Uranus 2019 – Get Ready To Change Your Life

Your life is about to change!

This year, our Aquarius New Moon ushered in the Year of the Earth Pig. Hooray!

This brings a more cooperative, nurturing and feminine energy to the year. The Year of the Pig is also known to bring good luck and fortune. Double hooray!

There’s another VERY big change on the horizon as well. You’re probably feeling this energy already.

Get ready for an inner revolution

Our 7th planet from the Sun, Uranus, is about to change signs, and your life will never be the same. That sounds a bit dramatic, but Uranus can stir up some mighty changes.

Uranus is the planet of freedom, revolution, and radical change. It’s planetary purpose is to shake up out of complacency. Its transformative energy is so potent, often life-changing shifts can be felt the day it changes signs.Uranus changes signs every seven years or so, and is about to do so on March 6th when it moves into Taurus.

On March 11, 2011, when Uranus changed signs into Aries, (without knowing about this astrological phenomenon) I left my safe office-job life in Pittsburgh, and headed west to San Diego to start my new inspired life. This month Uranus is wrapping up his tour of Aries. For the past eight years, while Uranus has been in this sign, you’ve been learning how to put yourself first.

Uranus in Aries has stirred up your inner fire

You’ve learned to make your passions a priority. You’ve re-awakened your ambitions. Most importantly, you know that you have something special within you, and you’re not serving anyone by playing small.

As Uranus was in its mastery degree of Aries, the Universe had you to embody its lessons of self-confidence.

Now is your time. Make your dreams a priority. You’re an inspiring presence in the world.

You deserve to be seen and heard.

Whatever your dreams, you have everything within you to make them a reality.

Invest in yourself. Invest in your future.

Enjoy these exciting energies!
~ Kari

Uranus 2019
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