Free Natal Chart Calculator
Find your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, North Node, Rising Sign, and Ascendant using the free natal chart calculator.
Use this FREE Natal Chart calculator below.
Your Natal Chart is a map of the sky when you were born. Knowing your natal chart reveals your keys to happiness and success. You can learn to understand your inclinations, personality traits, and gifts and talents.
If you want to know your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, North Node, Rising Sign, Ascendant, or all the planets of your birth chart, you can find out using this free tool.
*If you don’t know your exact time of birth, you can use noon for the time.
Calculator created in partnership with Astro-Seek Online Astrology
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You are one of the kindest and generous people on the Earth. I love you and all that you do. You are an Earth angel and here to heal all of us and the Earth. Love you Kari and so grateful for you!
I am happy to be here on this blue planet in this times with your guidance :)!
I appreciate your motivation and inspiration.
Thanking you in advance .
Hello, I think my sun sign is in oct/nov