

September 23 – October 22

The first day of Libra zodiac sign is the Equinox. This is when the day and night are of equal measure. Discover the libra astrology.

Your Astrological Sign, Zodiac Sign, Star Sign, and Sun Sign are all names for the same thing. They represent the constellation on which the Sun appears to travel at the time of your birth.

Knowing your Sun Sign is akin to having an owner’s manual. Some characteristics are hard-wired into your sign that shapes how you relate to the world. When you understand your true nature, you can fully express your purpose.


Venus is the goddess of love! This planet rules the feminine realm, including art, beauty, and adornment. Venus attracts rather than pursues. Since everything you attract into your life is dependent on your self-worth, Venus governs what you value. For this reason, Venus associates with self-worth and money.

ELEMENT:  CARDINAL AIR   cardinal air

Cardinal signs initiate seasons. They are pioneering and enterprising. Their role is to initiate new paradigms and ideas.

Air is much lighter than Earth. Air naturally rises and moves. Therefore, air signs focus their energy in their minds, thinking and analyzing. They are natural communicators.

Their nature is to seek connections, so you will often find them exploring and socializing. They are the information processors of the zodiac, bringing new ideas into circulation.


The first day of Libra zodiac sign is the Equinox. This is when the day and night are of equal measure. It is no surprise that Libra desires harmony and balance. Being ruled by Venus, this eye for harmony lends itself to design, fashion, music, and the arts.Libra

Libras crave balance in all things, especially relationships. This doesn’t mean they are inherently balanced. Like the scales that represent this sign, they can feel off-kilter when not in a romantic partnership.

Natural peacemakers, Libra creates beautiful environments for all to enjoy. Yet, they can be over-accommodating to others, leading to people-pleasing and codependency. Libra’s ultimate expression is to create peace, harmony, and beauty in the world and their relationships.


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11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Before we begin this healing meditation, make sure you are in a peaceful, comfortable position where you will be undisturbed so you can enjoy this sacred space with the divine. Now close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself now in a pillar of white light. Pure white light that extends from heaven… All the way down to the core of the earth. Your whole being is enveloped in this beautiful sparkling white light that lifts away all lower energies and vibrations and imbues you with love, warmth, healing, and light. Now imagine you have a pillar of white light in each of the four corners of your room and your whole space. It’s filled with beautiful light. And as you’re breathing in this beautiful healing energy. Every cell of your being is opening up to receive this beautiful healing light. You’re being cleansed and bathed in this loving vibration. Anything that feels heavy, slow, or dull can be lifted so you can feel joyful, vibrant, and alive.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Breathe in this beautiful light as you call in. Your healing team, your highest level guides and angels, they’re with you now supporting you on your journey in every moment, and they are assisting you with this healing now you are never alone. You are always supported. By your celestial team of light, your divine healers and protectors who give you strength and nourishment and support and love. As your body is opening up to the light around you, feel how loved you are. Your celestial team is embracing you with love. Allow yourself to feel and receive this love. As you relax, everything in your life is perfect and beautiful just as you are right now. So take a deep breath in as you let go of anything that doesn’t serve you. As you breathe in love and light and healing and support. You can let go of your fears and your worries and now connect to the earth. Connect your body to the earth as you bring your awareness to your feet all the way to the core of the earth, the beautiful light and life giving energy at the core of the earth.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Bring in that life from the core of the earth, bring it into your being. Let this nourish you, and support you, and protect you. You are connected to the earth. Now call in your spirit to be anchored in your body, which is connected to the earth. You are fully embodying your spirit. You are here in the present moment, right now. Fully engaged in your life. Joyfully grateful in the present and enthusiastically looking toward your future. Now breathe in that gratitude as that fills your being with the joy of being alive at this moment in this time. What a gift.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Now bring your awareness to your solar plexus, just beneath your ribcage. This is your power center where you radiate confidence and self esteem. Here, you shine your light from your solar plexus like a sun that warms and brings joy to others and lights up the world. As you bring your awareness to your solar plexus, notice if there’s any constrictions, if it feels as if there’s anybody else’s energy in your solar plexus. If you’ve taken on anybody else’s energy, any energy that doesn’t belong to you from other people or the world, you may feel that energy in your solar plexus or not. It doesn’t matter. Bring your awareness there, and breathe light into your solar plexus. And with the assistance of your healing team, this light will dissolve any energy that doesn’t belong to you, so you can radiate more brightly at every moment. Keep breathing in that beautiful healing light. Perhaps, You have taken on the energy of the world or other people. You can unplug from this energy at any moment right now. Visualize in your solar plexus a plug between you and the world, and imagine yourself now a unplugging that energy Unplug any etheric cords or karmic connections or fear or any energy that doesn’t belong to you. Unplug that from your solar plexus right now. And let that be dissolved in the light, transmuted, formless and harmless, into pure love. Now, breathe in the light around you, breathe that into your solar plexus. Now, breathe in that light. As you fill your solar plexus with divine power, divine love, nourishment, and healing. Your solar plexus is being filled with light.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

And your solar plexus is radiating light all around you. Your aura is being filled with light. And spiritual power that you are using for the greatest good. It is safe for you to be in your power and shine your light. Because you are using your power for the highest good at all times. Radiate your power and your light. Shine your light brighter and brighter and brighter. Allow your light to fill your whole room. Allow your light to expand even beyond your room. Bigger and brighter, bigger and brighter. As you shine your light, you are attracting positive people and circumstances to you. The more you shine your light brightly, the more you are making this world more beautiful, uplifting the energy of everywhere around you, radiating joy, radiating love, radiating confidence, and positive energy. You are such a bright light in this world. It is safe for you to shine brighter and brighter, and by doing so, You make the world more beautiful. Now keep breathing in this light and radiating your light as you bring your awareness into your throat chakra and notice if there feels like there’s any congestion or restriction in your throat chakra.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Perhaps there are words unspoken or creativity unexpressed. Allow the healing light of the divine to cleanse your throat chakra. Of any fears or restrictions. So you may authentically express your truth, you may shine and share your uniqueness with the world. And as your throat fills with the beautiful light of the divine, you feel open and expansive, you can easily express your truth, your authentic nature. Your creativity flows, your unique being brings beauty into the world. Your unique vibration is uplifting the world. Keep breathing in that light. Beautiful. Now bring your awareness to your mind, your consciousness. And bring the healing light of the divine into your mind. As you dissolve away any judgments, as you dissolve away any negative expectations, you’re being healed with the light. The light is uplifting your mind, lifting your thoughts, lifting your spirit to connect with the divine.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

So you can now envision a positive life, a beautiful life for yourself and your loved ones. You have positive expectations. Take a moment to experience that right now. Seeing yourself succeeding, happy, thriving, healthy, blissful, safe, and at peace. And notice how that feels in your body as that energy emanates throughout the entire universe. Now you bring your awareness to your crown chakra. As you experience the connection with the divine light above you, you feel that infinite connection with the divine. The divine always connects and protects you. And as you feel that spiritual light, you open up your crown to receive a flood of heavenly light into your being. This light is filling all of your cells. Every molecule of your body, you’re being uplifted and enveloped by the light. Light is filling your entire being.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

And you are emanating pure light. And you allow this light to expand and expand and expand. You are radiant. You are love and loving and loved. Your entire being is light. And you know that you were born to bring light into this world, that you are a light, and you are always protected by the divine. You are always supported by the divine, and you are always divinely guided. Allow yourself to feel this lightness and this strength in this connection. And as you shine your light more and more. You continue to attract beautiful experiences to you and uplift the world around you, and so it is.

11:11 Embody the Light Guided Meditation

Embodying the light is about shining your unique, radiant self in all that you do. Allow your inner brilliance to express itself and everyone around you to feel it. We all have that special light within us, and it’s time to let it shine! Remember that embodying the light doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It’s about embracing your imperfections and using them as part of your beautiful, unique tapestry. Your quirks and idiosyncrasies are what make you, well, you. They’re the pieces of your mosaic that come together to create the masterpiece that is your life.

How to Embody the Light

Start by being kind to yourself. Self-love is a crucial part of this journey. Treat yourself as you would your best friend. Encourage yourself, support yourself, and be patient as you grow and evolve. Another important aspect is surrounding yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Your social circle plays a significant role in your ability to embody the light. Seek out those who bring out the best in you, and don’t be afraid to let go of relationships that no longer serve your highest good. And let’s not forget the power of gratitude. Every day, take a moment to count your blessings. Expressing gratitude is like turning on a light switch in your heart. It makes your inner light shine even brighter.

Embrace the Journey

Remember, embodying the light is a lifelong journey, not a destination. It’s about discovering your own unique path to happiness and sharing your light with the world. So, don’t be afraid to be yourself, embrace your beautiful imperfections, and let your radiant light shine. You’ve got this, my friend! I hope this blog post has inspired you to embrace your inner light and share it with the world. Remember, you are a unique and magnificent soul. The world needs your light. So, go out there and embody the light like the beautiful, radiant being that you are. Practice this 17 minute meditation, Embody the Light, here ».


Your home is the foundation of your happiness.

Whether you live in a house, an apartment, a condo, or even a dorm, the house numerology of your address can reveal how you will feel in that home.

Discover your house numerology by
entering your house or apartment number below:



House numerology can affect your well-being. Since numbers are vibrations, your address sets the tone for your entire living space. Make sure that your house or apartment number is compatible with you and the others living there. Create an energy that is conducive to your lifestyle.

In Feng Shui, numbers hold profound significance, each one radiating its own unique energy that can either enhance or disrupt the natural balance of a space.

Although your street address, building address, and zip code certainly have an impact, the most influential number for your well-being is your house or apartment number, since that is what is most personal to you.

Calculate your apartment or house numerology

First, write down the full number of your house or apartment (the number on your door or mailbox).
 Next, add all of the numbers together to find the sum.
Reduce the sum to a single digit.

For instance, if you live in a house that is at 3608 Pine Terrace.
 Your house number is 3608.
 You then add: 3+6+0+8=17.
 Reduce 17 to a single digit: (1+7=8).
If you live in a house 3608 Pine Terrace, you live in an 8 house.

Although your street name or number has an influence, you do not need to add your street name or number to find YOUR house number numerology. You’re looking for what is personal to YOU. So, if you live on 324 7th Avenue,  you would use 324 to find your house numerology (3+2+4 = 9). 324 7th Avenue is a 9 home.

If you live in an apartment, the most influential number is your apartment number, not your building number.
 Let’s say you live at 3608 Pine Terrace, Apt #31. In that case, you calculate the house numerology for your apartment number, which is 31.

You add the sum of the numbers 31 (3+1=4). Your apartment is a 4.

Letters have numeric value as well. Use the chart below to determine the numeric value of your apartment letters.


For example, if you lived in apartment 31C, you would take the numeric value of the letter C (you can find the numeric value of letters in the chart below) and add that to the apartment number.

For apartment 31C  –  add the sum of 31=4, plus the numeric value of C=3.  4+3=7. Apartment 31C is a 7 apartment number.

Discover your house numerology by
entering your house or apartment number below:




Discover your house numerology and its meaning

1 Home

1Promotes independence, innovation, ingenuity, ambition, drive, and leadership. This is a wonderful home to live in if you are self-employed and work out of your home. This is also a great home if there are people living together who wish to maintain their autonomy and freedom. Living here can strengthen your character, determination, and self-confidence.

Challenges: If you would like to promote cooperation and harmony, the 1 can foster too much independence. If you want to find a partner or are prone to loneliness, this home in the house numerology can have too much “self” energy and not as much partnering. If you find yourself feeling unsupported and having too much work, your home may add up to 19.

This is a karmic lesson number.  You can easily create more welcoming supportive energy in your home for others by having art that depicts more than one person, animal or object instead of someone or something singular. This also serves as a reminder to your subconscious that you enjoy the company of others.

address numerology

2 Home

2 address numerology

This home is sure to be a loving, cozy atmosphere, where others will always feel welcome, nurtured, and loved. The energy of 2 is sentimental and sensitive. So, this is a lovely place for those who enjoy being surrounded by photographs of family and friends, and having people over for intimate gatherings, especially where feelings are expressed and affection is shared.

It is a wonderful place for couples who love to do things together. It is particularly well-suited for romantic partners, best friends, and young families. Since the 2 energy fosters intuition and balance, this home is also well-suited for writers and healers.

Challenges: Since the 2 in the house numerology lends itself to strong feelings, sometimes people can feel overly sensitive here. You can feel overwhelmed with emotions and need to go outside or do more physical activities to ground you. You can find yourself taking things too personally or needing constant affection or validation.

If you are living with someone else, you might find there is an imbalance of give and take. You can balance this energy by remembering to have healthy boundaries and express your feelings openly and directly as they come up.


3 Home

3 address numerology

This home is sure to have a cheerful, upbeat energy. 3 is a fun, vivacious number, so this is a wonderful place to have lively social gatherings. It is a highly creative vibration, so if you are wanting to start a family or an artistic endeavor, this would be a great place!

Feelings are openly expressed here, as well as unique, innovative ideas. This is a wonderful home best suited for artists, singles, couples or families, or anyone who loves to live life to the fullest and express themselves with joy.

Challenges: This energy can lend itself to you being scattered, unfocused, or spending too much money. You need to make sure you stay grounded and take time to focus on practical things. 3 energy in the house numerology ncan also tend to have self-doubt, so make sure you are nurturing positive feelings about yourself at all times.

4 Home

4 address numerology

This is a solid, secure, protected environment. 4 is the most grounded vibration of all, and relates to the earth, real estate and physical structures. This would be a great place for investments, whether it is related to properties, stocks, finances, or even your education. Discipline, structure, and responsibility are supported here.

If you are growing your business, finances or family, this is a great home for you. This is a wonderful place if you prefer stability to change, or at least want your home to be conventional, even if the rest of your life is adventurous!

Challenges: 4 is the slowest and most grounded of all the numbers, so if you like adventure, variety, excitement, or innovation, you won’t find it here. You might find yourself working too hard or getting too bogged down in your to-do list, particularly if you live in a 13 home, which is a karmic lesson number.

It’s important that you balance work with play, and practicality with emotions. Since 4 relates to structure, you want to make sure the physical frame and foundation of your home are in good shape.  Don’t skimp on home repairs if you need them.

5 Home

5 address numerology

If you love to socialize this is the place for you! 5 loves to party so there is never a dull moment. 5 is the most gregarious of all the numbers so this is a great place for people who love having people over and entertaining guests. There are always surprises with 5, so if you love excitement and adventure, you’ve found the right place. Perfect for those who love to travel, meet new people, try new things, and enjoy your freedom. If you want to break up your routine, get out of a rut, or just have fun, you’ve found the right home!

Challenges: If you’re looking for quiet, reflection, or stability, you won’t find it here. You might find this to be a temporary home rather than a permanent one. Because 5 promotes variety and change, you might find it difficult to make up your mind or focus on practical matters.

You might find yourself over-indulging in food, sex, or alcohol, especially if your home ads up to 14, which is a karmic lesson number. Avoid a 5 home if you are prone to addiction of any sort. If you maintain your discipline and stay focused on your personal goals, you will find the right balance.

6 Home

6 address numerology

Perfect for families, couples, or artists, this home will inspire beauty, love and harmony. Your home is truly your sanctuary. People will feel immediately welcome when they walk into your home because of the balanced energy.

It is best to have art and beauty around you, so you would want to decorate your home with pretty colors, comfortable furniture, and plants. You will feel the need to nurture and take care of others, so children and animals thrive here. Almost every type of person can feel happy in a 6 home. You are very lucky to live here!

Challenges: Since 6 in the house numerology promotes family responsibility, you might find yourself spending too much time taking care of everyone else, and not enough time nurturing yourself. Make sure you are listening to your needs first before rushing and doing things for other people. You might find yourself liking being at home so much you never want to leave! This can be a good thing, but it’s great to get out and socialize as well.

7 Home

7 address numerology

If you are a mystic, writer, researcher, or spiritual seeker of any sort, you will love living here. 7 is a private vibration and can be somewhat secretive. It inspires deep thought, reflection, and powerful insight. If you love to come home and have quiet time to read, reflect, and restore, you will thrive here!

To promote tranquility, water is a lovely element to add to this home, if you don’t already live near a body of water. You can have some thrilling spiritual and intellectual insights here, so it is a wonderful home to promote dramatic shifts in your consciousness.

Challenges: If you like entertaining, or love to party, you can find yourself going a little stir-crazy. You might find it is too isolating or lonely at times. It is important that you eliminate any clutter in your environment as well as your thoughts to harmonize with your home’s energy.

Make sure to take good care of your roof and make all necessary repairs, since 7 homes are prone to roof damage – particularly if it is an address that adds up to 16, which is a karmic lesson number. Since 7s love to escape, you would want to avoid this address if you are prone to alcohol or drug addictions.

8 Home

8 address numerology

This is the right place if you are an entrepreneur or are career-driven in any way! If you are running your business from your home, even better! 8 is a number of prosperity and abundance, so any financial endeavor will be promoted here.

8 is also a number of passion in the house numerology, therefore you will be encouraged to engage with people you feel strongly about, and activities that you love. Physical activities that require strength will be energized. If you want to expand your status in the world, position in life, financial wealth, or size of your family, this is a great home for you!

8 is a number that teaches you about money and abundance, so you can have big gains here as well as big losses. You will find the need to keep expanding. Therefore, no matter how large your home is, you will always want more.

You will want more furniture, more people, more upgrades, and more stuff in general. Make sure not to put too much money into your home. If your motivation is to impress other people, your dream home can become a money pit. Be careful not to focus too much on your career that you forget to spend time with the wonderful people in your life.

9 Home

9 address numerology

Everyone is welcome in a 9 home! This address is particularly suited to groups that promote the good of the whole such as dorms or schools, or people with an open heart and mind.  9 is the number of universal love and compassion.  Your intuition will be at an all-time high. You might find yourself receiving phone calls and visitors from people seeking your advice. People will be drawn to your home because of the loving energy there. 9 is an international number in the house numerology. You might feel the urge to travel, or welcome visitors from other parts of the world.

You will find yourself conjuring memories and emotions from the past so you can have healing and forgiveness. 9 promotes introspection and intuition. As you tune into your inner wisdom, you may become more expressive and creative.  Ultimately, you will learn a great deal about yourself and other people from living here. You will find many emotional rewards.


9 promotes endings, so you can find yourself wrapping up a part of your life so you can begin another chapter. You may find yourself having difficulty letting go of the past. Yet, as you learn to release anything in your environment or life that doesn’t nourish you, you will find yourself supported here.

You may be so focused on helping other people you forget to take care of your financial and physical well-being. If you learn to love yourself without the need for approval from others and listen to that strong intuition of yours, you will thrive!

11 Home

11 address numerology

11 is the Master Number of Intuition and Illumination. The number 11 shaped like two pillars, representing a gateway of new growth for you. When you live in an 11 home, you will be inspired with new ideas, creativity, and innovation. You will find many rich and rewarding opportunities, especially those that promote leadership and creativity.

Since this is a number of light, you will want to design your home with beautiful airy decor. Keep it uncluttered, and decorate it with meaningful artifacts. 11 reduces to the number 2 (1+1 = 2) therefore this can promote harmony, provided that each person maintains their independence.

Challenges: Because 11 is a master number in the house numerology, there are spiritual tests that you must go through. 11 is a number of partnership in the house numerology and can promote harmony ONLY if both people are aligned with their truth and maintain a strong sense of self. If you are codependent in any way, or give your power away, you will find yourself getting into relationship struggles.

This is to teach you to be interdependent in relationships, rather than co-dependent. Since you will be flooded with intuitive insights in this home, you want to make sure you EXPRESS your creativity, or else you might feel anxious or confused. You must act on your ideas, not just think about them.

22 Home

22 address numerology

As the Master Number of the Master Builder, 22 is the number of STABILITY in the house numerology. This number governs all things related to the Earth, including finances, career, physical body and family. This is a wonderful home if you have a close family, want to feel more grounded, or wish to connect with the natural world. This is a power spot if you are an entrepreneur or teacher. This home is best decorated with natural elements, and designed with access to the natural world.

Challenges: Because 22 is a master number, you will have some spiritual trials that will test your strength. You might feel a lot of pressure to provide for your family or stress from work.

If you shy away from your leadership or teaching role, you will face some authority issues, until you accept your responsibilities. You might find yourself working too hard or too focused on your career or family obligations. If you learn to delegate some of your tasks, and create a balance of work and play, you will find your key to happiness.

Remember, most of all, home is where the heart is!

If you live in or near nature that nurtures your soul or is close to the people you love, you will always feel at home.

Explore Kari’s Life Path Calculator here.



Numerology for Your Address
Numerology for Your Address
Numerology for Your Address

What are soul mates?

Have you ever met someone and felt as if you’ve known them before?

It’s most likely because you have – in another lifetime! When you have this familiar feeling, it is likely you have met one of your soul mates, possibly indicating a deep soul contract.

And yet there are those times when you FEEL like you’ve met your soul mate, and it turns out to be a completely challenging relationship! It can leave you wondering how your intuition can lead you to such a difficult situation.

What are soul contracts?

If you find yourself in challenging circumstances or relationships over and over again, and can’t seem to break the pattern, you might have a soul contract that is keeping you stuck. Soul contracts are pre-birth agreements you have with other people to help you grow and evolve as a soul.

You can also have these soul contracts with yourself.  These are energy patterns from other lifetimes that create limiting situations for you that compromise your well-being, akin to karmic relationships.

Some soul contracts can take years, even decades to transform. The good news is, you can change these patterns for good! Once you learn the lessons these contracts are designed to teach you, you can be free of them indefinitely, moving beyond the cycle of karmic relationships.

You can take control of your life, completely express your gifts and purpose in the world, and enjoy the life you were born to live! Sound amazing? It is!

Change Your Energy

One way to move through a soul contract is to take responsibility for your life. Do not blame the other person for making you feel a certain way. As difficult as it is to believe, the people whom you find challenging are helping you, possibly fulfilling a karmic relationship or soul contract.

Being in a relationship with someone who brings up your “stuff” can help you release unconscious patterns, so you can CHANGE YOUR RESPONSE. Once you change your energy around something that you were previously reacting to unconsciously, you no longer need to attract circumstances and relationships pertaining to that particular issue.

You can transform difficult emotions by breathing love into your body. If you feel you are tense, fearful, or anxious, it’s just stuck energy. Breathe love into all of your cells.

Send love to yourself and all the people involved in the situation. Keep breathing the beautiful healing light of pure divine love until you feel the energy move.

Congratulations! You just healed your life!

Live responsibly. Be love.

Love And Destiny

If you would like to transform your limiting beliefs on a soul level so you can start attracting more positive circumstances and people, then I would like to invite you to explore my course, Soul Mates: Love And Relationships.

If there is an area in your life you can’t break free from or a negative circumstance that you attract over and over again, you most likely have a soul contract keeping you stuck. Negative soul contracts are created in moments of stress and despair and can keep you in those debilitating patterns lifetime after lifetime.

With the assistance of your Akashic Record guides, you can transform your limiting beliefs on a soul level. This can empower you to start attracting more positive circumstances and people. In this powerful energy transmission, you will experience a powerful SOUL-LEVEL HEALING to free yourself from limiting soul contracts once and for all!




August 23 to September 22

Your Sun Sign is like an owner’s manual. Discover how Virgo zodiac sign uses fine minds for thoughtful communication that serves humanity.

Your Astrological Sign, Zodiac Sign, Star Sign, and Sun Sign are all names for the same thing. They represent the constellation on which the Sun appears to travel at the time of your birth.

Knowing your Sun Sign is akin to having an owner’s manual. There are characteristics that are hard-wired into your sign that shape the way you relate to the world. When you understand your true nature, you can fully express your purpose.


Mercury is the messenger of the zodiac. Otherwise, known as quicksilver, Mercury moves FAST! It’s the solar system’s speediest planet, with an orbital rate of 107,082 miles per hour (47.87 kms). Mercury governs your intellect and all manner of rational, objective thought.

Mercury’s job is to disperse information. He rules the realm of communication, transportation, perception, thinking, and writing. Mercury fosters flexibility, quick wit, and adaptability.


Mutable signs are born during the third and final months of a season. Just as the seasons change, mutable signs are learning flexibility and adaptation. They are learning to let go and adapt to change.
Earth signs build things.

They help bring ideas into form to be utilized here on the Earth plane. Earth is the densest of the elements, bringing grounding and practicality. If you want someone with the patience and perseverance to get things done, you can count on an earth sign.



Virgo’s synthesize. They have an uncanny ability to assimilate vast swaths of information. Their ruling planet is Mercury, which makes them exceptional communicators. They are an earth sign, which means they utilize information in practical ways.

Their brilliance is their ability to discern what is useful and what is no longer vital. This typically compels them toward healthy routines for themselves and the Earth.

They notice when even the smallest detail is out of order. This can lead to perfectionism. Yet, the highest expression of Virgo zodiac sign is to use their fine minds for thoughtful communication and create systems that serve all of humanity.