Free Numerology Guide

In this life-changing guide, you'll discover what your birth-date reveals about your life purpose, relationships, happiness and success.

Plus, find out what those repeating numbers you always see are all about, your home numerology and more...

Discover what your birth date reveals about your life purpose, relationships, happiness and success.

Calculate your Life Path Number

Discover what your birth date reveals about your destiny.


You are a N Life Path

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Life Path Number

1 Life Path – Creativity and Confidence

You will be divinely inspired and have a great deal of physical energy, communication skills, and many talents. Since 1 is a number of firsts, you will strive to be number one and be competitive, even if it is only with yourself. You are willful, confident and assertive. As a 1 Life Path, you have extremely high standards and will strive to be the first at everything you do. You require variety and independence. You are an innovator and inventor who loves to find creative solutions. You’re a born leader and innovator, so you make a great entrepreneur or manager – any career that allows you autonomy.

Challenge: You have so many ideas and inspirations, in such a unique way you might not know how to handle the energy or have the confidence to bring your ideas to fruition. You can over-think things. Because your are learning how to assert you will, sometimes you appear more confident than you actually are and come across as bossy and/or arrogant, or are afraid to come across that way so you suppress your power. Since you are learning how to BE an authority, you sometimes conflict with authority. Once you learn to have the confidence to be your creative, unique and inventive self, you can thrive.

2 Life Path – Intuition and Sensitivity

You will be loving and very sensitive to pleasing others, as well as receiving subtle energy and subconscious messages. As a 2 Life Path you are very psychic! You are strongly connected to childhood memories (and children), and their dreams. 2s can be an excellent writers, with a tendency toward mysticism. You are a natural peacemaker and can always see two sides of a situation. This Life Path absolutely loves LOVE and will always want to be in a harmonious romantic relationship. You enjoy being in any partnership whether it be as lovers, friends, or colleagues.

Challenge: Sometimes you will over-cooperate and feel too sensitive and/or unappreciated. You must learn to listen to and express your own needs rather than please others. Since you don’t have natural boundaries and want to make others happy, you can do too much for other people and later resent them and retreat. You must also learn not to take things personally. Once you learn how to create healthy boundaries, say no when you are feeling stretched, and listen to your own needs, you can tap into your unbound intuition and truly thrive.

3 Life Path – Empathy and Expression

Cooperation, fertility, and growth are life themes for you. You enjoy creating and expressing heartfelt emotion. 3s are born to inspire and uplift others, usually through speaking, writing or singing though your talents can manifest in any creative endeavor. You are a natural counselor and love to make people feel comfortable and nurtured. This is a highly sociable vibration who loves to smile, have fun, and make people laugh.

Challenge: Because you feel very deeply, you are sometimes self-conscious about expressing your emotions, and withdraw. You can pick up other people’s feelings and must learn to protect your boundaries so you can feel more comfortable being with others. You tend to be scattered and experience self-doubt. Once you learn how to express what is inside of you directly and joyfully – saying what you feel, you will find many fulfilling relationships and endeavors.

4 Life Path – Security and Family

You are interested in all matters of the physical world such as structure, family, order, logic, power, property, and real estate. This includes anything in the earthly dominion, such as the four elements, four seasons, four cardinal directions, etc. You are here to learn to “father things. As such your relationship to your father was a strong influence in your life.

Many people with this Life Path Number have fathers who were either emotionally unavailable, passed away while you were young, or weren’t around for you. This is so you can learn how to father yourself and find your authority within. For some, your fathers are your role models.

It is very important for you to have security and share your bounty with others. Since security and family are important to you, if you didn’t feel protected or parented while growing up, you will seek your spiritual family throughout your life.

You were born to pass down a legacy of some sort and this can manifest in building businesses, families, or teaching others. 4s are honest and fiercely loyal and expect the same from others. You like to master things and pass down your experience to others. As a Life Path 4, you are a fierce protector of people and causes you believe in, so anyone would be lucky to have you on their side.

Challenge: Oftentimes, you experienced either too much order/strictness or not enough direction while growing up. You can be overly logical or stubborn, and allow your need for security to overwhelm your better judgment. You must become comfortable with self-discipline so you find strength and fortitude within. You must learn how to balance reason with emotions, intuition with logic, and work with play.

5 Life Path – Freedom and Change

As a Life Path 5, you are a quick-witted fun loving person who loves to learn and play. You are a freedom fighter and adventure lover who needs to experience things for yourself, through your five senses. 5s crave variety of activities. You are a natural storyteller, entertainer, and also a very good counselor. This is a highly social vibration so you are sure to be the life of the party. You are always fun to be around!

Challenge: Oftentimes you have difficulty finding what you want to commit to because your need for freedom and variety is so strong. You must learn that freedom comes from within, so if you find something that you like, you must find the discipline to stick to it and find freedom within that. Also, you often learn from mistakes, so please understand that you cannot be perfect right away. Mistakes are part of the learning process and its OK to make them.

6 Life Path – Balance and Harmony

As a Life Path 6, you are very sensitive to vibrations, and therefore wish for your environment and all your relationships to feel peaceful and harmonious. You are often highly idealistic, and find beauty all around you. 6s can also have a psychic nose, with an acute sense of smell! You are strongly connected to music, colors, art, and anything that brings harmony and beauty. You can pick up the energy of a person or room instantly, because you are highly intuitive. This Life Path learns best from relating to others, so they often feel the need to be in a romantic relationship. You love to nurture and are naturally good with animals, children, and plants.

Challenge: Since you are so sensitive to vibrations, you dislike being criticized at all costs, and will often do anything to please people, even at your own expense. You can be so idealistic that you do not see people or situations correctly, and then get bitter or disappointed after your expectations aren’t met. You have especially high, if not perfectionist expectations of yourself, and often compare yourselves to others, and can think life is not fair.

7 Life Path – Trust and Faith

Trust is the key for you. You have a wonderful mind that loves to penetrate the truth of every situation, and therefore can make a great researcher. A Life Path 7 can read between the lines. You love to explore all of the mysteries of life, and can apply your mind to anything you choose. You are connected to the Spirit in all things, and have a wonderful intuition. Since your mind is so strong and insightful, you are always picking up higher frequencies, therefore you require a great deal of privacy, alone time, meditation and introspection to process all of the energy and insight you are receiving. You are deeply connected to nature, especially water. Being in the expansive energy of the elements helps you feel at One with everything.

Challenge: You often fear betrayal and therefore attract relationships where you are, in fact, betrayed. A Life Path 7 must learn to train your mind and develop faith in yourself, in Spirit, and the Universe. You need a lot of privacy and can often hide your feelings from others, so nobody really knows what’s going on inside of you. This Life Path can find reality too difficult and therefore escape into addictions or avoid commitment. Once you learn to trust your own intuition, you will attract more trustworthy people and circumstances and trust the process of life as well.

8 Life Path – Power and Abundance

As an 8 Life Path, you are a magnetic person who can make a great leader and organizer because of your ability to see the big picture of things. You also have a knack for managing people and projects on a large scale, and have the ability to make a great deal of money. 8s do everything larger than life. You are strong, both physically and emotionally, and your strength is often tested. This Life Path is passionate about everything they do. You can, and want (if not secretly) to make a great deal of money or be in a position of power, and use your advantages in service to the higher good. You like people to view you with respect.

Challenge: You often fear your passions or power, associating these qualities with negativity or greed. You need to trust that your passions will lead you to your purpose, and being powerful with the right intentions can be in service of the greater good. You can often feel victimized, or get so caught up in your career that you forget to take time to play or nurture your spirit.

Since you are meant to learn to be a steward of money and power, and harness the infinite resources of the Universe, you can experience great losses as well as great gains. You can actively avoid money, responsibility, status or power due to subconscious fears that others will view you as greedy or domineering. Once you understand that the more power you channel from Source, the more good you can do in the world. Then, nothing can stop you from being the magnetic and philanthropic leader you were born to be!

9 Life Path – Integrity and Wholeness

You are a natural teacher and counselor. Many see you as an old soul because you are. You are highly intuitive and have a strong connection to a deep wisdom within you, even if you are not aware of it. As a Life Path 9, you have the ability to synthesize vast and complex information to make it easily understood by others. You are often very magnetic to others, as people are drawn to your innate wisdom. You can often delve into a person’s psyche and know what others are thinking.

Challenge: You must learn to individuate and go against the grain. This requires that you no longer care about what others think about you, even though you are very sensitive to other people’s energy. You often have family burdens that you have taken on, or feel a sense of rejection related to family or groups. As a 9, you can feel misunderstood and isolated. You need to let go of the past and live in the present. When you do so, you are a light in the world that will inspire many others along their path!

11 Life Path – Inspiration and Illumination

You are an inspiration to others! A born leader and teacher. You have magic hands and have the ability to heal others through energy. 11 is a master number, and therefore requires a great deal of spiritual skill. You are amazingly intuitive, receiving insights and divine messages as downloads from Source. You might see these as images or ideas, or experience them as knowing or feelings. As a highly tuned being, your path is to use the innovative messages you receive from the Divine and communicate them through others. Writing is a wonderful means of expression for you, as well as any communication that uplifts and inspires others.

Challenge: As a master number, you are required to overcome some rigorous spiritual challenges. You will be tested. Your inclination is to want the approval of others, or to hide behind someone else’s power by giving them all the credit. You must learn to stand out, go against the grain and ACT on your intuition for you to fulfill your divine purpose. If you don’t you can feel resentful, anxious, creatively frustrated, or depressed. Once you acknowledge and express your remarkable gifts and have the courage to stand out as the spiritual leader that you are meant to be, you will experience amazing opportunities.

22 Life Path – Spiritual Strength

You are a spiritual architect. As a master number known as the Master Builder, you are a natural teacher, leader, and philanthropist. You have all the skills to make this world a better place. Combine your intuitive insights, practical guidance, and physical discipline. You can build your dreams from scratch. Your dreams often benefit others for generations – whether it’s your family, students or colleagues, you were born to leave a legacy.

Challenge: As a master number you will experience greater challenges than most. This is to test your spiritual strength. You are a steward of great power and responsibility. Therefore you will go through many trials to temper your ability to handle your role as a leader. You will often find conflict with authority until you learn that YOU are the authority. Until then, you might find yourself belittled, undervalued, and either controlled or not given enough guidance. Once you accept your role as the amazing leader, entrepreneur and authority you are, and use that power to benefit humanity and the Earth, you will find amazing opportunities available to you.

33 Life Path – Creative Visionary

As a Master Number, you most likely feel that you’ve come to this planet to do something great – because you have! That doesn’t necessarily mean your career is where your greatness manifests – 33s are nurturers by heart, so you can pour all your love and wisdom into being a wonderful parent, or helping animals or the planet. Simply by virtue of who you are, with your loving presence, you are healing the world. You will feel a great sense of responsibility, because you know you can handle more than other people. Yet it’s important that you learn how to delegate and let go of responsibility. You have a sensitive emotional field, so it’s imperative you maintain balance of your body, mind, and spirit at all times. You’re here to help others heal and that begins with yourself.

Challenge: As a master number you will experience greater challenges than most. Your have a BIG VISION for your life, and that can overwhelm you sometimes. You might not feel you have what it takes to live up to your own expectations. Often, you tend toward perfectionism, which can keep you from taking action on your dreams. You can compare yourself to other people who are already accomplished, and feel you aren’t good enough as a result.

33 Life Path can also take on so much responsibility that you don’t allow yourself the time and space to follow your heart’s desires. As you remember, you are good enough RIGHT NOW! Allow yourself to pursue your passions, no matter how far along on your journey you are, you will truly thrive!

Your Life Path Number is akin to your Sun Sign in astrology. It reveals life's purpose including your gifts, talents, inner drives, and abilities, as well as your challenges and how you process emotions.

It can also help you discover why you have experienced some of your life's circumstances. What are you meant to learn is often what is most challenging for you and is where you have the greatest potential. Each number vibration has a range of energies.

We often start out experiencing the challenge of each vibration until we overcome those obstacles and manifest the higher vibration of the number.

When you live in alignment with your life’s purpose, the whole Universe supports you.

Enjoy the journey!

Discover what your numbers reveal about you

Awaken Your Intuition

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Discover simple and easy techniques to connect with your Spirit Guides and Angels for clarity and divine guidance.

You are born with an inner blueprint.

You are born with the gift of intuition. Your innate wisdom is always guiding and protecting you.

As you attune to your inner guidance, you can fully express your passions and life's purpose, while experiencing more ease and joy.

You have a team of divine helpers guiding you on every step of your journey.

Within you is the power to transform your life. As you open your intuitive channels, you're in the flow of unlimited opportunities.

Your intuition is speaking to you and has never left you. Will you heed the call?

Reclaim your intuitive gifts to unleash your potential.

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soul healing for self esteem Enhance your self worth so you can receive more love and money Heal & clear soul-level blocks, reprogram your subconcious mind, and upgrade your energy frequency to align with prosperity and love. soul healing for self esteem Enroll in the course for free »

You are a luminous being with infinite potential

Before you incarnated to Earth, your soul charted a course for your spiritual lessons and opportunities.

Your life purpose is for you to overcome your fears and karmic patterns and by doing so, enhance your strengths and talents so you can be a light for others and share your gifts.

You have accumulated many talents on your soul's journey. You've most likely experienced some past life traumas as well.

Your subconscious stores the memories of all your past life experiences.

If you've ever wondered why you keep attracting the same challenging situation over and over, you most likely have a soul contract or karmic pattern keeping you stuck.

Good news!

You have the ability to transform your life by healing your soul.

When you release yourself from your limiting soul contracts, you can tap into your infinite potential and express your unique spiritual gifts.

So much joy awaits you!

Free Astrology Guide

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Your Natal Chart is a map of the sky when you were born. Knowing your birth chart reveals your keys to happiness and success. You can learn to understand your inclinations and personality traits as well as your gifts and talents.

If you want to know your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, North Node, Rising Sign, Ascendant, or all the planets of your birth chart, you can find out using this free tool.

Calculator created in partnership with Astro-Seek Online Astrology

Astrology Courses

In this forecast and healing event, you will receive practical and spiritual tools for 2024, including divination for the entire year and a month-by-month forecast.
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The stars aligned at your birth to create the chemistry for you to succeed. Learn how your Sun Sign illuminates your path to happiness.

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Understanding the Moon in your birth chart reveals your deepest emotional needs and inner desires. You can also harness the Moon's power to fulfill your intentions with divine timing.

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Blog Posts to explore Astrology

October Forecast 2024: Supermoons, Eclipses and Relationship Shifts

October 2024 astrology and numerology brings changes in every area of your life, but especially your relationships.

With eclipse season in full swing and two supermoons, this month will be all about transformation, letting go, and creating more balance in your life. Let’s dive into the key astrological themes that will shape the month ahead.

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Tags: October forecast

Aries Zodiac Sign

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac. The role of this Zodiac sign is to initiate change through the power of self-belief and confidence.

Your Astrological Sign, Zodiac Sign, Star Sign, and Sun Sign are all names for the same thing. They represent the constellation in which the Sun appears to travel at the time of your birth. Knowing your Sun Sign is akin to having an owner’s manual. There are characteristics that are hard-wired into your sign that shape the way you relate to the world. When you understand your true nature, you can fully express your purpose.

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Taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus is your steadfast companion.

Taurus delights in life’s sensual pleasures and material comforts. In its highest expression, Taurus teaches us to value the beauty within and around us.

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Curated Just For You

Empower yourself and heal your mind with Daily Affirmations for Self Esteem.

Transform your thoughts, heal your mind, and unlock your true potential with daily healing mantras for self-empowerment. Take control of your emotions, protect your energy, and thrive in the life you deserve.

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Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel will transform your sensitivities into your superpowers. When you allow your angels in, you will become entrained to their positive energy and naturally attract your Heart’s Desires, without fear.

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Release yourself from karmic patterns so you can live the life your soul intended. Heal the specific limiting beliefs associated with your Life Path Number, personalized your birth date.

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Blog Posts to Decode your Numbers

Blog Posts to Expand your Intuition

Blog Posts to Nourish your Soul

Making Intuitive Choices In High Stress Times

Learn how to make intuitive decisions in high-stress times. Discover grounding techniques and insights to calm your mind and connect with your inner guidance

When stress clouds your mind, it’s hard to trust your intuition. Learn how to stay grounded and make intuitive decisions with practical tools and personal insights.

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Tags: Get Psyched Podcast, Grounding

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Intuition or Judgement – How To Trust Yourself?

I want to talk about discernment.

This is the BIGGEST challenge I see people have in accessing their intuition. Sometimes your intuition will reveal something to you, about a person’s character, about a situation, about yourself – and you don’t like it.

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Tags: Empath, Empath Empowerment

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Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorn is a practical earth sign. They embody patience and perseverance to build structures and systems that can support societies.

Capricorn’s ruling planet Saturn ensures that Capricorns take their tasks seriously. Whether that’s raking a lawn or managing a multi-billion dollar company, they will not shirk their responsibilities. They are natural leaders and guides.

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Discover the gifts, talents and traits of your Astrology Sign. (And learn what makes your loved ones tick!)


Calm and center your energy as you connect with Mother Earth so you can relieve anxiety and stress, recieve divine intuition and manifest more quickly.