Intuition is as natural as breathing

They call intuition a sixth sense. It is as essential to our joy and survival as seeing, touching, or hearing.

If you didn’t have intuition you wouldn’t be here now, reading this blog post. Perhaps you would have been eaten by a crocodile or fallen down a rabbit hole. Or you would have succumbed to something equally rash and dangerous.

You may think that it is logic alone that keeps you making good decisions. But, your intuition is active 24/7 in subtle and profound ways.

For instance, we are not aware of pheromones affecting our behavior because we can’t smell them, but they are still influencing everything we do (and making some folks act a little crazy :)).

Perception of Intuition

I use my intuition every day in every way. It is not only used in my personal day to day life, it’s what I use in my profession to help people. In fact, I help thousands of people using this gift. Every day, I receive emails from clients telling me how much our one little hour together changed their life for the better. It’s a gift and a blessing.

And yet, why is it every time someone asks me what I do for a living, I feel a little uncomfortable? Sure, we can harken it back to some past life where I was stoned to death or accused of being a witch and burned at the stake, but this feeling I have is very real right now. Somehow, I still have pangs of fear and even embarrassment about what I do.

Oh yes, people are nice most of the time. In fact, mostly they are intrigued. They find me to be a novelty, like I work in the circus as a flame thrower or contortionist. Or, I can tell that they are trying to be nice, when in fact they think I’m totally deluded.

And, just like people will say, “some of my best friends are…”, they’ll say to me, “I believe in intuition.”. As if intuition is something Ray Bradbury invented that we somehow managed to replicate here on earth. How can you not “believe” in intuition? That’s like not believing in hearing, seeing, or smelling!

These are nice people. There are also some others that feel that using your intuition, your sixth sense, (which is essential for your well being and survival), is evil. Friends of mine don’t want other people to know that they practice and study intuition because they will be ostracized.

I hid my interest out of fear that my office coworkers would not understand and ridicule me. Then, I was so far deep into that walk-in Carrie Bradshaw style closet I didn’t see any way out.

Compassion For Yourself And Others

Thankfully, I found my way out of the closet! ย I had an epiphany. I realized that the more comfortable I am with who I am, the more other people would be too. And that’s when my life turned around. I “put myself out there”.

If someone had a problem judging me for who I was, it was THEIR problem, not mine. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I help people! As difficult as it was, if they judged me, I maintained my love and belief in myself and didn’t take it personally. How sad for them that they were only utilizing five senses instead of six! I needed to have compassion for them instead of fear.

By doing this, I began to gain more confidence in myself personally and professionally. My life and business flourished!

Express Your Gifts

The same can happen for you. Are you expressing who you fully are in the world? Are you being totally authentic to yourself, or are you making safe choices that you think are more secure or socially acceptable?

It’s a Universal law that your external world is a mirror for how you treat yourself. If you believe and accept yourself, because you are intuitively honoring your true nature, you will be supported by the external world and we will celebrate you for it!

So what are you waiting for? Your intuition is your greatest gift to realize your life’s potential. So get your psychic groove on! Honor it, listen to it, don’t be afraid of it ‘cuz it won’t bite you. And let the world know you are living large with all sixth senses!ย  Shine on you crazy diamond.


Heal Your Past Lives To Change Your Future

Have you ever met someone and felt magnetically attracted to them, all the while feeling like you have known them before?

They become your best friend, or your soul mate.ย  It feels like heaven on earth because there is such familiarity. Other times the relationship ends in total disaster and you ask yourself how you could have ever felt so comfortable with them!

The reason you feel so familiar with these people is because you have met them before in another lifetime. Perhaps you have been spouses or siblings many lifetimes before in a totally harmonious and loving way.

OR, you can have unfinished business with them, and you have made a pre-birth agreement to heal your karma with each other.

Being in a karmic relationship can sometimes feel like a cruel trick from the Universe.

Or perhaps you feel that your intuition has led you astray, but that is never the case.

Your soul always seeks to develop love and compassion. Heal unresolved issues from past lives as a necessary part of your spiritual growth.

I’ve been fascinated by past lives as long as I can remember (in this life and probably some previous ones, too!). Even after doing thousands of readings, I am constantly astounded by the correlation between our current situations and past life circumstances.

I’m reminded of the young girl currently debilitated by fibromyalgia.ย  In a past life she begged God to take the pain from her son and give it to her instead.ย  She’s still carrying it around to this day.

I think of the woman who is constantly dealing with environmental illness, moldy apartments and cruel landlords. In a past life she was a Native American driven off her land into the Trail of Tears.

I remember the man who can’t find love because of his previous incarnation.ย  He was a woman betrayed by her spouse and is still holding onto the fear of abandonment.

You can trace most challenging situations back to a past life circumstance.

In my experience as a psychic and an energy healer, knowing your past life patterns can help you heal your current life.ย  Insight into what you’ve been carrying through your incarnations can bring immense relief and often spontaneous healing.

You might feel like you’ve tried everything.ย  Perhaps you’ve tried to heal your relationships, your body, and emotions but still find yourself in the same negative circumstances.

If this is the case, then it’s worth taking a look at your past life patterns..

You can heal your past lives without reliving them.

There’s a reason you don’t remember your past lives. It’s the same reason you don’t remember EVERY event that transpired in your childhood. It would be overwhelming.

Yet, it’s important to understand the karmic patterns you might be carrying forward lifetime after lifetime. It’s time to set yourself free!

So, how do you do that?

First of all, it’s important to recognize the circumstances and types of relationships you attract over and over again. For instance, do you always attract romantic partners who are emotionally unavailable?

Or perhaps you always find yourself in work situations where you don’t get paid enough yet do more work than everyone else. Or perhaps you find you attract people who disappoint or betray you.

Ask yourself now…what life circumstances have I attracted over and over again?

Do some journaling. Write down some instances where you made choices that allowed these circumstances to happen.

This can be very challenging. Even though things happen TO you, oftentimes you made choices along the way that allowed them to happen. Perhaps you didn’t listen to the red flags. Perhaps you wanted to believe something different than what your intuition was telling you.

Or maybe your need to please others caused you to do things that weren’t good for you. If you take time to look at the challenging situations in your life, you will begin to see a theme.

Bringing these patterns to your consciousness can often heal them.

Yet, you might have some deeper karmic issues at play. It’s possible you took past life vows, oaths, or soul contracts that are keeping you stuck in certain patterns. In which case, it’s helpful to have some assistance.

Hypnotherapists can often help you heal past life issues that are residing in your subconscious.

I also have a Soul Healing series that can help you heal your past life patterns once and for all. You don’t need to do everything yourself.

You don’t need to wait until your next life to enjoy this one!



Take Back Your Divinity!

As an intuitive counselor, I have the opportunity to work with many people very personally. It is a blessing for me to share in people’s lives so intimately.

I have often found that my clients reflect the very thoughts and feelings that are within me. My experience has shown that many of us are overcoming our issues simultaneously. It is as if through our collective consciousness, we are transcending the same lessons together as a group.

New Boundaries

Our task of late seems to confront the core of our spirituality. We long for direct communication with Spirit, while seeking guidance and communion with others. Though ultimately liberating, the self-directed path can often leave us conflicted. We are caught between our personal beliefs and a self-imposed view of what we think our beliefs should be.

This makes sense. We are coming out of the Piscean Age and into the Age of Aquarius. Boundaries of self are changing and we need to learn to think for ourselves in a unique way. Please take heart that though your struggle is unique and personal, you are not alone!

Many people here in the west, disenchanted with the constrictions of our Judeo-Christian heritage have either turned to Eastern religions such as Buddhism, New Age spirituality, or have abandoned religion altogether. Religion has become a dirty word for many of us, carrying with it a sense of guilt, shame, restriction, rules, patriarchy, or just plain wrongness.

Why? Because through our religions we were often taught we had to be/think/act/feel the way the priest, minister or rabbi told us to be. If we questioned, we would soon learn that if we prayed more, sacrificed our passions and beliefs, and repented from our sins, that we would truly know God.

So many of us, who could no longer ignore our inner stirrings gave up “religion” for “spirituality”. We were drawn to something more personal that allows us the belief that God, Christ, Buddha, Source, lies within each one of us. Embracing a vast perspective that, beyond our naked eye, are Spirit Guides, angels, divas, nature spirits, and vibrant dimensions beyond our comprehension.

Old Wisdom

This is a bold step! Since the inquisition against Goddess culture nearly 3000 years ago, people in the west have been conditioned through brutal tactics. There has been purging, burning, intimidation, and Crusades to relinquish power to authority figures. Church and government officials, slowly, brutally, and successfully, established patriarchal dominance.

Presently, thankfully, as the Age of Aquarius is dawning (I couldn’t help but use that expression!) we are seeing the reemergence of Goddess culture, respect for Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, the Source.

After 3000 years of inertia, we are waking up to the fact that Divinity, Christ Consciousness, the Buddha, perfect, whole, wise, complete, lies within each one of us. Perhaps you are feeling this yourself.

However, it seems that even those of us who know this to be true are afraid of it. We are afraid of claiming our divinity, our wisdom, our psychic gifts, our truth. We are afraid we will be wrong or embarrassed at least, or eternally damned at worst.

Why? We are fighting against 3000 years of oppression, remember? 3,000 years where people were forced to give up their power to the patriarchy or suffer dangerous consequences.

So, even though many of us have turned to beautiful practices such as Buddhism or Spiritualism, or have reclaimed the beauty within our Judeo-Christian heritage, we have retained our guilt, shame and fear.

If our favorite Lama, Rinpoche, guru, psychic or teacher states something as their truth, even though in our hearts minds and spirits it doesn’t resonate with us, we are afraid to disagree, for fear of the eternal consequences.

However, most of these Lamas, Rinpoches, gurus, psychics and teachers will encourage you to use their teachings only as guidelines, and remind you to follow your heart to the Truth that lies within your Self.

A Path Forward

Here is a good litmus test; if you feel something strongly in your heart, ask yourself – does this desire or belief benefit not just you but others as well? If the answer is Yes! Continue. Am I doing any harm to anyone? If the answer is No! You’re doing great!

Try a little experiment for the next few weeks. Tune out everybody else’s opinion but yours. If you notice someone else’s opinion, acknowledge it, honor it, then put it aside. The best way to tune into your own inner voice is to tune out everyone else’s.

Spend the next few weeks listening to your heart. When you reclaim the truth inside yourself, you will never waver in your step. There will be no need to question who to trust, because you have unwavering trust in yourself.

Trust your Divinity. Trust yourself. Now THAT is devotion.

Blessings on your journey!


How To Make Money Doing What You Love

I have a message for you if you want to make money doing what you love. This message is very dear to my heart. It’s about helping you create a bigger impact on the world and having a lifestyle of freedom. It can save you a lot of time and energy.

You see, I didn’t always have the fulfilling career that I have now. I spent many years of my life working too hard and getting paid too little. I always felt a passion inside of me wanting to share my message with more people, yet I didn’t have the skills or savvy to do so.

For years, I was trying to do too much by myself, and like many spiritual people, felt uncomfortable about all things business and marketing. Through my exhaustion I realized that if I was going to help people, I needed more time to do what I love, and more exposure for people to know about me.

Invest in yourself

Recently, I changed my world in a very important way by investing in myself. I invested time and money into coaching, training, business development, and my health.

If you are a healer, mother, artist, business owner, if you want to help people, you absolutely need to put yourself first.ย  You need to tell yourself your subconscious and the Universe that you are a worthy investment. I promise you, what you put into yourself comes back to you a thousand-fold.

Find a mentor

One of the best investments you can make in yourself is finding a mentor. You can’t do everything yourself, no matter how talented you are. Everyone needs support and guidance. Wherever you are on your journey, there is always someone ahead of you leading the way, and others trailing in your footsteps for you to guide them. The more you learn, the more you have to share.

Let others support you

Being part of community is essential for your success. Connect with other people through your root chakra. Find a tribe to connect with and nourish your root chakra. You need roots to grow and thrive.

When you’re with others who share your hopes and dreams, as well as your skills and talents, not only can you support each other as you learn together,ย  you have people who speak your language and understand you. If you feel isolated and alone it makes it more difficult for you to branch out and grow! Your meant to thrive!

Listen to your heart

Accept what the universe gives you to realize your dream. You must do your part. Listen to that voice inside of you. It is yearning to be expressed. That’s your intuition speaking to you – and it will always guide you toward happiness.

Never give up on yourself, on your dreams, and what you are meant to do in the world. You’re born for a reason. Your passions will always lead you to your purpose. Remember that.

Lots of love, Kari

Being Present

Do you ever have that wonderful feeling that all is going well for you? That your life is completely in-sync and you are flooded with creativity and joy? That is the powerful feeling of having Spirit move through you and direct your life.ย  At these moments, you are truly inspired. In fact, the word inspired can be broken down to “in-Spirit.” This magnificent feeling is our birthright, as we are all Divine at our core.

Yet most of us, quite often, block the flow of Spirit and therefore isolate ourselves from the Source, and our life begins to show distress. When we close ourselves off from the power and flow of Spirit; when we push too hard or act out of fear, we block Spirit from moving through us and close ourselves off from its power. This is what is often referred to as “ego” mind.

All around you, everywhere is a Universal Life force of unlimited potential and creativity. Just as fish swim in an invisible (to them) atmosphere called the ocean, we too have an energy field around us that is always there, yet invisible to the naked eye. When we live in the present moment, our minds open and receive this Universal Life force; we are guided towards correct action and our lives are fulfilling.

Potential Blocks To Being Present

Before I discuss further how to better connect to Spirit, I would like to remind you of the ways we block the flow of Spirit and revert into ego mind. Perhaps you can relate to some of them:


  • Worry about what others think about you
  • Judge yourself by your possessions
  • Define your self by what you do or your achievements
  • Feel competitive or jealous of others
  • Feel disconnected from and criticized by God
  • Fear for the future
  • Dwell on the past
  • Compare yourself to others

That list was easy for me to make. Ask my why!

3 Steps To Meditation As A Tool

So how do we get back to allowing Spirit to guide us and connect to the Divine Will? The good news is since Spirit is always there for you, you don’t have to strive to find it. You just need to stop blocking it.

Meditation is a powerful tool for stilling the mind and opening yourself to the Divine. If you do not already have a practice, or don’t know how to do it, take heart – it’s easy! There are many techniques out there, with thousands of books and tapes on the process. Find a basic technique below.

Step 1

Turn your phone off and find a relaxing place.ย  Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet on the floor and palms on your lap – or sit on a cushion on the floor. Mentally, scan your body for any tension. Start with your toes, ankles, legs, etc all the way up to the top of your head. If you notice any tension, release it.

Step 2

Now, breathe in and slowly let the breath out. You may want to count to five on the “in” and “out” breaths until your breath is slow and even. Pay attention to the breath as it fills your body. Breathe in. Breathe out. Feel your breath sink into your body and cleanse you.

Step 3

As you are doing this, you may notice that you have many thoughts that try to steal your attention from your breath. This is natural. For this moment, just let the thought pass without indulging in it. Put your attention back to the breath. Thoughts come, thoughts go. Your breath is the focus. Breathe in. Breathe out. It’s easy!

Meditation practice helps to still the mind so you do not indulge in ego thoughts, merely let them pass while you focus your intention on something life enhancing. You may use a mantra, image or affirmation too. Try this for at least ten minutes a day, and you will definitely start to feel more relaxed and peaceful.

Expanded Practice

But why settle for just ten minutes? What about the other fifteen hours and fifty minutes or so of your waking hours? You do not need to be in sitting meditation to utilize this peaceful technique. In fact, meditation is a practice to help you discipline your mind so you can maintain presence during your daily activities. So try this:

Watch all of your thoughts as an observer. Expand your awareness this week (month, year, life, etc.) during your daily activities and notice when you are reverting back to ego mind. You will know when it happens instantly, and instead of indulging in your thoughts, try to step back from them for a moment and focus on your breath as you let them pass. These thoughts are like clouds that obscure the clear blue sky, yet are not the sky themselves.

We can get lost in habitual thinking, feeling as if our life will fall apart if we do not continually try to figure everything out. Ironically, the more you do this, the less powerful you are. True power comes from stilling the mind and allowing the flow of Divine Will – the ultimate power. Remind yourself of this if you are tempted to indulge in your thoughts. Let them pass like clouds in the sky.

As you do this, you will notice that you feel more relaxed, joyful, and present. As you continue to do this, your life will change for the better as you receive inspired guidance and your intuition flourishes!

I hope you enjoy every moment being present.

If you would like to continue to explore Meditation as a tool, check out my article, How To Manage Your Emotions With Meditation.