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Meditation for Gratitude

โ€ŠBefore you begin this meditation, Make sure you are in a comfortable position with your spine straight, so you can relax your body and your mind. This is your sacred time. Take a moment now to tune into your breath. Bring your awareness to your torso. As you inhale, you feel the expansion in your ribcage. And as you exhale, you are releasing anything that doesn’t serve you. Slow, deep, even breath. Breaths. As you breathe, feel the joy of simply being in the moment. You are blessed with this moment. It is such a gift. You are such a gift. Breathe into your heart. With every breath, you feel your heart expand, opening to receive more love, sending gratitude through your body for this present moment. Feel this love pulsate. Pulsate to every cell of your being. With every breath, you are feeling more relaxed and at peace. You are now enveloped in a beautiful column of sparkling white light. You are breathing in this healing light and it is filling your cells. Your body easily receives this light as it releases you from any fears. Guilt or shame, feel those heavy emotions lifted by this healing light. It is pure bliss.

Meditation for Gratitude

You feel the healing light filling your mind, purifying your thoughts. and consciousness, lifting away all your worries. Bring your awareness now to your mind’s eye between your brows in the center of your forehead. This is where you can visualize and use your You’re allowing yourself to imagine, now, that you are surrounded by loved ones. All around you are people whose lives you have touched in a positive way. Anyone can join you here. Friends, family, even pets, or departed loved ones. Anyone whose lives you have touched. You can be joined by one or two. Two people or as many as an entire stadium. No judgment, simply trust whoever or whatever comes to you. Whoever is with you now is essential to your healing. In your mind’s eye, look around. Who do you see there? How do you feel when you see them?

Meditation for Gratitude

The people surrounding you are here with you because you have made an impact on their lives. You have helped them grow and love them. Selves more. You have shared your unique presence with them. You have helped them more than you realize. They are here to share their gratitude with you through their hearts. They are sending you so much gratitude. You can feel their gratitude in your heart. which is opening wide to receive this joyous energy. As you look around the room, you notice one person whose eyes you meet. Now this person is right in front of you. As the two of you are facing each other heart to heart, and you look into their eyes, you see and feel how much love they have for you. Now they are letting you know, either telepathically or with words, how much you have changed their life and in what ways. You can feel their gratitude and from your heart send them gratitude as well. And either telepathically or with words from your heart. Let them know how they have changed your life for the better. You send each other a beautiful blessing of love.

Meditation for Gratitude

Now look around the room once more. Every person in this room has something to share with you about how much you have made their life more beautiful. They have enriched your life as well. Send gratitude from your heart to them. The collective gratitude is now expanding, pulsating to fill the whole room and beyond. To every corner of the universe. Your energy is bringing more light and love into the world, which is returned to you magnified. Take a moment now to send a wave of gratitude about every aspect of your life. As you do, Remind yourself of all you have to be grateful for and remind yourself of all who are grateful for you.

Meditation for Gratitude

As you are sharing and receiving this love and gratitude, allow yourself to ground this energy into your body. Imagine now that you have roots that grow deep into the earth as you thank the earth for supporting you every day. Feel how glorious It is to be in your body as you remember how brightly you light up the world. You are a shining star and the world is a better place with you in it.

Gratitude practice for self-love

Gratitude is a profound practice that can open your heart to love, help you receive love and gratitude, and release feelings of guilt that may be holding you back.ย It is more than just saying thank you for something done or received. It goes deeper, touching our souls and bringing about a profound sense of healing. When we practice gratitude, we shift our focus from what is lacking to the abundance surrounding us โ€“ no matter how small. It enables us to appreciate the present moment and find beauty in the simplest things.

Why is gratitude so powerful?

When we express gratitude, we open ourselves to the abundant love that surrounds us. It’s like unlocking a door to a room filled with joy, compassion, and connection. By consciously choosing to be thankful for the blessings in our lives, we make space for love to flow in and through us. When you express gratitude from your heart, you create a ripple effect, encouraging others to share their love and appreciation. It’s a beautiful cycle of giving and receiving. One of the most powerful aspects of gratitude is its ability to release feelings of guilt. Often, we carry guilt for things we’ve done or decisions we’ve made. Gratitude helps us focus on the positive aspects of our lives, reminding us that we are worthy of love and forgiveness.

How to Practice Gratitude

One of the most powerful aspects of gratitude is its ability to release feelings of guilt. Often, we carry guilt for things we’ve done or decisions we’ve made. Gratitude helps us focus on the positive aspects of our lives, reminding us that we are worthy of love and forgiveness.

Self-Love and Inner Peace

Gratitude is an essential part of self-love and self-care. When you acknowledge and appreciate yourself, you reinforce your sense of self-worth. This self-love is a magnet for more love and abundance in your life. To fully embrace the magic of gratitude, make it a daily practice. Take a few moments each day to reflect on your gratitude. Whether it’s a beautiful sunset, a kind gesture from a friend, or simply the breath in your lungs, there’s always something to be thankful for. Gratitude is a powerful practice that can open your heart to love, help you receive love and gratitude from others, and release feelings of guilt that may be holding you back. It’s a daily invitation to embrace the abundance of life and nurture the relationships that matter most. So, my dear friends, let’s make gratitude a part of our daily lives and watch the magic unfold. Remember, you are worthy of love and abundance; gratitude is the key to unlocking it all. Practice this 12 minute meditation for Gratitude and Healing, here ยป.


The world can feel overwhelming, especially with access to social media. Learn how to calm your anxiety with these six easy steps.ย 

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How to Calm Your Anxiety

The world can feel overwhelming, especially when you add social media on top of that and the stressors of everyday life. It can all lead to feelings of anxiety.

When you’re anxious, it’s hard to have fun. It’s hard to be productive. It’s hard to do the things in the world that you’re meant to do. And you are meant to do great things in the world, and you are meant to feel happy.

So how do you get back to that feeling of calm and centered and peace? I’m going to show you how. This may be slightly different from what you have learned because I am an intuitive and energy healer.

How to Calm Your Anxiety

I look at things energetically. I experienced things differently. This is useful for anybody, especially if you are an empath or an HSP or sensitive.

But before we get into some simple techniques that you can do to feel more calm and relaxed and relieve yourself of anxiety, I wanted to talk to you about what happens energetically in addition to psychologically.

So your mind, by nature, is always looking for threats. That’s a protective mechanism, and your body will respond to threats. If you feel like a tiger is chasing you or have danger around you, you get into that fight or flight mode, that elevated mode.

How to Calm Your Anxiety

Now what happens in your body is that your chakras are always receiving intuitive information from your environment and interpreting that information from the environment, particularly your lower three chakras.

What connects you to the earth and material matters. It’s your root chakra that helps you feel safe, grounded, and secure. So, if you are not really connected to your lower chakras, you’re may constantly be elevating your energy and hovering above the chakras and not inhabiting those so much.

Then you’re in this state where you’re always in this calm mental state, this anxious state, where you’re looking for threats and feeling threats and perceived threats. And so you need to get back in your body.

How to Calm Your Anxiety

Also, if you’re a sensitive soul, the earth can feel very harsh and challenging, especially if you start resonating with all the trauma in the world and all the pain and suffering in the world.

It makes it even harder for your spirit to want to ground in your body. There’s a part of you that says, I don’t want to be here. This is a difficult place to be.

I see this a lot with intuitive, sensitive souls; they’re kind of in their body and not in their body because the lower three chakras hold most of our trauma, childhood trauma, and even past life trauma.

It’s challenging to stay in that grounded state. So what we’re going to do now is help retrain your energy to get back in your body and get back into a calm state to feel grounded, safe, and secure. And when you are doing that, you can live in the present moment. And enjoy life more, and you have much more access to your intuition.

How to Calm Your Anxiety

Now, if there were a real threat, you instead should be grounded and calm and gain intuitive clarity, so you know how to handle it. So that’s what you’re going to do right now.

I’m going to walk you through this if you can. You can close your eyes and do this with me. Or if you want to leave your vision, kind of like where you’re not focusing on anything, just like a soft-focus.

I’m going to close my eyes. Okay. So close your eyes, make sure your spine is straight and loosen your jaw. Make sure you’re not clenching your jaw. Make sure you’re not scrunching up your face or your eyes or forehead. Just let that all go soft.

Good. Now take a moment to focus on your breath. As you focus on your breath, notice your breath’s physical sensations in your body. Feel how nice it is for your breath to expand your rib cage and go into your lungs. Just feel how beautiful that is. Good.

How to Calm Your Anxiety

Your second step is to slow your breath down and slow down your breathing. Breathe in slowly and breathe out. Slow. Almost as if you’re setting yourself up for hibernation. Slow down your breath. Continue to watch your breath in your body as you notice the sensations in your body.

Good. Now, as you are breathing deeply and slowly and noticing your breath, bring your awareness to the base of your spine. And as you bring your awareness to the base of your spine, you may feel it pulsate. That’s okay. And as you do, as you bring your awareness there, open up the base of your spine, your root chakra. Imagine that it’s opening to receive more light and breadth.

Good. Now notice if you are clenching or tightening, and you might. Around the base of your spine or your legs or your knees or your feet or your toes, notice. Imagine this breath going down your legs and your feet, relaxing any tension.

How to Calm Your Anxiety

Notice the tension you have in your legs or feet relaxing. Good. Now open up the chakras at the soles of your feet. And as you’re breathing in light and relaxing, you breathe out any tension through the soles of your feet. Good. Notice any other tension in your body and breathe light into it. Allow your breath to caress and relax any tension in your room.

Now you can visualize a sanctuary for yourself, a safe place. It could be nature. It could be indoors with your loved ones or Furby. Wherever you feel peaceful, imagine yourself there. It could be a real or imaginary place. Visualize yourself as peaceful, calm, and happy. You feel completely safe and relaxed because you are protected, loved, and safe. Good.

Now put your hands over your heart and say to yourself, I am safe in my body. I am safe on the earth. And give yourself some love through your hands. You can feel yourself taking in all this love as you say this.

How to Calm Your Anxiety

Bring your awareness again to your feet as you feel your connection to the earth. Wonderful. Feel your breath in your body and open up your eyes.

Now you notice that you feel calmer also. How does your body feel as you connect to the earth? It may take some practice to get more grounded, more into your body. It most likely will. So I recommend that practice.

As you find yourself racing your thoughts in your head and just trying to figure things out throughout the day, remind yourself to focus on your breath. Notice how your body feels so you can slow your breath and focus on these sensations in your body. Throughout the day, it’s important to remember your feet.

How to Calm Your Anxiety

If you find yourself racing in your mind, focus on your feet and continually notice how your feet feel. Notice the sensations of your feet, how they feel against the floor, against the earth, which will help you ground yourself. And you can remind yourself to call your spirit back in your body. And as you do, you will heal these layers of fear and trauma that have kept you from being there.

Now, as you do this every day, this will give you calmer peace and serenity, and intuitive clarity to make better decisions. Every day, you’re also going to be contributing to the peace of the world. So continue to be the most beautiful person you were born to be, and this will help you shine your light that way.

And if you want to help somebody else, make sure that you forward this practice to someone. Please share this video with someone that you think can benefit from it. I know they will appreciate you for it. And I’d love to hear how this has helped you. Leave a comment below and let us all know how you felt before you did this.

How to Calm Your Anxiety

And then after, please remember to continue these exercises. And again, you can download that from the Grounding meditation using the link below. I have many more resources for you. You can find those on my website at, and make sure you are subscribed and hit that bell to get a notification when I come out with a new video.

I love you so much, and I wish you much joy and love, and serenity. Lots of love. Bye..

How To Calm Your Anxiety

You can calm your anxiety with these easy energetic techniques. The key is to be consistent. The more you incorporate these stress-relieving tools, you can become grounded and at peace.

The world can feel overwhelming, especially with access to social media. Itโ€™s not just the stress of daily life that can affect you. The energy of the world bombards you too.

Any stressors can trigger your fight-or-flight response and lead to anxiety.

Good News!โ€จโ€จ

You can calm your nerves and restore your presence.

I am an intuitive healer, so these stress-relieving techniques are more energetic than cognitive.

These are the tools Iโ€™ve used in my life and can be particularly useful for empaths, HSPs, and sensitives.

I used to suffer from debilitating anxiety when I was younger, and this is what has helped me.

You are an energetic being.

Your root chakra keeps you grounded and feeling safe.

This is what usually happens when a sensitive person feels triggered or threatened by an external or internal stressor:

Instead of staying grounded in your root chakra, the energy rises into the head. The spirit can hover over the body in certain situations, not fully rooted. This event can happen for seconds, minutes, or sometimes months.

To calm your anxiety, itโ€™s important to get your spirit firmly rooted in the body for you to feel safe and secure.

Yet, your lower three chakras tend to hold most of your trauma. You CAN retrain yourself to stay grounded and calm.

Six simple steps to relieve anxiety and stress

Take time in stillness & quiet

Your nervous system can get overstimulated with too much sensory input. It is important to take time for yourself and process the intuitive input you receive daily.

Ground your energy

Your root chakra goes from the base of your spine to your feet. Make sure the muscles in your legs and feet are relaxed and allow energy to flow through you.

Focus on your breath

Slow down your breathing and feel what itโ€™s like in your body. Focus on the sensation of your rib cage expanding. As you focus on your breath, you calm your mind.

Scan your body

Notice if you have tension in your body. Are you gripping or tensing anywhere? Are these areas where you are guarding or protecting with tight muscles? Breathe into those areas.

Imagine a happy, safe place

Take a moment to visualize a safe sanctuary where you are completely secure and at peace. You can go back to this safe space whenever you want.

Focus on your feet

Throughout the day, notice if your energy is all in your head or if you are aware of your body. Keep your energy focused on your feet if you need a reminder to ground yourself.

You will become calmer and more peaceful as you practice these techniques daily. You will find yourself feeling more joyful and productive. โ€จ

As you become more centered, you will respond to the stress of life and the world with more intuitive clarity and joy.

This Archangel Michael Meditation will help elevate your vibration to attract the right people, circumstances, and opportunities.

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Archangel Michael Meditation for Protection

Begin this healing meditation by tuning into your breath. You are surrounded now by a golden orb of light. You feel warmth and love as this healing light envelops you. With each breath, this golden light is releasing you from stress, worry, and tension, while protecting you. A legion of angels whose love emanates into a healing bubble of protection around you surrounds you. This loving energy warms your whole body. Archangel Michael is with you now. You feel his grounding, powerful presence. Surround your entire being. He will assist you in releasing anything that is no longer serving your highest good. Simply relax as you receive his healing.

You are completely love, and support. You have the chance to connect with them without being distracted. If you have been able to relate in this video, please rate, comment, and subscribe to my So positive energy can flow through you. Feel any tension melt away as beautiful vital energy flows through you. Bring your awareness now to your stomach area. Archangel Michael will assist you in releasing any internalizing. As you breathe into this area, Archangel Michael creates a powerful vortex of light. You see this vortex in front of you like a funnel. This powerful vortex draws away negativity and transmutes it into pure love. The base of this funnel is touching your stomach, spinning clockwise. Drawing away stuck and unwanted energy. Any fear of your circumstances overwhelming you. Are now being transmuted and released.

Archangel Michael Meditation

Allow the light to release any fears about your loved ones not being happy. As this healing vortex of light spins, it draws away any fear you have of other people harming you. We’re overpowering you. It’s drawing away any fear of the future or fear of the unknown. And this light transmutes these energies into the purified frequency of love. Archangel Michael directs a stream of pure white light into your stomach and infuses your solar plexus chakra with a grounded sense of calm. You know that you are divinely guided and protected. Bring your awareness now to your heart. Notice if your heart feels heavy or restricted as you breathe into your heart. Archangel Michael will release you from any blocks you have from giving or receiving love. Light is flowing like a river into your heart, washing away emotional pain, clearing away restrictions, opening your heart chakra front and you allow yourself to feel loved. and lovable. Generously sharing and receiving love.

Archangel Michael is filling your heart with pure love. Bring your awareness now to your mind. Notice if you have any tension there. Release your thoughts now to Archangel Michael. Allow Archangel Michael to free you from worries and anxiety. Allow Archangel Michael to remove any thoughts, visions, or images of any negative outcomes, any judgments you have for yourself or others. Are now lifted from you. Your mind is now crystal clear in the still calm waters of your mind. You receive a vision of yourself being happy, healthy, confident, and prosperous. You see your loved ones happy, healthy, and safe. As you visualize this, your heart is glowing with a warm white light.

Guided Meditation for Protection

The light from your heart expands outward in all directions, radiating love and light that fills your whole aura. You’re receiving an infusion of divine light through your heart, which pulses love from your heart, expanding your aura bigger and brighter with love. Archangel Michael surrounds you with layers And layers of light pulse through your heart, expanding your aura wider and brighter. This light is pure, powerful, and protecting. Your light is so strong, only positive energy can penetrate your aura. As you emanate light and love, you elevate the energy of your environment. Your loved ones and the planet, you, your loved ones, and the planet are surrounded and protected by light. Archangel Michael and your Legion of Angels are filling every cell of your being with pure love. You are so loved. You are infinitely loved. Throughout the day, Archangel Michael will remind you to focus on love with all your thoughts, words, and actions. You are wrapped in divine light, bathed in love, and blessed. And so it is.

Archangel Protection

Archangels are like our cosmic guardian angels, each with its own unique specialty. And guess what? They’re just waiting for you to ask for their help.ย 

Archangel Michael Meditation- The Ultimate Protector Archangel Michael is like that dependable friend who always has your back. He’s your go-to when you need strength, courage, and protection from negative energy. Just call upon him, say, “Archangel Michael, please protect me,” and feel his powerful presence surrounding you like a warm, safe blanket.

Archangel Raphael – The Healer of Hearts When your heart is hurting and you need emotional or physical healing, Archangel Raphael is your guy. You can say something simple like, “Archangel Raphael, heal me,” and let his loving energy flow through you, bringing comfort and restoration.

Archangel Gabriel – The Messenger of Good News Need some inspiration or help with communication? Archangel Gabriel is your go-to. Just say, “Archangel Gabriel, assist me in finding the right words,” and watch your words flow gracefully and clearly.

Archangel Uriel – The Light of Wisdom When you’re seeking wisdom, insight, and guidance, Archangel Uriel is your wise, old sage. Ask, “Archangel Uriel, illuminate my path,” and be prepared to receive brilliant solutions and inner clarity.

Joy and Guidance

Remember, these celestial friends are always around, and they’re more than happy to assist you. There’s no request too small or too big โ€“ they’re just waiting for you to invite them into your life. So don’t hesitate to lean on these incredible archangels for support. Trust that they’re always there to protect, heal, guide, and inspire you. You are never alone on this life journey, and with Archangel’s protection, you have the ultimate support system. All you need to do is reach out, and they’ll be right by your side. Take a deep breath, open your heart, and let the Archangels’ love and light surround you, filling your life with joy, guidance, and endless blessings. Embrace their protection, and the transformation in your life. Remember, life can be a wild ride, but with your Archangel shield in place, you’re ready to face anything that comes your way. Trust, believe, and embrace the protection and love they offer you. You’ve got this! Practice this 18 min meditation, Positive Energy and Protection with the Angels, here ยป.


Discover how to find your calling with these 4 practical steps. Tap into your potential and navigate your journey with confidence.

How do you fulfill your soul’s purpose?

It’s a calling, not just a career.

You have something special inside you. You have a gift to share that can help so many people.

It might not be clear what it is. Or, perhaps you know what your talents are but haven’t found a way to create a viable career with your gifts.

It’s a vicious cycle.

There’s that feeling that you’re wasting your life. You put hard work into a job that helps other people become rich or successful, but does nothing to further your career.

Then, you have no energy left for yourself. So, you don’t pursue your passions, and you’re left feeling unfulfilled and frustrated.

And yet, there is something inside you that knows you are meant for more.

That’s a sign of health. You’re meant to pursue your purpose and find your calling. In fact, the more you avoid it, the more intensely it will come after you. That’s why it’s referred to as a “calling”.

Four Steps To Discover How to Find Your Calling

The calling is relentless.

The more you avoid doing what your soul intended, the more exhausted and miserable you will feel.

This is the Universe’s way of letting you know that you are out of alignment. Yet take heart. Your life can turn around quickly.

Once you discover how to find your calling and begin expressing your innate gifts, you will find that amazing opportunities abound!

Your calling will never leave you. Your Spirit Guides and Angels will always direct you toward ways to live your purpose. Yet, you must heed the call.

1. Find a community of like-minded souls

This first step to learning how to find your calling is often overlooked yet is paramount for your well-being. In fact, it’s the foundation of your energetic design.

Your root chakra (located at the base of your spine) is associated with money, career, finances, security and community. This chakra connects to your sense of belonging. If you don’t feel as if you’re part of a collective, it affects every aspect related to your root chakra – including money.

Your feelings of safety, security, and belonging directly correlate to you having financial success.

This is exacerbated if you are in the spiritual closet in any way. If you don’t feel you can be yourself, all of yourself, then you are hiding every aspect of your being. Your gifts will get locked in that spiritual closet as well as your joy.

When you connect with people who support you for who you are, you have an opportunity to explore all of your talents without feeling judgment or shame. You will have people who speak the language of your soul. Most importantly, you can be yourself.

Don’t try to do everything by yourself. Life is meant to be shared and enjoyed. Find people who are doing what you’re interested in and together you can make magic happen!

2. Make your passions your priority

Whatever makes you happy cannot be the last on your list when you are working on how to find your calling. How often are you doing everything in your life you “have to do” and then hoping you have time for the things you actually enjoy?

Your passions will always lead you to your purpose. That’s why you need to add fuel to your fire. If there is something in your heart that you enjoy (it doesn’t need to be career-related), make that the number one thing that you make time for. Then, schedule everything else around THAT.

This is sending a strong message to your subconscious and the Universe that you are making yourself a priority. When you do that, you can discover what you’re meant to do, rather than what you “should do”.

3. Be creative and have fun

Have you ever heard the expression “do what you love and the money will follow”? This doesn’t apply only to your vocation. Having fun will enhance every area of your life. Sometimes you simply need to do things for the joy of it, including hobbies and activities that have nothing to do with your career to learn how to find your calling.

Positive energy floods your aura when you do something fun. This attracts good things to you!

If you have a talent that brings you joy, you can absolutely pursue this talent as your career. Do it because you love to share your special gifts and not simply for the money.

Allow yourself to explore your talents simply for the joy of it. Allow yourself to play, just as we do for our children.

4. To find your calling, work with a mentor.

Having an innate talent doesn’t mean you need to do everything yourself. You need support to discover how to find your calling. Finding a mentor can save you years of heartache. If they’ve found success in their profession, they can teach you the most strategic way for you to reach your goals.

Oftentimes, they’ve learned from their mistakes and can help you steer clear of them.

Whether you’re looking to learn something in the spiritual arts or business, it’s important to learn from people who can help you grow.

This often means investing in a program or coaching package. If that’s scary for you, remember, you’re the world’s best investment. You’re worth it.

Whatever you do, make sure you invest in yourself. Make yourself a priority, and never, ever give up on your dreams.

Now find your calling and live it!

Find Your Calling
Are you constantly seeing the 111 angel number? When you look at the clock, is it always at 1:11? Or see 1:11 on receipts or 111 on license plates? If you feel that is a sign or message from the Higher Realms, you are right!

What is 111 Angel Number?

Your Spirit Guides are constantly communicating with you and seek to get a message to you however they can.

111 carries a special vibration from the divine realm that encourages you to tap into your intuition and use your creative expression as an outlet for your highest potential. It can be seen as a message of inspiration and personal empowerment.

What is the Meaning of Angel Number 111?

In numerology, 1 is the number of the Self. It is the first of all our prime numbers and denotes new beginnings. You are entering a new phase of your life. Perhaps you have completed a karmic cycle and are ready for a fresh start. You have entered a new chapter where you put your needs and desires at the forefront.

Yes, it is time for you to make YOUR needs your number one priority.

The Symbolism of Repeated Number 111

The sacred geometry of the number 1 is unique. It is an antenna that acts as a conduit between Spirit and Matter. There is an uninterrupted flow of energy between you and the divine. A number in triplicate, such as 111, is exponentially more powerful than the number on its own. 3 is the number of Creation, representing your power to co-create with the Divine.

What Does Seeing the Number 111 Angel Number Mean for Me?

Description of angel number 111 by Kari Samuels.

The 111 angel number is strongly associated with intuition and divine downloads. It encourages you to believe in yourself to bring your unique voice and vision into the world.

It amplifies the power of your inner knowing, signaling a time for trusting your intuition above all else. It’s an invitation to tap into your inner realms and express what’s in your heart.

Your intuition is being activated and strengthened. You’re receiving divine downloads โ€“ messages from higher realms โ€“ that only you can express in the world.

This could come through visions or symbols, feelings or insights. Your unique gifts are coming into focus and clarity now; trust them!

How do I work with the energy of 111 Angel Number?

You can move forward on your life path with courage and confidence. Put yourself first and honor your unique gifts and vision โ€“ 111 angel number is an assurance that the Universe has got your back!

111 Angel Number also carries a message of self-love and prioritizing your well-being. You are asked to be conscious of taking care of your own needs and make yourself a priority.

Trust in Your Inner Wisdom

111 angel number is a powerful symbol of intuition and spiritual growth. This number often appears when you’re going through a time of personal transformation, and it’s a reminder to trust your inner voice. If you keep seeing 111 angel number, you are likely going through a time when your faith is being tested. Trust your instincts and follow your heart. You are being guided toward your greatest potential.

Manifest your desires.

111 angel number is a reminder to stay true to your soul’s intention. It’s a sign that the Universe encourages you to focus on your goals. Keep your thoughts positive and your actions aligned with your aspirations. The Universe is conspiring in your favor โ€“ trust that everything is unfolding as it should. You can manifest your true purpose when you listen to your heart and stay true to yourself.

How to interpret Angel Number 666 in different aspects of life:

In Love and Relationships

6 is associated with the heart chakra. In the tarot the number 6 is the Lovers Card. Seeing 666 can signify that you have made a genuine heart connection with someone.

The shadow side of 6 is that you give too much to others and neglect your own needs. Seeing 666 can be a message that you are confusing love with losing yourself in a relationship. It’s important to let your loved ones learn their spiritual lessons themselves. You cannot take on someone’s karma for them or protect them from their own choices.

111 Angelย Number message for Love and Romance

In the realm of love and relationships, establishing healthy boundaries is crucial for fostering genuine connections. Angel Number 111 reminds you of the importance of honoring your own needs, desires, and authenticity.

It encourages you to communicate openly and honestly, expressing what’s in your heart without fear of judgment or rejection.

One key aspect of maintaining healthy boundaries is recognizing that you are not responsible for carrying other people’s karma. Often, we may find ourselves taking on the burdens and emotional baggage of others in an attempt to help or protect them. However, Angel Number 111 encourages you to release this weight and focus on your own growth and well-being. It reminds you that prioritizing your needs and self-care creates an environment that encourages others to do the same.

111 Angel Number meaning for Work and Career

Change is on the horizon. If you are yearning for a new career, seeing 111 is a message from the Universe to venture on a new path.

Listen to the whispers of your soul. Your work should be more than just a means to an end; it should be a source of inspiration, personal growth, and contribution. Reflect upon your values, interests, and the impact you desire to make in the world. Seek opportunities that resonate with your soul’s purpose, and you will find true fulfillment in your work.

Are you looking to venture forth as an entrepreneur or an artist?

This number serves as a catalyst to tap into your creative potential and turn your passions into a thriving business venture. Step outside your comfort zone and take the leap of faith required to build something meaningful. Trust that the Universe is aligning the resources and opportunities necessary for your success.

What if I see 11:11?

11:11 has a similar message, yet a unique meaning. You can read more about it here.
