Your Guides communicate through your intuition

Connect with your spirit team behind the scenes, guiding you to people that can help you reawaken your gifts and realign with your spirit.


Spirit Guides are usually souls who have previously incarnated on earth and now live in the spirit realm. You have at least one Spirit Guide, someone who stays with you throughout your life. I call this light being your MAIN GUIDE.

You also have other guides that come and go depending on your interests and needs. My relationship with my main guide is such that I call on him for guidance like someone might seek support from a parent. I see him as a wise being that is always there for me.

You can imagine this one guide is family and all other guides are friends. My Main Guideโ€™s name is Alim, and he is my family. One of my mediumship teachers once said, that only those in pursuit of psychic and mediumistic development have Spirit Guides, but I believe she meant that only those on the path of a Light Worker have guides that work with mediumistic and psychic gifts.

You incarnated with a support group that I call your SPIRIT TEAM. Each light being on your team has specific abilities and knowledge that your soul wanted immediate access to. ย Your team comprises Spirit Guides, Angels and other beings of light, each in some way guiding you to fulfill your purpose.

There isnโ€™t one size fits all, so one person might have 10 Guides on their team while another may have 100 Guides. If you have more Guides than someone else it doesnโ€™t mean that youโ€™re anymore spiritually advanced than they are.

Your spirit team guided you.

Thereโ€™s no coincidence that youโ€™re reading this. You might think you were just curious, but your SPIRIT TEAM are working behind the scenes โ€œguidingโ€ you to people that can help you reawaken your gifts, realign with your spirit and achieve the mission you set for yourself before you incarnated.

This SPIRIT TEAM is essentially just a thought away. When you need guidance then you would simply โ€œthinkโ€ about your needs and this acts as a magnet to attract team members to you who can best offer support.

Of course, in practice when youโ€™re stressed or emotional it can be a challenge to be open to receive that guidance. Here are a few tips to help you align with the energy of your SPIRIT TEAM.

spirit team


1. Acknowledge you are a spirit having a human experience.

When you do this it shifts your energy and helps those in spirit to connect with your spirit team. Simple, but very effective, plus it puts you in a sympathetic and receptive way of being and not one thatโ€™s separate.

2. Intention is everything!

If your intention is to connect that energy will guide the connection.

3. Clear your energy field.

Before I work with Alim I have a shower, keep my mind empty of outside stimuli and I wear white. I can connect with him at other times without doing this ritual, but when I channel with him he is moving into my energy field and I want it to be as clear and as clean as possible. He appreciates this.

So on this same note, be aware that if you have lots of stress or negative thoughts it can be a bit more challenging for your guides to step in and communicate with you.

4. Invite your guides in!

You would think this is a no-brainer, but let’s just imagine that your energy field is your home. Your intention sent an invitation out to come on over to your place, but you haven’t invited your guides in. You need to open your door and tell them they can come in otherwise they might just loiter around on the outskirts of your energy field.

5. Communication is a two-way street!

Imagine youโ€™re making a phone call to your guides. They can hear you but you can’t hear them. The problem is, they donโ€™t know that unless you tell them. Theyโ€™re learning too. So, if youโ€™re having difficulty hearing your team, let them know and ask them to turn up the volume!

6. Say, thank you!

They don’t need you to thank them, but your gratitude gives back. Theyโ€™re working in service to help and guide you. So, your appreciation touches their hearts and makes their energy glow. Can you imagine how cool that is? Then everyone will know that the person your guide is working with really appreciates their work. Now who wouldn’t like that!

7. Ask your guides to guide you.

Your guides are waiting to guide you. All you have to do is ask! When I asked Alim about what I needed to share with you, I felt a desire to scan through my previous articles – so with my eyes closed, and my finger on my computer mouse, I moved through my documents folder and when I felt a “NOW” I stopped and opened my eyes. There highlighted on my computer screen was one of my articles about Working With Spirit, and so I understood what I needed to do.

Ask for guidance and then be open to receive. It may come at that moment but guiding you could also be a gradual thing, so be open to surprises especially if itโ€™s the first time that youโ€™ve asked. Your team will find a way to communicate with you. The best way for them to share their wisdom is direct communication and this can take practice.

Can you think of an instance where you know you received guidance from your team and yet you ignored the messages?

Why would you walk this path alone when all the Divine Guidance you need is just a thought away?

Your SPIRIT TEAM awaits connection. They agreed to guide and support you as you pursue your life purpose. The most important thing is to acknowledge their presence and the messages you receive from them. This will literally open a pathway of connection offering you access to infinite wisdom and unlimited Divine Guidance whenever you need it.

You’ll discover the most beautiful, enlightening, supportive, healing and all embracing love of your own personal and connect with yourย  SPIRIT TEAM of Light Beings. They are with you now and always and itโ€™s time to reach out to them.

Contributed by:
Elizabeth Harper

Sealed with Love

Elizabeth Harper is an internationally acclaimed psychic medium, artist, and author. Her work has been featured in popular magazines including Womanโ€™s World, Redbook, and Health. She is a magazine columnist, regular contributor to Australian radio, award-winning author of Wishing: How to Fulfill Your Heartโ€™s Desires, and 365 Days of Angel Prayers

Through her videos, articles, and teaching she guides an international community of thousands of global light workers to easily access their intuitive gifts, discover new ways to heal wounds that stand in the way of success, and realize their soulโ€™s purpose.

Elizabethโ€™s superpower is her intuitive relationship with color. Through her vision of your unique color thumbprint she reveals your innate gifts and talents, your most powerful past lives, and the life path that will bring you the most joy.

Learn more at Sealed with Love.


You already have the gifts inside you

Have you ever wondered how to connect with your Guides and Angels? Or, have you tried to connect and wonder why you’re not receiving an answer? Relax. It’s easier than you think!

You might simply be trying too hard. By protecting yourself from negative energy, you’re actually cutting yourself off from your intuition.

Your Spirit Team is as diverse and multifaceted as you are.

It can feel overwhelming figuring out who or what to connect with in the Spirit Realm. You want to make sure that you’re safe and protected at all times.

Enjoy this interview with my dear friend and first psychic mentor, Elizabeth Harper. We discuss the many ways you can express your divinity. Together, we show you how you can easily connect with the many members of your Spirit Team.

You can access the interview, How To Connect With Your Guides & Angels with Elizabeth Harper below:



connectElizabeth Harper is an internationally acclaimed psychic medium, artist, and author. Her work has been featured in popular magazines including Womanโ€™s World, Redbook, and Health. She is a magazine columnist and a regular contributor to Australian radio.ย  She is also an award-winning author of Wishing: How to Fulfill Your Heartโ€™s Desires, and 365 Days of Angel Prayers.

Through her videos, articles, and teaching she guides an international community of thousands of global light workers.ย  Elizabeth helps them access their intuitive gifts.ย  She guides them in a discovery of new ways to heal wounds that stand in the way of success.ย  Ultimately, she leads them on a journey to realize their soulโ€™s purpose.

Elizabethโ€™s superpower is her intuitive relationship with color. Through her vision of your unique color thumbprint she reveals your innate gifts and talents. She shares with you, your most powerful past lives, and the life path that will bring you the most joy. You can visit her at her beautiful website:


Want to improve your mood? Meditate.

If you are looking for an effective and efficient way to get through the most challenging situations, manage your meditation for emotions.

No matter how much you prepare or plan, life is going to throw you challenges and hurdles from time-to-time. Making it through these challenges is not about knowing how to prevent them from happening, but about knowing how to handle them when they come your way.

There are so many different approaches you can take to making it through difficult times. Some people look for ways to outwardly express their anger. Others turn to friends and family for help. Some may even find that solitude helps them get through their challenges.

However, if you are looking for an effective and efficient way to get through the most challenging of situations, you may want to give meditation a try, you may want to give meditation a try. Meditation for emotions.

There are so many different elements of life that can present challenges. They may be personal problems, family issues, challenges at work or tough times in your relationships. The good news is that meditation can help. Meditation for emotions can help you overcome the hardship and help you learn to make better decisions with the challenges before you.

Why Meditation?

There are so many great benefits that come with meditation and chances are you have heard about the stress-relieving and mind-clearing advantages that can come with regular meditative practices.

However, above all things, mindful meditation is all about learning to become more intimate with ourselves, with our lives and with our experiencesโ€”both good and bad.

Practicing meditation regularly will help you get those tools you need to not only learn how to handle the difficult times, but how to enjoy the good times as well. It can teach you how to better interact with the world around you when things donโ€™t go your way, and it can teach you how to better interact with yourself as well.

One of the biggest changes that many see after practicing meditation regularly is how they inwardly handle difficult situations. It is easy to find yourself faced with a tough time and decide to turn inward and start blaming yourself for being in the situation. It is easy to quickly jump to self-judgement or blameโ€”after all we can be our own worst critics.

However, with the regular practice of mindful meditation, we can learn to be more aware of our lives and our surroundings and learn to be able to see things more clearly.

This awareness will help you handle your challenges easier as you let go of these negative thoughts and focus on what you can do to better your situation instead of finding yourself in a cycle of self-blame.

Meditation teaches you to recognize your thoughts and learn which feelings to ignore and which ones can benefit you.

Managing Emotion Through Meditation

If there is one thing that most people take away from their meditative practices when it comes to learning to get through difficult times, it is an ability to manage emotions. While meditation can help on a number of levels, this is perhaps the most noticeable benefit that meditators get right away when it comes to this practice.

Mindfulness is all about bringing non-judgmental awareness to an experience, a thought or to your life in general, which requires a great deal of control. In time, you will learn to exhibit this control through your difficult or frustrating times.

One example is dealing with the hurdle of losing a job. Getting fired can be extremely devastating and it can typically elicit two main responses:

  • You feel strong, negative emotions towards the individual that fired you
  • You feel strong, negative emotion and blame yourself

Either way, these are not healthy means of addressing a setback like getting fired.

Acceptance and Peace

When you meditate and let your mind clear itself and relax, you can push those negative emotions like anger, sadness, stress and anxiety aside and instead be filled with the peace you need to move forward.

Instead of allowing your emotions take control, meditation will teach you to temper your negative feelings so you can look at the situation for what it is. You have lost your job for one reason or another.

There is no one really to blame as this is part of the universeโ€™s greater plan. Letting emotion take over will not fix anything with your current condition.

You can now only find inner peace and balance so that you can look toward the future and to what you need to do next to get your life on track.

Mindful meditation teaches you all about finding a center and finding balance in your life. When you face a setback such as this, you can now push emotions to the side and instead focus on what it is that you need to do to move forward and regain that balance.

Learning to Bounce Back and Move Forward

Since overcoming difficult times is all about how you handle challenges when they come your way, being able to bounce back after a hardship is essential. This is one of the main things that you can learn from regular meditation and from a better sense of self awareness.

Meditation teaches you to acknowledge that sometimes life doesnโ€™t go as planned and sometimes it throws curveballs your way. Mindfulness teaches you there is nothing you can do but accept these difficulties and learn to move forward.

When you are able to use the tools that meditation teaches you to bounce back from difficult times, whether it is getting fired from your job, getting sick, getting divorced or anything in between you will not only benefit from a new resilience but you will learn to gain perspective as well.

When you are mindful of the world around you, of your place in the world and of the things that you have, you learn to gain some perspective. Yes, you may be going through a difficult time at work, but be mindful of what is in front of you.

It can be something as simple as picking up an apple for a snack. You may be dealing with a challenge but you are so fortunate to have real, clean, healthy food in front of youโ€”something that not everyone is fortunate to have.

Instead of changing your circumstances, change your perspective.

Making these realizations can help you with your recovery. Take a moment to think about your situation. As you gain a better perspective about your place in the world and just how fortunate you are, you will begin the process of a positive recovery.

Ultimately, you can use this perspective and insight to make better decisions regarding where you are going to go next and how you are going to handle moving forward.

Handling some of the difficulties that life throws at you can be extremely difficult and can seem overwhelming and even chaotic at times. However, with meditation, you can get the tools that you need to weather the storm.

Contributed by:

Founded in 2003 by Vishen Lakhiani, Mindvalley Academy is an online school for all the things regular schooling forget to teach you. We bring you world-class courses from the world’s top personal growth authors and brands to allow you to create remarkable transformations in all areas of your life.

We know that you are so much more extraordinary than you were made to believe.

Go beyond just having a good career – ย lead a life thatโ€™s extraordinary in all dimensions of being human.

Learn more at Mindvalley Academy.


Heal your chakras the fun way with food!

We know food and drink are our sources of physical energy. Use food for chakras as a source of positive, and healing energy.

Sometimes itโ€™s hard to remember what you can do to heal and balance your chakras. You may not remember the right mantras, or have time to meditate. Ideally, you do these things every day. But letโ€™s be realistic. For most of us, life gets in the way and itโ€™s all too easy to neglect chakra care!

Our seven chakras are the powerful focal points of our body’s constantย circulation of energy. This energy is not only directed outwards towards the world we inhabit and the people we interact with, but is also drawn in from our surroundings and immediate environment.

These energies drive us towards almost all that we do. They are required in order to live healthy, happy lives in which our dreams can be fulfilled. Our voices can be heard and our road towards enlightenment can be walked without difficulty or strife.

It comes as no surprise, then, to learn that those things which we choose to put into our bodies can make a significant difference regarding how well our chakras operate. They impact how freely and healthily the energies circulate around our material form.

A healthy chakra is an open chakra

A chakra is wheel, or vortex of energy which rotates and pulses. It accepts positive energies from outside, as well as projects internally and outwardly.

Food for chakras and drink are our sources of physical energy; we all know this to be the case. However, it is possible to use them as a source of positive, healing energy as well. Certain foods or drinks can greatly benefit our chakras.

Or conversely, prohibit them from working properly by blocking or closing them. When we understand that food impacts the flow of energy in our bodies, we can begin to use our meals or diets in a new way. We can focus the positive energies of food on particular chakras which require some work or help. Food for chakras can be transformative, aiding in our overall well-being.

Using Colors

Each of the 7 chakras corresponds to a particular part of the body, and to certain mental and emotional states.

When chakras are blocked, through environmental toxins, negative thinking or emotional trends, the physical, emotional and mental aspects that are associated with a blocked chakra, will suffer.

For example, the heart chakra associates with the lungs, the circulatory system and the heart. Emotionally, this chakra governs your relationships and your ability to fully give and receive love.

A blocked heart chakra can manifest in relationship troubles and feelings of loneliness and if left untreated, can eventually lead to asthma, heart attacks and even breast cancer.

Thankfully, nature has provided us with a relatively simple technique to select foods that relate to particular chakras. Certain foods contain special energies or frequencies that can assist in opening or healing your bodyโ€™s energy centers.

Because each of our chakras has an energy that is both literally and symbolically represented by a color, it is very often the case that foods which have the same color can work harmoniously with that chakra.

For example, green colored foods such as fresh leafy vegetables and certain green fruits are a great way of healing and opening your fourth heart chakra.

These foods vibrate at a consistent and similar frequency to that of your heart vortex. The positive energies taken from digesting these foods will make their way into this energy center of your body, giving it a boost and allowing it to work as it should.

Nourishing Foods for the Chakras

Note:ย Avoid beige foods like bread, pasta, baked goods in favor of a colorful rainbow, for optimal chakra care.

Root Chakra

The first or root chakra is located at the base of your spine. It acts as your foundation, your roots and a connection to the physical world. This chakra is all about grounding you to the earth and making you feel safe and secure. Any root vegetable that is red is a great choice for food for chakras.

Some include beets, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, garlic, ginger, turnips and parsnips. These are warming, comforting foods, particularly when they are oven roasted with olive oil, salt and rosemary (try drizzling with a veggie stock, too, for extra flavor).

Try them roasted with salt and olive oil for an easy grounding meal that is also delicious! Protein and red fruits like strawberries, apples or pomegranates can help to strengthen your roots and are great food for chakras.

Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is just below your navel. This chakra governs sexuality, pleasure, worthiness of pleasure, and emotions.

The element associated with the sacral chakra is water, so pure water is the best thing you can drink, to clear and heal this chakra. Clear liquids like teas and broths are healing too, so be sure to keep your body hydrated if your second chakra is imbalanced.

The color associated with the sacral chakra is orange. Orange foods, especially carrots, oranges, mangoes, melons and orange juice, can be healing food for chakras. Eggs are a great sacral chakra food. Many supermarket eggs are quite old, and the yolks are a sickly yellow โ€“ but a fresh egg has a bright orange yolk so whenever you can, seek out freshly laid eggs!

Hint: fresh, whole, organic foods have the best healing properties!

Solar Plexus Chakra

The third, or solar plexus, chakra transforms energy into action.

Think โ€œfireโ€ โ€“ your inner fire, self-esteem and personal power. Itโ€™s also the seat of your โ€œgut instinct.โ€ It is now known that the digestive system has its own intelligence, and caring for it is best done with a diet rich in colorful veggies.

Draw in the sunโ€™s energy by eating yellow foods: yellow peppers, bananas, ginger, yellow squashes, pineapple, yellow tomatoes, corn and peaches. A great daily cleansing drink is water with a few squirts of lemon.

Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra is the heart chakra. It governs your relationships and ability to unconditionally give and receive love.

Its color is green, so any leafy or cruciferous vegetable is a powerful, healing food for chakras. Try kale, spinach, chard, broccoli, lettuce (avoid iceberg lettuce though, as it is nutritionally poor), collard greens, bok choy and asparagus. A great fruit choice is kiwi.

These foods also vibrate at a consistent and similar frequency to that of your heart vortex. Positive energies taken from digesting these foods will make their way into this energy center of your body.ย  It will give it a boost and allow it to work as it should.

Throat Chakra

Located at the throat, this chakra governs the thyroid glands and self-expression, creativity, honesty and communication. You can eat blueberries, grapes , Italian plums and blackberries to heal this chakra.

Brow and Crown Chakras

The brow and crown chakras are less concerned with the material (physical) world than they are the spiritual world. So physical nourishment is not as essential. Their energy is less dense and more ethereal, but you can still use food for chakras to heal them. Eat light meals, and purple foods like black grapes, purple cabbage and eggplant.

The key to successful nourishing with food is balance and variety.

If you were to focus your culinary efforts on just one chakra you would neglect the others. For example, going heavy on the sweet potatoes and red foods with nothing else, makes for an imbalanced diet.

Try for a rainbow of color on your plate with every meal, for the best healing!

This is a guest post by Mindvalley Academy. Find out more about them below:

Founded in 2003 by Vishen Lakhiani, Mindvalley Academy works with the best authors and the most innovative technology to provide learning experiences on personal growth, health and fitness, spirituality, productivity, mindfulness and more.

We serve over three million students, subscribers and followers worldwide, empowering our audience to lead healthier, happier lives and fulfill their greatest potential. We are ambitiously determined to change education globally and provide innovative, holistic education at all levels of life – from infancy to high school to late adulthood.

Our ultimate goal? We strive to launch a school of growth and humanity for a billion people. To unleash the extraordinary in everyone, with the adamant belief that we can and will impact the world.


Explore effective methods to cultivate thankfulness. Learn how to practice gratitude with easy steps that enrich your daily life.

How To Live A Life Of Gratitude

Gratitude is an energy that returns to you magnified.

The law of attraction, in its simplest form, states that what you put into this world is what you will get out of it.

Some examples of this are blatant; If you eat junk food every day and never exercise, chances are you will be overweight and ill. If you eat healthy foods, stay fit and take care of yourself, you will look and feel good in return.

The same applies to our spirits. If we think negative thoughts, we will lead negative, difficult lives. If we spread positivity, it will return to bless us.

Likewise, if we live a life of gratitude, we will never run out of things to be grateful for! Here are a few ways gratitude can better your life in the long run with the power of positivity.

How to Practice Gratitude At Home

For most of us, when we are asked to think of something that makes us happy, or something we are grateful for, it turns out that we are not thinking of something but of someone. Our domestic companions are the most important relationships we have.

Whether itโ€™s our parents, our siblings, our partners or spouses- even our pets- home is where the heart is, and the heart is usually in the hands of someone we would die for. But how often do we stop to just say thank you to that person; thank you for being wonderful and for being in our lives?

Too often we are quick to anger; we let negativity in and allow it to consume us. So we fight, and give each other the silent treatment, and sometimes we even want to hurt each other. This is normal, but life could be so much healthier.

Important studies have shown that gratitude shared on a regular basis with someone helps relationships grow, and strengthens them too.

Gratitude betters communication in relationships. It brings us closer to each other and makes us calmer, more understanding and kinder.

Too often families split up and relationships end because one party feels under-appreciated and/ or unloved. Why take the risk? Instead of giving negativity opportunities to enter your life, reaffirm your relationships by being grateful for them.

How to Practice Gratitude Gratitude At Work

Cultivating gratitude in the workplace might not be an easy feat for most. Itโ€™s rare that we actually enjoy the jobs we do or like the people we work for. But at the end of the day, working allows us to afford the necessities and indulge in the luxuries. This in itself is something to be grateful for.

Still, itโ€™s hard. Most people who are unhappy in their jobs feel that way because of their bosses. Itโ€™s easy to say that gratitude in the workplace is simple, but itโ€™s difficult to accept that if you are never on the receiving end of it.

This is where the law of attraction comes into play. You do not have to be thanked for gratitude to make an impact. You can be the one giving thanks. It has been proven that gratitude is addictive. The more thanks we get, the more thanks we will give and vice versa. Perhaps in your workplace, you have to be the trendsetter!

For the managers:ย saying thank you to your employees increases productivity and makes for a pleasant work environment. If you are kind to your employees, they will be motivated to work harder, and if they feel that their hard work is truly appreciated, they will continue to work hard.

Gratitude is the simplest, kindest form of recognition. Share it, and you will see a visible difference in the attitudes of your staff. In turn, you will be happier and more relaxed too! Itโ€™s a win-win situation.

How to Practice Gratitude With Friends

Isnโ€™t it odd to think that out of the billions of people on this planet, there are a select few designated just to us, that we share our lives with purely because we want to? Friends are special, and they deserve recognition for being awesome.

Showing gratitude makes us more likable, which in turn makes us easier to get along with. This will make your friends happier, which will make you happier, which will make your friends even happierโ€ฆ Gratitude is really a circle of joy.

Studies have shown that gratitude deepens and strengthens relationships and there is no reason why your friends would be excluded from that. Good friends should never be neglected and saying thank you to your friends is a nice way to let them know that you love them and appreciate them. Living a life of gratitude and kindness also makes us more attractive, and opens doors to more friendships too.

This is an important fact because humans are, and always have been, social creatures. We want to be liked. We want to share our time here with others. One way to attract good people into our lives is to be good and gracious to others.

How to Practice Gratitude Gratitude For Health

Gratitude and its impact on our health are the topics of countless studies.ย  The results are almost unanimously positive. Gratitude makes us healthier. Saying thank you probably wonโ€™t cure terminal cancer, or serve as an instant pick-me-up to fight off psychological disorders, but the idea is simple enough to understand. If you are grateful for your life and good health, you will live a better, easier life.

Research has proven that gratitude has positive effects on an array of health aspects including insomnia, depression, anxiety, hypertension, stress and stress-induced conditions, pain, heart health, exercise and fitness, trauma, and the immune system. It also increases our energy levels and vitality, and due to the fact that it has given such positive results in so many health areas, most have been led to assume that gratitude increases our lifespan.

The verdict then, is that if you are grateful for your health, you will live healthier and longer!

The same applies to our moods and happiness. Being thankful makes us happy, and when we are happy we have so much more to be thankful for.

Saying Thank You is Easy

What most people tend to forget is that it is just as easy to be unhappy as it is to be happy. Next time you donโ€™t feel so fantastic, and you are angry, depressed, or demotivated, take a minute or two to say thank you.

You can say thank you for something small, like a cup of coffee or advice, or you can meditate on the big things, like love, safety, and friendship. You will feel better. Your mind processes one feeling at a time.

You cannot be unhappy and happy at the same time, so why choose the negative when you can invoke gratitude and happiness instead?

Contributed by:

Founded in 2003 by Vishen Lakhiani, Mindvalley Academy is an online school for all the things regular schooling forget to teach you. We bring you world-class courses from the world’s top personal growth authors and brands to allow you to create remarkable transformations in all areas of your life.

We know that you are so much more extraordinary than you were made to believe.
Go beyond just having a good career – ย lead a life thatโ€™s extraordinary in all dimensions of being human.

Learn more at Mindvalley Academy.
