How to Discover Your Soul’s Calling: Trusting the Path Less Traveled

Have you ever felt a pull deep within, nudging you toward something greater? A passion you can’t quite explain or a curiosity that refuses to go away? That could be the whisper of your soul’s calling, guiding you toward a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfilment.

In this episode of Get Psyched, Kari Samuels delves into the difference between your life’s purpose and your soul’s calling. While they are often confused, Kari offers a fresh perspective on how each serves a unique role in our lives. If you’ve ever struggled to find clarity in your life’s direction, this is the roadmap you’ve been looking for.

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Soul’s Calling vs. Life Purpose

Many people confuse their life’s calling with their life purpose. Kari explains the distinction:

  • Life Purpose:

    This is the broader reason for your existence, the lessons you’re meant to learn and express throughout your life. It’s like the sun radiating its light.

  • Soul’s Calling:

    This is the deep, internal urge that pulls you towards specific experiences, gifts, and ways of being. It’s like a tide gently drawing you inward.

Why We Struggle to Find Our Soul’s purpose

Society’s expectations often steer us away from our true passions and soul’s purpose. This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and a disconnect from our inner selves. Let’s explore some common reasons why this happens:

Social Conditioning:     

From childhood, we are influenced by societal norms that dictate what success looks like—often at the expense of our authentic selves. Many of us end up pursuing careers or lifestyles that feel empty because they don’t align with our inner desires.

Take a moment to reflect about your childhood interests and passions. What brought you joy? Reconnecting with those early passions can offer important clues to your soul’s true desires.

Focus on Logic Over Intuition:

We’re taught to prioritize logic and reason, often silencing the subtle whispers of our intuition.

Listen to your intuition. This inner voice is often drowned out by the noise of external advice and societal expectations. Spend time each day connecting with your intuition—it will guide you toward your true path.

Your Soul Purpose is not your career

Our society often equates purpose with career, leading us to overlook the soul-fulfilling aspects of life outside of work.

Broaden your definition of success. Ask yourself: What makes me feel alive? What activities fill me with joy? These questions can help you uncover the soul-fulfilling aspects of life that go beyond career achievements.

Tread Your Own Path:

A calling often takes us on a unique path, which can feel scary and uncertain. The fear of straying from what is “normal” can hold us back from embracing our true purpose.

Embrace the unknown. Trust that your soul’s calling is leading you exactly where you need to go, even if it’s down a road you never expected.

Reconnect with Your Inner Knowing

The good news is that you can reconnect with your calling at any time. Here are Kari’s tips:

Creativity is a powerful way to tap into your soul’s essence. When you engage in creative activities—whether it’s painting, gardening, writing, or dancing—you allow your true self to emerge. These moments of creativity ground you in the present and help you listen to the whispers of your soul.

Practice Mindfulness:

Make time each day to engage in something creative. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it brings you joy and allows your mind to wander freely.

Being present in the moment is essential for reconnecting with your soul’s calling. Often, the things that bring us joy and a sense of flow are clues to our true purpose.

Let Go of Limiting Beliefs:

Pay attention to what makes you feel fulfilled. What activities excite you? What sparks your curiosity? These are important indicators of your soul’s calling.

Many of us carry negative beliefs about what we’re capable of, often stemming from societal conditioning. These limiting beliefs can hold us back from pursuing our soul’s desires.


To challenge these beliefs. Replace self-doubt with positive affirmations that remind you of your worth and potential.

Kari ends the podcast with a powerful reminder: The path to your soul’s calling is rarely a straight line. It’s often a winding, unpredictable journey that takes you places you never expected to go. But every step along the way has value.

Your Magic Lesson: Understanding Your Journey

Take a moment to reflect on the road less traveled. Ask yourself: How have the detours in my life helped me get closer to my true self? Trust that your journey is unfolding perfectly, even if it doesn’t always make sense in the moment.

As you continue to explore your soul’s calling, remember to be patient with yourself. It takes time, and it requires listening to your intuition, trusting your feelings, and letting go of the need for external validation. The more you align with your inner truth, the more fulfilling your life will become.

Key Moments From the Podcast

00:00 Introduction

01:36 Distinction Between Purpose and Calling

05:02The Nature of Callings

10:06 Social Conditioning vs. Personal Growth

12:08 Reconnecting with Your Soul

14:33 Magic Lesson: Understanding Your Journey

17:32 Conclusion


Connect with Kari Samuels:

For more insights and tools to enhance your intuitive journey, visit where you can explore additional resources including a free intuition series and Your Soul’s Calling course or follow her social media pages:

Facebook: Kari Samuels

Instagram: @karisamuels

Pinterest: karisamuels

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