Are you an empath who has a hard time with anger? Today is the day to change that. Explore these 4 steps to do when an empath gets angry.

Anger For Empaths

Oftentimes, sensitive souls can forgive people without actually processing how you feel. You can try to see the higher good in all situations without letting your human self integrate your emotions.

Today is the day to change that.anger

Allow yourself to feel all the feelings you think โ€œspiritual peopleโ€ arenโ€™t allowed to express (or even experience).

Anger can be righteous.

Itโ€™s here to help you understand that you deserve better when an empath gets angry. Your loved ones deserve better. The world deserves better.

Give yourself permission to be completely human. Not superhuman, or “spiritual” human. Have an entire range of feelings. It will be liberating!

4 Steps To Fuel The Flames For Positive Change:

Have better boundaries when an empath gets angry

Itโ€™s natural for people to feel enraged if people are violating or intruding on your personal space. In fact, it is a healthy response. Notice your anger when someone intrudes upon your boundaries. Itโ€™s a sign to shore up your energetic, physical and emotional space in all areas of your life. Take a look at how you let people get away with things because you donโ€™t think itโ€™s worth the effort to say or do something in your defense when an empath gets angry.

Know you deserve better

Mistreatment or disrespect can cause negative situations when an empath gets angry. So, if you feel angry, this may be a clue that one of these things has happened in some way. Even though there might be a certain situation that triggered that response from you, most likely there are the areas of your life where you devalue yourself or donโ€™t give yourself enough credit. Use these emotions to fuel you into feeling better about yourself and knowing your worth, so you will attract people who treat you with respect when an empath gets angry.

Rise and stand up for what you believe

Perhaps it is the injustices of the world, or something that happened to you personally that triggered the โ€œlast strawโ€. If you tend toward avoiding conflict (as most empaths do), itโ€™s likely you give people the benefit of the doubt way too often and avoid conflict at any cost. Anger might be what it takes to get the fire beneath your feet to finally not care what people think, so you can be yourself and do whatโ€™s in your heart when an empath gets angry.

Live passionately when an empath gets angry

Anger is a fiery emotion. It can fuel you to take daring and direct action that you might normally be afraid of. If your passions and creativity have been quelled because youโ€™ve been living the status quo, your anger might just be what sparks the necessary motivation in you to change.

As you can see (and feel), anger can have a positive purpose.

You certainly donโ€™t want to stay anger or simmer in it. Yet, when you channel your emotions with intention, it can fuel you toward changes you might otherwise be afraid to make.

You are a glorious human with a range of emotions. Enjoy the fullness of your being.


Learn how to access the Akashic Records effectively. Understand and harness the wisdom of your soul’s experiences.

Healing at a soul level

If you have been trying to manifest something in your life that you are not attracting, if you’re focusing on your future, you might be heading in the wrong direction.

Sometimes, it can be something from your past that’s holding you back, accessing your Akashic Records.

It might seem contrary to conjure up the past, especially an uncomfortable memory, to create a happier future. After all, don’t you want to put all that behind you? If it was difficult, why bring it up now? Aren’t you done with that already? (especially after all the self-help you’ve already done!). Yet, healing your past can often be the quickest path to creating a happy future.

I see this all the time. A client visits doctors, therapists, and healers with little change in their life.ย  They do affirmations and create visions boards, but all remains static.

Often, there is a pattern from their childhood, or a past life, preventing them from getting what they want.ย  For instance, if someone wants to find their soul mate and they saw their parents in an unhappy marriage, they might have a subconscious fear that being married means misery.

Or, someone who wants to become pregnant now who died in childbirth in their past life could have a subconscious fear about going into labor. The beauty of discovering and healing your past patterns is that it can completely liberate you to create a joyous fulfilling future.

Akashic records are part of you

The memories of your past, including your past lives, are stored in your energy body, subconscious, and The Akashic Records. In the Akashic Records, your past, present, and future are all connected. So, when you heal the energy from your past, you are healing your life in both the present and past.

You don’t need any special powers to access your Akashic Records since they are part of you. With sincere inquiry, meditation, and prayer, you will be able to tune in to all you need to know to help you. The Akashic Records are infinite so you will never run out of resources!

Simple Techniques to Access Akashic Records

Here is a simple technique you can use right now:

  • Begin by sitting quietly and calm your mind. If you are familiar with meditation, spend some time in meditation.
  • Say a prayer to connect with your angels and high-level Spirit Guides to assist you and ask that you are connected only with light.
  • Write down, think, or say out loud what you want to know more about.ย  For example, think of an energy you wish to heal.ย  You can ask your angels and guides to assist you in gaining insight into the origin of this energy, from any lifetime.
  • Ask what lessons you need to know from experiencing this.
  • Ask for forgiveness for all people involved, and let that energy go.
  • Imagine what you would like to experience. Allow yourself to be filled with light, love and that healing frequency.
  • Spend some time journaling, reflecting and integrating your new energy. You will feel different!

May you experience love, healing and peace!


Energy Vampires

There’s a new type of energy vampire I’ve become aware of and I want to bring your attention to it. They magnetically attract empaths like us (so we can learn to have discernment).

Closely aligned with the Victim archetype, this one is a bit more complex. It’s the Guileless Fool. Sort of like the dark side of the Innocent Child or the Magical Child.

It’s the kind of person that seems well-meaning and hapless. They can come off as folksy or innocent and good-hearted but seem to never get a break. That’s usually due to laziness or incompetence on their part, but the empath in us just wants to help them.

So no matter how many times they disappoint you or are irresponsible in some way, you give them a pass because they “just don’t know better” or they seem to be trying really hard. You can feel bad being direct with them because they have a child-like energy.

Be warned of these kinds of people you make excuses for. No matter how much compassion you’ve shown them the minute you call them out on their BS they turn on you and get very selfish.

This is the kind of person who has a “you couldn’t say anything harsh to me because I’m so innocent” energy.

Energy Vampires seem so hapless and innocent, yet use all manner of emotional blackmail so you feel too bad for them to confront them about what they’re doing wrong.

They wind up being sociopaths who can’t communicate with any emotional maturity and were stunted somewhere in childhood.


Boundaries and Energy

A way to monitor this in your life is to be aware when you make excuses for them. And most importantly remind yourself youโ€™re not here to be everyoneโ€™s savior.

I’m sharing this with you because empaths are highly susceptible to this kind of person, and they are teaching us karmic lessons in boundaries and discernment.

I hope this helps you! May the Force be with you.

Navigate growth and enlightenment when life throws you a curveball, turning challenges into paths for spiritual and personal development.

What do you do when life throws you a curveball?

It’s inevitable. It happens to everyone. (Yes, even people with Instagram-perfect lives).

You’re going about your business, staying away from drama, keeping things simple, and then BAM! Something crazy happens.

It could be anything – someone gets sick, accidents occur, things break down (and are expensive and time-consuming to repair), people disappoint you, a person (or animal) from your environment disrupts your peace and quiet.

Life Is Unpredictable.

It doesn’t matter how skillfully you plan, shizz happens.

The question is, WHY?

You’re a peaceful, loving, positive person, making the world a better place. So why does life throw you these tricky curveballs?

When life throws you a curveball, it’s because you’re a spiritual being having a human experience. And that means your soul grows through change.ย  No matter how difficult it may feel at the time, if you’re experiencing a challenge, you’re strong enough to get through it.

There’s a shadow side to the law of attraction

You might have been taught that you attract what you think about. That’s only a partial truth.

Your conscious thoughts are only 10-15% of your mind. Way beneath the surface are your emotions and beliefs that have been buried deep in your subconscious.

When you experience a traumatic event, especially when you are a child and don’t have the skills to process complex emotions, those imprints get buried in your shadow.

You will continue to attract people and circumstances that trigger your shadow until you bring them to the light of your consciousness and transform them.

So if you find yourself in the same type of experiences over and over again, and wonder WHY, it’s because your soul is bringing your attention to something that needs to be healed.

Your challenges are a gift

If you find yourself in a challenging situation that you have no idea how you brought about, consider this…

When life throws you a curveball, your challenges are here to help you heal.

If you had a buried emotion that you were unable to process as a child, then you will attract a similar situation as an adult, so you can process your feelings and move through it.

You are experiencing a challenge now because you have the spiritual and emotional maturity to move through it.

For example…

If you felt abandoned as a child, and never processed your feelings about it, you will continue to attract people (most likely in your romantic life) who are emotionally unavailable.

Or, if you were criticized growing up, you will most likely attract people in your life who you feel you can never please.

If you felt unprotected, you will continue to attract circumstances where you feel threatened.

Do you see how this works?

As a child you didn’t have the tools to transform challenging emotions. And now you do!

The challenges you’re experiencing now can help you process your emotions that have been buried in your subconscious for years, sometimes lifetimes.

As you bring your light of consciousness to your shadow, you can transform your life through love, compassion and clarity.

And good news!

Once you process what’s been buried in your shadow, you don’t need to attract those circumstances again!

Here are five questions to ask yourself when life throws you a curveball:

  • What am I feeling now about my challenging situation?
  • What emotions does this bring up for me?
  • When have I felt this as a child?
  • Is this a pattern I’ve experienced throughout my life?
  • How can I respond differently now than I did in the past?

Once you recognize the root cause of your situation, you can unravel the many layers of emotions that have kept you in a karmic loop when life throws you a curveball.

The Universe is always supporting you. Everything you experience is to help you grow.

Your soul delights in all your experiences.

Remember, whatever you’re going through – you would not be experiencing it if you didn’t have the soul skills to transform it.

You’ve got this! Enjoy the journey.


Karma can be a b#%@h and I love her for it. Learn effective strategies on how to balance karma and foster a life of harmony.

Karma & Cosmic Influences: Balance

Karma can be a b#%@h and I love her for it.

September is a month of radical revelation and karmic clearing.

All year and into 2020, the Pluto/Saturn conjunction is causing quite a stir.

Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld. Saturn is the Lord of Karma.

These two powerhouse planets have been acting in tandem all year in Capricorn (which is also ruled by Saturn).

Their truth-seeking power has been intensified with our South Node in Capricorn as well.

The South Node represents your past life karmic influences.

On September 28, Saturn and the South Node will be in an exact conjunction at 2:22am EST, on the day of the New Moon.

It’s the last time they conjunct in this sign in our lifetime.

That’s a lot of karma per capita, a lot to balance.

This means that you can run from the truth, but you can’t hide.

You will become very aware of what you’ve been hiding from yourself!

You can experience this in your personal and professional life.


Libra’s Scales

If you’ve been giving away more than you’re receiving, the scales of karma will bring you to balance.

If you’ve been denying your intuition, making excuses for other people, putting up with BS, or living a life that is out of alignment with your truth, the Universe will be sure to wake you up!

Our Sun is also in Libra now. And guess what?

Libra is not the pushover you think she is.

Libra may be the sign of relationship harmony, and is often over-accommodating.

And yet, Libra also rules JUSTICE!

You can see this playing out on the global stage now, for sure. (Take that you racist, xenophobic politicians!).

Libra is helping balance your karma and to make sure you are treating yourself fairly.

This is a gift from the Universe now to see where you need to live your truth and restore balance in your life.

It’s powerful stuff.

And remember, no matter how challenging things might feel, the truth will always set you free!