Mercury Retrograde In Scorpio – Speak Your Truth!

Mercury Retrograde In Scorpio

Mercury is up to some more mischief.

Yes, the trickster planet goes retrograde today.

For the next 22 days, he has a lot to teach us. We have quite a month ahead of us!

We’re in the midst of Mars Retrograde until November 13th, and Mercury is now retrograde as well. These are personal planets.

You might feel as if you’re taking one step forward and ten steps back. The key to happiness is to go with the flow.

Make your list and check it twice.


Mercury will be retrograde until November 3rd, the day of the United States election. (Because the Universe has a wicked sense of humor).

Mercury governs communication, transportation, post offices, and our words.

That’s why it’s so important now if you live in the United States to vote early if you can, and double-check your state’s rules for your ballot.

Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio, a sign that rules our shadow and everything buried beneath the surface including secrets.

This can be a time of tremendous healing if you are speaking your truth. If you have been hiding parts of yourself, it’s time to share who you truly are.

If you’ve been holding back your feelings, now is the time to initiate a meaningful conversation. You can only be loved for who you are if you allow yourself to BE yourself.

Mustering the power of Mars

One of the many lessons of 2020 is learning how to do more with less. That means not pushing yourself when you simply don’t have the energy. Efficiency is power.

As we’re in the midst of this Mars and Mercury Retrograde, you’re learning how to best conserve your energy and only do what’s absolutely important.

You might get triggered by other people. That’s why it’s so important to keep your cool now and process your emotions before you speak.

This is a powerful energy. Make the most of it.

How to Stay Positive Around Negative People

These chaotic times call for extreme self-care. If you feel depleted from your environment or other people, you need strong energetic boundaries.

My How To Stay Positive audio course teaches you simple effective tools to stay happy no matter who is around you. You can experience peace and serenity even in challenging times.

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