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Energetic Protection – How To Create Healthy Boundaries

Hey, it’s Kari here. And I am so excited about what I’m going to be sharing with you right now because I know this can change your life as it has mine. I’m going to be sharing with you five essential steps to protect your energy so that you can feel grounded, and happy, and maintain well-being and positive energy so you can feel great.

When I say this is life-changing, I have went from feeling anxious, and stressed, and really just never in my skin to feeling peaceful, and joyful, and radiant. So don’t overlook these because you think they’re simple or obvious. These are life-changing, especially if you’re sensitive. So if you feel like you’re one of those people that pick up on energy from other people, that you’re like a sponge, that sometimes you’re talking to someone and they feel great and you feel worse afterwards, well, then this is definitely going to help you.

Because once you’re aware of energy and how you’re managing your own energy and how you’re protecting your energy, that’s when you can choose how you want to feel instead of just not knowing why you’re not feeling well at certain times. So once again, I want to remind you, do not overlook these or gloss over them no matter how simple or even obvious they may seem to you.

First Step of Energetic Protection

The first essential is for you to know that you are an empath. So first of all, what is an empath and why is this important for you to know? And again, that’s what I’m saying this seems kind of simple. But once you understand the kind of person you are and how you process energy, then you know how to manage energy. You know what we and our bodies, our bodies are the vehicle for our soul. This is the vessel for your soul, and not everybody’s driving around in the same vehicle. So like you, if you’re listening to this or even you’re interested in this information, it’s probably because you are an empath, and empaths are gifted energetically and emotionally.

So if you imagine that your energy field … You have an energy field. You don’t need to imagine that because that’s true, but if you can imagine what that is about for you, and not everyone has the same kind of energy field. So just like with hair, some people would have really thick hair and some people have very fine hair, and it’s more porous, and it’s more fine.

So the same thing with energy. You can have a one of those energy fields that things just roll off of you. And if you’re one of those people that no matter how much people say, “Hey, just let it roll off of you,” you can’t because you’re more spongy. You’re like a little sponge. You’re like delicious sponge, and so you will absorb energy more intensely. But you’re also have kind of like spidey senses so you can feel energy more intensely, like more fine-tuned.

Manage Energy

This is an incredible gift because you’re energetically sensitive to how other people feel, which subsequently means that you pick up on their energy and you’re always feeling what they’re feeling. Sometimes you don’t even know whose feeling it is anymore. This can also make you kind of more of a people-pleaser because you’re always feeling how other people are feeling about you and you always want people to feel good about you so you wind up giving too much or always doing everything so that other people feel good and sometimes at your expense. Is this sounding familiar, feeling familiar? Yeah, I thought so.

So knowing you’re an empath means that you know how to take care of yourself because you’re not like normal people, and you don’t want to be. You’re extraordinary. You have this extraordinary gift of emotional intelligence where you can feel things more acutely. But this also means that you need to manage your energy more acutely. You need to take extra good care of yourself because you can’t just be out there in any environment. So it’s knowing your vehicle, you know? So you’re not an off-road vehicle. You’re not an SUV. You’re more like a Jaguar.

I know it’s hard to be extra sensitive. Sometimes there are challenges, but the gifts are amazing. You’re extraordinary, and it’s such a great gift to have. When you know how to overcome the challenges, you can start reaping the benefits of being this extraordinary being. So why be a jalopy when you can be a Jaguar? So feel good about being an empath, but you have to know that you are.

Second Step of Energetic Protection

This brings us to the second most essential step in being an empath, in energetic protection, is to say no to stressful environments. Now, we talked about you being a people-pleaser, right? So there’s so many times when you’re dreading going somewhere or you’re going to a social event or a family event because you think you should be. Now, this is a telltale sign that you really don’t want to be there and that everything in your energy is screaming like, “Please don’t put me in this environment.”

The other thing is that you’re more sensitive to noise, and commotion, and lights, and just like a lot of energies. So remember, you have this extra porous, super fine aura, right? Super fine. So if you’re picking up on more information than other people, everything’s going to feel like exponentially more intense. So if you’re going to a place too that’s really loud and has all kinds of people that you have to make small talk with, and that’s also like you’re picking up on all of their emotions, that is so draining to you. And yet, how often do you go to things and do things because you feel obligated and yet everything in you is telling you not to? So you really need to practice saying no to those situations where you’re putting yourself in that environment.

This means also volunteering to go to things that you’re not even obligated, like malls that are all kinds of cacophony. I don’t care how much something’s on sale. You’re not going to be like stampeding on like Black Friday. That’s not going to be good for you, or whatever day it is. Don’t go to the stampedes, whatever that means.

Manage Environment

Or if bars or things like that where there’s just so much stimuli, you may not even realize how this is affecting you, so start paying attention to it. Start paying attention to how you feel before and afterwards. Like with before, if you’re dreading it, then don’t go. And afterwards, if you just want to take a nap, you’re exhausted or you feel emotionally drained, well, you can start to recognize like, “You know what? Why am I putting myself in this situation? Maybe I’ll shop online. And maybe I’ll just say no to this event and I’ll see them another time when I can have a more intimate setting.” Are you picking up what I’m putting down? This is so important.

I understand that there’s times that you have to be in these kind of negative situations, like if you have a job that doesn’t feel right. So this is what we’re going to talk about in the other essential steps. But, you don’t need to volunteer to go to things that are draining you. So remember that, and do that, okay? Say no.

Third Step of Energetic Protection

So, step number three in energetic protection is to cleanse your aura. You may not know what an aura is, and that’s okay. It’s the energy field that surrounds you. It’s kind of like the earth has an atmosphere. Even though it’s connected to everything else in space, the earth has an ozone layer. And you see, even the ozone layer is needing more protection now. This is the barrier between you. I’m not talking about the ozone layer. I’m talking about your own personal aura, like your ozone layer. And see, what’s above is below. I think maybe that’s connected to the ozone layer and their aura is being depleted.

So it’s really important for you to strengthen your aura and for you to cleanse your aura because this is the energetic boundary around you and it’s the energetic space around you. You can cleanse this. There’s so many ways to do this, and I’ll put some links for you below for some resources that I have for you. Lots of ways to do this, and there’s a lot of resources about this.

This is a quick way. I mean, I have so much more to share with you about this. This is a quick way to do this. Light washes away all darkness, right? Wherever there’s light, there can’t be darkness. So if you imagine that there’s a beautiful ball of light above you that is like a waterfall of light that’s washing down around you, and so what’s happening is anything that’s stuck … You know how you’re like a sponge?

Cleanse Your Field

So all of these parts that are stuck on you, all other people’s energy that you’ve absorbed, all of your negative thoughts that you’ve been holding onto, you can imagine that this waterfall of light is just washing down over you, washing away anything that doesn’t belong to you, washing away stress and negativity, just washing over you this beautiful waterfall of light. Doesn’t it just feel good even thinking about it? That’s the whole point. So you’re imagining this light washing down over you, cleansing everything in your energy field, and leaving light. So you are surrounded by light during this beautiful column of light. You’re in a beautiful ball of light around you, and that this light is filling your aura.

So as you’re washing away anything that stuck on you or any negativity, anything that doesn’t belong to you and you’re filling yourself with light, you’re creating more positive energy around you, and this starts to attract more positive energy. See, what happens is as your spongy, empathetic self picks up energy from other people in the environment, even just walking around, because there’s a lot of stimuli, at the end of the day, you know you want to brush your teeth, you want to take a shower every day because you just want to cleanse yourself. You pick up stuff no matter what.

Waterfall Of Light

So if you imagine that you’re running around all day and picking up stuff from other people and you’re not cleansing your energy, you just start collecting more and more of it and you feel like a sponge that is never rung out and cleansed, right? So this is why it’s so important to keep cleansing your aura.

And when do you do this? Start your day with it. Finish your day with it, throughout the day with it. Actually, if you’re talking to someone that maybe doesn’t uplift you, just bring that waterfall of light around you and you’ll feel better. It creates this beautiful positive energy field so you can keep attracting more positive energy and letting go of what doesn’t serve you. Isn’t that nice? So do that every day as often as you’d like, however many times it feels good. Just do that all day if you want.

Fourth Step of Energetic Protection

Now this brings us to our next essential step in energetic protection. So as you are cleansing yourself with light and creating that light around you, the next thing to do is to make sure you’re taking up space energetically. Make that light bigger and brighter, bigger and brighter, brighter and wider. Because what happens as an empath, you want to shrink up, especially if you’re going to a place that you’re like, “Ugh, I don’t want to be here,” so you’re like, “I’m going to make myself small.” You may not even do that consciously, but unconsciously I guarantee you’re doing that, and especially if you’re feeling like you’re picking up so much stuff from other people.

Yet what happens is that means other people are overpowering you energetically. They’re like, “Oh, look. This is someone who’s not taking up space so I’m going to take up all the space and I’m just going to bring my energy out here and cram them.” So it doesn’t even matter if you’re saying anything to someone. You’re going to disappear and they’re going to get bigger and that’s just not a good ratio. So you want to bring your bright light, your bright light all around.

Shine Brightly

If you imagine like a light bulb has the glass around it, but the light keeps shining, shining, shining brighter. You could shine as brightly as you want and still keep that protective energy around you, but keep radiating, radiating. What’s really important is your solar plexus, which is the chakra just beneath your rib cage, it’s like a solar. It’s like a sun, right? So you want that to radiate. You want to radiate from your solar plexus because your solar plexus, in addition to being the chakra for your self-esteem and your confidence, it’s also your energetic boundary between you and other people. So this helps you become more confident and it also helps protect you energetically.

So bring that light into your body and radiate from your solar plexus. Fill your aura with light and then beyond that, like the glass and the light bulb, right? So you’re radiating as much as you can. That way, people won’t just overpower you energetically. So you’re raising the energy of everyone and everything around you and you’re also claiming your space in the world and letting the world know that you matter, and you’re important, and that you’re here. You’re a light worker. You’re a bright light in the world and nobody else is going to dim your light. That’s great protection for you, and it also feels amazing. And the more you do that, the more you’re going to start attracting positive people and circumstances. You see how this works?

Fifth Step for Energetic Protection

So the fifth essential step in energetic protection is to not engage with energy vampires. Now, we talked about you being a people-pleaser, right? Trust me, I get it. It’s not going to go away because you’re always going to be feeling other people’s feelings. And of course your job as a light worker is to make people happy. That’s part of the gift of being an empath. You’re a healer, you’re emotionally intelligent, and you’re beautiful, you’re extraordinary.

And so what happens is when there’s someone that’s like … They know it. People know it. They’re like, “Ooh, look at the squishy healer, sensitive person. They’re going to help me feel better because I’m going to take all my negative energy and give it to them.” Then sometimes, unconsciously, you energetically say, “Oh, sure. Give it to me. I’ll take it. Sure. I’m a healer.” Don’t do that.

So what happens is that if they’re just like negative energy, like you know … and telling you all the things, all the things that complain, complain, complain, negative, negative, whatever it is, and your encouraging them because you don’t want to hurt their feelings and you want to be nice to them or you don’t want them to think you’re rude. You’re just encouraging them to dump more energy on you and take, take, take, take, take all your juicy, delicious force energy that you just created and tapped into, right?

Walk Away

So you have to disengage from energy vampires. First, don’t seek them out. And if they’re in your life like, don’t feel obligated. Again, it’s this whole don’t feel obligated thing, right? It’s like a theme. Can you tell? When you feel someone dumping on you energetically or taking from you energetically, focus on your body and just disengage. Don’t encourage them. It doesn’t mean be rude, but don’t be extra nice either. You can be like, “Oh, okay.” Don’t keep asking them questions. Just end it. Okay. I got to go. Nice talking to you. Bye. Okay? You got that? So cut it off. Don’t keep asking. Don’t like goad them on. Stay in your body. Create that kind of energetic boundary that says, “We’re done now.”

And look, I get it. Sometimes, like let’s say you’re like a hairdresser or something and people are like … and you have to maybe kind of talk to them, but you don’t need to keep encouraging them. They’re not going to notice that you don’t listen because they’re not empaths at that point, right? Maybe they’re not here to make you happy. They’re just wanting to talk to anybody, right? So you don’t need to engage. You could be thinking about your laundry. They’re not going to know the difference. Just be like, “Oh, okay … ” And remember to cleanse your energy after that, and while that’s happening, and before that so you’re not picking this up. So keep that waterfall of light running, okay?


I know that if you do this, if you practice it … Remember, the biggest practice is putting yourself first. That’s the theme of all of these things, is knowing that you’re this special, beautiful kind of person who picks up on energy, and not putting yourself in situations, and keeping your energy shiny and bright. These are the things that is a daily practice, it’s a forever practice, and it’s a beautiful practice because this keeps you feeling good. So don’t see any of this as a burden of being an empath. Just be like, “Oh my gosh. I’m so glad I’m a Jaguar, not a jalopy. This is such a gift.” So keep this positive energy going. Keep shining brightly in the world.

And I’d love to hear how this resonates with you if this helps you. So leave a comment below and let us all know. And if this has helped you, please share it with a friend. I know it might be just what they need, and I know they will appreciate you for it. I have so many more resources for you to tap into the divine, to help your energy, psychic protection, connecting with your guides. There’s so much more I have to share. So if you want to know more, make sure you’re subscribed and give us a thumbs up if you’ve enjoyed it. In the meantime, I’ve enjoyed sharing this with you. I love you so much, and I will talk to you soon. Bye for now.

Energetic Protection – How To Create Healthy Boundaries

Do you have healthy energetic boundaries?

If you are an empath, sensitive, or HSP you need to take extra special care of your energy field for energetic protection.

Maintaining healthy boundaries is vital to your well being!

Do you feel depleted by other people or your environment?
Are you drained when you talk to certain people?
Do you pick up other people’s feelings?

Good news! You can protect your energy from negativity, and maintain positive energy!

In this video, I share with you five essential steps for protecting your energy. You will learn to feel great and transform your sensitivity into your greatest strength.

Energetic Protection How to Create Healthy Boundaries

Your Sun Sign’s strength can be revealed by looking at the season of your birth!

Depending on your Zodiac sign, you can always look to astrology to know your moment in the sun. All zodiac signs have a month-long period where they are aligned with the sun. These are also known as solar seasons (or the four seasons we have on earth).

As the sun aligns with each sign, it also shines light on the area of your life ruled by that sign. It casts its influence and plays a leading role in your life. For instance, the aspect of your life ruled by Taurus will also experience a need for growth or progress when itโ€™s aligned with the sun, even if youโ€™re not born under this sign.

What if I live in the Southern Hemisphere?

These readings can also be applied to people living outside the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, the zodiac signs are also adapted seasonally. For example, Capricorn is geared toward being more reserved and preserving energy (as we need to do in winter), whether in a rainforest or the tundra. Cancer is a sensitive sign even in the desert.

As contemporary astrologers put it, the seasons can be more of a psychological season and not a literal one, although the seasonal metaphors for the 12 zodiac signs are solar based.

These are how aspects of your life could be illuminated by the solar seasons.

Spring Zodiac Signs


The start of spring initiates birth, as seeds are sown for future crops, and hibernation ends. The solar season begins with Aries, the trailblazer.

In the same way that the world experiences new beginnings, Aries becomes the initiator, as lifeโ€™s challenges encourage you to move forward with courage and zeal.


In late April, Spring is established, and the results of the previous month are soon to be seen. The Taurus is in the moment of their lives where they need to display a concern for getting results in various ways as well.


As Spring dawns, the last trimester of Spring means that survival depends on natureโ€™s ability to adjust to environmental influences and changes.

As nature begins to synthesize, you also find the desire to learn about synthesis and affinity.

Summer Zodiac Signs


With life lush and abundant at the beginning of Summer, mankindโ€™s nurturing instinct is developed, just as nature is busy taking care of Springโ€™s produce.

Maternal instincts are strong, and you may feel more sensitive than usual.


Nature is in full bloom, and Leo needs to project confidence, enthusiasm, and a love of life. Your personality is a reminder that you can be fun-loving and generous like Mother Nature.


With fall just around the corner, another transition begins. Virgo must prepare for work, as Winter is on the horizon.

You must learn from what has been done and what should be done. Know your responsibilities to move forward.

Autumn Zodiac Signs


As leaves begin to turn color, human and nature start working together in harmony to maintain balance. You learn about the need for cooperation, both with nature and with your fellow man.

Balance and justice are the ultimate goals.


As the sun moves to the month of Scorpio, the more delicate of nature fall while the stronger survive. Like nature, you also begin a process of regeneration as you go through a transformation in your life to find a deeper meaning.

The coming Winter threatens life, and Scorpio faces it without showing fear.


Freedom and tolerance are practiced during the last part of Autumn because passion and intensity have passed.

Survival for Winter depends on foresight and vision, and Sagittarius have a natural ability to visualize possibilities for the future.

Winter Zodiac Signs


Nature takes a rest. Like the animals seeking refuge, you instinctively build a wall of protection around your feelings of vulnerability to the environment. You project that same austerity and sensibility to survive.


It is a time to reflect on the new year. With still little to do outside, the Aquarian breaks through the barriers of creativity and invents new things.

It is a time of waiting and controlling emotions, and you become indifferent about most things as you wait for Spring.


It is once again a changeable time as Spring looms over after the long Winter. You are becoming inspired by thoughts of the new year.

Just as nature is starting anew, you must also commit your life to a future cause.

Every season has it’s own magic!

No season should be viewed as either a challenge or advantage. It should only serve as a reminder that everyone is subjected to the entirety of the Zodiac regardless of their star sign.

This is a guest post by Oscar West atย

Oscar West is an astrology geek and (self-proclaimed) cool dad who likes sharing his passion in philosophy and astrology. Aside from writing blog posts about everything under the sun, he also does social media consulting for small businesses and tries to learn how to code in his free time. When he’s not contemplating about the meaning of life, you can usually find him roughhousing with his kids or indulging on his favorite ube-flavored ice cream.

Gratitude sends a positive message to the Universe

Starting a gratitude journal goes far beyond writing down the things youโ€™re thankful for in a journal or notebook. Itโ€™s a practice that has the potential to powerfully shift your physical, emotional, and spiritual being into higher, more enriched levels of fulfillment.

How can so simple a practice have so profound an effect?

A gratitude journal serves as a tool to help you cultivate greater appreciation, mindfulness, and gratitude in your life. Itโ€™s an exercise that can change the way you view the world around you, as well as the way you embrace your present circumstances.

Together, weโ€™ll explore the positive effects of gratitude, as well as tips and strategies on how to use a gratitude journal to change your life.

Why Start a Gratitude Journal

Now, you might be wondering: why start a gratitude journal? How will writing in a journal help me be a healthier, happier person?

Well, there are actually quite a few benefits to implementing a regular gratitude journalling practice.

1. A Gratitude Journal Encourages Gratitude

Yes, we know โ€” this one is likely the most obvious of the bunch, but hold on! Hear us out.

The whole point of setting out on a gratitude journal expedition is the cultivation of greater appreciation, gratitude, and thankfulness.

Why cultivate greater gratitude? Studies have shown a wide range of benefits to regularly focusing on an attitude of gratitude. Youโ€™ll experience more restful sleep, decreased anxiety and depression, more motivation, and a more optimistic outlook on life.

2. Gratitude Journals Activate the Law of Attraction

Yes! Gratitude journals help you utilize the Law of Attraction to bring about more positive opportunities and circumstances into your life.

How does this work? Well, the Law of Attraction states that like energy attracts like energy. What we think about, we bring about. What we focus on and hold in our consciousness is magnetically drawn toward us, bit by bit, as the universe brings experience into being.

When we write in a gratitude journal, we are affirming the positive experiences in our lives. Weโ€™re celebrating the best that surrounds us, and when we focus on what weโ€™re thankful for, we create more opportunities in the future to be thankful.

3. Gratitude Journals Create Self-Awareness

By focusing on the good things in our lives, we become more attuned to noticing whatโ€™s around us. We begin to see the world through a different lens. Instead of focusing on what we want or donโ€™t have, we learn to appreciate what already is.

This promotes self-awareness, empathy, and mindfulness. We are no longer trying to constantly escape the present moment into a projection of the future where we have more, because we already have more! By tuning into a more grateful mindset, we are celebrating the present, realizing we already have full, rich, whole lives, here and now.

4. Gratitude Journals Help Keep You Optimistic

Everyone has bad days. And on those bad days, weโ€™re often inclined to reach out for something that we know will make us feel better. But comfort food, warm blankets, and binge-watching a half season of a TV show will only go so far to help stave off the blues.

Instead, try re-reading your gratitude journal. Pulling out your journal on days youโ€™re down in the dumps can help remind you that even when things are tough, there are still things to be thankful for.

Yes, you may have had a terrible day at work, but you do have a job! A job that enables you to provide for yourself and your loved ones. Use your journal to help remind yourself of the good things life has to offer.

Tips for Maintaining a Successful Gratitude Journal

So, thereโ€™s no doubt that starting a gratitude journal practice can increase your optimism and well-being. But how do you actually go about it?

Weโ€™ve got some great tips and tricks to help you maintain your journaling practice for a successful experience that will change your life.

1. Keep It Simple

Many are intimidated by the notion of starting a gratitude journal because they donโ€™t know how to start or where to begin. But keeping up with your journal doesnโ€™t need to be an overwhelming endeavor.

In fact, your entries donโ€™t need to be very long. Even just scribbling down a few bullet points or creating a small list is great!

If each day you can commit to writing down three things youโ€™re grateful for, this will be more than enough to initiate the powerful positive changes gratitude can bring into your life.

2. Make It a Habit

This is where people often run into trouble. Whenever you start something new, especially something youโ€™re not accustomed to doing, it can be tough to stick with it.

But hey, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it!

The greatest hurdle in getting your gratitude journalling practice to stick is maintaining a consistent routine.

Youโ€™ll need to assess your schedule carefully before making a decision here. Donโ€™t commit to writing in your journal every day if you donโ€™t have the time or means to do so. Be realistic. How often will you be able to pick up your journal and write in it? Once a week? A few times a week?

Be fair and honest with yourself, and decide on a routine that will work best with your schedule. Then, do your best to stick to it!

3. Donโ€™t Take Things Too Seriously

So, youโ€™ve decided on a journalling schedule that will work for you, but then โ€” you miss a day. And then another.

Before you know it, you havenโ€™t picked up your journal in a week and every time you look at it, you feel a twinge of guilt.

Donโ€™t beat yourself up over it! Remember, this is a gratitude journal practice. Not a guilt-trip journal practice!

If you miss a few days, a few weeks, a few months, itโ€™s no big deal! Just pick up your journal when you can, and see what things you can come up with to be thankful for.

As you continue down this path, youโ€™ll find you need the journal less and less as you begin to notice more opportunities in your daily life to be grateful. And after all, thatโ€™s what a gratitude journalling practice is all about!

4. Get Creative!

Want to keep things interesting? See how many specific things you can come up with that youโ€™re thankful for to add to your journal.

This may require some outside the box thinking, but thatโ€™s good! A little creativity never hurt anyone.

Contributed by:

Founded in 2003 by Vishen Lakhiani, Mindvalley Academy is an online school for all the things regular schooling forget to teach you. We bring you world-class courses from the world’s top personal growth authors and brands to allow you to create remarkable transformations in all areas of your life.

We know that you are so much more extraordinary than you were made to believe.

Go beyond just having a good career – ย lead a life thatโ€™s extraordinary in all dimensions of being human.

Learn more at Mindvalley Academy.

I Experience Miracles Every Day

When you are in harmony with these four universal laws, you are in sync with nature, and opportunities and miracles will abound.

I am continuously in awe of the magical synchronicities and miracles of the Universe, governed by the universal law. Over the course of twenty years, after doing thousands of readings, I am always amazed at how loved we truly are. I am in awe of the guidance and support that is available to us from our guides and angels, in accordance with the universal law.

Without a doubt, I know that if you pay attention to your intuition, and listen to what divine helpers are communicating to you, that you will experience miraculous results, aligned with the universal law.

Angels and guides see your life from a spiritual perspective, understanding the universal law. ย  They know the lessons you are meant to learn, and what gifts you are meant to share, in harmony with the universal law.

The Universal Law

They are also aware of Universal Laws, which govern our Universe. There are a myriad of laws governing our Universe. When you are in harmony with those laws, you are in sync with nature and opportunities will abound. However, if you are working against the Universal Laws, you can feel as if bad luck follows you everywhere, and nothing seems to work out for you.

Have you ever tried to go against gravity? If you weren’t aware that the Law of Gravity governed the earth, you would feel defeated that despite your efforts, you couldn’t float all the time! ๐Ÿ™‚

Four Universal Laws of Miracles

Harness Universal Laws to experience miracles every day.

The Law of Attraction

This is the principle that “like attracts like”, based on the fact that we are all made up of energy. In mainstream culture, it has been brought to our awareness that we attract what we think about.

However, what’s more pertinent is that we attract what we vibrate, in accordance with the universal law. Your thoughts alone can not magnetize situations to you. Every thought creates an emotional charge, that vibrates in the Universe, drawing people and circumstances to you.

If you would like to experience more abundance in your life, you can focus on embodying the energy of love. Or, if you have fears, grief, or anger, you can accept your feelings with compassion, raising your vibration with love.

If you would like help transmuting fear into love, you can call upon heaven’s mighty helper, Archangel Michael to assist you. His role is to free you from fear, and imbue you with love, confidence and courage.

The Law of Paradoxical Intent

If you want something so intently that you focus on it with a sense of fear or desperation, you will magnetize more fearful energy to you. Spending all your time focusing, visualizing, making lists, and wanting something so badly sends a message loud and clear to the Universe you are not trusting it will come to you. You will create more tension in your body and energy, therefore pinching yourself off from prosperity.

If you truly want to magnetize what you desire, send a crystal clear intention to the Universe about what you would like. Allow the Universe to work its magic as you detach from the outcome. You can call upon heaven’s healing angel Archangel Raphael, to surround you with his energy of love, so you can release your fears and easily accept the abundance that is yours.

The Law of Expectations

If you expect miracles, you will receive miracles. If you expect to be disappointed, you will attract disappointment. It can be challenging to expect something different than what you’ve already experienced. It requires a leap of faith.

If you have visualized what you desire, made lists, and sent clear requests to the Universe, and still haven’t manifested it, you probably aren’t expecting it to happen.

Energy follows intention. Keep expecting the best for yourself, and that’s what you will manifest. If you would like assistance with this, you can call upon Archangel Gabriel. He is the communication angel that can assist you in shaping your thoughts and expectations toward success.

The Law of Higher Will

Yes, there is a higher plan for your life. It is most likely far more grand than you can possibly imagine. We tend to limit ourselves, believing that if we make the safe choice and take the road most traveled, that we will have a more secure path. However in doing so, you can deny your own greatness. The Universe always has a bigger plan for you than you are aware of.

Destiny calls you with intuitions, passions, and drives from within.ย  However, if you are afraid of your own power, you are restricting the prosperity of the Universe from flowing through you.

If you would like assistance with this, you can call upon Archangel Uriel.ย  The angel who links you to the spiritual realm, to elevate your consciousness so Divine Will can flow through you.

Living In Harmony With The Universe

I am absolutely certain that if you apply these principles to your life, you will experience miraculous results. I know you can turn your life around quickly and dramatically. Every day, I hear stories from people who enrolled in my Calling in Your Abundance – 28 Days of Miracles program about the miraculous changes in their life after just a few days.

If you are interested in this life changing program,ย it is available in my Happiness Store. I know it will elevate your life to a whole new level.

Love & Law

When you live your life with love, from a place of gratitude and service, your life will change. It is law.

Wishing you a joy-filled day full of miraculous adventures!

Love and angel hugs (and cherub kisses too!)


You have a team of Spirit Guides waiting to support you.

You are never alone in this world. Ever.

There is a team of celestial helpers ALWAYS with you. This spirit team is guiding you, protecting you, and sharing their love and wisdom with you.

You might not think you’re psychic, but you are.

Your Spirit Guides are communicating with you all them time in many ways. They do so even when you are asleep. If you’ve ever had a dream that seemed extra vivid, that was most likely your Spirit Guides getting a much-needed message through to you.

There is a myriad of ways your Spirit Guides communicate to you that you may not realize. It’s seldom dramatic (though the results are profound), and it’s definitely not what you see on television.

Your Spirit Guides communicate to you in subtle ways. You’re doing it all the time, yet you seldom realize you’re connecting with your Guides.

In this fun and candid interviewย with my friend and fellow psychic Marilyn Alauria, we share with you the many ways you can co-create with your Spirit Guides right now. When you do, you can create a life of joy, fulfillment and peace.

It’s way easier than you think!


Listen to my interview with Marilyn here:


You’ll love Marilyn with her keeping-it-real style full of humor and love.

Marilyn is passionate about teaching you how to engage your gifts, meet your Guides, and live an awe-inspired life.


Enjoy! And feel free to share co-creating with spirit guides to a friend.

Discover more about Marilyn at