

Numerology Life Path Number with Video

Numerology to your soul purpose.

You might not know this about me but I'm VERY psychic.

While I do see future probabilities, my specialty is in helping people heal their past. That way, they can make empowering choices for their future.

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Tags: Birth Date Numerology, Karma, Life Path Number, Life Purpose, Soul

Numerology For Relationships – Love By The Numbers

Numerology relationships with two faces face-to-face with green tint.

They say opposites attract.

Numerology for relationships and love is a powerful tool to help your romantic life. You can discover your relationship compatibility and learn to have harmonious communication with any Life Path number.

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Tags: Birth Date Numerology, Life Path 1, Life Path 2, Life Path 3, Life Path 4, Life Path 5, Life Path 6, Life Path 7, Life Path 8, Life Path 9, Life Path Number, Name Numerology

Karmic Debt Numbers In Numerology – A Spiritual Perspective

Libra sign.

Karma is not good or evil.

Let’s just get that out of the way first. When people hear the word, “karma”, it sends a connotation that you did something bad in a previous life. Well, that’s most likely true. Everyone did things that weren’t perfect in this life and previous ones, but “bad” is not an accurate depiction.

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Tags: Karma, Life Path Number

Numerology Guide To Mercury Retrograde

A planet in the universe with light shining on top.

Mercury Retrograde is a gift to your soul!

That’s probably not what you’d expect to hear about this infamous transit in astrology. Yet, the Universe is truly offering you the most benevolent love-tap when your computer goes haywire and all your communications go amiss.

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Tags: Life Path Number, Mercury Retrograde

Numerology Gift Guide using Birthdate

A gift box with golden color ribbon.

Looking for the perfect gift for that special someone?

Numerology is your guide! Because numerology can reveal a person’s natural inclinations, it’s a wonderful tool to help you find something your loved ones will truly love! All you need is their birth date! You can use either their Life Path number, or the day they are born, since both are major influences for your personality.

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Tags: Life Path Number, Numerology Gift

Birthday Numerology: Find Your Life Path

Life path numbers on a white stairs going up to the clouds.

Discover what your birth date reveals about your destiny

Your Life Path number is akin to your Sun Sign in astrology.  It reveals your life’s purpose including your gifts, talents, inner drives, and abilities, as well as your challenges and how you process emotions. It can also help you discover why you have experienced some of your life’s circumstances.

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Tags: Birth Date Numerology, Life Path 1, Life Path 2, Life Path 3, Life Path 4, Life Path 5, Life Path 6, Life Path 7, Life Path 8, Life Path 9, Life Path Calculator, Life Path Number

Living In A 7 Home, And Karmic Debt Number 16

Number 16 life path number in a milky way background.

How does the number of a home affecting your well-being?

Every number has a spectrum of energy with positive and negative aspects. The positive aspects of 7 are manifold. It is considered to represent the connection of  Spirit manifesting on Earth.

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Tags: House Numerology, Life Path Number