If you’re an empath or sensitive soul, you’re most likely an over-giver

If you’re reading this, most likely you are on a journey that allows you to feel a strong sense of purpose within you. As an empath, spiritual seeker, or sensitive soul, there’s a deep desire inside you to make this world better with your unique love and talents.

You are divinely designed to make this world more beautiful.

Your sensitive nature enables you to tune into others, know what can help them, and have the ability to make people happy.

I remind you, this is a gift.

Yet, sometimes, it can be a challenge. (And yes, before you know how to manage your energy and enrich your self-worth, it can feel like a curse.)

My self-worth journey toward being an empowered empath hasn’t always been easy.

Growing up in the Bronx, being a sensitive soul, I felt extremely awkward and out of place.

When I discovered my gifts as an intuitive, my whole life began making sense, and my world changed for the better.

When I began my business doing psychic readings and teaching, I had no idea how many more life-changing lessons were in store for me.

Having a business has taught me more about self-worth than relationships!

When I began charging clients for my services, even though they were life-changing, I felt extremely uncomfortable asking for money. I always gave too much and received too little.

I became exhausted, burnt out, and sick.

Having healthy boundaries. Realizing my self-worth. Receiving money for my gifts. My business taught me that I need to learn these skills, soย I can actually help more people.

Now, I’m thrilled to say I have a prosperous thriving business where I can reach millions of people from around the world. I have financial freedom, a team that supports my business, and beautiful friends and colleagues that help me on my self-worth journey. It feels amazing.

The most important thing I learned on my self-worth journey is that you cannot walk this path alone.

You are energetically designed for community. That’s why your root chakra, which governs money, career and finance, is also connected to your sense of tribe and family (even if it’s your soul family, not your birth family.)

Having a loving, supportive community in this vast online world has made all the difference in my life.

So, if you’re wondering how to have more money, a better career, and feel more secure in your life, go out and find your community.ย  You are never alone.

I hope I’ve encouraged you to find your soul tribe and connect with like-hearted lovely people.

You have so much to share with the world! You have more support than you realize.

Sending you so much love,
~ Kari


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Make Your Dreams Come True – 4 Steps To Manifest Your Desires

Hello, my name is Kari Samuels. I am your intuitive counselor and happiness coach. And I am so excited for what we’re going to share today. I’m going to share with you how to make your dreams come true. The four essential steps you need to manifest your heart’s desires.

Now I need to tell you, I teach manifesting a lot different than a lot of people. Because most of what I see out there I think just gets people into a lot of trouble and a lot of traps. Then you’re doing all the vision boards, and you’re doing everything that you think you need to do. Then you’re like, “Why is nothing happening? Why am I stuck on this? Do I have a block? What is this?”

So what I want to share with you today is every step that you need to take. Because if you miss any one of these, it’s going to trip you up. And the other thing I want to share about how this is a little different than the other manifesting techniques you may know or law of attraction. I tend to disagree with a lot of the way it’s taught. Not just because it doesn’t always work, but because it’s sometimes a spiritual materialism. And let me explain what I mean by that.


A lot of times, people are taught to attract or manifest material things. And it’s not to say that manifesting material things isn’t wonderful and can feel great. However, as you know, that’s not going to make you happy in and of itself. And the other thing is, you know your soul wants certain experiences for you. You were born for a reason. You were born to express your gifts, and you were born to learn certain spiritual lessons. And your soul is going to direct you. Your soul’s going to direct you towards doing that. And your intuition’s going to guide you toward manifesting your soul’s purpose and learning your spiritual lessons.

So sometimes, what we’re taught to manifest or what you can be trying to manifest is something that the ego wants rather than something that the soul wants. So before we get into these four steps, I want to briefly explain the difference.

Your soul is always wanting you to express your deepest desires, and the gifts that you have accumulated over many, many lifetimes. And first of all, that can bring up a lot of fears. So you can try to manifest something that you think it’s like a stop-gap measure, or you think is something that’s going to maybe be a more safe choice than what it is that you’re ultimately meant to do. And like I said, your intuition is always going to be guiding you.


So you can have ego desires that you think you want. An ego doesn’t mean selfish or conceited. Ego can be anything that’s not completely in alignment with your soul. It’s not just material things. I’ll give you an example.

So as many of you know, I am a psychic and an energy healer. And for many, many years, I did one on one readings. Now my heart’s desire is to teach. I manifested that. How awesome is that? But for many years … I still really, my heart’s desire was also to do readings with people. Yet I felt there was a bigger purpose for me, which was to teach more and more people. And I hope that you get to benefit from that.

I would often see people that let’s say I had a client that wanted to be an energy healer. And that was their passion, and they had these really unique gifts. Let’s say for example, they would think, “Well nobody’s going to like or accept that form of my gifts. So what I’m going to do is go to massage therapy school, become a massage therapist, spend years building up my clientele as a massage therapist. And then maybe sneak it in there that I do energy healing.”

Dream Big

So that is a long way around. So you could be having, let’s say you’re that person and you could be having these intentions that I want to build my massage practice or I want to find the right school. When really, your ultimate desire, your ultimate gifts and your ultimate dream, you’re given that dream because that’s what you’re born to do.

So it’s like taking a very circuitous route. That’s what I mean the ego isn’t always like conceited or greedy. It may just be out of fear that you’re afraid to ask or want what you really want. You’re afraid of it because you think, “Well, there’s no place for it,” or, “That’s impossible.”

So before we start out with these four steps, I want to encourage you to dream big and dream from your heart. Your heart is what is connecting spirit and matter. Your heart is that intermediary. And you know, when I was doing readings for people. Let’s say there are people who were very tuned in and they had vision boards, and they did all these things. I would clairvoyantly see … I would sometimes see an image of these people who are vision board people. And I would sometimes see images of them even meditating or whatever, but pictures moving around their mind. As just like a visualization, but it was never in their heart. So that’s how my guides would clairvoyantly show me that someone was visualizing something that wasn’t connected to their heart.

Law Of Attraction

And I want to explain something to you. Your spirit guides, and your angels, and your divine team are always communicating with you, teaching you, showing you what your next steps are. They’re showing you where you’re meant to go. And they are guiding you toward expressing those greatest gifts that are inside of you as well as your spiritual lessons. They’re always guiding you. That’s why they’re called spirit guides, right?

So when you’re given a dream, when you’re given a heart’s desire. You know that image that won’t go away of you doing something or experiencing something? When you have that, or when you have a really, really strong desire, that’s because that is something inside of you. That’s an intuition telling you that that’s what you need to pursue. So don’t take a safe route. Of course be, what do you call that? Not an educated risk, a calculated risk.

So take calculated risks? But take those risks because if you have a desire in your heart or a dream that’s inside of you, it’s given to you by spirit. Telling you this is where we’re taking you, this is where you’re headed. Don’t give up on that, and don’t take these routes that are going to take you to other places that you think are safer because it’s actually more safe for you to do what’s in your heart.

Believe In Yourself

And this is when the law of attraction really works. When you’re in alignment with your soul’s purpose, when you’re doing what you were born to do. That’s when the doors open for you. And when you are doing something that isn’t really what’s best for you, or you think it is, but it’s not really the route to take.

This is when they say rejection is God’s protection because this is the universe’s way of, it’s like you know that game Marco Polo, hotter, warmer, colder? It’s just the universe talking to you in a fun and delightful way. It may be confusing at the time. Yet I want to remind you that if you’re coming against closed doors, is because you’re not really giving into your dream. You’re not really allowing it and taking those steps to make it happen.

So that’s when the law of attraction works for you is when you’re doing what you’re born to do and what that dream is, that your guides are showing you through your energy, through your heart, through those images, and those feelings. That’s a gift. And that’s a gift of showing you where you’re meant to be.

So believe in yourself and believe in your dreams because your guides, and angels, and celestial support team is with you making it happen. Otherwise you wouldn’t have been given that dream. Okay?

Feel Your Way Through It

And it doesn’t matter if it’s a soulmate, a home, an experience. Whatever that is, you’re meant to have it if you want it. In some form, and it may take a form different than what you think you want. Yet in pursuing it, in taking those steps toward that dream. Even if you change your mind, and you might be changing your mind right now about what you thought your dreams were. I can almost guarantee you are, because that’s what the creative process is. It’s kind of messy. It’s like I’m going to try this. I’m going to try this. I’m going to feel my way through it.

So feel your way through your experiences. Don’t just have this idea in your head about what you think you want. You have to constantly be tuning into your heart to ask yourself, does this feel right? Am I still enjoying this? Is the universe showing me that I’m on the right path? So pay attention. Pay attention to your body, pay attention to your heart. Pay attention to the clues around you.

Four Steps To Manifest Your Desires

So with that being said, I’d like to share with you these four essential steps. Now what we’re going to do now, I’m going to show you what they are. That I will be doing. I am going to be showing you what they are. What I’m not going to be doing is taking the time for you to go through all of these. Some of these take some meditation or reflection, some time for you to visualize or experience. So you’ll know what I mean when we do these.

So I encourage you, if you find these helpful, to go back. You can write them down, and then do these explorations, these actions in your own time. So let’s go through them right now.

Step One To Manifest Your Desires

So the first step toward manifesting your heart’s desire, or actually before the first step. You know what? Getting ready to manifest your heart’s desire. Let’s just do this. You have to be in your heart. Again, it’s not a mental process. This isn’t about what you think. So to make sure you’re manifesting your heart’s desire, get into your heart. So we can do that together right now. Okay?

So close your eyes. Unless you’re driving, close your eyes. And ground your energy to the earth. That’s right. You can feel grounding core from the base of your spine, anchoring to the core of the earth. And you can feel roots that sink deep into the earth from your feet, you’re connected to the earth. And the earth is the manifestation plane. So it’s always very important to be connected to the earth.

Now bring your mind into your heart. Imagine that your heart is your mind. Your heart has your consciousness. So really feel the energy in your heart. Feel your heart. So bring your awareness there. And as you do, ask yourself, “What do I really, really want?” You may have one particular area that you want to focus on. So really get into your heart as you ask yourself, “What do I really want?” Okay. Now that you are in your heart, we can focus on the four steps.


And again, you know you can ask about one thing or just in general. You can ask about a feeling you want to experience. Maybe you want to focus on health, so that you want to feel vibrant, and radiant, and healthy, and flexible, and strong. Or maybe you want a soulmate so that you have someone to share all your love with. Maybe you want your dream home so that you can really feel expansive, and safe, and protected.

So as you go into your heart and you ask yourself what you want, ask yourself what you want to feel when you do that. These are some preliminary steps before our fourth steps. They’re very important.

So now that you know what you want, now that you’re really focusing on your heart’s desire, not your brain denier, but your heart’s desire. So the first step … Again, you may want to go back to these and really explore them at length, right? We could be here for a long time if we do this together in real time, but I want to make sure you have these.

The first step is to imagine it. Looking at something on a vision board definitely helps you imagine it, but it’s really, really helpful to actively get your third eye, your imagination, your right brain involved. Because if you imagine it, you can create it.

Imagine It

Now the one thing I’ve learned too from doing so many readings, thousands of readings. Is that if you can’t imagine it … sometimes you can say, “I can’t imagine having a soulmate,” or, “I can’t imagine like having a job that I love,” because you’re so far away from it. Well first of all, change your language about that.

Now from doing readings, one of the things I realize is sometimes if you really can’t picture something, then it may be sometimes not meant to happen. You want to explore what it is that you can conjure, that does give you something for your imagination to delight in. You really want to delight in your imagination about this. And when you imagine something, don’t be realistic. You know? I mean you can, you want real life things in there. You want to imagine what you hear and what you see, and what you taste.

I am very [inaudible 00:16:05], I’m very clairaudient, which means I have super sensitive ears, like an inner ear, a psychic ear. And when I imagine something, I hear it even more than I see it sometimes. And if I’m imagining my home, I can hear water. A water fountain, and chimes, and birds singing. To me that is delightful.

Visualize It

Let’s say you’re imagining yourself on a date with your soulmate or whatever. Maybe you visualize yourself on a beach or in a restaurant. You can hear the waves, you can smell. Not if you’re in a restaurant, but let’s say you’re on the beach. You can smell the ocean, you can hear the seagulls, you can hear people laughing in the background. You can feel what that’s like on your face. As you’re imagining it, bring in as many senses as you can and delight in it. If it’s not delightful for you, either you are limiting yourself in some ways, or it’s not the right thing for you. It’s not the right choice for you. So this is where we get to play around. Play around with exploring, play around with your imagination. If you can imagine it, you can create it.

So don’t allow yourself not to imagine what you really, really, really, really want. Some people think, “I don’t even want to think about what I really want because I can’t have it.” I mean come on, that way you’re limiting yourself. So imagine it in such a way that you are delighting in it. So that is step one.

Step Two To Manifest Your Desires

Step two is to feel it. So when you’re imagining, what you can do is you can imagine this. So instead of imagining it as if it’s some kind of future, when you imagine, imagine it as if it’s happening right now. Because your body doesn’t know the difference between memory, imagination, or any of that. So if you’re imagining something or thinking about something, it actually thinks it’s the present moment. That’s why you shouldn’t dwell on your past so much. You can heal your past, but you don’t want to dwell on it because you don’t want to bring up those feelings.

Anytime you’re imagining something, you’re feeling something. This is actually how the law of attraction is most effective. It’s not thinking. A lot of what the angels, the archangels have taught me about manifesting the life you desire. If you raise your energy to the vibration of love, you manifest everything that you desire. So you can manifest people in your life that adore you and that you love. And you can manifest abundance, and prosperity, and happiness, because you’re raising your energy to the vibration of love. You always want to feel good feelings.

For instance, let’s say you’re not even imagining something. Let’s say you’re working on your career. And in the process, you’re frustrated, you’re anxious, you’re angry, you’re whatever it is. You’re stressed the whole time. That’s the energy that you’re bringing into the future. If you’re trying to create a career where you have more ease, and flow, and joy, and you’re stressing every moment of the way, those cumulative present moments are what you’re doing to create the future. You want to feel what you want to feel as you’re creating it, if that makes sense.


Like your present, you can conjure up feelings, feel good feelings just by imagining something. The more you imagine something and the more you create feel good feelings in every day of your life, that’s when you create the future that you want. It’s really about raising your vibration every single day. As you find yourself dipping into lower emotions or vibrations, really lift yourself into … Change the channel. Breathe love into your energy field. You can call upon your angels to lift your spirit. Or you can do a meditation. You can change your thoughts so then you’re not dwelling on something. Whatever that is, change the channel so that you’re feeling good.

In this process where you’re imagining your potential future, you want to imagine it as if you’re experiencing it right now. The most important thing is to feel what you’re feeling. So as you’re imagining it, you can say out loud even, “I feel exuberant. I feel joyful and I feel loved. I feel appreciated.” Whatever that is that you want, feel it. If you’re not feeling it, don’t strain. Just drop into your heart and ask for the energy of that emotion that you want to feel. That’s more important than anything right there is feeling it, creating those feel good feelings.

Because it’s your aura, that goes into your aura. It’s not just in your brain right here. That goes into your energy field, that pulses out to the universe, and that comes right back to you. That’s how you send messages to the universe. Because when you think of something, you’re feeling it and it’s your feelings. So make sure you’re feeling as you’re experiencing and you’re feeling feel good feelings.

Two Energies

So as you’re experiencing that, you can say, “I am,” or, “I feel.” In the present moment, and make sure you’re doing that. Now a lot of times when people do that, they say what they don’t want to feel anymore. They say something like, “I don’t feel stressed, or I don’t feel this.” Instead of what you don’t want to feel, really, really, really focus on what you want to feel. You want to feel. Then say that in the present moment. So instead of saying, “I don’t feel stressed,” you say, “I feel relaxed. I feel at ease.” Do you feel the difference in those two energies? So in the present moment. And then your body really believes that is your reality right now. Guess what? Then it is, and you can create those feel good feelings any time.

So you want to align to those feel good feelings all the time. Once you recognize what those are, you want to conjure those as much as possible. And then when you feel you’re shifting from those feelings, find a way to align with those again. All about the feelings. You want to pulse those out into the universe.

Step Three To Manifest Your Desires

So now that you can see what it is that you desire and experiencing it and feel it. And feel the feelings and align with those feelings, the third step is to take inspired action. Now I say inspired because you want to take action that aligns with your highest vision.

Again, remember I told you about the person that wants to be an energy healer and they make all these decisions to align with the safer choice to get to what they really want? Ask Your guides, ask your higher self, ask your heart. What one step can I take today to get me closer to that goal? You don’t need to know how to get from A to Z. Journey of 1,000 miles starts with the first step beneath your feet, right? Just one step towards that vision, and make sure you’re aligning your feelings with that as you’re taking those actions.

And you have to take action. Now I want to remind you. What you are meant to do that will give you your heart’s desire is often going to bring up the biggest fears in you. That’s part of life’s process. And if you weren’t afraid, then you already have that manifested. So in the process of taking you toward your goals and your intentions, is actually healing in a big way. It’s stretching you. It’s expanding you. That’s really prosperity, right? The more expansive you can be and experience life, then you expand every area of your life. How joyful is that? So take inspired action toward where you want to go, just a little bit if you want every single day.

Feel The Joy

I’m doing these Facebook lives here with you now. This is not a natural fit for an introvert. I love sharing this information with you. You know, there’s a lot of … We’re humans, right? So it’s like the more I do it now when I come on here with you, I’m so excited, right? Instead of being nervous about the technology or however everything’s going to come out of my mouth or whatever. And it becomes joyful. But I had to move through something to get here and in.

By doing so, I get to share my heart’s desires with you and fulfill my life purpose. And whenever you are doing that, you are uplifting and inspiring everyone around you because you’re sharing your light. It’s going to be scary, some of the steps you take. But please, please, take a chance on yourself. The more you do it, the more comfortable you get and then you’ll feel joy from doing this.

I’m so proud of you already because I know you’re going to do this. And you know what? Write down below in the comments below one step that you’re going to take towards your vision, towards your dreams. Write it down so we can all support each other.

Step Four To Manifest Your Desires

Okay. Now the fourth step, and this is probably the most overlooked step. And it is so important. You can imagine, you can visualize, you can do all this. And oftentimes, you don’t expect it. So the fourth step is to expect it.

So I want you to ask yourself, really go into your body and tune into your body. You’ll see I do this almost all the time. Whenever I’m sharing something like this, I always ask you to drop into your heart and talk to your body.

So ask yourself, what do I expect to happen? I know what I want to happen. What do I expect to happen? Because if you haven’t experienced something, let’s say you’re wanting your soulmate. Your heart’s desires is to have your soulmate, but you’ve had disappointments in love. You’ll most likely expect disappointments in love. Now of course the visualization process with the feeling process is going to change those neural networks, which is wonderful. But the more conscious you can be about this, the easier it is to manifest, right? So ask yourself, what do I expect?

Expect It

And notice if there’s fear, like something clinches in your body. Notice what happens to you. So notice anything in your body when you say that to yourself. And simply any tension, just breathe light into it and let it go. Okay? And as you do that, say to yourself, “I expect.” So let’s say you’re promoting a product or a service. “I expect people to love what I’m doing. I expect to have abundance and I expect to be respected. To find people who love me, to find that special person.” Whatever it is, “I expect it. I know it’s here.”

So that one shift will change everything for you. And that is the one thing that I’ve seen most people really don’t pay attention to and that can often be the thing that trips you up.

So I know that if you practice these four steps, they’re simple. And if you practice these, you do these, your life can and will change dramatically.

So I hope I’ve helped you. Now I have so many more resources for you that I’m going to be sharing throughout the year. So make sure that you are subscribed to my channel. Make sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter because I have so much to share with you. You can find that at karisamuels.com. So make sure you’re signed up with me because we’re just getting started here. There’s so much more I want to share with you.


And also, in the month of February, if you’re someone that has a dream in your heart to have a successful business, a prosperous business that you’re really doing something from the heart. You’re a heart centered business owner, or you don’t even recognize you’re a business owner yet, but you have a service or something that you want to share with the world. Now remember, during the month of February, that’s when Marie Forleo is opening her doors to B-School. If you’re listening to this in February, I encourage you. If you are one of those people, I am a proud affiliate. So I am offering an amazing bonus package where I get to mentor you as your intuitive business coach and your B-School fairy godmother.

So I’ll put information about that below. Really, if that’s something that you want, really go for your dreams. I’d love to help you, and Marie Forleo’s program has completely changed my life. It was one of the best investments I have ever made in my life, and I would love to help you really live your dreams.

And again, that’s only available during February. If you’re listening to this after that, got plenty more for you. So make sure that you’re signed up at karisamuels.com. I’d love to hear your comments about this below. I love you so much. I’m so grateful that I get to live my dreams by sharing this with you. I love you, and I will talk to you again soon.

Make Your Dreams Come True – 4 Steps To Manifest Your Desires

If you have a dream in your heart, it can come true!

There are FOUR ESSENTIAL steps you need to take if you want to manifest your desires. This lesson is a little different than the other manifesting techniques you may know, so I am very excited to share it with you.

Before we begin, I want you to know that your soul wants certain experiences for you. You were born for a reason. You were born to express your gifts, and you were born to learn certain spiritual lessons. Your soul is going to direct you, and your intuition is going to guide you toward manifesting your soul’s purpose.

If you have a vision of your future, you have everything within you to make your dreams a reality.

Manifest Your Desires

Most people have learned that visualizing is the key to manifesting. So, I want to encourage you to dream big and dream from your heart. Your heart is what connects spirit and matter and is that vital intermediary.

As well, when you are visualizing your future, imagine as if it’s happening right now.ย  You want to imagine it as if you’re experiencing it right now. Pay attention to your feelings and allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling.

Just drop into your heart and ask for the energy of that emotion that you want to feel. Create good feelings and make sure you’re feeling them as you’re experiencing them.

Take action on these highest of visions and expect them to come true.

In this video, I share with you how to make your dreams come true, so that you can enjoy more fulfillment and prosperity.

If you would like to hear more about my journey and manifesting my dreams for success, check out my article My Self-Worth Journey to Success.ย  I think that you’ll like it.

manifest your desires

Infinite possibilities are available to you.

You can access your Akashic Records to discover more about your past, present and future. They can change your life for the better.

If you’ve been drawn to the Akashic records, you have an intuitive awareness that there’s more to your soul’s journey than what you can see with your physical eyes.

When you access the Akashic Records, you’re going to have many revelations. Insights into intuitions that you’ve denied, usually to protect yourself from what threatens your security, will now rise to your consciousness.

You can change the course of your life. Yes, even your past lives.

It’s important to remember to have compassion with yourself as you wake up to the truths you’ve been keeping from yourself, or others have been keeping from you.ย  You’re going to ask yourself,

“What in the world was I thinking?”

It’s inevitable. Once you move through a karmic pattern, it seems so obvious what would have been easier for you. Yet when you’re IN a karmic pattern, one that you’ve repeated lifetime after lifetime, it’s not so easy to recognize, until you move through it.

The Akashic Records illuminate your soul’s journey.

Your soul has been through many lifetimes enhancing your spiritual gifts.ย  Consequently, it has accumulated lessons through a series of cause and effect known as karma.

The Akashic Records imprint and store all of your actions, thoughts, emotions and intentions from your life.

The Akashic Records aren’t a book in a library, though that is the symbolic representation of them. They are far more flexible than that.

You can actually learn to read the Akashic Records quite easily. In doing so, you can learn WHY you have certain people and circumstances in your life, and HOW to heal your karmic patterns so you no longer need to repeat them.

You are surrounded by energy.

Every thought, feeling, or emotion you have pulses a message out into the Universe.ย  They are recorded in what’s called the “morphogenic field”.

Just as there is an ocean that fish swim in, we too are surrounded by an ocean of conscious energy.

You can view this field as our collective consciousness.

When you have a thought or emotion, it builds upon the collective energy of those who have previously experienced similar emotions. This is how we are all connected. We are all ONE.

Your subconscious stores your every experience.

You might not consciously remember your previous lives, yet the memories of them are stored in your subconscious.

If you’ve ever wondered, “why do I keep making the same mistakes over and over?” or “why does the same negative experience keep happening to me”?, you most likely have a karmic pattern in your subconscious.

If you’ve had the same thoughts and responses over and over again in repeated past lives, you will keep doing the same thing until you consciously make new decisions.

The good news is, if you attract the same “negative” experience over and over again, you have an opportunity to change your karmic patterns for good.

The seemingly negative situation you are attracting is helping bring your negative programming into your consciousness so you can MAKE BETTER CHOICES.

This is where the Akashic Records comes in…

Gain insight into your past, present and future with Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records are as infinite as the Universe. Once you learn how to tap into this vast resource of healing and insight, your life will be enriched in the most remarkable ways.

You don’t need a special gift to tap into your Akashic Records since they are within you.

If you want to know how to tune into the Akashic Records to discover your soul’s purpose, and heal your past, present and change your probable future, YOU CAN.

Get into a meditative state. Say a prayer or ritual to connect with your Higher Self and Akashic Record keepers. Ask yourself why you are experiencing certain things.ย  WHAT can you do to change the course of your life in a more positive direction?

Set some time for yourself to tune into your soul and the answers will amaze you.

You have more power than you realize!

Akashic Records
Akashic Records
Akashic Records
In this video, I share about staying positive in tough times and becoming the radiant lights that they were born to be!
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Staying Positive in Tough Times

I am Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach. I’ve been called to create this special message for you because, oh boy, things have been very crazy in the world as you know. It’s been chaotic and there’s a lot of violence and just a lot of division and it’s been challenging. It’s been challenging for empaths, especially in sensitive souls, to stay positive.

The way I see a lot of people handling this as two different ways. So first of all, a lot of people who are sensitive just don’t read the news. They put themselves in a little bubble and a cocoon, which can feel good for a very long time. I understand why people do that. The problem with that, however, is that we live in a world of polarities and we live in a world of division. That is what this world is, is polarities, black and white, yin and yang, masculine and feminine. Polarity energy is one of the lessons of being on this planet. So there’s light in their shadow.

So if you try to keep yourself always positive and always like not in any kind of like hearing anything about the world that can bring you down or thinking about it, what happens is it doesn’t mean it’s not existing. It’s just going more in the shadow, your shadow and the shadow of the collective. And eventually you have to process that in one way. So that’s one way I see people dealing with the world.

Sensitive Souls and Empaths

Another way, which is so upsetting, is when I see sensitives and empaths like yourself look at what’s going on in the world and say, you know what, people are crazy and I don’t want to deal with anyone and I just want to go in my shell and not deal with anyone. I just want to, and there’s another way of cocooning yourself. I totally understand the need to be alone. You see, I totally understand that. Because you must absolutely take time to yourself every day to process your emotions. Take time to process your intuition and to understand what’s happening inside of you. It’s so important. It’s paramount.

However, what is so damaging about that is because you’re an empath. You are energetically designed to emotionally connect with people. You need it like food, like nourishment. Of course because you’re so sensitive that when any environment around you, whether it’s personal or political, whatever that is, if it feels too intense, your instinct can be to shrink up your aura to just put yourself in your own little space and in your own little world.


What happens is when you do that, you are disconnecting yourself from your life force. You are disconnecting from your source of emotional nourishment. And then everything else in your life will kind of go astray because you’re not being the shiny. bullion self that you were born to be. Basically, when you do that, when you shrink up your aura, you basically keep yourself from getting opportunities. You’re not shining like the light worker that you were born to be because that’s what you were born to be. You’re a light worker, you’re magnetic, you’re emotionally intelligent, and you’re emotionally beautiful. And so if you’re not connecting with other people, also you’re just not going to feel fulfilled.

And I understand the challenges, right? When things around you are chaotic, when things in the world or your personal life feel negative or draining, you’re going to want to just be in your own space. That is a protective mechanism, right? To fill your aura with light and to sometimes if you don’t want to expand your aura, you can bring it in so you’re not taking in as much energy. But not at the expense of just shrinking and collapsing in on yourself, because it’s not going to help anything. And that can affect every area of your life in an adverse way.

Energetic Tools for Sensitive Souls

So I’ve created this for you so that you have some other tools. Have some other energetic tools where you can shine and expand yourself and be the light that you were born to be. And when you’re shining your light and expanding your light, that is when you create positive opportunities for yourself. That’s when you’re connecting with people, which is what you truly crave. I know you think that you want to be away from people sometimes when things feel crazy outside of you. But you really do want to be with people, just the right people, right? Just people that understand you and feel good in your energy field.

And the way to attract that is to be more of yourself and expand your light and shine your light. And by doing that also, you are bringing more light into the world. You’re being the light worker that you were born to be. You know, you incarnated here for a reason. You have a very important purpose right now. And we the world, the universe, needs you to be that shiny version of yourself, to be joyful because that is what you deserve.

First Energetic Tool

So I do have some energetic tools or insight for you to maintain your happy bubble while you’re still engaging in the world. The first thing that I would absolutely suggest that you do, and this is paramount, is that you connect with like minded and like hearted souls. They are out there. I know it sometimes doesn’t feel like they are, but they are. And when everyone around you seems like they’re being negative, whether that’s personal, political, again, whether that’s just in your world or the world, it can feel like you’re the only one who’s experiencing what you’re experiencing and everybody else is like X, Y, and Z.

But you’re not. Of course you’re unique in your own special way and yet there are still millions of people out there who are experiencing the same kind of feelings you do, who like the same things you do and who can appreciate you for who you are.

Connect with Sensitive Souls

So there’s a lot of ways to connect with like minded, sensitive souls. If you’re spiritual, maybe join some kind of energy healing class or learn Reiki so you can connect with other people who really care about that stuff. Or maybe you want to join an online class or a community of people who feel or perceive the world in a similar way to you. And there’s just bazillion opportunities online to do that. There is something called meetup.com you can go on and you can look for classes or interests for anything that you like. There’s just so much out there if you really look and say, I want to connect with like minded and like hearted souls.

I know you can find it and it is important that you do. So whatever it is you’re interested in, whatever it is that you feel is important to you, you can find people either in your community and/or online that support you and really can nourish that sense of connectedness. Because that is absolutely paramount. That’s your root chakra. You need to feel connected to a tribe and that is what is going to help nourish you in every area of your life.

Second Energetic Tool

Now the second thing that is absolutely paramount is that you stay in your body. When things feel a little intense and maybe overwhelming or scary, sensitive souls, they exit, right? And there’s that sense like you may even want to leave the planet sometimes. I know you don’t, like metaphorically, right?

So what we do is we exit our bodies, right? It feels too intense to be here. And so there’s a part of our soul that’s just like kind of hovering closer to the theorial realm so that we don’t have to actually be here. And that’s something that a lot of sensitivities do when they’re like I don’t want to be on this planet. It’s so hard. And you could actually be hovering pretty much outside of your body a lot without even realizing it. So it’s really important that you set this intention to call your soul, to call your spirit back into your body.

Cleanse and Ground

What I’d like to do sometimes is ask that it’s cleansed in the theorial light and cleansed in pure white light and call back all those soul parts and soul fragments to my body, my spirit. I imagine now that these parts of me are grounded, grounded, grounded, and really anchored into the earth. So you call yourself back into your body. You set the intention that you’re going to be here and stay here until it’s your time not to be here anymore. You incarnated here on this planet, in this body, at this time for a reason because you are a spiritual warrior. And you are a light worker and you are very needed right now. And the more that you are really intending to be here and be in your body and the more grounded you are, the more you’re going to enjoy being here.

But if you’re like kind of here and kind of not here, then your life is going to reflect that. But if you really set your intention, I’m going to be in my body, I’m going to experience my life on this planet in this time and I know that I came here because I want to experience this and I want to enjoy it, you will enjoy your life so much more.

Third Energetic Tool for Sensitive Souls

Now the third thing is to exercise. When your feelings feel overwhelming, your energy can get stuck. Emotions are energy in motion. So for your emotions to flow, for your energy to move through you, sometimes it helps if you’re moving your body as well. Have a little dance party at home, right? Nobody needs to watch. You can just have your own dance party to uplift your spirit and you get your body moving. Exercise, walking in nature, jogging in nature, biking in nature if you can, even better, because nature as we know is like the greatest salve and the greatest nourishment to your body, mind and spirit. And when you’re in nature, you can run into the most beautiful creatures. You could see butterflies or dragonflies.

I know I was jogging the other day. Something happened here in the world. I went out for a jog just to help myself feel better. And I did. And I ran into a puppy. It was so cute. When a puppy looks at you with their adorableness and they just, all they want to do, they have no problem wanting to be with as many people as possible. They still think we’re good. So we learn from puppies. And it’s just they bring you to the present moment. So animals, nature and any kind of movement and exercise, that may have been two things, but they’re combined, right? Because movement sometimes involves being in nature where you run into wonderful creatures, great and small.

Fourth Energetic Tool

Now, the fourth thing that you can do that it can really, really help you so much is to meditate. Meditation is all about being in the present moment. There’s different kinds of meditations. There’s chakra meditations, which I love. Then there is mindfulness meditations, which are more about emptying the mind. And there’s all kinds of visualizations. There’s meditation on a subject, right? So there’s different ways to meditate and all of them are about being in the present moment. So you’re not dwelling about the past or fearing the future.

Especially with meditation, you have to focus on your breath and when you’re breathing and when you’re resetting your nervous system and when you’re being in that present moment, that’s all there is, is the present moment, right? The things you’re afraid about in the future aren’t happening when you’re in the present moment. And by creating a more peaceful present, sensitive souls are also creating a more peaceful future for yourself and for the planet. We don’t need more fear, right? We want peace. Be that peace and practice presence. Practice meditation and bring that mindfulness of breathing, of being in your body, being in the present moment. Bring that to your daily life. So make every moment a meditation and mindfulness.

Fifth Energetic Tool for Sensitive Souls

Now my fifth suggestion for you, I feel like they’re all super important, right? Otherwise I guess I wouldn’t be saying them. This is also one of the most important, is to do your work, fulfill your purpose. And I know when things get overwhelming, especially when the world looks kind of crazed sometimes. Sometimes you can go through this soul searching where you think, does this even matter? Is what I’m doing making a difference because we have from here to here to go and I’m just doing like this little part?

If everyone did what made them happy, the world would be a happy place. The reason people act negatively or violently or project blame onto other people is because they’re not happy, because they’re not in their divine flow. If everybody was, the world would be like utopia, right? So if you are doing your part to make this world a better place, whatever that means for you.

So maybe you have a desire in your heart to paint. And maybe you think, well, isn’t that selfish with all this going on in the world for me to paint? Even if you’re not doing it for a living, but it makes your soul feel good. It’s really important to do that because we need more art and beauty in this world to make the world a more beautiful place, right? A more cultured place.

Find Joy

That brings joy to you and that brings joy to others who see it in every moment that you can create more joy is helping the world. So if you have a desire to paint, if you’re great at customer service, and that is how you fulfill your purpose in the world is by making every single person you meet in your job and what you do happier because they just had a wonderful transaction. They had a wonderful experience. Maybe you want to write, do that. Maybe your purpose is to parent incredible children. We certainly need more incredible parenting in the world where we’re teaching our children compassion and love and respect.

Whatever it is, I guarantee you if it brings you joy, if you feel like it can help even in the slightest bit, then do more of it. And do that knowing that whatever small actions you think you’re making are having a huge impact on the world. And when you do these things, you feel more joyful, you bring more joy into the world and you’re making the world a better place. You’re being the light worker that you were born to be.

Shine Your Light

So I hope that I’ve encouraged you to shine your light brighter, to be joyful, even when things look challenging or feel challenging and to know that you are meant to be here and you are making a huge difference. So if you feel that this has helped you in any way, this video has helped you in any way, feel free to share it with someone who you feel it can help as well. I’m sure they will appreciate you for it.

And I want to hear from you. What do you do that helps you through negativity or chaos or confusion? Share it with us so we can all learn from each other. And if you do want some assistance, I do have a free guided meditation, positive energy and protection with the archangels. The archangels has helped me so much lift my spirit, heal my energy, and if that would help you too, you can get that for free using the link below. If you’ve enjoyed this, like and subscribe, I have many more videos for you helping you in the future for all things divine.

So I wish you a beautiful, magical, wonderful present moment and many more. Lots of love. Bye for now.

Sensitive Souls, Empaths, and Lightworkers!

How do you stay positive as sensitive souls when negative people are around and the world feels chaotic?

It can feel like an impossible task sometimes. Yet, you were born to thrive and be joyful!

First, know that even though some of the more negative energy in the world can seem the loudest, there’s more LOVE than anything else. You are never alone!

In this video, I share with how to THRIVE as an empath so you can be the radiant light you were born to be!

Enjoy and share the love!

How to Stay Positive in Tough Times

Vowels breathe life into your name.

In Numerology, your Soul Urge Number, otherwise known as your Expression Number, is encoded in your name.

Did you ever notice that certain cultures that are known to be passionate and emotional have lots of vowels? The vowels are frequency of emotions.

Every letter in your name is a sacred symbol for your soul’s mission on Earth.

In decoding your Soul Urge Number, derived from the vowels in your name, you can find insight into what you absolutely must express in your life in order to be happy. It indicates what drives you deep down and motivates your soul.

Find your Soul Urge number!

Step 1

Write down your FULL NAME AT BIRTH

Step 2

Separate all the vowels in your name.

(You can circle them, or write them out beneath where you wrote your full name).

Step 3

Give each vowel it’s correlating number in numerology:
A = 1
E = 5
I = 9
O = 6
U = 3

And…Y = 7

Is Y a vowel or not?
You might have heard this little jingle about vowels, A-E-I-O-U and sometimes Y. Numerologists differ on whether Y is a vowel or not. In my opinion, it is ONLY when it is in between two consonants in the same syllable and NOT near a vowel.

For example, Y is a vowel in the names:
Jenny, Gwyneth, Lynne, Gerry, Tyrone, Henry, Bryan, Carolyn (in the names Bryan and Carolyn Y is considered a vowel because it is in a different syllable than the vowel next to it.

Step 4

Add the numbers together, then keep reducing until you get a single digit.


Lynne Gertrude Polly Wallingford
Y Eย  ย  ย  ย E Uย  ย Eย  ย  ย O Yย  ย  ย  ย A I O
7 + 5 + 5+3+5ย  ย + 6 +7 +ย  1+9+ 6ย  ย = 48

48 reduces to 3 (4+8 = 12, and 1+2 = 3)
The Soul Urge Number for Lynne Gertrude Polly Wallingford is 3.

Master Numbers are an exception!

If the sum of your name adds up to 11 or 22, don’t reduce further, those are Master Numbers!

Find your Soul Urge number meaning!

1 Soul Urge Number

You are a born leader and destined to be the master of your destiny. 1s are the one in charge that call their own shots. As a 1, you are the one others look up to for direction and guidance.

You are creative, entrepreneurial, and innovative and are meant to use those talents to create a life of independence and freedom. You desire freedom and self-reliance, always striving to better yourself. As you learn to follow-through on your immense creativity, you feel more joy and attract more opportunities to you.

1 Soul Urge Shadow

Your creative urges are constantly thwarted by you second guessing yourself. As a 1, you have trouble with authority, feeling that they are exploiting or controlling you.

You feel you are meant for more but always wind up without the status, money or power that you deserve. You can be creatively frustrated and lack the freedom in your life you crave. Your inner drive encourages you to overcome your fears and self-doubts so you can be the natural leader you were born to be.

2 Soul Urge

With this soul urge number, you are a peaceful, gentle soul with the desire for love, harmony and partnerships. With natural psychic and intuitive abilities, you can pick up on the emotions of other which makes you an amazing friend, partner, or parent.

You have a vivid imagination and can often see what others cannot, reading between the lines and sometimes know what is going to happen before anyone else. Your emotional insight makes you a wonderful diplomat, caretaker, writer, counselor and guide. You thrive in relationships and are meant to share your incredible emotional intelligence to nurture and guide others.

2 Soul Urge Shadow

You can feel uncomfortable and uneasy in your own company, needing affirmation from others rather than finding it within. If you become overwhelmed by other peopleโ€™s energy, you can retreat into yourself causing you to feel lonely, isolated, and shy.

So, if you are not tapping into your innate psychic and spiritual gifts, your amazing imagination can conjure a future of fear, rather than love. If you are not utilizing your intuition, you can second guess yourself, constantly wavering about your decisions and never feel like you can make the right choiceย – always fearing the worst.

Your sensitive nature, when not grounded in self-love, can cause you to take things too personally and feel like a victim, or that you give too much and receive too little in return. As you learn to trust yourself, you will find a deep sense of calm, peace and connection.

3 Soul Urge

Your cheerful, happy, exuberant personality can light up a room! Youโ€™re a joy to be around because of your inspiring words and uplifting energy and optimistic personality.

Emotionally engaging, funny, and witty, you make people laugh and have a beautiful smile that has others feel good just seeing you! Extremely creative, emotionally sensitive and expressive, you can be anything you want to be.

Your soul thrives in creativity and joy. Always resourceful and positive, you know can find a creative solution to anything so you always wind up on top! You seek joyful emotional connections wherever you go.

3 Soul Urge Shadow

With this soul urge number, your positive optimistic attitude can have you look at the bright side of everything, often ignoring your feelings and sacrificing your well-being. You can wind up feeling confused, taken advantage of, or depressed. Your creative energies can scatter your energy, leaving you with lots of unfinished projects and ideas that never manifest.

You can lack the discipline to put your creativity into practice, and feel as if your talents are underutilized. As a result, you feel unfulfilled and under-utilized, and your bank account will reflect that. Once you learn to express your creativity and directly speak from your heart, you will find the deep connections you crave.

You must also learn to overcome self-doubt with loving words, so you can share that love with others.

4 Soul Urge

Loyal, dependable, and discipline – those positive traits are rewarded with a stable home and family life, a full bank account, and emotional security. You are the go-to person for anyone who needs a helping hand, someone they can trust, and a strong person to support them.

You create the stability for yourself and your loved ones to have the freedom to do what you love. A born leader, you are in charge of creating your destiny on your terms. Others benefit from all you have built to make the world a better place.

4 Soul Urge Shadow

You can feel restricted and constricted by life, never having the freedom that you crave, always feeling like you need to work too hard to receive too little. Your life can feel like an exercise in discipline and struggle, never getting a break. You can feel as if others have control over you, rather than you being in control of your destiny.

As a 4, you can feel burdened with too much responsibility, and pressure to take care of everyone else. You can feel as if you cannot depend on other people, so you need to take charge of everything, leaving you with little support for your efforts. When you learn to let go of your need to control, and have patience with your process, your life will unfold beautifully.

5 Soul Urge

Freedom is what motivates you. Always on the go, ready for adventure and excitement, youโ€™re up for anything! You crave experiences, wanting to explore the world through your five senses rather than hear about it through someone else. With your enthusiastic, vivacious, and fun personality, you are the life of the party and people are naturally drawn to you.

Youโ€™re tuned into the collective consciousness, knowing what will be popular and are always one step ahead of others with style. Witty, charismatic and a gifted story teller, youโ€™re a natural entertainer, counselor and entrepreneur. With your multiplicity of talents, you have the ability to create a life of fun, freedom, adventure and wealth.

5 Soul Urge Shadow

With this soul urge number, your desire for freedom and change can make it hard for you to settle down and focus your talents. You can feel scattered, unsettled, and confused.ย  5s are afraid to choose from too many options. You can fear commitment so much, your relationships and finances suffer as a result.

Your independent nature can lead you to do too much yourself, feeling unsupported. Or you wind up with people depending on your or you depending on them and feel resentful. Because of your lack of follow-through you feel creatively and financially frustrated. Once you learn to commit to your decisions and be flexible with change, there are no limits to your life!

6 Soul Urge

You live for love! As a 6, you are a natural nurturer, caretaker and friend. You are the one everyone will turn to for advice, counseling, healing and understanding. Your emotional sensitivity lends itself to creativity in all forms, and your love of balance and harmony make you an excellent designer with an eye for beauty.

Because of your sense of perfection and detail, you can excel at anything! You have a masterful combination of creativity and management ability that can propel you to success in whatever you desire.

6 Soul Urge Shadow

Your perfectionist nature can make it difficult for you to complete things, fearing you will never be good enough. Since you are so sensitive to what other people think and feel about you, your desire to please others causes you to make everyone else happy at your own expense.

You can martyr yourself so much that you never have time for yourself because youโ€™re too busy doing things for other people. This can leave you feeling depleted and resentful, and not experiencing the prosperity that you desire.

You do love luxury! Yet donโ€™t often have the means to indulge your desires because you give so much yet lack the ability to receive. It is paramount that you don’t take responsibility for everyone else happiness. Once you let go of the idea that you or anyone else can be perfect, you can experience a beautiful, balanced life.

7 Soul Urge

With this soul urge number, you have amazing insight and intuition that is like X Ray vision. With your penetrating mind, you can pierce deep into the truth of things, and seem to know things from thin air. Your sixth sense can be uncanny, giving you the ability to know about peopleโ€™s motivations without any prior information about them.

You strive to seek knowledge about the world, the Universe, and beyond.Your incredible mind and other-worldly intelligence can make you a leader in any field. You have a strong connection to the ocean, and feel best when you are in nature.

This connection to the natural world makes you in tune to the rhythms of the Universe, and have an understanding of spiritual laws that can make you a great success. Your material success can afford you the inner peace and privacy you crave.

7 Soul Urge Shadow

Your other-worldly qualities can often make you feel like a stranger in a strange land. There are times you can feel you arenโ€™t like other people so you retreat into isolation and want to escape through fantasy or perhaps even addictions. You donโ€™t trust your intuition so your deep spiritual insights can lead to anxiety and a restless mind, always analyzing instead of trusting yourself or others.

You can feel betrayed by people or even life itself, waiting for the other shoe to drop instead of believing, trusting and knowing that you are safe and everything will work out in divine and perfect order. Make sure you are tuning into your intuition, and not relying solely on your intellect to guide you. Take time alone every day to process your intuition and emotions, and you are sure to thrive.

8 Soul Urge Number

If anyone is meant to have material prosperity itโ€™s YOU! Manifest wealth so you can use it to benefit the greater good. Youโ€™re a born leader. With a mind for managing, you love to take on responsibilities and see the big picture. Youโ€™re a true visionary. Work and career will always be a big part of your life and can offer you immense emotional and financial fulfillment.

You are strong, courageous, and magnetic. Thereโ€™s nothing you canโ€™t achieve. When you use your power in harmony with the laws of the Universe, you are unstoppable!

8 Soul Urge Shadow

Though you secretly crave money, power and status you are afraid of what others will think of you. So, you overcompensate for this by being indirect and too humble. You fear that others will see you as conceited or arrogant, so you dim your light to make others feel comfortable.ย  This leaves you in situations where you are controlled by other people when youโ€™re really meant to be in charge.

If you hide your natural leadership abilities, you will wind up feeling taken advantage of and undervalued. If you resent others for having what the money and status that you want, you will restrict your natural flow of abundance and love.

9 Soul Urge

You have a desire to help others because youโ€™re a natural counselor, teacher and guide. You draw other to you as a 9 with magnetic qualities.ย  Everyone asks for help and guidance. You are an old soul and have the wisdom of many lifetimes of experience. This gives you an intuition and inner knowing that is profound.

You seem to know things about people and situations without any prior information. Somewhere in your awareness, you recognize that you have all the answers within you.

You know you are meant to have a great impact on the world.ย  You want to make the world a better place and know that you can.ย As a compassionate humanitarian you strive to make this world a utopia. When you are listening to your penetrating inner guidance, you are a charismatic leader, healer and guide. You can achieve great financial prosperity with a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose.

9 Soul Urge Shadow

When you are not listening to your deep inner wisdom and connecting to your spiritual source, you can feel isolated, confused and misunderstood. You can feel regret for the past with an inability to let go and be in the present. Because you are so sensitive to other people, with an acute intuition, you can be so concerned with what other peopleโ€™s opinions of you are, that you begin to doubt yourself.

You are an old soul. 9s go through many rigorous tests. Learn to love yourself unconditionally without the affirmation of others. If you continue to seek otherโ€™s approval, you will find yourself feeling abandoned. If you are not listening to your intuition to pursue your higher purpose, you will not receive the emotional and financial rewards that you deserve.

11 Soul Urge Number

You are a born visionary and leader. Your role on this planet is to inspire others and guide them with your inspired ideas. With your highly-tuned intuition, you have an uncanny ability to pick up information from the ethers, always enlightening you with insights that are ahead of your time. 11 is a master number, with great potential to show others the way, guiding them with your light.

You have magnetic energy. You are meant to receive spiritual, emotional and financial abundance for mastering spiritual lessons. Because you are mastering advanced spiritual lessons, you can achieve anything!

11 Soul Urge Shadow

As a master number, you have greater potential and therefore more challenging lessons. It can feel overwhelming sometimes. You can feel burdened by the responsibilities of leadership.

You can feel different from others, overly sensitive and misunderstood. This can lead you to withdraw and hide from others instead of leading them. You can seek approval and fear rejection. As a result, you never share your creative insights with others.

If you doubt your intuition and always seek affirmation outside of yourself, you will miss the opportunity to guide others with your unique contribution to the world. If you live in the world of ideas without the courage to implement them, you will not fulfill your ultimate destiny that would allow you to reap spiritual, emotional and financial rewards.

22 Soul Urge

You are a master of manifesting! You can achieve anything by combining the spiritual insight of the 11 and the practical grounding of the 4. This number is the Master Builder. Because you are creating structures that others will benefit from. You mean to leave a mark on the world!

Using your inspired vision in combination with your logical mind, you are unstoppable. You are ambitious, responsible, loyal, and disciplined, with an entrepreneurial edge that will guarantee your success. As a 22, you are a born leader and are meant to be in charge.

You take on more responsibility because you can handle more than others. You thrive in roles of authority and leadership. As the Master Builder, you can build the a life of freedom, security, wealth and fulfillment. When you listen to your intuition and take practical inspired action, you can feel immense pride knowing you are fulfilling your destiny making the world a better place.

22 Soul Urge Shadow

As a master number, you will have more challenges than most. You can feel burdened with the weight of your responsibility, with a constant workload. Often, you can feel as if you never get ahead or receive a break and that you must constantly work, and take care of others. You can feel restricted by circumstances and never feel that freedom you crave so deeply. If you are not owning your immense power and claiming destiny as a leader, you can clash with authorities leaving you feeling controlled or disrespected.

Youโ€™re meant for great things! You must have the courage to stand out. If you are not taking a chance on yourself and acting on your creative inspirations, you can feel unfulfilled, unworthy and unappreciated. Your life and bank account will reflect those feelings of low self-worth.

Make sure you are sharing your abundant gifts with the world. You have so much to share because your soul strives to leave a legacy. You are here to make a mark on the world!

Soul Urge Numbers