In this grounding meditation, you will calm and center your energy, relieve anxiety, feel more peaceful, and prevent overthinking.

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Grounding Meditation to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Begin this grounding meditation with your spine straight and your body relaxed. Take some slow, deep, and even breaths. With each breath, your body becomes more and more relaxed. You are calming your body with each cleansing breath. Imagine, as you are breathing slowly and deeply, that you are bringing your consciousness into your heart. Focus on your heart chakra as you continue breathing deeply and evenly. And as you feel your thoughts and consciousness rise into your head, remind yourself to focus on your heart. Now, bring your awareness to the soles of your feet. You can feel the earth beneath your feet, from the soles of your feet. Imagine now that you have roots that grow deep into the earth. These roots from your feet are growing deeper and wider, deeper and wider. Your roots are growing deeper into the earth, into the dark, rich, nourishing soil. Down now, past the rocks. Beyond the roots of great trees and living waters, all the way down to the fiery core of the earth, core of the earth, you are connected to all of the web of life. Bring your awareness now to the base of your spine. You might feel some sensations there as you are waking up your root chakra. Imagine your root chakra at the base of your spine. is now filling with light.

Grounding Meditation to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

At the base of your spine, you are sending a thick grounding cord, like a root, deep into the earth. There is a magnet at the core of the earth that is grounding your body like an anchor. You are completely grounded and supported by the earth. This allows you to relax. As your consciousness is settling deep into your body, feel how delicious it is to be connected to the life giving energy of the Earth. Now that you are grounded, you’re going to call your spirit back into your body. Visualize a sparkling star around 50 feet above your head. A big, beautiful star of light. On that star, in any color you like, write your name on it. Your name on that star is like a magnet that is calling back your energy. That star above you is drawing in all of your soul parts, soul fragments, pieces of consciousness, thought forms and energies that belong to you. They are now being drawn into that soul star right now. And that star is getting bigger and bigger, brighter and brighter.

Grounding Meditation to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

As it fills with light, your light, the star is filling with so much light, it is now bursting open and that light is pouring into you. Your light energy returns to you and pours into the top of your head, down into your neck. Light is filling your heart and radiating into your arms. And light is streaming out of your fingertips. Now that light is filling your chest, your torso, your pelvis, your legs, and your feet. Your whole body is now filled with the light from the star. All of your soul parts, consciousness, thoughts, and energy return to you in your body. And now you seal up your aura. Your aura is filled with light and sealed with protection. Breathe in that light into your body as your aura is filled with light in every cell of your being. Now bring your awareness down to your feet and down all the way to the earth. You are grounding your energy into the earth. Now bring your awareness to your solar plexus. Which is radiating with light. Feel how beautiful it is to be in your body. Radiating power and light. You are grounded, centered, present, and shining bright. And so it is.

The Power of Grounding Meditation for Stress Relief

As an empath, a highly sensitive person (HSP), or someone who identifies as a sensitive individual, you may often feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of external stimuli. You can easily pick up on the emotions and energies of those around you, leaving you feeling drained and anxious. This is where the practice of grounding meditation can be a powerful tool to help you find balance and relief.

What is Grounding?

Grounding, also known as earthing, is the practice of connecting with the earth’s energy to balance your own energy. It involves physically touching or being in contact with the ground, whether it be through walking barefoot, sitting on the grass, or even hugging a tree. This allows for the transfer of energy from the earth into your body, helping to ground and stabilize your own energy.

Grounding Meditation Benefits

Grounding meditation takes this practice one step further by incorporating mindfulness and breathing techniques. By focusing on your breath and connecting with the earth’s energy, you can enter into a state of deep relaxation and calm. This has numerous benefits for empaths, HSPs, and sensitives, including:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Calming the nervous system
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Enhancing physical and emotional well-being


How to Practice Grounding Meditation

  • Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath, taking slow and deep inhales and exhales.
  • Visualize roots growing from your feet into the ground, connecting you with the earth’s energy.
  • Exchange any negative or excess energy with the earth in your imagination. Allow it to be absorbed and neutralized.
  • Stay in this state for 10-15 minutes or as long as you feel is necessary.
  • When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and take a few deep breaths before getting up.

Tips for Incorporating Grounding into Your Daily Routine

  • Set a reminder to practice grounding meditation at the same time every day.
  • Take breaks throughout the day to step outside and connect with nature.
  • Practice mindfulness throughout the day.
  • If you find yourself feeling anxious or overthinking, remember to ground your energy.
  • Being with animals will ground you because they are so present.
  • Bring nature into your home and environment – plants, rocks, and crystals will help you connect with the earth element.

Take time to ground every day.

It is important to prioritize self-care and find ways to manage the overwhelming energies around you. Grounding meditation is a powerful and accessible tool that can help bring balance, calm, and relief to your daily life. So take a moment today to connect with the earth and find your center. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it. Let’s ground ourselves together! Remember – we are all connected to the earth and each other, and by practicing grounding, you can find peace within yourself and with the world around you. Practice this 12 minute, Grounding Meditation, to feel calm and connected here ยป.


Oh, to get lost in a good book!

Almost everything I have learned about spirituality has been through self-study. ANYTHING is available for you to discover through spiritual books.

There are a few absolutely pivotal books in my life that have changed me forever. These are must-reads. I’m sharing them with you here because I know they will change your life for the better too. Enjoy these magical books and oracles!

The Best Spiritual Books (My Favorite)

Tarot and Oracle Cards

Animal-Wise Tarot, by Ted Andrews

Ted Andrews, on of the best spiritual books, is a master interpreter of Animal Spirits. This fascinating deck combines the wisdom of animal spirit medicine with the time-honored foundation of the tarot. If I only had access to one deck, this would be it!

ย Wild Unknown Tarot, by Kim Krans
Sublime illustrations are beautifully imprinted on this exquisite deck. The author provides deep insight and a modern take on the traditional tarot for a truly beautiful experience.

Easy Tarot Guide by Marcia Masino,
This is the one book I used to learn tarot from beginner to professional level. You’ll learn about numerology, how to interpret shuffles, and the deeper meaning of the symbolism in the cards.

Wisdom of the Oracle Tarot, by Colette Baron-Reid

I love this deck. It’s beautiful, magical, mystical and always spot on. The author is a gifted psychic who specializes in creating oracle cards. This is one of my go-to decks.

Universal Waite Tarot, Radiant_tarotby Stuart Kaplan and Pamela Coleman Smith
This is the classic tarot deck that I always go back to. For more modern vibrant colors, I also love the Radiant Tarot.



Best spiritual books for Soul and Reincarnation

Journey_of_soulsJourney of Souls, by Michael Newton
This is one of the best spiritual books! If I was going to recommend you read one book, this is it! Michael Newton is a hypnotherapist who regressed thousands of patients to their life between lives – between incarnations. You’ll discover the process of your soul choosing your life circumstances and relationships, and learn more about your soul family and life on the other side. Truly amazing.

Destiny of Souls, by Michael Newton

This is a deeper look into life on the other side and further insights into our amazing journey as a soul. I can’t get enough of this book!

Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records: The Book of Life, by Kevin J. Todeschi
Edgar Cayce was a prophet with amazing insight into people’s past lives. He was also a profoundly gifted medical intuitive. You’ll get a glimpse into how the Akashic Records interplay with real people’s lives through case studies of his readings.

Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, by Robert Schwartz
This offers profound case studies of the spiritual reasons why people choose difficult life circumstances. He explores topics such as physical illness, handicapped children, accidents, and death of loved ones. He really sheds some light on these seemingly tragic circumstances.


Best spiritual books for Numerology

Magical Books and OraclesThe Life You Were Born To Live, by Dan Millman

This is the book that changed everything for me. It’s the ONE numerology resource you need to understand your life ย purpose. You’ll have so much fun reading this best spiritual book about your friends and family too. Shockingly accurate.

Who Are You in the Tarot? Discover Your Birth and Year Cards and Uncover Your Destiny, by Mary Greer
Even though this is a book about tarot, this is how I learned about applying numerology to people’s lives. I included this in my list of spiritual books because the combination of numerology and tarot is super insightful and fun.


Best spiritual books for Astrology

Astrology and Consciousness, by Rio Oleski
This is the book that started everything for me. It was my first astrology book and is still, after 20 years, my go-to resource.

The Inner Sky, by Steven Forrest
LOVE Steven Forrest. He makes astrology easy to understand and apply. He offers an in-depth perspective in a breezy style.

book of moonThe Book of the Moon, by Steven Forrest

You’ll learn so much about your soul’s purpose by discovering your moon phase at the time of your birth. There are some amazing insights about timing, and your deep inner life through your awareness of the moon.


Best spiritual books for Spirit Guides

Animal Speak by Ted Andrews

You have animal spirit guides too! If you’ve ever seen an animal in the wild, or your home that seems to have a message for you, this is the go-to resource for you to interpret their message. One of my favorite books of all time! A must-read for everyone seeking a deeper connection to the natural world.


Best spiritual books for Angels

archangelsCalling in Your Abundance Angels – 28 Days of Miracles,
by Kari Samuels

This course has changed thousands of people’s lives all over the world. If you want to feel positive, rather than being drained by other people’s negativity, and want to transform your sensitivities into your superpowers, this program can quickly and profoundly change your life. You can gift this to a loved one or yourself.

365 Days of Angel Prayers, by Cathleen O’Connor
& Elizabeth Harper
Magical Books
Angels every day – how heavenly! Filled with inspiration, insight, invocations, blessings and prayers, your spirits will be lifted as you are filled with your daily dose of divine love. This is a collection from dozens of contributors, (including yours truly), each offering their unique gifts, vision and love.


Best spiritual books for Psychic Development

The Psychic Pathway: A Workbook for Reawakening the Voice of Your Soul, by Sonia Choquette
As of the best spiritual books, this is a great primer for beginners of the psychic arts. This is written as a workbook so you can build on your progress. It was one of my first books as a budding psychic.

Magical BooksPsychic Development for Beginners, by William W. Hewitt
Just like the name implies, this is great for beginners. If you want to try some fun exercises that really work, this will help awaken your psychic abilities. You might be amazed at yourself!

You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing, by Debra Lynn Katz
This has some more advanced techniques. It focuses on clairvoyance, which I find a bit limited. Still, there are some wonderful processes here that will help you.


Best spiritual books for Chakras

Wheels of Life, by Anodea Judith
I received so much from this book. Truly an in-depth all encompassing work about our divine energy system.

chakra healingDaily Chakra Healing For Happiness And Well Being, by Kari Samuels
This is unlike any meditation you’ve ever experienced before! It is specifically designed to reprogram your subconscious mind so you can unlock your intuitive powers. It is recorded to Theta Brainwave entrainment music for deep relaxation and healing. In this chakra healing activation, you will clear your energy of fears and stagnation, and expand your energy for an unlimited flow of prosperity and divine guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angels.

Guided Chakra Meditation for Busy People, by Belinda Davidson
This is the guided meditation that I use almost every day. Whenย your chakras are happy, you will be too! Although this isn’t a “book” you’ll learn so much about your chakras through this practice.


Best spiritual books for Empath Empowerment

Empath’s Survival Guide, by Judith Orloff
It’s not easy being an empath! It’s such an awesome way to be when you know how to channel it correctly. You’ll learn some valuable techniques to protect your energy so you won’t pick up other people’s stuff! This book is a must for sensitive souls.

Positive Energy, by Judith Orloff
Written for those who feel drained by other people’s energy, this will help you tune into your intuition, and tune out the energy vampires.

Magical BooksThe Highly Sensitive Person, by Elaine Aron
Have you ever been called too sensitive? Do you feel overwhelmed by other people or overstimulated by noise and crowds? Do you have an active imagination? You are what’s known as a “Highly Sensitive Person” or HSP. You’ll find this book an invaluable resource for the sensitive soul.



I know these spiritual books will transform your life as they did mine.

Drop me a comment below to let me know how you’re enjoying them!ย  Or, share them as a gift!

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spiritual books

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What happens when Mercury is retrograde?

Welcome to the Kara’s Cures digital show, where we explore The Cutting Edge of Wellness. I’m Kara Sunland. So what do the stars say about 2023, and what happens when Mercury is retrograde? As it is at this taping right now, joining us now is internationally-known astrologist and happiness coach Kari Samuels. Welcome, Kari. Thank you so much, Cara. It’s wonderful to be here. You know, I think Mercury in retrograde has actually become somewhat mainstream. I now see USA Today reporting it. I’ve seen it in newspapers. We joke about it here in The Newsroom that when things aren’t working properly, or we’re reporting all these flights being grounded, that, oh, it must be Mercury and retrograde, and in fact, it is right now as we’ve just experienced all these crazy flight delays But what exactly does it mean when Mercury is in retrograde? Mercury is the planet that rules communication, transportation, and Commerce. Retrograde means that it appears to be moving backward. a planet can never move backward, but from the Earth’s perspective, which is where we live, it looks like it’s moving backward.

Interview with Kari

So when the planet of communication and transportation is in this retrograde, appearing to be moving backward motion things associated with it also can appear to be moving backward or going haywire. But what’s important to remember about this is that this is actually to help us fix these things. When all these things go haywire, when Mercury is retrograde, it’s because we’re meant to take a step back and correct course. We’re supposed to look and see what went wrong, so many people get worried. You know, they hear Mercury and retrograde to go, oh no, everything will be horrible. You actually say that that’s not how we should be handling it from an astrologist’s perspective, yeah, and from a nature perspective, when people were observing the planets back in ancient times when they were looking at planets, they didn’t have internet. They didn’t have electricity. They didn’t have phones to distract them, so they looked up at the stars. Astrology was created to help us be in tune with the cycles of nature and the cycles of the universe, so we’re not anymore. That’s when things go Haywire because we’re meant to take a step back and slow down, and that’s what the Mercury retrograde cycle is about taking a step back, slowing down, and re-examine our communication re-examine our transportation, re-examine how we connect with each other.

What happens when Mercury is retrograde?

And we’re forced to do it during Mercury retrograde because things go wrong, but things don’t have to go wrong if we do this intentionally, okay, so Mercury and retrograde it’s happening now? We’re coming out of it soon, right? Did you tell me about January 18th? Yes, you have an amazing memory, so we’ve been in this cycle for 2023 so far. It started on December 29th of 2022, and it’s a three-week-ish cycle, usually a little longer. That happens around every four months, and so we begin this year with Mercury retrograde, and we actually end the year with Mercury retrograde, but so far, all of 2023 has been in this cycle, and I think we all feel that as well, so basically when it’s happening the rules of thumb are we need to leave room for flexibility we need to slow down we need to catch our breath yes all the r e words are applicable during any retrograde actually every single planet is going retrograde this year at some point, actually. We just came out of Mars retrograde, which actually may have caused more chaos than Mercury retrograde. It just happens less often, so it’s not as Infamous, but all the RE words review, revise, and repair are three big ones, so that’s why things break down during Mercury retrograde. It’s not like it’s random. It’s not like communication breaks down arbitrarily or appliances break arbitrarily.

Interview with Kari

We were meant to look at them but so much in life was like, I’ll look at this later, I’ll get to it later, I’ll get to that pile of papers later, I’ll get to fix that later and so during these retrograde times, we have to, we’re forced to, but if we do these things proactively if we say let’s leave this space in our calendar to let’s just I always Mark Mercury retrograde on my calendar so if I’m doing a product launch or anything like that I usually don’t during that time I use that time to fix things on my website to re-record something or to go through those piles of paper that build up. So if you do that proactively and mark it on your calendar ahead of time, which I suggest people do, then you won’t be surprised by the trickster energy of Mercury retrograde. For those who are doubters or, say, you have to believe her, I mean, you like to make the Mystic more mainstream so that we can understand this, okay, so I’m wondering. I remember doing a report about Walt Disney. He never opened a park without consulting an astrologist. He wanted the dates to be correct for the opening. There’s one of the famous investors. Oh gosh, I think it’s. I’ll think about it. Was it Rockefeller, or was it, oh, JP Morgan? I’m sorry, but one of the famous investors JP Morgan, said I remember doing this report that millionaires don’t use astrology billionaires do.

What happens when Mercury is retrograde?

Yet in modern times, we kind of tend to look at it like, maybe the younger generation, I think, all the social media says what your sun sign is people are much it’s becoming back, but for those who are just not paying attention, how does astrology work for mainstream people why should we look at this as well. I actually think you don’t even need to believe in astrology to take three weeks every four months to do that because it’s really good. Everything in nature helps us be in tune with rhythms and Cycles, so astrology is like weather forecasting. It’s telling you these are the cycles of nature, so the Ancients used to study astrology with astronomy and all of their arts and all of their Sciences because it’s really about getting in tune with nature. In the modern world, we tend to live as if every day is a Monday in summer. We are not in tune with any cycle. We just live every day going, and it’s not good for us. Even trees rest even everything is in a cycle of nature, so astrology it’s misinterpreted as this fortune telling. I don’t believe in fortune-telling. Astrology forecasts are like weather forecasts, and so to me, it’s like would you plan a summer beach vacation in winter in Minnesota, right?

Interview with Kari

But that’s what people essentially do without looking at the cycles of nature. Or not looking at astrology which is this thousands-year-old tool that people have been using to be in touch with cycles and rhythms. So you’re missing out if you’re just trying to plan something without looking at what cycle we’re in. This is literally like weather forecasting, except its not the weather that is about storms. It’s more celestial storms and more energies and what’s going on. Right. And I think, you know, from a scientific perspective, people say, well, if the tides are affected by the planets, if the animals are affected by the planets, if the plants are affected by the plants, why wouldn’t humans at some level, so I think it makes sense to look at this certainly wherever your belief is. But I think it’s interesting you brought up the history. It’s true. I was reading about 400 years ago, if you were lucky enough to go to college, which meant you were probably a wealthy man, you would have had to study astrology. It was part of getting the right degree. I also studied the sister science numerology, which is modern numerology and thousands of years old, like Pythagoras. Like all the ancient scientists and philosophers, he had a mystery school like the Pythagorean theorem. They studied astrology because it’s like studying Natural Sciences.

What happens when Mercury is retrograde?

You mentioned the moon and our tides the moon because it’s hard to think, okay, so these are millions of miles away. How do they affect us? How do planets affect us? The moon governs our tides. Right. We are made of 60 percent water. The iron in our blood is literally from an exploded star, so we are made of Stardust, and they’ve recently done a scientific study that proves that Jupiter and Venus, Venus is the planet closest to Earth and Jupiter is the largest planet, affect our climate this is a scientific study we’re in a solar system. The sun is literally the source of all life. It’s millions of miles away, but we’re in this system where we have this gravitational pull. So again, planets don’t do things to us. They don’t make us do things, but we’re connected, and we feel disconnected because we lost touch with our natural rhythms and with this Attunement to Nature and our cycles. So again, you don’t need to believe in astrology and trust me. Astrology will happen whether you believe in it or not. This Mercury retrograde will happen to you whether you believe in it or not if you’re not paying attention to what these energies are trying to show you, so this is about communication and transportation. The world has shown us that this definitely happened. Flights were delayed, and there were communication issues. But what happened with that is we had to say what went wrong, yeah, and so I love that you want to make this practice of what we would do due to this information.

Interview with Kari

We often hear that when Mercury is retrograde, we should not sign contracts or make large purchases. Is that also true? Yes, and the reason being is that Mercury is the planet that governs our mind. Mercury and all the planets are named after mythological gods. These gods believed in this at the time because they each represented a certain quality, a certain aspect of human life. Mercury’s communication and transportation are how you think your communication is how you connect with others. That’s why it’s also associated with transportation. So during these times in our life where we’re picking up information all the time, lots of information that we don’t process, and so during these retrograde times of mercury which is 20 of the year, it’s an 80 20 rule 80 of the time Mercury is whizzing along in this seemingly it’s always in a forward motion, but 20 of the time it’s this retreating this going back. So you don’t sign a contract because your mind will be picking up on pieces of information you had previously overlooked, okay? Hence, it’s a time to review, as you said, so I mean if you have to sign something if you have to do it, then what? Well, again, this is if nothing needs to be a superstitious endeavor, so if you have to do it, you want to make sure you’re checking all the facts you’re researching. Research is another re word you’re researching.

What happens when Mercury is retrograde?

You’re reviewing everything in detail. You know that you’re thorough, that you haven’t missed anything, and that you looked at everything that you need to look at, so if you need to have surgery, things do break down too. So you need to buy something else, but make sure you do your research and that you’re dotting your eyes and crossing your t’s. That way, sometimes, if you do something during Mercury retrograde, you’ll have to go back and do it later because you may have missed something, and that’s okay again. Nothing’s about being superstitious, and nothing is about, oh no, I’ve cursed the universe loves you. Yeah, this is all to help you do the best you can. So let’s switch to this year, 2023. You’re also a numerologist, so what can you tell us about 2023? Well, it’s sort of a retrograde year like the whole year is about tuning in, and more than tuning in, it’s about expressing who you are more authentic. I looked at every aspect of the astrology and numerology of the year, plus my own art of interpreting things. There’s a lot in it about healing and mental health, especially since our planet Saturn rules structures going into Pisces for three years when Saturn went into Aquarius in 2020. That’s when we had do you remember what happened in March of 2020? Let’s not have that again. yeah well that the thing is, Saturn’s about

Interview with Kari

Yeah, well, the thing is, Saturn’s about restrictions, and Aquarius is our society. So we saw all these restrictions in our society when Saturn went into Aquarius Saturn’s moving into Pisces for three years starting in March. Actually, there are a lot of Pluto. I’m sorry Saturn’s moving into Pisces. Pluto is moving into Aquarius. They’re passing the Baton, and that’s going to be a 20-year cycle, but Saturn moving into Pisces is all about compassion, healing, and connectedness. And that’s why we’re beginning to see more people being more honest about who they are and their mental health because this is a time of healing. We’ve been through a lot of collective trauma for three years, yeah, and it’s brought up things that need to be healed, but in this healing process, we feel more comfortable being who we are, and so we talk about numerology 2023 in numerology is a seven universal here, and seven is about being in touch with your soul your life purpose you’re calling what you’re here to do it’s also very introspective and every planet’s retrograde this year, which isn’t every other year kind of thing, so Venus is going retrograde Mars because personal planets aren’t always retrograde. This is a time of going Within, asking what I really want to do and Express in the world and doing it in a very authentic way, and that is your key to success, okay all right, so you know people I think have been through it.

What happens when Mercury is retrograde?

We’ve all gone through this collective trauma. And in some ways, it might have created the Great Resignation. We have people reevaluating what’s important to them. But I think people want to hear that, okay, good, you know, is the energy right to start new things or to start to feel lighter, or I read somewhere might have been your forecast that we’re actually officially moving into the quote-unquote age of Aquarius talk about that is it do we have things to look forward to oh yeah we have a lot to look forward to this is the first year since 2020. I do a forecast every year where I look at this and when I did my 2020 forecast, and this is recorded, I was like, I don’t know if I’ll ever leave my house in 2020, and I barely did, and I said, we’re not you, know I don’t think we’re going to be flying internationally and there was a lot in our astrology that showed all about restriction and the past three years every time I do the forecast I felt anxious, but this year I feel so much joy about what’s ahead because I really feel that so much of what’s been happening and what we’ve been through has taught us again, like the Great Resignation, what we will no longer tolerate, what’s no longer right for our soul, and that seven years and the Pisces in Saturn and also because Pluto moves into Aquarius which is all about connectedness in society but also being an individual it’s how the individual helps the greater good. So I feel that all of this has culminated into this year where if we have the courage to be ourselves if we have the courage to be authentic.

Interview with Kari

That’s why I say mental health is a big part because it’s not about being the Instagram version of ourselves. It’s about being the true version of ourselves, like all of it, the parts that we’ve been afraid to express, and when you are living and expressing those parts of yourself that you’ve been afraid to express, that’s when good things happen to you that’s when you live your Soul’s purpose so I think all of this collective trauma has been about helping us say you know what, I can’t anymore? I have to be myself. I have no other choice. And so everything in our astrology right now and our numerology is saying, please have the courage to show the people closest to you and the world who you are and go for your dreams. So Pisces is a sign of dreams. We’re moving into Saturn, which is about building structures. This is literally three years where it’s like, go build your dreams. Build your dreams, go for what you want, and believe in yourself. Have courage. That’s a big theme this year, and this is why I feel so excited about the energies this year that are your weather forecast. Be yourself. That’s what the stars and the planets and the numbers are saying, and again you don’t need to believe in astrology or numerology to do this, but I feel like we’re all feeling this, yeah, well, I think a lot of people are hoping and being more optimistic

What happens when Mercury is retrograde?

I’m just excited to do other things and maybe feel on a practical level. Like, I just want to travel, or I want to see friends again, or some definition of what really matters to them. And we’re certainly talking about it in the business world as wel.l So whatever the stars are saying, we’re also talking about this in a practical way. I love that part of what you do is give practical guidance. So, in a number seven year what is practical guidance? Well, the thing about a seven-year is it always involves some type of retreat or tuning into yourself, so practically, you want to make sure, and I know that there are a lot of moms and parents out there that say, I can’t take time to myself, but you’re actually going to have to take time to yourself because that’s how you catch up with yourself and this is a year because everything’s retrograde and retrograde is always about catching up with yourself. The Seven Year everything in the year says you need to take time for yourself and catch up with yourself. So does that mean journaling? Does that mean meditating? These are all good things to do, even if you do them a little every day. It’s really important, and so that’s how you connect with the parts of yourself that you’ve maybe overlooked or ignored, and that’s where you’re going to get those wonderful what I like to call Divine downloads where you receive inspiration like JK Rowling was sitting on a train when Harry Potter just came to her.

Interview with Kari

It’s when you’re in those moments of quiet and space when you’re in that zone, the right brain Zone the intuitive Zone when you’re creative, when you’re allowing yourself just to be, that’s actually essential for you to do more and again I know our society isn’t really cool with that, but that’s actually your key to success is to make sure you’re taking that time to yourself to receive the parts of your intuitive brain that are trying to connect with you. I think that sometimes, though, when people might struggle with, okay, I got this idea, life gets in the way of actually doing something or changing something. For those people who have a dream and are listening to you and saying, this is great. I’m gonna act on it this year. I’m gonna go within and follow my dream. What practically, how do you advise people to get there because they’re living their regular lives right, that is busy, yeah, well, practically with everything that you’re you want to build, it’s one step at a time, and this, again, is what Saturn teaches us.

What happens when Mercury is retrograde?

It’s about discipline, so it’s about having boundaries with your time and important things. You need to be very focused so if you realize that you have something in your life that is an energy drain or that is taking up your time, or you’re spending too much time with, even if you just do five minutes a day where you do something for yourself, start a blog, figure out how to use a webcam, figure out how to upload something or figure out how to get on a dating site, And it’s again it’s about building your courage muscles little by little steps lead to big changes, but there’s always magic on the other side of fear, so if you just do little things to overcome your fear step by step, pretty soon your courage muscles will be so strong, and things will be second nature for you, and when you believe in yourself, that is when opportunities abound for you that is when opportunities happen for you. So I live in Portland where we have Nike, so just do it is a lot out here, yeah, right, so I like that too. I say that to my kids all the time you like Nike, just do it. It’s usually about cleaning their room but yeah, so spark before you feel ready, so you don’t ever feel ready, right? So do the things that you’re saying I’ll do next year, or I’ll do in six months, do it

Interview with Kari

Now, do it small and build step by step, step by step, and I know you’re helping people with that. You have a lot of practical programs on your website You put out a whole forecast if people want to learn more about this for 2023 the numerology, the astrology. Let me just ask you if you believe in astrology or not like you know your sun sign, right? I’m Cancer. I do a show with someone who’s in Aries. We joke about how much it really matters to our Sun Signs, we know that, or is it like really our whole chart? Well, sun science can help a lot. I actually love numerology because it’s, in a way, easier to learn than astrology, too. If you learn these nine numbers, you’ll start to see them show up everywhere, like on license plates, but the sun signs are very helpful throughout the whole chart. If you can, I think people get into astrology when they get their chart done, and they’re blown away by how accurate it is because you can see everything about your childhood and why things are challenging for you. It’s pretty remarkable, but the sun sign it’s like knowing if you’re going to adopt a dog. You look up the breed and say, okay, this dog likes to chew, or this dog needs exercise in a way. The sun sign is like that, it shows you your nature and what you need to express yourself, and even just something as simple as that can be so helpful in understanding each other if you are a Cancer, we know that you’re squishy and tender on the inside, that family is important to you. We’ve certainly seen that in your life, right, and we love you. We’ve got to have water, and you’ve got to have water; its cancers can be protective on the outside. They’re very protective, and cancer is actually ruled by the moon, so you would actually be more connected to them, which is probably why you’re like, hey, let’s have an astrologer on.

What happens when Mercury is retrograde?

Well, we joke about Mercury retrograde all the time on Great Day Connecticut, and my co-host laughs like oh, come on, it’s an emergency. I’m like, it is, but I know we’re out of time for this. But I want all the people everyone knows they can go to They can also follow you on Instagram, which is at You are taking the mystical and making it practical all day, so we appreciate your time. I know Mercury will go direct in a couple of days, so I’m grateful that Zoom worked. Everything was fine, and we could take a moment and review this over the next couple of weeks, so thanks, Kari. All right, thanks so much for having me. It’s been a joy, and thanks for joining us for Kara’s Cures on The Cutting Edge of Wellness. You can find more inspiration that inspires on my Facebook. Go to Cara’s Cara Sunderland. You can follow me there or join Kara’s Cures Facebook group on Facebook, have a great day, everyone, and all is well.

Interview with Kari

There’s so much mystery around Mercury Retrograde. That’s why I was THRILLED to share the positive aspects of this transit (and so much more) in my TV interview. Mars and Mercury are personal planets, so you’ll experience their backspin in your daily life. This can feel like a fog lifting from your mind. You’ll have more clarity about your intentions for 2023. Sometimes surprises can be delightful!

I created an intention to share more videos this year. The Universe clearly responded! I was invited to speak on CBS about the astrology of 2023, including the positive aspects of Mercury Retrograde. I could not have asked for a kinder or wiser host for my first TV appearance. Kara Sundlun is a two-time Emmy Award-winning journalist and a remarkable person. She wants truly wants to help people. That’s why she has a special segment called Kara’s Cures that explores ways for people to lead a happy and healthy life with experts on the leading edge of wellness. I know you’ll love this interview! You’ll discover surprising aspects about your connection to the cosmos, how to be in tune with the Universe, and practical guidance you can use to live your dreams. I know you’ll want to follow Kara for more insight. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook @karasundlun. Enjoy! ~ Kari

Taming the trickster planet transit is easy!

The mere mention of the two words “Mercury Retrograde” is enough to get even the toughest person into a tailspin. Visions of computer malfunctions, lost documents, and flight delays are sure to come into your mind, and start your heart racing.

“Is Mercury always in retrograde?” is what people often say. It might feel as if this infamous astrological cycle comes to haunt you more than you’d like, but truly, it’s only 3 or 4 times a year.

Mercury Retrograde is like clockwork.

Mercury Retrograde cycles occur every 88 days for 21 days…. You can plan for them. And it’s recommended that you do.

Mark your calendar! Mercury is coming!

The best way to prepare for Mercury Retrograde is to plan ahead. If you have the dates on your calendar, you’ll know not to schedule anything where you’re you’re taking on too much, or starting any new projects.

Since Mercury is our fastest moving planet in the zodiac, these backward moving retrograde cycles are designed to get you to s.l.o.w. down instead of forging ahead at lightening speed.

What are the Mercury Retrograde dates in 2023?

Dec 29, 2022 – Jan 18 in Capricorn

Apr 21 – May 14 in Taurus

Aug 23 – Sept 15 in Virgo

Dec 13 – Jan 18, 2024 in Capricorn / Sagittarius


5 Tips To Thrive During Mercury Retrograde

Since Mercury governs communication and travel, it’s best to take care of most of your purchasing and planning ahead of time.

Batten down the hatches!

Before Mercury Retrograde begins you can make sure to back up your data, and make any necessary plans or purchases of big items (especially electronics). Sign contracts BEFORE our winged messenger starts its backwards journey. OR, you can wait until after the retrograde cycle ends, and you’ll have a renewed perspective.

Don’t freak out!

Shizz happens! It’s part of life. Whatever miscommunication or malfunction that seems to be happening is simply showing you what needs clarification or repair.ย  With patience and process, you can work through anything and your life will be flowing better than ever before! When something goes wrong, remember…chill the heck out.

Let go, and move on.

During a retrograde, things from your past will resurface, either in your consciousness or circumstances. This is the Universe offering you an opportunity to release unprocessed emotions from your psyche. When someone or something is causing you grief, it is a wonderful opportunity to forgive and forget once and for all.

Lighten up, silly!

The trickster planet is reminding you to have a sense of humor! When things go wrong, instead of stressing and fretting, laugh and remind yourself not to take things too seriously. It’s a wonderful, light energy to carry you through the whole year!

Be kind. Rewind.

The key to staying happy, prosperous and productive during Mercury Retrograde is to go back and complete unfinished business instead of forging ahead at full speed. Use the “RE” words as a guide:

  • Release your past
  • Reclaim your power
  • Regenerate your spirit
  • Revive your passions
  • Reflect on what matters
  • Reconnect with old friends
  • Remind yourself to have fun
  • Revise your self image
  • Re-evaluate your self-worth
  • Re-affirm your self-esteem
  • Re-prioritize your goals
  • Repair your appliances
  • Redecorate your home
  • Rearrange your furniture
  • Refresh your wardrobe
  • Regain balance
  • Recharge your batteries
  • Reinvigorate your body
  • Reboot your energy
  • Relieve your mind of worries
  • Remember to breathe
  • Re-focus your intentions
  • Rebel from the status quo
  • Rebuke negative thinking
  • Reprogram your mind
  • Recite affirmations
  • Realign with Source
  • Receive infinite blessings
  • Relax often
  • Recreate daily
  • Recover from stress
  • Refuel your batteries
  • Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
  • Rejoice in the moment
  • Realize how awesome you are!

It’s also a potent time to reprogram your subconscious.

Find out how to re-train your brain for happiness here >>

And please, re-circulate this to your friends!

Happy Mercury Retrograde!

How to thrive during mercury retrograde
Mercury Retrograde Be Kind Rewind
If you’ve been seeing the 777 angel number repeatedly, congratulations! You have officially been initiated into the secret society of the lucky ones! But what is it about this triple seven that makes it so fortunate?

What is Angel Number 777?

This 777 angel number is often considered a lucky number and for good reason. It represents a strong connection to your soul and higher self and is often seen as a sign that you’re on the right path.

What does Angel Number 777 mean?

Repeated Number 777 angel number is a powerful message from the Universe and a calling from your soul to connect with your spiritual journey. Seven has been considered sacred in many cultures and belief systems for centuries.

The mystical number 7 is sacred in many religions. It represents truth, faith, and intuition. It embodies our connection to the spiritual realm.

It reminds you that you are more than your physical body and that there is more to life than what we can see and touch. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

What is the spiritual meaning of 777?

There are many examples of how the number 7 reveals the connection between heaven and Earth. For example, there are seven days of creation, seven days of the week, and seven colors of the rainbow.Angel Number 777 with description.

There are seven chakras, which are energy centers in the human body. Each chakra is a wheel of energy within our being, connected to a different aspect of the human experience, having its unique vibrational signature. When your chakras are balanced, they create a sense of harmony and well-being.

The crown chakra is your connection to the Divine. It’s your connection to your Higher Self and your purpose in life. Seven is also associated with the planet Neptune. Neptune is the planet of dreams, imagination, and spirituality. It is also the planet of illusion, deceit, and deception.

When you see the repeated number 777, it reminds you to stay connected to your truth and be open to spiritual guidance.

Angel Number 777 Meaning in Love

In numerology, the number 7 is associated with Trust and Betrayal. We’ve all experienced those times when we ignored our inner voice. You may be ignoring the red flags and rejecting your intuition. Make sure you are not making excuses for your partner.

Alternately, seeing 777 angel number can also represent a soul-mate connection. 7 is the number of the soul. One way to tell is if you feel peaceful and more relaxed in the other person’s presence.

777 and Twin Flames

Usually, what people think of as a Twin Flame is really a karmic connection. You can be madly and passionately attracted to someone with whom you have karma to resolve. If you feel relaxed in the other person’s presence, that’s a good sign.


Angel Number 777 Meaning in Career

You have a calling. If your career isn’t fulfilling, look inside yourself and ask what you would love to do. You’re being guided to get more in touch with your soul’s plan.

You may be looking at your life and asking, is this it? What is the meaning of all that I’ve achieved? Am I truly fulfilled? Am I truly at home where I live? What more can I do to fulfill my purpose?

You may want to take time out to reflect on what is calling your soul. Your soul knows your destiny. You were born with an awareness of your purpose.

In numerology, seven is associated with research, writing, and learning. If you desire a career in any of these areas, this is a positive sign! It may also symbolize your need to do more research or receive more training in your desired career.

You will be rewarded at every turn if you commit to following your soul’s calling. If you neglect your inner voice, the Universe will test you.

777 and Manifestation

When you connect with your Higher Self and tap into your inner wisdom, you can learn to trust your intuition and follow your heart. Doing so opens you up to limitless possibilities. You can co-create your life with the Divine and manifest your deepest desires.

The repeated number 777 angel number is a wake-up call to listen to your soul. You CAN manifest your heart’s desires if you are in tune with your truth. However, if you look outside of yourself for answers or simply for material abundance, you can be led astray.

Manifestation works IF you are on the path of your soul. If you listen to your ego, you may find doors closed for you. This is the Universe’s way of ensuring you are following your destiny.

Three Sevens and Good Luck

C’mon, Lucky 777! More than any other number, this is considered good luck! Any time you see a repeated number, it’s a sure sign that your Guides are looking out for you, and that is lucky indeed!

Angel Number 777 and the Lottery

Mystical 7 is a soulful, spiritual number. You may see Lucky 777 and think, “This is a sign for me to play the lottery!”. It’s actually a sign for you to retreat from the material world and focus on your spirit. Getting in touch with your soul can bring you greater rewards than any lottery winnings.

How do I work with the energy of 777?

You have all the answers inside of you if you trust yourself to listen.

Take time to retreat from the material world and focus on your relationship with the spiritual realm.

It’s important to stay open-minded and receptive to change. This can be a powerful time of transformation if you’re willing to let go of old patterns and ways of thinking. If you can embrace the change, you’ll feel lighter, more confident, and more connected to your true path in life.

777 and Protection

Journaling helps you get in touch with your emotions. In this noisy world filled with distractions, writing down your thoughts and feelings is a way to tune into yourself. You create space for insight and healing when you unravel your mind.

When you connect with your soul, you can ascend to great heights and find heaven right here on Earth.
