Lion’s Gate 888

How fiercely can you love? Lion’s Gate 888

Lion’s Gate 888: A powerful portal for spiritual growth and manifestation on August 8th. Explore its transformative energy!

Can you love with the heart of a lion? Ready or not, you’re being asked to do so.

A tarot card, strength card, a woman and a lion.Much has been said this week about the amazing 8-8 Lion’s Gate portal. This is happening with a fiery culmination of Leo energies, while the Earth is in alignment with Sirius.

The Lion’s Gate portal is happening on 8-8.

The number 8 associates with courageous Leo. It expands you beyond your limits.

In the Tarot, the 8th card depicts an angel opening the jaws of a lion.


This is one of the most potent illustrations of the passion that was unleashed during the 8-8-8 portal that happened on 8-8 in 2015 (which is an 8 year 2+0++1+5 = 8). There was a rare amazing alignment with Regulus. Regulus is known as the Heart of the Lion and is the brightest star in the constellation, Leo.

During the 8-8-8 portal of 2015, you might remember the untimely and unfair passing of beloved Cecil the Lion by the hands of a trophy hunter.

In Numerology, the number 23, the Royal Star of the Lion, associates with Regulus.

Amazingly, in numerology the name Cecil adds up to the number 23, as does the word Lion. Coincidence? More likely it is a divine synchronicity.


So why did Cecil’s tragedy happen? How is a courageous lion’s death by the hands of a coward possibly helping us? It has to do with your heart.

Leo, in astrology, rules the heart. Big-hearted lions are famous for their affectionate and courageous nature. They have a lot to teach us.

As spiritual people, especially since the Law of Attraction has become so widely misinterpreted by the mainstream, we are completely and totally afraid of anything we perceive as negative. Sometimes it takes a global event to make us process deeply buried, unwanted emotions like fear, anxiety, sadness, grief, anger, jealousy (you know, human emotions).

Yes, it is great to limit your intake of news. However, to completely ignore all the suffering in the world, and in your life, is not only unsustainable, it is irresponsible. If you want a life of limitless abundance, you must accept the infinite aspects of the Universe. That means loving those parts of yourself, and others, that you find unacceptable. That’s true courage. That’s living with the heart of a lion!


Since 8 is the number of abundance and material rewards, many people felt that when it is present, money will fall from the sky and opportunities will appear magically.

And yet the reason 8 associates with abundance is because it opens you to the fullness of your emotions.

Sometimes we experience larger than life events so that we can open our hearts to EMOTIONS that need to be processed.

If you want a life of passion, prosperity, and abundance, you have to live fully from your heart. You can’t think your way to fulfilling your purpose. Listen to your intuition. Let this powerful resource guide you.

Your heart always knows your path to your destiny, yet your mind gets in the way.

Your heart wants you to express all of yourself, in your authenticity, because the only way you will be loved and accepted by others, is if you love yourself completely.


If you want to truly experience the love, abundance and passion that this amazing 888 lion’s gate is availing to you, you MUST have the courage to be yourself. Whatever your goals and ambitions are, they are meaningless without the energy of love.

Accept all of yourself no matter how unspiritual or not “nice” you think you are.

Give yourself permission to FEEL your FEELINGS and love every ounce of you.

Allow yourself to be the unique, kooky, quirky self no matter how you feel others will perceive you. And then, you will open yourself up to the amazing possibilities the Universe has to offer. YOU are the Royal Star of the Lion.

Live it up. Love with an open heart. ROAR!

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3 thoughts on “Lion’s Gate 888

  1. What a perfect message to express on this most auspicious day. It rings so deeply with Love and Truth. Thanks.

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