Best Spiritual Books That Will Change Your Life

Oh, to get lost in a good book!

Almost everything I have learned about spirituality has been through self-study. ANYTHING is available for you to discover through spiritual books.

There are a few absolutely pivotal books in my life that have changed me forever. These are must-reads. I’m sharing them with you here because I know they will change your life for the better too. Enjoy these magical books and oracles!

The Best Spiritual Books (My Favorite)

Tarot and Oracle Cards

Animal-Wise Tarot, by Ted Andrews

Ted Andrews, on of the best spiritual books, is a master interpreter of Animal Spirits. This fascinating deck combines the wisdom of animal spirit medicine with the time-honored foundation of the tarot. If I only had access to one deck, this would be it!

 Wild Unknown Tarot, by Kim Krans
Sublime illustrations are beautifully imprinted on this exquisite deck. The author provides deep insight and a modern take on the traditional tarot for a truly beautiful experience.

Easy Tarot Guide by Marcia Masino,
This is the one book I used to learn tarot from beginner to professional level. You’ll learn about numerology, how to interpret shuffles, and the deeper meaning of the symbolism in the cards.

Wisdom of the Oracle Tarot, by Colette Baron-Reid

I love this deck. It’s beautiful, magical, mystical and always spot on. The author is a gifted psychic who specializes in creating oracle cards. This is one of my go-to decks.

Universal Waite Tarot, Radiant_tarotby Stuart Kaplan and Pamela Coleman Smith
This is the classic tarot deck that I always go back to. For more modern vibrant colors, I also love the Radiant Tarot.



Best spiritual books for Soul and Reincarnation

Journey_of_soulsJourney of Souls, by Michael Newton
This is one of the best spiritual books! If I was going to recommend you read one book, this is it! Michael Newton is a hypnotherapist who regressed thousands of patients to their life between lives – between incarnations. You’ll discover the process of your soul choosing your life circumstances and relationships, and learn more about your soul family and life on the other side. Truly amazing.

Destiny of Souls, by Michael Newton

This is a deeper look into life on the other side and further insights into our amazing journey as a soul. I can’t get enough of this book!

Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records: The Book of Life, by Kevin J. Todeschi
Edgar Cayce was a prophet with amazing insight into people’s past lives. He was also a profoundly gifted medical intuitive. You’ll get a glimpse into how the Akashic Records interplay with real people’s lives through case studies of his readings.

Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, by Robert Schwartz
This offers profound case studies of the spiritual reasons why people choose difficult life circumstances. He explores topics such as physical illness, handicapped children, accidents, and death of loved ones. He really sheds some light on these seemingly tragic circumstances.


Best spiritual books for Numerology

Magical Books and OraclesThe Life You Were Born To Live, by Dan Millman

This is the book that changed everything for me. It’s the ONE numerology resource you need to understand your life  purpose. You’ll have so much fun reading this best spiritual book about your friends and family too. Shockingly accurate.

Who Are You in the Tarot? Discover Your Birth and Year Cards and Uncover Your Destiny, by Mary Greer
Even though this is a book about tarot, this is how I learned about applying numerology to people’s lives. I included this in my list of spiritual books because the combination of numerology and tarot is super insightful and fun.


Best spiritual books for Astrology

Astrology and Consciousness, by Rio Oleski
This is the book that started everything for me. It was my first astrology book and is still, after 20 years, my go-to resource.

The Inner Sky, by Steven Forrest
LOVE Steven Forrest. He makes astrology easy to understand and apply. He offers an in-depth perspective in a breezy style.

book of moonThe Book of the Moon, by Steven Forrest

You’ll learn so much about your soul’s purpose by discovering your moon phase at the time of your birth. There are some amazing insights about timing, and your deep inner life through your awareness of the moon.


Best spiritual books for Spirit Guides

Animal Speak by Ted Andrews

You have animal spirit guides too! If you’ve ever seen an animal in the wild, or your home that seems to have a message for you, this is the go-to resource for you to interpret their message. One of my favorite books of all time! A must-read for everyone seeking a deeper connection to the natural world.


Best spiritual books for Angels

archangelsCalling in Your Abundance Angels – 28 Days of Miracles,
by Kari Samuels

This course has changed thousands of people’s lives all over the world. If you want to feel positive, rather than being drained by other people’s negativity, and want to transform your sensitivities into your superpowers, this program can quickly and profoundly change your life. You can gift this to a loved one or yourself.

365 Days of Angel Prayers, by Cathleen O’Connor
& Elizabeth Harper
Magical Books
Angels every day – how heavenly! Filled with inspiration, insight, invocations, blessings and prayers, your spirits will be lifted as you are filled with your daily dose of divine love. This is a collection from dozens of contributors, (including yours truly), each offering their unique gifts, vision and love.


Best spiritual books for Psychic Development

The Psychic Pathway: A Workbook for Reawakening the Voice of Your Soul, by Sonia Choquette
As of the best spiritual books, this is a great primer for beginners of the psychic arts. This is written as a workbook so you can build on your progress. It was one of my first books as a budding psychic.

Magical BooksPsychic Development for Beginners, by William W. Hewitt
Just like the name implies, this is great for beginners. If you want to try some fun exercises that really work, this will help awaken your psychic abilities. You might be amazed at yourself!

You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading and Healing, by Debra Lynn Katz
This has some more advanced techniques. It focuses on clairvoyance, which I find a bit limited. Still, there are some wonderful processes here that will help you.


Best spiritual books for Chakras

Wheels of Life, by Anodea Judith
I received so much from this book. Truly an in-depth all encompassing work about our divine energy system.

chakra healingDaily Chakra Healing For Happiness And Well Being, by Kari Samuels
This is unlike any meditation you’ve ever experienced before! It is specifically designed to reprogram your subconscious mind so you can unlock your intuitive powers. It is recorded to Theta Brainwave entrainment music for deep relaxation and healing. In this chakra healing activation, you will clear your energy of fears and stagnation, and expand your energy for an unlimited flow of prosperity and divine guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angels.

Guided Chakra Meditation for Busy People, by Belinda Davidson
This is the guided meditation that I use almost every day. When your chakras are happy, you will be too! Although this isn’t a “book” you’ll learn so much about your chakras through this practice.


Best spiritual books for Empath Empowerment

Empath’s Survival Guide, by Judith Orloff
It’s not easy being an empath! It’s such an awesome way to be when you know how to channel it correctly. You’ll learn some valuable techniques to protect your energy so you won’t pick up other people’s stuff! This book is a must for sensitive souls.

Positive Energy, by Judith Orloff
Written for those who feel drained by other people’s energy, this will help you tune into your intuition, and tune out the energy vampires.

Magical BooksThe Highly Sensitive Person, by Elaine Aron
Have you ever been called too sensitive? Do you feel overwhelmed by other people or overstimulated by noise and crowds? Do you have an active imagination? You are what’s known as a “Highly Sensitive Person” or HSP. You’ll find this book an invaluable resource for the sensitive soul.



I know these spiritual books will transform your life as they did mine.

Drop me a comment below to let me know how you’re enjoying them!  Or, share them as a gift!

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1 thought on “Best Spiritual Books That Will Change Your Life

  1. WOW! Fabulous list! Thanks, Kari.
    I’m thrilled, as I have several of the items you mentioned; Dan Millman’s is excellent; both of Michael Newton’s books (Journey of Souls helped me through in the passing of loved ones); The Highly Sensitive Person is a MUST for sensitive souls; and finally, Radiant Tarot & Mary Greer’s Tarot for Your Self workbook. All the other books etc., you’ve listed are ones I’ll certainly check out, especially your Daily Chakra item!
    You’re super helpful!

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