July Energy Forecast – Building Better Boundaries

Your July forecast is here and we’re halfway through the year!

Your July forecast is here and we’re halfway through the year!

This month brings some much-needed closure to some deep-seated karmic patterns. (You didn’t think all this intense inner-work was for nothing, did you?)⁠

July 2020 is a Master Number 11 Universal Month.⁠⁠

We also have FIVE planets in retrograde.

This is a time of insightful introspection and consciousness-raising revelations.

You’re being guided to make your emotional needs a priority.

That said, I’m heeding my own advice and taking these retrograde months to reflect and rejuvenate. I’ll be writing energy updates here, and will be back making videos in August.

I’m sharing with you the July forecast from the 2020 Celestial Guide below.

The 100 page 2020 Celestial Guide is one of the many bonuses of 2020 Illuminated forecast event.

The spiritual lessons that were illuminated in the stars at the top of the year are more relevant now than ever.

I had told the participants to clear their calendars for June and July because your plans will definitely change, and you might feel too emotional to be productive.

You can now access the 2020 forecast event + 4 bonuses at 70% off »

The lessons of this year are far from over and I want you to have the tools to navigate these epic changes with grace.

If you want to take advantage of 40%-70% savings on my entire collection of courses and products, the time is now. You can access my store wide Health & Happiness Sale » for the next two weeks. The sale will end when my new website launches later this month.

In the meantime, enjoy this illuminating energy!

I’m taking time this month to listen and learn. Instead of my usual video, I’m sharing with you the forecast from my 2020 Illuminated Celestial Guide (read below).



Your psychic senses are on high! You might remember your past or receive visions for your future. Your Spirit Guides are communicating to you through symbols and synchronicities, so pay attention!

You might feel as if you are being pulled in two directions this month. As you make your choices, remember to focus on what makes you happy. Once you know what you really want, you can be honest and direct about your feelings with those you love. If you are trying to compromise to accommodate others, you might find yourself con- fused and anxious.

This month we experience our third eclipse in a row. The Universe REALLY wants you to tune into your feelings so you can make any necessary changes in your life. Complacency can no longer be a choice. You must learn to nurture yourself before putting other people’s needs before your own.

Eclipses lift the veil between Spirit and Matter.

You can experience psychic overload if you don’t process your emotions and insights. You will FEEL everything more intensely. It’s important to ground your energy, and exercise – or else you will have an excess of spiritual energy that puts your nervous system in overdrive.

Although our Sun in Cancer will foster some nesting instincts, it’s not necessarily the best time to purchase a home. Mercury is still retrograde for the first two weeks of the month (until the 12th), and will be in shadow for the remainder of the month.

This can be a month of immense healing and growth if you allow yourself to take time to tune into your inner voice.

Saturn, the planet that governs our structures, is also going retrograde this month July 1 until September 29th. Also in retrograde are Jupiter (ideals), Neptune (dreams), Pluto (truth) and Chiron (the wounded healer).

With all these retrogrades combined with the eclipses and the high octane energy of 11/2, you’ll have a lot to process!

Numerology: July is an 11/2 Universal Month

11 is a Master Number. This is a highly sensitive vibration. You will receive an influx of divine down- loads. This high vibration energy, if left unexpressed, can have you feeling anxious.

Exercise is a wonderful outlet to help you feel grounded and centered.

Journaling and writing are also helpful tools to get you in touch with your deepest feelings.

The sacred geometry of 11 creates a conduit between Spirit and Matter.

You can receive many inspired ideas if you allow yourself to relax and tune in.

11 is the number that is most perfectly aligned with the Divine.

The lesson of 11/2 is to center yourself when you are being pulled in opposing directions. You can find more relationship harmony with others through deep listening.

Stay centered. Listen to your intuition, and be true to yourself.

July 1 – September 29: Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn


There will be many lessons for you during this transit.

Saturn governs our structures and what we build – whether it’s a home, a business or a dream.

During this retrograde cycle, your future plans might take a step backwards, so you can truly evaluate whether or not what you are currently building will have long-term staying power.

Capricorn is associated with your career. Evaluate your how you are investing your time and energy to ensure that you are in alignment with your personal truth, rather than an ego-based ambition.

Capricorn is also associated with your personal authority. Make sure you are giving yourself credit and not diminishing your worth. You’ll have ample opportunity during this transit to make sure you are owning your authority rather than deflecting it.

This is not the most ideal time to start a major building project. Rather, it’s a period to redefine and refine your current plans by making sure your foundations are solid.

It is a wonderful time for you to look at the structures in your life – the home you live in, your career and financial situation. Make sure they are supporting you and your loved ones long-term. This transit is a wonderful time to make modification to the structures that would support your security and well-being.


You might also find yourself re-evaluating your responsibilities at this time. Let go of responsibilities that aren’t benefiting you. Yet you might consider taking on additional responsibilities that will help you and/or your family over time.

Make sure you are keeping healthy boundaries and managing your time well. This is the key to growth and abundance during this transit.

Tarot Teachers – July Forecast

Justice (11) & the High Priestess (2)

Blessings from the Light:
You will receive many divine downloads. This will require you to slow down and tune in. Your relationships will come into balance as you honor your sacred path and take time for yourself.

You might find that your intentions and ideals are changing. It’s okay that you are still figuring things out. Allow yourself to receive these new intuitive insights without judgement or the need for speed.

Lessons from the Shadow: Justice represents the Law of Karma, which teaches you about cause and effect. Justice wears a blindfold, because she is not looking toward the outside world for guidance; she is relying on her inner senses. To balance the scales of Karma, you must have reciprocity – where one person isn’t giving or receiving more than others, and both parties are treated fairly. This month, your relationships will show you if you are giving to others more than you are receiving, or you are or you are living out of balance. Pay attention to your inner equilibrium.

Keywords: Inspiration, Insight, Intuition, Balance, Harmony, Reciprocity, Centering, Discernment, Truth, Fairness, Relationships, Division

Moon Scopes

Full Moon – July 5, Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

Element: Earth Time: 12:44 am EDT

Full Moons are always a time of heightened emotions. Eclipses magnify this energy exponentially.

This lunar eclipse will enhance your intuitive awareness, so pay attention to any images or feelings that come to you now.

They are trying to tell you something! Your career and ambitions might need to be reevaluated. Where would you like to experience more power? Have you felt you have undervalued yourself and deserve more appreciation? Where do you seek more status and recognition? It’s OK to want to be successful. Release your fears of success or failure. You can do this by writing down all the things you are afraid of and either tearing up the paper or burning it. Then declare what you want instead, and say, “It is done!”.

Let go of: Workaholism, pushing yourself too hard, rigid thinking, playing small, giving away your power, people who want to control you, circumstances that no longer nurture your well-being.

New Moon – July 20th in Cancer

Element: Water Time: 1:32 pm EDT

Get in touch with your deeper emotions. Cancer is associated with your emotional security, as well as your feelings about home and family.

How would like to be nurtured more?

Would you like more emotional support?

How can you connect more to feel a sense of family and community?

Cancer is a cardinal sign of initiation. Use this potent New Moon to set powerful intentions and as you do, FEEL what you are asking for. Open up your heart chakra and let your feelings flow.

I hope you enjoyed this July Forecast. Take care and bye for now.

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

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