How To Stay Positive

If you are anything like me, you’re sensitive to other people’s energy. You can walk into a room and feel what’s been go on there. Or when you meet someone, you immediately know what they’re about.

This is a real gift, though it does have its challenges.ย For me, being sensitive to other people’s energy has been a lifelong lesson in boundaries and self-care. It always amazed me when people could be around anyone in any environment and remain undaunted.

I used to take things very personally. In fact, I took on other people’s energy as if it was my own!

Letting things, “roll off my back”, as others would encourage me to do, just wasn’t possible.

I’m an empath.

This means that I feel people’s emotions (and sometimes physical pain) as if they were my own. My guess is that you have some degree of this too. If you’ve ever struggled with any of the following, then you are most likely empathic:

  • over-giving
  • feeling exhausted after being around groups
  • being drained after you help others
  • experiencing dramatic mood shifts
  • wanting to please everyone
  • compassion fatigue

Trust me, if you weren’t hardwired to be sensitive to other people’s energy, you wouldn’t experience these things. Trying to brush things off or move on as if you don’t care is not how you roll!

Being an empath is a remarkable gift. When channeled correctly, you have an intuitive awareness that guides you toward amazing opportunities. If you’re unskilled about managing the energy you’re receiving, it can wreak havoc on your life.

In order to stay positive around other people, you must do the following:

  • Cleanse your aura every day
  • Stay grounded in your body
  • Tune into your inner voice rather than others
  • Be direct instead of nice

And most importantly…

  • Raise your vibration to love, so you are not affected by other people’s fear

I’ve spent my life developing these skills. I know the power of harnessing my energy to benefit me and others, rather than deplete me. Being aware of my own needs, feelings and energy is a daily practice, and one with infinitely positive results. I encourage you to take up this practice immediately and watch your world change from chaos to bliss.

If you’d like to know more about managing your energy so you can feel wonderful every day, I encourage you to take my tele-class, How to Stay Positive Around Negative People. ย It can change your life forever.


Do you sometimes feel that you are too nice?

My guess is that you do. If you’re a kind-hearted spiritual person, most likely being nice is a top priority for you.

I’ve been surprised in my work with clients to find that the expectation of what we feel we “should” be doing (such as being nice all the time) causes us to get into depleting relationships, and keeps us from truly fulfilling our purpose.

Especially if you identify with being an “earth angel”. There’s so much pressure to do the “right” thing all the time, you wind up giving to others at the expense of taking time for yourself. Can you relate?

I notice a funny thing about people being called an “angel” all the time as a response to their good deeds. It traps them into giving more than they have when their intuition is screaming “NO!”. It’s a lot of pressure!

Call upon Archangel Michael Healing

Heaven’s angels aren’t concerned with being nice. In fact, one of their divine assignments is to give us courage and strength. They set healthy boundaries so that we have the energy to pursue our heart’s desires.

You might have seen illustrations of Archangel Michael, the head-honcho of the angelic realm. He’s super fierce! In almost every painting of him, you’ll see he’s carrying a sword. He wields his mighty sword to help release you of your fears and negativity that are keeping you from shining!

Call upon Archangel Michael to help you with feeling overburdened. If you don’t have the time or energy to pursue your passions, you can call upon Archangel Michael to help you. Here’s a prayer to invoke his presence:

“Archangel Michael please assist me now. ย I ask that you cut any negative attachments I have to the people, places, or circumstances that are no longer serving my highest good. Please infuse me with your divine light, love and protection and give me courage and strength to express what’s in my heart, for the highest and best of all. Thank you!”

My life has changed immensely since working with Archangel Michael’s powerful presence and I know yours will too!

There are immeasurable ways you can call upon Archangel Michael to help you, especially when it comes to fulfilling your destiny and generating more positive energy. I encourage you to call upon him every day.

If you would like to experience the immense healing that can take place when you work directly with him, I encourage you to download the audio of Healing with Archangel Michael.ย  It’s a truly beautiful experience to be in his presence and feel the intense healing power of his love. Truly awesome. It’s heaven sent!

For more on Archangels, check out my article, Moon Manifesting With Archangel Haniel.


People who desire compatibility want to know each other’s sun sign astrology because it’s a genuine indicator of inclinations and expression.

Hey, what’s your sun sign?

This question always makes me laugh. It’s so clichรฉ and yet when I meet someone I really want to know their birth sign. (Mind you, I want to know their life path number, moon sign, and moon phase, too!).

There’s a reason that people who desire compatibility want to know each other’s sun sign astrology. It’s a genuine indicator of your habits, inclinations and expression.

It might seem impossible that one in every 12 people share the same traits because they have the same astrological sign. And yet, how many emotionally deep Scorpios do you know, or tactile Tauruses, or nurturing Cancers?

If you were going to adopt a puppy, you’d know that dogs of a specific breed would share the same habits (hey, a beagle’s gotta howl and a dachshund’s gotta dig!), and yet can have entirely different personalities.

Your sun sign astrology is the same way. There are characteristics that are hard-wired into your sign that shape the way you relate to the world. This is to help your soul express itself in a way that benefits your purpose.

Contrary to popular belief, the planets don’t makeย you do things. They’re not causing you to act a certain way. The planets are a vibrational match for your energy.

Let’s say you were born a Leo. You don’t act like a typical Leo because you’re born under that sun sign astrology sign. Your soul choseย to be born during the Leo constellation because that represented your divine intentions the best.

There’s a reason you were born at a certain time and place. Nothing is random.

Your destiny is divinely designed

The planets in the heavens have a cosmic chemistry when you’re born that is in perfect alignment with your soul’s intention.

Knowing your sun sign astrology is a magnificent way to illuminate your soul’s blueprint, and even shine light on those dark places in your psyche you would like to heal. You can learn immeasurable insight about your partner, parents, children, friends, and even your pets!

I highly suggest you get to know your sun sign more in depth than what you read in a weekly horoscope. It will shine light on your life and illuminate your world.

Have fun and shine on!


People ask me all the time if I can read auras

It’s a funny question because I can read people’s auras, but I don’t always see them the way you might think. I often see textures around people to interpret their mood or beliefs.

For instance, if someone is angry I can feel little spikes coming from their energy field. When someone is confused I feel swirls of energy around them like a mini tornado. And don’t even get me started on energy vampires! I can almost hear the sucking sound!

I’ve started to see colors in people’s auras. It’s a beautiful experience to see someone who’s opening their heart chakra to have a pastel pink emanating from them, or gold when some is truly stepping into their soul’s purpose.

Aura, Chakra, and Color

If you are craving a color in your wardrobe, food or environment, you may have a chakra that needs stimulating. Below is a quick guide to aura colors and their vibrational influences and meanings:

Red is associated with your root chakra. It’s very physical and can boost your energy and vitality, which is why it can be seen in the aura of many athletes. Passion is fueling you which be motivating or impulsive. If you have too much red in your aura you can be hot-headed or hyper-active.

Orange is a happy color. If you want to brighten your mood, bring some orange into your life. It’s associated with the second chakra which attracts pleasure, money, and sensual experiences. If you want to spread good cheer and happiness, orange is your best friend.

Yellowย is a big burst of sunshine! It’s so positive. Often yellow shows up when someone needs healing. It’s can also represent the intellect, communication or gut-level intuition. This is a power color. If you want to make your presence known, yellow will help you shine!

Aura, Chakra, and Color

Green is the ultimate healing color. When the earth is healthy it’s covered with vibrant green! If you are a healer, you most likely have green in your aura. If you need healing, it’s wonderful to bring this color into your life. (Eat your veggies!). This loving nurturing color is associated with the heart chakra and can help you open up to receive and share more love and compassion. What could be better?

Blue is expansive like an endless summer sky. You can open up your whole world with this color. Blue promotes speaking your truth and expressing your soul’s purpose. It associates with the throat chakra. Claim your authority with one of the deeper hues. Have you ever noticed why so many uniforms are blue? The lighter hues can have a calming effect.

Indigo is mysterious like the night. Since it’s associated with the third eye, it can promote clairvoyance, mystical experiences, and vivid dreams. You may have an expansion of spiritual awareness when you connect to the limitless of this deep color. Too much indigo can lead to a lack of grounding so make sure to stay on terra firma!

Aura, Chakra, and Color

Violet is a high vibe! Violet associates with crown chakra. This is your connection to Source. You’ll have huge transformations in your life since this is a color of transition. You are about to step into a new realm of awareness and expansion.

The material realm might not seem as important with your deepened spiritual awareness. You can have more sense of your higher purpose and that we all are truly ONE.

White contains all the colors of the rainbow! Truth, purification and wisdom are all possible with this healing vibration. If you want to cleanse your aura or environment, shower yourself with sparkly white light and you will feel renewed!

Have a colorisicious day!

Have you ever had deja vu and what is the meaning?

Before I developed my psychic abilities, I used to have deja vu all the time. I took it as a sign that I was in the right place at the right time and wondered about the deja vu meaning.

Since I was always aware of past lives, I thought it meant that I had known someone or somewhere from a previous incarnation. Little did I know that many of those instances were me traveling into the future, rather than the past.

Our consciousness has the amazing ability to travel to other dimensions. You do this all the time when you sleep. We call this astral projection. Your astral body can travel freely through time and space without the restriction of your physical body.

During that time, you can visit with your spirit guides, departed loved ones, and even other dimensions. Oftentimes, you will travel into the future to glimpse into possible realities. Then, when you actually experience those situations in real time, you feel as if you’ve been there before. Because you have! This is a part of the deja vu meaning.

You don’t need to wait until you are sleeping to explore your possible futures. I do this all the time! You can travel into your future any time you want to explore your options, create wonderful opportunities, and manifest a happy future.

At any time you wish, you can choose to check out your future reality! You do this all the time when you daydream, but don’t always realize it. Why not do it proactively? Here’s how:

  • Relax and be calm.
  • Bring your energy into your heart chakra.
  • Ask your Guides to show you what it would be like if you made a certain choice (i.e., went to a certain location, took a specific job, etc.) to grasp the deja vu meaning.
  • Notice how you feel and what’s around you

You’ll find when you do this you will get a very clear idea about what the future will be like if you made that decision. You can save yourself a lot of time, expense, and energy in the long run. Easy peasy! Now you’re a time traveler!

Beam me up Scotty!
