Intuitive Mentorship: We Are All Connected. You Are Never Alone.

We are all connected. You are never alone.

I learned many things after doing thousands of psychic readings. One is that we all have more help than we could possibly realize.⁠

No matter how random, painful, or unfair things in the world or your life feel, your soul is expanding from the experience.⁠

Your Guides and Angels are ALWAYS here with you.⁠

Whatever you are going through, there is nothing in the human experience that someone hasn’t gone through and come out the other side.

If you’ve ever listened to my monthly forecasts, you’ll recognize that we all experience the same shifts at the same time.

They may manifest differently for all of us, yet the Universal energy is always effecting us as a collective.


Intuitive Mentorship

What touched my heart this week was hearing from the participants of my Intuitive Mentorship calls. The one thing everyone said consistently, is that it reminded them that we are all connected.

It’s important for you to connect with like-minded, like-hearted souls.  This was a reminder just how much support you have on this journey.⁠

On these calls my intention was to heal your energetic blocks and receive clarity about your life.

My intention during these sessions is to bring you closer to your truth so you can share your gifts. speak your truth and shine your light.

Being yourself brings a lightness you never thought was possible.

Once you tap into your intuition, your world changes around you. You begin to move with the flow of life instead of against the tide.

You’ve been accessing intuition your whole life. I’m reminding you how to tune into your natural abilities.

We are all in this adventure called life together!

~ Kari


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