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April Energy Forecast – New Opportunities Abound!

Hello, I’m Kari Samuels your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your April forecast. And this is an exciting month. You will see some forward progress because all are free and clear, and this astrologically, is one of our most easy months of the year in many ways.

There’s not many complications. It’s pretty straightforward, and it’s very, very action oriented. We are in the Sun Sign of Aries for the first three quarters of the month and Aries is the first sign of the zodiac.

It begins the whole zodiac wheel and this is an exciting time because when Aries gets initiated, that is the first day of spring here in the Northern Hemisphere, but even if you live in the Southern Hemisphere the archetype is still very much the same. It’s all about initiation and forward movement, and confidence.

New Opportunities Abound!

Aries is ruled by Mars. Mars is the warrior planet. Mars is not concerned with what other people think. This planet is aggressive and action-oriented. The warrior giving you courage and confidence to go for your goals. Aries is the energy of spring!

Again, whether you live in the Southern Hemisphere or not, this is the archetype and that is the energy of the sprout beneath the Earth pushing through the Earth to become a plant or tree, a flower or whatever, right? Whatever needs growth? This is the energy, the force, the vitality that brings life into creation.

So, this is one of the many reasons Aries is so incredible. We also have Mercury and Venus, which are personal planets, in Aries for the first part of the month.

And Mercury is your mind and how you communicate and Venus is your heart and what you love your passion. This is all about bringing forth some confidence within you to put yourself first.

April Energy Forecast

Now, Chiron is also in Aries. Chiron is the Wounded Healer. It’s the parts of you that have been wounded, that become your greatest gifts. These are the parts of you that in overcoming you can inspire yourself and others towards change. They can really produce your greatest gifts.

So, we have all of this is in Aries in the first part of the month. Now in the last part of the month, we move into Taurus and Taurus is Fixed Earth. That’s the element of Taurus. That gives you the energy to ground your plans. To really make them manifest and to put them in action.

Taurus is also ruled by Venus and Venus is moving into Taurus in the later part of the month. Taurus is about your self-worth and what you value and also enjoying life’s pleasures. So, this is a very physical energy. It’s a very vibrant energy.

New Opportunities Abound!

And again the skies are free and clear. No retrogrades. So, this is the time for action. It is GO time! There’s something to remember about this. This is not about action based on what has been expected of you.

Aries teaches you the art of celebrating yourself and putting yourself first, which isn’t selfish. This is why Aries begins the Zodiac wheel because you need to have a strong sense of self before you put yourself out into the world. Before you mingle with other beings, right?

It’s so important to have that strong ego; that strong sense that you matter. Aries’ motto is โ€œI AM.โ€ So in that second part of the month, which is in when we’re in Taurus, the Sun is going to be conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is the freedom planet. Uranus is the planet that reminds you of the power of your uniqueness. The freedom to be yourself.

April Energy Forecast

Your Sun, which is how you express yourself, is connecting with this planet that teaches you about the freedom to be yourself. This is what’s happening in the third quarter of the month.

April 2021 is also a 9 Universal month in numerology. Even though this month has the energy of initiation and beginnings, which is what Aries brings, 9 is the number of letting go and culminating. But it’s also celebrating; celebrating all you’ve achieved.

The other thing that 9 teaches you is to individuate, to go within and listen to what’s inside you. What is in your heart? What is in your soul? To tune into yourself and your needs as you’re tuning out what other people think and expect of you as you’re tuning into that inside of you. That is why it’s time to let go.

Because as you are activating your individuation, as you are realizing these parts of yourself that want to be actualized and energized, then of course you let go of everything else. So, this is why it’s an energy also of endings, but it’s really an energy of individuating and intuition as well. So, how do you navigate this exciting energy?

Three Action Steps

I have three action steps for you. And this is a month of action! So, your first action step is to put yourself first. This is what Aries is teaching you this is what Taurus is teaching you too because Taurus is the here and now and enjoying life’s moments.

So for you to do that, you need to know what you want and need. This has been a long couple of years. You’ve had a lot of responsibility. You’ve had many responsibilities to other people. And so, you may not even remember what you want and need anymore.

It’s really essential right now for you to remember what you want. You need to tune into what you want and need and to put yourself first to make your happiness a priority and that is going to benefit all of your loved ones and anyone else who is depending on you. Okay, please remember that. It is not selfish to take care of yourself. Okay.

Second Action Step

Now your second action step is to let go of energy drains. They’re everywhere. That could be people, circumstances, or obligations because Aries brings life force energy. So as you’re having this energizing moment, you want to tune into the to ask what is energizing me, and what is truly draining my life force?

Right now take stock of what’s draining you because as you’re letting go of what is no longer giving you vitality life force, passion, and joy. Then, you’re making room for all these new things.

Third Action Step

Which brings us to your third action step which is to pursue your passion projects. That can be anything. That could be your home. An artistic endeavor. That could be a new career; anything you put in the back burner. This is about passion. Mars is Passion. Really, Venus is passion too. Venus is love.

So, this month we have Mars. Mars rules Aires And Taurus which is ruled by Venus. These two planets are being activated. So, whatever it is that makes your heart joyful you want to pursue that.

You really want to take advantage of this forward moving energy before we have a wall of retrogrades that’s coming up in a couple of months. So, you really want to take advantage of this now. Use this forward momentum. Use this for action. It doesn’t mean you need to start a new career.

Just do things that make you happy. Don’t put them on the back burner anymore. Again, when your happiness is a priority you will make sure that you are pursuing your passions.

April Energy Forecast

Now I have something special for you that I created because I love birthdays and this is the birthday of the Zodiac Wheel! This is our birth month of the zodiac.

I want to offer you something to help you understand your zodiac sign, your Sun Sign and what that means for your life purpose. I realized there’s not a lot out there that explains WHY you are your sign, why your sign acts the way it does, right?

So, I created a guide for you. Your Zodiac Guide is going to help you understand your zodiac sign, which is your Sun Sign and how you are radiating in the world. Why your soul chose your specific zodiac sign and how you can express yourself fully. So, you can radiate in the world and fulfill your purpose. I hope you enjoy it. It is absolutely free.

New Opportunities Abound!

I’m so excited to share that with you. And you can get that using the link below. And if you’ve enjoyed this video share it with your loved ones.

I’m sure they will appreciate you for it. And I want to hear about your Sun Sign your zodiac sign and how you express your passions in the world. Leave a comment below, so we can all enjoy and bask in your beauty.

I love you so much, and I am wishing you a wonderful amazing April and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

April Energy Forecast – New Opportunities Abound!

Awesome April is here!

It’s GO time! April’s astrology is FULL SPEED AHEAD!

We have no planetary retrogrades. The skies are free and clear.

Everything you’ve put on the back burner can now get your attention. You’ll feel the fire beneath your feet with an abundance of planets in Aries.


In numerology, April 2021 is a 9 Universal Month.

9 is the number of culmination and celebration. It also teaches you how to tune into your soul and listen to yourself.

Everything about this month’s energy is teaching you to make yourself a priority.

In this forecast, I share with you how to tap into this potent energy to propel your life forward.

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Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

First Full Moon

Our first Full Moon of the year is January 28th at 11:16am PST, and she will be a beauty!โ 
La Luna will illuminate the heavens in all her Leo glory. She is showing us how to BE!โ 
It’s time to be brave and share your brilliance with the world.โ 
This is a particularly dramatic Full Moon, which is perfect for this dynamic year.โ 
Leo innately has a flair for drama. It is also the sign that rules the heart.
Passion will always lead you to your purpose. Yet, following your passions is not always easy. As above so below, this Moon has some challenging energy.โ 

Love is always the answer

There is a T square in the skies in all fixed signs. This brings tensions of opposites. Fixed signs are inherently stable yet, with so many forces pulling in different directions, something has to give! (We’re seeing this on the global stage right now).โ 
Yet how do you know what to pursue and what to yield? Love is always the answer. What is the most loving choice for yourself and your loved ones? What ignites your heart?โ 
Today is also known as the Day of Miracles. This is a once-a-year conjunction between the Sun and lucky Jupiter. โ 
Like the Sun, as you radiate your love in the world, you bring joy to others and make the world more beautiful.โ 
As the amazing @amandascgorman inspired us in her brilliant inaugural poem: โ 

“When day comes, we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid.โ 
The new dawn blooms as we free it.โ 
For there is always light, โ if only weโ€™re brave enough to see it.โ 
If only weโ€™re brave enough to be it.”

Have a beautiful day and remember to look at the sky!

Discover More

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

In this vast universe full of possibilities, you shine like a star in the heavens.

Your unique role is essential to light up this often dark world. You can feel that you’re meant for bigger and brighter experiences. You incarnated for a reason.

There is pressure to set your goals at the top of every year, to clarify your intentions, and set your sights high. Yet, this year feels different. Why?


Have you taken the time to recognize all that you have endured? Or have you simply moved forward because you were too overwhelmed with your many responsibilities?

You might also be picking up on something energetically.

2021 will be a year of immense change. What you “think” you want now will most likely transform.

Nothing is set in stone. 2021 is a 5 Universal Year. 5 is the middle of the single-digit numbers. It is a pivot point.

5 is divinely designed to disrupt your status quo. In 2021, all the Mercury Retrogrades will be in air signs.

You will be changing how you think. Your perspective will be completely different by the end of the year. Your core beliefs will be unearthed.

As I prepare for my four-day forecasting event 2021 Illuminated, I am tracking the distinct turning points that will occur.


The Universe wants to shake you out of complacency.

No stone will be unturned. Your career, friends, finances, all of it will go through a renovation.

So, if you’re having trouble focusing on your intentions, know you are in the right place. Your intentions will change many times throughout the year.ย What’s most important now is to focus on stay grounded and open to infinite possibilities.

A world full of stars awaits you. They’re beautiful. And so are you.

Discover More

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

February Energy Forecast – Your Higher Purpose Revealed!

Fabulous February is here!โ 

Can you believe it? 2021 is going to be FAST! Yet action-packed.โ 

It feels like the first day of 2021 was both a year ago and a minute ago. You know what I mean?โ 

As quickly as this year is moving this is a month to slow down and reflect.



We have our first retrograde of the year! Yes, it’s that mischief-maker Mercury. He’ll be in his backspin until February 20th. โ 

February 2021 is a 7 Universal Month. (2 +2+0+2+1 = 7).

7 is a number that inspires soul-searching.โ 


With five-planets in freedom-seeking Aquarius this month, you’ll find yourself asking the BIG QUESTIONS.โ 

I have MUCH MORE to share about this enlightening energy in the February forecast. You’ll learn how to avoid the mayhem from Mercury Retrograde and make this a marvelous month!

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February Energy Forecast – Your Higher Purpose Revealed!

Hello, I’m Kari Samuels your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your February forecast. And I think you’re getting the impression by now how fast 2021 is. January was like a year and a second. This whole year is action-packed. There’s so much going on. It’s going to be superfast, but super full. February is a time to slow down a little. There’s still a lot of momentum and a lot of action, but we have our first Retrograde! January 30th Mercury went retrograde. Mercury goes retrograde three or four times a year like clockwork. It feels like it’s all the time.

But this is our first one of the year. All the Mercury retrogrades this year are air signs. So this Mercury retrograde is in Aquarius. Aquarius is our โ€œSign of the Yearโ€. Our social planets Saturn and Jupiter are in Aquarius. This month we have five planets in Aquarius. We haven’t had five planets in Aquarius since 1962. If you look back at what 1962 was about, there was a lot of social change, a lot of revolution a lot of a lot of civil rights activity. Aquarius is a sign of social change. It’s a sign of humanitarianism and equality.

Now, of course the there is a shadow side to this because anytime we have any kind of forward movement or any kind of breaking through to new paradigms, there is rebellion. One of the archetypes for Aquarius is the Rebel archetype. So with all of this change and progress you have an equal amount of reaction and rebellion. Aquarius is associated with groups, friends… ideals, dreams and hopes, so these are going to be themes throughout the year because Aquarius is such a big player this year.

February Energy Forecast

But really this month all the Aquarian themes are going to be coming to light. There will be a lot of activity in our world around change and progress and moving things forward, especially social change social justice. There’s going to be many themes around that. Aquarius also rules technology. We’re going to see a lot around that as well. So with Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, this is time for you to RETHINK because Mercury is all about your communication and your mind.

This is a time to rethink your dreams. Your ideals, your hopes, your desires, how you relate to groups what your plans are for the greater good. Because there are so many planets in Aquarius right now – Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun. So much in Aquarius. They’re all going to be part of you rethinking all these things now, especially since Venus and Mercury are both in Aquarius at the same time. Because Venus is the Mindโ€ฆ Excuse me! Mercury is the mind! See. I’m already in Mercury Retrograde!

Your Higher Purpose Revealed!

Mercury is the mind and Venus is the heart, so this is about getting your heart and your mind into alignment so that you can move forward in the world, and in your life, and in your relationships in a way that is true to your soul. This is actually a soul-searching month because February 2021 is a 7 Universal month. Now 7 is the number of soul-searching going within, really tuning into what’s right for you and what’s really not right for you anymore.

Now all of 2020 there was so much soul-searching. We had every single planet retrograde in 2020. So those retrogrades really got us to stay indoors more than usual but also reflect, and it was a time of pairing away what you will no longer tolerate. This year most likely you went in with this โ€œin betweenโ€ energy. Like you know what you don’t want anymore, but you’re not sure if you do want – you kind of have an idea about where you’re heading, but you’re not certain. Maybe there isn’t a lot of clarity around it.

This is a really good month to get some clarity around what your soul is longing to express what your true gifts are. How you relate to people. How you relate to the world. So, this is a very powerful month. In terms of your calling, and your relationships. Now, you can still move forward with your plans. However, with Mercury Retrograde you do want to avoid signing contracts or making any major decisions, and the reason for this is that your mind and your heart especially as it’s connected to Venus, are changing during Mercury retrograde, Itโ€™s giving you a chance to reflect and revisit what’s really true to your heart.

February Energy Forecast

And so, that’s why it’s important to possibly wait until Mercury goes direct which is February 20th is when Mercury goes direct. Wait after that to make major plans for major decisions or signed contracts. Now, of course if you have to go right ahead. All right, so just do what’s what’s in your heart. We have a critical transit happening on February 17th. So Aquariusโ€™ Ruling planets are Saturn and Uranus.

So, those co-rulers. They’re very different which kind of gives you an impression of the paradox of this sign in general. Saturn is the planet of structure and foundations and discipline and tradition. That’s one of the co rulers of Aquarius. Aquarius is about moving past your traditions. That’s because Uranus, its co-ruler. It’s all about revelations and sometimes shocking revelations bringing things to light to move forward with progress.

It’s about tearing down structures, breaking glass ceilings to move us ahead. Right? So on February 17th, there’s one we’re going to have what’s Saturn squaring Uranus this is the major Transit of this year because it’s going to happen three times. They’re squaring all your long, but they’re directly squared February 17th, and there are two others throughout the year This is really what’s going to define our year. This is really a time for history when this happens because Uranus breaks down structures and moves us forward.

Your Higher Purpose Revealed!

And there are these awakenings. There’s bringing us into this new realm. So, this is going to happen globally and personally. What’s going to happen for you personally is revelations around what structures in your life need to be revisited and broken down and renewed. Uranus always brings a kind of shocking or sudden events. So, there may be things that you’ve been pondering, especially with Mercury retrograde which really brings you back to your Intuitive awareness.

So, what will probably happen is things that have been underneath the radar beneath the radar for many years possibly all of a sudden things will make sense to you all of a sudden thingsโ€ฆ. You’ll have an aha moment where you realize what you need to do moving forward, but the thing about when that happens is its important not to beat yourself up about not making these changes before we all do thingsโ€ฆ in alignment with what our soul is ready for, and we all have karmic patterns, and we all have things that we do in our life that we can only learn from experience. And this is actually a 5 Universal year, which is all about experience and learning from experience.

So as you have these revelations, which you most likely will have this month, it’s important to move forward with them and don’t look back with any regrets simply understand that you and your soul did everything that you were meant to do in the Divine and perfect timing. So, February 17th, is the big day. It’s probably history-making kind whether it’s your personal history or global history. This is a big time right?

Three Action Steps

So, this is a big month. Because this is such an important pivotal time I have three action steps to help you navigate this energy with grace and power. Now because we are in a retrograde month these three action steps are going to be RE words because during a retrograde it’s time to do all the RE things. So, your first action step is to reassess your values now Saturn squaring Uranus, Uranus is in Taurus, which is very much associated with what you value Venus is associated with what you value that’s Taurusโ€™ ruling planet.

So, this is the time to reassess your value system. Which is basically YOUR value is also associated with your self-worth, isn’t it? What you value – how you value yourself. So, you have a life force energy that is constantly regenerating. But also in the physical body we have limited amount of energy, Right?

So, where do you want to put your energy? So as you get a sense know how the universe is going to be helping you with this all month, but you want to do this actively, you may want to keep a journal and write down, โ€œWhat’s important to me?โ€ โ€œWhat will I not tolerate anymore? What do I want to share with the world?โ€ Or, โ€œWhat do I want in my life?โ€ โ€œHow do I want to invest my energy?โ€ as you ask yourself these things It will become more clear to you what your intentions are, and then you can start attracting more to you thatโ€™s in alignment with your values.

Second Action Step

Which brings us to Action Step number 2, which is to reflect on your Higher Purpose. You have a Higher Purpose. You may not know what that is. And if you don’t know what your higher purpose is, if you don’t know what it is that you really want to share with the world that ONLY YOU can share with the world. If you don’t know what that is, then it’s time for you to be creative and to play and to explore what’s in your soul.

Now if you do know what that is really get that definition clear for yourself so that you make a mission statement to the universe. This is what I want to share. These are the gifts that I want to share, and then you want to ask yourself โ€œIs my career, is my work in alignment with my higher purpose?โ€ Now you may not have a job but is what you’re doing every day in alignment with your higher purpose? That’s what you want to contribute to the world. That is your job. Right?

Whatever it is that you feel is that special gift that’s inside of you that’s longing to be expressed. You want to get very clear on that. And again, if you are not clear on that it’s time for you to create and play and explore. What makes your soul happy.

Third Action Step

Now this brings us to Step Number 3. Which is to rethink your relationships. Things are going to be changing and as you get more in touch with what’s important to you and what your value is, you may recognize that there are relationships in your life that no longer nurture you that no longer reflect who you are that no longer support your well-being, and you may realize that there are relationships that you want to invest more time and energy with that includes the relationship to yourself.

Okay, but there could be relationships in your life where you want to pay more attention to your loved ones – after all that is what makes the world go round in the end. It is ultimately the love that we share that is so important. The love that you have in your heart the love that you give and receive. That’s really the stuff that life is made of, so it’s important for you to reflect on your relationships. To really nurture them nurture the good ones and let go of what isn’t serving you anymore.

Live Q&A

Now. I do have something to help you. I’m so excited about this. I am going to be doing a live Q&A on soul mate relationships and romance. I am so thrilled to share this with you because there’s so many aspects of relationships that are on the soul level. Every relationship that you have, there’s a soul connection there. Even if it’s a brief one You have soul mates that you plan to meet before you’re born, and we have soul contracts with people all the loved ones in your life. And even people that have given you a very hard time your karmic connections your karmic relationships with people.

This is all to help your soul grow. I’m going to be discussing that on this call, and I’m also going to be answering questions. They’re going to be several participants that I choose for 1:1 mini readings where we’re going to look at your relationships and examine that on a soul level, what your soul had planned what you’re learning on a spiritual level from these relationships. And when I do these mini one-on-one readings for a person on the call, it benefits the whole group and any time I’ve done these group intuitive coaching calls it is so profoundโ€ฆ How answering someone’s question can really benefit everyone.

Numerology Guide

So, I hope you join me for that. I’m thrilled to be offering this for you, and you can do that using the link below I also have something very special for everyone. It is a FREE Numerology Guide to your Personal Year Your Personal Year Number This helps you understand your higher purpose and how to focus your energy all throughout the year. It’s so helpful, and you can get that using the link below. That’s absolutely free. I hope you join me for my live Q&A. I’m so thrilled about it.

Now, whatever you do. I am wishing you a fun and fantastic and fabulous February, and if you’ve enjoyed this video share it with your friends. I’m sure they will appreciate you for it. I’m wishing you a wonderful month and beyond. I’ll see you soon. Lots of love. Bye for now.

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Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

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March Energy Forecast – Heal Your Heart & Soul

Hello, I’m Kari Samuels your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your March forecast. And this is a glorious month. It is full of love and beauty and hope and healing and more good news we have no planets and retrograde! Which means that all of your plans that have been backfiring and just held up because of the chaos at the beginning of the year. You can finally move forward with progress and momentum. There’s so much love in the air right now! Our Sun is in the sign of Pisces until March 20th.

And Pisces is a dreamy sign. It is sensitive and soulful. The element of Pisces is mutable water. We’ve had a lot of fixed energy and a lot of the planets are in fixed signs throughout the year. So, this is a bit of a break from that because there’s a lot of mutable energy now. Pisces is mutable water, and we have Venus in Pisces, Venus is the heart and Venus is exalted in Pisces because of that beautiful sense of Oneness and connection that Venus loves and Mercury is going to be in Pisces later on, and we have Neptune in Pisces and Neptune is Piscesโ€™ ruling is one of the co-rulers.

March Energy Forecast

So, there’s a sense of dreams now and there’s the sense of connectedness andย  change, and the sense of flow because water flows it also helps your emotions flow. So, you’re going to have some heart-opening energy. Now, there’s this there’s this energy of healing coming through because of the flow of the water and emotions flow and also because Venus opens up your heart. So, it’s gorgeous, and it’s a really a time of hope as well. It’s very soul nourishing.

So, we have this beautiful energy culminating in our New Moon on March 13th. This is one of the most glorious New Moons of the whole year because we have the Sun and Venus in Pisces and Neptune in Pisces conjunct, so there’s Neptune all over this moon. So, this is a time for your dreams. This is a time to set your intentions because Neptune is associated with dreams and New Moons are a time to set intentions. So keep dreaming dreamer and dream big!and set your intentions on that New Moon so that they grow Don’t think small.

Heal Your Heart & Soul

This is a time to expand your vision and to really expand what you believe is possible and that’s why Venus is opening up your heart so that you can receive more love and open up your heart to receive more of all the goodness that the Universe has to offer. So take advantage of this energy. We have another magical moment on March 20th. That is the Equinox. It’s our first Equinox of the year. And that’s always a magical time when the day and night of are equal. It’s always known as a time when the veils are lifted between Heaven and Earth.

So with this Piscean energy, it’s a great time for that dreaming as well. And that is the birthplace of the zodiac that is the time when Aries is born. It is the beginning of the zodiac wheel, so we move into Aries on March 20th. Pisces is very different from Aries. Aries is fire. Its ambition its movement. In numerology March 2021 is an 8 Universal month and 8 is the number of abundance and prosperity and passion.

The reason that 8 is associated with financial abundance is because it connects you with your passions and your power. So as you enhance your self-esteem and your self-worth you can attract more goodness to you. Then you can attract all good things to you. So, this is really a time to connect with your passions to connect with your dreams to engage in them and express them and not to hold back because we have all this flow and forward movement. It’s an incredible time.

March Energy Forecast

Now we have this extraordinary Full Moon on March 28th. This is when our Sun is in Aries, which again is fire and ambition. And the moon is going to be in its opposite sign of Libra. They’re both going to be at 8 degrees. Now, we have two other planets at 8 degrees at this time. So, we actually have moreโ€ฆ it’s incredible. So, we have the Moon connected with Venus, which is going to be in Libra at that time also at 8 degrees. So, the Moon is your soul. It’s your feelings. It’s your emotions. Venus is the heart and what you attract. Venus is going to be conjunct Chiron which is known as the Wounded Healer. Also, at eight degrees. We have a lot at 8 degrees. Uranus is in Taurus squaring these at 8 degrees.

Do you see what’s happening here? During this 8 Universal month. So, this Chiron the wounded Healer. It’s really about the wounds that you have throughout your life that in transforming them becomes your greatest gift. So, this month’s energy is about tapping into your passions and power and opening up your heart, so you can transform your challenges into your gifts. And when you connect with your passion, and you express your power the power of the Divine flows through you anything is possible. This is an โ€œanything is possible โ€œa month.

Three Action Steps

So, I have three action steps for you to tap into this extraordinary energy. Your first action step is to ENGAGE YOUR IMAGINATION. Neptune is all about dreams Pisces is an intuitive sign because it’s about dreams your right brain is where you connect with your intuition and your imagination. Your Guides communicate to you through signs and symbols. This is why sometimes you’ll have a dream, and its feels like a visitation. It feels like a message, it is.

So, your dreams are also what help you create because you are a co-creator. If you can IMAGINE it you can CREATE it. Because you are a powerful Creator. Allow yourself to daydream and when these images come to you, maybe they are things from your past that want to be healed allow them to bubble up. Connect with that those parts of you that quake bubbling up through your imagination. Sometimes things that come to you in your imagination are a download, and you want to give them attention. So allow yourself to dream and to daydream and to visualize and to imagine.

Action Step Two

Which brings us to our second action step, which is to EXPLORE YOUR CREATIVITY. Remember you are a co-creator which means you need to be creative and if you don’t realize that you’re creative thatโ€™s more reason you need to explore your creativity. It’s your creativity that connects you with the Divine. It’s your creativity that connects you with your passion. Every time you’re if you’re ever really engaged reading a book or doing a creative project. You’re in THE ZONE right?

That is when you channel the Divine. And people who don’t know what their passions or their purpose or even if you’re looking for a romantic partner the first piece of advice I always give people are to explore your creativity. Now if you never had a chance to play as a child even more reason to allow yourself to be your child. Explore and play and create as if you were a child. Allow yourself to engage in that. That is going to lighten up your energy and connect you to the Divine in such a beautiful way.

Action Step Three

So, this brings me to our third action step which is to HEAL YOUR PAST HURTS. I know that’s not easy, of course, you’ve been working on that your whole life! Because basically, our whole adult life is healing from our childhood, but I know that’s not easy but here’s the thing. This is a month for it. This is a time when the energies are just fertile for healing. So if you’ve been thinking about connecting with the therapist, this is a good time for it. If you’ve been thinking about taking a course on healing or learning about healing.

This is also an Incredible time for it. One way to heal your past hurts is through forgiveness. So as things come up for you, if you send love and forgiveness to yourself and to others or the circumstance, and you send love and forgivenessโ€ฆ That is a huge way to heal that energy because this Pisces is very much associated with past life energy and karma because it is the last sign of the zodiac. And it’s about wrapping things up. Some of that is in your subconscious.

Soul Healing

So, anything that engages the subconscious -energy healing and also hypnotherapy are really great forms of healing now, of course, I have something for you, and I’m really thrilled to share this with you. It is a free three-part audio course and ritual Soul Healing for Self-Esteem because if you have something in your subconscious that is blocking you from receiving love and money and all the goodness that the Universe has to offer. You will constantly sabotage yourself despite your best conscious intentions. Your subconscious is 95% of your brain.

This Soul Healing audio is going to help you clear these subconscious patterns at the source. We’re even going to your past life energy for healing there. This is a three-part audio that’s also going to help you understand why you may be sabotaging yourself and how you can transform these patterns. This is FREE and you can download that using the link below. I highly recommend you do that. It can completely transform your lifeโ€ฆand your past life and possibly, your future lives. That is completely free for you and you can get that using the link below.

And if you’ve enjoyed this video if you feel it can help someone share it with your loved ones. I think everyone can use a little extra love right now. I’m wishing you a beautiful magical mystical March and beyond. I love you so much. Bye for now.

March Energy Forecast – Heal Your Heart & Soul

Magical March is here!

Our Sun is moving through mystical Pisces until our enchanting equinox on March 20th.

Venus and Neptune will be in the sensitive sign of Pisces. This will open your heart and connect your deepest desires. With these dreamy planets in the same sign as the Sun, the sky is the limit for you to pursue your passions.

Progress is inevitable in the 8 Universal Month. 8 is the number of abundance, strength, and expansion. With no planets retrograde, it’s an opportune time to act toward your goals.

Our Full Moon this Month is a breathtaking spectacle, with a cosmic lineup that is sure to bring healing and hope.

You can find out more about this soul-nourishing energy in this month’s forecast.

Soul Healing for Self Esteem – FREE Audio Course

Enhance your self-worth, so you can receive more love and money.

Find out more about this life-changing free course and healing here >>.

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