Mercury Retrograde is a gift to your soul!

That’s probably not what you’d expect to hear about this infamous transit in astrology. Yet, the Universe is truly offering you the most benevolent love-tap when your computer goes haywire and all your communications go amiss.

Mercury is the speedster of the skies. It’s the fastest moving planet in our solar system, zipping along at a dizzying pace.

Aren’t there some days you feel like that too? Perhaps you are racing ahead with your life, either not thinking about what your intentions are, or heading toward goals that no longer feel true to your heart.

Mercury Retrograde makes you slow down. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

Those days when your computer freezes and your hard-drive fails, maybe it’s because YOU are in overdrive. Perhaps your computer is showing you that you need to shut down your technology, so you can get outside and reboot your soul.

Mercury governs the mind. When Mercury is in Retrograde, which means it appears to move backwards from the Earth’s perspective, it’s the perfect time to reflect upon intuitive impressions that you might have overlooked throughout your daily life.

There is a connection between your Life Path and Mercury Retrograde. Since each of the Life Path Numbers processes intuitive information in their own unique way, they might make the best use of the reflective energies of Mercury Retrograde. Below you will find your Life Path Number in the numerology guide to Mercury Retrograde.



Your Life Path is a Numerology Guide to Mercury Retrograde.

Enter your Birth Date in the calculator below to find your Life Path Number.


Your Numbers



1 Life Path

You’re always so full of inspired ideas! As a 1 Life Path, your purpose is to learn to have the confidence to follow-through on your brilliant inspirations, and put them into action!

Though Mercury Retrograde might not be the easiest time to move forward with your plans, you CAN use this time to remember all the visions that have come to you. Connect your ideas and ambitions with your heart to see which ones need to be brought to life. Chances are, you tucked some dreams away that are ready to come true!

2 Life Path

You’re such a sensitive soul! As a 2 Life Path, you naturally FEEL things very deeply. Yet, perhaps you’re so busy pleasing other people, and making sure everyone else is happy, you don’t always make YOUR happiness a priority. If you find yourself overwhelmed, or over-emotional, it’s because you need to take time to catch up with your feelings. Journaling is a wonderful way to express your emotions.

Perhaps you need to have a conversation with the loved ones in your life and let them know what’s on your mind and in your heart. Make sure you’re allowing your imagination to wander. That’s a wonderful way to tune into your dreams and desires, and let them begin to take shape.


Numerology Guide to Mercury Retrograde

3 Life Path

Even when Mercury is not in retrograde, you most likely have a tendency to keep your feelings to yourself. Since you’re so sensitive, in an effort to avoid rejection or disappointment, you can avoid expressing how you truly feel. This buries your emotions deeper and deeper.

You can use this time while our communication planet is in reversal to connect with those feelings you have been hiding from yourself and others. USE YOUR VOICE to share your feelings. Have that conversation you’ve been avoiding. Start that creative project you’ve been dreaming about. It’s time for you to show the world that you really are!

4 Life Path

4 is the number that relates to the Earth and all matters of the material world. Home, family, career and finances are all priorities for you. No matter how spontaneous and adventurous you are, you crave security and make your choices accordingly.

You might not like systems and order, yet your soul chose a Life Path where you need to learn how to create them. Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time to revisit the foundations of your life and square your corners.

One of your life’s lessons is to learn patience and process. That’s precisely what the trickster planet is teaching you now. If things aren’t moving forward as fast as you would like, perhaps it’s time to revisit your steps and find new ways of manifesting your goals.


Numerology Guide to Mercury Retrograde

5 Life Path

Decision-making typically isn’t the easiest for you. With so many wonderful ideas in your head, and experiences you want to enjoy, how can you choose just one? Since you’re usually go, go go, with Mercury Retrograde, the Universe is helping you take a look at some of those amazing ideas you might have previously overlooked. Instead of trying to do EVERYTHING at once, now is the perfect time to tune into your body and listen to your heart, rather than think your way through the next step.

What feels resonant to you? What really lights you up inside? That’s the best way to figure out what’s next for you now. Of course, there are a million other things you want to do too. You’ll figure out the path ofย  journey one delightful step at a time.

6 Life Path

Oh, goodness – you’re a busy bee, aren’t you? You tend to take on too much responsibility. Your motto is, “if it’s not done right, I’ll do it myself”, and we know nobody gets it done as perfectly as you, right? Yet, this Mercury Retrograde is teaching you that something has got to give! You need to let go of what doesn’t belong to you and begin delegating.

It’s okay if things aren’t done perfectly. It’s more important that you take care of your beautiful self! Slowing down isn’t the easiest thing for you with so many people counting on you to be there for them. And yet, deep inside, you know that taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do for your loved ones. Always remember that!

Guide to Mercury Retrograde

7 Life Path

You’ve got quite a head on your shoulders! Your amazingly perceptive mind is always picking up insights and information that others overlook. With your keen Spidey senses, it’s easy for your mind to go into overdrive and think your way through your decisions.

And yet, one of your major life lessons is to learn to TRUST that wonderful intuition of yourself. Mercury Retrograde is divinely designed to help you re-connect with the intuitive information you might have previously overlooked.

So, TUNE IN. That’s the way you’re going to know what your next best step is. Rather than over-think things, try FEELING your way through your next decision. Make sure you GROUND your energy every day by bringing your energy back into your body and imagine that you have roots that connect to the Earth.

When you’re grounded, ask your HEART what’s best for you. The answers are always inside you. Since you’re a mystic at heart (whether you realize it or not!), try using oracle cards to give you clarity. Writing in your journal also does wonders for your soul.

8 Life Path

So many plans, so little time! Isn’t that how you’re feeling right now? You’re a BIG picture person. Of course, that means, you can often take on more than you can handle. Even though you have super human strengths and skills, you must remember that we DO live in the dimension of time and space. Mercury Retrograde is reminding you of that. Here’s a word that can help you – BOUNDARIES.

Yes, the number 8 is the infinity symbol on its side, but that doesn’t mean you have unlimited resources for everything. You need to discriminate what is a worthy investment of your time, money, and energy.

Take a close look at the relationships in your life, and all the commitments you said YES to, and examine what needs you to say NO. Delegate responsibility if you need to. Allow yourself to be supported! Yes, you CAN do everything yourself, but that doesn’t mean you have to!


Numerology Guide to Mercury Retrograde

9 Life Path

You sweet, beautiful soul! Of course, you want to be all things to all people. You are a humanitarian at heart! You take on other people’s cares as if they are your own. There are times, however, when you absolutely need to focus on your well-being. Now is one of those times. If you find yourself taking things personally, it’s because you’re not allowing enough time to yourself to process your feelings. Mercury Retrograde is reminding you to do that.

You also have a deep intuitive knowing about people and circumstances that you sometimes ignore. Use this time as an opportunity to get in touch with your inner knowing. Meditate. Journal. Enjoy time in nature. Above all, honor what you know to be your truth instead of listening to other people’s opinions. You have all the answers inside you. Only you know what’s best for yourself.

11 Life Path

You have so many inspired ideas! Sometimes it’s challenging to keep up with them all. If you’re not acting on your inspiration, your mind can race, and it can be taxing on your nervous system. You are a natural healer. Once you begin to EXPRESS your incredible insights and intuition, your whole life will unfold joyfully. You’re a Master Number, which means you will have greater challenges and bigger opportunities.

One of your life lessons is learning how to become comfortable being unique. Your light is meant to shine brightly, to be a beacon for others. If you’ve been afraid of sharing your gifts or expressing your true nature, Mercury Retrograde is giving you a second chance.

What’sย  inside you who’s been tucked away because you’ve been afraid of showing your true self to the world? Pay attention to your dreams – both waking and during your sleep. They are revealing to you some buried treasure. Move your body with plenty of exercise, so you can catch up with that brilliant mind of yours. Most importantly, exuberantly express your true authentic self. The world is waiting for you!


Numerology Guide to Mercury Retrograde

22 Life Path

There’s so much more inside you waiting to be shared! You are a Master Number, which means you have greater challenges and greater opportunities. Your wisdom is meant to be passed on to others to benefit the greater good. Yet perhaps, you get so caught up in making sure your loved ones are safe and secure, or perhaps you’ve been making “safe” choices, that you’ve forgotten about your dreams.

Mercury Retrograde is reminding you to have balance between work and play, as well as other people’s needs and your own. Make sure you are receiving support. Let others help you. Delegate. Say “no” when something doesn’t feel right. And most importantly, have fun! Is there a hobby or activity that you absolutely loved that you have neglected?

This is the perfect time to engage in activities that make your heart sing! Though you have big plans for your future, now is the time to focus on making sure all your foundations are working well – that includes your home, family, and finances. You may feel impatient now, but remember, you are building your dreams step by step!

33 Life Path

Your new mantra is, “Let it go!”. Of course, you can be all things to all people. You can take on responsibility like a superhero. Yet, that might not always be what’s best for you. You are a creative visionary, so you can see what needs to be done in order for it to be perfect. Yet, that can be exhausting.

Mercury Retrograde is teaching you to let go of trying to control your circumstances and environment. Who better than the trickster planet to do that? Instead of trying to do everything for everyone, make YOUR happiness a priority. Have fun. Create. Play. Be in nature. Allow others to help you! If you let yourself slow down and relax, you just might find things work better! The Universe will support you every day in every way.

Lighten up, and remember to laugh!

The trickster planet is reminding you to have a sense of humor! When things go wrong, instead of stressing and fretting, laugh and remind yourself not to take things too seriously. The winged messenger is reminding you to stay light! Use this numerology guide to Mercury retrograde and enjoy your life!

Numerology Guide to Mercury Retrograde

In this video, I share insights about Mercury Retrograde dos and don’ts and answer some of your most pressing questions!

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Show Transcription

Mercury Retrograde Guide to Do’s And Don’ts

Hi, I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor, and happiness coach, and we are talking all about mercury retrograde. This is the transit known for mischief, mayhem, all kinds of madness, and it’s actually a time when you can have productivity, and positive energy, and peace, and tranquility.

It can be a really magical time if you know how to navigate it, and that’s what I’m going to help you with right now. If you’re going with the flow of the energy of mercury retrograde, it’s incredible, and if you’re forcing against it, then that’s when all of those crazy things happen.

Mercury Retrograde Guide to Do’s And Don’ts

I’m going to help you really navigate this, and it’s essential to know the mercury retrograde do’s and the don’ts. It’s not to say you can’t do certain things, but the suggested do’s and don’ts. So, it actually feels like mercury is retrograde at random times, and it’s just random, right? Here’s the thing, it’s not random.

Like everything in the universe, there’s a divine timing to this, and it happens every 88 days for three weeks at a time. So, it’s three to four times a year, and it’s best if you put it on your calendar so that you know how to plan for it. I actually have dates for you for mercury retrograde in my guide below that you can access for free. And that way you can put it on your calendar, and you know to plan for it.

So with that said, here is how you plan for Mercury retrograde. First, let’s talk about what it is, and why it happens, okay? Mercury is the fastest moving planet in the Zodiac. It’s like a little speed racer, right?

Mercury is zipping around the solar system, and every 88 days, when mercury goes retrograde from the Earth’s perspective, it appears to be moving backwards. It’s really not moving backwards, it’s really just like when one car is going past another, the other car, it looks as if it’s moving backwards, so that’s the retrograde.

Go Back

But because this is a fast-moving planet and because Mercury in astrology governs your mind, how you communicate all kinds of comings and goings as well as methods that we use to communicate and transportation. So, when mercury is retrograde and in that backward seeming motion, this is a time for you to go back and retrace your steps.

To go back and retrace aspects of your mind that you have overlooked. Because if you think about it, what you perceive in your day-to-day life is really a small portion of all the intuitive information that you’re receiving. And think about this as well. How many times do you say to yourself, I’ll get to that later. I’ll deal with this another time. I’ll look at this later. Oh, I don’t have time to figure that out right now.

Well, these mercury retrograde cycles are the perfect time to go back and collect those pieces of information and deal with those projects that you keep sweeping under the rug. And we all do it, right? So, this is the perfect time. And that’s when the trickster energy happens.

When we keep wanting to move forward, we keep wanting to race ahead and go about with our intentions or what we think our intentions are. When the universe is trying to get you to go back and collect yourself. And maybe the ways you communicate and the means in which you communicate, include in your computers or even electronics or appliances or your car, isn’t functioning at its best. Okay. And maybe there are things that you missed. There are things that you need to pick up on.


There are pieces of intuitive information that you are overlooking that are essential for you to recognize and so that you can reassess your intention. So, that after mercury goes direct again, when you’re moving forward at that fast pace, you can do it in a way that you have a brand-new perspective.

Or at least a revised perspective with essential information that you would have missed. It’s kind of like the universe’s way of saying easy now, speed racer, and you need to chillax. You need to take some time out and refuel. And you’ll notice there’s a lot of “re” words when Mercury retrograde is happening. Those are the ones to focus on.


So, there are some general rules, suggestions, I wouldn’t call them rules. They’re really suggestions because they’re here to help you. Again, this is about going with the flow of energy and when you are rushing and when you’re moving ahead. It is important that you are paying attention with these guidelines, okay?

Because what happens during Mercury retrograde is that your mind is changing. So, that’s why we apply these guidelines because after Mercury retrograde, your mind is going to be different. There’s going to be different information in there. So one of the things you may have heard actually to not do during Mercury is sign contracts.

Now, why is that? Again, because you’re changing your mind, and you don’t necessarily want to commit to someone or something when mercury is retrograde. Because typically afterwards, when it goes direct, there’s a duo over. It’s like things can get missed, things can get overlooked.

So if you do have to sign a contract during mercury retrograde, really it’s recommended if you get someone to look at it for you, to look at other details, to catch things that you might miss. And really make sure that you’re reading this thoroughly and don’t be afraid if you have to sign a contract, just know that there may be some do-overs.


Now again, in terms of buying electronics, that’s also not recommended. First, we’re talking about what’s not recommended. So buying large appliances or cars or making large purchases. Now why is that? Again, because you’re going to be changing your mind, most likely.

So, you want to avoid committing to something that you may realize afterwards you want something different. For instance, let’s say you purchase a 15-inch computer, and then you realize afterwards this thing’s too big. I want something lighter, I want something smaller, I want something more portable. Or maybe vice versa. It’s that kind of thing.

So if you do make a large purchase or something like that, make sure that you have some kind of return option for it, or you’re buying a warranty. So if you change your mind later or something goes wrong with it, you have some safety precaution. Because you actually might need to buy something while mercury is retrograde because things break.

The reason that things break during Mercury retrograde, often it’s not like a random thing. Again, nothing’s random. It’s one of those things that it’s like if something was already not on a proper foundation or there was something amiss with it or there was something not stable about it, then during the retrograde is when that’s going to be revealed.

It’s not like it’s an out-of-the-blue thing. Likewise, it’s like, wow, this has been on the verge of broken for this whole time. And during mercury retrograde is when that’s revealed. Okay. So it can happen with the ways you communicate as well.

Digital and Electronics During Mercury Retrograde

I remember years and years ago when I just had a few hundred people on my newsletter list and I was sending emails by Gmail, not a real email system but via Gmail. This was a long time ago.

And I remember it was during a mercury retrograde, I was sending out an email and I discovered that my emails were only getting sent to 25 people at a time, and I was sending them to a few hundred people and it’s one of those things that I realized during mercury retrograde. See, “re”, realize is an “re” word. I realized it during mercury retrograde, but it was something that was broken the whole time.

And I had another thing happened to me years later, again, still years ago, but where a different email situation. I did finally have a proper email delivery service for my newsletters. But when people forwarded my emails and other people signed up for my newsletter, their names would get mismatched and one person would disappear, and I discovered that during mercury retrograde.

Now it’s frustrating when it happens. You’re like, why is this happening to me? The universe hates me at this moment. But really, what’s happening is that the universe is protecting you because you’re discovering something that was broken, right? In that case, it was a system, a form of communication, and it gave me a chance to repair, revise, fix it. So, that moving forward, I wouldn’t be losing people on my newsletter.


You see in those situations, it’s really the trickster energy trying to help you. There’s other situations, like let’s say you are writing a book or a newsletter or whatever, and this has happened to me before, blog posts, where I’ve been writing and like everything in my energy is telling me to stop.

It’s like I’m exhausted, I’m not thinking straight anymore, and I keep pushing through. It’s like I keep wanting, no, I just want to finish it. No, I just want to get it done. And all of a sudden it just disappears into cyberspace. Gone forever.

That’s a mercury retrograde thing too. Why is that? That’s because I’m pushing ahead. Right? So if you’re pushing up, you’re forcing things that shouldn’t be forced. If you’re trying to do things that the universe is telling you, stop, this is not the time to move ahead. This is the time to go back and to review things.

This is time to look over what you already have. That’s when the trickster energy happens. So just remember when that happens, when all those annoying things happen, like your flight gets delayed during mercury retrograde.

This is another thing. It’s okay to travel during mercury retrograde. Just make sure you have very flexible plans. Leave some space, not just with traveling. With anything you have planned, leave a lot of space during mercury retrograde because first of all, your energy is going to be different because during retrograde your energy is more inward than outward and it’s not a moving forward energy. So you want to have that flexibility. So in all of your events that you have during mercury retrograde, so just remember that. Be flexible.

Be Flexible During Mercury Retrograde

So I have some suggestions of what to do during mercury retrograde. One thing we talked about was being flexible. Please be flexible, right? The other thing very helpful, is to practice being present. It’s not rushing ahead energy that gets us in trouble and creates that trickster.

This is such a wonderful time for you to collect yourself, for you to go back in and gather your thoughts and your feelings that you have overlooked during the other times of the year when you’re just racing ahead.

So this is the time to really catch up and know what you’re thinking and feeling and collecting those pieces of information that are very important for you moving forward. I see so often people are walking their dogs and they’re looking at their phone while they’re walking the dogs or they’re driving and they’re looking at the phone. It’s like stop looking at your phone unless you’re watching this video, which

I hope is helpful. But in general it’s like, put it down. Be here in your life, be present, be with your dog, be present while you’re driving. Be present with yourself and the people in your life. And instead of thinking about what you’re doing next, or trying to do more, be here and notice what you’re thinking and what you’re feeling and what you’re observing.

Laugh, Don’t Launch

So really another way to do this is to really take more time to meditate and/or write during Mercury retrograde, because that’s going to help you catch up with yourself and really connect with what you’re thinking and feeling. You might not realize it, but you may be on autopilot sometimes, you know?

So also, I didn’t say this before, but it’s not as good to launch new things or try new projects during mercury retrograde, but you can launch something that you’ve already shared with the world before, it’s a great time to redo something. So another thing that’s absolutely essential to remember during mercury retrograde is to have a sense of humor. Life is hilarious. The universe is hilarious.

And if you remember in those times that things are going wrong, that really in the grand scheme of things, this is here to help you and don’t take yourself or life so seriously. The more you lighten up and have a sense of humor. Really that’s what the trickster energy is helping you do. Lighten up, laugh. When you’re so stressed and you’re furrowing your brow and freaking out. Just laugh. See what happens. Will change your body chemistry.

“re” Words

So, see that just made me laugh even just thinking about it. Now what the essential during Mercury retrograde is all the “re” words. So reflect, renew, revise, repair, regenerate, recreate, relieve tension by having a massage. Release negative thoughts. It’s a great time for anything “re” so anything “re” you can think of. So those piles of paper that you’ve been meaning to review, it’s great time to review those.

Things that have been sitting there that you’ve been meaning to repair, it’s a great time to do those. It’s also good to revise your work or revise your website or revise writing that you’ve been having that you… Instead of, let’s say you’re writing something and instead of writing more chapters, it’s good to go back and edit it. So anything “re” all this going back stuff is what this time is really essential for.

And it’s also a wonderful time for healing, reprogramming your subconscious mind. Anything having to do with healing, letting go of the past, reviewing the past so that you can revise and revision the past. So, you can create your future. All of that, it’s so productive during this time.

If you really know and you put it on your calendar, okay, during Mercury retrograde, I have it planned and I’m going to take more time to myself and take care of all those things that I’ve been meaning to take care of. I’m not going to push myself or overdo it. I’m going to reflect and renew and rejuvenate my energy and release what isn’t serving me. It is a magical time.

Numerology and Mercury Retrograde

Now, there’s one thing I didn’t cover talking about today, that is your specific numerology for Mercury retrograde. And I have created a whole guide for you, which you can get for free using the link below. So if you want to know more about mercury retrograde specifically for your numerology.

It is so helpful when you know that, and you can get that information for free using the link below. And it is so much fun once you realize, again, how accurate and specific the universe is and and how nothing’s random. So I encourage you to download that link, the free numerology guide to mercury retrograde. It’s really fun and really informative.

So I hope this has helped you. Have fun and make the most of this magical time that we call Mercury retrograde. So if you’ve enjoyed this video, feel free to share it with your friends, like and subscribe it. I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment below about how you manifest during mercury retrograde. It’s an incredible time. So thanks again and I have much more to share with you. So stay tuned and I will talk to you soon. Lots of love. Bye for now.

Mercury Retrograde is here! Don’t fear!

Here’s your Mercury Retrograde Guide! You can THRIVE and not just survive during this magical time!

What is This Retrograde?

It’s not the Universe trying to break your computers, and make you miscommunicate.

The trickster transit is actually here to help you!

In this video, I share with you insights you probably haven’t heard anywhere else. I’ll answer some of your most pressing questions.

Mercury Retrograde can be a peaceful, productive time of reflection and growth.

I hope this Guide brings you peace and prosperity. ๐Ÿ™‚

You can truly make this the most magical time!

It’s important to put the dates of this retrograde on your calendar, so you can plan. You can find out those dates as well as your numerology guide to Mercury Retrograde in the free download below.

For further exploration, take a look at my article, How To Thrive (And Not Just Survive) During Mercury Retrograde.

Enjoy and share the love!



Do Children Remember Past Lives?

Do you remember being fascinated with faraway lands as a child? Or obsessed with a certain era of history?

Thereโ€™s a reason for this. You most likely lived in that time or place in another life.

As a child, I was very aware of past lives.

I thought about them all the time. (Spoiler alert – I was not a โ€œnormalโ€ child!).

When I was seven years old, I learned to play the piano. I distinctly remember when my teacher was showing me how to read music, I had a recollection of learning it in another life, so I thought it was easy.

I had the same experience with math.

As an adult, when I started studying numerology in-depth, I discovered that Pythagoras, who is considered the โ€œgrandfather of numerologyโ€ had a Mystery School. In this school, people learned math and music, as well as astrology and numerology. They were also vegetarians.

Aha, I thought! Though I grew up in a family of carnivores, I became a vegetarian when I was 15! I also always loved Greek art, culture and theater.

Most children forget their past lives by the time theyโ€™re old enough to speak about them.

And yet, the remnants of past lives live within us all the time.

Weโ€™ve all seen these children on talent shows who have a preternatural gift. Yes, thereโ€™s genetics, but the reason that they chose their parents before they were born is to help them nurture their gifts.

You also have phobias that you bring from past lives too.

Do you have a seemingly irrational fear that you canโ€™t shake? Itโ€™s probable it came from a trauma you experienced in a past life.

Children carry these fears with them in their subconscious. Yet, most of them donโ€™t remember where this phobia came from.

Some children remember past lives in vivid detail.

Many times, if a child has nightmares or is obsessed with a particular era in time itโ€™s because they have unresolved trauma from a previous life that ended suddenly or tragically.

Past Life Cast Study

University of Virginia has a psychology professor named Jim Tucker who documented thousands of such cases in great detail.

There are 2500 cases of childrenโ€™s past lives documented in the University of Virginia files.

Professor Tucker has been investigating claims made by children for over fifteen years. These children, who are usually between 2 and 6 years old, can often provide details about their past lives that they can be traced back to an actual person.

Thereโ€™s one well-known case of an 11-year-old boy named James Leininger. He was plagued by nightmares, and drew frightening pictures of planes over water engulfed in flames.

He was having vivid terrifying memories of his experience as a fighter pilot named James Huston in World War II. This young boy had very details about his previous life and could accurately describe the type of plane he flew, and could name every one of his fellow soldiers and had details about their families as well.

He knew things that he couldnโ€™t possibly have known even looking on the internet. The obsession the boy had with his previous life and the trauma he was re-experiencing never ceased.

Finally, he could return to the location where his plane went down in his previous life. With the assistance of some caring adults, he could release the trauma of that event from his subconscious, and was finally free to go about living a normal happy life.

Ask what they remember.

Many parents assume their children are exercising their imagination when they speak of their other lives. Yet, they might be revealing actual memories

When your child speaks of other families or a different time or place, ask them questions about what they remember. They just might reveal to you some secrets from the Other Side.


Discover the secrets within your astrology birth chart! Learn what the glyphs and lines reveal about your personal journey.

Your birth chart is a map of your soul.

If you’ve ever seen your birth chart, otherwise known as your natal chart, you may be confused by the many weird glyphs. It probably creates more confusion than awe.

Your birth chart is truly magical!

Your astrology birth chart begins when you take your first breath.

What seems like random lines and symbols is a snapshot of the sky the moment you were born.

Each symbol on your astrology birth chart represents a planet or constellation in the heavens. The lines on your chart illustrate a sacred geometry.

Your birth chart is a map of your psyche.

You may be familiar with the concept that your soul planned your life before you were born.

Your soul has an intention to express your unique gifts and heal your karmic patterns.

Nothing is random. Your soul chose your exact time, place, and name at birth that embody the energies you are meant to express.

Your astrology birth chart offers a detailed blueprint of your psyche. Each planet represents an archetype.

Here are some examples of what your natal chart reveals about you:

The Sun represents how you radiate and express yourself, your conscious drives, and your father.

The Moon represents your inner world, emotions, and unconscious drives. It also illuminates your relationship to your mother and motherhood.

Your Rising Sign represents how others see you and how you show up in the world.

Mercury offers insight into your communication style and how your mind works.

Mars can show us your assertion, vitality, confidence, and sexual drives

Venus reveals what you value and desire.

Jupiter gives us a glimpse into your ideals, philosophy, and need for expansiveness.

Saturn is a stern taskmaster that shows you where you need to create boundaries and structure so you can heal your fears and claim your authority.

Uranus is the change-maker that will urge you to break free from limiting circumstances.

Neptune illustrates your connection to spirit and the divine, and also where you can lose yourself.

Pluto shows us your shadow side, where you have your deepest fears and potential for dramatic transformation.

Astrology Reports

The HOUSES in your astrology birth chart show the areas in your life where these energies express themselves.

The ASPECTS show where the energies within your life are in conflict, tension, or harmony.

Your birth chart illuminates every aspect of your life.

Family dynamics, karmic patterns, fears, gifts, relationships – it’s all there!

It’s the most profound tool for understanding WHY you have experienced your life’s challenges and HOW you can channel your gifts to fulfill your greatest potential.

If you want to delve deeper into your astrology birth chart, I encourage you to learn more about yourself here.

I hope this has helped you realize how precious and meaningful your life is on this planet.


Numerology life path number key to happiness, success, and love. Learn to transform your life’s challenges as you align with your destiny.

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Life Path Numbers: Numerology and Your Soul Purpose

Hi, it’s Kari here and I’m popping online today because I have so much to share with you about numerology life path number. I’ve been writing about numerology and soul contracts and there’s so much I have to say about numerology life path number. So I thought why don’t I just say it with actual words. I am speaking to you about two of my favorite topics, numerology and soul contracts. I have so much to share about this, including insights related to numerology life path number. I’m so passionate about sharing the information that I have received from my spirit guides over the course of over 20 years doing thousands of readings and thousands of courses for people, , which often involve discussions about numerology life path number.

I want to share some of my insight with you because I know it can help you understand your numerology life path number. You probably know me as from my forecasts, right? I do these monthly numerology and astrology forecasts and I also incorporate tarot and information that I received from my spirit guides, sometimes related to numerology life path number.

And when I do these forecasts, everyone always says to me, you’re talking directly to me. How did you know this about me? Cause it’s really personal and there’s an art to this as an art and a science to interpreting numbers and symbols. But the thing is it’s universal. It feels very personal. How does this even make sense? I’m talking about universal themes and somehow they always affect you very personally.

Numerology and Life Path Numbers

This is one of the things I want to talk about with numerology, especially because we have 12 life paths, essentially, which directly relate to numerology life path number. There’s one through nine and then the master numbers 11, 22 and 33 and it’s one of those things, it’s like, well how can this be personal if they’re general. So I want to explain to you how I came to this and what makes variances with this information and what it has to do with your past lives and your soul and your soul’s purpose.

So once again, you probably know me from these forecasts. Well, you might not know that I am very, very psychic. In fact, for over 20 years, I’ve been doing psychic readings. Now I stopped doing personal one on one psychic readings many years ago because what happened was I kept seeing the same themes of people’s lives over and over and over again. And my purpose and my passion is to help as many people as I can in this life that I have this time around, right?

I wanted to become a full-time teacher, sharing insights about numerology life path number. So I became a full-time teacher. This is what I do full time. I love it and it lights my soul. And this is one reason I’m sharing this with you right now, including insights about numerology life path number. So even among psychics, I’m actually pretty different. Go figure because, there’s so many different types of psychics out there, , each with their own unique connection to understanding things like numerology life path number.

Your Chosen Life Path

It’s such a rare profession and each one of us is very unique just like with anything else, including our perspectives on numerology life path number. And when people think about psychics, they think about fortune telling or seeing the future. But that’s actually not what we all do. And that’s definitely not what I specialize in, though my insights often involve aspects related to numerology life path number.

Now, obviously if you know my forecast, you know I forecast the future not by telling you what, what is definitely going to happen to you, but by discussing probable energies, sometimes influenced by numerology life path number. I talk about the energies, the probable energies in the future and this is how I use these numbers and planets and symbols and the information I received from my spirit guides. However, as a psychic, my specialty was reading your past in particular past lives and your life planning, including insights into numerology life path number. So what you planned before you were born. So if you’ve been around the metaphysical community, you most likely know that you’ve heard about.

We choose their life before we’re born in and yet that, I mean, what do you even make a bat? Right? It’s kind of confusing and you know, sometimes you would think like, why would I choose that? Why would I choose this body, these parents, this, these circumstances, these hardships.

Look for Patterns

And that’s what I specialized in. Why you chose your life and how your soul is growing from that. And I’m also an energy healer because I studied a lot of energy healing techniques because I didn’t want to just leave people in this quagmire of, like what? But let me tell you something about the healing. And this is why I love numerology and this is why I find it healing. Because when I was studying these these past lives and how people were planning, one of the most important tools that I use is numerology to look at what the soul has planned in this lifetime.

Also the subconscious fears and karmic lessons that we have in that. And I have found that numerology is like the gateway into the soul. It is basically like reading a map of the soul. And as a psychic, when I did these readings, how dozens and thousands of readings for 10 years, the life path number was the only number I looked, they may have even been longer than 10 years because I wanted to study this. I wanted to study this in actual people, not from a book. I didn’t learn this from books. And, I learned this from seeing patterns in people’s lives and what they all had in common for each number and also what the gifts are.

Be Happy in Your Way

We all express ourselves in very unique ways. And one reason that numerology has been so helpful for me as a psychic and understanding people is that we do have unique ways, but it’s kind of like when you have you know, if you’re about to adopt a dog and I hope you get one from a shelter if you do adopt, you know, when you’re about adopt a dog and there’s different kinds of dogs and they’re each good at different things and they’re, they each have different, different things that they need to do to be happy.

For instance, a pit bull, you’re gonna want to play tug with the pit bull. Cause I’ll need to use that great jaw. If you’re getting a Chihuahua, they may need to be held, you know, a Husky needs to run and they all need, every, all dogs need to exercise. But you know, they each have a very distinct way that they need to be happy. And that is what neurology teaches us. It’s what we need to be happy, how we experience the world.

And each one I found through these thousands of readings, the neurology very much teaches like what? What each number must have to be happy. Also what their past life circumstances are coming in. So I want to talk to you a little bit about this process of choosing our life before we’re born because I don’t really think there’s a lot of information on it and it’s really important because I have found that knowing why you choose certain circumstances is very healing.

Learn from Within

Because if you are just feeling like the universe is random or like why me? What did I do? Did I have some bad karma? Like what did I do wrong? It’s usually not like that. It’s usually your soul wants to learn a set of lessons and you choose your life before you’re born to help you learn those lessons. For instance, you choose your parents to help you not only nourish your gifts but also karmic lessons.

Let’s say for instance you need to learn how to believe in yourself in this lifetime. Well, you might probably choose parents who don’t believe in you who are negative or critical toward you. But that seems counterintuitive, right? But on a soul level it makes sense because what you’re meant to learn is what your greatest challenge is. If you are just kind of given something. If something is just like a golden spoon or you just are born with something that’s easy for you, there’s no need to learn.

When you don’t have something, you would need to find that from within and then you strengthen that and that becomes through this process of learning how to gain something from within. If you have parents that didn’t enhance your self esteem and you want to learn how to believe in yourself in this lifetime, your going to choose parents sometimes that don’t reinforce this for you so that you learn from within to find your self esteem from within to affirm yourself.

Overcome Challenges

This is one of the ways we’re making these choices on the other side before we come in and this is what my spirit guys mostly shared in readings and of course I help people make empowering choices because that again is my passion and my purpose is to empower people with this knowledge and it becomes a very healing process when you have to heal yourself from within.

It’s like the person who is a was a drug addict for instance, and then they found their healing and they healed themselves through the dark night of the soul and now they want to help others, right? And that’s so much what their life purpose is. You would think that your life purpose is okay, you have these gifts and so you’re born into a family and environment, a body, whatever it is that’s going to just make those gifts easy for you. And sometimes that’s the case.

Oftentimes your greatest gifts that you share with the world are the result of you overcoming your greatest challenges. And this is one reason we choose the whatever bodies we’re in, the parents, we have the city you’re born in, you choose all of this before you’re born. So I hope you’re gaining some kind of understanding of, Oh, okay, I see.

Subconscious Patterns

Now you may notice that life here isn’t always easy, right? So things that are easy, those are gifts that you don’t need to work on in this life. And so those are meant to be shared joyfully and easily. And what you came to do is often the result of your greatest challenge, right? Because it’s strengthened from within. So one of the things that I noticed in doing these thousands of readings for so many people, now again, I didn’t learn numerology from books. I learned numerology from the sessions I had and the information that came through with my spirit guides about each person’s life and the life path numbers.

I started to see some past life traumas for each number and subconscious patterns. It’s actually even in my birth chart, I have a lot of 12 house in my birth chart and 12 house. The 12 house is the house of subconscious mind and psychic energy. So I can actually read subconscious thoughts and those are what I help heal as well. When you hear someone’s psychic you don’t know that. Some psychics don’t do that and some psychics are really specialized in helping see the future. We all have our gifts and psychics talk to departed loved ones. And isn’t that amazing how we’re so unique?

Share Your Gifts

And that’s the whole point. This is what I share and I teach in everything I do is helping people understand their uniqueness. Because when we come down here, we have all this conditioning about really that we’re all meant to be exactly the same, that you’re supposed to enjoy certain activities and flock in the same kind of groups and have a secure job that means that it’s like a regular paycheck that’s coming from somebody else.

None of these things are accurate for all people. And so when you understand, you know, we have these tools, right? So we have astrology and numerology and our spirit guides and our intuition. They’re all tools that help us decipher why we came down here and how to get to our destiny. So your circumstances that you chose before you were born, that’s fate, and your destiny is what you make of it.

There are certain gifts that you’re meant to share. There are certain people that you’re meant to meet and you don’t have to. It’s when you’re listening to your intuition, when you’re listening to the clues and the universe, it’s like a map, right? It’s guiding you, always guiding you towards your destiny. You can stay in that fateful place where you can go towards your destiny. The beauty is we have tools, and this is one of the reasons that I love numerology. In addition to choosing your parents, choosing your place of birth and choosing your body, and again, I hope I’ve given you more understanding of like, why would I choose that?

Life Path Numbers and Your Birth Chart

In addition to did that, you actually choose your time and place of birth. You choose your name because actually your name is no accident. Every letter in your name has a number, which contributes to your numerology life path number. You choose your first date because of the planetary alignment of your birth date and the numbers in your birth date and a specific life path number that you’re meant to have as well. These are all clues. Now, they’re not just clues, they’re actually the chemistry that you’re made up of. Because if you actually look at the sacred geometry, the energy of each number or each planet, it has a certain energy. So it’s like what ingredients are getting baked into your cake, including your numerology life path number. Kind of mine was a gluten free cake.

What ingredients are being baked into yours? So each one of these symbols and planets and numbers there, you’re there and eat the letters in your name, their energy. So when you look at a birth charter, you look at a life path number, you look at a birthday or even a name. This gives you an idea of the energy that you’re meant to manifest, the energy that you’re working with, including your numerology life path number. That had gives you an idea of the kind of how you experienced the world, what you’re meant to do, what you need to be happy, considering your numerology life path number.

You Chose Your Birth Date

And again, we’re taught we’re all the same. I don’t know why there’s manuals for different breeds of dogs, but not different breeds of people, there are though. These are the tools. Astrology is one, numerology is another, particularly focusing on your numerology life path number. And of course your intuition is one. So you choose your birth date to give you a certain kind of chemistry.

And the beauty is this like a gift from the heavens because your birth date then becomes a clue as to what you need to be happy and what your past life circumstances were that made you choose this kind of direction, including your numerology life path number. And there’s so much healing that comes from just understanding that. But in addition to that, you know what you need to be happy.

So for instance, a seven life path has to have time alone. They have to find a job where they get to research and dig into things, which aligns with their numerology life path number. They just really need to have that time to process this incredible psychic energies. You know, again, you know, seven life paths also come in with some past life beliefs that the world might slip out quickly beneath their feet or they may be betrayed. One life paths need to be independent and foster a sense of independence and they have all these ideas and they need to learn how to manifest them.

Life Path Number 5

So they make great entrepreneurs. There’s certain numbers that are geared more toward being an entrepreneur. There’s certain numbers that are geared more towards security and don’t like that kind of risky business. If you’re a five life path, you live on risky business and it will be so bored if you don’t have it.

So there’s 5 life paths. There are clients of mine, you know, they’ve had maybe multiple spouses or multiple types of jobs, but their life path numbers are about a variety of experiences. For instance, that letters N, E , and W in numerology all add up to five. Each one of those letters is a five. So the five life path is always has to be doing something new. So if you are conditioned to think, wow, I meant to like just have this kind of job and there’s something wrong with me, so I can’t move on to another job because people will think I’m flaky, but that’s actually your life path.

Then if you are five, you’re meant to have variety. For instance, the nine life path they have life lessons around abandonment oftentimes, or they’re old souls, right? So it’s like if you’re an old soul in a fairly young soul world and now you can be an old soul of any number and there’s plenty of young soul life, half nines, I’m sure.

Life Path Number 9

And yet, they have that feeling of the old soul of being different because the nine life path has to learn to get their wisdom from within. It’s the hermit and the tarot that, you know, that Zoso album, the hermit looking inside, on the cover of Led Zeppelin, Zoso. So, when you have someone who’s a nine life path, oftentimes they’ll have parents or an environment where they grew up feeling like nobody understands me or my gifts like had never been nurtured.

When you find out that there’s a reason for that, that your soul chose that, so that you can find that from within. Another example, the four life path. So the four in the tarot is the emperor. The four life paths have to learn how to father themselves. So oftentimes I know a lot of for life paths whose fathers passed away when they were very young because they had to learn how to not have that father and, maybe their fathers were emotionally unavailable or maybe sometimes even abusive or they just idolize their father and never felt like they could live up to them.

Whatever that case is before left have often has this sense of my dad wasn’t there. They often passed away and so when you realize if you are one of these people and your dad passed away when you’re younger and you realize, yeah, you know what, that was part of your soul contract so that you would look, now they’re going to be with you.

Know Your Partner’s Life Path Number

They’re always communicating with you. On the other side, you can be the spirit guide, but if you realize like, wow, my soul chose that because I am meant to learn how to be that authority within how to father myself. That was a choice. It brings so much healing, so this is why I am so passionate about people understanding their numerology. Here’s another thing too. Children, spouses, partners, we all speak different languages. So if you understand what your partner is like, you can speak their love language.

So if you know you’re married to a five life path, who, who craves freedom, you’re not going to be like, Hey, can I put you on a tracking device where I know where you are every minute. You just know you got to speak these people’s languages and opposites attract. So you have to know the love language of your children, your parents, your spouses, your coworkers, every single person on my team. I know they’re numbers so I know what they need to be happy, right?

Me and my partner, I mean we get it right. So I understand, my sweet husband, one life path. So this is why it’s so important to understand what your chart is what course you’ve charted. And this is why I’m so passionate about sharing numerology with you. It’s not just a tool for forecasting and it can be used for that. It’s also a wonderful tool from when your spirit guides want to communicate to you.


If you understand the numbers then you have this whole other language to communicate with your spirit guides and learn your life path. I really feel that understanding your life path, I cannot imagine not knowing that. And for all of my clients that is how I started every single reading. I really looked into those life path numbers and there are so many patterns that are similar with all of them and it’s tremendously healing.

It’s tremendously helpful for knowing each other with knowing how to communicate with people. And know what you need to be happy because we’re not taught that. We’re taught to be like everybody else and sometimes it’s confusing. So right now I have my Numerology Illuminated course at a very deep discount right now only through the end of the month.

I don’t know how to put this mildly, but I really feel like everyone should understand their life path numbers. And you should understand each other with this because it can be very life changing. It’s on sale right now and this is a three hour masterclass. I go through all of the life path numbers, one through nine, 11, 22 and 33. It will help you understand yourself and every single person in your life. It will completely change the way you look at the world. And the other thing is that you really develop a sense of profound gratitude for the universe and how amazing it is that like our name, our birthday, all of that is planned.

Numerology Illuminated

Nothing is random. You have so much help and so much support. So I hope that this has helped you. And I hope that this helped you understand how special and unique you are. And I hope you take advantage of this numerology illuminated course. There’s also two additional Q and A’s in this. And I teach this in such a way now, have you been with me for any amount of time? You know, I make things very clear. Numerology as it is.

Well, some people would make it very boring, it can be very heady, but it is not. It’s really fun. I make it very fun because it is fun and it’s easy. It’s really easy. And I teach it with the tarot. So it’s actually a course in the tarot and numerology at once. It’s because that’s how I learned it. Because when I was doing readings, I learned the life path numbers by the archetypes of the tarot, and there was so much wisdom that went into the tarot. So I hope that you take advantage of this. I hope that you learn more about yourself so that you can live the life your soul intended.

And I hope you know how much I love you. I hope you take advantage of this. This is on sale just through the end of the month. And I poured my heart into this because I love sharing this information so much. I love you, and that’s all for now. Bye for now.

You might not know this about me but I’m VERY psychic.

I’ve been doing intuitive readings for over twenty years. Yet, even as psychics go I’m pretty different. (Go figure?).

While I do see future probabilities, my specialty is in helping people heal their past. That way, they can make empowering choices for their future.

My team of Spirit Guides specializes in Soul Contracts, those choices you make before your birth.

You chose your life circumstances before you were born.

If you’ve been around the metaphysical community, you’re most likely familiar with the concept of planning your life before you incarnate.

With the help of your wise council of Guides, you choose your physical body, family, soul mates, location of birth, and environment.

You do this to help you nurture your talents, as well as create the challenges for you to work through to heal your karma.

The gifts you are born to share are most likely the results of working through your greatest challenges.

It’s all part of your soul’s plan.

When you transform your greatest challenges, they become your greatest gifts.

One of the easiest and most accurate ways I have found for understanding people’s gifts and challenges is looking at their Life Path Number.

In addition to choosing your family and circumstances before you’re born, you also choose your birth date.

Your Life Path Number is a gift from the heavens.

Life on this planet can feel scary and disorienting. From the moment you come down here, you are conditioned to be like everyone else and fit in.

We’re conditioned to think there is only one path as if we all have the same gifts, talents, desires and karmic lessons.

And yet, there are 12 distinct Life Paths. Each one has its unique way of experiencing the world.


Knowing and understanding your Life Path Number is like having a manual for your destiny.

It can help you interpret WHY you chose your parents, as well as why you’ve had certain experiences, fears and karmic lessons.

It also helps you make choices based on what’s best for you, not what you’ve been taught.

For instance, the 5 Life Path craves freedom and variety. Yet, we’re taught to find security through security and structure. For a 5 Life Path, that can feel like suffocation.

Once the 5 Life Path realizes they NEED change as an essential aspect of their soul’s plan, they can make choices that embody that sense of freedom.

Perhaps that means having a few different jobs at once, or changing careers every few years, or becoming an entrepreneur so you can work from different locations. That might make them happier than staying in the same job because that’s what they’ve been taught to do.

Another example is the 4 Life Path. This Life path number is associated with masculine energy and authority.

Oftentimes 4 Life Paths will have fathers who pass away while they are young or simply were emotionally unavailable to them. This is so they learn how to father themselves, which brings inner strength.

When people learn that their challenges are all part of the divine plan, they can accept their circumstances and move forward with love.

Knowing WHY things have happened to you brings a tremendous amount of healing.

Understanding your true nature can help you make empowering choices.

Understanding other people’s Life Path Numbers can make you a better parent, friend, spouse, partner, co-worker, counselor or healer. You get an in-depth view into other people’s experiences.

In my Numerology Illuminated course, you learn about ALL the Life Path Numbersย  – 1 through 9, and the Master Numbers 11, 22 and 33.

Life Path Numerology gives you a tool to communicate in other people’s love language.

I’m passionate about the power of numerology. I’ve seen how people’s lives have been transformed with this time-tested ancient wisdom.

I’ve learned so much from my Spirit Guides doing readings for people over the past twenty years. That’s why I’m so excited to share these insights with you.

I hope you take advantage of it. It can change your life and relationships for good.

Numerology Illuminated

Life Path Numbers reveal the key to happiness, success, and love.

Transform your life’s challenges as you align with your destiny and fulfill your purpose.

My Numerology Illuminated masterclass covers all the Life Path Numbers so you can have loving relationships with all the people in your life.

Life Path