Expand your Sixth Sense...

Psychic Activation with your Spirit Guides

Connect with your Celestial Support Team

Instant Download • Audio Course

spirit guides

Discover how to expand your sixth sense and connect with your celestial support team for divine guidance, healing and support.

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Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $22.00.

Your Spirit Guides are advanced beings who are divinely leading you toward fulfilling your soul's purpose and heart's desires.

When you learn how to tune into your intuition to open your connection with these benevolent beings, you will be in the flow of creativity, prosperity and love.


psychic activation

  • Learn how to tune into your internal guidance for answers to any decisions or inquiries
  • Connect with your Spirit Guides for protection, clarity and insight
  • Expand your psychic senses to connect with the Higher Realms so you can elevate your vibration, attract positive circumstances, and receive inspired guidance for your life
  • Learn psychic protection techniques so you are free from negative energies and held in a high vibration of love
  • Discover the different types of Spirit Guides that are with you throughout your life
  • Develop a personal relationship with your Spirit Guides so you can receive answers from them at any time.


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soulful romance

"Kari makes learning fun! Her teaching style is one of gentle guidance - She empowers the student. And encouraged me to have confidence in myself & my own ability.) Her courses have really transformed myself and my life. Her knowledge & own intuitive abilities are amazing. It seems she can relate to anything. I would strongly recommend Kari and her courses to anyone who is seeking a true soul of the light who is here to make a positive difference in people's lives. She has a perfect combination of both!" - Robyn Sanders

Limited Time Bonus – Open Your Chakras Psychic Energy Attunement

Reprogram your subconscious mind so you can unlock your intuitive powers, and receive an unlimited flow of prosperity and divine guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angels.

When you open your chakras, you allow miraculous opportunities to flow into your life. Your chakras will be infused with divine life force energy, illuminating your inner world while expanding your outer world.

You will open yourself up to receive divine guidance.

This is unlike any meditation you’ve experienced before

Specifically designed to reprogram your subconscious mind so you can unlock your intuitive powers.

In this chakra healing activation, you will clear yourself of fears, and expand your energy for an unlimited flow of prosperity and divine guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angels.


Binaural beats are used in the background music for deep relaxation and healing. This assists your brainwaves to slow down and synchronize the two hemispheres of your brain. Theta waves are 4hz – 8hz, which what you experience before sleep. You can reprogram your subconscious more easily in a Theta state. You’ll feel blissful and relaxed as your chakras are energized.


Each chakra is infused with affirmations so you can reprogram your mind and your energy. As your brain entrains to the theta brainwave music, your subconscious can easily assimilate the empowering messages. You’ll feel confidence and fearless, so you can finally have the courage to shine more brightly and boldly share your gifts with the world.

spirit guides

Here is exactly what you will receive:

  • 80 min MP3 where you will discover the different types of Spirit Guides that are with you throughout your life
  • Delivered to you immediately after purchase as a digital download that can be listened to on your computer or any MP3 player

(Recording of a live teleclass)

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Get started today for

Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $22.00.

spirit guides

"Kari’s courses are absolutely outstanding. She is a gifted intuitive as well as a highly skilled teacher and mentor. Kari is well versed in several modalities that can assist in developing your intuitive abilities". - Roxanne Moore, Intuitive Counselor

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