555 is a divine message for you!

Do you see the repeated number 555 on the clock, license plates, your receipts, and in other seemingly random places?

This is not a coincidence. It is a divine synchronicity.

555 is known as an “Angel Number“.

What is 555 Angel Number?

Angel Number 555 with description.If you see 555 repeated in your life, it is a message from your Angels and Spirit Guides!

Numbers are a special way that your angels and Spirit Guides can communicate with you!

If you understand the meaning of these numbers, you can communicate with your Angels and Guides easily through the meaning of the numbers. When you see a repeated number pattern, it is your angels and guides getting you to pay attention.

The Power of triple numbers

Whenever you see a triple number (such as 888, 333, or 444), it has exponential power.

Three of the same numbers in a row, such as 111, 222, or 333, is a message from your angels and spirit guides.

3 is the number that reminds you of your ability to co-create with the divine โ€“ as in the divine trinity. Therefore a number repeated three times is a wake up call to your creative manifesting powers.

What is the symbolism of 555?

5 is a number of change

If you look at the sacred geometry of the number 5, you see the top is looking toward the future, and the bottom is facing toward the past. The lower portion of this number is also curved, which isn’t a stable base.

When you see the number 5, you might feel the foundations of your life shifting beneath your feet.

5 is the vibration that breaks up the status quo.

5 is revolutionary. It brings radical changes into your life whether you feel ready or not.

Your soul is ready for a change, even if your ego mind wants things to stay the same.

5 is all about fun!

Are you falling into a rut or routine?

5 is the number that reminds you that life is about enjoying the 5 senses!

Try something different. Meet new people. Have an adventure!

What does 555 mean for me?

555 Angel Number is preparing you for transformation

The Universe always gives you signs that change needs to happen. You might be thinking about changing jobs, leaving a relationship, moving to a new location, or having an adventure.

Yet, there is that voice in your head that tells you to keep things the way they are. Why change if things are “fine” the way they are?

And yet, your soul is urging you to try something new and take a chance on yourself.

When you see 555, this is a message from your Angels and Spirit Guides to take the leap of faith.

How do I work with the energy of 555 Angel Number?

If you don’t make changes consciously, the Universe is going to do it for you!

555 Angel Number is a wake-up call

5+5+5 = 15.

In numerology, 15 is the number that speaks to the shadow side of stability and security.

Perhaps you have been focusing on the “shoulds” of your life.ย  If you’ve been doing what’s expected of you because you feel you “should” do that, you’re bound to be settling for less.

Your soul craves to carve its own path. Yet, your personality desires security, and being liked.

When you see 555 Angel Number, it’s a message from your soul to pay attention to your true desires, rather than what you think others expect of you, or what you feel is the safe choice.

555 Angel Number is a reminder to speak your truth

5 is associated with the 5th chakra which governs the throat.

5 is also a story-telling number.

Do you have a story that needs to be told? A truth that needs to be revealed? A creation that needs to be birthed?

Express your voice. It’s time. You have so much to share.

Take a chance on yourself. It’s your time!

Ultimately, 555 Angel Number is a reminder for you to have fun, be yourself, and live adventurously.

Yes, it’s scary to make changes. Yet, your angel message 555 is a reminder that your divine helpers have your back.

Such adventures await you!

Angel Number 555
Angel Number 555
How to connect with your spirit guides meditation is designed to help you manifest your heart’s desires and live the life your soul intended.

Watch the video below:

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Connect with Your Spirit Guides Meditation

Before you begin this spirit guide meditation, make sure you are in a quiet space, in a relaxed, comfortable position. Make sure your spine is straight and your jaw is relaxed. Good. Now, close your eyes and take some deep, cleansing breaths. There’s no need to push your breath. Simply allow your breath. To relax your whole body, gentle, easy, deep breaths. As you breathe deeply and easily, you feel your whole body relax. From your head all the way down to your toes. And you feel the soles of your feet connect with the earth. Bring your awareness now to your root chakra at the base of your spine and feel your breath nourish your root chakra. Allow your breath to relax your legs.


and you feel any excess energy or stress get released through the soles of your feet deep into the earth to be transmuted and healed. With every inhale, you are breathing in light. With every exhale, you are breathing out stress through the soles of your feet. Breathe in light and breathe out stress. You are raising your frequency with every breath. Your whole body is enveloped in a column of white light. This light heals and protects you, bringing love to every cell of your being.

Spirit Guide Meditation

Your stress and worry simply transforms into the beautiful energy of love and light. As you are surrounded by this beautiful healing frequency, bring your awareness to your heart chakra. Open up your heart, front and back, to receive this infusion of love. Simply set your intention to open your heart to send and receive this healing frequency of love. And it is so. Imagine now that your consciousness is in your heart. Instead of thinking with your mind, you think with your heart. Your heart has a great intelligence. Keep your awareness now. On your heart chakra, as your heart fills with love, this sends a message to the universe, a message of love.


From your heart, send a message now that you would like to connect with your highest level spirit guides. Ask them to be with you now. You may sense a presence or energy. You might hear a name or see something in your mind’s eye, or perhaps you sense nothing at all. Trust the process. There is no right or wrong. Keep your awareness in your heart as you continue to communicate with your spirit guides. Through your heart, ask your guides. What is the most important aspect of your life that you need to focus on now? Is it work? Career? Your home? Your love life? Health and well being?


Whatever comes up for you, trust the process. Notice what feels right for you. Notice where you feel the most connected in your heart, or what images come up for you, or what you hear. Focus on what feels the most connected for you right now. You will continue to communicate with your guides telepathically. Simply keep your focus on your heart as you silently speak to them. With your thoughts and energy, now that you have a focus about what area of your life your guides can assist you with now, breathe into your heart. Ask your spirit guides to show you in your mind’s eye, what is the ideal manifestation for you? What is the solution to any challenges you have in this area right now? You might see an image in your mind. There may be flashes of light or color. You might see a symbol. Trust whatever comes to you. If you don’t see something right away, simply imagine what your ideal life would look like. It’s okay if you feel like you’re making it up. If you can imagine it, you can create it. Let your imagination explore the possibilities. As you visualize this in your mind’s eye, notice what is around you. What do you see? What are the colors, light, or objects around you?

Connect with Your Spirit Guides Meditation

Notice any sounds that you hear. And notice how you feel when you visualize this. What emotions? Does this conjure for you? If you can, define those emotions. What are they? Do you feel confident? Free? Joyful? Loving? Loved?


Supported? What do you feel? Are you feeling the emotions you would like to experience? What emotions would you like to experience? As you visualize yourself, Imagine yourself feeling those emotions. Notice if that changes anything about what you see, hear, and feel. through your heart. Ask your guides now to help you fill your aura with the energy that you would like to experience.

Connect with Your Spirit Guides Meditation

Is there anything in your energy blueprint that needs to change? in order for you to manifest your heart’s desires. Notice what comes up for you. Do you need to make any adjustments to your energy now? Does your posture change? Does it change the way you feel about yourself? Ask your guides to show you an image of yourself embodying the energy of you truly living the life you desire. Notice how that feels, what emotions come up for you. Ask your guides now if there is anything you need to do in your life to make this happen. What steps you need to take. Notice what comes to you.


Do you feel? See, sense, or hear anything, no matter how subtle, pay attention to what impressions you receive. Ask your guides now to continue to help you manifest your heart’s desires, and let them know you will continue to communicate with them. Remember. They are always here for you, and they want you to be happy. From your heart, send your guides gratitude for all they have done and continue to do for you. Send gratitude to yourself as well. You have so much to be proud of. Your spirit guides are so grateful to be with you. Take a moment now to remind yourself. of what needs to be done for you to fulfill your heart’s desires. And take a moment to remember what that feels like for you to be living your heart’s desires. If you can feel it, you can live it. The more you experience these feelings, the more you will manifest it. You’ve already created this energy. So, you’ve already manifested your ideal life. And so it is. Now take a deep, cleansing breath. And whenever you are ready, open up your eyes.

The Magic of Manifestation and the Role of Spirit Guides

If you find yourselves at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take. It’s during these moments that you can remember that you’re not alone. You have divine companions โ€” spirit guides โ€” waiting to assist you on your journey. They are ready to guide you towards manifesting your heart’s desires.

What are Spirit Guides?

Spirit guides are powerful beings that exist in the spiritual realm to assist and guide you on your earthly journey. They can take various forms, such as departed loved ones, ancestors, or even animal spirits. Each of us has a team of spirit guides assigned to us from birth, and they are always with you, offering guidance and support.

Your Spirit Guides Know Your Soul’s Purpose

In the grand scheme of the Universe, your spirit guides are like your cosmic companions, transcending the boundaries of the physical world and being intimately connected with your soul’s journey. They are privy to your life’s blueprint, the roadmap of experiences, lessons, and growth that your soul chose before incarnating on Earth. This divine plan lays out your soul purpose – the unique gifts and talents you’re meant to share with the world, and the lessons you’re here to learn. Your spirit guides, with their higher perspective, can see this blueprint clearly.

The Power of Spirit Guides in Manifestation

As you develop a stronger connection with your spirit guides, their guidance will become more apparent, and the manifestation process will also become more effortless. Your spirit guides know your true desires and purpose, and they are always guiding you towards them. By aligning yourself with their wisdom and energy, you can manifest your heart’s desires with greater speed and ease. Remember, your spirit guides are not here to do the work for you. They are here to guide and support you on your journey. It’s up to you to take action and use their guidance to manifest your heart’s desires.

How to Connect With Your Spirit Guides

Connecting with your spirit guides is not a one-time event. It’s a continuous, enriching process that deepens your spiritual journey. The more you connect with your guides through meditation and accessing your intuition, the clearer their guidance becomes. And the clearer their guidance, the closer you get to truly manifesting your heart’s desires. Remember, this is your personal journey. There’s no right or wrong way to do this. Trust your instincts and embrace the process. As you continue to practice this spirit guide meditation, you might start to see, hear, or simply sense the presence of your guides. It’s a unique experience that deepens with time, patience, and an open heart. So, are you ready to meet your spiritual allies? They’ve been waiting for you, ready to help you manifest your heart’s desires.

The Power of Meditation in Connecting with Your Spirit Guide

Meditation is an incredibly powerful tool for fostering a deeper connection with your spirit guides. By immersing yourself in a state of quietude and mindfulness, you create a conducive environment to receive wisdom and guidance from your spirit guides. Meditation allows you to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms, opening up a channel for divine communication. This tranquil state of being allows you to become more receptive to the subtle energies, signs, and intuitive nudges that your spirit guides use to communicate with you. The practice of meditation with your spirit guide, therefore, becomes a transformative journey towards manifesting your heart’s desires and fulfilling your soul’s plan. Enjoy the journey and embrace whatever experiences come your way. Practice this 18 minute meditation, Connect with Your Spirit Guides, here ยป.


Why do I keep seeing the 444 angel number?

Do you see 444 on license plates, or on your receipts or in other seemingly random places?

This is not a coincidence. It is a divine synchronicity. If you see 444 repeated in your life, it is a message from above that all is well!

It’s no coincidence that 444 is a message of magical manifesting in the material world. The letter M reduces to the number 4 in numerology!

What is the meaning of 444?

Numbers are a special way that your angels and spirit guides can communicate with you! If you understand the meaning of these numbers, you can communicate with your angels and guides easily through the meaning of the numbers. When you see a repeated number pattern, it is your angels and guides getting you to pay attention.

444 Angel Number – Divine Trilogy

Whenever you see a triple number (such as 999, 777, or 222), it has exponential power. 3 is the number that reminds you of your ability to co-create with the divine, specifically, the divine trinity. Therefore, a number repeated three times is a wake-up call to your manifesting powers.

What is the symbolism of Repeated Number 444?

4 is the number of Material Manifestation

If you want to build something stable such as a house, you build a square foundation.

If you were getting ready to build a business, you would need to get your finances in order and square your corners.

A Square has 4 sides.angel number 444 with decription.

4 is the number that teaches you all about the bounty of the physical world. It is the number most associated with EARTH.

That includes home, family, finances, and career. And most especially, this gorgeous planet.

4 also represents your inner passions and drives – that fire inside you that drives you to fulfill your divine purpose.

When the 444 angel number appears in your life, it is a sign that your desires are manifesting in the physical and material world.

What does seeing Repeated Number 444 mean for me?

Build your dreams step-by-step

4 is a number that teaches you to have patience in the process of building your dreams. You may feel you’ve done the inner-work and everything you need to do to see results. And yet, you are feeling frustrated that nothing is manifesting for you.

Stay the course.

Seeing 444 angel number is surely heaven’s way of letting you know that your celestial team is working behind the scenes to help you. And yet, you must be patient. Everything is working out for you in divine order with divine and perfect timing.

You might not SEE the results yet, but something wonderful is manifesting for you.

How do I work with the energy of 444?

Surrender to Spirit

If you add the numbers of 444, the sum is the number 12 (4+4+4 = 12).

12 in numerology is the number that teaches you to “Let Go and Let God”. It is a signal for you not to force a situation. Rather, it is imperative that you find creative solutions to the situation you are in now. 1+2 = 3 and 3 is the number of creativity. Also, it’s a reminder that finding a way to manifesting your desires can be as easy as 1-2-3!ย  There’s no need to make it harder on yourself.

So, don’t worry!

You are a powerful co-creator. What you focus on, you attract to you. Instead of focusing on all that can go wrong, focus your energy on:

  • Gratitude
  • Visualizing the outcome of what you desire
  • How you want to FEEL when you manifest your desire
  • Sending those joyful, grateful feelings of love out into the Universe

You are never alone!

Your divine team is sending you these numeric messages of love! It’s their way of saying, “We are with you! We love you! We are guiding you in every moment!”

Next time you see the angel number 444, you can remember how loved and protected you truly are!


Angel Number 444
Angel Number 444

Master manifesting during Mercury retrograde with expert insights. Learn effective strategies to achieve your goals despite cosmic challenges.

YouTube video

Show Transcription

Mercury Retrograde – Manifesting Mojo During the “Trickster” Transit

Hello. I want to talk to you about manifesting during Mercury retrograde because I love Mercury retrograde. I want you to be excited about it, and I want you to love Mercury retrograde as much as I do. Basically, Mercury retrograde is very overrated and underrated at the same time.

Mercury retrograde gets blamed for everything bad. It’s like something bad happens, and it’s like, “Ugh, it’s Mercury retrograde manifesting during mercury retrograde. Blah, blah, blah.” But here’s the thing, Mercury retrograde can be your best friend if you know how to work with it. Because really, these planets and these planetary activities, it’s like weather. Think of it as cosmic weather, manifesting during mercury retrograde.

Mercury Retrograde – Manifesting Mojo During the “Trickster” Transit

Actually, if you know me, you know that I love to be outside. So I really wanted to do this little periscope outside, and so I went outside and it was raining. So I went inside to film it. This is like what Mercury retrograde’s like. It’s like don’t go outside if it’s raining and try to do an outdoorsy thing if you don’t have the weather for it. So if you really understand this as like a cosmic weather, if you really understand what this energy is and how to harmonize yourself with it, you’re going to love, love, love manifesting during mercury retrograde.

Mercury is the fastest planet in our solar system. It’s closest to the sun and zips around four times the speed that the earth does. Basically, Mercury is like a super fast energy, right? So it’s like Quicksilver, right? It’s known as Quicksilver. So your thoughts are associated with Mercury and how you communicate is associated with Mercury.

Here’s the thing, in our society, we are zipping around super duper fast. And it seems like Mercury retrograde happens all the time, but it doesn’t. And it seems like it’s random. It’s actually very predictable. It happens three or four times a year for three weeks. You’ll notice the end of each Mercury retrograde in the beginning’s three months apart. It’s like clockwork. So it’s a cyclical thing, manifesting during mercury retrograde.

Natural Cycles during Mercury Retrograde

And here’s the thing, us in Western society, we don’t pay attention to nasty natural cycles. We like zip along going with our goals and get an idea in our head. And these ideas that you get in your head, they’re associated with Mercury because Mercury is your thoughts and your idea.

So you get this idea in your head, and you get this goal. And it may be inspired to begin with. Because when you’re relaxed, and when you get all these downloads, and you feel like really good about something, that’s an idea. It comes into your head. It’s inspired and then something that gets you motivated and moving, manifesting during mercury retrograde.

But what happens is there’s always these reevaluation points. There’s ebbs and flows with everything. The moon ebbs and flows. Everything is cyclical. So even Mercury, which is this planet that zip, zip, zip, zips around, right? It’s zips around our sun, manifesting during mercury retrograde.

Even that has this period where from the Earth’s perspective it appears to be moving backwards, because we’re like catching up with it. It’s kind of like when two cars are like zoom, zoom, right?

RE – Everything!

So in these moments, that’s when we are meant to do all the things with the R-E words, like reevaluate, revisit, reassess, reanalyze, regroup, redo, repair. So when that happens, instead of moving forward, it’s our time to catch up with our own intuitions and our own insights because you’re picking up only a tiny piece of the information that’s available to you and you’re picking up a lot of intuitive information that you don’t have a chance to process. So, it’s a cyclical thing. It’s a cyclical part of your manifesting, just like the moon ebbs and flows. It’s a cyclical part of your manifesting that you have to regroup, reassess, revise.

If you understand that and if you understand that this is not a time to go ahead and make new plans, or start new projects, or do new things, but it is an amazing time to go back and tidy up loose ends. For instance, I have been loving this Mercury retrograde because I’ve had a lot of things on my website that I wanted to do to make like the fonts easier to read and certain graphics that I wanted redone, and all this stuff I’m doing now. Because even though I have a bazillion projects ahead of me, this is my base, right?

Looking Back During Mercury Retrograde

So I’m going back, and I’m fixing things, and I’m making things better to read. And I’m looking at all the ways that I wrote maybe product descriptions or things like that, and I’m revising them to make it easier for you to understand what the products are about because now I have a different perspective. Because when I first wrote them, I was in one phase, and now I have a different understanding of how they can help people so I can write that again or I could look at my website with that kind of perspective. So it’s very much about going back.

Let’s say you’re writing a book, or a blog, or a project, or whatever. This isn’t a time to make the new chapters, but this is a great time for you to edit and put things in a good order. I’ve been using this too to go through my home. And if there’s clothes that are not fresh anymore, they don’t represent me, or they don’t make me feel good about myself, they’re gone. But it’s maybe not the best time to buy a new wardrobe, even though I’m sort of still doing some of that. I can’t help myself. But it’s maybe not the best time for that, but really it’s about going through things, getting through those piles, and it’s a great time because Mercury is associated with communication. And this process of going through old things and revising is manifesting during Mercury retrograde.


Let’s say you have had this conversation that has been needing to happen between you and somebody or you and a lot of people. It’s a great time to have that conversation. One of the things I’ve been doing, some of my friends that I haven’t had a chance to talk with, instead of working, working, working.

Which just not a good idea anytime, right? But instead, if I have time to do somethingย  productive, that’s what I want to do, is call some of my friends and catch up with them because this is very much about catching-up energy. So think of it as about like streams, right? So if you’re trying to swim upstream when the stream is going a different direction, you’re going to feel like what’s going on?


The other thing is that things do break during Mercury retrograde. I really want to put this in perspective for you. Because here’s the thing, let’s say your refrigerator has had a hum for a while, right? It’s just something that needed to be looked at and you just don’t really pay attention or you don’t notice it or whatever.

Then all of a sudden, one day during Mercury retrograde, just after you bought a whole bunch of shopping with perishables, it breaks, right? And you’re like, “Damn you, Mercury retrograde. Curse the gods.” But here’s what happens, it’s something that has been trying to get your attention, or maybe you didn’t even pay attention, or maybe it was something that was under the surface that you couldn’t see. So it was trying to get your attention this whole time, but then all of a sudden during Mercury retrograde it breaks. This phenomenon of things breaking is often manifesting during Mercury retrograde.

Routine Maintenance During Mercury Retrograde

And here’s the other thing, it doesn’t just break randomly. It’s always something that was not quite right to begin with. So during these Mercury retrograde cycles, things break down. Communication breaks down. Appliances break down. Computers break down. The systems break down. Because you’ll maybe discover things that like, “Oh my gosh! I’ve been doing this wrong the whole entire time and I didn’t even realize it.” It’s so frustrating at the time.

But if you think about it, this is helping you in the long run. Because imagine if you had something big wrong with your car, and you never addressed it, and you didn’t know about it, and then one day you’re driving and your tire just falls off. But that would be a worst thing, right? But let’s say during Mercury retrograde, let’s say your tire’s loose and then you take it in for an oil change and they’re like, “Hey, you need like $400 of repair.” That’s actually going to help you in the long run be safer, save time, and money.

The more you look at these things in that perspective, like, hey, the universe is doing me a solid, the universe is helping me out because these things needed looked at, and if I was too busy racing ahead doing all these things, the very foundations that make your life run wouldn’t be functioning as well as if you took this time now and repair it. So please remember that when these frustrating things happen.


There’s been a lot of things that I discover every Mercury retrograde just about the way I think in terms of my consciousness. And yes, it is about hitting the reset buttons, all things with the R-E word, reset, reboot, reinvent, relax, rejuvenate. Here’s the thing, it’s called the trickster, and there’s some mischief involved, manifesting during mercury retrograde.

This is with everything, and this is one of the things my spirit guides are very persistent about. They’re constantly joking, manifesting during mercury retrograde. Spirit is light, and they’re trying to get you to lighten up. So shiz happens, and it goes down, and it’s crazy, but it’s to help you reevaluate your own self-worth. That’s about what reevaluate is about.

I’ll give you an example. Because this is Mercury retrograde, and I am very attuned to the cycles of planets and the universe, and I really pay attention to the cosmic weather, so I’m using this time to go through things, manifesting during mercury retrograde.

One of the things that I did this month is I … There’s something you can do with your newsletter list. You can see if people haven’t opened your newsletters in a long time and they maybe just signed up for like my free numerology book, which is awesome. And if you don’t have it, get it. Or something like that. Or they signed up for something and then they … You know how it is with newsletters and emails. It can be overwhelming.


I never want to spam anybody. I always want people on my list and in my life to be a really good vibrational match. People we really like and want to be with each other. So, I had my tech person see who hasn’t been on my list for a while, who hasn’t opened emails in like X amount of months. Then I sent them a newsletter saying, “Hey, if you want to be with me, great. Here’s a little something. If you don’t want to be with me, no problem. Just opt out.”

Well as it turned out, I sent that to all of my new subscribers, too. So, let’s say you signed up like three days ago and then you get this email like, “Hey, long time, no see. Haven’t seen you for a while.” You’d be like, “What’s just happened?” So I had them send another email that says, “Oh, yeah, by the way, that was an accident, and it’s Mercury retrograde. He-he.”

So, let’s say that was a year or two ago, maybe longer. I would have been freaking out because I would be thinking, “Oh no. What do they think of me? These are all new people. They’re going to think I’m flaky. They’re going to be so … ” And you know, some people even opt out.

Some of these new people were like, “Yeah, I’m out of here.” So I would be like, “Oh no. I lost all these new people. What can I do to get them back?” and this scrambling energy. Because it’s Mercury retrograde, you have to have even more of a sense of humor. Remember the universe has your back.


Here’s the thing, that incident actually helped me heal perfectionist tendencies because it’s the perfectionist part of all of us that thinks, “Oh, no. I didn’t do this exactly right, and they’re not going to like me for it, and now they’re going to leave.” And here’s the other thing. It helps evaluate your self-worth too. Because let’s say people who just signed up for you and you sent this email that’s like, “Hey, here’s a gift for you for staying with me or whatever,” and they don’t like you for it, and they decide to opt out, they’re not people that are a vibrational match for you, right?

So how often do you do that? How often do you hold on to things and people because you’re afraid that something better’s not going to come along? So you have all these perfectionist tendencies because you are thinking like, “Oh, no. If I don’t do this exactly perfect, if I don’t present myself in exactly the perfect way, then they’re not going to stay with me.”

Do you see how the trickster energy really helped me reevaluate my perfectionist tendencies and my own self-worth with that kind of potentially ridiculous thing, or like embarrassing, or whatever? But really, what it boils down to is if they don’t realize that I’m a total goofball and if they want me to be perfect, I’m probably not the right person to be on their newsletter. Do you understand how that works?

Happy Mercury Retrograde!

So I hope that this helps you really make the most of any Mercury retrograde. They happen every three months for three weeks. And there’s actually shadow periods before and after, so we’re in it quite a lot. It’s like a quarter of the year. So we really need that time to instead of moving ahead to reassess, reevaluate, reset, rejuvenate, renew, all those R-E things. I really hope this helped you, and I’m wishing you happy Mercury retrograde. And I wish you a happy, happy day every day. Lots of love. Bye for now.


Mercury Retrograde is here to help you!

This is an unpopular opinion, but I LOVE Mercury Retrograde. Yup, the transit that has been blamed for everything from computer snafus to failed dinner parties.

My whole astrology chart has a lot of Mercury, so Iย  feel it when my ruling planet is making mischief.

Communications go haywire.
Stuff breaks down.
Travel plans go awry.
You forget shizz. It happens.

And that’s a good thing.

Mercury is closest to Earth and the fastest moving planet in the solar system. This heavenly body “appears” to move backward 3-4 times a year for 3 weeks at a time, like clockwork. Yes, even though it feels random, Mercury’s cycles are three months apart, for three weeks at a time. It is VERY predictable and regular.

Mercury zips along faster than the Earth (about 4 times more zippy). Because it travels faster than the Earth, and unlike other planets, the speed of its orbit changes. When Mercury is at its furthest point from the Sun, it appears to slow down and move backward.

Here’s a spontaneous video I did on Periscope (if you don’t know what that is, it’s a phone app where you can interact LIVE on video – check it out). In it, I shareย what Mercury Retrograde taught me about perfectionism and self worth. (There’s nothing like doing a live video on your phone to help you heal perfectionism!). I’ve written the abridged version below.

Mercury is teaching you a mighty lesson.

Every now and then, YOU need to slow down. Mercury rules our thoughts and governs communication. During its retrograde cycles, there is an opportunity for you to SLOW DOWN and process your intuition before you speed ahead with your plans. There are subtle intuitive messages that you have missed that are vital for your soul’s purpose. Without taking the time to regroup, you would have overlooked them.

If it ain’t broke, it wouldn’t break

One of the biggest frustrations of Mercury Retrograde is when things break down. This is certainly frustrating. However, it wouldn’t happen if there wasn’t something already wrong.

Most likely, whatever has broken has needed your attention for a LONG TIME. Things usually don’t break during Mercury Retrograde if they don’t need your attention. The retrograde is your chance to catch up on these items. That’s why they break.

You can thank your lucky stars the issues with these items were addressed before they became dangerous.

The Universe is on your side.

Things that you fix now (communication, computers, systems, appliances, etc.) will save you a LOT of time and money in the long run. If you have that in mind, you can be grateful and keep your sense of humor when it happens.


Mercury retrograde is a time to go back and REVISIT all of your communications. Keep these RE words in mind during these transits:

Redo. Repair. Revisit. Revise. Re-evaluate. Relax. Renew. Rejoice. Rejuvenate. Rebuild. Reboot. Rearrange. Rebel. Receive. Recognize. Reinvent.

Remember that!



Discover how to navigate karmic debt numbers for growth, not punishment. Learn to transform challenges into strengths.

Karma is not good or evil.

Let’s just get that out of the way first. When people hear the word, “karma”, it sends a connotation that you did something bad in a previous life. Well, that’s most likely true. Everyone did things that weren’t perfect in this life and previous ones, but “bad” is not an accurate depiction.

There’s no punishment. Merely, the soul continues to learn valuable lessons in every moment, in every lifetime.

Karma is simply the law of cause and effect. If you did something in a past life, even if that meant you gave your power away, your soul seeks balance.

We live in a loving Universe.

Every choice you make, and have ever made, has a consequence. There really aren’t mistakes on a soul level – merely tools for growth.

As a psychic, I can often see people’s “karmic patterns”. We tend to make the same choices lifetime after lifetime until our circumstances show us where we NEED to make a change.

That’s when I most often see karmic debt numbers.

A psychic’s view of karmic debt numbers

In classical numerology, Karmic Debt Numbers are often seen as wrong-doings in another life that need to be corrected in this life.

However, that’s not how I usually perceived it while doing intuitive readings. Almost always, there was a TRAUMA in the person’s past life that has been unresolved. Karmic Debt Numbers typically revealed what that is, and what the person MUST DO in this life to transform their negative beliefs into positive thoughts and actions.

Below, I will share with you my perspective about Karmic Debt Numbers based on the intuitive readings I’ve done for thousands of people.

Karmic Debt Numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19 can show up as your birth day (the day of the month you are born), your Life Path Numberย or your Destiny Number. If you have any of these Karmic Numbers in your chart, you most likely have one of these past life influences.

Karmic Debt Number 13

You have some work to do! In fact, you might feel as if your life is all about work. You might feel as if you need to work harder than other people. One of your main lessons in this life is learning about PROCESS. You can look at other people and think life has been so much easier for them – and success comes so easily to everyone else and it’s so hard for you.

You know in your heart what you want, yet it can feel like it takes you forever to get there.

Living in the positive of the 13/4 energy:

Patience is a virtue!ย Remember, your soul chose to learn how to gain strength through limitations. It’s through positive self-expression of your creativity, and having the discipline to achieve your goals that you will find true freedom. This doesn’t mean that you control others or your situations. Rather, you learn the step-by-step processes to achieve your goals, without taking shortcuts, allowing yourself flexibility along the way.

This also means expressing yourself with kindness and diplomacy. You can feel like you’re always in charge, yet you can learn so much from listening to other people.ย  You are a born leader, yet that can often mean knowing how to let others find their own way. When you show humility, you can also allow yourself to be supported, instead of doing everything yourself. Life is so much more joyous that way!

Karmic Debt Number 14

Your main spiritual lessons will be around FREEDOM. Either in a past life you indulged too much in hedonism and materialism, or you denied yourself life’s sensual pleasures. Another possibility is that in your past life you exploited your freedom at the expense of another, or you never allowed yourself personal freedom and allowed yourself to be controlled and restricted by someone else.

Either way, 14/5 is a number of extremes. You’re meant to learn the art of temperance in order to find true happiness. You learn by experience, and trying new things until you find the balance of what’s right for you.

Living in the positive of the 14/5 energy:

If you find yourself in a situation where you feel dependent on someone else – remember that it is YOU that is choosing to restrict your freedom. It is imperative that you find ways to have freedom and independence, even in situations where you feel restricted. If you find yourself blaming others, remember that it is YOUR spiritual responsibility to choose to live your life on your terms. Instead of blaming others, see all your relationships as a reflection of your self-image and your choices.

Yet, you must learn not to want to escape every time life gets challenging. You must stick with your commitments, without BLAMING others for your situation. As you take spiritual responsibility for your actions, you can find the freedom you seek.

It is important that you learn to be flexible and adapt to change. You can’t do what everyone else is doing, because you’re meant to be independent in your thoughts and actions. Your soul craves variety. You learn through experience, so let go of your past “mistakes” with forgiveness, and know that they were part of your learning process.

14/5s tend to struggle with addiction or complete self-denial of pleasure. The key is moderation. Enjoy healthy indulgences, and allow yourself to have fun, while honoring your health and well-being. When you do, you find a balance in your life that brings you joy beyond measure.

Karmic Debt Number 16

Do you ever feel as if something terrible can happen at any moment? Many people with 16 in their chart often feel as if life is going to throw them a curve ball and tragedy can strike at any moment. (As a psychic, I found many people with 16/7ย  in their charts have had traumatic past lives regarding war and sudden loss).

Perhaps you feel as if you can’t trust other people or that life will disappoint you somehow. You might fear betrayal. Or, perhaps you have a fear of success. If you had the money, love and success you desired, maybe it could all go away! Perhaps you fear your partner will cheat on you. Usually, there is some fear of betrayal or loss lurking in your subconscious.

Living in the positive of the 16/7 energy:

You must learn to trust your intuition! Usually if you’ve experienced a betrayal from another person or situation you had red flags that you didn’t pay attention to.

Perhaps you had an early childhood experience that gave you a fear of losing everything suddenly (oftentimes 16/7s do!). You must learn to change your expectations so that you start attracting people and situations that are sustainable. Your intuition will ALWAYS guide you toward safety and success. As you learn to trust and listen to your intuition, you will find a sense of safety and security in your life that will be a constant source of strength.

If you look back on your life, you will notice that it was only the times that you ignored your intuition that things didn’t work out. Your inner voice will always guide you. Pay attention to your inner voice and you will always find your way. And remember, your life can get better every day. Expect the best!

Karmic Debt Number 19

You are a born leader, yet you can feel afraid to lead. If you are afraid of your own power, of which you have in abundance, then it will express itself in unconscious ways. Oftentimes, you are afraid of being bossy and domineering, so you can become co-dependent, or not wanting to assert yourself. You can fluctuate between seeming domineering and controlling, or not standing up for yourself.

This can leave you feeling isolated and alone with nobody supporting you, and having to do everything yourself.

Living in the positive of the 19/1 energy:

The key to happiness and success for the 19/1 is to claim your leadership role and authority, while allowing yourself to be supported. A great leader knows how to ask for and receive help. Even if you know how to do things better than others, it’s important to allow others to find their own way on their journey.

It is also imperative for you to find the proper use of being an authority. You can give your power to other people, feeling exploited and resentful, until you learn to BE the authority. Claim your leadership in the world. It’s okay for you to know your expertise. You don’t need approval from others to know your own worth. Stand up for yourself if you feel your worth is being diminished. You are worthy of respect, wealth and love.

As you express yourself clearly and directly, while allowing yourself to receive support with grace, you will truly thrive.

If you have a Karmic Debt Number in your chart, do not worry!

You would not be born with any challenge that you cannot overcome. In fact, if you have a Karmic Number in your chart, it is your soul’s intention to address those issues in this life, and transform your fears into your strengths.

You are never alone on your transformation. The whole Universe is supporting you. Enjoy the journey!

Karmic Debt Numbers
Karmic Debt Numbers