Free Astrology Guide

your zodiac sign revealed

Discover the secrets of your sun sign

Discover the gifts, talents, and traits of your astrology sign. (And learn what makes your loved-ones tick)

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Explore Your Zodiac Sign

Use this FREE Astrology Chart calculator below.

Your Natal Chart is a map of the sky when you were born. Knowing your birth chart reveals your keys to happiness and success. You can learn to understand your inclinations and personality traits as well as your gifts and talents.

If you want to know your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, North Node, Rising Sign, Ascendant, or all the planets of your birth chart, you can find out using this free tool.

Calculator created in partnership with Astro-Seek Online Astrology

Astrology Reports

Your astrological report is a beautiful way to become acquainted with your unique soul’s blueprint. You can learn about your spiritual lessons, inner resources, and what challenges and opportunities lie ahead.

Daily Astrology Forecast Report

The Astro-Calendar astrology report pinpoints influences on your personal birth chart over a 3-month period.

Essential Year Ahead Report – Your Birthday Blueprint

This prediction report accurately forecasts important changes in seven major areas in your life from career to romance.

The Sky Within Report

Your natal chart report is like a conversation with a very close trusted friend. It reveals your inner longings, desires, spiritual gifts, and karmic patterns.

Discover your Sun Sign

Astrology Courses

The stars aligned at your birth to create the chemistry for you to succeed. Learn how your Sun Sign illuminates your path to happiness.

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The Archangels can assist you in releasing your fears, clarifying your intentions, and giving you the strength and courage to fulfill your dreams. Harness the Universal cycles of the moon in potent combination with the intuitive powers of the Archangels.
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Understanding the Moon in your birth chart reveals your deepest emotional needs and inner desires. You can also harness the Moon's power to fulfill your intentions with divine timing.

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Blog Posts to explore Astrology

Saturn In Pisces – Building Your Dreams

Saturn is in Pisces from March 7, 2023, through May 24, 2025, and September 1, 2025, through February 13, 2026

As the collective completes another karmic cycle, we embark on a new journey of development and growth. Saturn stores its disciplinary teaching in its rings, reminding us that life lessons are cyclical.

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Tags: Pisces, Zodiac

Pluto in Aquarius – A New Era of Hope For Humanity

Pluto's 248-year journey around the Sun marks a new chapter for humanity.

Pluto entering Aquarius on March 23, 2023, was an era-defining moment. This astrological event hasn’t happened in our lifetime and won’t happen again for another two and a half centuries.

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Tags: Aquarius, Pluto, Zodiac

Jupiter in Taurus – Abundance, Art, And Money

Are you ready for a cosmic opportunity to make some serious money moves?

Get ready because from May 16, 2023, through May 25, 2024, Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, will be in Taurus, the sign of material comforts and stability.

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Tags: Jupiter, Taurus, Zodiac