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February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

Hi, I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach with your February forecast. I almost feel like wishing you a happy new year. This actually feels more like the new year than last month did. January had a lot of kind of heavy, intense energy. You may have felt burdened with too much responsibility or very emotional or too much to do. There was all the things, right? So you may have felt the energy start to get a bit lighter during the last week of January.

As soon as we moved into Aquarius, we started the year with five planets in Capricorn. Capricorn is going to be a big player all year and Capricorn’s great. It’s helped you become more ambitious. It’s helped you focus on your career. And it’s helped you step up your game and be more engaged. Your are really expecting more from yourself in your life. That’s awesome. But it was a little bit hard to start the year with a lot of these intense meetups, celestially, and the eclipse.

February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

So we moved into Aquarius starting the last week of January. And now we’re going to be in Aquarius until February 19th and then we move into Pisces. This brings more air and more water with Aquarius, even though the water bearer is actually an air sign. But you can feel things get lifted. It brings perspective. It helps you see more clearly into the future because it’s the water bearer, Aquarius. This sign washes over you. It helps cleanse your vision. And it really washes over you.

It’s like a spiritual cleansing that we’re experiencing. You can feel a renewed sense of purpose, a renewed sense of hope, and a renewed vision. So this is a lot of what this month is about. It’s about really reconnecting you to what’s true to you. And it’s reconnecting you with what feels right for you. It’s helping you clarify your vision and what’s in your heart. When that happens too, it’s going to help you reconnect with relationships that are meaningful to you. It will also help you let go of relationships that are no longer serving you.

February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

The theme this month is reconnecting you to your heart. We actually have our first retrograde of the year. Mercury is going retrograde February 16th. Retrogrades are never anything to be scared of. We’re going to have every single planet in retrograde during 2020. So Mercury going retrograde as it does three or four times a year, helps you reconnect with yourself.

It helps you have revelations about insights that you’ve previously overlooked now because this Mercury is going retrograde in Pisces and also later on in Aquarius. This is helping you reconnect with your heart, your soul, your spirit. Pisces is a water sign that is very much all about being one, being connected to the greater good, being connected to a greater purpose, being connected to your dreams. So having Mercury go retrograde in Pisces is very helpful. You may have felt that you didn’t know what your intentions were at the top of the year.

February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

Maybe you’re feeling them out still and you’re probably going to be revising your intentions all year long, especially with all the planets going retrograde. So this Mercury in retrograde, now it’s going to be in shadow in the beginning of the month and through the beginning of March as well. So with Mercury retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius, this helps you really step back and instead of really pursuing an intention that is no longer appropriate for you to know what’s in your heart and to know what’s in your soul.

Now the other personal planets, Venus is going to be in Aries, which really helps you define your values in a way that puts yourself first. Now Venus is going to be conjunct Kyron, which is the wounded healer. So you’re going to be recognizing during this retrograde season, you’re going to be recognizing the ways that you’ve somehow diminished your worth or didn’t put yourself first.

You know, things that impacts tend to do right? So this is a wonderful time to really elevate your sense of self worth and to reconnect with the people and the values that are really true to you. Mars is going to be in Capricorn, which is very ambitious. So you’re going to be getting a sense of realizing how you deserve more. So it’s important that you act on these realizations and make some changes. Now the numerology for February of 2020 has lots of twos and zeros.

February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

So two is the number of relationships, which is why we always have Valentine’s day in February. The card company, people figure that out somehow and, this would be a good one for relationship things. So the two is about reflecting on others and how you relate to others.

It’s also about harmony and balance and intuition. So sometimes when the two is present, you can feel like you’re torn in two directions. And the way for you to balance those impulses is for you to tune into yourself. Don’t you love how these words have the word two in them? Intuition, tuning in. So you’re tuning into yourself to recognize the choices that you need to make. Now, February, 2020 is a six universal month. Six is the number of making choices based on what’s true to your heart. Six connects you to the heart chakra. Two and six are both relationship numbers. They’re very rich numbers for romance and love and beauty and harmony.

February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

So relationships will be a focus this month. So it’s a lovely time to focus on relationships, even though there’s a lot of ambitious energy as well. And I do recommend that you keep pursuing your renewed intentions. Keep moving towards your intentions and your goals and what you want to accomplish. But you do this in a way that you’re feeling love, that you’re feeling love for your life, that you’re not just pushing yourself forward just to tackle your goals, that you’re enjoying the process, that you’re loving your life and finding ways to love your life and really enjoy time with the people that you love. This brings us to our three steps to make the most of this month, to really navigate this energy in a joyful way.

So our first step is to enjoy time with the people that you love. So really that’s what life is about anyway. Right? Because we have the retrogrades which are slowing down your energy in that Pisces energy, which kind of slows things down too because it’s out water energy, right? It’s not about pushing, it’s about going with the flow, taking time, reconnecting to what’s true to you, and since relationships are the focus, reconnect with the people that are important to you and that make your heart sing.

February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

Consequently, you really need to pay attention to what doesn’t make your heart sing or who doesn’t make your heart sing anymore. If there’s that person that calls you and wants to make plans or wants to talk to you or energy dump on you and you dread that before you talk to that person or you don’t want to make plans for them, it’s really important for you to recognize that there are all of these RE words during the retrogrades. It’s important for you to recognize how you really feel so that you’re being true to your heart and letting go of those energy draining relationships. That includes career as well. Your relationship to your career do more of the things that you love. It’s really about enjoying living from your heart.

The six energy brings up choices of what’s expected of you and what you should do rather than what you really feel. Make sure that you’re really feeling love in your heart for the people that you’re enjoying time with and take time to enjoy with them more and letting go of anyone or anything that doesn’t light your heart.

February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

Which brings us to your second action step which is to make choices based on what’s in your heart. We tend to live life based on what other’s expectations are of us. And that’s actually the shadow side of the number six is having this idea of perfection and having an idea of what’s expected of us and what people think of us. This year is going to be a year where you are forced. The universe will make you be true to yourself. And also in a bigger way, have you shine your light more, show up in the world in a greater way.

And you can only do that by being yourself, by being true to yourself. Because anytime you’re trying to hide parts of yourself or not be true to yourself, that in a way is dimming your light. It’s having your true self shine that leads you towards amazing opportunities.

When you’re making choices, make sure that you are choosing from your heart, makes sure that you’re choosing what feels right for you. Make sure that you’re making choices based on what makes you feel happy rather than what you should do. Really tune into your heart when you’re making choices and act on that. Remember, if you think you, if you’re doing something because you feel you should be doing something, you’re headed in the wrong direction. If you’re making choices based on what feels good, now you know you’re headed towards your destiny, which brings us to the third action step.

February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

Now your third action step is to take a chance on yourself. Do something that you’ve been afraid of doing. Now, a good litmus test to know whether you’re in the right direction with that is to ask yourself, am I afraid what people are gonna think of me if I do this? Because this is a time to reinvent yourself. This is a time to really live more of who you are meant to be. This is a time when you’re living larger, where you’re shining more brightly.

When you’re having experiences that make you feel good, that make you feel joyful, and in order for you to do that, you have to be yourself. And if you care about what other people think about you, it’s harder to be yourself. It’s harder to shine brightly. If there’s something that you’ve been wanting to do or not do, maybe you are, maybe you’ve always had the identity of being the one that was always there and always above and beyond for other people and that’s been exhausting for you and you want to do more things for yourself.

February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

Maybe that’s a scary decision. Or, maybe you want to put yourself out there in the world more where you want to learn something new or you want to start a business or you want to teach or you want to be a healer or you want to explore the psychic arts and you are afraid of what other people will think of you or how it will affect other people.

This is the chance that you can take on yourself. Now, this is how you step out of your comfort zone. And when you do that, when you are more true to yourself, that’s when you align yourself with amazing opportunities. That’s when life is unfolding in a way that is purposeful for you and delightful for you because you are living the life your soul intended. It’s up to you to step out of your comfort zone and be more you as opposed to what other people think about you.

February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

When you do that, your whole entire world will open up whatever that means for you. Teach or learn or create more boundaries or put yourself out more, whatever that means for you. Now is your time to do that. Don’t care what other people think because it’s you that you have to live up to. Now of course, if you want some assistance with this, I have something to help you. I’ve created a meditation and a guide to help you connect with your spirit guides to help you make decisions that are true to your soul.

Cause sometimes if you’re just trying to make decisions with your head and you’re so used to making decisions based on what other people think about you or what you’ve been doing, it can be challenging. This meditation, this journey, this exercise is going to help you connect with yourself, connect with your heart and connect with your spirit guides so that you can make choices based on what your soul is intending.

February Energy Forecast – Reconnect With Your Heart

And that of course is free for you. You can access that using the link below. And I highly suggest you do that. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, share it with your friends. I’m sure they will appreciate you for it. I’d love to hear from you what is it that you’re doing now to step outside your comfort zone. Share it with us so that we can share it together and we are all in this together. I hope you have an absolutely fabulous February. It’s going to be an incredible month and I love you so much and I’ll see you soon. Bye for now.

Fabulous February is here!

Here is your February 2020 astrology and numerology energy forecast.

This is sure to be a lighter month than January.

February 2020 is all about LOVE, ROMANCE, and RELATIONSHIPS! (More of that please!)

Love numbers abound in February!

In numerology February 2020 is a 6 Universal Month. (2+2+0+2+0 = 6).

6 is the number of love, beauty, and relationships. 2 is the number of partnership and relationships. With the 2 and 6 combined, you can be sure your relationships will be a focus in February.

Now is time to enjoy what’s important in life. With last month’s emphasis on ambitious Capricorn, you might have felt burdened with too much responsibility.

Mercury is retrograde in Pisces this month.

Pisces is a soulful water sign. Rushing is not an option. Enjoy this much needed retrograde to get you to tune in, and slow down.

This is sure to be a fun February if you attune to the rhythm of the Universe. In this month’s forecast, I share with you the three essential steps you need to make this month filled with joy and love.

To help you stay true to your heart and intuition, and connect with your Spirit Guides for direction, I’ve created a meditation for you.

Connect with Your Spirit Guides – Guided Meditation

February Forecast

Receive infinite support in fulfilling your heart’s desires

Release your fears and feel lighter. Learn to let go of energy from other people and your environment. Embody the light you are meant to be in this world.

With the assistance of your Spirit Guides, your life becomes a magical adventure. They will help you every step of the way!

In this audio, you will be connect with your Spirit Guides for healing and direction, as you transform your stress into pure love.

Enjoy and share the love!

February Forecast

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2020 Spiritual Lessons – How to Handle Life’s Curveballs

Hello, it’s Kari here and I am so excited to be with you. I wasn’t planning on this, but, I had sort of a bananas day yesterday. It was a really sort of a strange and interesting day. It was full of all kinds of lessons. And I knew it had to do with the energies of 2020. So I’ll explain. First of all, whenever I am in the process of teaching something or getting something ready to teach, I always have to learn the lessons about what it is that I’m about to share, right? We teach what we need to learn and what better way to do it than to experience it in real life.

So for instance, when I was getting ready for my animal souls class that I was teaching several years ago my cat died. It wasn’t really my cat. It was a cat that lived in our yard but I loved him.

Anyway. So that was part of what I was teaching. And it’s really funny because every time I’m doing a video and I’m going to be talking a monthly forecast and I’m going to be talking about mercury retrograde, all kinds of crazy pants stuff happens. Like someone will decide to mow the lawn of a public park right in front of me and just weird hot air balloons. I don’t even know crazy stuff. So, so I always look at everything and this is what I do.

2020 Spiritual Lessons

I interpret everything in the universe as a sign because everything is a message for us because the universe is alive with messages. And this is what I do. I interpret the messages around us and that includes planets and numbers. So I spend a lot of time reflecting, Oh my gosh, there’s so much happening in 2020 that I’m getting ready to teach my annual forecast event.

And this year it’s, it’s more than just a forecast because it is a new decade and this has been a very intense few years. We’re starting out with energy clearing and bringing in our guides for protection and healing and the forecast and numerology. If anyone’s ever taken a course of mine or anything that I’ve shared, well even my forecasts, you can, you can probably tell how much love and care I put into things.

So you may know my chief happiness officer, Jess. Jess and I really worked hard in a labor of love kind of way to make the registration pay. We want everything about this entry into this new decade to be magic, right? So that’s why we’re calling it 2020 illuminated, four days of forecast, magic and healing because magic is a big part of what we all need to bring into our life, especially because next year is going to have a lot of energies about very much the earth plane.


You need to balance that with magic and fairy dust, right? So we worked so hard to make the registration page, just a magical, beautiful experience. And we tested it and we tested it. So this is one thing to know about me. I’m typically not afraid that I have enough words to say. Do I know what I’m going to say?

The thing that kind of always makes me anxious, whether I’m doing a video or a live event is technology. So much can go wrong, right? So we tested the heck out of this thing to make sure it was going to be a smooth experience. So the day after registration started I woke up and I was like, wow, I am amazed. There was not one technical thing. This is like mana from heaven.

Right. Okay. You could see where this is coming next. So at midnight that night, for those of you who know anything about me, I’m very much a night owl. I don’t believe these people that say only morning people are productive. I’ve got five planets in Virgo. I’m plenty productive. So I’m a night owl. And so it was like midnight.ย  Now mind you, my team are all morning people, which works perfectly for everybody. It’s not a huge team but, but most people live on central time and I’m Pacific time.

Lessons From My Team

So it was like midnight. And I get this thing from PayPal, like, Oh, we’re going to make this easier and better for you and your customers. Just click here and upgrade. And I’m like, cool. I want to make things easier and better for everybody. So guess what happened? So like every single checkout link on every single page I ever made somehow went wonky.

Like it just didn’t work. Like on anything. So, you know, they all work woke up at like 5:00 AM their time. And I’m like, you know, upstairs beditating, eating, like getting ready for my day, I’m taking my time because I had like this, you know, this week of preparing to share this with the world.

And so I really took my time, but you know, so I finally look at my phone and it’s like, yeah, nothing works. So like we got on a Skype call and it was like, by the way, for those of you who tried to register, you can register now. So that’s all great by the way. Cause I am super blessed to have the most amazing team around. So we’re all trying to figure this out and they have kids and they’re like, well, it’s getting late here.

Karma Awakening

I have to do this and this and I have to make dinner and I have to… So it was one of these things, it was like, we’re all starting to scramble. We were starting to make like, Oh, let’s do this or let’s do that. And then we’re like, no, let’s just take a little break. So here’s what I wanted to share this with you. So mind you, yesterday I was going to come on and do a Facebook live about karma in 2020 because one of the big themes about 2020 is your karma awakening.

And there was all of these clues with the 121212 full moon that we had and this incredible event that’s happening on the 12th then all this. And so I was like, wow, there’s so much I want to share about this karmic event and how to handle the karma and karmic awakening that we’re all going to have in 2020.

So that was my plan for yesterday and it was not what happened. We were trying to help people get registered and have a nice experience and things going smoothly. So here’s what happened. We were all very kind of scrambled when we were trying to hurry up and make decisions and then because they all had to go and take care of their kids, we all got to take a break. I did what any responsible adult would do in that situation. I went to Zoomba because they have two hours where they need to deal with their kids.

Two Lessons

So I’m going to go and have fun and clear my mind and get in my body and not like, and like detached from this. And so in this process of us all detaching, we were able to have some clarity and make some decisions about how we’re going to fix it.

Cause there were a lot of options. She would switch everything to PayPal, she’ll be like, not use credit cards. And it was like, it was again, it was bananas, or pick a fruit, whatever. So we, but why haven’t we took the space and it helped me get a lot of perspective as well because I was like, is this like, I mean like why am I, why, why is there even a panic energy around this? Because one, let’s have some big picture energy here. This is not like a major situation. This is something that quite obviously we don’t know how to fix it yet, but I’m 100% sure that it has a solution.

And two, I’m so blessed to have this support team. I used to have to do this by myself. And here I have these incredible people helping me like in their evening and like so it went from feeling like very stressed to very blessed, right?


Of course I’m reflecting on, well this has to be a message about 2020 because I’m, I’m here preparing for the 2020 event and what I’m going to be sharing and nothing’s random, right? This is obviously a teaching. Here is what I wanted to share with you because this is going to be a lesson for us all in 2020 because 2020 is a year where life is going to be like, it’s, here’s the thing, there’s all this karmic energy happening and I’ll share this for another time, the details about that.

And again, I have so much to share about this. This is why this event that I’m planning is a four day event because this is no ordinary year and this is the beginning of the decade. And I want to make sure that you start this off with all the spiritual and practical tools that you need.

Because this is part of what 2020 is about, is about being very practical. It’s about real life stuff cause it’s a four universal year. So it’s going to be all about finance, business, home, your body, all the material things are going to be the focus. And we have all this in Capricorn, which is an earth sign, which is very much about earth, right? This is the, the, the mountain goat or sometimes known as the sea goat also. But it’s all about how you’re managing.


And this is all about process. Capricorn teaches you process before energy teaches you process. The four and the Capricorn are very much aligned. So it’s a very universal message. But then there’s all this spiritual theme with a 2020, because of the number of the high priestess and the tarot, and then the zero has all this spiritual protection and potential.

So it’s this incredible mash up of highly spiritual energy and is very practical. So this is why I’m calling this the year you’re to build your dreams. But if you’ve ever built anything, a business, a career, a home, your finances, your health, you know that it’s, first of all, it’s not easy, but it’s gratifying and there’s always going to be growing pains. You’re like, Oh my God, I didn’t expect this because you couldn’t planย  anything. Right? And I highly suggest that you plan and this is why we do the forecast.

So you understand the lessons around it as well. So planning is not just like, okay, I’m going to do A, B, and C and then it’s all going to go perfectly. Planning is all about having the spiritual tools that you need to respond to everything. And this is where I thought this was so funny.

2020 Spiritual Lessons

So of course I’m talking to my husband about, 2020 energy and I’d love the fact that he has so much insight for me as well, and we can share this. So I was saying that one of the themes of 2020 is going to be responsibility. And learning how to respond to our reality different and he goes, response ability, the ability to respond. How did I not think of this before?

Did you know, is this obvious? Is this one of those things that like, I mean, honestly that blew my mind. So this is like before this thing happened, I thought about those words as, you know, this technical, I mean, all it was was a technical glitch and it wasn’t like the day that like, I started registration. Well, so what if it was anyway or like the day before? And again, so what if it was anyway?

I mean, really? So I was thinking about that and I was like, well, how do I respond to this situation?

One, my first thoughts were, what if, what if these people, what if they have trouble? What if they don’t come back? And then it was like, okay, and so, it may not seem like an epiphany for you, but I have to tell you, it was a real learning lesson. What other kind of lessons are there? But you know what? I mean, so it was a real lesson about what, what to expect in 2020.

2020 Spiritual Lessons

You can plan and you can test and a big part of planning is going to be number one, keeping your perspective about the big picture and two don’t be codependent in your responses because what if the responses that were going on in my head, that’s like codependent.

So 2020 is a four universal year and the four is the emperor in the tarot. And so I was thinking, how do I respond as the emperor, right? Like, am I going to like freak out about this or am I going to be like, let’s work at the team to manage this to make this better? Right? So, it’s about taking back your authority about claiming the power in your life rather than freaking out over and reacting.

There’s a big difference between reacting and responding. So this is why I came on here to share this with you because this is going to be a lesson all throughout 2020. I have to tell you, we have a lot starting March. It’s personal planets, it’s just going to be retrograde after retrograde of personal planets. And we start off with an eclipse.

2020 Spiritual Lessons

So when we starting off with the lunar eclipse and then this dramatic event on the 12th that Saturn, Pluto, Pluto, Capricorn conjunction, that hasn’t happened since 1512, for 700 years. I mean, there’s so much about 2020 that is going to be spiritual lessons. So the high priestess has at least as much to teach you as the emperor and they can be, there’s an art to balancing that, right?

Again, that’s why I’m coming on here and sharing this with you. That is why I am doing this for a day event because there’s so many spiritual lessons of 2020, and, because we have so much in Capricorn, the temptation could be about just planning the physical things.

So we actually bridge these decades with this eclipse portal and that’s opening you up to the truth, that’s awakening to your true purpose. And things that have been hidden from you. And this is how we’re entering the decade with this like bridge between eclipses. So if we’re beginning this decade with the lunar eclipse in this dramatic event, two days later, you can bet that there was going to be a myriad of spiritual lessons. I almost had a miracle because that’s also what it is. So I’m encouraging you as you’re moving forward and you’re setting your intentions and you’re planning for 2020, you prepare yourself to recognize, first of all, to be grounded.

2020 Spiritual Lessons

And that’s part of what the four teaches us as well. It’s all about the earth plane. So to be grounded, to be in your body and to be responsible to yourself and your well being above anything. And that is how you can be present to respond to situations, to have response ability for any situation that comes at you. And I want to remind you that the emperor doesn’t go, What if other people like, that’s just so you know, these twelves that kept coming up. Like that 12, 12, 12 full moon at 12, 12:00 AM one of the things the 12 teaches you is to be true to yourself first. That’s number one.

Then you can have healthy harmony and partnerships with others. That’s the number two. And of course three, which it adds up to first of all, one, two, three. It’s about lining things up and getting your ducks in a row, reminding you that life could be as easy as one, two, three, if you allow it.

It’s also about expressing what’s in your heart. So that’s why I came in here online to share this with you, to remind you to stay present, to have a perspective that nothing is as dramatic as it may seem in the moment to keep your eye on the big picture. I have a lot of insights about the big picture of 2020 that I’ve been putting together.

2020 Spiritual Lessons – How to Handle Life’s Curveballs

I’m going to be sharing them with you and really I would love for you to join me to be prepared for this because that’s a one way to have this, that’s why they call people first responders. The more prepared you can be and I don’t say this lightly, like everything that you’ve been doing for the past several years has been leading up to what you’re going to be building in 2020 and how strong you need to be in, how, how gratifying and fulfilling it can be if you have the right tools.

And that’s why I’m very passionate about sharing these tools with you. And if you would like to join me, that link is working now. It’s at I’ll put the link for you below. I wanted to share this with you. And I hope that this has helped you have a perspective and just remember to stay present.

Remember how much support that you had in real life and in the heavens. Simply stay in your body and expect for things to work for you. And I promise they will. I send you so much love and again this is at I’ll put the link below. I love you so much and I have so much to share with you about this incredible decade. Love you. Take care. Bye bye.

2020 is going to offer you a lot of lessons!

I can hear the collective “oh no!”. Truly though, it’s going to be an amazing year.

Yet, one thing 2020 is not going to be, is easy.

2020 is the year to build your dreams

If you’ve ever built anything from the ground up, you know it’s not easy. Yet it is entirely worthwhile.

Building anything from scratch is fulfilling, fortifying, strengthening, nourishing, and will test you every step of the way.

In numerology, 2020 is a 4 Universal Year. 4 is the number of foundations that teaches you to have patience with your process.

Looking at the astrology, 2020 has its share of twists and turns as well.

It’s a year where you will you need careful planning, and flexible adaptability.

I discovered that in real lifeย as I was planning my annual forecast event.

I knew that the Universe was showing us a spiritual lesson we all need to learn in 2020.

You’ll also discover how to handle it when life throws you a curveball.

~ Kari



Access 2020 Illuminated Here ยป

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Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

Hi everyone. I am so happy we are here together to release 2019 with love and open your heart to 2020 and beyond. I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach. I’m thrilled that we are here. I’d love to see some comments from people.

So I am thrilled what a year we’ve had though. Oh my gosh. Right? 2019 has been rich with so many spiritual lessons that I have to tell you this year, the year before, actually the past several years, but especially the past three years have really been setting us up for 2020, which is going to be even in some ways more rich with spiritual lessons. It’s a very deep spiritual energy that we’re coming into. It’s interesting though because it’s in a lot of ways it has more spiritual lessons, but it’s also more grounded. So we head into 2020 with five planets in Capricorn. Sagittarius just moved in. Excuse me, Saturn just moved from Sagittarius into Capricorn and Saturn is going to be a big player.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

Saturn has been a big player for the past few years. Pluto has been in Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn. Jupiter just moved into Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn and Saturn is in Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn. It’s in a natural place. So we have all this Capricorn and all this Saturn energy.

Let me explain a little bit about the Saturn energy and then you’ll understand why I’m saying that this is going to be a year, a year filled with more spiritual lessons, karmic lessons, as well as being more earthy, because that has to do with the Saturn itself. Saturn in our solar system, you know, that beautiful planet, with the rings, right? It’s so pretty. It’s such a pretty planet and it’s a bad ass planet. Like Saturn is a teacher known as the task master. And I’m sure you’ve been feeling that.

What’s Saturn and Capricorn, including Capricorn, this task master energy. It’s the planet that has us face reality. And we actually live in a very reality challenged world right now. This is the era where real news is called fake news. But there’s all this misinformation. And then I’ve noticed in the spiritual community as well, that people want to focus only on the fifth dimension and not on the 3-D dimension.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

Saturn is the planet that reminds you that you are a spiritual being having a physical human experience and it’s all about real life and also 2020 is going to be a four universal year and four is the number ofย  real life things for as literally associated with planet earth and material things. So Saturn, Capricorn, number four, they’re all associated with very real things. If you are someone that only focuses on the energetic realm without having practical real feet on the ground and your physical body, it’s going to be more challenging for you because this is definitely a time where it is getting real.

That is what 2020 is about. It’s about things getting real. So it’s very much about physical, real life, which is a really good blessing in the sense that we’ve had all this creative energy and soul searching and 2020 is actually a year where you’re meant to build your dreams in a very practical way.

And Saturn is very much about practicality and real life. And the four is very much about practical energy too. If you know squares are fours, and it’s about squaring your corners. And if you want to build a foundation, you build on a square typically, right? If you want it to be solid. So this is very much an energy that is associated with building, building your dreams, creating foundations that will last for the long haul. Building your legacy. What are the gifts and talents that you want to share with the world?

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

How are you going to leave the world? What are you building for posterity and yourself and for the long term, because Saturn is about planning for the long term, it’s not about quick fixes. So that is very much about real life energy and very practical energy and grounded. But there’s other aspects of Saturn and Capricorn that are very spiritual.

You may know the totem of Capricorn being the goat and a mountain goat is interesting in the sense that it’s step-by-step going up to a very top of a mountain. So it can be very ambitious. So this is teaching you to have big dreams and mountain goats can take huge, scary, daring leaps, right? And then climb in ways that don’t even seem possible. But it’s one step at a time, isn’t it? It could be a gigantic, risky, mind blowing step or it could be very steady steps, however you want to get up the mountain.

But you’re getting up the mountain. And it’s about one step at a time. So this is about building and being very process oriented one step at a time. So there’s going to be the energy of changing habits. There’s going to be an energy around your daily routines. And so today, as I was preparing for this healing that I wanted to share with you, my guides shared with me that this is about, we’re going to heal in a very big way on small, like, they don’t want me to fit in like 1500 topics in this.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

He wanted me to keep this very focused for the healing because you can see how making small incremental changes can lead to very dramatic results. Now for my 2020 illuminated event, we have a whole hour together where we’re going to be calling in our guides and calling them in for protection, for wisdom, for guidance, for healing, and we’re going to be doing a longer ritual of healing and an intention setting.

So we’re going to be enjoying at least an hour together as one day of that four day event. So if you want to join me for that, I encourage you to do so. Now while we still have this early bird pricing, I just extended it after the holiday because people requested it. And so it’s only for a few more days though.

So that’s going to be a longer, more extensive healing as well as intention setting with your guides and angels. Yet, I wanted everyone to have an opportunity to have a profound healing right now, before we step into this new decade before we step into this brand new frontier where we’re going to be tearing down our structures. And when I say that this is because Pluto, okay, I’m going to remind you it. I know it’s hard to take in. It all sounds like this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius. So let me break this down for you.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

What’s going to be happening? Pluto is in Capricorn and has been since 2008. It is the death transformation and rebirth planet. Pluto is literally the Lord of the underworld. It’s like the guardian of hell. So any kind of hellish thing. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. So Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn, governs government, economy, all structures, all of the structures of our life. And they’ve been going through this death and shadow bringing. Pluto brings the shadow to light.

So if you haven’t noticed, there’s this kind of a hell realm government and economy and these big structures, it feels like this is this shadow and that’s what’s happening. I have a lot more to say about this. But again, that is where the, you know, there’s only my guides want me to in this time together, give you small doses so that they can have a more profound effect because this is what Saturn’s teaching us step by step changes that lead to gigantic results.

Jupiter just moved into Capricorn for the next year, which is ruled by Saturn again, and Saturn is in Capricorn for this two plus year cycle. So Saturn, this big player is the planet with the rings. That’s about boundaries. And there’s two planets in our solar system that are known as our social planets, Jupiter and Saturn. And after that we go into transpersonal planets. Now, Saturn is the last planet in our solar system before we get into these transpersonal planets.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

So it’s about knowing you from other, it’s about having these personal boundaries before you dissolve your boundaries into all that is. Because again, it’s very important that you are an individual, that you are human being in this vast spiritual world, that you know where you stand, who you are, what you’re made of and that you’re putting in the work of being human.

So this is why Saturn has the taskmaster. Saturn is also the hoard of karma. And this is why I’m saying there’s this vast spiritual energy to this year. Now, the Lord of karma. So what does that mean? It means that anything that you’ve put in your shadow, which includes your gifts, like things, your talents that you’ve protected and tucked away because you didn’t feel safe enough to share them with the world that’s in your shadow. And what else is in your shadow or parts of yourself that you find maybe people won’t like you or are you the part of you that’s human, that has emotions, that aren’t all butterflies and unicorns are often put in your shadows cause we all want to be a nice kind spirit.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

Well not everyone, that’s the thing. And that’s part of the shadow that we’re seeing in the world that not everyone is nice. And that is part of the shadow that we’re all dealing with, but most likely you want to be a nice kind, loving spiritual person that’s never envious, that never has anger that, Oh, okay, good luck with that.

So let’s talk about this week. Okay, so December 25th or 26 depending on where you live in the world, is eclipse season. Eclipses that happen two weeks apart.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

We just had a new moon solar eclipse. The two weeks is the span of time between a new moon and a full moon respectively. We just had a new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn on the 25th or 26th depending on where you live in the world. And this whole end of the year bridging into 2020 is this eclipse portal, this two weeks eclipse portal.

And our first lunation of the year on January 10th is a full moon lunar eclipse in cancer and cancer is ruled by the moon. So this initiation into this whole year, this whole new decade, is this eclipse portal which makes you more emotional. It brings to light aspects of your shadow, which have previously been at clips from your consciousness. So when I’m preparing for any forecast for my monthly forecasts or as I’m preparing now for this 2020 forecast that I’m going to be sharing in my online event, I am reading the story of the year.

So the year begins with a full moon lunar eclipse in cancer, which is ruled by the moon, which is already very sensitive and very emotional. I hope you’re following me. I know this is a lot of Astros speak at once. So it begins with that which brings up emotions that have been buried karmic leap, right?

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

Like this isn’t just a full moon that’s already more emotional. This is bringing up things that are wanting to be birthed now, things that you’ve been suppressing, repressing. So this has been a very emotional week. It’s been a very emotional end of the year, not just in an old anxiety sentimental way, but just like, two hours before I came on here, I saw this video of this puppy that was rescued in Philadelphia that went into this house and I cried for like 10 minutes, I was like, Oh my God, beautiful. They brought her home. She found home. I mean it’s ridiculous, right? All of these emotions.

Past life, energy. So we have all this Saturn in 2020 which is the Lord of karma. We go into the decade with this eclipse portal and the year actually ends with a full moon lunar eclipse in cancer and every single planet that we have in our solar system is going retrograde next year, including personal planets, which doesn’t happen every year. I know it feels like there’s always some kind of retrograde.

No, every planet, which means that you’re reviewing your past, you’re reviewing your emotions, you’re reviewing everything in 2020. So even though it’s this time of great healing, great building, and very practical, expansive, growing, ambitious energy, it’s a lot of emotional energy and you can feel that, can’t you? I’d love to hear what’s coming up for you this week because it’s very emotional and that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. It means you’re right on track.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

There’s another aspect to this karmic healing energy of 2020 it’s something called the South node of the moon. Now the south nodes of the moon have to do with the elliptic and that has to do with what eclipses we have. So where the energy is brought to light. So right now our South node is in Capricorn. South node is about karma.

So your past life influences what you’re moving away from. Now our North node is in cancer. So this means as a collective, we’re moving away. Now Capricorn is also associated with the patriarchy. And isn’t that where the shadow has been coming up? Right? So the shadow energy is all about patriarchy and and issues related to father and fatherhood. All this male energy that’s the past life energy that we’re healing right now as a personal and a collective.

And where we’re headed to is Cancerian energy, which is more nurturing. The energy coming up now, the issues that are coming up now globally and personally are ones that are going to be magnified next year. So pay attention to what’s coming up for you. Let me hear what’s coming up for you because I’d love to know what kind of lessons you’re having now. Most likely they have to do with you feeling nurtured, your sense of security and what makes you feel insecure, your environment in terms of your emotion, work life balance, whether you’re working too much and what are you working toward? All of this, it’s going to be highlighted, it’s going to be in bold relief.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

So I encourage you to pay attention to what’s happening now emotionally for you because they are going to be the lessons that you’re going to be working on next year. And I’m always hesitant to use the word work. But Capricorn, Saturn energy is about doing the work. It’s about having the discipline. Next year will be many things. It is going to be fulfilling, incredible life changing, but it is definitely not going to be easy. Okay. Because you have to get real about things in your life and about what it is that you’ve been hiding from and what it is that you have to deal with either emotionally, physically, spiritually, every structure in your life. I don’t mean that to sound scary.

It’s kind of like if you are just starting an exercise regimen and you’re like, wow, look at all these people in the class that have been like, they’re so in shape and they’re doing all this and here I am and I haven’t gone to the gym and like six years or however many years and you’re just starting and you have to start this routine that has to do with your nutrition. It can be intimidating and it’s hard. Take some discipline going into the gym or whatever and having a healthy diet.

But wow. How gratifying is it to get you strong? And four is associated with physical strength as well as emotional strength. This is a year where you are going to be building your dreams and yes, that takes discipline and yes, that takes work. Wow. How immensely gratifying this is what’s coming up for you. So this is why my guides have me had me come on here today and share with you a healing.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

So that you can let go. Some of this has been heavy the past years. There’s a lot happened personally, globally. There’s a lot going on. And so this is your time right now to let go of some of that energy that you don’t want to take into the next decade or the next day. Let that go. And you can open your heart to these immense and amazing opportunities that are ahead of you that are going to avail themselves to you in 2020 and beyond.

And the energy, and because we have this eclipse portal, this is a very ripe time to release this energy and for this transformation. That’s the beauty of all of that retrograde energy. And the karmic energy and the spiritual energy of next year, you can release some of your burdens for good. Now, isn’t that exciting? So I am so excited. So again, my guides shared with me that this is going to be a very simple healing that you can have a profound effect with.

And they shared with me the things that they want to focus on the most. And so this is a metaphor for the entire year. You don’t need to take on everything at once. This is about step by step process and this is the first step that they wanted to share with you. My guides, cause I love my guides, I love your guides, I love our guides. We’re so lucky to have these beautiful beings here with us, our angels and guides. And that is another thing I want to remind you of. You’re never alone. You have so much help.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

And I’m here helping you too. So I know I’m on video, but I’m going to be closing my eyes. I suggest that you do this if you’re not driving. Because we’re going to be closing our eyes because I really want you to be tuning into your body.

If you are driving, I’m asking you to tune into this later so that you can tune into yourself. So right now we’re going to have our eyes closed. So don’t look at me even though I’m on video. To begin, make sure you’re in a nice comfortable position with your spine straight and keep your jaw nice and relaxed and don’t jut your chin. Just make sure it’s nice and aligned so that your spine is aligned with your body, but your jaw nice and relaxed.

Your hands at your side, your palms open if you’d like, you can be lying down or sitting down and begin with some deep cleansing breaths. Now, sometimes when I’m doing this in person, in real life, not just on video, I noticed people, when I say deep breath that they push it at just being gentle. This is about being gentle. So let’s take some nice deep cleansing breaths where you can actually tune in and feel this breath in your body. And with each breath you feel cleansing and your body. So breathe in light and breathe out any stress and negativity. Breathe in light and any tension just melts away as you exhale, breathe in and exhale.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

Really tune into your body because one of the things my guides showed me that they want to share with you today is how to tune into your body to heal and to release energy. Imagine now that you have a grounding cord from the base of your spine, like a thick trunk of a tree that goes deep into the earth. So deep past the floor, down into the ground, into the earth path past the rocks and roots of great trees, the living waters, all the way down to the very core of deeper you can imagine.

Now that root energy is going down your legs and at the soles of your feet you have chakras that are opening and growing roots deep into the earth far and wide. And you can imagine this earth, the soil being very moist and rich and nourishing, dark, beautiful soil, and feel how healing it is to simply be connected to the earth.

Wonderful. And visualize yourself in a column of beautiful, sparkling light light. We’re in this beautiful column of light and there was a column of white light in each of the four corners of your room and a beautiful ball of sparkling light in the center of your room that draw us away all lower thought forms, energies and vibrations and brings love, warm feeling and protection. And with every breath, this beautiful ball of light grows larger and brighter, bigger and brighter until it envelops your whole space.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

And now that your space is cleansed and protected, we’re gonna call in our helpers. Great spirit surround us with your love, your light, your peace, your power, and your grace. Help us to be at one with you and maybe feel your presence in her hearts. We invite the archangels, Michael Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel to guard and protect the four corners of our spaces and ensure that we connect only with the highest energies in the love and light of the creator.

And we invite all of our archangels or angels, spirit guides, power animals, ascended masters and beings of light of only the highest vibration to surround us, protect us and share your love and wisdom with us. We ask that you help us release any energies, thought, forms, vibrations that no longer serve our highest being. So we can open our hearts and our beings to love prosperity, abundance, power, power that is used for the positive good of all. And we asked that we are confident in our earth walk that we walk forth with shore and steady steps towards our dreams every day for the highest and best of all, thank you amen.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

So keep your eyes closed as you feel that beautiful loving, healing energy all around you and that you remember how protected you are. So calling your guardian angels, you can feel your guardian angels around you. They’ve got your back, they’ve got you all around. You’re surrounded by angels.

We’re calling forth our healing team to assist us with this transformation to let go of anything that doesn’t serve us. Keep breathing in this beautiful loving energy and feel what it’s like to be in your body. Now with this beautiful loving energy, I’m going to open my eyes for a moment, but you stay with your eyes closed. So one of the things my guides were sharing was that they want you to feel some of how some of the heaviness or negative energy is in your body so that you know how to let it go. So I’m going to be sharing three things that they want us to heal today.

And as I say these things, first we’re going to start with what? What is your maybe carrying with you? So that’s not enough formation. If you’re like, why is she saying these negative words? And then we’re going to release that and replace it with something better. So tune into your body.

First Cleansing Belief

The first thing that they want to help you release and heal and cleanse is the belief that I am not enough. So you can say that to yourself out loud.

Again, it’s not an affirmation. You want to notice how this is having stuck energy in your body. So as you say, I am not enough. We all have this belief somewhere. But notice where in your body this energy is restricting some of the life force energy from flowing through you. When you say to yourself or out loud, again, it’s not an affirmation. You’re just noticing where that energy is affecting you. I am not enough and you have to really be in your body.

Now, don’t worry. If you’re not good at tuning into your body, we’re going to still do the healing. It’s going to still be effective. But if you can feel it, notice where you feel stuck energy in your body and as you do, simply breathe in light. Now imagine there’s this beautiful star of light above your head and this light is pouring down love and light and healing energy into every cell of your being.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

And as this energy of light is pouring down through you and you’re breathing in light, you’re letting go of those places in your body, mind, and spirit in all directions of time where you may have had a belief, I am not enough. We ask Archangel Michael and Raphael to assist us with this healing right now in addition to your healing team and let go of that energy.

I am not enough. Let it go. The angels are taking it from you as you are breathing late and open up your heart and your energy to replace this energy with I am more than enough right now. With your permission, you can just say yes. You allow yourself to be downloaded body, mind, and spirit in every cell of your being with I am more than enough right now and let that penetrate every cell of your being and emanate out into the world. You’re seeing this as sparkles of light. You are radiating light of I am more than enough right now. So breathe in that beautiful loving, healing energy.

Oh, you are doing so great. You know why? Because you are more than enough right now. So keep breathing that in and let any excess energy go down through your roots, down into the earth to be transmuted and healed. The angels are taking that to transmute it into light, pure light.

Second Cleansing Belief

Now the second belief that your guides want you to transform and release. You’re going to say this and see how it resonates in your body. I have not done enough or I have not accomplished enough. You can try those both and see how they feel. I’ve not done enough. I have not accomplished enough.

Notice where you feel that in your body and take that light from the star above and let it flow through you. As you breathe the light in every cell of your being, body, mind, and spirit, and it’s dissolving that energy. It’s dissolving those thoughts, energies, beliefs, emotions, body, mind and spirit in every cell of your being in alterations at the time, any energy of I have not done enough is now transmuted, formless, and harmless into pure light. Keep breathing that into your body so you feel that beliefs, intention all through your being and now call forth into you. Allow this to be downloaded into my soul has achieved greatness and let that resonate in your being, body, mind, and spirit in every cell of your being. I am great and I have achieved greatness.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

I am an extraordinary being, doing extraordinary things and let that resonate in your being, body, mind, and spirit in all directions of time, I will continue to achieve greatness every day in every way, I am extraordinary, I have achieved greatness and great things extraordinary. It is safe for me to share my gifts with the world and let that energy shine and radiate in all directions. How shiny and extraordinary you are. Allow yourself to shine. It is safe for me to shine, so I allow myself to shine bigger and brighter every day in every way and let that really radiate and sparkle in every cell of your being radiated out into the universe and the universe is responding manifold.

Third Cleansing Belief

Wonderful. Now, the third and final belief that your guides wished to help you heal today, I am responsible for other people’s happiness. That’s something they want you to let go of. So notice how you feel when you say, I am responsible for other people’s happiness. How’d that makes you feel? Yeah, of course, your guides want you to feel delightful. So we’re going to let go of this energy now working until Michael Raphael. They’re going to transmute that energy for you as you let it go. And you have this light from above the star from above, shining down upon you, washing away any of those thought forms, energies, beliefs, and all directions of time in every cell of your being.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

As you let that light flow through you. Wonderful. And now we’re going to replace that with, it is safe for me to put my happiness first. My happiness is a priority, but that download into body, mind, and spirit into every cell of your being. My wellbeing benefits all beings. That’s wonderful. We’re gonna wash that over you and are going to wash you in a shower of light, waterfall of light. Let any lower thought forms, energies, or vibrations or anything else that needs to be released right now, Let that be released, Let your angels take it from you, Let it be transformed and transmuted, formless and harmless as that is transmuted into pure love, body, mind, and spirit in every cell of your being.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

Let this light from above shine into your heart and then go down all the way down your body grounded into the earth and then this light is radiating from every cell of your being, from your heart, the love in your heart, the love of your life, the love of being alive, the joy of being alive, the gratitude for being you, Let yourself feel that in your heart as that radiates in your body, mind and spirit in every cell of your being, radiating into the universe. Allow yourself to shine bigger and brighter, bigger and brighter, bigger and brighter.

You are so shiny. Oh, if a deep cleansing breath we let go of anything else that doesn’t serve us, you feel that gratitude in your heart and you thank of your guides, your angels, and your helping spirits. You thank them from your heart and they can feel that energy. Take another deep cleansing breath. Let that go and whenever you are ready you can open up your eyes.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

How are you feeling? You bright, shiny being. I’d love to hear how this resonated with you. Any changes that you feel. Now that was only three beliefs and let me tell you, letting go of those three beliefs, energy restrictions are going to change your life dramatically and this is something our guides want us to know about 2020 it’s about making these small, profound changes that are going to totally transform your life. You have quite a year ahead of you.

You have quite a decade ahead of you. I want you to have the tools that you need to really start this decade and your life. Your next chapter with grace, with beauty. I hope this has helped you. Now. As I said, I am creating now this four day online experience. If you’d like to join me, I’m going to tell you a little bit about it.

Now we extended the early bird special for just under a week because people requested it for the holidays. They were putting other people’s needs in front of their own and that’s one of the things that we do during the holidays and our guides want us to learn to make your happiness of priority.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

So if you’d like to invest in yourself, I’ll tell you a little bit about this four day online event. So I made it four days this year. Every year I’ve been doing these forecast events and people love them. They request them a month ahead of time. They’re like, where is it? Are you doing it? If you’ve ever watched any of my forecasts videos for the month, you can understand that. We can forecast energy. It’s like a weather report. So what I do is I read the symbols, the clues, and I also receive a lot of messages from my spirit guides about what to expect for the year ahead.

And several months ago they were sharing with me just how profound and challenging and rewarding 2020 is going to be. So I didn’t want to cram it all into one long event. Again, this is about incremental changes. So I’m having four events that are each its own healing its own lesson, its own transformation that’s going to help you prepare.

First Event

So the very first event in this four day experience is healing and intention setting. We only got to do a bit of that now.

So this is going to be an hour long at least. I tend to have a lot more to share cause I want you to be able to heal anything that is no longer serving you. But it’s really important that you have soulful, heartfelt intentions rather than what your ego wants.

And that’s going to be some of the karmic awakening that you will experience. So if you, and by the way the link is in the description here, but that’s So the first day we’re going to be calling in our guide team for protection, for healing and to align with your soul so that you are really manifesting from a place of the heart and soul rather than from an ego or karmic place. And that is a really profoundly important way to begin this year and this decade.

So if you do want assistance with that, that’s going to be the first event.

Second Event

Now, the second event in this series is going to be a year long forecast where I go through with you the spiritual lessons of the year, the planetary energies of the year and month by month with all these retrogrades and eclipse energy and karmic energy.

It’s going to be a little bit of a tricky obstacle course in some ways to make sure that you’re doing the right thing at the right time. And just like I said that this week is going to be emotional. You have to plan for those things. You have to plan for the more emotionally charged weeks and months even.

Release 2019 And Open Your Heart To 2020!

And you have to plan for retrogrades and all of these things were you may have your plans in the universe is saying, well, this is what we have planned for this time. So I really want to help you have divine timing so that you can flow with the rhythm of the universe instead of fighting against the tides. So the second event in this four day series is the forecast where I go through all of the planets, the numbers. It’s actually a combination of taro, numerology and astrology and its own special magic with also additional downloads from my guides.

Now, that used to be the only event I did. But that’s one piece of this and it’s really important that you know about those ahead of time so that you can plan ahead of time. So we’re going to be going month by month as well. What that month, the spiritual lessons and what it’s best for in terms of physically emotional and spiritual, actual material planning as well.

Third Event

So that the second day, the third day we’re going through your yearly numerology and personal numerology, how to calculate that.

And so what we’re going to be sharing is I say we cause it’s me and my spirit guides. So what we’re going to be sharing is how to understand how to balance your personal numerology with the four energy of the year. Cause a five personal year can mean one thing in a three universal year like we just had, but it’s something different in a four universal year.

So it’s how to balance that. And so I’ll be giving channeled messages that as well as how to calculate your monthly numerology and how to interpret that as well.

Fourth Event

And then the fourth day is a Q&A about all things astrology, numerology, spiritual for 2020 because I’m sure you have questions. So I hope you can join me for that. Check out

So, I hope this has helped you tremendously today. I really, really wanted to give you some tools and levity to go into this new year with joy, optimism, enthusiasm, and the energy to make this your best year yet. So I’m so grateful that you are in my life. I’m so grateful for this time together. I’m so grateful for you being you. Am encouraging you to be more you than ever before, to shine your light more brightly and be that glorious being that you were born to be. I love you so much and I will talk to you again soon. Lots of love. Bye for now.

Release 2019 so you can have an amazing 2020!

I have a prezzie for you! I did a healing yesterday to help you release 2019 and open your heart to 2020!

Love notes have been pouring in from people around the world with about how much lighter this made them feel.

2019 was rich with spiritual lessons and soul’s growth. Perhaps you want to let go of any residual heaviness you have that you don’t want to take with you into the new decade.

This guided healing will help you let go of anything that doesn’t serve your highest good, so you can start the new year feeling amazing!

Access the guided healing in the video below:

Many people have been asking me about my 2020 Illuminated event and wondering if they aren’t able to join the live calls if they’re still able to benefit.

YES! Of course you can! You can download and enjoy the information throughout the year. You’ll also receive a 50+ page 2020 Celestial Guide & Planner.

You’ll most likely want to refer to the forecast, guide and healing throughout the year.

2020 is a year you can completely rebuild your life.

To celebrate the new decade, I’m hosting a 4 day soul nourishing, spirit lifting, dream inspiring online experience.

I invite you to join me for 2020 Illuminated -Days of Forecasts, Magic and Healing.

2020 will be a life-changing year, so I wanted to help you start the decade with all the spiritual and practical tools you need.

You can find all the details of this extraordinary event below.

Access 2020 Illuminated Here ยป




2020 – A Year Of Karmic Awakening

What a year this has been! It has certainly been rich with spiritual lessons and profound insights.

2019 as a 12 Universal Year was divinely designed for you to help you live more authentically and be true to yourself.

12 is a number that represents life circumstances coming full circle.

Most likely you’re experiencing some revelations about why you made some past decisions and how you can empower yourself moving forward.

Twelve represents the many wheels of life such as:

12 months in a year
and 12 numbers on a clock.
12 zodiac signs
and 12 notes of a musical scale.
And as many have discovered now, 12 chakras.

As this 12th month of this 12 Universal comes to a close we begin another turn around the calendar wheel.

The Last Full Moon of the year was on 12-12 at 12:12am EST in this 12 Universal Year.

In this magical Universe, that last full lunation of the year offers us clue for how to prepare for 2020.

A rare celestial event is happening on the 12th day of the New Year.

2020 begins with a soul-expanding Full Moon eclipse. Soon after, there is a cosmic conjunction on January 12th – the likes of which we havenโ€™t seen for 700 years!

Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter will make a rare connection in Capricorn.

We haven’t had Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn conjunction in our heavens since 1518 AD!

This is setting the stage for a rebuilding of every aspect of your life.

There’s a profound aspect to this – not to be overlooked. These planets are connecting with our South Node in Capricorn.

The South Node associates with past life karmic influences.

And guess what? Here is the number 12 again!2020

There is something called the Karmic Wheel of Life – which is depicted as having 12 inner wheels, representing our cycles of existence.

What the Universe is telling us, through these astro-numeric clues, is that you will have some karmic clearing to do in 2020.

This means that aspects of your past lives that need to be dealt with will be awakened in 2020.

You’re going to be completing some karmic cycles in 2020.

That sounds more frightening than it is. Don’t let it scare you!

This simply means that you’re waking up to areas of your life where you gave away your power.

And you have lots of help from the heavens to navigate your life.

The Universe is always revealing astro-numeric clues to help you on your journey!

Prepare and plan ahead for the nuanced spiritual lessons of 2020.

This repeated number 12 right now is showing you that to end the cycle of over-giving or not receiving enough you must (1) be true to yourself first, so you can have more balanced relationships with others and (2) Take note of how you’ve put other people’s needs in front of your own, or have diminished your value in some way.

As you head into 2020, have a crystal clear intention of you honoring your self worth as you pursue your dreams.

2020 will be a year you can finally make your dreams a reality!

And the good news is, you don’t need to walk this path alone.

The Universe always offers you a roadmap through astrology and numerology to guide you toward your destiny.

If you’d like some assistance, I can help you navigate the uncharted spiritual terrain of 2020.

2020 is going to be epic.

To celebrate the new decade, I’m hosting a 4 day soul nourishing, spirit lifting, dream inspiring online experience!

I invite you to join me for 2020 Illuminated -Days of Forecasts, Magic and Healing.

2020 will be a life-changing year. Start the decade with all the spiritual and practical tools you need.

I hope you’ll join me for this. 2020 is going to be a year full of inevitable changes, and I’d love to help guide you on your journey!

Access 2020 Illuminated Here ยป

Full Moon 12 12 12

Mystical. Magical. Magnificent.

These are the words that describe the last Full Moon of the decade.

This decade has been intense, illuminating, and inspiring in many ways. You can marvel at how much you’ve grown and how strong you’ve become.

This last Full Moon is illustrating how breathtaking the Universe is, and just how epic this journey has been.

Our Full Moon in Gemini is at 12:12am EST on 12-12 in a 12 Universal Year.

Coincidence? Never. Synchronicity. Absolutely.

Gemini is a sign ruled by Mercury, which governs your mind and how you communicate. It also governs your WORDS and the messages you share with the world.

The Mystical Number 3

12-12-2019 can be reduced to 3-3-3. (1+2 = 3, and 2+0+1+9 =-3).

3 is the number of communication and creativity (mind you, both those words begin with the letter C, the 3rd letter of our alphabet.

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It begins with a 1 – your self.
Once you are in alignment with your true self, you can harmoniously connect with others – and now there are 2.

Added together, you get 3. Yet 3 is exponentially more powerful than 1 or 2 on their own.

3 is the number of creation itself. It is the divine trinity. 2 people can create a 3rd being which is truly Divine made manifest.

3 is a number reminding you that you have the power to create miracles on earth.

12/3 – reminds you to create using the power of LOVE.

The 12th letter of the alphabet is L – as in Love, light, and laughter.

You communicate more with your energy than your words.

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That will do more to change your life than simply thinking about what you want.

Feed your soul with nourishing words, rather than reflect on all you haven’t done.

Fill your heart, mind and entire being with the energy of love.

As you do, you shine light for so many others. Just like this glorious Full Moon in Gemini is lighting our heavens.

Enjoy the radiance!