Even though I spent almost nine years in Pittsburgh, a town that lives and breathes football, I don’t pay very much attention to the game. My husband watches football, so I watch it with him from time to time. I pay attention to some very different things during the game.

I’m always looking at the people’s numbers. Every athlete has a number that they wear that stays with them the majority of their career. Whether they are aware of it or not, that number is affecting everything they do.

Every number has a vibration, and when a player wears their jersey, they are activating that vibration in their lives. Sometimes this number is a karmic debt, balancing their strengths and weaknesses, sometimes it enhances their performance because it has strong energy for them, and often it is a bit of both.

The Number 9

I’ve always liked Drew Brees as a person. He is known for his compassion, selflessness, team spirit, and his devotion to his fans, teammates, and humanity in general. So when I witnessed him breaking breaking a record that has been held for 27 years, and parading around the Superdome with tears in his eyes humbly celebrating his victory, I was not surprise to see the number 9 emboldened on his chest.

The number 9 is known for its compassion, humanitarianism and selflessness. It is the last of all the single digits, and is often known as the number of the old soul. Mahatmas Gandhi was a 9 life path, and represents the true essence of this vibration.


9 is a vibration very strong in Drew Brees’ chart. The name “Drew Brees” adds up to 9 in numerology. His full name, Andrew Christopher Brees has the letter “r” in each name. R carries a 9 vibration because it is the 18th letter of the alphabet (1+8=9) Today, he broke a passing record that has been held for 27 years (also a 9; 2+7=9)

The journey of the number 9 can be quite difficult. They often have challenging childhoods where their emotional needs have not been nurtured and they feel abandoned. Many people know that Drew Brees, at the time he won the Super Bowl in 2009, also experienced the birth of his child. He also had to endure the pain of his mother committing suicide, the ultimate abandonment.

The Number 6

One thing is for sure, Drew himself is going to be an amazing father. Taking responsibility for others is his strong suit, since he has the number 6 running through his life as well. His birthday is January 15, 1979. ย We see he was born on a 6 day (the fifteenth day of the month 1+5=6). He is also a 6 life path.

The numbers 6 and 9 all comprise part of what we call the emotional sensitive numbers in numerology (3, 6 and 9). The abundance of these numbers in his chart indicate how sensitive he is.

The 6 life path people love to be responsible for others, to take care of them, to nurture them, almost to the point of martyrdom. That’s why I find it amazing that he is the lead quarterback.ย  This is a role that brings such great responsibilities to lead his team. (I also enjoy that he does this for a team called the Saints!)

Since 6 runs so strongly in his chart, it is not surprising that the day of this victory for him is a 6 Universal day (12, 26 2011; 1+2+2+6+2+0+1+1=15; 1+5=6). For Drew, this was a personal 17 day for him. In numerology, 17 is known as the immortality number. And that’s just what he did today. He immortalized himself as a record breaking quarterback with the most passing yards in a single season. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!

I am sure Drew will prove himself to contribute to the world in many more beautiful ways, even long after his football career is over. I am excited to see what he comes up with next . You go Drew! We’re rooting for you!


Live without regrets

What we learn from the afterlife

I read something recently that had a profound effect on how I think, “live every day as if it’s your last”.

There’s something about that expression that scared me for a bit. Who wants to think about that?

But later, when I was stressing about my internet connection and rushing to get off the phone with a dear friend just to do more work, it gave me pause.ย  I stopped to consider, what really matters in the grand scheme of things?

Now, I remind myself each day: Your life is not a dress rehearsal. You want to make the most of every precious moment.

That means never going to bed angry or stressing the small stuff. It means letting go of the past and taking courageous steps to create a meaningful future. And most importantly, it means loving the people around you.

There are people in your life who are not always perfect. YOU are not always perfect, and nobody ever is. If you hold onto blame, guilt or shame, it keeps you from allowing more love into your heart. Forgiveness is a powerful thing. Learn to live without regrets.

Seize the day!

My friend Necole Stephens has been a wonderful role model for me. She is a spiritual medium that communicates with loved ones on the Other Side. Her amazing messages from the dearly departed are emphatic about teaching us how to live our lives more joyfully.

I learned from her how to seize every day as a gift. You don’t want to wait until it’s too late to do live your passions, spend quality time with the people in your life, and enjoy your life RIGHT NOW.

Don’t wait another moment to savor your life. Listen to the words of the great immortal George Bernard Shaw, “I want to be all used up when I die.”

Now get off the computer and live it up!


7 Home and Well-Being

A friend of mine recently asked me a question about why her life feels upside down at the moment. As you might imagine, any friend of mine knows at least more than the average Jane about numerology, so it got her thinking. Perhaps it wasn’t just the energy of the year, or her personal year numerology, but it could be the very home where she lived.

So she asked me, How was the number of her home affecting her well-being? How was it making her life more chaotic than need be? These are excellent questions! Since I thought the answer to her question might help other people, I’ve decided to share.

So here’s the skinny. She’s living in a 7 home. This doesn’t necessarily mean that her address is number 7. Rather, it means that the numbers of her house address adds up to 7. (the name of the street doesn’t count)

For example, the address 25 Butler Street is a 7, because when we add the individual numbers of 25ย  it equals 7 (2+5=7). So, why would she think living in a 7 home would be a problem? It’s really a respectable number. In fact, 7 is a lucky number!

Every number has a spectrum of energy with positive and negative aspects. The positive aspects of 7 are manifold. 7 represents the connection ofย  Spirit manifesting on Earth.

One example is the seven major chakras, as an aspect of our spiritual energies, connecting to our physical bodies. Since the 7 energy is so deeply spiritual, or at least it is in the most positive expression, it requires us to take a retreat from the outside world to contemplate, meditate, and devote ourselves to God.


16 Life Path Number

Sounds great, so what’s the problem? Well, as you might have noticed, in the constant demands of our daily lives, it’s not so easy. If you have 7 energy in your life, and you are NOT taking time to yourself to process and connect with your intuition, your life will create a crisis for you so that you are forced to do so.

And that’s when you will experience the negative aspect of the number 7. It can feel like your life is moving out of control. You feel as if you are no longer in the drivers seat, and you simply cannot keep up. This is true, especially if your house number (or life path, or destiny number) adds up to a 16.

16 in numerology is what is referred to as a karmic debt number. As the name implies, this isn’t easy energy to navigate. It can be incredibly rewarding to live in a 7 or 16 home if you are completely dedicated towards solitary and/or spiritual pursuits such as meditating, painting, writing, studying and becoming more intuitive. Then it can be complete peace and bliss.

HOWEVER, if that is not your intention, you can find that your life is spinning out of control and you can feel completely isolated. So what do you do in that situation? Let go and let God! The outside world is crumbling as a means to coerce you to look inside yourself and look towards Spirit for answers.

Meditate and pray that you find your truth and can live and express that truth in your daily life. As you turn your attention inward (toward your intuition) and upward (toward the Creator) you will find peace you require and your life will restore to a balance.

Not sure what your house number is?

You can find out more about specific house numbers and their attributes in this post. In the meantime, it is always good to spend time every day in the vibration of love. That will change the energy of any environment.

Happy home life to all!

Friends are invaluable!

Everyone wants to make more money, contribute to society, and help make the world a better place in addition to making friends. Itโ€™s a natural instinct to feel like you are using your life force to create a better life not only for yourself, but for others as well.

This is because long ago we lived in tribes and villages. This was a time before we isolated ourselves in steel cars and private domiciles. Somewhere in our ancestral memory is the recollection ofย  being part of a greater collective.

Here, everyone worked and played together in community. Everyone had their role to play and people looked out for one another.

Abundance in the modern world

Now in the 21st Century, each one of us is our own little tribe. We have to cook, clean, child rear, co-create, recreate and make a living. Even if your hunting and gathering is now at Whole Foods, you still have to bring home the tempeh bacon!

It can get overwhelming to do everything that needs to be done, while finding time to advance yourself in the world. Making friends can be overwhelming too.

So how do you do it on your own? You donโ€™t! It takes a village. Even if villages donโ€™t look like they do in Merchant Ivory films, you still need community to enhance your emotional and financial well-being.

Success from the ground up

In our energetic body are our seven major chakras. Our most primal chakra at the base of the spine is called the root chakra. This governs all of our foundational physical functions including our bones, blood and immunity, as well as our finances, home, and family.

Just like a tree, each one of us needs a strong root chakra to grow and evolve. If you grew up with a strong sense of family, feeling loved, nurtured, protected and supported, most likely as an adult you will easily find your place in the world. You will be good at making friends and building relationships.

Alternately, growing up perhaps you felt like a stranger in a strange land. Maybe you felt too sensitive or that you didnโ€™t resonate with your family or those around you. You might still have traces of those feelings now in your business and life. Without a strong root chakra, which is your energetic foundation, itโ€™s difficult to grow to the light and blossom.

There is hope! Instead of focusing on everything you need to do all by yourself, (which is most likely daunting and overwhelming), take time to find your community instead. It could be a spiritual group, people to play and recreate with, or both!

Creating and nurturing a feeling of belonging with your chosen community will anchor you into your body, your life, and the world in ways that are infinitely more enriching and productive than anything you can do on your own.

When you do that, magic happens. Doors open. Opportunities abound. You have fun. Itโ€™s a good thing!

Itโ€™s time for you now to stop struggling and start receiving.

Find your tribe, branch out and grow! Your people are waiting for you!

Intuitive Messages

Intuitive messages are everywhere!

People often ask me how they can better hear their intuition.

I often hear people say, “I ask my Guides, but I cannot hear them!”. ย My answer is always, “You’re trying too hard!”

Our intuition speaks to us every day, in every way. It is not everyone who can see or hear spirits like the way that they show on television. In fact, most professional psychics that I know, including myself, sense our intuition in very subtle ways. It is learning how to recognize and listen to these subtle messages that will give you the guidance that you seek.

You not only receive intuitive messages from within, you are also receiving messages all the time from the outside world. If there is an answer you seek, and you ask your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, and/or Source for guidance, (and even if you don’t) you will receive messages in a variety of forms.

Your Guides are speaking to you all the time, and they will try everything they can to get a message through to you! Have you ever been thinking about going somewhere, and then all of a sudden, you hear people talk about that place in the grocery store or in a restaurant?

You can also receive answers through animals and nature. If you have an unusual sighting of an animal or insect, that is a message for you. For instance, the other day I was thinking about offering more online courses and programs to help people feel more confident about who they are and expressing their true colors.

Just a few minutes later, I walked outside into my yard and a butterfly landed on my finger! (You can’t make this stuff up, folks!). Of course, butterflies represent transformation, from being in a cocoon to metamorphosing into a free colorful creature that gives joy to others who benefit from its beauty. I took that as a sign for a definite YES!

My favorite book in this subject is Animal Speak, but Ted Andrews. He helps you interpret what these messages mean.

Your intuition will always speak to you in the ways you can understand

For instance, I love numerology. Numbers can be intuitive messages that speak to me. It’s a language I speak fluently. I so often see license plates that have a number or letter sequences that I interpret. If you’re a color person, your Guides will communicate with you through color. Whatever way you look at the world, that will be the avenue for your intuition. The more you learn something, the easier it is for you to interpret that intuitive language.

The whole world is a treasure hunt for you! There are clues everywhere for you to follow. Just like when you’re driving you’ll always see signs for your destination, the Universe will provide that for you too. If you truly watch and listen to the clues to see if you’re on the right path, everything will reveal itself to you.

Whether it’s synchronicity, repetition of the same topic that comes onto your radar, a dream, or even an actual billboard, you’ll receive insights about your path. Pay attention and you will see the Universe is alive with messages. It’s a magical way to live.