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11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Before we begin this healing meditation, make sure you are in a peaceful, comfortable position where you will be undisturbed so you can enjoy this sacred space with the divine. Now close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself now in a pillar of white light. Pure white light that extends from heaven… All the way down to the core of the earth. Your whole being is enveloped in this beautiful sparkling white light that lifts away all lower energies and vibrations and imbues you with love, warmth, healing, and light. Now imagine you have a pillar of white light in each of the four corners of your room and your whole space. It’s filled with beautiful light. And as you’re breathing in this beautiful healing energy. Every cell of your being is opening up to receive this beautiful healing light. You’re being cleansed and bathed in this loving vibration. Anything that feels heavy, slow, or dull can be lifted so you can feel joyful, vibrant, and alive.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Breathe in this beautiful light as you call in. Your healing team, your highest level guides and angels, they’re with you now supporting you on your journey in every moment, and they are assisting you with this healing now you are never alone. You are always supported. By your celestial team of light, your divine healers and protectors who give you strength and nourishment and support and love. As your body is opening up to the light around you, feel how loved you are. Your celestial team is embracing you with love. Allow yourself to feel and receive this love. As you relax, everything in your life is perfect and beautiful just as you are right now. So take a deep breath in as you let go of anything that doesn’t serve you. As you breathe in love and light and healing and support. You can let go of your fears and your worries and now connect to the earth. Connect your body to the earth as you bring your awareness to your feet all the way to the core of the earth, the beautiful light and life giving energy at the core of the earth.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Bring in that life from the core of the earth, bring it into your being. Let this nourish you, and support you, and protect you. You are connected to the earth. Now call in your spirit to be anchored in your body, which is connected to the earth. You are fully embodying your spirit. You are here in the present moment, right now. Fully engaged in your life. Joyfully grateful in the present and enthusiastically looking toward your future. Now breathe in that gratitude as that fills your being with the joy of being alive at this moment in this time. What a gift.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Now bring your awareness to your solar plexus, just beneath your ribcage. This is your power center where you radiate confidence and self esteem. Here, you shine your light from your solar plexus like a sun that warms and brings joy to others and lights up the world. As you bring your awareness to your solar plexus, notice if there’s any constrictions, if it feels as if there’s anybody else’s energy in your solar plexus. If you’ve taken on anybody else’s energy, any energy that doesn’t belong to you from other people or the world, you may feel that energy in your solar plexus or not. It doesn’t matter. Bring your awareness there, and breathe light into your solar plexus. And with the assistance of your healing team, this light will dissolve any energy that doesn’t belong to you, so you can radiate more brightly at every moment. Keep breathing in that beautiful healing light. Perhaps, You have taken on the energy of the world or other people. You can unplug from this energy at any moment right now. Visualize in your solar plexus a plug between you and the world, and imagine yourself now a unplugging that energy Unplug any etheric cords or karmic connections or fear or any energy that doesn’t belong to you. Unplug that from your solar plexus right now. And let that be dissolved in the light, transmuted, formless and harmless, into pure love. Now, breathe in the light around you, breathe that into your solar plexus. Now, breathe in that light. As you fill your solar plexus with divine power, divine love, nourishment, and healing. Your solar plexus is being filled with light.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

And your solar plexus is radiating light all around you. Your aura is being filled with light. And spiritual power that you are using for the greatest good. It is safe for you to be in your power and shine your light. Because you are using your power for the highest good at all times. Radiate your power and your light. Shine your light brighter and brighter and brighter. Allow your light to fill your whole room. Allow your light to expand even beyond your room. Bigger and brighter, bigger and brighter. As you shine your light, you are attracting positive people and circumstances to you. The more you shine your light brightly, the more you are making this world more beautiful, uplifting the energy of everywhere around you, radiating joy, radiating love, radiating confidence, and positive energy. You are such a bright light in this world. It is safe for you to shine brighter and brighter, and by doing so, You make the world more beautiful. Now keep breathing in this light and radiating your light as you bring your awareness into your throat chakra and notice if there feels like there’s any congestion or restriction in your throat chakra.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Perhaps there are words unspoken or creativity unexpressed. Allow the healing light of the divine to cleanse your throat chakra. Of any fears or restrictions. So you may authentically express your truth, you may shine and share your uniqueness with the world. And as your throat fills with the beautiful light of the divine, you feel open and expansive, you can easily express your truth, your authentic nature. Your creativity flows, your unique being brings beauty into the world. Your unique vibration is uplifting the world. Keep breathing in that light. Beautiful. Now bring your awareness to your mind, your consciousness. And bring the healing light of the divine into your mind. As you dissolve away any judgments, as you dissolve away any negative expectations, you’re being healed with the light. The light is uplifting your mind, lifting your thoughts, lifting your spirit to connect with the divine.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

So you can now envision a positive life, a beautiful life for yourself and your loved ones. You have positive expectations. Take a moment to experience that right now. Seeing yourself succeeding, happy, thriving, healthy, blissful, safe, and at peace. And notice how that feels in your body as that energy emanates throughout the entire universe. Now you bring your awareness to your crown chakra. As you experience the connection with the divine light above you, you feel that infinite connection with the divine. The divine always connects and protects you. And as you feel that spiritual light, you open up your crown to receive a flood of heavenly light into your being. This light is filling all of your cells. Every molecule of your body, you’re being uplifted and enveloped by the light. Light is filling your entire being.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

And you are emanating pure light. And you allow this light to expand and expand and expand. You are radiant. You are love and loving and loved. Your entire being is light. And you know that you were born to bring light into this world, that you are a light, and you are always protected by the divine. You are always supported by the divine, and you are always divinely guided. Allow yourself to feel this lightness and this strength in this connection. And as you shine your light more and more. You continue to attract beautiful experiences to you and uplift the world around you, and so it is.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Embodying the light is about shining your unique, radiant self in all that you do. Allow your inner brilliance to express itself and everyone around you to feel it. We all have that special light within us, and it’s time to let it shine! Remember that embodying the light doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It’s about embracing your imperfections and using them as part of your beautiful, unique tapestry. Your quirks and idiosyncrasies are what make you, well, you. They’re the pieces of your mosaic that come together to create the masterpiece that is your life.

How to Embody the Light

Start by being kind to yourself. Self-love is a crucial part of this journey. Treat yourself as you would your best friend. Encourage yourself, support yourself, and be patient as you grow and evolve. Another important aspect is surrounding yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Your social circle plays a significant role in your ability to embody the light. Seek out those who bring out the best in you, and don’t be afraid to let go of relationships that no longer serve your highest good. And let’s not forget the power of gratitude. Every day, take a moment to count your blessings. Expressing gratitude is like turning on a light switch in your heart. It makes your inner light shine even brighter.

Embrace the Journey

Remember, embodying the light is a lifelong journey, not a destination. It’s about discovering your own unique path to happiness and sharing your light with the world. So, don’t be afraid to be yourself, embrace your beautiful imperfections, and let your radiant light shine. You’ve got this, my friend! I hope this blog post has inspired you to embrace your inner light and share it with the world. Remember, you are a unique and magnificent soul. The world needs your light. So, go out there and embody the light like the beautiful, radiant being that you are. Practice this 17 minute meditation, Embody the Light, here ยป.


What are soul mates?

Have you ever met someone and felt as if you’ve known them before?

It’s most likely because you have – in another lifetime! When you have this familiar feeling, it is likely you have met one of your soul mates, possibly indicating a deep soul contract.

And yet there are those times when you FEEL like you’ve met your soul mate, and it turns out to be a completely challenging relationship! It can leave you wondering how your intuition can lead you to such a difficult situation.

What are soul contracts?

If you find yourself in challenging circumstances or relationships over and over again, and can’t seem to break the pattern, you might have a soul contract that is keeping you stuck. Soul contracts are pre-birth agreements you have with other people to help you grow and evolve as a soul.

You can also have these soul contracts with yourself.ย  These are energy patterns from other lifetimes that create limiting situations for you that compromise your well-being, akin to karmic relationships.

Some soul contracts can take years, even decades to transform. The good news is, you can change these patterns for good! Once you learn the lessons these contracts are designed to teach you, you can be free of them indefinitely, moving beyond the cycle of karmic relationships.

You can take control of your life, completely express your gifts and purpose in the world, and enjoy the life you were born to live! Sound amazing? It is!

Change Your Energy

One way to move through a soul contract is to take responsibility for your life. Do not blame the other person for making you feel a certain way. As difficult as it is to believe, the people whom you find challenging are helping you, possibly fulfilling a karmic relationship or soul contract.

Being in a relationship with someone who brings up your “stuff” can help you release unconscious patterns, so you can CHANGE YOUR RESPONSE. Once you change your energy around something that you were previously reacting to unconsciously, you no longer need to attract circumstances and relationships pertaining to that particular issue.

You can transform difficult emotions by breathing love into your body. If you feel you are tense, fearful, or anxious, it’s just stuck energy. Breathe love into all of your cells.

Send love to yourself and all the people involved in the situation. Keep breathing the beautiful healing light of pure divine love until you feel the energy move.

Congratulations! You just healed your life!

Live responsibly. Be love.

Love And Destiny

If you would like to transform your limiting beliefs on a soul level so you can start attracting more positive circumstances and people, then I would like to invite you to explore my course, Soul Mates: Love And Relationships.

If there is an area in your life you canโ€™t break free from or a negative circumstance that you attract over and over again, you most likely have a soul contract keeping you stuck. Negative soul contracts are created in moments of stress and despair and can keep you in those debilitating patterns lifetime after lifetime.

With the assistance of your Akashic Record guides, you can transform your limiting beliefs on a soul level. This can empower you to start attracting more positive circumstances and people. In this powerful energy transmission, you will experience a powerful SOUL-LEVEL HEALING to free yourself from limiting soul contracts once and for all!


Have you ever looked at a clock exactly at 11:11?

Or perhaps you see this number on license plates or receipts? You may wonder, โ€œWhy do I keep seeing the number 1111?” or “What is the meaning of 1111?”.

If you receive this number everywhere you go, consider yourself very, very lucky!

The 1111 meaning is considered a quickening of your potential and a reminder to listen to your intuition. It’s also a message from your Spirit Guides that they’re helping you every step of the way.

Every number has a code for us that reveals its purpose. 11 is considered a master number and with it comes extraordinary potential.

1111 Symbolism

The sacred geometry of the number 1.

Angel Number 11111 is the only number that is completely straight up and down. It’s like a column, an antenna, a direct conduit from Spirit to Matter, as well as from Earth to the Cosmos. It is an unobstructed channel of energy.

1 is the number of initiation, invention and beginnings. With this number 1, we receive information at lightening speed in the form of ideas and inspiration. In fact, the word “inspired” means In-Spirit.

1 energy moves quickly through us and needs to be processed and shaped by us to become manifest. When we receive inspiration from Spirit, it is because we are the perfect vehicles for those ideas to become creation.ย  It’s shaped like an antenna, a conduit between divine and the physical world.

11 is a gateway to the divine

The sacred geometry of 1111 meaning reveals its power. When 1 is doubled in the number 11, the energy is exponentially powerful.ย  If you look at the shape of the number 11, it creates two pillars that form a gateway and a portal.

This gateway which we are in the center of creates of space for us to be in a column of light. It is a space to be inspired, to receive wisdom, love, and be in complete alignment with Source energy.

It is scary to listen to the voice of your soul and give up the unknown, but it is necessary for your soul’s growth.

Let there be light

The 11 energy creates a current of light, insight, and intuition that’s almost electric. In fact, the word “LIGHT” adds up to number 11 in numerology. (As well as the words, “PSYCHIC” and “JESUS”). This will give you a clue as to the power and potential of this number.


Is 1111 a sign for manifesting?

11:11 adds up to 4 (1+1+1+1 = 4)ย , which is the number of the Earth, matter and physical manifestation. ย It is a reminder that youย are co-creating with the Divine, and you have the ability to manifest (4) whatever you are being inspired to create (1).ย 11 is a master number in numerology. It not only teaches you how to master your life, it also teaches you to be a master at manifesting.

The 1111 meaning is such an incredible gateway of light and Divine connection directly with Source, that it allows for quick manifesting. When you are in alignment with your unique purpose, what you were put on the planet to do and share with others, you will be supported by the Universe in immeasurable ways. Doors will open, and connections will be made for you that seem miraculous.

1111 Meaning for me

1111: Heal Your Past, Create Your Future

If you have ever had a synchronicity, then you have experienced what it is like to have everything lined up. This is where Spirit and Matter are in tune with one another. If you have, then you have had a glimpse of what it is like to be connected to past, present, and future all at once.

Quantum physicist know that time is not linear. Shamans throughout the ages have taught us that we can heal our past and dream our future into being. This is what the 1111 is showing us. We have parallel Universes (just as in the parallel lines of the number 11) of Past, Present and Future, and we can effect them all simultaneously.

By consciously releasing some of the emotional charge of past events, you can bring healing to yourself right now. You can also allow the light of 11 to illuminate your future, and change the energy of your future by bringing more love to yourself and others in the present.

How do I work with the energy of 11:11?

1111: Let there be Light

The 1111 meaning teaches us that where there is light, there is also shadow. As you step into your power more by becoming more of who you are meant to be and sharing that with the world, it will most likely bring up your fears as well. Just know that is part of the process.

As you have the courage to be more of yourself, you will inspire so many others to do so as well. What a beautiful planet this will be when we are all doing what we are meant to do with love and authenticity. Keep shining! The world is waiting for you!

Angel Number 1111


November 22 – December 21

Sagittarius zodiac signย are known as the philosophers. Their nature is to explore other cultures and expand their hearts and minds.

Your Astrological Sign, Zodiac Sign, Star Sign, and Sun Sign are all names for the same thing. They represent the constellation in which the Sun appears to travel at the time of your birth.

Knowing your Sun Sign, such as Sagittarius zodiac sign, is akin to having an owner’s manual. There are characteristics that are hard-wired into your sign that shape the way you relate to the world. When you understand your true nature, you can fully express your purpose.


Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. In astrology, Jupiter expands everything it touches. As Sagittariusโ€™ ruler, Jupiter brings an expansion of consciousness, making Sagittarius zodiac sign associated with teaching and higher learning.

Jupiter associates with travel, particularly international journeys, which aligns with the Sagittarius zodiac sign’s inclination towards learning from other cultures, always bringing an abundance of knowledge and new ideas.

ELEMENT:ย  MUTABLE FIREย  ย Mutable Fire

Mutable signs are born during the third and final months of the season. Just as the seasons change, mutable signs are learning flexibility and adaptation. They are learning to let go and adapt to change.

Fire brings joy, warmth, and optimism. Fire signs have a spark and sparkle. They burst with enthusiasm. People are drawn to their light. They ignite passion and inspiration. Fire is inherently free-wielding.

By nature, fire is hard to contain. Therefore, fire signs tend to need freedom and independence. You can always find a fire sign on the move.



Mutable fire, represented by Sagittarius zodiac sign, is fast-moving and energizing. Itโ€™s quick and hard to contain. This is why Sagittarius loves to travel. Known as the philosophers of the zodiac, their nature is to explore Sagittarius zodiac sign. Exploring other cultures expands the mind and heart. With experience comes knowledge.

A natural teacher, Sagittarius loves to share all they have learned to help humanity. Sagittarius shares the truth, however bluntly they may do so! Sagittarius often doesn’t know their limits.

Their quest for experience can cause this fire sign to burnout. The highest expression of Sagittarius zodiac sign is to inspire humanity through their vision and wisdom.


Does numerology for name changes truly affect your destiny? It’s a common belief that changing your name can alter your vibration and influence how you relate to the world. If you’re considering a name change, you’re likely at a crossroads, seeking a transformation. Numerology can offer valuable insights into the potential impacts of this choice, guiding you toward decisions aligned with your authentic self and desires.

Changing your name is a BIG DEAL.

The numerology for name change affects every aspect of your life, so changing your name is significant. Every time you change your name, you change your vibration. If you’re getting married or divorced or even taking on a nickname or pen name, it affects how you relate to the world and the energy you bring forth throughout your day.

Your Name and Your Destiny: A Powerful Connection

In fact, the Destiny Number in numerology is derived from your name. Your name carries a specific vibration that is in alignment with your soul’s purpose. The ancients believed that your name activates your DNA. It carries your soul essence. Naming ceremonies are one of the most important rites of passage in many cultures. The collective in many tribal societies chooses the name of a newborn. They divine the baby’s talents and purpose that will be instilled in them for their entire lives.

Your Spirit Guides and Angels helped your parents divine the right name for you before you were born.

The significance of your birth name

You may wonder if your parents were aware of this.ย  Most likely not. ๐Ÿ™‚ Yet your celestial team was working behind the scenes to ensure the frequency of the name matched your soul purpose and personality traits. You might not resonate with your birth name, yet it perfectly aligns with your soul’s intentions. Your full name at birth is the one that is always used as your Destiny Number,ย  Whether you are called any nicknames or not, your full name at birth is always used as your Destiny Number – and will never change.



Your Numbers

This numerology calculator for name changes can help you explore the energetic potential of different names. By calculating the numerology of a potential new name, gain insights into its vibrational frequency and how it might align with your desires and goals.

What if your name doesn’t feel right for you?ย 

Every letter in your name has a sacred geometry that carries a specific frequency. Your name has a specific essence, unique to you.ย  The vibration of your name carries you forth in the world with intention. Every nickname you have has a specific frequency as well.ย  This represents an aspect of yourself that is resonant in the world. If you feel your name doesn’t represent who you are, it might be suitable for you to change your name. If so, you want to make sure you change your name to one that FEELS right for you. That’s more important than anything you can discern in a numerology chart.

Should you change your name after getting married?

Taking someone as your life partner is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. It’s a new chapter in your life. Changing your surname upon marriage is a rite of passage, representing your commitment and union with your partner. If you choose to keep your last name and not take on your partner’s last name, that doesn’t mean you are less committed. It simply means you feel more comfortable with your name at birth, and it’s not appropriate for you to take on the traits and energy of the last name of your partner.

You can still have a long and happy marriage if you keep your name. If you decide to take on your partner’s last name, you are changing the frequency of your name.ย  This reflects an energy shift within you for this new chapter of your life.

There’s no right or wrong, it’s whatever FEELS in alignment for you! You might consider changing your name,ย or exploring numerology for name change to find an alignment that resonates with you for this new chapter.


Should you change your name after getting divorced?

If you still have love for your ex-partner and the name still feels good to you, then go ahead and keep it! Yet so often, I see people keep the surname of someone who brings up negative feelings in them for the sake of their children. Yet, this isn’t always the best idea.

Why carry around their name and frequency for the rest of your life, if your relationship stirs up negative feelings within you? Your children will be fine with a different last name than you. Yet it’s more important that your name reflects who YOU are. If you are no longer resonating with your ex-partner’s last name, you might consider changing your name back to your birth name or creating a new name that reflects who you are now!

Changing your name for wealth, status, or good fortune

Many numerologists will tell you that changing your name will bring you wealth, luck, and success. That can be true, yet there are many, many factors involved with that. Usually, when that is the case, you are already on the path toward more abundance and success because you have changed your inner world. You have done the necessary healing of your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs for you to create a more prosperous life for yourself. In those cases, you FEEL your birth name no longer reflects your energy, and you can divine a name that’s more in alignment with your higher frequency.

Yet, changing your name, even based on numerology, can not do this by itself. Make changes in your external world to bring new energy in your life.ย  Align your body, mind, and spirit to see external results. Remember, love is the strongest vibration in the Universe and can change everything.

Is there a best name change for numerology?

Changing your name is a deeply personal decision with potential energetic and spiritual implications. Numerology can offer valuable insights into the potential impacts of a name change, but it’s essential to trust your intuition and choose a name that resonates with your authentic self and aspirations. Remember, your name is just one aspect of your journey, and true transformation comes from within.

Bring love to your name, and love who you are!

Numerology for Name Changes
Numerology for Name Changes
Numerology for Name Changes