Nobody can push your emotional buttons like your family

You may love and cherish your family very much. Your time together is wonderful.

Or, you feel that they misunderstand you and you want them to appreciate you more. Or, you long for a sense of family you never had, (or maybe a combination of both).

How you feel about your family permeates every area of your life. That’s because we all long to be part of a tribe. It’s essential to our well being.

You’ve probably heard this before, but it’s worth repeating. You choose your family before you are born. Besides your romantic partners, your family relationships are your most potent opportunity for spiritual growth.

We’re on this planet to learn about every aspect of love. What better way to learn how to love than to HAVE to be with people your whole life?

There is a reason the words family and familiar have the same root. You have known your family before. You have most likely had past lives with every member in your family – multiple lifetimes.

It’s very common for souls to incarnate together over and over again, in different roles. You have all agreed to be in each other’s lives with the same intention – to learn how to love. Sometimes that means you challenge each other, sometimes you support each other, and quite often, it’s a combination of both.

Fill you heart with love

When you learn to love and accept your family members without judgement or wanting them to change who they are, something amazing takes place. You liberate yourself from being burdened by what they say or do. You can live your life on your own terms and experience true compassion.

I encourage you to view your family members as your spiritual teachers, offering you whatever lessons your soul desired for you to grow. By doing so, you take responsibility for your own life and happiness. You will open your heart to experience love on a much deeper level. And when you do, you will feel at home.

When you have a spiritual perspective about your family dynamics, it can really change how you feel about yourself and your life. Remember, the more love you have in your heart, the more love you feel from others.

The Messages Around Us

I was on a road trip recently when I noticed the license plate in front of me. It was almost the same as mine. Take heed, I thought, your guides are trying to tell you something.

Every time there is a recurrence of letters, numbers, or events, it signals a symbolic message from your Divine helpers.

Within one hour or so, I saw three consecutive license plates that really made me think. The first one read, “IN DEBT.” I almost thought it was funny, but a little alarming that someone would pay extra to let us know that!

The second one read, “IT NERD.” IT, I am assuming for Information Technology, and I thought the self-deprecating humor was a bit overdone for a license plate, and it made me feel uneasy.

The third license plate read, “FAILURE.” Can you imagine? Someone actually paid money to put that on a license plate, to bring attention to themselves, and have everyone read that!

Understandably, I couldn’t find the humor in it, I only felt sorry for the person. Then I wanted to know – what are my guides trying to tell me?

The message was instantly clear.

Expression of Self Image

When we have thoughts about ourselves, positive or negative, we carry those thoughts with us. We create an image of ourselves that is projected outward for others to read about us. And just as those drivers spent extra money for self-effacing license plates, it is often extra energy for us to carry around a negative self-image, than to assume the best for ourselves with a positive one.

Why do we do this? Oftentimes it is to protect ourselves from disappointment. What if we think we are really beautiful and then someone comes along and criticizes our looks? We fear that we will then we feel doubly stupid and embarrassed!

What if you think you are really smart and talented at something, and you don’t get any clients for your craft? Or, what if you don’t do well on tests, or you can’t get a job in your field? It becomes embarrassing to try and then fail, as opposed to never trying at all.

The irony is that a negative self-image, somewhere, subtly, may be keeping us from succeeding in the first place. There may be a little voice inside your head that says you need to live in poverty to be a successful artist, or that you are destined never to have money, or that you are a loner by nature, and therefore aren’t good at meeting people. You get the picture.

Make A Shift

How do we remedy this? First, notice your thoughts! Spend at least one day taking stock of what you are thinking, especially when you are interacting with other people.

When you are talking to someone new, are you thinking “they think I’m an idiot” or “they’re looking at my big nose”? Even a positive self-image can have negative subconscious thoughts – “they think I’m conceited because I’m good-looking.” You will be surprised at how many times a day you label yourself, good or bad.

The next step is, notice your thoughts about other people and how often you criticize them! Perhaps because we know how harsh our critic is, we are so afraid of it in other people. This exercise is very interesting!

Finally, whenever you notice a label or criticism in your mind, try to replace it with something positive. We did a wonderful exercise in theater school once while I was acting. The director had us all walk around the room as if we were in a gown (or fancy suit). We were to imagine the most beautiful one we could think of.

Then we glided around the room with our imaginary gowns and felt the beauty of it, the fabric, the texture, our hair was coiffed, our faces Divine, and experienced that luxury. then we would stop and notice the person across from us, silently admired their exquisiteness and sauntered on. Oh – it was heavenly!

Then, he had us do this exercise as if we were stark naked, and proudly walked about the room feeling beautiful and admiring others. What a marvelous feeling! Because it was a theatre exercise, none of us had any shame or embarrassment in feeling beautiful, proud, wealthy, Divine. Joy filled the whole room!

Create The Best You

I think back on this exercise whenever I need a lift, and try to replicate it in different ways. Try to picture yourself wealthy, happy, beautiful, graceful, kind, and admire the exquisiteness in others.

Become successful by thinking of yourself as such. Create the self-image that you desire. Others see you that way; they pick up on it, and have confidence in you. Always expect the best for yourself. Why not?

Remember, even the wealthiest, most physically attractive celebrities have some people think they are funny looking, or not talented etc. Has that held them back? There will always be people who believe in you, and people who don’t. Who do you want to listen to? Ideally none of them. Concentrate on the Divine spark within you, and you will shine!

I want you to attract more true love into your life.

Too often, I see people either stay in unhappy relationships way too long. Or, they stay single and give up on love altogether.

You never need to settle! If you desire true love, you can have it!

Love is the strongest energy in the Universe. You are divinely designed to be a vehicle for love.

If you have a desire to be in a healthy, harmonious, and happy romantic relationship, then you have all the power within you to attract it. We live in a benevolent Universe.

You will never be given a desire without the means to fulfill your desire.

3 techniques to attract more true love into your life

Fall in love with yourself

If you want someone to love and adore you, shower you with appreciation, and support you emotionally, you need to be your own BFF. Look at yourself through the eyes of beauty. Instead of focusing on what you’re doing wrong, praise yourself for what you’re doing right, and by all means, lavish yourself with time and attention!

Pursue your passions

If you’re looking for passionate romance, and you are not doing anything in your life that makes your heart sing, your relationships will fall flat. Take time every day to engage in soul satisfying, spirit-soaring endeavors. Attract amazing people into your life with your newly charged energy!

Love yourself as you are

If you feel like you need to lose weight, make more money, tuck your tummy, and tighten your abs in order for someone to love you, then the message you are telling yourself, and the Universe is that you are not good enough now. Remind yourself that who you are right now is beautiful and worthy of receiving love.

Practice these simple steps and observe how differently people respond to you. All relationships are a mirror for how you treat yourself. When you treat yourself with true love, kindness and compassion, others will too.

If you want to take your love life to a whole new level, I’ve created a Soul Mates, Love and Relationships class as I share with you the Universal Laws of love, help you release the energy from the past that’s holding you back, and let more true love into your life.

Love rules!


Are You Enabling or Empowering Your Loved Ones?

If you are a kind, compassionate, sensitive person (which you most definitely are), you never want to see anyone suffer; especially someone you love.

It is natural to want to help someone avoid pain, challenges, and possibly deter them from making a wrong decision. If you have any wisdom that could assist someone you naturally want to offer your insight. You want to enable by empowering your loved ones.

When you offer experience and expertise to someone who is eager to learn from you, there is a healthy reciprocal exchange of energy. Both parties benefit and feel wonderful from the interaction.

What happens, however, when someone you love is suffering, and keeps making the same mistakes over and over again? Part of the human experience is learning from mistakes.

At some point, our self-limiting habits will become so obvious that we take steps to clear them. It can take some trial and error for these habits to rise to our conscious awareness. In time, however, all self-destructive patterns will be replaced with love.

No matter how much faith you have in a person to succeed, it can be difficult to watch them fall, even if it is for a moment. What tends to happen, is that we try to protect people from their own pain by taking it on ourselves. It’s as if we say to ourselves, “I’m stronger than you, I know I can handle this, and you can’t so give it to me.”

What happens in these situations is that you are putting someone else’s needs in front of your own. Empowering your loved ones can seem like a loving selfless act. However, it doesn’t benefit either of you in the end.

If you sacrifice your own well-being by protecting your loved one from their mistakes, you are denying them an experience to learn and grow. There is a part of you that doesn’t trust them to know what is good for them. At that point, your kindness becomes more enabling than empowering for them.

Four simple guidelines to foster healthy and reciprocal relationships:

Be aware of your boundaries

If you are taking on responsibility for something that isn’t yours, you are allowing energy into your life that will deplete you. ย Alternatively, if you are offering advice that you weren’t asked for, you are invading another person’s boundaries, which doesn’t feel good to either of you.ย Make sure you remind yourself that you are two distinct people each with your own energy and experiences.

Love is more powerful than fear

If you are fearful, that only instills more doubt and anxiety in the person you are trying to help. Instead of focusing on the worst case scenario, visualize your loved one successful and happy. The more you focus on that energy, the more they will entrain to it. The Universe loves to give you what you visualize.

If it’s not your life, it’s not your job

Everyone has life lessons. If we didn’t have lessons, we would not have come to Earth! Even though it seems like someone is suffering, on a soul level they are thriving – learning all that they intended to in this lifetime.

Spiritually, now matter what it looks like on the outside, we are all in the right place at the right time. Each soul has their own guardian angels helping them as well. We are all ย in good hands (wings)! You can trust their Higher Self to guide them.

Love your life first

It’s impossible to know what someone else needs or what is appropriate for them if you don’t know what’s right for yourself. There is a divine plan for all of us. Each one of us is aware of our own plan through our heart and intuition.

If you are afraid that if you do what is truly in your heart that you will be hurting someone else, then you are not trusting the beauty and harmony of the Universe. What is right and appropriate for you is ultimately going to be best for everyone.

Whether it is your spouse, child, parent, friend, or even acquaintance, the BEST possible thing you can do for anyone is to be happy. Live your life to the fullest and everyone around you will be lifted by your energy.


Am I Living My Soul’s Purpose?

The question I get asked the most from clients is whether they are living the purpose of their soul. Sometimes people feel “off” in their life.ย  They feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled and sense that they are not fulfilling their soul’s purpose. And then…they panic.

Most people get off track when they assume that their CAREER is their soul’s purpose. If you are fortunate enough to find a career that you love, you might put so much emphasis on it that your work becomes an all-consuming focus of your life.

It’s even more challenging if you haven’t found your ideal career, and you feel like you’re wasting your life. And you panic even more…and the spiral continues.

Those of you who have had intuitive readings with me know that my specialty is helping people understand their soul’s purpose. I’ve done thousands of readings for people all over the world, and there is one thing I can say for certain, and I cannot emphasize it enough: YOUR PURPOSE IS NOT YOUR CAREER.

Express Your Gifts

Of course, your gifts will naturally manifest themselves through your career. However, you’re meant for so much more than that! There is a lot of planning that goes into the creation of this miracle that is your life.

Express the unique gifts that are with you from birth to find meaning. Evolve with these gifts through spiritual lessons designed for your soul. If you have brought one iota more love, joy, or kindness into the world, consider yours a life well-lived.

I’ve been communicating with my spirit guides since I was a little girl about past lives, reincarnation, karma, and planning our life on Earth. (Yes, I was a bit “other worldly” some might say.)

When I started doing readings for people 15 years ago, I realized that part of my soul’s mission was helping people understand why they were born, and what they are meant to accomplish in this lifetime. Every single person has unique talents they want to express in the world, as well as challenges that are meant to help them grow. Everyone has a soul purpose.

Soul Lessons

I’ve found that when people discover why they have experienced their life’s challenges from a spiritual perspective, profound healing takes place. To heal, you must do several things. Forgive yourself and the people in your life who have challenged you. Let go of regret. Feel tremendous joy and gratitude for who you are and what you have achieved.

I have helped countless people transform their lives by helping them understand their unique soul story, or soul purpose. Now, I feel called to share this knowledge with you.

I am so freaking excited to share this with you I can hardly contain myself!
