Archangel Michael Prayer For Healing Can Help!

You’re in good hands in the wings of an angel.

If you’re looking to feel more confident, be more positive, and live fearlessly, call upon Archangel Michael’s prayer for healing.

If you’re looking to feel more confident, be more positive, and live fearlessly, call upon Archangel Michael. You can call upon him for anything.

Archangel Michael is known as the leader among Archangels. His name means, “he who is like God”, because he is your unlimited resource for love and protection. His chief function is to free you from negativity and fear, and assist you in fulfilling your divine purpose.

When you begin to work with him, your life will forever be changed for good. He’s your go-to resource for everything!

Here are just four of the many ways you can receive support from the mighty Archangel Michael for healing, happiness, and prosperity:

Release you from fears

Archangel Michael is a warrior for peace. He wields a massive sword of light that can cut through fears and free you from their destructive power. He can remove cords of attachment that you have with other people, places and circumstances so you can be liberated from any codependent bonds. If there is a time when you feel fear, simply call on him and say the following. He will assist you immediately:

“Archangel Michael, please free me from any fears or cords of attachment, so I can now experience peace, harmony and love. Thank you!”

Archangel Michael for healing can protect you from negativity.

Your natural state of being is love. However, because you are in constant energy exchange with people and your environment, you can be affected by others and your surroundings. Archangel Michael can shield your energy from unwanted influences and dissolve away disturbances in your physical and energetic body.

He can put a loving shield around you so you can still be connected to others, without being negatively impacted by them. Within Archangel Michael’s powerful shield, all that is not love is immediately dissolved, released and transformed into light.

Simply say, “Archangel Michael, please wrap me in divine love and surround me with a shield of your white light. Thank you!.”

Empower you with courage

Love is the strongest energy in the Universe. And yet, the strength in angel’s love is not about always being “nice”.  Archangel Michael teaches you to be a spiritual warrior, rather than focusing on pleasing people all the time. Feeling like you always need to accommodate others can discourage you from being direct, confident and forthright.

If you are afraid to ask for what you want, or never take a chance on yourself because fear being rejected, you will not experience the true wealth and happiness you deserve. Archangel Michael can help you more confident at all times. Call on him with the simple prayer below and you will feel ready to take on the world!

“Archangel Michael, remove all uncertainty from my energy field, and replace that with the energy of confidence so I may pursue my purpose with courage. Thank you!”

Archangel Michael for healing can steer you on your path to prosperity.

When you are living in your power and expressing your passions, you will naturally receive prosperity. Archangel Michael prayer for healing can align you with your soul’s purpose and give you the courage, confidence, and determination to achieve all that you desire.

If you are unsure about your divine gifts, or what your direction is, he can guide you toward the decisions that will lead you to success. When you ask for his guidance and support, he will keep you from getting dispirited or distracted, so you can fulfill your divine purpose and receive the material rewards that you deserve.

Simply say, “Archangel Michael, please direct my steps toward success, prosperity, abundance, and love. Ensure that I have faith and believe in myself at all times.Thank you!”

Archangel Michael will be with you every step of your journey. Once you begin to call upon him, you will have the all the support, love, and protection you need. Your life will forever be enriched. You will experience heaven on earth!

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