

Soul Contracts for Empaths: Why You Can’t Say No

soul contract

Do you give more than receive? Do you have trouble saying no? If so, you may have a soul contract as a martyr.

A soul contract is a non-physical agreement you make in a previous life that is affecting your current

When we incarnate, we make soul contracts with our soul family and other beings. These contracts can be for anything, from helping others in their spiritual journey to making sure we fulfill our life purpose.

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Tags: Soul, soul contracts

Life Purpose: You Were Born For A Reason

You Were Born For A Reason

You were born for a reason. Here are some helpful tips to remember when you are feeling helpless that you can do to change the world.

The world is a challenging place. There are so many external factors too big for one person to change that you may wonder how you can make a difference. At one point in our lives, most of us have thought, “What is the point of everything? Does what I am doing even make a difference?” I want to remind you that YES! You do make a difference.

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Tags: Soul

Do Children Remember Past Lives?

children past lives

Do you remember being fascinated with faraway lands as a child? Or obsessed with a certain era of history?

Do you remember being fascinated with faraway lands as a child? Or obsessed with a certain era of history? There’s a reason for this. You most likely lived in that time or place in another life.

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Tags: Akashic Records, Karma, Life Purpose, Past Lives, Soul

Soul Mates And Soul Contracts: Karmic Relationship

soul mates

Have you ever met someone and felt as if you've known them before?

It’s most likely because you have – in another lifetime! When you have this familiar feeling, it is likely you have met one of your soul mates. And yet there are those times when you FEEL like you’ve met your soul mate, and it turns out to be a completely challenging relationship! It can leave you wondering how your intuition can lead you to such a difficult situation.

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Tags: Karma, Life Purpose, Soul

Fear of Rejection and Self-Doubt Healing (Video)

healing fear

You CAN heal your fears of rejection and failure.

You can feel confident and courageous to live your calling.

I hosted recently a live workshop to help you transform your fears into confidence and courage. I will share with you simple potent techniques that will revolutionize how you express yourself.

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Tags: Soul

Soulful Intentions – How To Fulfill Your Soul’s Purpose

soulful intentions

Do you want to live your calling instead of just work?

Living your calling means that you are expressing the gifts your soul intended.

In this video I share with you, why you are ready to share your gifts NOW and stop second-guessing yourself, insights into your soul’s plan from before you were born, and much more!

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Tags: Soul

How to Find Your Calling? Here’s 4 Steps

You have something special inside of you, and a gift to share that can help so many people.

It’s your calling, not just a career. Your calling is relentless. Here, I share with you four essential steps to find your calling.

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Tags: Life Purpose, Soul, Soul Purpose

Numerology Life Path Number with Video

Numerology to your soul purpose.

You might not know this about me but I'm VERY psychic.

While I do see future probabilities, my specialty is in helping people heal their past. That way, they can make empowering choices for their future.

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Tags: Birth Date Numerology, Karma, Life Path Number, Life Purpose, Soul

When Life Throws You A Curveball

when life throws you a curveball

What do you do when life throws you a curveball?

You’re a peaceful, loving, positive person, making the world a better place. So why does life throw you these tricky curveballs?

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Tags: Empath Empowerment, Soul

Self Care During Mercury Retrograde with Video

self care

Mercury Retrograde is a magical time!

The astrology of Mercury Retrograde is full of soul lessons. It’s so much more than communication snafus and computer malfunctions. You can receive intuitive insights and emotional clarity if you know how to navigate these energies. So, in this video, I share with you the soulful elements of Mercury Retrograde, and essential steps for self-care.

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Tags: Mercury Retrograde, Self-Care, Soul

Karmic Clearing – Spiritual Healing For New Beginnings (Video)

You can release yourself from karmic patterns for good.

Karmic healing is not about being “good” vs “bad”. You are bringing new aspects of yourself into the world. To do that, you must release yourself from past beliefs, relationships and circumstances that no longer nourish your soul.

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Tags: Karma, Soul

Attract Romance

attract romance

Love and romance. Beneath all your goals, that's what drives you.

A blissful romantic relationship is not only possible for you – it’s your birthright. EVERYONE on this planet can find true love that lasts and gets better every day.

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Tags: Soul

Living In The White Light-Interview With Belinda Davidson

white light

You have all the answers within you!

Belinda Davidson is a shining example of living in the Light. She is a superb role model of what it means to live your truth.  When you are aligning with your soul’s purpose, your inner light shines as an example and inspiration for others.

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Tags: Empath Empowerment, Soul

Akashic Records – Your Soul’s Journey Illuminated

Akashic Records

Infinite possibilities are available to you.

You can access your Akashic Records to discover more about your past, present and future, to change your life for the better.

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Tags: Soul

Change Your DNA For Wealth And Health – Interview With Dawn Clark


I cried happy tears when I met her!

There are some people you meet that make your whole energy light up! When I met Dawn Clark, and saw what she was bringing to the world, I actually cried happy tears. Not just for a moment. I had to step away for about 10 because I was so moved by the healing she was offering humanity.

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Tags: Life Purpose, Money, Self Empowerment, Soul

Moon Phase Astrology – Your Soul’s Purpose Illuminated

What's your moon phase?

You know your Sun Sign, but your Moon Sign is just as important. AND, the phase of your moon at birth gives insight into your soul’s purpose.

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Tags: Moon Phase, Soul

How to Heal Past Lives To Help Your Present? (Video)

past lives

A blast from your past - lives!

Did you know that your past lives are affecting you now, even if you have no memory of them? In this engaging interview with Dana Williams, we explore all of this.

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Tags: Past Lives, Soul

Your Sun Sign Astrology Got SOUL

sun sign

Hey, what's your sign?

There’s a reason that people who desire compatibility want to know each other’s sun sign. It’s a genuine indicator of your habits, inclinations and expression.

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Tags: Soul, Sun Sign

Aura Colors – You Are A Rainbow Soul


People ask me all the time if I can read auras.

I’ve started to see colors in people’s aura. It’s a beautiful experience to see someone who’s opening their heart chakra to have a pastel pink emanating from them, or gold when some is truly stepping into their soul’s purpose.

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Tags: Aura, Chakras, Soul

Deja Vu Meaning And The Future


Have you ever had déjà vu?

Before I developed my psychic abilities, I used to have déjà vu all the time. I took it as a sign that I was in the right place at the right time. Little did I know that many of those instances were me traveling into the future, rather than the past.

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Tags: Chakras, Deja Vu, Soul, Spirit Guides

Heal Your Past Lives To Change Your Future


Have you ever met someone and felt magnetically attracted to them, all the while feeling like you have known them before?

Have you ever met someone and felt magnetically attracted to them, all the while feeling like you have known them before?

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Tags: Karma, Past Lives, Soul

Past Life Connections With Your Family

past life

Nobody can push your emotional buttons like your family.

You’ve probably heard this before, but it’s worth repeating. You choose your family before you are born. Besides your romantic partners, your family relationships are your most potent opportunity for spiritual growth.

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Tags: Past Lives, Soul

How to Access the Akashic Records?

Akashic Records

May you experience love, healing and peace!

If you have been trying to manifest something in your life that you are not attracting, if you’re focusing on your future, you might be heading in the wrong direction. Sometimes, it can be something from your past that’s holding you back.

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Tags: Soul

Are You Living Your Soul’s Purpose?


Am I Living My Soul's Purpose?

The question I get asked the most from clients is whether or not they are living their soul’s purpose. Sometimes people feel “off” in their life.  They feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled and sense that they are not fulfilling their soul’s purpose. And then…they panic.

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Tags: Empath Empowerment, Self Empowerment, Soul

Eastern Mind Meets Western Medicine

western medicine

How I reconcile the emotional, the spiritual, and western medicine?

Recently I was asked by a client how I reconcile the emotional, the spiritual, and western medicine. For instance, if you have a broken leg, how do your emotions enter into that? Or you suffer from depression, isn’t that genetics? How does the spiritual enter into the equation?

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Tags: Chakras, Soul