Angels aren’t always nice.

I was doing a meditation with my guardian angels and the four major archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel) to prepare for an angel healing that class I was teaching.

So, I asked them what they wanted me to share with my students. I was expecting to see lots a rainbows and butterflies floating with cherubs in white fluffy clouds. What I discovered surprised me!

A strong, powerful, and VERY direct message came through. They emphatically wanted me to share that angels are not always “nice”. Many people, especially those who feel they are “earth angels”, or want to be good spiritual people, feel they must be nice all the time, and do good deeds, and if someone bothers them, they should accept it, bless that person and give them love. Well, it’s not quite that simple!

Angels are fiery fierce creatures.

There is a lot of darkness here on this planet, and these incredible beings help us transmute negativity into love.ย  This is more warrior energy than pacifist energy. After all, Archangel Michael, the head honcho of the angels carries a sword!

Many of my clients and students are overly concerned with being nice and not causing any disharmony. So, they take in other people’s negativity and don’t stand up for themselves.

Consequently, they find themselves in unhealthy relationships, illness, and poor finances. Angels can help you heal these issues, not by giving your power over to them, but by asking the angels to help you own their powerful, dynamic, healing, radiant energy and share that with others. This is bold energy!

You are powerful beyond measure

When you connect with your angels, try to envision their dynamic radiance, and match their energy. This will help you heal your life on all levels. They are working with you to heal your life, but they can’t do it all for you.

One of the lessons we are meant to learn here is to co-create our lives. So if you want healing on any level, physical, financial, or emotional, visualize these powerful beings and allow their energy to work through you as you match your energy to theirs. You will be amazed at the level of healing that can occur. Listen to their guidance. They will always lead you towards love.

And love truly is the most powerful force in the Universe. It’s fierce!

Archangel Michael is fierce!

If you want to experience the awesome power of Archangel Michael, and would like to learn techniques for releasing fears and negative energy from relationships and circumstances, check out my Healing with Archangel Michael audio course. You’ll learn how to be a fierce spiritual warrior for peace (and never be “too nice” again!).


What Do You Want?

In the Intuitive Development class that I teach, I often ask people to close their eyes and listen to their hearts instead of listening to their thoughts.

So often we get wrapped up in all of our responsibilities and worries that we don’t even know what our own needs are. We know what our responsibilities are to other people, to creditors, bosses, friends, children, spouses, etc, but we don’t always remember where we fit into the picture.

So I ask people to close their eyes and listen to their bodies. Tune out the world and just empty their minds so they can listen to their bodies and hearts. I then suggest they ask themselves what their needs are. I ask if they have any responsibilities or obligations to other people.

What is it that YOU want? It’s a very simple question, but often meets with a lot of resistance. Many people are so used to disconnecting themselves from their bodies, that they don’t know what their heart it telling them.

Even more often, people who are parents feel extremely uncomfortable asking this question. They find it impossible to believe that asking themselves what their needs are will bring beneficial results. They believe that their responsibilities to others should come first.

Listen To Your Heart And Trust In The Message

I can understand the dilemma and the fear that this might lead to selfishness and neglecting the children! Not so, however. Your heart is connected to all that is good for you and everyone else.

It is also in the center of your chakra system, connecting you to heaven and earth. Tuning out distractions is imperative to listening to your heart and your intuition. Listening to your intuition is imperative to being a good parent!

We all want what’s best for our children and loved ones. However, in order to be our absolute best for others, we need to take care of ourselves. We need grounding, nourishment, rest, happiness, and strength. Not only is that best for us, it is best for our children. It helps them feel strong and protected.

When we are not paying attention to our needs “for the good of others”, we lose our power, strength, and energy. In the long run, nobody is helped by that dynamic.

When we listen to the wisdom of our hearts, we can trust that what is good for us is best for all. Only through nurturing our needs and our spirits can we be the best we can be. And that is the greatest gift you can offer others.

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February 2024 Astrology Forecast: Forge Your Destiny!

This is the best month of the year to go for your dreams. And I’m going to help you make the most of this incredible month. Hello. I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach with your February forecast.

And I’m sure you’re like, what the heck just happened to January? This year is going to go by so fast and be so full. I’m sure you’ve seen. We’ve gotten a taste of what this year is about. It is larger than life. The energies this year are really expanded and all of our lessons are right there, aren’t they?

February is quite extraordinary in the sense that The skies are completely free and clear of retrogrades. This is an all systems go kind of month. Now March actually has a retrograde free sky too, but February is even more special because Pluto. Pluto just went into Aquarius and that’s a generational shift.

Pluto stays in a sign for about 20 years. It is going to go back into Capricorn for a little bit later this year. But right now, this is a really big stretch with Pluto at zero degrees. While the Sun is in Aquarius and all these personal planets are going to be connecting with the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius.

Forge Your Destiny!

While Pluto is in this potential, this zero degrees. Zero degrees is really Pure opportunity, pure potential. You’re learning, you’re generating. It’s like the fertile place from which everything springs. Zero is not nothing, right? Zero is everything. So we’re in this place of potential while Pluto, the transformer, is in the sign of the visionary Aquarius has.

So much to teach you this year. And while these planets are moving through Aquarius right now with the sun and Pluto connecting the sun, how you express yourself in the world, connecting with this sign of power and rebirth, it’s an incredible opportunity. So what does Aquarius teach you? What is Aquarius teaching us?

Because Pluto is going to be teaching us all about Aquarius for 20 years. Including the shadow aspects of Aquarius. So Pluto does bring up the shadow aspects. Aquarius teaches you to be comfortable in your uniqueness. In being out there. Its ruling planet is Uranus, which is out there. And Uranus actually just went direct.

Which is why we have this free sky. So Uranus is the Awakener. It wakes you up to who you are and changes things very quickly. So Aquarius is very forward moving, very future oriented, which is why we have so much of this futuristic energy now, like AI, which has taken over so quickly, right? And the next 20 years, technology, which Aquarius rules.

February 2024 Astrology Forecast

is really going to change faster than anyone can possibly conceive. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution, the American Revolution. Do these words all have something in common? So, we’re having a second Industrial Revolution, but it also revolutionizes society because Aquarius is society.

And Aquarius ironically, or maybe paradoxically, rules groups. And yet, it’s all about the individual because it is everyone being an individual, everyone celebrating and expressing their unique gifts in their own special way that makes society so beautiful and successful. Because there’s always strength.

Everything in biology is about strength in diversity. So Aquarius is really being highlighted now with so much of this energy this month and this new energy with Pluto and the Sun and how you’re expressing your personal power, how you’re expressing your uniqueness. And so you may be feeling these urges inside of you to break free, which is very much what Aquarius is about.

Where have you been oppressing yourself? Where have you been oppressed by others? And how can you break free now? And so that’s going to be a theme truly for the next 20 years and it’s starting now. You’re feeling this energy of ways that you’ve kept yourself small or kept your talents or your essence hidden.

Forge Your Destiny!

Or self imposed limitations. They’re coming to light now. And that’s what the sun does. It brings things to light. So we have this planet of the shadow, Pluto, with the sun that brings everything to your consciousness so that you can express yourself in different ways. And here we also have the numerology for this month, which is 1.

This is a one universal month. February 2024 is a one universal month. So really last month was a nine universal month. And we had Mercury retrograde the first day of the year. And then we were in the shadow period. So you were re evaluating things. It didn’t really have that New Year feeling, did it? One is all about new beginnings, starting a new cycle.

It’s also about innovation, individuality, inventiveness. Like those I words are shaped like the number one, right? Because you’re receiving information from Spirit. You’re receiving inspiration that you’re meant to act on a new way of being a new way of expressing yourself. So we here we have this retrograde free sky free and clear all systems go in this one universal month, which is all about believing yourself putting yourself first trusting your Your unique ways, your inspiration, your individuality.

So you’re starting to see the theme here.

February 2024 Astrology Forecast

This really is the New Year because this is the Lunar New Year. February 9th, right after this incredible new moon, which has a stellium, many, many planets in Aquarius. That initiates the Lunar New Year, the Year of the Wood Dragon. So we go out. of the year of the rabbit.

We say goodbye to the rabbit and we welcome the dragon, the wood dragon. Wood, which is the mother of fire. Can you feel the power of the dragon? This is so much about embodying your personal power. And we’re also in an eight universal year, which is also about your personal power. I’m sure you’re already seeing your life play out.

The different ways where you’ve diminished your power, where you’ve given your power to others, where you’re afraid to assert your power. So here’s the dragon coming roaring in, right? With our eclipses this year in Aries, which are teaching you to have fire, to believe in yourself, to put yourself first, to make yourself your number one priority.

By the way, I have decided to re release my book about dragons, Lynnie and the Gentle Dragon, which is a children’s book and it’s now available in paperback and hardcover all around the world and i’m going to put the link below to that because i want to celebrate the year of the dragon and i love dragons and i hope you do too so that you can find in the link below now again on to you so i want to share with you more about this spirit of entrepreneurship or adventure pioneering daring there’s more of this On February 19th, we have this incredibly special event where Chiron, the Wounded Healer, it’s an asteroid, but it really acts like a planet.

February 2024 Astrology Forecast

Fellow Virgos people, including me, feel that this is actually our ruling planet. The Wounded Healer is in Aries. It is conjunct, meaning at the exact degree. With our north node of destiny, the north node of the moon, which is also in Aries. They’re going to be exact on February 19th. Which by the way, 1 plus 9 is 1.

There’s more of this one energy. It’s everywhere. Beginning cycles, ending cycles, to put yourself first, to make yourself a priority. And that energy is happening all month. Actually, a lot of it’s playing out throughout the year. What that’s about is that your destiny, really everyone’s destiny comes from the challenges we face and then when we overcome those challenges we are strengthened by them and often we share that with the world.

That’s really the energy of Chiron. And that’s really how our destiny works. So when Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is connecting with our North Node of Destiny in Aries, which is about your belief in yourself, having courage in yourself, having a pioneering spirit, putting yourself first. You’re facing now, your wounds around that.

Wherever you have put yourself last or made other people’s needs a priority, you’re waking up to that and you’re healing that. At least you’re meant to. So if things are happening in your life now, where you’re recognizing that You are diminishing your power. You have self imposed limitations. You don’t have freedom in an area of your life.

February 2024 Astrology Forecast

Or you’re not allowing yourself freedom in an area of your life. Maybe because you’re putting other people first. Or maybe because you’re not taking a chance on yourself or believing in yourself. That’s going to come up for you now. And it’s really going to come to A very critical point around the 19th.

So pay attention to what’s happening in your life within and around you around issues of independence, uniqueness, believing in yourself, or codependence. And this is your wound that is healing now so that you can share your gifts with the world, which is what the Aquarius Energy. is really calling us to do, calling you to do.

โ€ŠIt’s an incredibly powerful month. This in the sense of opportunity and momentum is the best month of the year. And I hope you take advantage of it. And so I have three action steps to help you. And the first one is actually to take action on your dreams. This is an incredibly powerful month, and I don’t want you to.

Fritter it away by thinking, I’m not ready yet. Plant those seeds, take those actions, do the thing before you feel ready. Do it now. If there’s something that you’ve been wanting to do, of course, do it well, right? But we’re all going to be learning as we go. And you build your confidence muscles by actually doing something.

Forge Your Destiny!

So somehow, whatever you need to do to start something that you’ve always wanted to do, even if it’s a hobby, do it now. Do that thing that’s in your heart that you’ve been wanting to express, you don’t quite feel ready for, do it now. Okay?

Which brings us to our second action step, which is to celebrate your uniqueness. That is what this is all about There’s only one of you in the world you have special gifts that you came here to express and create and do and be And that is why you were chosen to receive your inspiration.

Because you have everything within you to make what’s inside of you a reality. To make that come true. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been given the gift of your inspiration. Believe in yourself. Believe in your unique abilities. To create and co create the life that you want, which brings us to our third action step, which is to take the path less traveled.

You’re meant to do something very unique. And when you look around, you’re not going to see that path. Tread before you because you’re meant to do it. Also, to break out of routines. Try something new, right? It shakes up your energy. It brings new life to you. Again, this can be just a hobby. If there’s something that you’ve been wanting to do that brings you joy, that opens up your energy for everything.

February 2024 Astrology Forecast

So change things up. Do something new and do something that’s unique to you. Especially if you haven’t seen it done in the outside world or at least not in the way that you can do it.

It’s your essence. Your unique essence is why you were born. I actually also have something special for you. a free guide called Love by the Numbers. Now, this is a Valentine’s Day treat, but it’s not necessarily about romance, but it can be. This is a numerology guide to your love language and the love language of the people around you.

What you need to be happy, how you’re hardwired. to make you thrive. So this is a free guide that’s going to help you understand yourself and the loved ones in your life. And you can download that using the link below. And again, it is absolutely free. And also, you can find the link to my children’s book, Lynnie and the Gentle Dragon.

You and your loved ones will enjoy it. So, I am wishing you an absolutely Fabulous, fantastic February and beyond. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, make sure to like it and subscribe to this channel. It really helps me share my message of love with you and others. I love you so much and have a wonderful month.

Bye for now.

Your February Astrology Forecast

February bursts onto the scene like a fresh new year, free from the constraints of retrogrades and brimming with potential. The stars align, whispering encouragement as you step forward with bold ambition and unbridled dreams.

Aquarius: Your Guiding Light (until February 18th)

This month’s innovative spirit comes courtesy of Aquarius, the water bearer. Its refreshing energy urges you to explore uncharted territories and chase those dreams with reckless abandon. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone โ€“ Aquarius thrives on pushing boundaries and embracing the unconventional.

New Moon Magic (February 9th): Time to Set Intentions

A powerful stellium gathers under the New Moon in Aquarius, amplifying your words and intentions. Choose them wisely, for they hold the power to shape your reality. Let go of limitations and aim high, fueled by the courage and confidence instilled by the Wood Dragon โ€“ ruler of the Lunar New Year.

Lynnie and the Gentle Dragon

Welcome the Year of the Dragon

February ushers in the Lunar New Year. We bid farewell to the gentle Rabbit and welcome the dynamic and powerful Year of the Dragon. This mythical creature, revered in Chinese culture for centuries, symbolizes strength, ambition, protection, and prosperity. This is your time to summon your power.

Throughout the month, you are guided towards aligning your actions with your deepest wishes, shedding what no longer serves you, and confidently stepping into a future of your own design.

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Coming Soon..

December 2023 Astrology Forecast

As you embark upon this busy, bustling month, take a pause. As another year comes to a close, it can be helpful to take some time to reflect on the past twelve months. By taking stock of your growth and experiences, you can set yourself up for a more prosperous and fulfilling year to come.

2024 Illuminated

Youโ€™ve done more than your fair share of soul-searching this year. In the process, youโ€™ve grown spiritually and emotionally. By taking the time to reflect on your many achievements, you can better understand who you are and what you are capable of. Focus on your credits instead of your debits. After assessing your many successes and acknowledging all that youโ€™ve accomplished this year, you will be amazed.

Mercury stations retrograde on December 13th with a backspin that lasts until January 1st 2024. That’s your cue to slow down until the end of the year.

As you set your sights on the year ahead, aim high. We are in the season of the archer, after all.

With the Sun in fiery Sagittarius for the first three weeks of the month, youโ€™ll get a boost of courage and confidence to take risks and venture into unknown territory.

While the future may seem frightening at times, remember that Sagittarius is always leading the way, showing you that itโ€™s possible to reach your dreams.

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November 2023 Astrology Forecast

We are in the depths of Scorpio season, and I’m sure you are feeling the full range of emotions right now. Hello. I am Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your November Forecast. And I want to help put this in context for you. The astrology happening now and the numerology. Because astrology and numerology helps us understand why things are happening as much as what is happening. And before we talk about that, I just want to check in with you. How are you doing? How are you feeling? There’s so much happening right now and it can feel overwhelming. And if you are a sensitive, an empath, an HSP, or just a human, things can feel a lot right now. So I want to make sure that you are Nurturing yourself, nurturing your spirit, your emotions, practicing self care. It is so important. Okay, so let’s talk about the astrology and the numerology. We are in Scorpio season. The Sun is in Scorpio until the 23rd of this month and also at the beginning of this month up until the middle. Mars. Mars, the warrior planet and Mercury are also in Scorpio and Mars is a ruling planet of Scorpio. In addition to Pluto, they’re co-rulers Pluto, the Lord of the underworld. So we have Sun, Mars, Mercury in this sign of intensity and transformation connecting with the shadow. Now, Mercury. is how you communicate and Mars actually rules war and sharp objects.

Bringing Light to the Shadow

So when you have these together, it can be like a war of the words. And so you want to make sure that you’re speaking carefully and in a way that is kind and loving to yourself and to others. . So it’s very important that you are the peace in the world, right? That you generate peace through kindness with yourself and others. And our words are important and how we communicate and what we communicate is important. And it’s also very necessary right now. When you’re like, what is going on in the world? And how can I, I feel helpless, right? Like, what can I do? Your talents. And what you’re sharing in your heart and what you are communicating is so important. Each of us has our place to make our little corner of the universe more beautiful. So I’m just reminding you that you do that, that you have that power. So use your talents, use your gifts, use your voice to uplift and inspire, to help and be passionate, right? Express your passions. That’s how we all make a difference in the world. That’s how you make a difference in the world. Scorpio. Transformation is a sign of transformation. And yes, everybody knows Scorpio for its emotional intensity and its sexiness. Right? There’s a lot to Scorpio because transformation isn’t just like, Oh, you go from one thing to the other.

November 2023 Astrology Forecast

Transformation is a process of really going through something, working through something, and making it something different. That is what Scorpio is about. Pluto! It’s ruler, the Lord of the Underworld the shadow, the stuff we don’t want to deal with. So in Scorpio season, you’re connecting with the deepest parts of yourself. And we just went through Eclipse season. Which brought up things that have previously been eclipsed from our consciousness. Brought up painful truths personally and collectively. So Scorpio season is really intensifying that process. So you’re getting in touch with deep emotionsโ€Š

Scorpio has four processes to it.

It’s very Complex. Yes, it’s emotionally intense. What does that mean? So we have these four symbols of Scorpio. It’s not just the scorpion. There’s four symbols of Scorpio. It’s the only sign that has that. It’s so complex, right? That’s, that’s right. Try to get to understand it, right? It’s fathomless, like the ocean is fathoms deep, just goes deeper and deeper and deeper. Scorpio is fixed water. And that requires a stillness within you as well to get to know your depths. So the four totems, the four symbols of Scorpio are like this. So we begin with the scorpion, right? Scorpions are not to be messed with. So they wait, right? They wait for their prey. And then they have a stinger. And that stinger is part of what The shadow of Scorpio is it’s that just pure survival and vengefulness and wrath that can be just like working with pure instinct and pure survival is a shadow element of Scorpio. And that’s why they can be known to be vindictive. If that’s the shadow element, right? If they’re in the shadow, but that’s not what all Scorpio is about, right?

Bringing Light to the Shadow

That is just one part of it. Again, the shadow and we all have that part of us, right? The instinct the one that snaps and maybe now when you’re feeling overwhelmed or not processing your emotions. You could snap at people again. Remember Mercury and Mars or Scorpio the first part of this month too. So be mindful of that. Be mindful of working with just that pure instinct that triggers. And not moving through that. The second totem of Scorpio, there’s four. Remember, it’s not just the scorpion, it’s the snake. So it’s scorpion, snake, eagle, phoenix. And I’ll get to those in a minute. The snake is instinct. But there’s movement with the snake. It’s not like the scorpion that just waits, right? There’s movement. And it’s also instinctual, but there’s a sense of shedding, shedding old skin, releasing this aspect of old identities, old triggers, old belief systems that are no longer serving your higher purpose. And this snake, the Ouroboros, the snake eating its tail. is a sense of cycles and coming to completion, coming full circle, and also the mind connecting with instincts. So you have some dominion over how you process these heavier triggering emotions. And then we move into the Eagle Consciousness, which is rising above things. Having a bird’s eye view, having a spiritual perspective, and seeing things from a higher ground, rising above the trauma, drama that’s triggering you.

November 2023 Astrology Forecast

Rising above it and seeing things from a higher, grander perspective with objectivity. And that’s mindfulness. That’s how you can help transform your emotions. Which brings us to the Phoenix. Rising from the ashes. Alchemy. And so this is the lesson of Scorpio. And please make sure that you’re being mindful in your life. To be the eagle, to be the phoenix. And we have an incredible numerology this month. So, November 2023 is a nine universal month, which is all about letting go. Endings to create beginnings, right? That process that Scorpio teaches us. Death, rebirth. Death and rebirth. The cycles of nature as the trees here in the northern hemisphere are letting go of their leaves. They’re preserving life. So this is an inward process, right? So Scorpio, whether you live in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere, the archetype is about going within and being very deliberate with your energy, connecting with your deeper emotions. And all that life that’s happening beneath the surface, even when the exterior, the trees are not showing that, but the trees are naked in their beauty, right? Being yourself, being authentic.

Bringing Light to the Shadow

1111 is always such a special number. This year, November 11th, 1111, is also an 11. Universal day. So it’s 11 11 11. 11 teaches us so much. 11 is a master number. And it brings lessons to help you master your life. Again, mastering spiritual lessons isn’t an easy process. It takes spiritual strength and courage and Mindfulness, right? So we have this 11, 11, 11 day. And I know there’s a lot of stuff out there. That’s like, oh, 11 is the instant manifestation number. That’s not true. Nothing on this planet is instant. This is a process. This is a process of going within and transforming. And 11 in numerology actually reduces the word light in numerology actually reduces to the number 11. The word psychic reduces to 11. The word Jesus reduces to the number 11. It’s very much about elevating your consciousness. And bringing light because there’s this sense of a quickening between spirit and matter because of that sacred geometry, right? Like you’re right in the center of these two columns of light. 11 also has a shadow because you can have two beings, two entities standing in whatever they believe to be true with no middle ground.

November 2023 Astrology Forecast

Or you can have two people. Standing in their truth and cooperating. It can bring a lot of things because it brings more light. And with more light, you can see the shadow. So everything about this month is about bringing light to the shadow. Making you aware of what’s in your heart. The things that you’ve overlooked. The people you’ve overlooked, right? The self care that you’ve overlooked. The feelings that you have not wanted to deal with. That’s what this month is about. And that 11 teaches you to have the courage to step into a new way of being. It’s like a pillar. Walk through those pillars. Now, when you’re heading off into a new way of being, you want to travel lightly. You want to take as little baggage with you as you can. I have three action steps to make the most of this marvelous month.

First Action Step

Your first action step is to pause. to process your feelings. There’s a lot. You don’t want to just keep going, going, going. You want to give yourself the time and the space to feel the full range of your human emotions. Also, with that Mars Mercury conjunction in Scorpio, you want to be very mindful that you’re not speaking from a sense of anger or heightened emotions. You want to be mindful, slow down, be that still water. Okay, that’s what it teaches you to use that stillness to get to the depths. Pause.

Second Action Step

Okay. Which brings me to our second action step, which is to be in nature. Now notice, I didn’t say to go into nature. Be in nature. Let yourself be. Let yourself truly experience nature. So take some time instead of just going and being on your phone and listening to podcasts or worrying or whatever you do. Truly take in the glory that is our planet. And even when things are slowing down and trees are letting go of their leaves, all the squirrels running around, gathering their resources, the birds, the leaves moving and the light, how it moves against the trees, how things feel against your skin, really just be in it. And that will help ground and center you so you can process those feelings.

Third Action Step

Now, your third action step is to focus on what’s important. Just like the energy of autumn is about preserving energy. And winter is about really conserving that energy so that you can have new life. And again, this is an archetype. No matter where you are in the world in your life right now, especially with this 9 Universal Month of letting go and the scorpion energy of preservation. This is a really. beautiful time to truly put your mind on what’s important. And also because Scorpio is about death and rebirth, something about our mortality, right? Reminds us to only focus on what is important. And so be mindful of that throughout the day. Is this a good use of my energy? How I want to dedicate my life force right now. Is this nourishing me or benefiting the world? So really be mindful as you focus your energy. Throughout this month that it’s towards something that is nourishing and nurturing for you and loved ones and the greater good. So I also have something free that can help you in this time of immense change. I have a free embody the light meditation.

November 2023 Astrology Forecast

That’s going to help you connect with the light within you and shine that light more brightly in the world and focus. on light and life giving through this season of change and transformation. So you can access that free meditation using the link below in the description. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, please make sure to like it. That helps me share my message with the world as well. And make sure you’re subscribed to this channel because I have so much more to share with you. I am wishing you a spectacular Scorpio and Sagittarius season and beyond. I love you so much. Lots of love. Bye for now.

Scorpio Season is here

With Mars and Mercury currently in Scorpio, the energy of this sign is exceptionally potent. As a water sign ruled by Pluto and the dark side of Mars, Scorpio is closely connected to the deepest recesses of your psyche. Personally and collectively, we are tapping into emotions previously hidden from us in the shadow. We are intimately acquainted with the Scorpion’s sting, but it’s crucial to remember that Scorpio also embodies the transformative power of alchemy. It symbolizes the Phoenix rising from the ashes, representing the higher aspect of Scorpio’s energy. We are all in the process of transcending instinctive fear-based patterns to embrace new ways of being.

11:11 – The Numerology of Shadow and Light

2023 is a 7 Universal Year (2+0+2+3 = 7) November 11th this year is an 11 Universal Day (11+11+2+0+2+3 = 29 and 2+9 = 11). There is some confusion about this number; it has been overly simplified. 11 is a Master Number in numerology. It teaches us to maintain our balance amid polarizing forces and divisions. It is a number associated with LIGHT – an infusion of light that inevitably reveals the shadows within us. In this month’s forecast, I share how to maintain your center so you can BE THE LIGHT the world needs. You were born to be a force for good. There is some confusion about this number; it has been overly simplified. 11 is a Master Number in numerology. It teaches us to maintain our balance amid polarizing forces and divisions. It is a number associated with LIGHT – an infusion of light that inevitably reveals the shadows within us. In this month’s forecast, I share how to maintain your center so you can BE THE LIGHT the world needs. You were born to be a force for good.