August 2021 Astrology Forecast: An ABUNDANCE of POSSIBILITIES

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Hello, Iโ€™m Kari Samuels your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your August forecast and this is a very dynamic month. There’s so much opportunity for prosperity and change, and growth and empowerment. There is a lot of opportunity for you.

Now, before I tell you about the exciting astrology that we have in store this month, I want to share with you an opportunity for a free healing with the archangels. This is going to be a New Moon healing because we have a powerful new moon this month. It’s on 8:8 the Lion’s Gate, and it’s also a Blue Moon month. We have a Blue Moon in Aquarius, a full moon.

So, there are lots of luscious lunations and I want you to make the most of it because the moon cycles are perfect for setting your intentions. And as the moon’s light grows your intentions come to light, come to fruition.

Now, because we have this 8:8 Lions gate new moon, I want to prepare you for it. On August 7th, the day before the new moon, I’m having a Healing with the Archangels event, and it’s going to help you let go of grief and fear and shame, and guilt and all these lower emotions that are keeping you stuck, and being small, Leo and 8 are all about shining and expressing yourself, and living large.

This is going to help you elevate your energy so that you can attract prosperity in love. This is a free event. And I highly recommend that you join me. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You can sign up for that using the link below.

Now, I want to share with you why this month is so exciting, and you got a little glimpse of it there with the moons. We are in Leo season for the first three-quarters of the month, and Leo is a fire sign. It’s radiant. It’s actually ruled by the Sun.

So, the sun is in Leo, and it’s ruled by the Sun. And so, this is all about radiating and shining your light and shining your light from within, it’s about really radiating your unique light and your unique gifts to the world and be like the sun as you shine your light and radiate in a large way, The Sun brings warmth to others.

It brings light to others. So let’s talk about these moons here. So last month, there was a full moon in Aquarius in the first degree of Aquarius, it was right when the Sun moved into Leo. And now at the end of Leo season, the last day, we have another full moon in Aquarius on the 22nd, which is a master number day, we have a full moon in Aquarius at the last degree, the 29th degree.

So, we have the beginning and end of Aquarius, and we have these Blue Moons. A Blue Moon is when you have two consecutive full moons in the same sign. So, we have this rarity of a blue moon, right? That’s what they say, โ€œOnce in a Blue Moonโ€. It’s really uncommon. And so, you always want to take note when there’s an unusual Celestial event.

The universe is trying to tell you something. And then right, in the middle of these moons, these Aquarius full moons are this new moon on the 8th day of the 8th month and that’s considered the Lion’s Gate. And 8 is a power number too. So, to have the new moon, on that 8:8 day in between these wonderful Aquarius full moons That is saying something.

So let’s talk about this Leo-Aquarius axis, Leo and Aquarius are opposite signs in the Zodiac. And so, they balance each other. Leo teaches you to shine your light and Aquarius also teaches about individuality, but it’s for the greater good.

So as you shine your light and express your uniqueness, it always benefits, the greater good. It benefits humanity. Aquarius is the humanitarian sign. It’s about the group, and it also is about friends and hopes, and dreams, and technology, and using your voice in ways that that can reach the masses. And 8 is a power number.

8 is associated with prosperity, abundance, and money, It’s known as the money number. Now, why is it known as the money number? Because 8 is associated with your passion and your courage. And when you are in touch with your passions and when you are expressing them and having the courage to be yourself, that is when prosperity rains down on you, that is when you attract prosperity and love.

So, that is what this month is teaching you. It is teaching you to embody your power. It’s teaching you to be courageous. Furthermore, it’s teaching you to feel confident. Being yourself. And in doing so, how you can very much benefit the greater good and humanity.

In numerology, August 20 21 is a 4 Universal Month. This is the 8th month, and it’s a 4 Universal month and in numerology 4 and 8 are the manifesting numbers 4 is associated with everything material, everything that you can touch, everything, that’s tangible money, finances home, family, everything to do with the root chakra and the material world. And 8 is about expansion.

Do you see all this incredible synchronicity of the numbers? And the astrology? How it’s all coming together to help you shine? And express yourself to embody your full power by being in touch with your passion and allowing yourself to express your true self unabashedly with courage and confidence with the heart of a lion. Which is also full of love and affection? We have all this going on, that’s teaching you to radiate and shine from within your uniqueness, but there’s something else happening. We have no personal planets that are retrograde right now.

So, there’s this sense of all systems go. Go for what you want. Go for your dreams. Do what is feeling right for you inside. Really, go ahead on that. And at the same time, the social planets Jupiter and Saturn or retrograde in Aquarius and our outer planets, our transpersonal planets Neptune, Uranus Pluto are also going to be retrograde.

That’s five planets in retrograde, the social planets and the outer planets. And Chiron is retrograde, which is known as the Great Healer or the wounded healer. So even though the personal planets and yourself is like all systems go.

There’s all this happening on the outside in the retrograde world, and retrograde is rethinking and redoing. So definitely, we’re going to see some things on a public health level having to go back and redo things and really shore up are public health measures.

We’re going to have a little backtracking with that. Be aware of that and also the world. It’s like the world is revisiting our Collective Consciousness on where we’re headed as a culture. So as the world is somewhat taking a back step, you’re moving forward.

So, this is a very potent and pivotal time for you to recognize your unique place in the world and how you want to help Humanity. This is definitely not a time for you to slow down your goals and intentions, it’s time for you to really ramp up your belief in yourself. To own your gifts, own your power.

So, I have three action steps that are going to help you do that. Now, your first action step is to rekindle your passions. Jupiter has been in Aquarius since December of last year and then in May, it switched signs and went into Pisces. It just went back into Aquarius, but as retrograding there.

Now, Pisces is all about healing and the soul. Feelings. And this is part of why your emotions have felt larger than life, and May was when we had all those eclipses, and it was really just nuts. So, you’ve been dealing with a lot of Larger-than-Life emotions.

And you had to process a lot. Well, now as Jupiter and Saturn, the social planets are retrograding in Aquarius. It’s time for you to rekindle those passions, those projects that maybe fell to the wayside in May or earlier when things went topsy-turvy. It’s time for you to really refocus and regroup. If you had some intentions that that got lost, don’t give up. Rekindle them! Start up that fire again and really go for your dreams.

Now, your second action step is to free yourself from any restrictive energies. So, this is anything from physical things, like go through your closets and decide what doesnโ€™t represent you anymore. Does this help you shine? Does this make you feel like โ€œmehโ€?

So, really understand what is not fueling your fire anymore. Let go of it. And this is for beliefs, as well, especially for beliefs. So if you have any beliefs that say โ€œI can’tโ€ And maybe, โ€œI shouldn’t โ€œit’s tooโ€ฆ I don’t know. โ€œDo I really have what it takes?โ€ Yes, yes. Yes, you do.

So anytime you start to think these limiting beliefs about yourself, or what you’re capable of, notice them and let them go and say, โ€œYes I can! I AM!โ€ You have whatever it takes to fulfill your dreams and keep focusing on that. So, if there’s any people circumstances anything in your life, that is not fueling your dreams, you can let it go. And that includes your thoughts and your belief system.

Now, your third action step is to focus on your fulfilling future. You know, you really had to rebuild your life in the past couple of years. Thereโ€™s been so much breakdown of everything that is fundamental and so much questioning of โ€œwhat am I doing with my life?โ€ And โ€œis it important?โ€ That’s part of these retrograde outer planets, โ€œIs what I’m doing, does it matter?โ€ โ€œDo I still care about it anymore?โ€ And it can really shake your confidence, and it could make you question everything, and it’s good to be questioning everything.

That’s what the past two years have been about. And now you’re rebuilding yourself, but you’re not putting yourself back together the way you were before. You’re making yourself into something new, something new and more beautiful. And More in alignment with your Soul’s calling.

So as you’re doing that, it’s effortless to stay where you are or go back to some kind of security that isn’t appropriate for you anymore. So, I am encouraging you to focus on building a fulfilling future that feels wonderful that lights you up inside and that helps the world, even if that’s the world around you like your immediate family, right? I’m not telling you to be a martyr.

I’m telling you to believe in yourself, So as you start to backtrack, or think, โ€œOh, maybe I’ll look back and blame myselfโ€ฆfor Or question Why I didn’t do something, or maybe settle for somethingโ€ฆ Keep looking forward to what you want to create. I believe in you so much. You can create the most miraculous life.

So, this is part of why I’m encouraging you to join me for this New Moon Healing with the Archangels. It’s about resetting your energy. As you move forth into this, powerful future of yours. You have a new energy, you’re up-leveling your energy, you are raising your vibration because it is your vibration that attracts all things to you.

It’s not just your vision board or your thoughts. You want to change your ENERGY. So, you’re clearing out beliefs that no longer serve you, and you are imbuing yourself with power and confidence, and this is what the archangels help with.

Now, I have everything in my happiness store, that is Angel-related. All my angel products and courses are on sale this month. It is Angel Month in August at So, you can find an angel course that helps you. I, personally, connect with the angels to help me with my confidence and healing, and my message in the world because that’s what the Angels help you with. August is angel month!

I really encourage you to join me for that healing. We already have thousands of people showing up. We’re going to have a legion of angels helping us and helping you. I love you so much, you beautiful radiant being of light. Now, if you’ve enjoyed this video, share it with your friends and your loved ones. I know they will appreciate you for it.

And I have so much more to share with you. So make sure you are subscribed to this Channel and here on YouTube, hit that bell to be notified whenever I come out with a new video so that you will be the first to know. I love you so much, and I’m wishing you a wonderful, amazing August and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

August astrology brings an abundance of possibilities!

August 8th is known as the 8:8 Lion’s Gate portal. On that powerful day, we will have our New Moon in Leo.

This is also a Blue Moon month! On August 22nd, we have our second Full Moon in Aquarius.

These powerful Moons are teaching you to shine your light and believe in yourself. When you share your unique gifts with the world, you benefit the greater good.

This is what Leo and Aquarius are teaching us.


In numerology, August 2021 is a 4 Universal Month (8+2+0+2+1 = 13, and 1+3 = 4). 4 and 8 combined are very powerful for manifesting your heart’s desires. They are numbers of material rewards and abundance.

We also have five planets in retrograde, so things can feel tricky to navigate.

In this astrology forecast, I share with you the three essential steps to creating a prosperous, happy future!

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Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.


July 2021 Astrology Forecast: JOY & CREATIVE EXPRESSION

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Hi, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your July forecast and the good news is July is so much easier and sweeter than what you’ve just been through. June was a month!

So don’t say I didn’t warn you! If you go back to the June forecast, you’ll see it was like, all right there in the celestial weather. It was predicted that was a cosmic storm and so July isโ€ฆ This month of really kind of likeโ€ฆ as if a hurricane just swept through your life and there are some things to clean up and there was what looks like you have to repair, and it’s like, now what do we do?

So, what happens is after you get a storm like that where there’s all this upheaval, and you see things in a new light, which is basically what the whole last two years have been about truthfully.

July 2021 Astrology Forecast: JOY & CREATIVE EXPRESSION

So, there’s kind of a blessing in it, right? Because you realize what wasn’t working, what you actually didn’t really even need that you were holding on to. Sometimes these things come to like turbulence to like to bring things up, and then you realize like why was I holding on to that? So, you can travel more lightly now and also, it’s really helping you set a new course.

Now, the thing is, as you’re setting a new course you’re headed toward uncharted waters. Most likely in a place where things feel like a little uncertain about your life. Where you’re like, well, I know, I need to head in a new direction, or a different direction, or tweak, this direction somehow, but it’s terrifying in some ways, and you’re headed into the unknown.

There are some things that are happening that your little security blanket isn’t with you anymore, right? So, you’re going to be feeling a bit vulnerable this month and maybe even a little confused or scared or uncertain because you’re headed in a new direction. That is exactly where you are meant to be.

July 2021 Astrology Forecast: JOY & CREATIVE EXPRESSION

And to add to the sense of maybe vulnerability for the first 22 days of the month, The Sun is traveling through the sign of Cancer And cancer is a very sensitive sign. It’s a sentimental sign, and it is a bit vulnerable. This is why the symbol for Cancer is the crab. And the Crab has that hard shell That is protecting a very soft squishy vulnerable inside.

So, cancer is associated with your sense of home, with your sense of security. Your roots, your emotional roots, your childhood. So all the things, right? You might be feeling uncertain about your roots, whether that’s how you connect to your family or your Your your home, the emotional aspect of your home, your environment, maybe you’re feeling a little uprooted because you’re meant to redefine your security, and you meant to redefine, how you nurture yourself, and how you need to Mother yourself, which is what cancer is about as well.

And so, you know, the crab really carries its home on its back, right? So, that’s what learning your learning how to feel, secure within yourself. You’re learning how to nurture yourself, and you’re learning where you want to put down new Roots. To help you with this, the universe has brought you some very joyful and exuberant energy.

July 2021 Astrology Forecast: JOY & CREATIVE EXPRESSION

Venus and Mars are both traveling together in the sign of Leo, and Leo is so exuberant. It’s ruled by the Sun. So, where’s where’s cancer is ruled by the moon, Leo’s ruled by the Sun? So, you have this, like sun and moon polarity joining and also, Venus and Mars, which are the mass of the feminine and masculine aspects of yourself. Venus is Your heart. How you love. How you value yourself. What you value. What you attract into your life.

Venus is yin and Mars is yang. Mars is very aggressive. It’s assertive. It’s courageous and dynamic. So, these two are joined this month in this creative, joyful, expressive, really confident, sign of Leo. So, this will bring you a boost of enthusiasm and passion and confidence, and creativity and expression. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Leo loves fun. And you know what else if fun? The number 3 July 2021 in numerology is a 3 Universal month which is also about expression and joy, and creativity, and socializing.

July 2021 Astrology Forecast: JOY & CREATIVE EXPRESSION

So, the world is opening up after so much constriction and contraction and isolation, there’s a sense of expansion and creativity. And socializing and passion and romance. Because when Mars and Venus are traveling together, especially in such a loving, passionate sign as Leo. So all these things.

Now, now you can romance your life. Like, really, that’s what this month is about! Learning how to bring some Joy back into your life. Learning how to stretch yourself, in new creative ways, learning how to speak and express, what is in your heart in very direct ways and with some confidence. So if you have a passion project or something that you want to speak or share, or createโ€ฆ Now is the time! This is your month to get your groove back.

Three Action Steps

So, I have three steps to help you do that. Your first action step for this month is to take some calculated risks. Yes. Things are scary, right? Like in, you want to figure everything out in your head before you do something like plan at all in your head, right? But that’s not the way things work all the time.

So, it’s important for you to test the waters and try new things and stretch yourself. Sometimes you have to learn as you go or take a risk and see what happens. Then you can always recalculate again. If you’re holding back because your rational mind says, โ€œI don’t know.โ€ Just don’t let that happen. Do it and again like don’t go crazyโ€ฆ but don’t go crazy. If you know what I mean.

Just really try things that you haven’t tried before and really 2021 is a 5 Universal year and 5 is about trying new things and stretching yourself, and this 3 and 5 together are really creative, and really fun.ย  So, take some calculated risks and see what happens.

Second Action Step

Which brings me to step number two, which is to HAVE FUN. 3 is a fun energy and Leo a fun energy. And the sign of cancer can be fun too. So, we have this very just fun, creative joyful Vibe going on here.

As you’re taking these calculated risks, of course, it’s scary, right? If you’re headed towards your future with the sense of like, you know, gripping and on the wheel and like being scared and like tensing up, you’re going to bring that energy with you. And since this is 3 is about creation, you really want to co-create with a sense of Joy with a sense of fun.

So as you’re headed into these new frontiers look at it as a Joyful Adventure, have a sense of childlike joyfulness about it as you’re moving into it because that’s going to help. Bring that energy into your future. And wouldn’t you rather co-create from a sense of joy and fun, then from a sense of fear? So lighten up and enjoy the journey, have fun on your adventures!

Third Action Step

Now, your third action step is to RECEIVE SUPPORT. You are not meant to go on this journey alone! And again, things are really opening up right now and this is a very much about people energy. This is social and playful And not, โ€œaloneโ€ energy. So meet new people and be with people. People that you love. Really, take time for that and make sure you’re asking for help. If you are on a journey, get a Sherpa. Find some support in some way and also that opens up your receiving channels to receive more blessings and abundance from the universe.

So as you learn to receive, you can receive all kinds of goodness. So ask for support, and you will receive support. I actually have something that can really help you with this. Before you actually learn to receive from real humans, which can be challenging, you can call upon the angels to help you that.

Their Divine assignment to lift your spirits and to protect you and really help you feel good and loving and joyful and buoyant on your journey. So, I have a Meet Your Guardian Angels guided meditation, that is absolutely free, and thatโ€™s going to help you lift your spirits and learn to receive support so that you practice the energy of receiving so that it’s natural for you to receive in all areas of your life. So go ahead and download that free meditation using the link below, and it is going to help you feel heavenly!

July 2021 Astrology Forecast: JOY & CREATIVE EXPRESSION

And if you have enjoyed this video, share it with your friends. I know, they will appreciate you for it. And I want to hear from you! This is a time of expressing. And if you say out loud what you intend to do, it gives it more power. In the beginning was the word, and that is what creates.

So, share in the comments below what is, maybe, scaring you a little and how you’re going to approach it with a sense of fun and adventure. Now, I have so much more to share with you in the months ahead. If you want to know more, subscribe to this Channel and if you’re on YouTube, hit that bell to be notified.

When I come out with a new video, you will be the first to know. I am so excited about what’s in store for you this month! So many joyful Adventures await you! I love you so much. You are so beautiful. I love you, and I’ll see you next time. Lots of love. Bye for now.

July’s astrology is bringing joy!

After a month of upheaval and chaos, you can feel more relaxed and have fun! Yes, you can actually enjoy yourself!

Our Sun is traveling through the sign of Cancer. You might feel more sensitive and vulnerable. Yet, this is a dynamic month. There’s some fire in the sky!

Venus and Mars are traveling together in Leo. This fiery energy will fuel your passions and creativity.


In numerology, July 2021 is a 3 Universal month. 3 is social, creative, expressive, and joyful.

The stars are aligning to give you courage!

In this forecast, I offer you three essential steps to help you get your groove back and create a happy future.

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Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.


Our Dreamiest Pisces New Moon This Year

The Sun and Moon, our celestial luminaries met in the sky this morning the sweetest New Moon of the year. They are connecting in dreamy Pisces.

Venus and Neptune are joining them in the sensitive sign.โ โ 

New Moons are always a fertile time for setting intentions.

As the Moon’s light waxes, your wishes gain momentum.โ โ 

Pisces is a sign of dreams, imagination and connection.โ โ  Neptune is currently in Pisces. Neptune is Pisces’ ruling planet.โ 

  • Neptune’s domain is your dreams and psyche
  • Venus rules all matters of the heart
  • The Sun is your consciousness and outward expression
  • Our Moon is your inner world

Do you see the energies converging here?โ 

For your intentions to take shape, you need to connect with your heart, and channel the power of your imagination.โ โ 

How are you feeling about where you are heading?โ โ 

Do your intentions still FEEL good to you?โ 

Tune into deep inside your soul and imagine a better life for yourself. What does it look and feel like?โ โ 

If you can’t imagine yourself in your future, you either aren’t setting the right intentions, or you need to feel more into what’s best for you.โ โ 

Once you have a dream that lights up your soul – set your intentions to the Universe.

Discover More

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.


Watch the June 2021 Astrology Forecast below:

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June 2021 Astrology Forecast – A Whirlwind of Change

Hello. I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your June forecast and buckle up. June is going to be a wild ride. There is so much happening this month. You could probably already feel it already.

Things are just changing. Right? There’s a lot of happening. So, everything has been building to this interesting month because it’s like the midpoint of the year and this is the time when your intentions are going to change. Guaranteed to be a plot twist.

Anything that you thought you’ve been doing. Anything that you thought was set in stone might change because that’s what the whole astrology and numerologyโ€ฆthat’s what everything is indicating this month.

June 2021 Astrology Forecast

First, we head into June in an eclipse portal. Eclipses are always two weeks apart, they come in pairs. We had that beautiful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 26th and Lunar Eclipses are endings. They culminate things. They are karmic endings. New Moon eclipses are fateful beginnings, but you always have to clear away anything that you don’t need anymore to make room for the beginning. That’s what’s been happening.

May 26, we started this Eclipse season, and then you’ve been clearing things away. Things have sometimes been ending abruptly and what eclipses do is they bring things to your Consciousness. They bring things up from your unconscious to the light, things that have been eclipsed from your consciousness.

A Whirlwind of Change

So, you’ve been having realizations, maybe things that you haven’t been wanting to admit to yourself. We all do this. So, this is what this is culminating to on June 10th, which is the New Moon Solar eclipse in Gemini. And Gemini is a sign that helps you see things in a new light.

It’s The twins, right sign of the twins. It’s a double bodied sign. You see things from different perspectives. It’s an information gathering sign. It’s a mutable sign. This is all about change, learning, new things and changing, and gathering information.

June 2021 Astrology Forecast

We’re in the sun sign of Gemini until the 21st of the month. We have all this information gathering that that is happening. Mercury is also retrograde in Gemini. So as you’re gathering new information, you’re also going back because that’s what Mercury retrograde does. Mercury the planet of the mind has you go back and see things in a different light.

Your mind is getting all this new information. So, you’re seeing things differently. We have our Sun in Gemini. We have a Mercury retrograde in Gemini. Furthermore, we also have the solar eclipse in Gemini.

And we also have in numerology this is an 11 Universal month.11 is the number of Illuminationโ€ฆof LIGHT. It’s a master number, so it brings in more light. You get these Divine downloads with this 11 portal. These Divine downloads. So, you see things in a new light.11 is a number of innovation and really stepping up to the next level of your soul’s evolution.

A Whirlwind of Change

It’s also this double-bodied energy, these two 1s. So, you’re getting these Divine downloads that are helping you see things from a new perspective just like the Gemini energy just like the Mercury retrograde energy, So this 11 lifts your consciousness, and what happens when you get this infusion of light? The shadow comes up.

There’s all of this seeing things from a new light seeing things that have been buried in the shadow seeing thingsโ€ฆso this is going to happen in your personal life and on a global scale. We have five planets in and retrograde this month. I know, right? Like let’s just keep piling it on.

So, we have five planets in and retrograde this month. So, Mercury which is a personal planet, Saturn and Jupiter which are social planets. They govern our society and transpersonal planets, Neptune and Pluto, all retrograde this month. That is a lot of retrograde per capita!

June 2021 Astrology Forecast

So, the retrograde planets help you go back and see things. Things that you missed. There is a sense of collecting energy. Retrograde energy is inwardly focused. You have to remember that all throughout the month, this is a lot of gathering information, processing information, collecting energy, seeing things from a different perspective.

Are you getting a picture of what’s happening here? And there’s more! So, in addition to all of this so, There is a transit that’s happening three times this year. Saturn square Uranus, Saturn is the planet of structure, foundations, discipline, boundaries and limitations squaring, which means it’s in a tense aspect to Uranus.

Uranus is the planet of Freedom change Revolution. There’s a quickening. So, these are two entirely unique energies. We’ve been seeing these clashes throughout the year. Things like, okay, we have to have these restrictions and in your life or in the world and then this sense of like,โ€œNo, don’t tread it on my freedoms. This is what freedom means to me!

A Whirlwind of Change

So, what you’re going to have in your life is this square is going to bring up for you, how your self-imposed limitations have maybe restricted your freedom, and what freedom really means to you. And Saturn is the Builder.

As you realize how you want to change your life how you feel more free to be yourself how you want to change the foundations of your life, you can implement that. So, there’s all this happening, Are you seeing why I’m saying? This is going to be a little bananas! Okay?

Because we have so much high-octane energy, I have three critical steps to help you navigate this. So, you can stay sane. So, you can stay calm, and you can thrive during this time.

First Action Step

So, your first action step is to LEAVE SPACE IN YOUR CALENDAR. You want to avoid fighting the tide of these retrogrades, especially Mercury retrograde. You want to make sure you are going with the flow.

So then, you are leaving space that when you have these days, when life is just really to Too much that you didn’t put too much on your plate when you have some new information coming, that is guiding you to maybe change your course, then you have the space in your calendar to do so. Do you see why this is so important?

Second Action Step

Which brings me to action step number two: SLOW DOWN. I know I’ve been talking so fast. :)You really you need to slow down. So five planets in retrograde. Again, the wave is like pushing inward, it’s not moving out, it’s pushing you inward. It’s a time for reflection. You want to go, you want to really calm your nerves.

Or if you’re doing too much, and you’re really fighting against everything, then you’re going to feel frazzled. This 11 energy can really do a lot on your nervous system.

So, you want to make sure youโ€™re taking things slow, and you’re not pushing yourself, and you take that time every day to gather your thoughts and gather your feelings and process things, so no pushing forward. If you want to go with the flow, youโ€™ve got to go slow. Okay? You donโ€™t have to move slow, but it means like you’re not pushing through life.

Third Action Step

Now, your third action step is to HAVE ENERGETIC PROTECTION. If you are an empath, and you pick up on the energy of other people and all this is happening in the world, you want to make sure you have your energy game on, okay?

Now, It’s helpful if there’s so much frenetic energy in the environment that every day, you set the intention to let go of energy that doesn’t belong to you. Send it back to where it belonged cleansed and send it back to its source. Then call your energy back, cleansed, okay? And surround yourself with light because the stronger your energy body is the more you can move through the world with Grace.


Now, I have something to help you. I, personally, use the Archangels for protection and positive energy. They’re here. Their Divine Design is to uplift our energy to bring protection, and healing, and love, and really protect our energy.

So, I have an archangel guided meditation for positive energy and protection. It’s free. You can get that using the link below, and I highly recommend that you use that every day. To build up your energy and the archangels are miraculous and helping you do that. So download that using the link below for free, and I know it’s going to totally help you.

Now, I’d love to hear about what is going on in your life. What kind of changes your already sensing? Now, I want to remind you of something that as you’re getting all this information, things might feel confusing in the process. Be gentle with yourself in the process because at the end of it, you’ll have a lot of clarity.

A Whirlwind of Change

So really, during this month, you may feel confused, just know, that’s exactly where you need to be. So be kind to yourself and just know that at the end of it, you’re going to have a lot more clarity. I’d love to hear about what you’re experiencing. You are welcome to share it in the comments below.

And if you’ve enjoyed this video, share it with your friends and loved ones. I know they will appreciate you for it, especially now. And if you haven’t already subscribe to this channel and hit that bell to be notified when I come out with a new video. I have a lot to share with you coming up, and I don’t want you to miss it. I love you so much!

Wishing you a joyful, jovial June and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

June 2021 Astrology Forecast – A Whirlwind of Change

What’s in store for June astrology?

Buckle up! It’s going to be a wild ride!

If you think your plans are set in stone, the Universe will have some surprises for you.

Change is inevitable.

There will be plot twists.

As we enter the mid-point of the year, you will most likely redirect your course.

During the month of June:

  • Five planets will be retrograde (including Mercury)
  • We have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini
  • It’s a Master Number 11 Month
  • We have a year-defining transit of Saturn square Uranus

Any one of these events on its own is enough to shake things up.



Together, they will bring a series of eye-opening revelations.

You will see your life and the world in a new light.

There will be a LOT to process.

In this forecast video, I share with you the three essential steps to stay centered during this high-octane time.

You can thrive during the transformation.

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Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

Watch the May 2021 Astrology Forecast below:

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Show Transcription

May 2021 Astrology Forecast – Change Is In The Air!

Hello. I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your May forecast, and we have quite a busy month coming up. There’s a lot of planetary activity and that means that you’re going to have a lot of activity within your psyche within your mind within your energy.

So, I want you to be prepared. We have a lot of happening here. We’re lucky because we have four planets in Taurus at the beginning of the month and Taurusโ€™ element is Fixed Earth. It’s slow. Its grounding, it’s deliberate. It’s really delicious energy and this is really helpful right now because it starts to speed up as the month moves along.

It’s good. You start out on this really solid footing here. All this Taurus energy is helping you re-evaluate your worth because Taurus really helps you assess your values. So, you’re having a period of assessment, what’s important in your life? How can you enhance your self-esteem and your self-worth, and how can you enjoy life’s pleasures?

May 2021 Astrology Forecast

In the first week of May, we have two planets changing signs into Gemini, Venus and Mercury are moving into Gemini and those are personal planets, Venus is your heart and Mercury is your mind. Gemini is ruled by Mercury. So, there’s a lot of this Mercurial energy. Itโ€™s fast. Quicksilver.

So, your heart and your mind are connected at least, right? And so, what’s happening is, there’s a lot of changing of your mind. As you’re changing your values, you’re changing your mind. Gemini is a double bodied sign, it’s The Twins, so it helps you see different facets of things, Different sides of things.

Throughout the month, there’s going to be a lot of new information where you’re going to be looking at things from different perspectives. Your mind is going to be changing.LOL! Iโ€™m doing this cuckoo thing. I didn’t mean that! So, your mind is going to be changing throughout the month, and it can make you feel cuckoo if you’re not handling the energy, really.

Change is in the air!

That’s that’s why we do this, right? Your mind is going to be changing throughout the month, and you’re going to start to see things in a new light. You’re going to start to see yourself in a new light and as you do that your choices are going to change. There’s almost too much planetary activity to talk about because I don’t want to make you confused.

But just so you know there’s a lot of coming and on May 13 we have Jupiter which is our planet of expansion, which stays in a sign for roughly a year. It’s an Aquarius throughout the year, but it’s having its changing signs temporarily into Pisces until July. Now Pisces is really, very soulful, very much about the soul, and there’s a lot of healing involved.

So, the next couple of months, as things come up for you, there’s a lot of healing happening and this will give you a taste of Jupiter and Pisces, that’s going to happen in 2022. So on the 14th, this is when we start the shadow period of Mercury Retrograde because Mercury is going retrograde at the end of the month.

May 2021 Astrology Forecast

Now, it doesn’t go retrograde until May 29th and a lot of we’re going to experience will be in June. However, you start to get the shadow, the pre retrograde shadow where you start to get a glimpse of what Mercury is going to be teaching you. Now there’s a lot of happening in June it’s kind of a bananas month so make sure you’re subscribed to this channel, so you get notified about whatโ€™s coming up. In June, there’s a lot of happening but for now, you get a glimpse of this Mercury Retrograde. So pay attention!

Toward the middle of the month to things that start coming into your consciousness. There was going to be a lot of coming into your consciousness because we begin Eclipse season on May 26. We have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, and this is in the Sagittarius/Gemini polarity. So, you see a lot of this Gemini activity, this mental activity.

This full moon lunar eclipse, eclipses, always, bring endings. Huge ENDINGS, not just like, little endings, but huge cycles, karmic endings, especially during Lunar Eclipses and then Solar Eclipses tend to bring fateful beginnings. So, this Eclipse season begins on May 26th.

Change is in the air!

The energy ahead of timeโ€ฆyou’re going to start to see and feel some of this. Eclipse energy. It’s a wave of energy, a wave of insights that you’re going to receive because eclipse is bringing things to light that have been previously hidden from your consciousness.

And May 2021 in Numerology is a 1 Universal Month and 1 is the number of new beginningsโ€ฆ Insight, intuition and Innovation a 1 is also a mental number1 is very much about mental activity. It’s about really receiving energy through your crown chakra from the Divine and that energy needs to be manifest that energy needs to move through you and become something in the world. So, Iโ€™d like to share with you three steps that are going to help you do this.

First Action Step

So, your first action step for this month that’s really going to help you is to GET GROUNDED. With so much frenetic activity around. You need to be really centered, really grounded to the Earth and grounded to your body or else you’re going to get pulled out and lose your footing.

Now, if you don’t know how to get grounded, or you want some assistance with it, I do have a free grounding meditation. You can get using the link below. So make sure that you do that. It’s super helpful and again, it’s free.

You have nothing to lose by getting that. So, that’s going to help you really maintain your Center. When everything’ around you is really not centered. If so, it’s important to stay grounded throughout the day. So, it’s not just like, okay I grounded myself during this meditation. Now I could just, you know, do whatever. It’s important to practice these grounding energies and these grounding intentions throughout the day, so you can maintain your footing.

Second Action Step

Now, your second action step is to MAKE YOURSELF YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. Really, this is what the 1 Universal Month teaches you is that you are number one, and your happiness is imperative for the surrounding people to be happy. So as you’re making all these decisions, as you’re seeing things in all these different new lights and perspective, it’s so imperative for you to first, ask how does this affect me?

Before you ask yourself how it is affects every other person because that’s what you’ve probably been doing, especially since youโ€™ve had so many responsibilities, Right? Haven’t you had so many responsibilities toward everyone else for the past couple of years, at least? So, you must start to focus on. Okay, how do I feel about this decision? What do I need to be happy? And then you can see how it affects everyone else.

Third Action Step

Now this brings us to our third action, step and this is critical. Exercise your body. Again, with all the mental activityโ€ฆ I keep doing this cuckoo thing, LOL, Just go with it. :)With all this mental activity, it’s easy for you to forget, you have a body, haven’t you ever been where you just have so much on your mind? And you’re just like all these energies are swirling around. So as you exercise your body, first, it helps you keep up with all this mental activity, and it helps you process this mental activity. Healthy energy is energy that moves.

You want to keep up with this Mutable Air, which is Gemini, right? So, you want to move, you want to be present and bring that energy from your mind, down into your body, and then you can access your body’s wisdom, and again it helps you stay grounded. I hope that this has helped you navigate this energy.

May 2021 Astrology Forecast

If you’ve enjoyed this video, share it with your friends, I’m sure they will appreciate you for it. And of course, remember to download that free grounding meditation, There’s a lot of coming up that I want you to be aware of, so make sure you’re subscribed to this channel, and if you hit that bell, then you’ll get notified every time I come out with a new video. So, I am wishing you an incredible marvelous, magnificent May and beyond. I love you so much. Bye for now.

May 2021 Astrology Forecast – Change Is In The Air!

Marvelous May is here!

What an action-packed month is ahead of us!

There’s an abundance of astrological activity. We have a lot of coming and going in the heavens. You’ll most likely experience a burst of activity as well.

You’re most likely feeling change on the horizon.

The planetary stirrings are prompting transformation in your heart and your mind.

Mercury is going retrograde. We have a powerful Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Saturn is going retrograde. And Jupiter is changing signs.

If this sounds like a lot, it is! Fear not, I have you covered!

In this forecast, I share with you how to stay centered and avoid the mayhem of May’s energies.

Enjoy and share the love!

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Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.