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Supermoon Eclipse Magic – For Intuitive Guidance And Success

Hello. My name is Kari Samuels. I am a psychic and intuitive counselor, an energy healer, and a numerologist. I’m also talking about astrology here. I have so much to share with you. Wow, this is an incredible time of year. This is an incredible year and this is a life changing year. I’m going to be coming to you with more broadcasts, videos, energy management tools and intuitive insights about how to navigate the incredible energy of this year.

The Power of Eclipse Energy

This is a life changing year and I want you to have all the tools. So this is what we’re doing today. I’m going to be sharing with you some tools about the eclipses. I’ll share why the eclipses are so magical. There is so much magic happening now. It’s an incredible year. I keep using the word life-changing.

Last year, the word that I kept using was intense. This year there are some intense elements. Yet overall the energy is completely joyful. And this is a time of renewal. What we’re going to be talking about today is why eclipses are so magical. Also I will be sharing what messages the universe is sharing with you in eclipses in general. And in these specific eclipses, I will be sharing what the karmic lessons are and how you can really tune in to these messages. You will learn how to tune into your intuition and how to move forward moving ahead in your life. There’s messages here for you and I want you to have as much information as possible.

The thing about astrology and numerology is, and even psychics and energy forecast, because I am a psychic and, and that’s what I do, I tune into energy and I’m using all of these things to forecast energy for you.

Celestial Weather Forcast

Anyone who’s doing astrology or numerology or any kind of psychic readings are tuning into energy and looking at probabilities. It’s so important to remember that this doesn’t tell you what will happen. This is a celestial forecast. It’s telling you the energy that is happening. Also, it tells the kind of energy, the quality of energy, and what that means for you moving forward.

So this is a celestial weather forecast with a supermoon. This is an energy forecast. Just like any forecast with any weather, when you listen to the weather on TV or you’re looking at it on the internet, it’s not telling you what’s going to happen. It’s telling you what the energy is around you so you can make good decisions, make empowering decisions. That’s what we’re doing now. So it’s eclipse magic. I want to share with you a little bit about why eclipses are so powerful and why it’s so amazing how this year is starting with an eclipse season right away.

So you’re probably getting a feel for this year as energy already in that, it is a sense of renewal. Like I really feel, and I’d love to hear from you too, how you feel about the energy of this year moving forward if you do feel this sense of renewal and the sense that yeah, I’m really going to do things differently now and I’m really going to change my whole way of being moving forward.

Supermoon and Eclipses

Then there’s also this sense of very busy energy like, I keep saying it’s like a race horse getting out of the gate. That’s how this year feels. And there’s going to be a lot of that this year as well. There’s a lot of discipline involved in the year and, and some work yet it’s ultimately very liberating. Ultimately setting you free to be more of who you want to be.

So let’s talk about the eclipses of 2019 and the energy of 2019. Before we do that, I want to go back a little bit about the energy of 2018 because there was a lot of retrogrades and master number 11. So there was a lot of soul searching. All that soul searching from several years of soul searching.

But last year it really culminated this sense of, okay, I am keep going back in my soul and realizing where I need to play bigger, where I have put myself in a box or, or repressed who I am or the type of expression that I am. And now it’s time for me to really like burst forth with more of myself. So it’s not like a different version of yourself, it’s just more of yourself than ever before. And it’s, more of, you’re sharing more of your light and you’re not repressing yourself as much, at least I hope you’re not.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic – For Intuitive Guidance And Success

That was part of what that lesson was about last year. There’s this sense of like, yeah, I’m really going to do it now. The way this year is starting out actually, and many of you know, I’m preparing for my 2019 premium psychic forecast. I look at the whole year ahead and it’s been startling to me the amount of renewal energy that we have, that kinds of energy and what the universe is telling us. The universe tells us a story with all of the planets and all the numbers and how that interacts. The universe is always telling us the story.

So the story or the universe is telling right now is that you may need to play a bigger game. I don’t love that expression. Go big or go home. Because you may want to stay home and play big, you know, but the whole point of that is, there’s expression inside of you that is waiting to come out. So we’re gearing up for this eclipse on January 20th and you may be watching this in the future, but this is still relevant because this is telling the story for the whole year.


Supermoon and Eclipeses

Eclipses come in pairs. They’re always two weeks apart. There’s a new moon eclipse and new moon eclipses are always solar eclipses. Because they’re new moves, they’re always a time of new beginnings. So it makes sense that there’s this solar energy because there’s that sense of how are you shining, what seeds are you planting to radiate more of yourself in the world and more of your light in the world. Those are seeds that get planted at the new moon solar eclipses.

Then two weeks after that, well sometimes opposite in terms of whichever it is, they’re always in pairs two weeks apart. So then lunar eclipses, we’re having a lunar eclipse two weeks after that solar eclipse at the top of the year. Lunar eclipses because they’re always full moons or time of culmination and a time of letting go.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic

Okay, so here’s the thing. The first three are full moons of 2019. So this first full moon of 2019 happens to be a full moon super moon lunar eclipse, and it’s also at zero degrees. So the first three moons of 2019, the first three full moons of 2019 are all super moons. At zero degrees in their respective signs. So we begin the year with the new moon solar eclipse, which is basically the universe’s way of saying this is a reset. We’re resetting our life. This isn’t just a new moon. This is like a total reset cause he clips his reset energy. Okay?

And then they’re magical and there’s a sense that there’s dark and there’s light and there’s that lifting of the veil between heaven and earth. And there’s that sense of having this veil lifted and anything that was eclipsed from your consciousness.


There’s that stillness when there’s that darkness of the eclipse and then there’s the light and then there’s this tense of renewal. Okay? Then there’s this sense of awakening. So this period of eclipses, all eclipse seasons are this magical time. It’s called eclipse season between the two eclipses. It’s this magical time when the veils are lifted and anything that was eclipsed from your consciousness comes to the surface to be recognized and acted upon.

Clarity and Letting Things Go

Okay, so eclipses always are a sense of endings and beginnings and the lunar eclipses are typically when you have endings and culmination for many years, sometimes many, lifetimes. And that’s how we’re starting this year in this between worlds kind of place where we have a sense of things coming to light recognitions that even with all of this soul searching we’ve been doing for the past several years, there’s an awakening now a clarity. So you may have realized that this beginning of the year isn’t exactly like the same as other years in the sense that you have absolute clarity about what you want to do.

You might be feeling it out more. You might be discovering more about how you want to embark upon this new adventure of this year. You’re realizing more and more how it is you want to say your light and things that you need to let go of. I think it’s really, really funny that Marie Kondo, is that her name? The clear your cutter clutter person is that this year kind of thing because that’s so much the energy of the year. It’s like letting go of all that isn’t serving you for clarity. It’s not a painful process, but a very liberating process.

No, it is painful. I mean, apparently I didn’t watch the documentary yet, but apparently like people cry when they have to let things go. At the same time, there’s this sense of freedom and joy and liberation so that everything in your life is here for your joy.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic

This is how we’re starting the year. This is the energy of the year that comes with this supermoon. I was looking at the, the whole forecast for the entire year, it was blowing my mind that the correlations, the patterns, well, we’ll look at these first three full moons, super moons, all at zero degrees. And the first one is a lunar eclipse. So lunar eclipses are always endings of big, big projects in your life. Like projects that could be emotional or spiritual projects, right? So so what are you ending now?

This is what the universe is calling you to understand. It’s like that zero degree zero isn’t nothing, zero is wholeness, zero is protection from the universe. Zero is the number of infinite possibilities. It’s great mystery from which all things spring and this is where we are right now. This is where we’re headed. This is what you are called to do right now.

Now if you look at the number of the year now it’s a three universal year. It’s also 2019. So 19 in the taro is the sun card. We have all this energy about the sun and about shining your light and about liberating yourself. And then you have this energy of these eclipses, these, so these three super moons as well, all at zero degrees. So a supermoon will, amplify energy and the amplify psychic energy because moons are your intuitive energy, your emotions, and at zero degrees it’s like as you’re letting go, you have this fresh start and 19 is also made of the numbers one and nine.

Number 9

One is the number of beginnings and nine is the number of endings. So everything in this year is telling you, you have to start something. You have to start embarking on something where you are allowing yourself to radiate more, where you’re allowing yourself to be a leader in some way.

This brings us to this next eclipse as well. The one coming up on the 20th. So this eclipse, so all eclipses come in pairs and then they last two and a half years. If they there, they have to do with the nodes of the moon. The South node of the moon is your karma. What you’re letting go of and the North node of the moon is what you’re going towards. So letting go and starting, right?

That’s what you know, that’s what it clips is always are these eclipses this year, all in cancer, Capricorn cancer being how you nurture yourself. Capricorn being how you have your status in the world and your career and work and how you balance those two. What’s interesting though, this lunar eclipse coming up on the 20th is not in that pair. This eclipse is finalizing a set of eclipse, exactly.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic

Alpha and Omega. This eclipse coming up on the 20th or like I said, if you’re listening to this later, it still applies. This eclipse is in Leo. So our sun will be an Aquarius and our moon is going to be in Leo. So what is that telling us? What are we wrapping up that’s wrapping up a set of eclipses that have started since 2016 where you’ve been working on this polarity between Aquarius, which is all about our ideal vision with how we’re helping humanity as a whole in groups and Leo, which is about radiating your light as an individual. How do you balance those?

So I’ve been pondering this because this has been one of the biggest lessons in my life. And Lightworkers this is for you. And I know it was an impact. This is so hard for you to be like shiny or the center of attention, yet the Capricorn, what Capricorn is teaching us all this year and what this Leo eclipse is teaching us.

And this is saying, get this lesson right now. How are you going to allow yourself to shine brightly and allow yourself to in a way do that as yourself, not just how you are doing that in the group. So I’m going to give you an example in my life, how this is applied to me and let me know how this resonates with you. So here you are. You know, you’re on the Kari Samuels page, whether you’re watching this on Facebook or YouTube. This is my channel. It has my name on it. My website has my name on it.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic

I remember when I first started a website and I was very late to the game starting a website. Because again, I wanted to hide. I was like, ah no. That just seems too something I kept trying to think of a name for my website that was about like divine your destiny or something that had to do with like something woo, but that wasn’t my name and I couldn’t think of the right one.

Ultimately I put my name there as like a placeholder. So here’s the thing. As I started doing more and wanting to help more people, I realized that it needed to be about me being the vessel of communication, not me hiding behind some other name. People needed to know who I was personally in order for me to help them because they learned to trust me as a vessel for communication. Me as a vessel for the divine. So I had to be okay with being Kari Samuels. Dot com

I had to be okay with that. This is coming from me as the intuitive channel. I had to be okay with like putting myself on video and doing all of those things that the part of me that’s an empath and a part of me that prefers to be more introverted has been very uncomfortable with.


It’s been liberating because, and by doing so, I can help millions of people. Do you see how this Aquarius Leo eclipse right now is helping you? Right? It’s saying that it’s basically the universe’s way of saying, okay, what are you going to let go of now so that you can allow yourself to claim your authority.

Now Capricorn is all about authority too. So how are you going to claim your authority and allow yourself to be the vessel, the unique vessel, not the vessel that hides in a group, but the unique vessel of spirit that shines your light brightly as your unique self. And that is so much what this year is about. It’s about allowing yourself to be your unique self and shine as brightly as you can. And that is the way that you can help humanity. So it’s going to take a commitment to yourself and it might actually feel it will most likely feel very scary.

Here’s what I’d like to share with you, and you’re welcome to ask questions about it if you’d like. I’ll be tuning into that as I’m sharing this information with you. Here’s what I’d like you to do to reflect on this as we’re in this eclipse season, as you’re preparing for this, this full moon eclipse that’s all about letting go of what you feel you owe other people or what you feel is your responsibility as the small self so that you can embrace the part of you.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic – For Intuitive Guidance And Success

That’s the shiny stuff. Because that’s how you’re going to be a Lightworker, isn’t it? You can’t be a light worker if you’re afraid of shining your light. So just take a moment right now if you are not driving. Okay, and tune into your heart because Leo is actually, Leo is the ruler of the heart and astrology.

This is how you’re going to move forward. This year and every day of your life is by tuning into your heart. 2019 is a three universal year that begins with a supermoon. Three is also associated with heartfelt expression. So it is your heart. Okay? It’s going to give you the answers, so tune into your heart now. So take a moment and close your eyes. If you’re not driving and if you aren’t driving, you could come back to this to take a moment and tune into your heart. That means imagine your mind is in your heart as you’re breathing in your heart and also ground this energy to the earth.

Our beautiful earth mother grounds us, protects us, keeps you nourished. So as you’re tuning into your heart, you can ask yourself, what can I let go of now so that I can allow myself to be the leader, the confident leader that I was born to be? What can I let go of? And maybe it’s a fear of what other people think of you. So we’re going to let that go. Now just let it go. A fear of embarrassment. Maybe you let that go, a fear of rejection, a fear of not being good enough.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic

You can let that go. Whatever that is for you to take a moment to tune in. I know I came up with my top three right. So let it go and you can actually tune into the raise of the moon and the sun to shine upon you to shine upon your heart to let all that go with for the, their light will release any of this darkness from your being.

So you’re allowing that light from the sun and the moon to shine down upon you and to fill your energy field. And you can do this with your eyes open now because the sun and Leo is all about being conscious. So if you’d like to keep your hands on your heart as you make some promises to yourself, you can promise yourself that no matter how scared you might feel, you’re going to take some steps to move forward.

Yeah, with doing what it is that you love. You can say to yourself, I commit to my dreams and I promised myself and my higher self, then I’m going to have the discipline, the courage, and the fortitude to take the bold steps to shine my light brightly, to claim my power and authority so I can use it for the highest good of all, and to allow myself to be a unique vessel of light. And I allow myself to receive any praise or rewards and w and reciprocal response to that and whatever else you want to promise to yourself right now, do that now. Make a commitment to yourself.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic

It feels so good, doesn’t it? It feels great to shine brightly and light up the world for others. And this is the Leo Aquarius opposition by you learning to shine your light more brightly, that is what helps the greater good even more. And that’s what we’re all learning now and we’re, we’re finalizing this set of karmic lessons.

So I encourage you, as you move forward, to listen to your heart and to pay attention to whatever images or coming your way. Pay attention to whatever thoughts come to you, what memories and as they come to you, these are, it’s all intuitive guidance for you. Anything that comes into your memory field instead of rejecting it and saying, I thought I worked on this. Shine the light of love onto that. And that will help you accept who you are and two into your intuition so that you can move forward with a sense of wholeness and a sense of completion.

So this is what I wanted to share with you tonight. Now I’d love to hear your comments and also if you have any quick questions I can answer those for you. Oh, look here on creator studio. They have ’em here. I didn’t realize I could see you here. There’s a to two places that I can hear you. So, let me see if I can see some comments from you or questions. I can answer them very quickly so you can type them in. Now I see a lot of people doing, I don’t know how you do that on Facebook, but there’s all kinds of bubbles and hearts and stuff coming up. So people were saying thank you. I’d love to hear this.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic

I’d love to hear from you, your comments and what promises you are making for yourself and what commitments you are making. I also want to remind you that there is a lot more than I want to share with you about this year. I mean, this is a life changing year. We talked a lot just about the the eclipses.

And yes, someone was asking me is how is this for someone who’s a double Capricorn anytime the eclipses are in your sign? It’s a big year of awakening for you. It’s, everything I’ve said and even more exponentially. Someone else just emailed me and they asked me will they be successful and I want to point this out and this is why I do these forecasts.


I cannot tell you if you were going to be successful. I can tell you that if you do what the universe is telling you to do, if you are dedicating yourself to being the leader that you were born to be, if you have the courage to apply these principles, if you have the courage to speak your truth, if you have the courage to express yourself, if you have the courage to be an individual, then yes of course. But I can’t make you do that and there is a lot that the universe is telling you this year. We are only getting to the very beginning of it.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic

I have so much more that I want to share with you. So if you haven’t done this already, I encourage you to join me for my 2019 premium psychic forecast. I’m going to put the link below. I’m also gonna put some other links for you below that are some other resources that I have for you that might be helpful, that will be helpful. This forecast that I’m doing, we’re going through month by month. There are a lot of nuances to every year. There’s timing for everything.

The thing is, when you understand the divine timing, when you understand the spiritual lessons that you have, first of all, it helps you to know why things are happening so that you understand what to do about them and also what is the best energy for you to do. And the thing is, is a very small investment. When you can plan out your year, it can help save you a lot of time, money and frustration because you know, okay, I want to buy a house or I want to do this or I want to, I want to move whatever it is that you want to do.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic

Or even put yourself out there romantically or take more time romantically with the partner you already have. Whatever it is, it’s important to know when it’s time to act, when it’s time to maybe step back. One are the emotionally charged times because there are going to be a few points this year that are really emotionally charged. And you’re going to want to know those ahead of time so you can really plan for them. And you can do that.

So anyway, that is my 2019 premium psychic forecast. If you haven’t joined yet, like I said, I encourage you to join. It actually includes a 60 page celestial guide. So this guide, you can print it out and use it throughout the year. I use it almost every day throughout the year and I definitely use it to plan every month. It’s a really good investment for you to really make the most of this year ahead.

So again, I’ll put that link below for you. And in the meantime, really take this time now to tune into your heart and make these commitments to yourself and you can do some journaling about what it is that you want to let go of and how it is you want to move forward more boldly and more courageously for the highest and best of all and for your own happiness. I love you so much and I will be seeing you again soon. Bye for now.

Supermoon Eclipse Magic

The Universe has a map of the cosmos.

This Supermoon is an opportunity for guidance and success.

The patterns created by the planets and numbers are like a celestial navigation system.ย  They can guide you toward fulfilling your soul’s purpose.

2019 has had an extraordinary beginning. We started the year with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. On January 20th, we will experience the first in a series of three Supermoons at zero degrees.

Eclipses are so magical and have powerful messages for you!ย  Learn how to move forward in your life with vital information from this celestial energy forecast.

Do you feel a sense of renewal?ย  This year feels like there is a lot of energy ready to set you free to be more.ย  The Universe is telling us a story with this Supermoon Eclipse, that you are ready to release the desires inside of you and express yourself in a big way.

The stars have a message written for you.

In this video, you’ll Discover:

  • How to tune into the Moon for intuitive guidance and divine timing
  • The message from the Universe about the eclipses of 2019
  • The karmic lessons of this Leo Supermoon Lunar Eclipse
  • Why this is your year to transform your fate into destiny

Enjoy and share the love!

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May Energy Forecast – Reimagine a Better Future

Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach with your May forecast. And yes, it is May, I don’t know, maybe, I think so. Maybe it’s April, maybe it’s June. Who can tell anymore?

The one thing I know for certain is that we are in 2020, and you know, astrologers and psychics, we’ve been forecasting that this was going to be a year for the history books and that this was going to be really the year that everything changed.

And so before I get into the astrology and numerology of May of 2020, I want to talk to you about the astrology and numerology of 2020 in general because it’s going to help you put things into perspective. It helps things feel a lot less random and helps you understand that there’s a reason for everything and that there’s a cycle for everything. To know that this isn’t forever, that all the craziness and stress that is happening right now, this isn’t forever.

Reimagine a Better Future

And there’s a reason for this and there’s hope in this as well. So I want to share with you, and remind you some of the things that I’ve been saying at the beginning of the year and other people have been saying about what was in store this year so that we can put this in perspective and, understand how to navigate it and understand why this is happening.

So let’s go back to January. What everyone was talking about. January 12th was the Saturn Pluto conjunction. Now, Saturn is the planet that governs structures, boundaries, governments, infrastructure, day to day, life, politics, the economy, pretty much everything, tangible. Structures, right? And Saturn is the most prominent planet this year. That’s because we have a lot of planets in Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn.

So that Saturn Pluto conjunction was in Capricorn. Now that hasn’t happened since 1518 in that sign, right? So Saturn rules all of those things that are effected now. Now why? It’s because of this conjunction with Pluto. Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth and transformation; all things hidden, all things beneath the surface.

Pluto actually governs viruses and pandemics. Now that conjunction happened. We also have Jupiter, Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn that are happening throughout the year. And actually if you look back in history, a lot of pandemics have happened when this Jupiter and Pluto have been in conjunction.

May Energy Forecast

Now it’s Capricorn that makes things very much about our structures right now and our foundations, the economy, everything. So when that happened January 12th, these are outer planets, these are slow moving planets. These aren’t like personal planets. So these outer planets affect things in a large way over a period of time.

So when that happened, people were talking about the January 12th conjunction. If you don’t really study astrology, you don’t understand that that’s like a long term thing. So Saturn, Pluto conjunction is a death and rebirth of our structures, in this case, anything associated with Capricorn.

Like I said, infrastructure, economy, governments, and boundaries. Saturn has those rings. This is about boundaries. Now we’re learning a lot about boundaries now, right? Like we are maintaining physical distance. How many boundaries can you have, right? And countries are closing up borders to protect people.

So that happened in the beginning of the year. Everyone who has been tuned into that, coming in astrology or psychics, we knew that something was going to happen that was going to affect our infrastructure in a big dramatic way and change everything.

Reimagine a Better Future

Now this is the way it manifested, right? We have this global pandemic and social distancing and economies are being really torn apart and they have to be rebuilt. Now, the one thing about these planets and the activity that happens with them, specifically Pluto, they tear apart structures or anything that needs a transformation. Even though it’s really scary right now, and of course there’s the physical fear of the death and rebirth that’s happening, this Pluto is really affecting things in a real death way.

A lot of times this can happen and it’s serious and it’s real. But what’s happening is this transformation of structures in your life and in the world that needed to be transformed. So that’s why it’s happening. And that’s the what.

Now the other aspects of 2020, we are in a four universal year. Four is very much like the energy of Saturn. It’s all about anything tangible, anything on the material realm. And it often brings restriction. The four teaches you to learn how to have freedom within restriction.

It also teaches you strength and it also is associated with strength in the physical body. Now both Saturn and the number four are about discipline, strength, restriction, boundaries and habits. Money and economy, right? So it’s about learning to work within restrictions so that it strengthens you.

May Energy Forecast

And that’s what we’re all learning right now. We’re all learning as a collective to change our daily habits. And that’s something that is very much associated with Saturn and the number four to learn how to work with less, to learn how to do more with less. And even though that’s super challenging, it’s always to strengthen you. It’s like a muscle needs to be broken in order to be strengthened. And that’s what’s happening now.

These daily disciplines, these daily habits. We need to learn how to do more with less, which is strengthening. And of course by nature, we want freedom and we want boundless freedom. And for many, many, many years we’ve been taught that resources are abundant. They are in terms of spiritual resources, however, we need to learn to be good stewards of the earth.

And one of the things that’s been happening with these restrictions is that, the earth is healing and four is literally associated with earth and mother earth in the material world. And so by having these limitations, we’re learning how to have more freedom without having to really go past our natural limits, to be good stewards of the earth, and also to be good stewards of your own energy. We’re also learning amazing things about our daily habits and how to improve our health and our happiness and our wellbeing through healthy habits.

Reimagine a Better Future

So we’re learning a lot. We’re definitely learning a lot. 2020 was never going to be easy, but it’s strengthening and it can ultimately be liberating for you and the planet. So let’s talk about what’s happening in May of 2020. Let me just preface by saying in 2020 every single planet in our solar system is going retrograde. We know mercury retrograde. Mercury always goes retrograde three or four times a year.

But the other personal planets, Mars and Venus that’s less frequent. Those are going retrograde this year as well. And of course the outer planets which are slower moving and have a bigger broader effect. So basically with every planet going retrograde in 2020 we are reevaluating every aspect of our lives. Personal and global ain’t that the truth? This was all seen ahead of time, right?

When we’re forecasting and looking with every planet going retrograde, there’s definitely a sense that everything is going to be a more internal process because retrogrades are about internal growth and reevaluating. They always bring things back. So when a planet goes retrograde, we’re redoing something, we’re relearning something that we missed. We’re reevaluating things.

May Energy Forecast

So we definitely have a more internal process now because we are at home, unless by the way you are a frontline worker and I thank you with all my heart. But most of us are staying home more than usual, right? And with people, or we’re not, right? We are really learning these internal processes more and more. So again, this was all in the astrology of the year, reevaluating and reassessing and having a more yin process.

And so we begin in May, a wave of retrogrades made is actually kind of like the least. it’s really not in terms of the whole year. It’s maybe not a very intense month. So in a way it could be a break because we’re in the beautiful sun sign of Taurus until the 20th, and Taurus is very much about home and love and beauty and relationships.

So there’s all of that sense of really now that we want to beautify our homes, we want to beautify our relationships, we want to bring more beauty into our life. And maybe art. Art is so healing, right?

Taurus is ruled by Venus. By the way, Taurus is an earth sign. So this is about maybe finding ways to connect with the earth and to heal the earth and to be healed through the earth. Grounding is beautiful. We really need that. Now Venus rules Taurus. Venus is going retrograde this month.

Reimagine a Better Future

It’s one of the personal planets. Just like when mercury goes retrograde, you feel that personally, Venus is a personal planet that rules relationships, love, beauty, harmony and self worth. So one of the things you are reevaluating now is your self worth so that you can value yourself more so that you can have greater self esteem. So use this time to value yourself more and receive more love, appreciation and money.

Venus rules money for your gifts, for your beauty, for your beautiful gifts. So that’s happening this month. And of course relationships are going to be in focus and the relationship with yourself, with other people, with your money. This is time to reevaluate that. Now, Saturn is also, we’ve talked about Saturn in the beginning of this, right? So Saturn is also going retrograde. Saturn, work, and structures and boundaries with Saturn going retrograde, you reevaluate.

Now it could mean that you’re returning to work, right? Because if you’ve been off work, you may be returning to it now, but it could mean also that you’re reevaluating your work, that you’re reevaluating your boundaries, you’re reevaluating your structures in life. What a good time for it, right?

So that’s going retrograde. We already have Pluto retrograde that started at the end of April. Pluto governs pandemics. So there may be viruses. There may be places that had maybe seen some halt in the viruses. There may be a resurgence of it, but there can also be a reemergence of things that we didn’t know that, that come to light that can help us.

May Energy Forecast

Pluto also is associated with your power and what’s been hiding in your shadow. This is an incredible time for you to reclaim your power, for you to reclaim some gifts, some talents that you’ve been hiding, that you’ve been tucking away.

So there’s some dreams buried beneath the surface as well. It’s time for you to reclaim those. Now the other planet that’s going retrograde, I know we have a lot, is Jupiter. Saturn and Jupiter are social planets. Jupiter’s all about expansion. And Saturn is all about restriction.

Now there’s this dance. So we’ve had this expansion, expansion, expansion. This is why we’ve had so much Capricorn now because it’s like, Hey, sometimes we need to reign things back.

Jupiter is coming back in its retrograde now in Capricorn to help us reevaluate economy and government. There’s a Saturn, Jupiter, Saturn dance and how much we should let go of the rules right now and how much we should confine ourselves. So we’re going to see this dance now, but Jupiter is also associated with your ideals and travel. And so there may be some travel happening.

May Energy Forecast

I want to talk to you about this. So this is really fascinating. So one of the biggest transformations of the year is happening this month. The North nodes of the moon are changing signs. They’re in a sign for 18 months. So for the past 18 months, the North nodes of the moon, the South node has been in Capricorn, and the North node has been in cancer.

So this is the dichotomy we’ve been learning as a collective. Let me backtrack. The North nodes of the moon are associated with karma and Dharma. The South node is associated with path, life, energy and the things that you’ve learned in your past life or maybe focused on too much in your past lives or your karma and your past life. And the North node is associated with where we’re headed as a collective.

The South node in the moon for the past 18 months has been in Capricorn which is about, which is actually associated with patriarchy and big government and institutions. Cancer is associated with self nurturing and home and self care and nurturing others. What this dichotomy of this Capricorn cancer North nodes have been teaching us, and this is what the eclipses have been in, is not relying on big institutions to solve all our problems and really like maybe how the patriarchy is not appropriate.

May Energy Forecast

And by the way, that’s not a male thing in general. That can be men and women who can embody that and how we’re learning more about nurturing and taking care of people and home. We’ve really had to learn that. The balance between work and self care and really not just being all work all the time, but really just making sure self care is a priority. That’s what the Capricorn cancer nodes have been teaching us.

Well, these nodes are changing signs this month. So that means for the next 18 months, we as a collective are going to be focusing on this collective Dharma as we heal this collective karma. So the nodes of the moon are changing signs. The North node is going to be in Gemini. And the South node is in Sagittarius.

So Sagittarius is, the beauty of both of these signs that they’re about learning and teaching and education, which is great. So that is going to be the focus for the world in the next 18 months. Hallelujah. We all need to learn some more.

So the shadow side of Sagittarius, even though Sagittarius associates with travel, long distance travel, overseas, travel, other cultures, teaching, publishing. This is all great. So why is it in the South node in our karmic well because now we need to focus more on local travel local communities, which is Gemini learning more.

May Energy Forecast

Now Sagittarius is more about ideals and your fixed belief system. And the shadow side of that could be dogma or religious fanaticism or your ideals not having any flexibility. So what’s happening now for the next 18 months with this North node shift is that the focus is going to be on community and learning more and changing your ideals. Now, for instance, you may have ideals, or like you may think, Oh, I need to like have my bucket list to see 50 countries in order to be fulfilled or whatever.

That was an ideal of yours. Well that might be changing now where we focus on what’s more simple, like what’s more around us, building community learning more, right. And this is really fascinating how this plays out in real life. When you see the astrology ahead of time and how it plays out in real life.

I always do a forecast event at the top of the year. So in my forecast event, 2020 illuminated, at the top of the year when I saw the Gemini North node and the Sagittarius South node, I had said that the focus is going to be on local travel and trips closer by as opposed to overseas travel because that’s going to help our environment. And I didn’t know how that was going to happen because I thought perhaps people would change their mind and realize that we need to preserve our environment more.

May Energy Forecast

And flying everywhere isn’t the best thing for the environment, especially these long trips. Well, I always say that if we don’t make these choices consciously, the universe makes it for us. So here’s what’s happening. Now this node occurred also just after 9/11 and people stop flying for a while.

So, now it’s happening. I’m hoping that we’re all going to make some choices now where we learn more about each other and we find ways to communicate and have wonderful experiences cause Gemini loves his experiences, to have these wonderful experiences while being kinder to the planet.

So that’s all happening. And this is an easy month relatively. I told you right? 2020, what can I say?

May Energy Forecast – 3 Action Steps – Step 1

So there’s so much happening right now and I want to help you make sense of it. So I have three action steps to help you navigate this month and the month coming up. But especially what to focus on this month. So the first thing is for you to learn new skills. That’s what this North node in Gemini is about. It’s teaching you how to adapt and learn new things and be curious.

Here’s another great thing. I know I’m talking about action steps now, but I have to say with the North node changing and with Saturn retrograding and changing signs into Aquarius for three months, we get a break from some of this intense Capricorn energy. I love Capricorn. It is a fellow earth sign, but we have had too much Capricorn per capita and has been just like so much. So Gemini is an air sign. It’s breezy.

May Energy Forecast

So this is teaching you to have fun, learn new things, learn new skills, be joyful with it. Not to put too much pressure on yourself, but just to be curious, be curious about, ways to adapt right now. Be curious about creating new habits. Be curious about learning about health, not with a lot of pressure, but with a sense of joyful curiosity.

So that’s your first step. Learn some new things and you may need it to change your careers. Now I just want to say that Gemini and Sagittarius associate with teaching. So if you have something inside of you and Gemini is a communication sign, if you have anything inside of you that you can teach someone, make a video about it, start a podcast, share this, don’t be scared, just share.

And this is going to help a lot of people and it’s really going to help you too. And remember that’s going to help your sense of self worth as well. You have so much inside of you that needs to be shared. So why not go ahead and do it. Okay, that’s your first action step.

May Energy Forecast – 3 Action Steps – Step 2

Now your second action step is to take things slowly. Retrograde planets are not about rushing. I know there is so much to do right now and there’s also this pressure like, Hey, if I’m in quarantine, like I needed to learn how to do all the things on my, you know, tick them off my list.

There’s a lot going on. You have a lot to process. So take things slowly because what these retrogrades are teaching you is to tune into yourself, is to tune back into your heart, especially with that Venus retrograde. It’s about you feeling all the feels that you overlooked, that you didn’t process, and there’s a lot of feels to feel right now. So take your time. If you want to write in a journal, meditate slow down and the changes that you’re making now, incremental changes.

This is one thing Saturn teaches you. Incremental changes that are done daily can have a greater impact than just trying to change everything at once. Okay?

May Energy Forecast – 3 Action Steps – Step 3

Now your third action step is to bring more light into your life. Now, this could be physically like bring light and beauty into your, into your home so that you have a more cheerful vibration and it lifts your spirits.

Anything that’s going to lift your spirit, right. Now, this is also an energetic thing because it’s natural to have a ton of fear right now. Even if you’re just empathically picking up on other people’s fear or even if you’re feeling okay and the people around you are fearful, it’s natural. Fear is a natural response to what’s happening now, but you don’t want to live there.

Now light is a high vibration that lifts fear so you can practice bringing light into your energy field, into your body. All you have to do is literally visualize your whole being, filling with light and radiating light. Now that is actually your energetic immune system as well, and you can lighten up, which keeps you out of the fear vibration.

May Energy Forecast – Reimagine a Better Future

So do things that are joyful for you. Bring more levity into your life. Laugh. Things are serious now, however, the more joy that you have, the more levity you have, the more things that you do that bring you joy and lightness, the better your immunity is and the better you are bringing light into the planet and it lifts the vibration of you and everyone around you.

Spirit guides are super, super funny and joyful, and even when things are serious down here, they’re always lifting, lifting our spirits. Angels, lift your spirits. So visualize this light coming into your being.

And again, this is your energetic immunity. This actually can bring your physical immunity up when you bring more light into your body and your energy field. Now, of course I have something to help you and it’s free. My Embody the Light meditation. It’s a guided meditation that’s going to help you transform any fears into light and love. So you can download that using the link below and that can really help you.

May Energy Forecast

Now I also, because this is a time when I want to help you as much as I can, I put every item in my Happiness store on sale for 40 to 70% off, especially the chakra meditations, Life Path Illuminations that’s, that can help you as well.

I have all of these on sale right now Calling in your Abundance Angels. These are the programs that I know can especially help you during this trying time. But everything is on sale right now. And some of these are actually going away later this month because those three will stay in my store.

But, a lot of my products are going away because I’m getting a new website soon. So, wings and fingers crossed. It’s going to happen by the end of the month. So if you want to take advantage of that sale, I’ll send you the link below.

It’s In the meantime, I am wishing you the most, peaceful, light, healthy and happy May. I wish you so much love and thank you so much. I love you and have a marvelous May. Bye for now.

Marvelous May is here!

May is here in all its glory! ๐ŸŒท

Yes, even in the midst of this mayhem, May can be a marvelous month.

There are many more lessons to be learned.

You’re certainly learning how to slow down, appreciate the little things, and do more with less.

2020 astrology has illustrated our transformation and can help you navigate the shifts.

May 2020 begins a wave of retrogrades and the inner lessons they initiate.

In this energy forecast, I share with you insights about the spiritual messages and meaning of this year, as well as how to make May a month of beauty.
Enjoy the 2020 May Astrology and Numerology Forecast and share the love!

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Show Transcription

Manifest Your Heart’s Desires in the New Moon

Everything’s like a sign. When I’m filming my Mercury retrograde videos, it’s always like crazy, crazy, crazy. This happens. I was once filming a Scorpio video and Scorpio is all about death and rebirth. And there was a vulture there.ย  I always think the way things are filmed or, what happens while I’m filming or, creating something is, indicative of what’s going to be happening. So we are in eclipse season and eclipses bring up all kinds of stuff and they help you go with the flow. And so I really feel like me having trouble getting on this video with you guys to be live right now, I think that that’s a teaching lesson cause everything that happens is always a lesson for us, a teaching lesson. So, let’s unpack this then.

New Moon Eclipse Magic

So I had all this trouble getting on to Facebook with you because it was a new technology and me and Jess, you may know Jess, my Chief Happiness Officer, we thought we should test it and then we just got too busy and I was like, oh, it’ll be fine. I’ll just hit go live. And like you know, I’m trying to be all cool about it. And then thankfully she was here with me and helped me through this and we set it up another way. But right now in 2019, we’re going to be learning a lot of lessons about time management and discipline and preparation because we have a lot of Capricorn energy and we just had this new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn, which I’m going to tell you all about and what this means for you.

But a lot of that is boundaries and time management and all kinds of goodness like that. So I know that doesn’t sound like goodness to have time management, but it is in the long run. So note to self note to everybody that it’s a wonderful time for you to square your corners because that’s part of what Capricorn and its ruling planet Saturn teaches us is to square corners and to be prepared and to also have very good time management and boundaries. If you have Capricorn in your birth chart, then yeah, this is going to be an a really amazing year for you because it’s like more Capricorn per capita than you’ve experienced before.

Manifest Your Heart’s Desires in the New Moon

So welcome. So here’s what we’re going to do today. This is going to be a magical time because we’re in a magical time right now at the time that we are recording this and experiencing this live together, we just experienced the first new moon of 2019, which happened to be a new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn.

Now starting off the year with a new moon solar eclipse is pretty spectacular. So I want to tell you all about what these eclipses are about, what eclipses are like in general, what they mean, how they impact your life, and also what this Capricorn eclipses. So it doesn’t matter even if you’re watching this days, months, even years from now, there’s so much to learn about eclipses in general and how Capricorn is your teacher. Because we all have Capricorn somewhere in our chart. Even if you don’t have planets there, it is somewhere in your chart.

Capricorn is a great teacher for us in general. So we’re going to be learning about what those lessons are because they are life lessons that we can take anywhere, anytime in our life. We’re going to talk about the magic of eclipses and how to manage that magical energy. Then we’re going to get together here and calling your spirit guides and angels and defined team so that you have protection.

New Moon Manifesting

So you have guidance and wisdom moving forward throughout this year and every day of your life. And we’re going to do some manifesting. We’re going to create intentions. Now, how I teach you to create intentions is very different than how you’ve learned it before. I tend to disagree with how a lot of people at teach intentions because it’s not always heart-centered, it’s not always soul centered.

I want to teach you how to create intentions from your heart in alignment with your higher self, in alignment with your soul so that you can really radiate positive and attract what you want in a way that’s in alignment with your soul’s purpose. That is very emotionally energized because that is what really moves energy. Okay? That’s what really draws positive people in circumstances to you. I’m loving seeing everybody tell me about recording their chart and all of these wonderful things.

So keep the comments rolling. I’m so happy. It’s just so wonderful to connect with these. It’s so different because I’m usually doing videos for YouTube or whatever and I’m just talking at the camera and imagining you with me. So it’s really great to actually have you with me. I’m going to be doing more of this.

Your Experiences

So also throughout this I’d love to hear your comments about your experiences and your questions if you have them and also moving forward what you want to know more of in the future so that we can do more of this together. I’m really excited. And 2019 is really a year of connection. It’s a year of really connecting with people and emotionally connecting with people. It’s also a year where you’re going to be putting yourself out there more and more and more in ways that feel vulnerable.

This could be in your personal life, this could be in your professional life. Most likely it’s both. You really can’t separate any of it. Can you? Like we live in this holographic universe, so as soon as you change and expand one area of your life and as soon as you are more of yourself then it just affects everything in really positive ways.

Example of Courage

So I know it’s scary when you hear like, Oh, you’re going to be more vulnerable or you’re going to be more authentic, but really like, why would you want anything else? Why would you not want to be yourself? I was watching Ellen Degeneres’ Netflix special the other day, which I totally recommend and I totally love. She’s just such a bright light and she…I’m not gonna, this is not a spoiler. I’m certainly not going to give away any of Ellen Degeneres’ stuff. Besides it’s all in her delivery.

But she was talking about coming out as gay. She talked about when she was coming out and lost her job. She lost her sitcom, brands and a lot of alliances, which is crazy. And she said when she did it her worst fears were imagined at first. Then it was the best thing she’s ever done. Now she’s had this wonderful show for 16 years where she just gets to be herself. And the thing is, when we’re hiding parts of, in one where when we’re repressing all that we have been and you’re afraid of showing the world who you really are. It’s like living in a box. It’s like putting yourself in a cage. You’re totally limiting the joy and expansion that you can have.

You’re not going to find people in your life who truly love you for who you are. And then so yay for Ellen and yay for her to inspire all of us. She helped so many more people in the world by doing that. That is really what the energy is right now. The energy this year, whether you’re watching this now or 20 years from now, these are the same lessons.

Three Universal Year and the New Moon

But it’s happening right now. We’re in a three universal year right now in 2019 when we’re doing this all together live. This is a three universal year and three is the number of self-expression and heartfelt expression and three can make you more sensitive to how other people are feeling about you. Yet, the shadow side of that is self doubt and not saying what you feel because you’re afraid of how people are going to respond to you. You’re going to be afraid of what people think of you. You’re afraid of rejection.

Yet the light side of this number and this energy is to totally share what’s in your heart. When you share from the heart you’re connected to your heart. That is the energy that changes everything. This is how we’re going to create intentions together today as well. It is with your heart so that you’re not just like thinking about what you want and nothing here is connected. It changes everything.

So I’m really excited to share this experience with you and it’s going to be a wonderful year. It’s really exciting and we’re going to have a wonderful time together right now. So thank you for being here and thank you for showing up so much about changing your life is showing up. And again, that’s what the Saturn and Capricorn energy is teaching us is how to show up, how to take responsibility by showing up to do what it is that you’re born to do.

Eclipses and the New Moon

So let’s all show up and do that. Here I am doing something new because I’m not used to this Facebook live stuff and I’m exhilarated. I’m so happy to be here with you. So yes, please, let’s all do more new things. I’m going to take a sip of water. Stand by my favorite cups, Mason jars.

So let’s talk about eclipses and why this year began with an eclipse as well. Because this, you know, nothing in the universe is random. You hear me say that all the time, especially in numerology and astrology. You really see that every letter in your name is divinely destined. Your birthday, you choose when you want to be born because that’s like an alignment that’s going to help you fulfill your soul’s purpose, the planets, the numbers, every letter, letter in your name.

It’s all very divinely designed. So when I look at the start of the year or the patterns throughout the year, you know, you really do see patterns. And so as you probably know, I’m preparing for my 2019 premium psychic forecast. And if you haven’t joined me with that yet, I’ll put a link here for you so that you canย  join me for that. Because we’re going to be talking about the whole year.

11 Master Number and the New Moon

I started preparing for that a few months ago. I love to see like what’s coming up, especially since like, Oh my goodness, 2018. What was that about? That was actually new at the beginning of 2018 when I was preparing for that year, the forecast, I knew it was going to be very challenging. The thing is when we have master numbers, it’s just, you know, and then there was all these retrogrades. So what that was preparing us for the 11 master number, which is illuminating and it takes you to the next step of your soul’s evolution in all those retrogrades that we had.

What does that do? That gets you to go inside anytime there’s a retrograde planet. It’s not just to trip you up. Nothing exists to trip you up. You get tripped up if you’re not going with it. It was really to get you to go back and say, what is my soul? What’s connected to my soul? What is my soul telling me? What is inside of me that needs to be shared?.

Oh, and I see Jess, our Chief Happiness Officer just shared that link with you. There is a description here and we’ll put in there too. Thank you Jess. So there was all that going within energy, right? There was all this like, well that’s not what’s working for me anymore.

Super Moon and New Moon

That is a way I’m putting myself in a box. That is a way I’m keeping myself too small. Those people can’t treat me like that anymore. This is not gonna work. So there was a lot of that and I’d love to hear what your experience has been. It was so much of that retrograde energy that you probably were realizing what you didn’t have as much momentum moving forward.

So here’s what happened with this new moon. We began and ended the year with a full moon super moon in cancer, which is very emotional. This is different. Full moons are always about letting go. New moons are always about initiating and starting something new, creating your intentions. It’s always like a new beginning. When I was looking at the energy of 2019, it blew my mind. Because, oh, by the way, don’t you love when people say it literally blew my mind because that’s impossible.

But it blew my mind. Because I it was the synchronicity and the patterns of renewal, energy of energy, of starting. Just like we’re beginning this year with the new moon, that’s a new moon, a solar eclipse, and we’re gonna talk to you about that, but also like we are ending with the new moon.

New Moon Eclipse

Whereas last year was all about the emotion and the super moon and cancer is ruled by the moon as well. So much of that emotion, this is about starting and taking responsibility for showing up. And expressing yourself and really all the things that you were waiting for and realizing that you wanted to do and you wanted to change about your life, not just last year but like the past seven years, the past eight years have been so intense that way. Really since that 2012 gateway that the Mayans had talked about.

Like that gateway opened up a whole other cosmos. So since you’ve been realizing more and more and more what it is that you want out of your life and what it is that you’re not going to tolerate anymore and how you’re going to expand eclipse energy.

So full moon eclipses. Let me go back. Eclipses always bring to light things that have been previously eclipse from your consciousness. They bring up things from the shadows even as far back as your past lives. So let’s say you had many past lives where you have done that. You’ve played too small, you put yourself in a box, you took stuff from other people when you needed to stand up for yourself. It comes up for you during these eclipses. Now, new moon solar eclipses always happened during the new moon.

New Moon Solar Eclipse

So a new moon solar eclipse at the top of the year is the universe saying it wants you two do something dramatic. It’s like hitting the reset button on your entire life. Fateful dramatic events often get initiated during the new moon. Solar eclipse, fateful connections.

You could meet your soul mate. You can. People have babies, some people get married, some people get divorced. You can have a huge revelation, but it’s an incredible time for this initiation for something really new that connected to your destiny. Okay, so the thing is the eclipses are associated with the nodes of the moon. I’m not going to get into the astronomy of the nodes of the moon, but basically the South node of the moon is your karma. This is all the stuff you want to release from your life. The North node is where you’re headed.

Since the South node, which is associated with our karma, is actually activated during this new moon solar eclipse. This awakening, this revelation is what you have been in right now and will continue. Eclipses are always two weeks apart. This whole two weeks is going to be a huge revelation for you about how you want to make your mark on the world, how you want to shine more brightly. Because there’s that moment where the sun’s light is eclipsed and is a total reset. It’s his total awakening.

Uranus and the New Moon

The sun is your consciousness. It’s how you radiate in the world. And it’s how you share your unique light and your magnetism. There’s this revelation happening right at the top of the year. Right after that eclipse happened, Uranus, the planet of revolutionary change, the planet of freedom. Totally. We went direct and from that moment we have two months of no retrogrades.

This is like right after we hit the reset button with this eclipse. Oh look, it’s three my time. Woo. Right after we hit the reset button. It’s like the universe saying full speed ahead. No, go for it. This is your time. Pursue your dreams. You’re like a race horse out of the gate.

Now it doesn’t mean you should trip yourself up in hurry because it’s in the sign of Capricorn. The sun has a once a year meeting with Saturn, which is the ruler of Capricorn. And that happened on the second day of the year. So this is another way of saying we have all this creativity and expression, but Saturn gives you the discipline for your day to day tasks to pursue your dreams. It gives you the boundaries to put around your life and your yourself that you have not disciplined to pursue your dreams.

Intentions in the New Moon

As you can see, this is an incredibly exciting time. This two weeks, especially after this new moon eclipse that we had is now when we’re in the waxing phase of the moon, right? The moon waxes and grows. This is how we’re growing your intentions, right? Your intentions grow with the light of the moon and they grow and they gain late in the game life. So it’s a wonderful time to set your intentions. It’s a wonderful time to really put energy toward those intentions. So amazing, right? Like the universe is incredible.

Now I have a lot more to share with you. Again, that’s part of why we’re going to be doing this psychic forecast for the whole year, the 2019 premium psychic forecast. Like I could talk for hours about what this energy is for the year and the renewal energy and I will be talking for hours during that event. You can’t underestimate how incredibly important and powerful this year is and 2020 is going to be even more potent. It’s an alignment that is once in 500 years that is very much about fate and destiny and everything we’re doing now this year is leading up to that really incredible convergence in the heavens.

So,ย  sometimes you’ll see me look up like this. That’s me talking to my guides. So I’m asking them what they want me to do next. So take a sip of water. That’s a good idea.

Call in Your Guides

Let’s call in our guides now. Okay, we’re going to call in our guides and let’s get right to our intentions. So before I guide you towards creating, your intentions and really supercharging your intentions for the new year, I want to talk to you a little bit about what we’re going to do with that and what we’re not going to do with that.

So you may write down your intentions at the top of the year and you’re like, you know, this is what I want to do. This is what I want to achieve. And you may even know that the most important thing toward manifesting your intention, not that you’re writing on your hand, but you can, if you want to remember it, the most important thing to manifesting your intention.

You see a lot of people say, you have to feel it. You have to really feel it. I actually, do it a little. I do that but in reverse. We get into our heart and we feel our intentions. Because I’ve taught workshops and I’ll even have people visualize something they’re like super happy about and they’re like frowning. And the whole time they try to picture it so intensely that they’re like, their face is all scrunched up and it’s just crazy.

Feel Your Intentions in the New Moon

I wanna make sure that you are feeling your intentions, that you’re not just visualizing them. This might be very different than how you’re used to creating your intentions. This is very different to how you’re used to doing things, perhaps because it’s not what you might’ve been taught that it’s your thoughts that create your reality. That’s not entirely true. You, you must manage your thoughts and have mindfulness, right? But your thoughts create feelings and that radiate out into the world.

Your heart has a much greater magnetic field than your brain or anything else in your body. I don’t know the statistics exactly. It’s it. I think it’s like several apps. I don’t know why I’m scratching my face. Sorry. Sometimes happens when I tune into my guides, I get all itchy. So anyway it’s your intentions and it’s your energy that attracts people and circumstances to you.

Energize Your Heart in the New Moon

If you’re just picturing it and nothing’s going on in your heart, shocker, but you think you’re feeling something, you’re trying to manufacture some feelings, that is the opposite of what you need to do. The most important thing that you need to do to manifest is to get your heart energized. The most important thing with your energy is to be in the vibration of love. To me, that’s the greatest manifesting tool you can possibly have.

When you’re connected with your spirit guides and your angels, they’re going to be guiding you on your next step so that you don’t necessarily even have to, Oh, I have a hair in my eye. That’s cute. So anyway. That is what’s going to help you manifest.

This is another thing about this year. It’s messy, right? Because three is creative energy and you know what? Nobody’s perfect when they’re creating. So allow yourself to be messy. Allow yourself to be a beautiful, perfect, imperfect self. It’s like nobody wants you to be perfect. How annoying. So just show up as yourself and we’re so happy to see you, so, and be with you.

Set Intentions in the New Moon

So, my guides want me to share one more thing with you before I move on and we get into this whole eyes closed things. And by the way, do not close your eyes or do this exercise while you are driving. If you are driving, you can come back and watch this later. Okay. Promise. Pinky swear. Okay, good. Because, you know, your guides can only protect you so much if your eyes are like in another zone while you’re on the road.

Okay. So close your eyes. Close your eyes and make sure you’re in a nice, comfortable position with your spine straight. Always make sure your jaws relax, cause I see people a lot of time when they’re about to visualize that you know you’ve clicked your job. So don’t clench your job. We’ve nice and open. Your jaw is relaxed, your body is relaxed, your mind is relaxed, and whatever you do, don’t worry about visualizing with your mind or your imagination. All you need to do is experience this energy with your heart. That is your greatest attractor, the power of love. It’s the greatest energy you can possibly have, that energy of love and gratitude.

So take a few moments now to breathe in. You’ll breathe all the way down to the base of your spine and then exhale. Now as you inhale, feel it, caress yourselves and relax every cell of your being and exhale. Does that feel nice? Just to sit and breathe. Take nice, slow, deep, even breaths and connect to the base of your spine. This is your root chakra.

Connect To Your Body

If you want to manifest anything, you have to be connected to your body. You can’t just be up at visualizing. You have to be grounded. So feel this nice grounding breath all the way down to the base of your spine. With every breath you’re becoming more and more relaxed. It’s such a beautiful feeling to just sit and breathe and be or lie down, whatever is most comfortable for you.

Now, from the base of your spine, you can feel this relaxing energy flow down your legs. As you breathe in, you breathe in light and as you exhale, any excess energy gets released through the soles of your feet and they can go down into the earth to be transmuted and transformed into life force energy.

Visualize yourself in a column of light. It is a beautiful column of light and this light feels warm. It feels loving. This is the light of the divine and it draws away a lower thought forms, energies, and vibrations, and imbues you with love, warm healing, and protection. That’s beautiful. So, I’m just going to say a prayer so you can follow along with me. You’re receiving this prayer. I’m setting the intention. Is it safe? We are all saying this prayer together.


Great spirit. Surround us with your love, your light, your peace, your power and your grace. Help us to be at one with you and may we feel your presence in our hearts. We invite the archangels, Michael Gabriel, Rafael, and urial to guard and protect the four corners of our spaces and ensure that we connect only with the highest energies in the love and light of the creator. We invite our Archangels, Guardian angels, highest level spirit guides. Spirit animals, beings of light, benevolent ancestors, elemental nature, spirits, Akashic record guides to surround us, protect us, and share your love and wisdom with us.

We ask that you open our hearts and our minds to receive your love, that we fill our hearts with joy and gratitude, that we receive your wisdom and guidance with grace, love, and beauty.

Then we have the courage to act your guidance and share with the world our unique lights to surely steadily, Walker or earth walk with grace, perseverance, discipline, enthusiasm, joy and beauty. May we see the beauty within and without around us. May we see beauty everywhere and may we create more beauty? Everywhere we go, maybe we open up to the magic and mystery of life with courage and confidence and presence. Maybe we know you are always with us and feel your presence and receive your guidance and have the courage to act on it with every step.

We look forward to the adventures of the year of every day and may we be connected to you, to the divine, to each other as we recognize that we are all one for the highest and best of all. Thank you. Amen.

Feel Divine Presence

So keep your eyes closed so you can feel this divine presence within and around you. This beautiful divine presence. Yeah, you are divine. You are a co-creator of the divine. Your life purpose is to learn how to create through love and transmute fear by being yourself, by shining your unique light.

Take a moment in your heart to feel so much gratitude for yourself. Feel how grateful you are to be here right now in your body, in your life, for whatever health you have right now, for whatever resources you have right now and mostly for whatever courage and presence and love you have right now for moving through your life. How much you have learned and how much you have done. Make this world more beautiful in your heart. Feel that gratitude for yourself, and from your heart.

Send out a of love and gratitude for your spirit guides who are with you right now are leading you here. Were leading you on your path of your divine earth. Walk every moment, how much gratitude you have for them, for being with you and your angels, for protecting you and sharing their love with you and for all the earth angels in your life. Whether they are people or pets or plants from your heart. Send a message of gratitude for all those beings that share their love with you. Impulse that gratitude far and wide throughout the universe. And the universe responds by saying yes, we will give you more to be grateful for.

Heart Chakra

Keep that energy in your heart, that beautiful energy of love and gratitude. And as you are in your heart chakra, feeling the energy of love, you’re also going to connect with your third eye chakra where you can visualize. So your heart and your mind are connected, yet stay in your heart. Did that feeling of love and gratitude. Now, while you’re here in your heart, simply visualize yourself exuberantly happy or feel it. You don’t even need to see it. If you cannot see it, simply feel yourself exuberantly happy and joyful. And if you are visualizing something, what did you see yourself doing?

As you are jubilantly happy who and or what is around to where do you hear? What do you see? And most importantly, notice how you feel in your body as you were exuberantly happy. So as you’re visualizing, if you’re visualizing, feel that energy from your heart and you can identify how you’re feeling. You can say to yourself, I feel loved.

Make sure you’re using the present tense. I feel loved, I feel recognized, I feel important, I feel like I matter because I know I matter. I’m making an impact. Whatever it is, I feel connected. Whatever that feeling is reinforced that for yourself. You can say it out loud or to yourself, I am or I feel in the present moment as you’re visualizing this, as you’re experiencing this now, this scene might change for you. Notice another area of your life now. You can change the scene if you’d like, where you are in another place where you are exuberantly happy. Whatever it is you’re doing, whoever you’re with, take notice and make sure you are connected in your heart with this joyous feeling.

Imagine Colors Pulsating

Pulsate that feeling throughout your heart. Pulsate that that joy and the feeling of being loved, the feeling of being connected, recognized, or whatever. That is. Pulse that out with gratitude. Pulse that in all directions from your heart front and back around you. And imagine this as late or rainbow colors being pulsed out into the universe far and wide. And that light, that energy is igniting more of that energy in the universe. You can even see sparks of light around you throughout the universe as that light is radiating outward from you. That feeling of joy and gratitude, whatever that feeling is for you radiating outward.


Commit To Yourself

Now, while you’re in this feeling in your heart, ask your guides, your highest level guides, what actions you can take right now in your immediate future to manifest more of this energy okay. Right now in your heart, make a commitment to yourself to take action every day. Okay, good. Line yourself with this energy every day. You can remember what this feels like. And if you’re not feeling this, you can remember to align yourself. You can create this feeling any time and make a commitment to take action, to create more of these feelings, to create more of the life that you really want and emit to yourself now.

Well, align yourself with your highest and best. I connect with your guides through your heart and ask them to show you every day how you can manifest more of what you truly desire. You can always feel them through your heart. Don’t worry about how you can hear them better. You can always communicate with them through your heart and through your imagination. No, with a nice deep breath. Breathe in light and love and joy and gratitude. Inhale and exhale more love. You’re breathing love in and out, you’re grounding this energy in your body, you’re grounding it to the earth, you’re filling yourself with light. Whenever you are ready, you can open up your eyes.

Write Down Intentions

Okay? Okay.

So I just want to make sure that you are still with me. So if you can say some comments to me about what your experience was like, I’d love to hear it. I’d love to hear about your experiences. I’m just so happy to be here with you sharing this experience with you. I am making sure that you’re with me. Yay. Yes, I’d love to hear about your experience so you feel the difference,

I hope that you have really felt the difference. What that is like writing down your intentions rather than feeling your intentions and the difference between this and a lot of ways you’ve been taught manifesting. And again, I’m going to teach you more and more about this moving throughout this year moving ahead because this is my soul’s purpose is to help you co-create the life that you love. Co-create the life that you want.

So you can see this as very, very different. You can feel this is very different than simply writing things down and thinking about them manifesting through your heart. Raising your energy to the vibration of love is the most important thing that you can do to manifest. And you didn’t even need anything specific. Like, I’m going to make $1 million or whatever it is. It’s like you can feel that sense of prosperity and wealth and richness.

Find The Feeling

You can simply feel it and don’t need to detail it out necessarily. You can as long as you’re feeling it, but what you want is simply a way to help you figure out how you want to feel. So if you go straight to the feeling and then your guides and angels can give you a divine download of your images of what it is that they want you to manifest, that they want to help you manifest for your soul’s purpose. Cause a lot of times when we’re just writing down our intentions, it’s ego intention.

I remember it was about eight years ago, I was living in Pittsburgh and I was about to quit my job and move out to California and do this basically. So I remember I was writing my new year intentions and I was like, I want to work full time as a psychic and my whole body like didn’t feel good about that.

And I was like, huh, why is that? Well maybe I don’t want to work full time. It made it seem like I was constantly working. So I rephrased it to something that felt really energized for me. I rephrased it in a way that it was like, I want to fulfill my soul’s purpose of being a channel for the divine. I want to reach more people and to really share my message of divinity and love with more people and have that be my livelihood.

2019 Resources

That lit me up inside. So it’s really important when you are creating your intentions. That is from the heart and this is one of the ways I know how to do that. This is just a taste of what’s to come. We have, I have so much more to share with you when I say we, I mean me and my spirit guides.

We have so much more that we want to share with you. And again, I’m going to be teaching two and a half hour live event, my 2019 premium psychic forecast. This is an incredibly powerful year and there are so many spiritual lessons. There are so many nuances. And by the way for that I created just for that and exclusive energy healing and soul infusion that’s going to help you manifest your soul’s purpose. Just that.

But I’m creating a 50 page guide for you with all of the transits of the year, all the numerology, astrology and synthesize in my own special magic. So,ย  that’s a two and a half hour event. And with that event, it’s only when you sign up for that event, you also have an option of signing up for my psychic salon as well, which will be some more intimate connections between us, where I’ll be doing readings for people.

It’s Going to Be Amazing

There’s so much I want to share with you about this year about how to truly manifest your purpose. I am so passionate about helping you and the energy’s this year are, like a once in a lifetime kind of culmination of energies. I really encourage you to be prepared. This premium psychic forecast that I’m creating for you is one of the most powerful ways I can help you get prepared with all these virtual lessons, all the divine timing so you’re not missing opportunities and you’re not going headlong into a celestial storm.

I’m going to be giving you all the tools that I know to create an amazing year. So I hope that you joined me for that. I wouldn’t want you to miss it. So there’s a pinned link, there’s a pin comment at the top where you can sign up for that.

I’d love to hear about your experiences right now. I’d love to hear a bit more also about what you want to learn from me and share experience with me and my guides moving forward. So please leave a comment about that as well. And I am wishing you the most amazing 2019 and beyond.

I’m so excited that we get to share this energy together. So this has been really, really wonderful to share this experience with you. I love you so much, and I will see you again soon. Bye everybody.

Supercharge your intentions with manifesting mojo!

Make magic in the New Year! This first New Moon of the year is a super-potent time for infusing the energy of 2019 with what you wish to create.

Join me and participants from around the world as we invite our Spirit Guides to assist us in creating a beautiful, fulfilling, and joyful year.

More powerful than visualizing

You’ll learn how to create heartfelt-soulful intentions that are much more powerful than any manifestation technique you’ve learned before.

These techniques you can use any time of the year to create an amazing life.
Enjoy and share the love!

New Moon Eclipse Magic
New Moon Eclipse Magic

April’s energy is full of paradoxes

In this abbreviated April Energy Forecast, I discuss the power of April as an 8 Universal Month and how we are all connected.

In numerology, April 2020 is an 8 Universal Month.

The number 8 is the number of expansion and abundance. It is also the number of STRENGTH.

You often learn strength through adversity.

If you look at the sacred geometry of the number 8, it is the vertical representation of the infinity symbol.

There is a sphere (representing wholeness and connectedness) at the top and another on the bottom. The two spheres connect with an unbroken line.

This is the holistic connection we have between Heaven and Earth.

There is a divine reason for everything we experience in life, regardless of what we see with our physical eyes.

We are all connected

The number 8 reminds us of the regenerative power of life. We can have great losses and great gains. Adversity tempers us. Tests in the material realm give us strength and wisdom. April is the 4th month of the year. When the numbers 4 and 8 are together, it usually denotes fateful events.

This is a time to focus on your physical fortitude as well as your purpose. Focus on strengthening your spirit as well as your body.

Bring light into your aura and send light from your heart into the world.

I’ll have more to say about April’s energy soon. (Hopefully, I’ll be back to filming videos related to an April energy forecast next week after I regain some of my physical strength).

In the meantime, stay safe.

YouTube video

Show Transcription

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

Hello. I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach with your 2020 forecast. Happy new year! Here we are in a new year, a new decade, and a whole new chapter of your life. Everything this year is going to change. This is one of the most radically life changing years you will ever experience. You’re going to look back and you are going to be amazed at how much has transformed for you.

Now, of course, you have to be an active part in that transformation because if you want something to change for the better, it’s best to be involved. So that’s why I’m sharing this with you today so that you can be prepared for the amazing transformation that is afoot. And the more proactive you are, the more responsible you are in your actions. The more incredible and fulfilling and nourishing these changes are going to be. So you really need to be paying attention.

And that’s why I’m sharing with you the energy that we are experiencing so that you can be aware of what the universe is sharing with you. So you can be in attuned with the energy of the universe. The universe is telling us a story, numbers and planets, they all tell a story. So if this was like a book for instance, and January was the first scene or the first chapter of the book, it would be kind of like a car chase.

A Year To Build Your Dreams

There is so much happening at the top of the year and it’s really informing what the decade’s going to be about and what this year is going to be about. So I’m going to share with you what the universe is sharing with us through symbols, numbers, energy, planets. And so you can get an idea about what you need to do to align yourself with these energies.

First of all, we began this year, this decade in an eclipse portal. So what that means, eclipses, they’re always two weeks apart. We had our new moon solar eclipse on the 25th or the 26 of last year, December, depending on where you are in the world. So we had this powerful new moon, eclipse and eclipses. Now, eclipses are the start of new fateful beginnings.

They awaken your consciousness to things that have been eclipsed. They’re really new chapters, new beginnings. So that’s how we ended last year and last decade. So there’s this portal, there’s this bridge between eclipses because they’re two weeks apart and our next eclipse is going to be on January 10th Oh, here’s the thing, there’s two weeks in between that portal in between eclipses is when the veils are thin between this side and the other side, there’s this awakening.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

It brings your consciousness anything that has been previously eclipsed. There’s this sense of you reclaiming an awareness, you reclaiming your intuitive gifts, you reclaiming parts of yourself that you’ve been hiding or that have been hidden from view. So that’s how we start this year and this wonderful eclipse season. Even before this eclipse on January 8th there’s this conjunction. Now the eclipses are connected to the moon’s nodes. The North node has to do with where we’re headed, karmically, dharmically.

What as a collective and an individual you are going toward. Now our North node is in cancer right and our south Node is in Capricorn, which has to do with ambition, work, career, economy. Now South node represents karma. Past life influences that you’re moving away from. The eighth of this month, January 8th Jupiter, which is the planet of expansion, is conjunct our south node, which has to do with karma.

A Year To Build Your Dreams

So basically there’s this, this is happening during eclipse season. There’s this awakening of our past life, karmic influences. Now Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Now remember our South node is in Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn. Capricorn is going to be a big player all year long, as well as Saturn. Saturn is known as the Lord of karma. So this whole year we’re having this karmic awakening, this, awareness of these past life gifts that we’ve held in our shadow as well as the the stuff you haven’t dealt with.

So everything that goes into our shadow, our karma, it’s not just about being a good person or bad person, because sometimes what goes in your shadow is your power. And Capricorn is very much associated with your power, your status in the world, your ambition. So there’s parts of you that you’ve may be tucked into your shadow about what you want to do and be your ambitions.

Because we’re all taught to me dim or light a little bit. We’re all taught to be nice and good. And so the parts of yourself that are powerful, that are direct, that are strong, that’s also been pushed in the shadow. Now, of course, there’s this global element of Capricorn, which has to do with government and economy. Then we notice a little bit of shadowy stuff going on there. I know a little shady goings on, so that’s all coming to light right now.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

So this is how we’re starting this year with this karmic awakening, this karmic influence in this eclipse portal. Okay, so then on the 10th we have this full moon lunar eclipse in cancer. Now remember, cancers are North node, Cancers where we’re all headed collectively. This is about nurturing. This is about being very in tune with your feelings, allowing yourself to be sensitive about nurturing yourself as well as others.

It’s about family. So this brings your awareness. This is everything that’s been eclipsed around areas of nurturing and this balance of work and play and self care versus how you nurture others. This is all being brought to light at the top of the year. In this January 10th eclipse. Now, right before this happens. Uranus, which is known as the great awakener, the quickening planet. Uranus is all about freedom and revolutionary change. That’s going direct right before this eclipse.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

So this freedom planet now, which has been retrograde, so that’s brought your awareness to what freedom really means to you. How can you really be liberated in this world? Is freedom about your lifestyle? Is it about who you are of having the freedom to express who you are? That’s all being awakened right now in this first week of the year, it’s like incredible, right in this first couple of weeks of the decade.

So we have this Uranus going direct waking you up to your freedom and how you want to create revolutionary change right before this lunar eclipse, this full moon lunar eclipse and cancer. Now of course lunar eclipse is bringing an ending to things. So even though we’re having this beginning, there’s the sense of endings because you have to end things before you begin things. And this is one message about the year. It’s about how can you reclaim the parts of yourself? How could you tie up loose ends?

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

How can you put an end to the ways that you’ve been being so that you can have more power, more status, more freedom, that your ambitions can be brought to light. And there’s a sense of reclaiming and going back all through the year. Every single planet is going to be retrograde this year. And when a planet is retrograde, this is about going in and reclaiming, going in and recovering, going in and reawakening parts of yourself .

All the RE words. So retrogrades are internal processes. So this is a year, very much about building. This is actually you’re about building your dreams step-by-step. And the way to do that is to go back inside of yourself and reconnect with your power, reconnect with your strength, reconnect with the parts of yourself that you were afraid to share with the world, whatever that means. And that’s all the human emotions too, right? Like we’re not all butterflies and roses all the time, right? You’re not a unicorn.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

So this is about sharing the parts of yourself that you’ve been afraid to even recognize within yourself. And that’s why we’re having this eclipse that’s bringing everything to light and all of these retrogrades, all year long about collecting yourself and then sharing those parts of yourself and being very strong and very much in your power. Now here’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for.

You’re going to hear a lot of buzz about this. January 12th right after these eclipses, we are having a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto. Saturn, the Lord of karma, Pluto, the Lord of the underworld. Can we talk shadow here? So Pluto is this power planet. It’s about death and birth and rebirth. So Pluto is really about going into your shadow. It’s having a conjunction with Saturn, the Lord of karma. But Saturn’s also about our structures in the world in Capricorn.

Remember we’ve heard about this Capricorn before this character, right? So if we’re in this novel, that’s Capricorn character is like the key player here, the main character of the year, Capricorn ambition work, you know like economy, governments, all of that. That’s Capricorn. So Saturn and Pluto are going to have this conjunction in Capricorn that happens once every 45 years or so. But it hasn’t been in conjunct in Capricorn for 500 years.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

So what’s going to happen is we’re being awakened to the truth. We’re being awakened to our power and the truth in the world and power dynamics in the world. And there’s going to be a destruction of things that no longer serve us and no longer serve you. So collectively and personally, there’s this breaking down of structures, which is what Capricorn is and rebuilding because every time there’s a death, there’s a rebirth. So that’s happening on January 12th after all this and this is how we’re beginning the year. This is how we’re beginning the decade.

This is big stuff. Now, this decade, the 20s are all about cooperation and sharing and partnership. Now the tens that we just got out of one, it’s about one, you were learning who you are. You were really gaining clarity about how you want to share your unique light in the world. But maybe you didn’t have an opportunity to actually do that.

Now, 2020 is a year that you can build your dream two is about sharing. And 2020 in numerology is a four universal year. Four is very akin to Capricorn because it’s all about structures and our material existence. If you want to build something, you build on a square which has four corners. So this is a year where you’re going to be squaring your corners. The four year is all about family. Basically all of the structures in your life, family, finances, work, career. Can you see the themes? Do you get what the story is about?

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

So this is what this year is about. It’s about really building your dreams from the ground up. Sometimes that means tearing things down that aren’t working for you. This is where you need courage, you have to have the courage to let go of the structures that you are holding on for security.

And that’s the shadow side of the number four is holding on to things because you want to feel secure. Cause this is about security. It’s about really building your dreams from your heart, step by step, day by day, who you really want to be in the world and what you really want to share in the world. So this is an exciting new frontier for you. And I have four keys to happiness and success in 2020 and beyond. So your first key to success this year is to dream big.

All of this Capricorn. Capricorn is a sign of ambition. We begin this whole year with five planets in Capricorn. So Capricorn is teaching you to climb to the top of the mountain, but to really find a tall mountain to climb. Now Capricorns totem is the goat, right? So this is about how high can you climb.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

Oftentimes what we do when we’re creating our intentions and setting our goals is to make them realistic, right? You really, really want something and that’s what you’ve been discovering all of the last decade, what you’ve really, really, really want. And then when you’re planning for it, you think, I shouldn’t go that that high. That’s too ambitious for me. But what this Capricorn is teaching you right now, what all of these eclipses are teaching you is to dream big, to set your sights so high.

Because if you have a dream in your heart, then the divine wants to do everything possible to help you reach those dreams. Cause where do you think those inspirations come from anyway? You receive these divine downloads because you are the one to deliver this awesomeness into the world. So dream big, which brings us to your key to success and happiness. Number two, which is to expect the best. So once you set your ambitions high toward what you really, really, really want, not just what you think you can get, once you set that, you have to begin to expect and believe that you were meant to have that.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

I’m sure there’s some aspects of your life. There’s some things that happened to you in your life where you look back and you think, wow, that turned out so much better than I could’ve possibly imagined. It’s like a miracle. So you can expect miracles and more. Really start expecting things to go your way. Start expecting quantum leap. Start expecting expansion beyond what you ever thought was possible. If you can imagine it, you can create it. So start expecting it.

Believe in yourself. Believe in what is possible, even if it seemed so when you set up those expectations, you’re creating those thought forms that are starting to make it happen. Expect the best and you will receive it. Now your third key to happiness is to be bold. So this four universal year is all about sharing your gifts, leaving a legacy, claiming your authority, claiming your power.

And so if you want to be something that’s bigger than you have imagined previously, you need to become that energy. So that requires some bold steps on your part that requires you to be the energy that’s a little bit bigger or maybe a lot bigger than you’ve allowed yourself to be. Now this is about claiming your energy in the world and claiming your expertise. So I’ll give you an example. Let’s say it is your dream to be an astrologer. And by the way that it’s a very good dream.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

So let’s say that is your dream and you haven’t had clients yet. So now if that’s the case, if somebody asks you, what do you do? And you say, I want to become an astrologer versus how about this, I am an astrologer. Do you see the energy of embodying who you are right now about claiming your expertise?

And so then every daily practice you do is in the bigger bolder energy of who you know you are. Rather than waiting for validation from the outside world, claim your authority right now in a big and bold way. Act as if you were already there. It’s going to help you take bigger leaps. It’s going to help you act with more confidence.

So act as if you were already what you are wanting to become bigger and bolder. Embody that energy of that greatness that is already inside of you that you are waiting to express to the world. So be bold, be big and be your bright and beautiful self. Now the fourth key to happiness and success in this year and beyond is to be supported. So we’re in the two energy, which is all about partnerships. 2020 we’re in the 20s now and everyone’s going to be learning about partnership, balance, harmony, and how to work with others.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

Now that’s part of why we see so much polarity in the world because we’ve all been about the self, right? And now there’s another person here. Have you ever heard of the terrible twos? It’s like a toddler that’s like no, me, mine, Oh I have to share now? So we’re all going to be figuring out how we work and collaborate with each other. But it’s important that you do collaborate with each other.

You’ve been taught that you have to do everything yourself and be everything yourself. That’s not true. You can be more of yourself as you’re sharing this with others, and that’s what this is all about now. So this is allowing yourself to be supported. So practice, actually receiving support instead of thinking or saying, Oh, I could do this all by myself. Catch yourself when you do that, and ask for help.

Let people help you share things. This is a time for collaboration. This is a time for cooperation. That’s what we’re going to be learning all decade long. So let’s start now. And it’s fun. It is fun to share your life with people. It’s fun to collaborate with people. It’s fun to let people support you because that allows you to be the greatness of who you are even more. And it benefits everyone around you. Allow support. Allow yourself to receive that. Share things, share your love, cooperate collaboration.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

That is what it’s all about right now, and that makes life so much more fun. Now. I would love to support you on this journey moving forward in 2020 and beyond. This is going to be an extraordinary year and lots of twists and turns. It’s uncharted territory. Now I have been reading the clues and and know how to interpret the terrain that we’re headed through the symbols, through our energetic messages.

That is what I’ve been trained to do. That is my expertise and I would love to be your Sherpa in this unchartered terrain. So if you would like to join me, I’m hosting 2020 illuminated, four days of forecasts, magic and healing. So this is going to be a four day event where I’m preparing you energetically, physically, spiritually, materially for this year ahead so you can start this new decade with grace and power.

What we’re going to be doing is I’m going to help you with energy healing to clear and release the energy that is no longer serving you, the emotional burdens, any subconscious blocks that you have. And we’re going to be doing some intention setting, soulful intention setting so that you can chart your course moving forward here in a way that is directed in a way that is empowered. And then it’s a four day event. So on the second day, all forecasts, I’m going to be going through this spiritual lessons of the year, the karmic lessons, and month by month I’m going to be sharing with you the many twists and turns.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

Like I said, we have lots of planets and retrogrades, we have all these eclipses. You really want to know the best time for action, the best time for retreat. It’s really going to make a difference. It’s kind of like knowing the tides or the weather. You want to be prepared when it’s time for swimming and having fun and when you really want to back off. Right? So that’s what we do in the forecast. I help you know the energetic weather, the tides moving forward so you can plan for success because really you don’t need to have the challenges that might happen if you don’t know these things.

So I want to help you with that. We’re going to be going over your personal numerology for the year, for the month by month, how to interpret your personal numerology so that you can plan for your divine timing as well. And then I’m going to have a Q&A so you can ask me about 2020 numerology and astrology. I am so excited about this year and I’m so excited to help you navigate this terrain. It’s going to be an amazing year. I want you to have all the tools that you can have, and I am so psyched to help you. I’m thrilled about this year. Whatever you choose to do, I am wishing you so much love for a fulfilling, happy, joyful, nurturing, awesome, 2020 and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

2020 Energy Forecast: A Year To Build Your Dreams

Woo-hoo!!!! You’re going to totally rock this new decade!โ  The astrology and numerology for 2020 tell quite a story!
Before you forecast your future for 2020, take stock of how amazing you are .

If you look back at your life this year, you can marvel at how much you’ve grown!โ 
You’ve only just begun….โ 

2020 will transform your life at the core.

Everything you’ve done now has been training you for the transformation.โ 
You can feel more fulfilled, aligned, strong, and supported.โ 
The world is yours to claim it.โ 

Our new decade ushers a time of rapid transformation.

The foundations you create now you will build upon for years to come.

2020 begins with a soul-expanding Full Moon eclipse. Soon after, there is a cosmic conjunction on January 12th – the likes of which we havenโ€™t seen for 700 years!

This is setting the stage for a rebuilding of every aspect of your life.

In this forecast, I share with you how this year is a karmic-cleansing year of growth and change.

You’ll learn your four keys to happiness and success for 2020 and beyond.




2020 Forecast