

Do Children Remember Past Lives?

children past lives

Do you remember being fascinated with faraway lands as a child? Or obsessed with a certain era of history?

Do you remember being fascinated with faraway lands as a child? Or obsessed with a certain era of history? There’s a reason for this. You most likely lived in that time or place in another life.

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Tags: Akashic Records, Karma, Life Purpose, Past Lives, Soul

Soul Mates And Soul Contracts: Karmic Relationship

soul mates

Have you ever met someone and felt as if you've known them before?

It’s most likely because you have – in another lifetime! When you have this familiar feeling, it is likely you have met one of your soul mates. And yet there are those times when you FEEL like you’ve met your soul mate, and it turns out to be a completely challenging relationship! It can leave you wondering how your intuition can lead you to such a difficult situation.

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Tags: Karma, Life Purpose, Soul

2020 – A Year Of Karmic Awakening


What a year this has been! It has certainly been rich with spiritual lessons and profound insights.

Most likely you’re experiencing some revelations about why you made some past decisions and how you can empower yourself moving forward.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Karma

Numerology Life Path Number with Video

Numerology to your soul purpose.

You might not know this about me but I'm VERY psychic.

While I do see future probabilities, my specialty is in helping people heal their past. That way, they can make empowering choices for their future.

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Tags: Birth Date Numerology, Karma, Life Path Number, Life Purpose, Soul

How to Balance Karma

how to balance karma

Karma can be a b#%@h and I love her for it.

If you’ve been giving way more than you’re receiving, the scales of karma will bring you to balance. Karma can be a b#%@h and I love her for it.

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Tags: Karma

Karmic Patterns Revealed – Eclipse Tomorrow!

karmic patterns

This is one of the most psychically charged days of the year!

Full Moons are always a time of heightened emotions. Eclipses magnify this exponentially. Our Lunar Eclipse is in Capricorn on the 16th day of the month. 16 is a number associated with karmic revelations where hidden truths are revealed.

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Tags: Karma

Karmic Clearing – Spiritual Healing For New Beginnings (Video)

You can release yourself from karmic patterns for good.

Karmic healing is not about being “good” vs “bad”. You are bringing new aspects of yourself into the world. To do that, you must release yourself from past beliefs, relationships and circumstances that no longer nourish your soul.

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Tags: Karma, Soul

Karmic Debt Numbers In Numerology – A Spiritual Perspective

Libra sign.

Karma is not good or evil.

Let’s just get that out of the way first. When people hear the word, “karma”, it sends a connotation that you did something bad in a previous life. Well, that’s most likely true. Everyone did things that weren’t perfect in this life and previous ones, but “bad” is not an accurate depiction.

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Tags: Karma, Life Path Number

Remembering Past Lives To Heal Your Future

past lives

Have you ever visited somewhere and felt like you've lived there before?

If you’ve ever been curious about how your past lives are shaping your reality AND how you can release the traumas from your previous incarnation so you can boldly live your soul’s purpose – you’re in for a treat.

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Tags: Karma, Past Lives

Heal Your Past Lives To Change Your Future


Have you ever met someone and felt magnetically attracted to them, all the while feeling like you have known them before?

Have you ever met someone and felt magnetically attracted to them, all the while feeling like you have known them before?

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Tags: Karma, Past Lives, Soul

Why Being Nice Isn’t Always Good


Are you a nice person who doesn't always get treated well?

You probably consider yourself a nice person. But you might wonder when all of your good energy is going to help you create a better life. My clients tend to be extremely nice people, but often wind up in unhappy relationships. They do so much for everyone else and then feel stressed out at the end of the day.

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Tags: Boundaries, Karma, Self Empowerment