Soul Healing
Discover how evolutionary astrology can help you heal trauma, break generational cycles, and unlock your soulโs purpose.
In this episode, Kari Samuels and astrologer Johannes Lockwood explore Pluto, the lunar nodes, and past life influences in your birth chartโrevealing hidden patterns and powerful tools for transformation. Watch now to gain insight into your soulโs journey!
Read More ยปJoin Kari Samuels as she interviews Reginald Lewis, a gifted medium and healer, on how to elevate your life through spiritual growth.
Learn practical tips for healing, connecting with your soul, elevating your life, attracting a soulmate, and living a soul-aligned life.
Read More ยปIn this Grounding Meditation, you will calm and center your energy, relieve anxiety, feel more peaceful, and prevent overthinking.
Read More ยปDo you give more than receive? Do you have trouble saying no? If so, you may have a soul contract as a martyr.
A soul contract is a non-physical agreement you make in a previous life that is affecting your current
When we incarnate, we make soul contracts with our soul family and other beings. These contracts can be for anything, from helping others in their spiritual journey to making sure we fulfill our life purpose.
Read More ยปIn this video, I share all about your Higher Self and the many ways you can connect with it for growth and guidance.
Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides, and Soul…
These are words that are seemingly interchangeable. Yet, they a distinctly different. If you’ve been studying spirituality you’ve heard these words referenced, yet may not know what they mean.
Read More ยปGrounding is the simple practice of connecting with the Earth so you can profoundly change for the better.
You may wonder how you can ground your energy and why it is important. Grounding is the simple practice of connecting with the Earth. When you ground your energy every day, your life can profoundly change for the better.
Read More ยปDo you remember being fascinated with faraway lands as a child? Or obsessed with a certain era of history?
Do you remember being fascinated with faraway lands as a child? Or obsessed with a certain era of history? Thereโs a reason for this. You most likely lived in that time or place in another life.
Read More ยปHave you ever met someone and felt as if you've known them before?
It’s most likely because you have – in another lifetime! When you have this familiar feeling, it is likely you have met one of your soul mates. And yet there are those times when you FEEL like you’ve met your soul mate, and it turns out to be a completely challenging relationship! It can leave you wondering how your intuition can lead you to such a difficult situation.
Read More ยปYou CAN heal your fears of rejection and failure.
Read More ยปDo you want to live your calling instead of just work?
Living your calling means that you are expressing the gifts your soul intended.
In this video I share with you, why you are ready to share your gifts NOW and stop second-guessing yourself, insights into your soul’s plan from before you were born, and much more!
Read More ยปYou have something special inside of you, and a gift to share that can help so many people.
It’s your calling, not just a career. Your calling is relentless. Here, I share with you four essential steps to find your calling.
Read More ยปKarma can be a b#%@h and I love her for it.
If you’ve been giving way more than you’re receiving, the scales of karma will bring you to balance. Karma can be a b#%@h and I love her for it.
Read More ยปYour Guides and Angels are ALWAYS here with you.
One of the many things I learned after doing thousands of psychic readings is that we all have more help than we could possibly realize.
Read More ยปThis is one of the most psychically charged days of the year!
Full Moons are always a time of heightened emotions. Eclipses magnify this exponentially. Our Lunar Eclipse is in Capricorn on the 16th day of the month. 16 is a number associated with karmic revelations where hidden truths are revealed.
Read More ยปIf you're an empath or sensitive soul, you're most likely an over-giver
If you’re reading this, most likely you feel a strong sense of purpose within you. As an empath, spiritual seeker, or sensitive soul, there’s a deep desire inside of you to make this world better with your unique love and talents.
Read More ยปYou can release yourself from karmic patterns for good.
Karmic healing is not about being “good” vs “bad”. You are bringing new aspects of yourself into the world. To do that, you must release yourself from past beliefs, relationships and circumstances that no longer nourish your soul.
Read More ยปDo you have healthy energetic boundaries?
If you are an empath, sensitive, or HSP you need to take extra special care of your energy field for energetic protection. In this video, I share with you five essential steps for protecting your energy.
Read More ยปKarma is not good or evil.
Let’s just get that out of the way first. When people hear the word, “karma”, it sends a connotation that you did something bad in a previous life. Well, that’s most likely true. Everyone did things that weren’t perfect in this life and previous ones, but “bad” is not an accurate depiction.
Read More ยปDo you feel worthy enough to receive wealth?
You most likely have hidden money blocks that are keeping you from receiving the rewards you deserve.ย This is about more than just money.ย You might have some subconscious sabotaging beliefs that keep you working way harder than you need to be.
Read More ยปInfinite possibilities are available to you.
You can access your Akashic Records to discover more about your past, present and future, to change your life for the better.
Read More ยปI cried happy tears when I met her!
There are some people you meet that make your whole energy light up! When I met Dawn Clark,ย and saw what she was bringing to the world,ย I actually cried happy tears. Not just for a moment.ย I had to step away for about 10 because I was so moved byย the healing she was offering humanity.
Read More ยปA blast from your past - lives!
Did you know that your past lives are affecting you now, even if you have no memory of them? In this engaging interview with Dana Williams, we explore all of this.
Read More ยปI experience miracles every day.
I am continuously in awe of the magical synchronicities of the Universe. Over the course of twenty years, after doing thousands of readings, I am always amazed at how loved we truly are, and the guidance and support that is available to us from our guides and angels.
Read More ยปHave you ever visited somewhere and felt like you've lived there before?
If you’ve ever been curious about how your past lives are shaping your reality AND how you can release the traumas from your previous incarnation so you can boldly live your soul’s purpose – you’re in for a treat.
Read More ยปPeople ask me all the time if I can read auras.
I’ve started to see colors in people’s aura. It’s a beautiful experience to see someone who’s opening their heart chakra to have a pastel pink emanating from them, or gold when some is truly stepping into their soul’s purpose.
Read More ยปHave you ever had dรฉjร vu?
Before I developed my psychic abilities, I used to have dรฉjร vu all the time. I took it as a sign that I was in the right place at the right time. Little did I know that many of those instances were me traveling into the future, rather than the past.
Read More ยปHave you ever met someone and felt magnetically attracted to them, all the while feeling like you have known them before?
Have you ever met someone and felt magnetically attracted to them, all the while feeling like you have known them before?
Read More ยปNobody can push your emotional buttons like your family.
You’ve probably heard this before, but it’s worth repeating. You choose your family before you are born. Besides your romantic partners, your family relationships are your most potent opportunity for spiritual growth.
Read More ยปMay you experience love, healing and peace!
If you have been trying to manifest something in your life that you are not attracting, if you’re focusing on your future, you might be heading in the wrong direction. Sometimes, it can be something from your past that’s holding you back.
Read More ยปWhat we learn from the afterlife
There are people in your life who are not always perfect, YOU are not always perfect, and nobody ever is. If you hold onto blame, guilt or shame, it keeps you from allowing more love into your heart. Forgiveness is a powerful thing.
Read More ยปAm I Living My Soul's Purpose?
The question I get asked the most from clients is whether or not they are living their soul’s purpose. Sometimes people feel “off” in their life.ย They feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled and sense that they are not fulfilling their soul’s purpose. And then…they panic.
Read More ยปHow I reconcile the emotional, the spiritual, and western medicine?
Recently I was asked by a client how I reconcile the emotional, the spiritual, and western medicine. For instance, if you have a broken leg, how do your emotions enter into that? Or you suffer from depression, isn’t that genetics? How does the spiritual enter into the equation?