Intuition or Judgement – How To Trust Yourself?

Intuition or Judgement

Are you using your intuition or judgement?

I want to talk about discernment.

This is the BIGGEST challenge I see people have in accessing their intuition.

Sometimes your intuition will reveal something about a person’s character, a situation, or yourself, and you don’t like it. You immediately reject it as being “judgemental” or “negative.”

I also know there are schools of thought focusing only on “thinking about what you do want” instead of what you don’t want because you will attract more.

I’d like to present you another way.

The best way to differentiate intuition or judgement is to notice what you are thinking about. Is it someone or something? Notice how you feel. Pay attention without pushing it away, and ask what your thought or feeling is telling you.

You might think it’s negative. You might think you’re using your judgement. But in reality, the only person you judge is yourself.

Allow yourself to experience the thoughts and feelings that you consider negative.

By doing this, you are not adding to the world’s negativity. You are not resisting all the goodness that you want. You are simply acknowledging intuition.

Pay attention. Your psychic senses are trying to tell you something. If you see something or someone in a way that isn’t flattering, recognize this is an intuition trying to protect you.

It doesn’t mean you need to reject that person or situation or think they are “bad,” but you can know how to respond proactively.

Balance intuition or judgement. Your intuition is always guiding and protecting you! Honor it as the gift that it is.

Read more about intuition in my article, How to Be Intuitive.

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