We are all connected. You are never alone.

I learned many things after doing thousands of psychic readings. One is that we all have more help than we could possibly realize.โ 

No matter how random, painful, or unfair things in the world or your life feel, your soul is expanding from the experience.โ 

Your Guides and Angels are ALWAYS here with you.โ 

Whatever you are going through, there is nothing in the human experience that someone hasn’t gone through and come out the other side.

If you’ve ever listened to my monthly forecasts, you’ll recognize that we all experience the same shifts at the same time.

They may manifest differently for all of us, yet the Universal energy is always effecting us as a collective.


Intuitive Mentorship

What touched my heart this week was hearing from the participants of my Intuitive Mentorship calls. The one thing everyone said consistently, is that it reminded them that we are all connected.

It’s important for you to connect with like-minded, like-hearted souls.ย  This was a reminder just how much support you have on this journey.โ 

On these calls my intention was to heal your energetic blocks and receive clarity about your life.

My intention during these sessions is to bring you closer to your truth so you can share your gifts. speak your truth and shine your light.

Being yourself brings a lightness you never thought was possible.

Once you tap into your intuition, your world changes around you. You begin to move with the flow of life instead of against the tide.

Youโ€™ve been accessing intuition your whole life. Iโ€™m reminding you how to tune into your natural abilities.

We are all in this adventure called life together!

~ Kari



Being a lightworker helps people process real-world events with a higher perspective and lets people know that they are right there with them.

Let’s talk about the shaming of being a lightworker in the spiritual community.

As you know, weโ€™re living in a time of polarity. A lot of the shadow elements of the world are being revealed, and itโ€™s hard to witness.

I believe we are shadow workers as much as lightworkers.

You might know, I post daily Instagram and Facebook forecasts. Yet, some days, I’m so horrified…There are some days that Iโ€™m actually so horrified by whatโ€™s happening, it feels disingenuous to write about angels and numbers, or whatโ€™s considered inspirational.

Being a lightworker, we are required to help people process real world events with a higher perspective.

Sometimes for me, thatโ€™s simply posting about letting people know Iโ€™m right there with them, caring about the same things they do, so they know theyโ€™re not alone.

Sometimes I share action items about ways you can effect change through calling senators or participating in events.

Inevitably I receive a lot of backlash from this being a lightworker. Many people try to shame me into โ€œstaying in my laneโ€ by only doing my daily numerology posts and keeping my mouth shut about other things.

Speak Up

Yet as a HUMAN, how could feel comfortable with whatโ€™s happening now and say nothing?

The Holocaust happened because good people said nothing.

I want to encourage you, if youโ€™re feeling horrified and even scared by whatโ€™s happening in our world, say something being a lightworker.

If the only reason youโ€™re not is because youโ€™re afraid of how people will react to you, thatโ€™s the same shaming thatโ€™s kept people in the spiritual closet (or any closet) for years. At great costs.

Yes, you will receive backlash, yet those who stay with you will love you for who you are. All of you. Not someone you think they want you to be.

If you need support being a lightworker, you have me and millions of other conscious beings here with you. Weโ€™ve got each other.

Letโ€™s all be the lights we need in this world!



If you’re unskilled about managing the energy you receive, it can wreak havoc on your life. Learn 5 tips for positive energy for empaths.

Do other people’s energies affect you?

You might be wondering how you can possibly stay positive and share positive energy for empaths around a negative person, or in a chaotic world.

If you are anything like me, you’re sensitive to other people’s energy. You can walk into a room and feel what’s been going on there. Or when you meet someone, you immediately know what they’re about.

This is a real gift, though it does have its challenges.ย For me, being sensitive to other people’s energy has been a lifelong lesson in boundaries and self-care. It always amazed me when people could be around anyone in any environment and remain undaunted.

I used to take things very personally. In fact, I took on other people’s energy as if it was my own!

Letting things, “roll off my back”, as others would encourage me to do, just wasn’t possible.

I’m an empath.

This means that I feel people’s emotions (and sometimes physical pain) as if they were my own. My guess is that you have some degree of this too. If you’ve ever struggled with any of the following, then you are most likely an empath too:

    • over-giving
    • feeling exhausted after being around groups
    • being drained after you help others
    • experiencing dramatic mood shifts
    • wanting to please everyone
    • compassion fatigue

If you weren’t hardwired to be sensitive to other people’s energy, you wouldn’t experience these things. Trying to brush things off or move on as if you don’t care is not how you roll!

Being an empath is a remarkable gift. You have emotional intelligence.

When channeled correctly, you have an intuitive awareness that guides you toward amazing opportunities. You can heal yourself and others.

If you’re unskilled about managing the energy you’re receiving, it can wreak havoc on your life.

To stay positive around other people, you must do the following five steps:

Cleanse your aura every day for positive energy for empaths

Your aura is interacting with other people’s energy. An empath’s aura is more porous than most people’s. Therefore, you pick up energy like a sponge. If you keep absorbing energy without cleansing it from your aura, it will weigh you down and deplete you.

Make a conscious choice to bring light to your aura every day to wash away what doesn’t belong to you, and make your aura shiny and bright. Bringing light to your chakras can help heal them, too.

Stay grounded in your body

A tree that is rooted firmly in the Earth is not blown away by storms. Similarly, a person who is rooted in their body can remain healthy and happy without getting emotionally uprooted by other people’s dramas. The more firmly your energy is grounded, the more easily you can remain healthy and secure.

Tune into your inner voice rather than others

Empaths tend to be people pleasers. To keep relationship harmony, empaths have a tendency to over-give and make choices based on other people’s happiness rather than their own. In time, it becomes more challenging to know what you want because you’re making choices for other people instead.

A healthy solution for positive energy for empaths is to focus on what you want before you think about how it affects everyone else. This isn’t selfish (although if you’re not used to it, you might feel like it is).

As an empath, you can ultimately have more clarity about what’s right for the good of all by first knowing what’s right for you.

Be direct instead of nice for positive energy

Once you have clarity about what’s you truly wanting and what’s best for you, you can communicate that clearly and directly with others.

You might feel as if you’ll rock the boat by doing this. Ultimately, when people are honest and direct, it’s more harmonious for everyone involved. People will appreciate the clarity, and you’ll feel better knowing you’re being true to yourself.

Raise your vibration to love for positive energy for empaths

Love is the strongest energy in the Universe.

If other people around you are fearful or negative, it can wear you down. However, if you are elevating YOUR energy to the frequency of love, it can lift others around you instead.

You’ve got a gift for raising the vibration of the planet!

I’ve spent my life developing these skills for positive energy for empaths. I know the power of harnessing my energy to benefit me and others, rather than deplete me.

Being aware of my needs, feelings and energy is a daily practice, and one with infinitely positive results. I encourage you to take up this practice immediately and watch your world change from chaos to bliss.

If you’d like to know more about managing your energy, so you can feel wonderful every day, I encourage you to take my tele-class, How to Stay Positive Around Negative People. It can change your life forever.

You can read more about discovering your empathic abilities in my article, How to Know if You are an Empath.


In this video, I share with you insight into what are Spirit Guides I’ve learned from doing thousands of psychic readings.

Watch the video below:

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Show Transcription

Spirit Guides – Who They Are And How They Help You

Hi, I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach. I am so psyched about today’s topic because we are talking all about spirit guides. This is one of my favorite topics in the whole world or the other world. Because I don’t know where I’d be without my spirit guides. They have helped me on my path to really transform my life. There’s like a before spirit guide, knowledge kind of life, and an after spirit guides kind of life. That’s why I’m so excited to talk to you about it. Because once you start connecting with your spirit guides and knowing who they are and really making a connection with them, your life will be forever transformed for the better.

Spirit Guides

I learned about spirit guides because I have been doing intuitive readings for almost 25 years. And when I do readings, I get to this place where I am connecting with someone else. I’m reading their energy and they’re always surrounded by these benevolent beings. They help me understand and help the people. I’m reading and understand that everything is really okay, that everything in your life happens for a reason and they understand what those reasons are. They’re always directing you toward your destiny and they are so full of wisdom and compassion.

So what I originally I wanted to share with you today was how to connect and communicate with your guides. But as I was preparing for that, my spirit guides were like, “Easy now speed racer, that’s not what we want to talk about.” Before we teach you how to connect with spirit guides, they wanted you to understand who spirit guides are because you need to know who you’re talking to, right? And there’s a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding about who and what spirit guides are. So we’re going to start with that very foundational, yet important information of who your spirit guides are and what they are here for you to help you with. Let’s begin at the beginning.

Spirit Guide Team

So spirit guides, well, first of all, you have this whole team of divine helpers and you can’t see them, but that doesn’t mean they’re not there. It’s sort of like, you know how a dog can see and hear things that humans can’t, they can hear sounds at a higher frequency and they can smell things that we can’t perceive. Well, just because you cannot see necessarily your spirit guides in the physical realm doesn’t mean they’re not there. They’re in a higher vibration.

So spirit guides, angels, your whole celestial team, you have this divine team that is in this higher vibration. They’re more connected to the light, right? So as we ascend here on earth is very dense and there’s slower energy down here. And as we go up through the realms all the way to the other side and beyond, it’s lighter and lighter and lighter, higher, higher frequency. So spirit guides are at a higher frequency. All of your divine helpers on your spirit guide team are at a higher frequency. So you can’t necessarily see them with your physical eyes yet you can train yourself to connect with them.

As you raise your vibration, you raise your frequency and you meditate and you open yourself up to the spiritual realm. Now it begins with awareness. This is why they wanted me to begin at the beginning with you, right? It’s all about setting this intention to connect with them and then creating a language between the two of you because your spirit guides will find any way they can to communicate with you. And it’s your job to listen and to also ask. Right?

Who They Are

Now, I’ve heard people say that they can’t do anything without your free will, that you have to ask them for help. That’s not true according to my experience. From what I’ve seen, your spirit guides will constantly communicate with you. It’s just you’re not always listening. They are doing everything in their power to help you, right? So, first of all, the first way they can help you is by you understanding that they’re here for you.

Everyone has spirit guides, everyone has angels, everyone has a whole spirit guide team of support. So you may not be able to see them with your physical eyes, but they’re always here interacting with you. And the way that you learn to interpret their messages is by tuning into your intuition. And that’s a whole other thing. So there are many, many more teachings that I’ll be sharing with you about listening to your intuition and how you can communicate with your guides and angels.

Make sure you’re subscribed, first of all, because I have a lot to share with you. So these celestial beings, there’s a lot in your divine team. There are angels, which are a whole other realm of helpers. Angels are more connected to that energy of pure light and pure love. And they’re more for healing and protection. Now, spirit guides are more for wisdom and everyday guidance, that’s where they get their name and direct you.

Your Destiny

So the way that I see spirit guides, well, first of all, they’re like your divine parents. They’re like the most loving, understanding, compassionate, humorous parents that you could possibly imagine. They’re here to protect you and help you grow as a soul and a human and as a spiritual being, and they’re here guiding you on your destiny.

Now they understand what your destiny is because your main spirit guides are there helping you plan your life before you’re born. So before you’re born, there is a plan for you. You and your spirit guide team are coming up with opportunities for you to grow as a soul, which includes some challenges in case you haven’t noticed, and also for you to express the gifts that you’re meant to share with the world. And because we’re all connected, because we’re all one, it’s super important for you to share your gifts and to express that unique self that is you.

Also to transform fear and lower energies into love. And when you do that, it helps all of the collectives, including your spirit guides because they are like your divine parents. You are connected on a soul level. They’re like your soul family. Yet they’re more evolved on a soul level. They’ve transformed their karma. They’ve gone through many, many, many, many lifetimes and incarnations. Whereas angels have not really incarnated into the human form.

Karma And Guides

Spirit guides have had many incarnations. So they know what it’s like to be human, which is an interesting experience. They understand the path of karma and dharma. They understand the challenges that you have down here as well as the opportunities that can come your way. So your guides are always working behind the scenes to help you fulfill your soul’s destiny, to share the gifts that you are meant to share with the world. And also to learn the lessons that you’re here to learn.

Now, just like any parents, because they’re like your divine parents, they can’t do the work for you. You have to have experience. So sometimes even if you’re listening to your intuition and you’re like, “Why did I get myself into that situation?” Is because you’re meant to learn from it. And you may even wonder like, what’s in it for them? Because that seems like why would they want to do that? So why do people want to become parents? They want to share that love and that experience with another being. And that’s very much what our spirit guides can experience when they’re helping you. Right? It’s just incredible how we’re all connected and how even as you’re growing and learning and sharing who you are, it helps every person in the world and even being in the universe. That’s how important you are.

How To Communicate

And that’s why your spirit guides want to help you. They’re helping you every step of the way. And they’re like Sherpas. So if you ever heard that expression, Sherpa, so if you’re going to climb the Himalayan mountains, right? Or Machu Picchu, you’re not just going to be like, “Hey, I’ll wing it.” There’re basically guides that know those mountains backward and forwards and they could climb it barefoot while you would need special equipment.

So your spirit guides are like life Sherpas, so they understand the path that you’re going on and they’re guiding you toward avoiding obstacles and mistakes and also guiding you toward the path that’s going to help you fulfill your gifts. And they do this in a variety of ways through synchronicity, through dreams, through all of your intuitive faculties. And again, that’s a whole bigger topic which I will be sharing with you. But again, it’s really important that you know who they are so that you can at least set that intention and start making an attempt to communicate with them by understanding that they’re there.

How They Communicate

And here’s the other thing. I’ve done thousands of readings for thousands of people and I have never ever seen anyone who didn’t have a team of spirit guides around them, helping them, protecting them, supporting them. And so often we want what we want, right? We want things to go a certain way. Our ego wants things, our mind wants something, but our soul wants something else. And so it’s hard to listen to your guides that way. And that’s why people see psychics and intuitives because that’s what a medium is. It’s an intermediary between you and the divine. Yet, if you pay attention to what your senses are telling you, what your dreams are telling you, what your feelings are telling you, that is the most profound way that you can really connect with your guides and be on the path of your destiny.

They’re always communicating with you. Here’s the other thing about spirit guides. You don’t need to know their names. You don’t need to know what they look like because really they’re light beings. So when spirit guides connect with us, they do it in a way that we can understand. So we may know our main guide as having a certain gender or having a certain name or having a certain way they look, but really it doesn’t matter. As long as you’re listening to your intuition and you’re paying attention to your divine guidance, it doesn’t matter if you know your spirit guide’s name.

Spirit Guides Names

Here’s the other thing, they don’t always have names like freaky out of this world names like Oshkosh, Logue, Lama, or whatever. Your spirit guide can identify themselves as Bob or Janet or Lana, or actually, that is a little exotic. It doesn’t matter. It’s how you connect with them. Doesn’t matter what their name is and it doesn’t need to be exotic.

Spirit Guides And Help

And the reason they come to you perhaps as a certain gender is that you need to embody either more masculine or feminine energy, but they’re really somewhat gender-neutral because they’re beyond incarnating into bodies now. So for instance, for me, my main spirit guide is male because, for me, I need to embody the energy of leadership and strength and feel protected. So that’s how my spirit guide, my main guide appears to me. But in general, I have a team of light beings that I just refer to like the team, my team, isn’t that exotic?

So the other thing is your main spirit guide is not exactly always going to be a native American shaman or a Chinese elder. Again, those are maybe stereotypes of spirit guides that come from the movies or I don’t know where they come from. Your spirit guide is here to help you on your path in a way that’s very specific to your path. So your guide is here helping you create your life plan before you’re born and they’re also there to meet you as soon as you cross over to the other side as well. And they’ve been doing this lifetime after lifetime after lifetime. They love you so much. You don’t have just one guide, you have a team of guides and also you have some main guides that are with you throughout your whole life.

Spirit Guides And Humor

You also have other guides that come in periodically. If you’re working on a certain project or if you’re healing or you need help in a specific area at a specific time, you’re going to be inviting in spirit guides that are going to help you specifically with that and they come and go.

Yet you do have some as I said, that is with you lifetime after lifetime, after lifetime. And the other thing that’s really important to know about them is that they are hilarious. Your spirit guides are not taking anything too seriously. Life is serious. Right? But they’re not taking it seriously and half the time they’re trying to get you to lighten up because they’re lighter, right? The way they show it to me is like, when you’re a kid, toddler, or whatever, if they dropped their lollipop, there’ll be screaming and crying and it’s the hugest deal for them.

And then you as a grown-up can be like, “It’s okay. It’s no big deal. It’s going to be okay and you can comfort them.” Your spirit guides are looking at you like you’re the kid that dropped the lollipop because it feels so serious and intense while we’re going through it on the earth plane. But they have a higher perspective. They’re trying to help you lighten up and let go and go with the flow so that you can enjoy every moment of your life.

Have A Sense Of Humor

So if you want to remember one lesson that your spirit guide team is here to show you, it’s, to lighten up and have a sense of humor. They are so funny. And it’s the same thing too, even if you’re not a toddler, if in junior high school, whatever, the angst that you felt about every little thing, same thing. And as someone who’s more mature now, you’re like, why did I take that so seriously? Well, see your spirit guides have experienced that lifetime after lifetime, after lifetime. And they’re like, “Hey, nothing’s too serious right now. Let us all lighten up and enjoy the moment and bring as much love as possible into the world.”

And that’s what they’re helping you with. So what you can do right now to connect with your guides is to relax and receive. If you meditate, that is a wonderful way to allow divine guidance to drop into your heart and into your consciousness. So I’m going to leave you with that for now because that is a wonderful way to start. And they really want you to enjoy the moment and get to know them in a very relaxed and joyful manner. So I hope this has inspired you to connect with your guides and helped you understand who they are. And to feel a sense of calm and joy in knowing that you’re always supported. You’re always divinely guided at every step, and you have so much more help and love and protection than you can ever possibly imagine.


Now, I have a whole bunch of resources for you that you can get. I’ll leave them in the links below, including my free spirit guide meditation. So if you want to access that, just you can do that using the link below. And I have other resources for you there. And as I mentioned, I have lots more resources for you about numerology, astrology, intuition, and all things to mind. So make sure you’re subscribed and if you’ve enjoyed this, please like it and share it with your friends. I’m sure they will appreciate you for it. It has been my joy to share the love of the spirit guides with you, and I love you and I wish you a joyful journey in this life. Lots of love. Bye for now.

Your Spirit Guides want to connect with you!

They love, support, and protect you beyond your imagination. Your Spirit Guides are always with you directing you toward your destiny. Connect with them to change your life for the better.

Do you know who they are?

In this video, I share with you insight into your Spirit Guide team that I’ve learned from doing thousands of psychic readings.

You’ll learn:

  • What Spirit Guides soul connection is to your past life and current incarnation
  • Your Spirit Guides chief role to guide you toward your destiny and soul’s purpose
  • The difference between Spirit Guides and Angels
  • Whether you have one Spirit Guide your whole life or if Guides come and go
  • Whether or not you need to know your Spirit Guide’s name or what they look like

Relax and receive divine guidance to drop into your heart and into your consciousness with this Spirit Guide Meditation.

If you want to delve deeper and find out more about your spirit guide team, check out my course, Psychic Activation With Your Spirit Guides.

Enjoy and share the love!


Awesome Eclipse Energy

Iโ€™m writing this from the road on my way to my new home in Portland, Oregon.

We have an important month coming up, and I wanted to touch base with you.

I was ambitious to think Iโ€™d film a forecast video on the road. So, Iโ€™m sharing my thoughts with you now to help you prepare for Tuesdayโ€™s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer.

The Sun governs how you project your consciousness into the world. When there is a Solar Eclipse, the Moon (your emotions and subconscious) temporarily block the radiant light of the Sun.

This moment of darkness is for you to reflect more fully on your inner light. This can bring light to aspects that you tucked away into the recesses of your shadow.

Now these previously darkened aspects are ready to be revealed, so you can shine more brightly.

This is a massive month for change. We have two eclipses, two New Moons and a Mercury Retrograde.

This is a total reset if your consciousness.

The eclipses are in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn respectively.

Youโ€™re meant to find new ways of balancing your ambitions with your need to nurture yourself.

You might be asking yourself why youโ€™re working so hard. After all, itโ€™s the people in your life and your well-being that are more important than productivity.

Cancer is the sign of the Mother, and Capricorn is the sign of the Father. Your role regarding your relationship to these archetypes will come into full focus.

Ultimately, you have some decisions to make.

What can you let go of, so you can feel more balance between work and well-being?

How can you parent yourself as if you are your child?

What can you do to deepen your roots, so you feel more emotionally connected and supported?

Do you need to make changes in your environment or people in your life, so you feel more supported?

Packing for a 1000-mile move certainly made me examine everything!

I had to look at every item and ask myself, is this worth keeping?

It certainly brought many revelations about how I can travel more lightly, and what I can do differently in the future.

As divine timing has it, Iโ€™m arriving in my new home on the eclipse.

You will have some wonderful new changes ahead as well.

Onward the adventure!