changing your mind. You’ve been reevaluating how you think about things and how you feel about things, and you’ve been reevaluating your relationships while Mercury was in Libra. Now it’s in Virgo.

A Twist of Fate!

So you’re discerning what is good for you and what isn’t good for you. So when Mercury goes direct, you’ll be better signing those contracts or making those big decisions that you may have been holding off on. Yet, Mercury’s going to be opposing Neptune, which clouds your vision a little bit but helps you connect to your dreams.

So make sure as you’re planning and setting your intentions for the future that you’re connecting with something that feels delightful for you. Now, on October 9th, we have a powerful Full Moon in Aries. Aries is the sign of the self. It’s confident; Mars rules it. Our Sun will be in Libra. So there’s that Aries – Libra dynamic.

Mars rules Aries. Venus rules Libra, Okay? Venus is Libra’s ruling planet. So this polarity will help illuminate where you have been giving too much of yourself rather than putting yourself first.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

Now, this full moon is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer. So this may make things clear. Some issues you’re feeling in your heart or things may come up for you that point out some previous or current hurts that you have that need to be healed.

And this moon is also opposite Venus. Okay, so again, you’re going to be seeing what’s in your heart, what needs to be healed in your heart, and this will help you create more balance and reciprocity in your relationships and put your needs first. Now, October 22nd is another big day! Venus is conjunct to the Sun.

A Twist of Fate!

So this will bring to light two matters of your heart, and this will help you express yourself with more confidence and will motivate you to share what’s in your heart more directly and boldly. Now, right after that, October 23rd – this is a big day. Whew. Okay, so on October 23rd, Venus goes into Scorpio, the Sun goes into Scorpio, and Saturn goes direct.

Now, Pluto is going direct on October 9th, the day of that Full Moon, and October 23rd. Saturn is going direct. Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld. Saturn is the Lord of Karma.

So they’ve been retrograde, and you’ve been reevaluating power, money, status, your place in the world. These planets going direct are going to help you put some actions into place to make your mark in the world.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

And with that Scorpio energy, you’re going inside and transforming and transmuting some deeper emotions that have held you back. Scorpio is all about deepening your relationships as well. So you want to bring people into your life more closely who will nurture and support you.

And, of course, let go of who isn’t. And this is going to be highlighted on October 25th, which is a New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio. Scorpio is already intense. Right? New Moon eclipses bring things to light and start new beginnings for you. Often we have fateful new beginnings. You can meet people who are going to change your life.

Your destiny can change course during a New Moon Eclipse. Now this one is activating our South Node in Scorpio. The South Node of the Moon is related to karma. Anything you need to let go of yet is familiar to you. So things that are in our South Node are a real pull for us because we’ve experienced them.

A Twist of Fate!

We’ve practiced these karmic behaviors, sometimes lifetime after lifetime. So anything in our South Node needs to be released. And this New Moony Eclipse is also conjunct Venus.

So again, we have everything that’s bringing your awareness into your heart, things that are important for you, and things that you need to let go of. Because this moon activating that South Node is telling you that you need to let go of the people and places and the way you share your energy.

You must release in ways that are no longer beneficial for you, even though there may be a pull there for you. Okay? And I said this at the top of the year in my forecast.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

As soon as I saw that our eclipses were in the Scorpio – Taurus access and our South Node was in Scorpio, I knew there was going to be something around having to change the way we share resources, money, power – around fossil fuels, minerals, and just the way we rely on those for our economy.

Scorpio has shared resources and anything that’s beneath the surface. And, of course, that is what manifested, right? So all this is happening this year with having to change the countries that rely on for fossil fuels to be less energy dependent.

A Twist of Fate!

And so that’s what you’re doing on a personal level too. You’re examining who you share your resources with and how you share your resources. That includes the energy of your heart.

The fuel of your life. All of that needs to be redirected and transformed to benefit you. So around this time in the world, we will maybe see shocks to the stock market. We’ll have some shocking events come to light around power, money, shared resources, and fossil fuels.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

So don’t take too many risks right now around money. And understand this is happening in the world. This is to get us to change our values and how we invest. And our North Node in Taurus is about investing in more beauty-oriented ways and taking care of Mother Earth.

So personally, it’s a huge day, and that’s not all. This whole time, the 25th for two weeks is the eclipse season. And things are going to be brought to the light.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

On October 31st, Mars is going retrograde in Gemini. Mars is the warrior planet. Gemini is how you communicate. So this can be a war of the worlds. But it can also be around speaking passionately and from the heart.

Mars will be in Gemini for an extraordinarily long time this year because it’s going retrograde into January of next year. So we are all learning how the Warrior Planet wants to help us with our communication.
I know this is a lot.

Three Action Steps

So I have three action steps to help you navigate this tumultuous terrain. Now, your first action step is to USE YOUR WORDS WISELY. That is one of the things Mars in Gemini is teaching you. You want to make sure you are speaking from the heart. You are speaking passionately.

Since there’s going to be so much agitation in the air, so much energy coming up for you, so much emotion, you want to take some time out before you speak. Do not react. Take time out.

Feel into what you want to say and make sure you’re not too agitated when you do it. Okay? You want to use your words confidently, clearly, and directly and express yourself from the heart.

That’s going to change how you experience your relationships, and you want these changes to be for the better, right? Okay, so use those words wisely.

Second Action Step

Your second action step is to TAKE TIME AND SPACE FOR YOURSELF. Do not overbook whatever you do. So many unexpected changes will happen, and you will have so many emotions to process.

You want to make sure you are creating that sacred space for yourself to process that. Write in a journal. Take baths. Go for walks in nature. Do not overbook yourself.

Or make sure you’re not spending too much time with other people. Even though this is about relationships, you want to process how you feel every day at the moment, so you know how you are relating to people is in your highest and best. Please take that time and space for yourself.

Third Action Step

Now, this brings us to action step number three. Say YES to what lights your heart and NO to what no longer serves. This is a pivot point. It is a change in your destiny.

The universe is waking you up to all kinds of revelations about yourself and other people, and you want to make sure that you are investing your time, your heart, and your precious heart into people and projects that make you excited and that you love.

And if anyone or anything is draining your energy, you want to let that go consciously. And as you do that, you’re going to steer yourself more and more toward your destiny. Let your heart be your guide.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

Now, I also have something that will help you so much with my Free “Love by the Numbers Guide” This guide will help you learn your unique love language and your loved one’s love language based on your birthdate and your numerology.

It’s really fascinating. It’s astoundingly accurate, and this can help you harmonize your relationships with yourself and other people. Now you can get that free guide using the link below. And I have so much more to share with you, so make sure you subscribe to my channel.

LIKE this video if you’ve enjoyed it. And share it with your friends. And I’d love to hear what you are doing this month, all the revelations happening to you. There might be some drama, so you can share that, too, using the comments below. And I’m wishing you a beautiful, love-filled, joyful October and beyond.

Lots of love. Bye for now.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast – A Twist of Fate!

October Astrology is a whirlwind!

There is a lot of coming and going in the heavens.

We enter this month with six planets in retrograde.

Thankfully, Mercury stations direct in Virgo on October 2nd. Hallelujah!

If you’ve been holding off signing contracts, investing in larger purchases, or making decisions, now is a more opportune time.

Venus is a star player in the sky. She has a major role throughout the month. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and attraction.

You are waking up to your worth. Matters of the heart, particularly in relationships, will come to focus. You’ll also become more aware of how your self-worth affects your net worth.

Our Sun and Venus are in Libra until they move into Scorpio on October 23rd. Libra and Scorpio are relationship-oriented signs.

Mark your calendar! October 25th is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. You are sure to have some eye-opening revelations and fateful new beginnings.

Throughout the month, you may feel extra sensitive or over-emotional. You are getting in touch with feelings that you have previously buried.

In this October 2022 astrology forecast video, I offer essential steps to navigate this tumultuous terrain. Have a beautiful month!

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11 thoughts on “October 2022 Astrology Forecast – A Twist of Fate!

  1. Indeed there is tumultuously time and some really eye openers!

    I will let my heart to be my guide!

    Thank you so much, Kari 💕

  2. A thousand thanks, Kari, for your guidance. It jibes with my situation, and I want to make a conscious effort to make it happen right in my life. You’re such a wonderful person. Again, thank you.

  3. Kari,

    Thank you so much for your monthy forecast. I as a Scorpio can relate to what you had forecasted for October. I get so much insight. I look forward to your monthly forecasts and enjoy what you have on your website.

  4. Thank You for all your suggestions and messages. I am in the process of rearranging my life so this was very good for me to hear. Thank You Very Much, Love and Light. Darlene

  5. Kari, You truly are the sweetest, happiest and a totally beautiful woman in every way. I have watched and read your website for years. My life has been a roller coaster of joys and trials. I am so excited about this new season!! Thank you for all you give and share with us. Sending love and hugs to you ! ♥️

  6. Kari, You truly are the sweetest, happiest and a totally beautiful woman in every way. I have watched and read your website for years. My life has been a roller coaster of joys and trials. I am so excited about this new season!! Thank you for all you give and share with us. Sending love and hugs to you ! ♥️

  7. Listening to you makes me much clearer and I see everything in daily life with new perspectives… and nonetheless a great workout for my English…
    I thank You so so much

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