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Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

There’s confusion out there about the Law of Attraction, manifesting, and creating your reality that may confuse you as well. Maybe you wonder why you’re not manifesting anything you want or why you don’t feel happier and fulfilled.

So what I want to do for you today is clarify these concepts and help you understand how this works in a very actionable way that is probably different from what you may have heard before. So before I do that, I want to say that there are spiritual teachers who are teaching these things very well.

And if you have found a technique that has worked for you, then great, but there’s also a lot out there that’s just overly simplified and leads people on the wrong track. So I want to help you. I want to help you understand these concepts.

So, the way things are taught is that you think about what you want, and your thoughts create your reality. You create your reality, and you can get anything you want. Then, you keep focusing on what you want, keep focusing on it, and then put your feelings into it.

Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

And then, great! You manifest everything like the universe is a candy store, and you want it and ask for it, and then you get it. That’s not how it works because it’s not just your thoughts that create your reality; your thoughts influence how you feel. And it is your feelings that generate energy.

And it is your energy that draws things to you. But there’s so much more to the Law of Attraction, which means that what you think about you attracts you. First of all, that’s oversimplified, but that is not the only law in the universe. There are a lot of laws in the universe that you need to take into account.

I mean, lots of them! So we live in an infinite universe with infinite possibilities, yet you are a soul that has incarnated into a body for a specific purpose. First, there are different laws in the universe, such as the Law of Karma, the Law of Balance, the Law of Free Will. It’s endless, so. It’s not just, “oh, I want this to happen. That’s going to make it so.” You incarnated into a body with a soul history of karmic, imbalances, karmic patterns, and also gifts. And you are born to manifest your specific gifts.

Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

And you’re also meant to learn spiritual lessons, specific spiritual lessons. It’s part of your soul’s plan. That’s part of your soul’s intention.

And so you can think you want something, but your soul may have another plan for you that’s probably even better than what you think you want. And, and when we’re here looking around at everybody else and comparing ourselves and looking on Instagram and looking at social media, what everybody has and how everybody’s presenting things.

You and everyone, it looks like things can be better than they are. So you think to yourself, “oh, I want that. I’m going to manifest that.” Or your mind may think this is what I want to have security in my life. So I’m going to manifest this, or you may think that you want certain material things, and then when you get those material things or accomplishments or successes, it’s not what you want.

Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

You may think you want it, but then you get it, and it doesn’t feel good. Here’s another thing, when you don’t get what you want, it’s often because your soul has a better plan for you, and by you not getting it, you have to change course in your life and find your true soul’s purpose and what your true gifts are.

You know, even in the past week, I have heard about or read about so many people who thought they wanted to be actors or athletes or anything, and then they get injured, or they get sick. And in the healing process, they discover that they have a passion for helping people. They have a passion for being coaches or counselors or healers or finding true love on that path of healing.

And you don’t think you want to go through that, and you never want to go through something challenging to get to where you want to be. Except that’s what the soul does. Sometimes your life creates a fork in the road so that you change course.

Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

Even if you think you want something, it can take you in another direction that’s better than what you imagined. So when you don’t get what you want, there are a few things at play here. You may not be valuing yourself enough. And so the universe is telling you that you need to expect more for yourself, or it could be that you’re meant to take a different path.

They say that rejection is God’s protection. Or that when one door closes, another door opens, and that’s why that is. So when you dare to express your true soul’s gifts, when you’re really in the zone of what you’re meant to be doing, when you are truly sharing your gifts with the world, that’s when opportunity abounds.

But when your ego or personality thinks it wants something and does everything to create it, you do everything… you focus on it. You think about it all the time. You strive for it, and it’s not working.

Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

Often, you are meant to redirect course, or like I said, in those instances where you get injured or sick or something like that, or things don’t work out, it’s because there’s something in the process of not getting what you want or having to heal from something that opens you up to your true gifts to the world.

So do you see how that works? So when you are in alignment with your soul’s purpose, yes, you can and will manifest so many opportunities for yourself. But the difference between that, and then just like an ego idea of what you think you want, feels fulfilling. You will most likely have material and financial rewards.

You’ll have spiritual and emotional rewards as well. And that’s so much better than just manifesting some success that feels stressful or empty for you because truly, the greatest gift we have on this planet is our capacity to love and to share love and to help each other. So that is the Law of Attraction in action.

Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

When you are combining all the laws of the universe in a way that you’re in harmony. So how do you manifest with your soul’s intention?
Now, there are many ways to figure out what is more in alignment with your soul’s purpose rather than what your ego thinks you want.

First of all, it’s very important to keep your energy as clear as possible throughout the day. We pick up on other people’s influences, emotions, and energy, which can cloud your energy, that can cloud what you think you want that can cloud your ability to listen to yourself.

So if you can, every day, bring light into yourself. Meditate. If you can clear your chakras, I have some resources for you that I’ll share in the description. Just make sure that you are calm and clear and centered within yourself every day. And that’s going to help you receive divine guidance.

Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

Now, when you’re clear and when you are receiving that divine guidance, listening to your heart and not just your brain, not just what your mind thinks you want… your brain and what you think you want is sometimes detached from your heart, your body, your intuitive faculties. This is what’s picking up on the information from your intuition: your connection to your body and your heart.

So if you’re thinking, thinking, thinking all the time, what you think you want. It’s maybe disconnected from what your soul wants. So the more you connect with your heart, the more you connect with your body, the more clear you will be about your path, the more you can hear your intuition.

So how does your intuition talk to you? It’s those divine downloads that you see those visions for yourself of your future, that you may get a glimpse of, but that’s showing you what’s possible.

Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

Or it could be a feeling that never goes away. One way to tell what you love and what you’re meant to do is to remember what you wanted to do as a child. What made you happy as a child? Do you remember what you love to do? Do you remember what you would say? “This is what I want to be when I grow up!” That’s a glimmer.

That’s a hint about what you were meant to do now when you are grown up! So please pay attention to those desires that may be buried, but really uncover them and express them as much as possible. And that’s always going to be guiding you toward your purpose.

Now, another thing that you can do is to imagine yourself as fulfilled and happy, and confident as you would like to be. That’s different than thinking of something that you want. And then try to imagine yourself feeling a certain way. Imagine yourself feeling a certain way, and then see what comes up for you. I have a free meditation to envision your future with your Higher Self. That’s going to help you receive your vision from the divine.

Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

It’s going to help you feel into your future in a way that’s more fulfilling than perhaps some way that you may have been taught before. So you can access that free meditation using the link below. And as you imagine yourself fulfilled and joyful. Take that with you; remember how that feels.

And as you’re going through your day, ask yourself, is this leading me more toward that feeling or away from it, and keep guiding yourself to actions that help you feel more joyful and fulfilled. And that’s one way always to be joyful and fulfilled is to have those feelings and cultivate those feelings every day.

Now, I know that you can become more confident as you do these things. You can start to attract more opportunities where you are fulfilling your soul’s purpose in a way that feels fulfilling.

Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

So I hope that this has helped you. I’d love to hear about maybe some consciousness shifts or some ways that you’re seeing things differently now, and please share them in the comments below.

But I also want to hear from you; what else do you want to learn from me? I’m going to share more about the soul’s purpose and empower yourself, your intuition, and astrology numerology.

Let me know what you’d like to learn from me in the comments below because I want to share it with you. I love you so much, and I am so excited for you to feel more joyful and fulfilled and know that you deserve the very best for yourself and are doing what your soul intended. I love you so much, and I hope to see you in the following video.

Lots of love. Bye for now.

Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

We live in an infinite Universe with infinite possibilities. It makes sense that you can have and be anything you want, right?

Thatโ€™s what the Law of Attraction is about, isnโ€™t it?

Yet, there are many other laws in the Universe. These are just a few laws that govern our life on earth:

Law of Karma
Law of Entrainment
Law of Balance
Law of Free Will

The list is infiniteโ€ฆ

Most importantly, you have a destiny.

Your soul choice to incarnate at this point in time, in your body, for a specific purpose.

While you are in a physical body, you are confined by certain limitations, and thatโ€™s a good thing!

Everything on the physical plane is energy that has been contained and shaped into form. Structures, boundaries, and restrictions help focus energy with intention.

While the idea that you can have anything you want seems very enticing, it is not whatโ€™s best for your soul.

Sometimes you think you want something, based on your ego, yet your soul has other plans.

Your soul is incarnated to express your unique gifts.

Your soul also incarnates to learn valuable spiritual lessons.

Though you can always manifest material things, itโ€™s more important for you to have intentions that align with your soulโ€™s purpose.

When you align with your purpose and have the courage, dedication, and persistence to pursue your passions, thatโ€™s when opportunities abound!

Doors will open up for you!

You will receive material and emotional rewards.

Vision boards work great for a lot of people. They can be very effective in fulfilling true hearts desires. But not always. It depends on where your intentions are coming from.

You can visualize houses, cars, and money. You can definitely manifest those things. Yet, that doesnโ€™t mean you will feel fulfilled.

If your intentions are purely for material things, it will not bring you happiness.

What will bring you happiness is expressing your gifts and surrounding yourself with people who love you for who you are.

Here are some simple steps to ensure you are co-creating your future from a soulful place, rather than your ego.

1) Clear your energy so you can receive clarity about your future from your Higher Self

2) Pay attention to your feelings and inner desires (those persistent ones), not what your mind โ€œthinksโ€ is a good idea.

3) Remember what you loved to do as a child, what you imagined you wanted to โ€œbe when you grew upโ€

4) Imagine what the happiest, most fulfilled version of yourself is doing

5) Tune in to how you FEEL when you imagine your ideal life

6) Attune to that feeling throughout the day. Do activities that cultivate that feeling

As you receive your vision of your future from your Higher Self and listen to your true heartโ€™s desires, you can co-create a future that feels fulfilling that also benefits the greater good.

Now thatโ€™s a real blessing!


You make choices every day, at every moment. Intuitive Decision Making is listening to your intuition toward your soul’s purpose.

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Your intuition is your trusted guide.

My name is Kari Samuels. I am your intuitive counselor and happiness coach. Today, we are going to be talking about intuition, one of my favorite subjects in the whole world.ย  Because when you know how to make decisions intuitively, your whole life changes. You feel calm and relaxed and know everything happens for a reason. Then you feel totally guided and totally calm. You also know that there’s time that you can be anxious.

But you can be calm in those moments of indecision. Because you know that your intuition will always guide you to the right place 100% of the time. Your intuition is always right. There’s never a time when your intuition is not right.

Intuition For Decisions

I was thinking about this because I know some people think that sometimes intuition guides them towardย  a bad decision. And there are certain times in life where we are guided to situations where we need to learn and grow. For instance, if you have a soul contract with a person that you have a karmic relationship with, and you need to clear your karma with them. Or, you have a karmic lesson that you need to learn.ย  Then, you are going to be guided intuitively toward a situation or a relationship that’s going to help you clear that karma, balance that karma, and release yourself from situations.

Some of you are like, “I don’t know. My intuition sometimes gets me in wrong places”. Well, ifย  you really think about it from a soul’s perspective, your intuition is always guiding you toward the best choice 100% of the time. These are the things that we’re going to discuss today together. We will discuss how your intuition can guide you 100% of the time toward the right decision.

Intuition And Logic

We’re going to talk about the difference between intuition and logic.ย  Also, how your imagination has a place inย  your decision-making and intuitive abilities. Lots to cover. The thing is, when I come up with what I want to share with you, I connect with my intuition and my Spirit Guides about what I’m going to be sharing.

My Spirit Guides have clarified it for me that we’re going to cover the foundations now. But if we do too much at once, it actually scrambles your intuition. I’m going to be with you. This isn’t the first time that we’re doing this together. This isn’t my first time that I’m going to be doing this with you.

I have more video, podcasts, messages, newsletters, that I’m going to be sharing with you all year. Stay with me because I have a lot that I want to share with you to help you learn and grow. If you’re not already subscribed to my channel or newsletter, then I suggest you do. Today, we’re going to be covering some foundations of how to make choices intuitively. And, how to really know 100% of the time whether you’re making the right choice.

Intuition is not just a skill, it’s a way of life. I want you to recognize that, when you learn how to make decisions intuitively, this is how you move through life. It’s not just when you’re up against one big situation or one big choice that, all of a sudden, you start to use these techniques. You’re making choices all the time throughout the day. The more you learn to make choices intuitively, the more you will be able to make these bigger choices with more skill and grace. I hope that makes sense to you.

Right Brain vs Left

Yes, people are responding to me. Yeah, looking right at you. I’m looking at right at you. Thank you for letting me know because this is new technology. It’s funny because I’m talking about intuition, which is a very right-brain thing. Yet here I am, dealing with technology, which is a very left-brain thing.

One of the things we’re talking about today, and we’ll just start right now, is the difference between intuition and logic. It’s funny, this new camera I’m using is called Logitech. Logitech. Just to prove the point, so it is a combination of the two sides of the brain.

The right side of your brain is your intuitive side. It’s also connected with your imagination; that part of you that’s able to dream. Your left side of the brain… No, it’ll look opposite for you on the screen, but this is my left side. It will show up as your right side, but the left side of your brain is the logical side. Really, to make intuitive decisions, you need to use both.

That may sound strange because you may think you’re only tapping into this intuitive faculty, but here’s the thing. Your intuition is in this part of your brain that’s picking up on things from your subconscious. That’s that part that is picking up the information that’s beneath what you see. It’s like picking up all these subtle pieces of information.


To really, really make an intuitive decision, you must be paying attention to the information you see. Some of that information is logical. For instance, if you’re moving to a new place, you can have an idea that you want to move there, but you must go ahead, and do research about it. If you’re looking to change your career, you must do research about your new career. You must get as much information as possible. Like your logic and your experience of information gathering is…like the food for your intuition. You have to gather as much information as you can, but it’s important to pay attention to subtle information. I’m going to talk about that in a minute.

But there’s this misconception. For instance, I’m psychic, so I should just divine at every minute what my next choice is. But again, if I’m moving, I’m doing some research about it. I may be intuitively guided as to where that research comes from and where I’m looking and the kind of resources I go to, but it’s important to bring both sides in when you’re making a choice. The High Priestess card in the Tarot is sitting between these two pillars, like this intuition and logic. It’s really what’s right in the center there.

Making a Choice and The Road Less Traveled

But what happens is to most people is that the logical brain is looking for the safe choice, and it is thinking strategically. It is looking for the most secure, logical, and reasonable thing that’s going to keep you safe.

Your intuition will often lead you on the road less traveled. I’ll explain why. The personality wants to be connected to the tribe. The personality wants security. The human part of you is more tribe-oriented, more group-oriented. That’s your root chakra. That makes sense. If your root chakra is all about tribe and community and safety and security, then you’re going to want to do things that the tribe, the culture, society is telling you what to do, and that’s a very linear path. It’s sometimes pretty boring, to be quite honest.

Individuality and Choice

Intuition is more connected with your individual soul path, just like you have a GPS,ย  you plug in the destiny, the destination. This is where we want to go. That’s your destiny. That’s like your soul has a course that it wants you to take where you are expressing your gifts with the world, where you’re using your unique voice in a way that’s different from other people. You see, the personality and soul wants the same. Intuition is more that part that’s connected with the individual self. Intuition is more that part that is connected with that uniqueness. Again, this takes you on the road less traveled, oftentimes.

You’ll have this logical choice that’s secure and why everybody tells you it is the right thing. Then you have these feelings and images. Then you have those thoughts that don’t go away. The way to make intuitive choices is, you really need to be willing to stretch yourself. I really need to be willing to go the road less traveled. It is important to do things that aren’t logical or reasonable, and a calculated risk. Again, this is why I said take all that logical information and bring it forth, but you need to be willing to take a chance on yourself. You need to be willing to say, “There’s something inside me that wants to express itself in some way or experience something, and I know I need to do something.”

The more moments that you have to be an individual, to be unique, to stand out, to think differently from the tribe, that’s when you’re living intuitively. This is one of the most important things I can share with you today about making the right decisions every single time, intuitively.

Focus On Your Destiny

Another thing my Guides were sharing with me is that when you are heading towards your destiny and listening to your intuition, your life is going to feel like it’s in alignment. You have people around you that you love. You’re at your place that you love. You are in a career or a livelihood that you love. That’s when you’ve been listening to your intuition. The distance between living and making choices intuitively and how much in alignment you are with expressing your destiny will show you how you’re living intuitively. The more in alignment you are means that you’ve been making choices intuitively, not just logically.

What we’re going to cover today is the basics because if you’re so far from living like that, then you need to practice being okay with stepping out of your comfort zone. You need to practice being okay being unique. You need to practice being okay taking a chance on yourself.


I’d love to hear how you are responding to this. “I’m making some major decisions.” “I took the plunge,” that’s so wonderful. Yes. I love your comment. People do need to release fears. It’s tribal to want to do what seems like the secure choice. It’s absolutely tribal. It doesn’t make you a bad person if you’ve been doing that because maybe you have responsibilities to other people, and it makes it harder to make those choices, but eventually, your life is going to show you where you have to make the choice to do what’s really in your heart.

I can think of one example right off the top of my head. We’re going to talk about your body is an intuitive vessel. Intuition… Here’s what happens to you. You are picking up all this information intuitively. So, you meet someone.ย  You walk into a room, and you pick up information. So, you feel things when you walk in a room or when you meet with somebody, or you connect with someone in some way. You feel things, and you think things.

Your Body As A Vessel

That information runs through your chakras. It runs through your subconscious mind, and then there’s this feedback. You get information, and then you send out more information. What happens is, when we’re ignoring that, it creates a lot of conflict and a lot of friction. Eventually, the more you ignore what your intuition’s telling you, eventually, it will culminate into a crisis so that you’re forced to listen to your intuition.

Again, here’s this example. This is about six years ago. I had just completed Marie Forleo’s B-School. That’s something I’ll be telling you about in a little for those of you who know in the month of February because I’m an affiliate partner. I share a Marie Forleo bonus. That’s something I’ll share with you in a little, but it’s one of those things. I actually joined Marie Forleo’s B-School, that was a leap of faith, and that defied my logic at the time because it was out of my means at the time, but I knew in my heart one of these things.

Okay, so my destiny is to teach spiritual laws and intuition and all things divine. That’s where I’ve always wanted to go, but I was doing readings, so first, I was doing readings for many, many years part-time where I kept an office job. That created a lot of stress in my body as well because it was exhausting.

Making a Choice as a Leap Of Faith

Finally, I took that leap of faith, and I moved across country. I paid attention to a lot of intuitive science. These are all little stories within themselves. So, I joined Marie Forleo’s B-School to have the tools to teach full-time online.

I joined it, and what happened was I was still doing readings. Now, at this point, I was doing readings full-time. It gave me the confidence to raise my rates and do all these things. I really just connected with many people. It strengthened me in many ways, but I still was afraid to teach full-time or even do any program. Because at the time, what I was doing, I was always booked up three months in advance as for readings, which is wonderful. I mean, that’s a happy problem many people would like, but I didn’t have any free time, and I was exhausted. In my soul, in my heart, I wanted to teach. I was teaching a little part-time, but I wasn’t doing any of those things to make it, so I can make this transition.

Finally, I got really sick. I mean, like really sick. The problem was: I still had readings for three months booked up, so I had no time to recover. I actually did the readings while I was sick and coughing the whole time. This was my body’s way of telling me that “you can’t go on like this.” That was my crisis. Now, your crisis can happen in other ways.


At the time, my husband, who also had some physical reactions when had an office job, he had quit his office job several months before, so I was all the income at the time. 99% of my income at the time came from intuitive readings, but I got sick. You see, I knew that if I didn’t pursue teaching, it would radically affect my health. At the end of those three months when I was done with my calendar, I was like, “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” but I announced it publicly on Facebook. I stopped doing readings. So, I declared it publicly, and I was like, “I have no idea what’s going to happen, but I can’t not do what my soul is telling me.”

Right after that, I had an opportunity to teach over a million people at this company that has over a million people. They just came to me as soon as I faced that three months because you know why? Because finally, I decided that was in alignment with my soul, and it’s scary to do those things. Since then, I get to do what I want every day, and I am finally teaching as my livelihood, which is what my soul wants, but even as a professional intuitive, it was scary for me to make that decision until I got to a crisis.

Personal Exercise

What I want you to do right now, first, is ask yourself, where are those areas that I’m out of alignment. Where are those areas where my heart wants me to do one thing, but I’m taking the safe choice? Again, you’re going to want to go back to this. This isn’t something that you do right now because it’s going to take some soul-searching and some writing and some meditating and some intuiting. But you want to look at your life and really be honest with yourself about where you’re in alignment and where you’re not.

The areas where you’re not, you’re not listening to your intuition because I guarantee you, your intuition is teaching you something else. That’s the first thing I really am encouraging you to do. Just get out some paper and write this stuff down.


Now, you may want to take one choice at a time or one area of your life at a time, but you just gotta do this. You have to be honest with yourself. In those areas, again, take one at a time, you want to ask yourself what you really want. When you’re talking to yourself, when you’re talking to your intuition, here’s one of the foundations. I say this in almost every message I share with you. You want to get out of your mind and bring your mind into your heart. Let’s do that right now.

Close your eyes if you’re not driving. Close your eyes. You want to be grounded. Again, your mind is, most of the time, in your rational mind. Get into your heart mind. Breathe in. One of the foundations to intuitive living is take your mind and bring it to your heart, so you’re connected to what you really, really want. As you’re connected to your heart, first, discern what it is that you want, truly in your heart, not what you think is possible or impossible.

Ask Yourself..

What is your heart’s desire? What do you want? How do you want to feel? What kind of experiences do you want to have in this area of your life? What kind of feeling do you want? Good. Notice if any images come to your head. As you’re feeling into this desire, what do you imagine yourself to be doing? Take a moment to let your imagination connect to this desire. How do you see and feel yourself having this experience?

You can ask your Guides now, so let’s call in your highest level Guides. Just say, “I call in my highest-level Spirit Guides and guardian angels.” Feel them around you. You don’t need to know what they look like or what their names are. You’re calling your highest-level Spirit Guides to show you one next step that you need to do to manifest your heart’s desire. You could get a color, an image, or a feeling. Doesn’t matter. Just notice.

Because we are together right now, we’re not going to do this at great length. But I would encourage you to do that. And in the next message that we’re going to be doing, I’ll be sharing with you how to manifest your heart’s desire.ย  But you want to pay attention to your intuition.

Intuitive Practice

As you’re going through your day, and you’re trying to make a choice, you need to make a choice, large or small, make sure you’re going into heart mind and asking your heart mind what it is that you really want. Then imagine, use your imagination to receive images of how you want or how you’re meant to get there.

Now, here’s what happens. People say, “Is it my intuition, or am I just imagining it?” Well, your imagination is how your Spirit Guides communicate with you. That’s why your dreams are so profound because your conscious mind is shut off, and they could communicate with you through symbols. Also, the process of imagining things helps you co-create it as well.

Let yourself imagine what you want, and there are sometimes you won’t be able to imagine it. That might mean it’s not something that’s right for you. Or you need additional information, more insight, more desire connected to it. If you can’t imagine something it’s connected to, there’s not enough of something there. Either it’s not the right path or you need to practice engaging your imagination and your heart with that.

There’s a couple of other things I want to share with you about how to make intuitive choices and how not to make intuitive choices. Again, I’d love to hear how you are responding to this, how this is affecting you and how this resonates with you.


The other thing, to make these decisions, and after you’re finished listening to this, I’d love for you to take some time with yourself, writing down some things. One of the things that keeps you from making intuitive choices, other than wanting to always make the safe choice, is your fear that you’re being judgmental.

When you meet someone or go into an environment, you know how you feel about that person or situation right away. What we often do is fear that, “Oh, I shouldn’t think this,” or, “I’m being judgmental,” or, “I shouldn’t judge people just because of X, Y, and Z,” but this is intuitive information. It’s not being judgmental to notice things, even if your logical mind can’t explain it.

When you’re making choices, before you’re like, “I am so used to paying attention to this. I don’t have to always write it down,” but what I’m encouraging you to do for any choice that you have to make that you want to make intuitively is for you to write down everything you want. So, that’s a first step. Write down everything you desire, and then write down everything about a certain choice or a certain direction that you really like.

Take Notes

Then, write down everything that you think you notice, but you’re afraid that you’re being judgmental about. You really want to just get it out there and recognize it and write it down because how many times have you had that experience where you’re like, “Okay, I knew that. That was my first impression, and it took me like 10 years,” that all of a sudden, you’re like you went back to your first impression.

I’m encouraging you to really get that into your consciousness right away. This is where your logical mind connects with your intuitive mind. You want to be honest and out in the open with the things that you notice that you’re thinking, that you’re either imagining or being judgmental about, but those are intuitive insights, so I’m encouraging you to pay attention to that.

Steps Forward

Then the next thing to do is to write down how to get, like any steps that you can take to get from where you are to where you want to be, your heart’s desires. Then write down what you’re afraid of. The fears could be valid fears, but oftentimes, they are fears of taking a risk or taking a chance on yourself. If it’s those things, if it’s a fear of taking a chance on yourself or fear of taking a risk, connect to your heart and ask your guides to show you what you need to do next to help you move through your fears and what steps you can take. You could take baby steps to help you get more toward what you’re being guided to do.

This is stuff to do on your time. I have created something that helps you ask your body for intuitive answers, and that’s something that I use every day. This is a technique where I connect with my body to receive intuitive answers every day. I’m going to put the link here for you. That is something that I do all the time because I use my body as an intuitive vehicle. I highly suggest that you download that recording and practice it every day. There’s many people who don’t know. They’ll do it, and they be like, “I can’t. I’m not getting anything. My body just doesn’t have a yes or no kind of thing”. So, I encourage you to practice it because you really want to be agreeing with your body.


Since I already recorded that, I’m not going to go through that with you here. I want to avoid scrambling your intuition as well. You have a lot of information to process now, and that’s one way to learn how to make intuitive decisions. That’s called Intuitive Answers: Ask Your Body. I’m going to put the link there below.

Also, I had mentioned Marie Forleo’s B-School. That was something I did that was a big leap of faith for me. My intuition guided me toward it. It turned out to be one of the absolute best decisions I ever made in my entire life.

If you’re watching this after February, then there’ll be something else for you. But, if you are interested in growing a business of some sort, I encourage you to look at that. I’m offering mentoring as part of my B-School bonus. I’ll put that link below as well. If that’s not your thing, or it’s after February when you’re watching this, that’s okay too. But, if it is something that you’re intuitively guided toward, I highly suggest that you check that out as well.

Thank You

I absolutely love to hear your comments about how this resonated with you, all your experiences doing this. Also, if you want to come back to this after you do those exercises we talk about, I’d love to hear that as well. That’s it for now. I have so much more to share with you in the near and distant future, so stay with me. I love you so much, and thank you for sharing this time with me. Love you.

Your intuition is your trusted guide.

Make the right choice every time!

You make choices every day, at every moment. When you know how to tune into your intuition for answers, you can make the right choice in divine timing at every moment.ย  Listening to your intuition will guide you toward your soul’s purpose and destiny.

Intuition is not just a skill. It is a way of life. I want you to recognize, that when you learn how to make decisions intuitively, this becomes how you move through life. It’s not just when you’re up against one big situation or one big choice that you use intuition techniques.

You use intuition for all the choices that you make throughout each day.ย  Furthermore, the more you learn to make daily choices intuitively, the more you will be able to make bigger ones with more skill and more grace.

Making a choice and the road less traveled

Intuition is more connected with your individual soul path, than the destination. It’s where we want to go. It’s like your soul has a course that it wants you to take where you are expressing your gifts with the world.

On this path, you’re using your unique voice in a way that’s different from other people. Intuition is more that part that is connected with that uniqueness. Again, this takes you on the road less traveled, oftentimes.

The more moments that you have to be an individual, to be unique, to stand out, to think differently from the tribe, that’s when you’re living intuitively. This is one of the most important things I can share with you today about making the right decisions every single time, intuitively.


Intuition for Decisions
Intuition for Decisions

Your Destiny

When you’re heading towards your destiny and listening to your intuition, your life is going to feel like it’s in alignment. You will have people around you that you love. You’ll be at a place that you love. You’ll be in a career or a livelihood that you love.

The distance between living and making choices intuitively and how much in alignment you are with expressing your destiny, will show you how you’re living intuitively. The more in alignment you are means that you’ve been making choices intuitively, not just logically.

If you would like to learn more about intuition and your sixth sense, take a look at my article, How to Develop Your Sixth Sense.


How To Ground Your Energy!

You may wonder how you can ground your energy and why it is important.

Grounding is the simple practice of connecting with the Earth.

When you ground your energy every day, your life can profoundly change for the better.

Your body is an electromagnetic organism.

If you have an expensive electrical appliance or computer, itโ€™s important for you to ground it to keep it from short-circuiting or malfunctioning.

Your body needs grounding too.

Watch my video below to learn how to ground your energy:

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Show Transcription

How To Ground Your Energy

I want to share with you a simple tool that will profoundly change your life, as it has mine. I’m talking about GROUNDING your energy. When you ground your energy, you will have greater access to your intuition. You will feel calm and centered, much less anxious, and you will be able to weather any storm, emotional storm. That is around you.

Now, before I teach you how to ground your energy, I want to share with you why it is so important. If you ever feel anxious or overstimulated, if your mind is racing. If you can’t make up your mind, if you have trouble making decisions if you second-guess your intuition, if you feel overwhelmed by the worldโ€ฆgrounding is going to help you.

So, before we talk about how, I do want to share more of why, why this is so important. You are an electromagnetic, being your body is made of Life Force energy that is electric. This is scientific. Your heart, especially, has an electromagnetic field.

Ground Your Energy

So like any expensive piece of electrical equipment, like your computer, you wouldn’t just plug it into any old outlet and just be like, whatever! You want to make sure that it is grounded in a grounded outlet in a surge protector.

But here’s what happens to your body, you get these surges of energy, you can blow out your chakras, you can feel like totally overwhelmed, and you would not treat a computer like that! Right? You need to put it in a grounded outlet, A surge protector. Just like a tree also or a plant or anything that’s going to grow before it grows up toward the light. It needs to grow DEEP ROOTS and those roots are what keep it planted, those roots are what keep it from getting knocked over in any kind of storm or weather. Those roots keep it healthy and strong. And so, when you ground your energy, it helps you stay connected.

It helps you stay protected. Grounding is associated with your root chakra, which is what is associated with money, connection, feeling supported, feeling part of a community. And so if you are not grounded, you are not going to experience those things as much as you can. You want to be able to manifest prosperity. To be connected to people who love and support you.

Ground Your Energy

And that’s why it’s so important, it’s basic. And yet people, when they’re trying to access their Intuition, are constantly just up in their brains, like trying to think everything out and second-guessing and everything is up here. What happens is when all of your thoughts are rushing into your head to try to figure out what’s going on, you’re not grounded.

So, that’s what we’re going to do right now is ground, your energy, bring your energy from up in your brain, which can’t figure everything out to into your body and connect it to the Earth so that you can access your inherent wisdom, the intuition of your body so that you can stay connected to and protected and nourished by the Earth, doesn’t that sound good? It feels so good. So, I’m going to guide you through a quick and easy, grounding practice.

Grounding Meditation

Now, I do this all the time throughout the day. And you don’t always need to close your eyes for this because you can just remind yourself. But while you’re trying this right now, close your eyes, okay? I’m going to do it too, so no cheating! Ready? Close your eyes? Okay, good.

We both have our eyes closed, right? Okay. I’m going to guide you through a process, a simple, and easy grounding process.

So first, notice your breath. Just breathing. And as you breathe in, bring your awareness to your heart chakra, which also has a consciousness, and feel how nice it is to be in your heart chakra. That’s beautiful. Now bring your awareness down into your Center where you can feel your breath. Expand your rib cage. Notice how beautiful it feels just to feel your breath, how calming that is. Good.


Now bring your awareness to the base of your spine. This is where your root chakra is. Now imagine from the base of your spine, there’s a thick cord, a thick root with an anchor
that goes all the way down to the very center of the earth and anchors you to the core of the Earth. Good.

Bring your awareness to your legs. And then down to your feet, as you can feel how nice it is. To bring your awareness to your feet, how they are connected to the floor, the Earth, whatever is beneath you. That beautiful connection between you and the Earth at the soles of your feet.

Now, there are chakras at the soles of your feet, and you can imagine what it’s like. If those chakras are opening up, and you’re growing roots from the soles of your feet, all the way down into the Earth. Down deeper, wider deeper, wider, Into the rich nourishing soil of the earth deeper, wider. And as you breathe in, breathe in joy.


And as you exhale, you can breathe out all your stress and worries through the soles of your feet to be composted, Breath in ease and breathe out stress. Keep breathing. As you feel how beautiful it is to be in your body, to be connected to the Earth. Take a nice deep breath. And on your exhalation, you can open up your eyes. Don’t you feel so different as you bring all of your thoughts, out of your mind, down into your body and connected to the Earth? You can do this throughout the day, several times a day.

Now, I have a grounding meditation that you can use, that’s completely free that you can use that takes you into a much deeper process, and it will support you through the grounding process.

Grounding Meditation

So if you want, I highly recommend downloading that free meditation that’s going to help you and once you get used to grounding and once you remember how to direct your energy to the Earth, you can simply remind yourself to do this throughout the day. If you feel yourself getting overstimulated or anxious or not, accessing your accessing, your intuition, ground yourself and center yourself, pay attention to your feet, okay?

So keep doing this throughout the day every day and your life will change for the better. So, I hope that you’ve enjoyed this video and if you did share it with your friends, I’m sure they will appreciate you for it.

And I have so much more I want to share with you about intuition, energy management, astrology, numerology and so much more. So make sure you are subscribed to my channel and hit that bell to be notified. Whenever I have a new video up. I am so thrilled I got a chance to share with youth is a profound tool. I love you so much, and I look forward to seeing you in the next video. Bye for now.

ย As you ground your body to the Earth, you are connecting with the most potent life-force energy there is.

Just as a tree needs to have deep roots to grow toward the light, you need to ground your energy to connect with the higher realms.

If youโ€™ve ever seen a tree in a storm, the more rooted they are, the better their protection from outside turbulence.

As you become more grounded every day, you can weather lifeโ€™s storms more gracefully.

You will feel calmer and at peace.

It is important for you to ground yourself every day. When you are connected to the earth, you can stay calm and centered in any environment.

Here are some additional steps to ground yourself:

  • Be in nature
  • Walk barefoot in the grass
  • Focus on breathing
  • Bring awareness to your legs and the soles of your feet
  • Imagine that you have roots that grow from the soles of your feet deep into the earth

Iโ€™ve created this Grounding Meditation for you to use!

You are welcome to use this recording every day, or use it as a guideline to create your grounding practice.

If you would like to know more about grounding, see my article, How to Ground and Center.



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Use this FREE Natal Chart calculator below.

Your Natal Chart is a map of the sky when you were born. Knowing your natal chart reveals your keys to happiness and success. You can learn to understand your inclinations, personality traits, and gifts and talents.

If you want to know your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, North Node, Rising Sign, Ascendant, or all the planets of your birth chart, you can find out using this free tool.

*If you don’t know your exact time of birth, you can use noon for the time.

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