You’re in good hands in the wings of an angel.

If you’re looking to feel more confident, be more positive, and live fearlessly, call upon Archangel Michael’s prayer for healing.

If you’re looking to feel more confident, be more positive, and live fearlessly, call upon Archangel Michael. You can call upon him for anything.

Archangel Michael is known as the leader among Archangels. His name means, โ€œhe who is like Godโ€, because he is your unlimited resource for love and protection. His chief function is to free you from negativity and fear, and assist you in fulfilling your divine purpose.

When you begin to work with him, your life will forever be changed for good. Heโ€™s your go-to resource for everything!

Here are just four of the many ways you can receive support from the mighty Archangel Michael for healing, happiness, and prosperity:

Release you from fears

Archangel Michael is a warrior for peace. He wields a massive sword of light that can cut through fears and free you from their destructive power. He can remove cords of attachment that you have with other people, places and circumstances so you can be liberated from any codependent bonds. If there is a time when you feel fear, simply call on him and say the following. He will assist you immediately:

โ€œArchangel Michael, please free me from any fears or cords of attachment, so I can now experience peace, harmony and love. Thank you!โ€

Archangel Michael for healing can protect you from negativity.

Your natural state of being is love. However, because you are in constant energy exchange with people and your environment, you can be affected by others and your surroundings. Archangel Michael can shield your energy from unwanted influences and dissolve away disturbances in your physical and energetic body.

He can put a loving shield around you so you can still be connected to others, without being negatively impacted by them. Within Archangel Michaelโ€™s powerful shield, all that is not love is immediately dissolved, released and transformed into light.

Simply say, โ€œArchangel Michael, please wrap me in divine love and surround me with a shield of your white light. Thank you!.โ€

Empower you with courage

Love is the strongest energy in the Universe. And yet, the strength in angelโ€™s love is not about always being โ€œniceโ€.ย  Archangel Michael teaches you to be a spiritual warrior, rather than focusing on pleasing people all the time. Feeling like you always need to accommodate others can discourage you from being direct, confident and forthright.

If you are afraid to ask for what you want, or never take a chance on yourself because fear being rejected, you will not experience the true wealth and happiness you deserve. Archangel Michael can help you more confident at all times. Call on him with the simple prayer below and you will feel ready to take on the world!

โ€œArchangel Michael, remove all uncertainty from my energy field, and replace that with the energy of confidence so I may pursue my purpose with courage. Thank you!โ€

Archangel Michael for healing can steer you on your path to prosperity.

When you are living in your power and expressing your passions, you will naturally receive prosperity. Archangel Michael prayer for healing can align you with your soulโ€™s purpose and give you the courage, confidence, and determination to achieve all that you desire.

If you are unsure about your divine gifts, or what your direction is, he can guide you toward the decisions that will lead you to success. When you ask for his guidance and support, he will keep you from getting dispirited or distracted, so you can fulfill your divine purpose and receive the material rewards that you deserve.

Simply say, โ€œArchangel Michael, please direct my steps toward success, prosperity, abundance, and love. Ensure that I have faith and believe in myself at all times.Thank you!โ€

Archangel Michael will be with you every step of your journey. Once you begin to call upon him, you will have the all the support, love, and protection you need. Your life will forever be enriched. You will experience heaven on earth!


What was your moon sign and phase at the time of your birth?

Unlock the secrets of celestial influence with moon phase astrology. Explore how lunar phases shape our lives.

You know your Sun Sign, but your Moon Sign is just as important. The phase of your moon at birth gives insight into your soul’s purpose. Enter your birth month and year in the calendar to find your moon phase and moon sign then explore the meaning of moon phase astrology below:

Calculator created in partnership withย Astro-Seek Online Astrology




New Moon

moon phase new moonThis is pure potential. You’re going to leave your mark on the world and feel driven to claim your destiny. Because this waxing moon begins in darkness, there is an urge to project your light on the world and nobody can stop you!

Embracing the energy of moon phase astrology, you’re forward-thinking and a real go-getter! Full of new life and zeal, you are beginning a brand new karmic cycle, and you’re ready to try anything. Go YOU!


Waxing Crescent Moon

moon phase crescent moonThis is a waxing moon that looks like a sliver of light in the sky. People born during a crescent moon feel the need for security, so they tend to cling to the past.

Your soul’s lesson is learning independence. You’re forging a new identity where you let go of habitual behaviors, subconscious programming, and outdated beliefs. As you develop the courage to be yourself, your soul will shine!


First Quarter Moon

moon phase first quarter moonThis is a waxing moon where the light is half full. The first quarter moon is an adjustment period often known as a “Crisis in Action”. People born during this phase are quick on their feet, easy to make adjustments, and make split-second decisions.

You are eager to make changes, tearing down old structures to create new and better ones. The more disruptive the energy is around you, the more comfortable you feel! You are a builder and action-taker. Harnessing the dynamics of moon phase astrology, you embrace this energy fully.


Waxing Gibbous

moon phase gibbusWhen the waxing moon is 3/4 full it is known as the Gibbous Moon. Those born during this moon phase love to learn about moon phase astrology.

You are a truth-seeker, always delving into the core of the matter, questioning the status quo with a curiosity influenced by moon phase astrology. You will seek perfection wanting to know as much as you can and become the best at what you do, driven by the insights of moon phase astrology.



Full Moon

moon phase full moonBorn during a full moon and your emotions will be larger than life! Seeking balance, these souls will always yearn for relationships, which will help them mirror their feelings so they can find inner harmony, an aspect often analyzed through moon phase astrology.

You can be highly impulsive and instinctual traits that are influenced by moon phase astrology. Being an idealist, you can seek religious or spiritual foundations you can relate to, and moon phase astrology might provide guidance in this aspect. Your feelings are always on display, so you must learn how to find inner balance and believe in yourself, drawing upon the wisdom of moon phase astrology.


Disseminating (Waning Gibbous)

disseminatingThe waning moon at 3/4 full is known as the Disseminating Moon. As the moon is getting ready to complete it’s cycle, there is a need to disseminate all the lessons cultivated from the previous phases.

People born during the disseminating phase and a yearning to share their wisdom with others. You can feel a sense of urgency to fulfill your life’s purpose. You are a natural communicator. It is important for you to learn that it is not your job for people to receive your message, or to change them.


Third Quarter Moon

lastThe waning moon that looks half full is the last quarter moon, a crucial phase in moon phase astrology. As the moon is completing its cycle, heading more into darkness, you are in a process of re-orienting who you are and where you belong. These phases are known as “crisis in consciousness”.

Because the moon is not reflecting much light from the sun, it is up to you to rely on your inner light to guide you through this phase of moon phase astrology. Many children born during the last quarter phase can feel isolated, misunderstood, or alone.

You are learning how to rely on your light within. It can be hard for you to relate to others. in this phase of moon phase astrology. Yet, as you honor and accept your uniqueness, allow yourself the time and space to process your intuition, and learn to let go of the past, you will find an inner happiness that comes from deep within.


Balsamic (Waning) Moon

As the moon retreats into almost total darkness (when the moon is barely a crescent in the sky), there is an urgency to complete unfinished business, a significant aspect of moon phase astrology. If you were born during this phase, you are ending a karmic cycle, learning to let go of the past, so you can begin a whole new manifesting phase.

You have many karmic contracts to complete, so might feel as if many of your relationships feel “fateful”.

Since you were born in this phase, you might find it difficult to relate to others, being HIGHLY PSYCHIC and SENSITIVE, as you learn to rely on your inner vision, you will have much wisdom to share with others in the realm of moon phase astrology.

You have a gift of gathering information and making it easy for others to understand. You have much to share in this lifetime. When you learn to affirm yourself instead of seeking it from the outside world, you can become the leader you were born to be.

Manifesting your dreams into reality with our empowering techniques. Unleash your potential and create the life you desire.

Dreams really do come true!

I’m living dreams that have been in my heart for decades.

I remember one of the first BIG dreams I had manifested. I wanted to be a speaker at a tele-summit, manifesting your dreams. It seemed impossible at first, since I was listening to the show while I was working at my office job in Pittsburgh. And yet, just a few years later I was on the show as a featured expert (and living in sunny San Diego)!

Being a part of that series has been a dream I have had for a loooong time. I listened to it for years. There was a BIG part of me that always said, “You should be on there!”. And of course, being human, there was also another part of me that said, “You’re not ready.”ย  And of course, another voice that said, “that’s for other people, not you!” But deep down, I knew it was meant to be.

Has that happened to you? You feel great about something you desire deeply in your heart, and then all of those rational voices in your head tell you the many reasons it’s not going to happen for you?

Many of my dreams are coming true this year, and I want to tell you how I did it, manifesting your dreams.ย  These five techniques stand the test of time.ย  I can assure you, if they work for me, they can work for you!

Celebrate other people’s success

I listened to people on the healing summits that I wanted to join. But, I did not allow that, “I’m not good enough” feeling to take hold when it arose. Instead, I sent a blessing to them, being happy for their success, and manifesting your dreams.ย  I then reminded myself “If they can do it, I can do it!!”

If someone is able to accomplish something great, they are paving the way for others to show what’s possible. What a blessing that is for all of us!

Receive inspiration from your Higher Self

Have you ever felt truly inspired? Have you had that feeling that you get when you are filled with creativity and joy about what is unfolding? The Spirit guides you during those magical times. Your Higher Self, Angels, and Spirit Guides want you to fulfill your life’s purpose. They can see your opportunities and will guide you toward them.

Instead of simply writing down your goals and action steps, which might be coming from your MIND instead of your SPIRIT, spend some time in meditation and ask your Higher Self to show you your vision for your future. You’ll know it’s right because every cell in your being will light up with joy!

Tune into your intuition through manifesting your dreams

If you have an image in your mind that pops up frequently, a feeling in your gut that you’re meant to do something or a desire that is deep within you, that is your intuition speaking to you. Your divine beings communicate to you through your intuition so you can KNOW WHAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU and manifesting your dreams.

When you’re on your path, no matter how far away your destination feels, there’s something inside of you that delights in the journey. You’ll feel every cell of your being light up with joy when you’re on the path of destiny and manifesting your dreams.

If you find you’re making decisions and your body doesn’t feel energized, ask your Higher Self to show you a more inspired action. There’s something better waiting for you and manifesting your dreams.

Listen to your intuition, not everyone else’s

Can I let you in on a little secret? I don’t make Vision Boards! That’s Manifesting 101 right? Everyone tells you that Vision Boards are necessary for creating what you want. Yet, they’ve never appealed to me.

Going through stacks and stacks of magazines full of paper (I’d rather see trees in a forest) with glossy advertising, just doesn’t motivate me. When I visualize something in my mind, it’s specific to what my guides are showing me, not what I see outside of me and manifesting your dreams.

I’m very clairaudient, meaning I hear messages from my Guides as intuitive downloads. I’m also clairsentient, meaning I feel intuition in my body. For years, in my mind, I kept hearing myself being interviewed by the host of that telesummit, as if it was real. I knew that was my Guides showing me that was something they wanted me to manifest and manifesting your dreams.

As I heard these interviews in my mind, I could feel the joy of sharing my messages with the people listening. Because I have had this experience in my mind frequently (I didn’t conjure it, received it from my Guides). This also helped prepare me energetically and manifesting your dreams.

Your intuition is as unique as you are! Honor how YOU see and sense your reality. Don’t try to super-impose someone else’s idea about what’s right on what you know in your heart and manifesting your dreams.

Let your imagination expand by manifesting your dreams

If you can imagine something, you can create it. Yet, how much do you allow yourself to imagine what you really, really want? How often to you say to yourself, “I don’t want to get my hopes up!” or “I won’t expect anything, that way I won’t be disappointed.”

Of course, it’s always great to detach from the outcome, and let Spirit show you the best possibility for you. Yet, you can always count on Spirit to offer something amazing for you!

Expect the best and you’ll receive it. Dream bigger than you usually allow yourself. Expand your imagination and that will expand your life!

It’s your turn now…

I hope that I have inspired you.ย  The Universe gives you desire, and all that you need to fulfill your dreams.ย  It doesn’t matter how far that you think your dream is out of reach.

Dream big and live from your heart!

Enjoy and share the love!


Do you feel worthy enough to receive wealth?

You most likely have hidden money blocks that are keeping you from receiving the rewards you deserve.This is about more than just money.

You most likely have hidden money blocks that are keeping you from receiving the rewards you deserve.

This is about more than just money. You might have some subconscious sabotaging beliefs that keep you working way harder than you need to be, perpetuating those money blocks.

You were born to share your money blocks gift with the world

In order for you to be able to fulfill your soul’s purpose, you need a lifestyle that supports your well-being and addresses your money blocks. That means more money, time and freedom. Yet, as a spiritual and sensitive soul, does it feel awkward even wanting those things? Or do you feel as if somehow you don’t deserve it?

In this candid interview with Denise Duffield-Thomas, she shares with you the many ways your sense of self-worth can shift so you can thrive as the beautiful lightworker that you were born to be and overcome your money blocks.

Even small subtle changes can have a profoundly positive effect on your life.

Listen to the interview below:


Join the Luck Bee Money Bootcamp Community

Denise also teaches a wildly popular program to heal you transform your relationship with money. She’s created a wonderful community where you can connect with like-hearted souls in a safe, shame-free environment to help each other up level your life and self-worth.

For further reading on this topic, I think you’ll enjoy this article.


I feel like I’ve waited my whole life to fulfill my soul’s purpose

Have you ever thought about divine timing and what it’s like to be a caterpillar? Explore the transformation and live your dreams.

My transformation was part of my calling.

I knew that I had much to share. There was something in me that had to be expressed.

My dream of teaching people around the world about intuition, angels and the magic of the Universe seemed distant at times. I came close to giving up. I wondered if I would make it out of my office and routine of doing readings and healings after work.

Andย yet I always knew I would one day share my messages with thousands of people. It felt more like destiny than a desire.

A Butterfly’s Journey Of Wings

You’re most likely very familiar with the metaphor of the metamorphosis of the butterfly. We always focus on the beauty and grace of the butterfly. But, have you ever thought about what it’s like to be the caterpillar? They crawl and crave food, then suspended themselves in a chrysalis and completely change every cell in their body. They rearrange their entire being in preparation for a miraculous transformation.

Howย scary would it be during that process? I’m sure if the caterpillar wasn’t connected to its divine timing and nature, it would say, “get me outta here!”

You may feel like a caterpillar now. And yet, perhaps you don’t always trust your divine timing or perfection of your transformation.

You are in an amazing period of growth. You are shedding those parts of yourself that have conformed to other people’s definitions of you, demanding more from your life and relationships, and expressing parts of yourself that have been buried for ages. ย That’s why it’s so important that you find nourishment and support from others.

Magical Imaginal Cells and Transformation

How cool is that? They resonate at a different frequency. At first, the immune system of the caterpillar attempts to destroy the unrecognized imaginal cells. Then something amazing happens, the imaginal cells start to congregate into friendly groups, all resonating at the same frequency, passing information from one to another there inside the chrysalis.

Isn’t that magical?

This is such a beautiful reminder of how we need to support each other through our growth and transformation. One of the most amazing sources of spiritual nourishment I discovered years ago was a series called, Healing with the Masters.

Iย spent hours listening to spiritual teachers, intuitives and healers around the world offering their uplifting inspiring messages, wisdom and healing. It sparked something deep within me. I felt immense gratitude that I could experience these masterclasses for free, and that this community was available to me.

You know deep within divine timing where you belong

Thereย was something in me at the time that knew one day, I was meant to be there too.

I’m thrilled to share that I was one of the 20 expert speakers on the live workshop series of Healing with the Masters!

This free series has consistently brought hundreds of thousands (over 750,000 to date, myself included!) into new levels of clarity. It has given comfort, healing, trust, abundance and even grace in the midst any life circumstance… even the unexpected.

It”s amazing to me that I’ll be joining the likesย ofย Lynne Twistย who worked closely with leaders like Mother Theresa, The Dalai Lama; famed intuitive teacher Sonia Choquette,ย the โ€œMiracle Worker,โ€ย Jo Dunningย and the renowned psychic mediumย Colette Baron-Reid.ย 

Your transformation and divine timing

It thrills me beyond measure to share this with you. Please let this inspire you to remember that no matter where you are in your life, you can totally transform and live your dreams.

I trust we receive what we need in divine timing. Being an imaginal cell may seem difficult at times. I’d love to support you as you morph into your most brilliant, divine expression. If you’re interested in joining this extraordinary series, CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

I look forward to witnessing your transformation and divine timing!
