Eastern Mind Meets Western Medicine

Recently I was asked by a client how I reconcile the emotional, the spiritual, and western medicine. For instance, if you have a broken leg, how do your emotions enter into that? Or you suffer from depression, isn’t that genetics? How does the spiritual enter into the equation?

This is something I think about all the time and am still learning. My understanding of this topic has grown primarily from my work as a spiritual counselor. I’ve read some amazing books by medical intuitives and listened with an open mind when they’ve spoken. So please understand this is my interpretation alone –I don’t claim it to be anything more.

Physical Care for Quantum Healing

I believe physical ailments have a cause on the spiritual, emotional, and physical level. If you look at this as energy, it would be quantum, subtle, and gross (material) energy.ย  As we learned in physics, energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed. A disharmony begins on the quantum (spiritual) level.

Let’s say that there is an experience that you need to learn a spiritual lesson from (quantum energy).ย  This causes you to have certain responses that are emotional (subtle energy). These emotions are stored in our subconscious minds until we learn the skills to process them.

Energy Flow

As well, energy flows through our acupuncture meridians. That energy is emotion, and different meridians channel different levels of emotion. So, when we have an experience with this backlog of emotions, the energy (emotions) doesn’t travel efficiently through our meridians.

This will also affect our choices (physical) about how we respond to and treat our bodies. If we have unhealthy impulses with food, relationships, or other behaviors, the energy will not properly flow through our meridians. We act more reflexively than consciously in those situations.

So, over time, when the energy isn’t flowing properly in our meridians, physical degeneration happens. And when that happens you need some physical help, like surgery, pharmaceuticals, etc.

Our Bodies Communicate to Us

My teacher of the LifeLine Technique, Darren Weissman says that symptoms are “gifts in strange wrapping paper.” Meaning, our ailments are how our body communicates subconscious patterns to our consciousness. It is the only way that we can bring to consciousness that which we were ignoring before.

Our bodies communicate on all three levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. It is always important to treat the physical symptom first. Observing physical degeneration can be the first step to ascertaining what deeper habits and blocks exist.ย  And you absolutely cannot address your emotions when you are in physical pain! There is always more underneath that which needs to be healed. The physical is the most dense manifestation of an imbalance, but it always begins on a subtle emotional level.


Part of what I do is detect certain health problems and understanding the emotional and spiritual reasons behind them. I noticed I was consulting with several women who had thyroid issues. They were all very outspoken, felt comfortable communicating, and couldn’t understand why they were having issues in their throat chakra. All of them had creative/life purpose urges that they were repressing to accommodate the responsibilities of their family.

I guided them to a doctor to treat the condition, and I also encouraged them to pursue their creativity to heal the underlying cause. Because even if you heal the physical, the energy of the emotions underneath that are still looking for expression. For example, I also noticed that several clients with knee pain were afraid of making changes in their lives.ย  And I noticed that men with back pain often feel overwhelmed with their material responsibilities.

I see the western medicine as being an integral part of the healing process. In some cases, there is nothing better for treating the acute symptoms of imbalance – once it gets to that level. But treating the symptom is one part of the process.ย  You also want to clear the emotional and spiritual issues that led to the imbalance with physical changes as well.

So the next time you’re dealing with your chronic sciatica, by all means go to a doctor. But don’t forget that the sciatica, too, has a spiritual and emotional core, one that needs to be addressed if it is to be truly healed.

Boundaries Are Everywhere

Everything in nature has boundaries that act as a mechanism to keep the organism healthy. Take repotting a plant for instance. In order for that plant to thrive, it needs to be in the proper sized container. If the container is too large, that plant cannot take root, receive proper nourishment, or grow.

Too, the earth itself has a natural boundary. Our ozone layer helps filter harmful rays from our life-generating sun. So even though we need the sun, we also need to protect ourselves from the sun! Our intuition helps interpret what is healthy for us and what isn’t.

Sometimes, with those close to us, you have an impulse to pull away or draw boundaries, even in situations where that person seems to need us the most. In those situations, your intuition is speaking to you through your feelings. You can have faith that the other person will express their highest and best, by seeing their true self, which is pure love, while you maintain your space and give them space to do so.

The Higher Self and Unconditional Love

We often feel guilty about creating boundaries. We feel obligated to always be there for the other person with unconditional love. It is easy to be confused about unconditional love. Often, we interpret that as meaning we accept everything someone does to us and forgiving their actions. Perhaps another way of viewing this is viewing that person from the perspective of the Higher Self.

When a healer is helping someone else, they allow Divine Love to flow through them. They do this while maintaining a loving space through Present Time Consciousness. Whereas if the healer were to identify the other person’s pain with pity, rather than maintaining the vision of their true self as being whole and pure love, then they would inhibit that person’s healing.

Too, in our personal relationships, when someone is mistreating us or acting in a way that is not in alignment with their Higher Self, and we allow them to continuously do so, then we are doing both ourselves and the other person a disservice.

Unconditional love is holding the other person responsible for their actions with the belief and the vision of their highest and best, knowing that they, with the help of their Higher Self, can find the path towards healing. If we do their work for them, we inhibit their growth.

Grow and Learn

So when you have those feelings of mistrust, or needing space, that is often your intuition speaking to you. It is speaking through your Higher Self letting you know that their energy needs to be filtered for you to thrive and be able to love. It is saying that the balance in your relationship is not in harmony, and you need to pull back so that they can find their strength within themselves, rather than you giving them your power and energy.

If you find yourself feeling guilty about this, try viewing the other person from the perspective of their Higher Self. The Higher Self knows the meaning of all of our life’s struggles, challenges, triumphs, and joys. We are all here on this Earth to grow and learn!


Intuition In Action

Some of the most intuitive people I know have difficulty making decisions.

Many of my psychically sensitive clients come to me confused and feeling stuck. Their energy is scrambled.

Usually when I see this they have abandoned their intuition in exchange for some kind of illusion of security. They stay with a partner, job, or situation because they are afraid to listen to where their intuition is leading them. This leads to justifying and second guessing themselves.

When this happens, the heart and mind start playing energetic ping pong and the person doesn’t know what to do. Usually what happens is they start justifying by listening to their rationalization and NOT listening to their intuition (which takes a lot of energy!). They then wind up exhausted and even more confused than ever.

Be Honest & Empower Yourself

This often goes one step further where the person WANTS a different outcome than where their intuition is guiding them because they are afraid to give up their security. They wish, hope, attempt to manifest and law-of-attract their situation to be better.

And no matter how much they try to wish that their partner, job or situation is going to change, because they are hoping and visualizing, their intuition is telling them that something is not right, and they need to respond accordingly.

What needs to happen in these situations is for you to clearly and calmly ask yourself, why am I feeling confused? What is my intuition telling me is not right about my situation and what steps can I make to change?

It’s as simple as that! By doing so you are empowering yourself to make a choice rather than waiting for change to happen TO you.

Listen to where your intuition is guiding you. Step by step, moment by moment, you will find yourself moving away from disharmonious situations and into more positive ones when you have your intuition in action.

Are you a nice person who doesn’t always get treated well?

You probably consider yourself a nice person. But you might wonder when all of your good energy is going to help you create a better life.

My clients tend to be extremely nice people, but often wind up in unhappy relationships. They do so much for everyone else and then feel stressed out at the end of the day.

It seems reasonable that if you are nice to others, people will be nice to you in return. After all, isnโ€™t it good karma to be nice to people? Good karma should come back to you, right? The answer is yes, good karma will come back to you. However, being nice isnโ€™t always good karma!

Oftentimes, we think we are doing the โ€œrightโ€ thing by automatically forgiving someone who has wronged us. We may do this to avoid drama, but end up absorbing someone elseโ€™s negative energy.

One solution is to not take their actions personally. View that person with compassion, then disengage from that dynamic by choosing self-respect and self-care. When you choose to do that, their negativity becomes a reflection of themselves instead of something for you to absorb. Try that and see how it works for you!

Relationships are an energy exchange

Relationships have a karmic energy exchange. If you think of all relationships as having a measure of energy, where what is given is received, then they are in a reciprocal energy exchange. The scales of karma are then in balance.

Yet, when we are being โ€œniceโ€ instead of standing up for ourselves, or asserting our right to be treated better, or walking away from people who mistreat us, we tip those karmic scales. We attract situations like this to help us correct that balance.

You might want to look at any uncomfortable situation in your life that you seem to attract over and over again, and see if there is a lesson there about a reciprocal energy exchange. You can evaluate whether you are giving too much or too little in that circumstance relative to the outcome, and make appropriate adjustments.

Too, if you are one of these people who try to be โ€œgoodโ€ all the time and do the right thing, you might want to examine how that plays out in your relationships. Examine whether you are in a reciprocal relationship, or if there is a pattern that needs to be rectified.

You might also want to look at the balance within yourself. Do you have a balance of work and play? Is there a balance with alone time and socializing? Are you giving as well as receiving?

Instead of thinking about whether you are being nice to people, ask if you are being honest with yourself. Being truthful and direct with your feelings (especially with yourself) is the best way to bring harmony and balance into your life. Now thatโ€™s nice!


Angels aren’t always nice.

I was doing a meditation with my guardian angels and the four major archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel) to prepare for an angel healing that class I was teaching.

So, I asked them what they wanted me to share with my students. I was expecting to see lots a rainbows and butterflies floating with cherubs in white fluffy clouds. What I discovered surprised me!

A strong, powerful, and VERY direct message came through. They emphatically wanted me to share that angels are not always “nice”. Many people, especially those who feel they are “earth angels”, or want to be good spiritual people, feel they must be nice all the time, and do good deeds, and if someone bothers them, they should accept it, bless that person and give them love. Well, it’s not quite that simple!

Angels are fiery fierce creatures.

There is a lot of darkness here on this planet, and these incredible beings help us transmute negativity into love.ย  This is more warrior energy than pacifist energy. After all, Archangel Michael, the head honcho of the angels carries a sword!

Many of my clients and students are overly concerned with being nice and not causing any disharmony. So, they take in other people’s negativity and don’t stand up for themselves.

Consequently, they find themselves in unhealthy relationships, illness, and poor finances. Angels can help you heal these issues, not by giving your power over to them, but by asking the angels to help you own their powerful, dynamic, healing, radiant energy and share that with others. This is bold energy!

You are powerful beyond measure

When you connect with your angels, try to envision their dynamic radiance, and match their energy. This will help you heal your life on all levels. They are working with you to heal your life, but they can’t do it all for you.

One of the lessons we are meant to learn here is to co-create our lives. So if you want healing on any level, physical, financial, or emotional, visualize these powerful beings and allow their energy to work through you as you match your energy to theirs. You will be amazed at the level of healing that can occur. Listen to their guidance. They will always lead you towards love.

And love truly is the most powerful force in the Universe. It’s fierce!

Archangel Michael is fierce!

If you want to experience the awesome power of Archangel Michael, and would like to learn techniques for releasing fears and negative energy from relationships and circumstances, check out my Healing with Archangel Michael audio course. You’ll learn how to be a fierce spiritual warrior for peace (and never be “too nice” again!).
