I’m Moving To Portland + Awesome Eclipse Energy

Awesome Eclipse Energy

I’m writing this from the road on my way to my new home in Portland, Oregon.

We have an important month coming up, and I wanted to touch base with you.

I was ambitious to think I’d film a forecast video on the road. So, I’m sharing my thoughts with you now to help you prepare for Tuesday’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer.

The Sun governs how you project your consciousness into the world. When there is a Solar Eclipse, the Moon (your emotions and subconscious) temporarily block the radiant light of the Sun.

This moment of darkness is for you to reflect more fully on your inner light. This can bring light to aspects that you tucked away into the recesses of your shadow.

Now these previously darkened aspects are ready to be revealed, so you can shine more brightly.

This is a massive month for change. We have two eclipses, two New Moons and a Mercury Retrograde.

This is a total reset if your consciousness.

The eclipses are in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn respectively.

You’re meant to find new ways of balancing your ambitions with your need to nurture yourself.

You might be asking yourself why you’re working so hard. After all, it’s the people in your life and your well-being that are more important than productivity.

Cancer is the sign of the Mother, and Capricorn is the sign of the Father. Your role regarding your relationship to these archetypes will come into full focus.

Ultimately, you have some decisions to make.

What can you let go of, so you can feel more balance between work and well-being?

How can you parent yourself as if you are your child?

What can you do to deepen your roots, so you feel more emotionally connected and supported?

Do you need to make changes in your environment or people in your life, so you feel more supported?

Packing for a 1000-mile move certainly made me examine everything!

I had to look at every item and ask myself, is this worth keeping?

It certainly brought many revelations about how I can travel more lightly, and what I can do differently in the future.

As divine timing has it, I’m arriving in my new home on the eclipse.

You will have some wonderful new changes ahead as well.

Onward the adventure!

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