

Mercury Retrograde Dates in 2023

Mercury Retrograde

Mark your calendar! The best way to prepare for Mercury Retrograde is to plan ahead. If you have the dates on your calendar, you'll know not to schedule anything where you're taking on too much or starting new projects.

You may discover insights that have previously been overlooked. It is an opportunity to gather information to make optimal decisions for your future. You will have more clarity after Mercury goes direct. You can re-evaluate your intentions to ensure your actions align with your authentic truth. If you make any important decisions during the retrograde period, you may have to make adjustments or clarifications later.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Mercury Retrograde

2021 Intentions – Feeling Uncertain About Your Future


In this vast universe full of possibilities, you shine like a star in the heavens.

Your unique role is essential to light up this often dark world. You can feel that you’re meant for bigger and brighter experiences. You incarnated for a reason.

There is pressure to set your goals at the top of every year, to clarify your intentions, and set your sights high. Yet, this year feels different. Why?

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Tags: 2021, Astrology Forecast

A Return to Light – Brighter Days Ahead


A new era of hope is here.

We celebrate our solstice tomorrow,(December 21) marking the return of light in the northern hemisphere, while southern neighbors will have warmer days.

What a bright future is ahead of us!

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Tags: Astrology Forecast

Are You Ready For A Revolution?


Are you ready for a revolution?

Change is coming. Buckle up! This week brings all the fireworks. It began with the New Moon Solar eclipse in Sagittarius.

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Tags: 2021, Astrology Forecast

November 11: A Time For Peace

11 11 witth circle in the middle.

Have you noticed how divided the world is?

11-11 is always a magical day. In 2020, exponentially so, because of that rare occasion of the repeating numbers 20-20! We haven’t experienced that since 1919.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast

Oct 2020 Energy Forecast – Reimagine Your Life Purpose


In this October 2020 astrology and numerology forecast, I share with you how to navigate these conflicting energies so you can experience peace, even when the world feels chaotic.

In this October 2020 astrology and numerology forecast, I share with you how to navigate these conflicting energies so you can experience peace, even when the world feels chaotic.


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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

September Energy Forecast – Restore Your Well Being

September Forecast

The astrology and numerology of September bring some intensity. It will be a soulful month full of spiritual lessons.

Sweet September is here! The astrology and numerology of September bring some intensity. It will be a soulful month full of spiritual lessons. This is a time to ground yourself and get back to business.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

August Energy Forecast – Rekindle Your Passions

August Energy Forecast

Amazing August is here! Can you feel the fire?

Amazing August is here! Can you feel the fire? We’re in Leo season for the first three weeks of the month, which intensifies your passions, brings courage and confidence, and joyful creativity. In Numerology, August 2020 is a 3 universal month.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

July Energy Forecast – Building Better Boundaries

july forecast

Your psychic senses are on high! You might remember your past or receive visions for your future.

Your psychic senses are on high! You might remember your past or receive visions for your future. Your Spirit Guides are communicating to you through symbols and synchronicities, so pay attention!

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

If you look back at your life this year, you can marvel at how much you've grown!⁠⁠ You've only just begun....⁠

In this forecast, I share with you how this year is a karmic-cleansing year of growth and change. You’ll learn your four keys to happiness and success for 2020 and beyond.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

open your heart

This guided healing will help you let go of anything that doesn't serve your highest good, so you can start the new year feeling amazing!

2019 was rich with spiritual lessons and soul’s growth. Perhaps you want to let go of any residual heaviness you have that you don’t want to take with you into the new decade.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

2020 Spiritual Lessons-How to Handle Life’s Curveballs

If you've ever built anything from the ground up, you know it's not easy. Yet it is entirely worthwhile.

In this video you’ll discover an essential lesson of 2020 and how to handle it when life throws you a curveball.


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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

2020 – A Year Of Karmic Awakening


What a year this has been! It has certainly been rich with spiritual lessons and profound insights.

Most likely you’re experiencing some revelations about why you made some past decisions and how you can empower yourself moving forward.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Karma

December Energy Forecast – Awaken to New Possibilities


What a spectacular ending to the year!

The beginning of the new decade marks a time of expansion and radical shifts to all your structures. It’s a time to build your dreams -from the ground up.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

November Energy Forecast – RADICAL CHANGES


November is going to be a life changing month.

Scorpio season is here. You most likely are feeling it. Emotional intensity is in the air.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

October Energy Forecast – Rekindle Your Passions


Awesome October is here! Your relationships are the focus all month long.

In this forecast, I share with you the essential steps to rekindle your passions, so you can feel fulfilled in your personal and professional life.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

September Energy Forecast – Heal Your Body And Soul

September is a double 3 month. Joyful, creative 3 energy will be exponential since 2019 is a 3 Universal Year. 3 teaches you to express your emotions.

September is a double 3 month. Joyful, creative 3 energy will be exponential since 2019 is a 3 Universal Year. 3 teaches you to express your emotions.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

Lion’s Gate 888

Lion's face.

How fiercely can you love?

Much has been said this week about the amazing 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate portal. The number 8 associates with courageous Leo. It expands you beyond your limits.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

August Energy Forecast – Reclaim Your Power!

august energy forecast

Awesome August is here!

It’s time for you to rekindle your passions and reclaim your power. Leo loves a little drama, so I’ll begin by sharing a little story.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

Diving Deep Into Spiritual Waters


What a day for dreaming!  Our Moon dips into the spiritual waters of Pisces today.

There are many other planets dipping into the stream of your psyche.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Empath Empowerment, Spirit Guides

How to Own Your Truth in Uncertain Times?


Our Lunar Eclipse was yesterday, but the eye-opening transformational energy will linger for a long time.Most eclipses are intense. This particular season has ushered in so much healing.

Our Lunar Eclipse was yesterday, but the eye-opening transformational energy will linger for a long time. Most eclipses are intense. This particular season has ushered in so much healing.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Empath Empowerment

June Energy Forecast – Shift Into Higher Consciousness


Joyful June is here!

June is a month for you to prepare emotionally, spiritually, and mentally for extraordinary changes ahead.  The June energy forecast is here!

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

May 2019 Astrology & Numerology Forecast – Passion And Prosperity


Marvelous May is here!

The May 2019 Astrology & Numerology forecast illuminates the most awesome energy. In numerology, May 2019 is an 8 Universal Month. (5 +2+0+1+9 = 17, and 1+7 =8).

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

April Astrology & Numerology Forecast – Truth Revealed


Amazing April is here!

March’s Mercury Retrograde mayhem is behind you! April ushers in the renewal energy of spring (and glorious autumn in the southern hemisphere). April’s astrology brings many surprises.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

March Astrology & Numerology Forecast – Miracles Await You!


Marvelous March is here!

The astrology and numerology for this month bring rejuvenating energy.

Thank heavens! After a fast-paced frenetic February, now you can restore your body, mind, and spirit.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Forecast

Supermoon Eclipse Magic – For Intuitive Guidance And Success

The Universe has a map of the cosmos.

The patterns created by the planets and numbers are like a celestial navigation system.  They can guide you toward fulfilling your soul’s purpose.

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Tags: Astrology Forecast, Self Empowerment

Moon Manifesting With Archangel Haniel

archangel haniel

Can you feel the magnetism of the moon?

Archangel Haniel is the beautiful angel who can reconnect you with your intuition, harmonize you with the moon’s manifesting cycles, and get you glowing like a goddess!

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Tags: Angels, Archangels, Astrology Forecast