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September Energy Forecast – Restore Your Well Being

Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach with your September forecast and happy birthday to my fellow Virgos. And you lovely Libras. So September is a soulful month. This brings a lot of spiritual energy, a lot of spiritual lessons. We actually have some intensity ramped up a little bit this month. I know, right? 2020, this is our final stretch if you can believe it.

And we have a lot of opportunities to gain spiritual mastery. So, in September, this is the month where we go back to school and we start a lot of training or lessons or education. This is the time when we had our fun and Leo, we did our, our summer things here in the Northern hemisphere. And even if you were in the Southern hemisphere, Leo brought some more extroverted energy and fire. Well, now we’re back to earth. We were in Virgo season and Virgo is all about earth. Virgo is a practical sign.

So this is about really synthesizing and taking everything you’ve been learning from throughout the year. And you’ve been learning a lot and synthesizing and integrating it and bringing things back to earth, really discerning how you can take what you learned and make it useful for you, make it practical for you.

September Energy Forecast

If you know the symbol of Virgo, it’s the earth goddess and she is holding wheat, right? Which is a little bit ironic because a lot of health-minded Virgos are gluten-free so including myself. So, but Virgo is all about the harvest, right? And archetypically Virgo comes during autumn. Now, even if you’re in the Southern hemisphere, the archetype of autumn, when the leaves are falling off the trees and there’s this sense of stillness. So when the leaves are falling off the trees and preparation for winter, there needs to be a conservation of energy. You need to really only take with you what’s useful.

And that’s what Virgo teaches you, how to synthesize everything that you’ve learned and make it useful for you, make it practical. And there’s this sense of letting go what’s not important. Virgo offers you the art of discernment discerning what is nourishing for you and what is no longer necessary, what you need to let go of so that you can harness your energy, gather your energy for what’s useful and important. So this art of discernment is really going to come in handy. Now in this digestion, Virgo actually governs digestion, the physical act of digesting. I know that’s so glamorous.

And so Virgo teaches you how to do that. Digest all of the energy and all of the information and make it something that you can use. That’s actually nourishing for you and this archetype of the Virgo goddess, the earth goddess, the maiden. It’s really about that. That goddess is really a symbol of a woman who is complete upon herself, who needs nobody else in order for her own wellbeing in order to give her information.

September Energy Forecast

So you’re really learning right now, how to listen to your intuition, how to listen to what’s inside of you and discern what is nourishing. And this has definitely been a year that has been confusing. There’s a lot of chaos and there’s a lot of noise out there. And I hear a lot of people saying, I don’t know what to believe anymore. I don’t know what my purpose is anymore, or this used to be important for me. And now it no longer is.

Now we’re in this four universal year. Now, four is also associated with earth and grounding and getting real and practical. It’s about the practical material things. But one of the major lessons of the number four is to teach you how to have freedom within restrictions. Four is about boundaries and it’s about restrictions. And four teaches you how to work within those boundaries and how to work within those restrictions.

And certainly we’ve had a lot of that this year, and we’ve had to pair things down and with the restrictions that have come upon us. We’ve had to learn, what’s really important to us. What’s really beneficial for us. What truth is for us, right? Haven’t you been learning that? So every September, because this is the ninth month of the year, the lessons of the year are accentuated because this is also a four universal month. So we’re in a four universal year in a four universal month.

September Energy Forecast

Now September, 2020 is actually a higher octave of the four. It’s a 13 universal month. Now 13 in the tarot is the death card. And this is a symbol of death and rebirth. Now this isn’t really a physical death. This represents similar to what the energy of autumn is. This is about weeding out the garden, taking away weeding out of your spiritual garden. Anything that isn’t benefiting you, isn’t giving you life. Isn’t nurturing you.

That’s what you do when you weed something it’s detritus, it’s taking up energy. It’s weighing you down and in your life, you may have some energy leaks that are siphoning your life force that are keeping you from doing what it is that you’re meant to do on the planet. And Virgo ultimately is the sign of service, how you benefit the greater good, but before you can help other people, you have to nourish yourself.

You have to perfect the self. You have to be complete upon yourself. Otherwise you’re just a martyr, right? And so there’s another energy that’s accentuating this this month. Mars is in Aries for six months this year, which is an exceptionally long time. Now Mars is the planet of fire and Martian energy, war and aggression and action and the physical. It’s a very physical energy. It’s very passionate energy. Mars is in his home sign of Aries for six months.

September Energy Forecast

Now, the reason he’s in for six months, which is very long for Mars is because he’s retrograde for two months. This year from September 9th, through November 13th. Now, when a planet is retrograde, you have to really relearn some of the energies that you may have overlooked through his first pass in that sign, right through the first pass in a planet sign. So when a planet is retrograde, it’s going in energy.

It’s reverse energy, which is a little bit uncomfortable because Mars loves to move forward. This is the forward moving planet and the energy that pushes roots through earth. This is like really forceful energy, but this is probably why we’ve seen so much volatility. Now, Mars and Aries, the sign of the self teaches you how to stand up for yourself and stand up for what you believe in.

And sometimes that is initiated with anger. Sometimes anger is here to show you enough is enough. I can’t take this anymore. So we’re seeing this globally. And you’re also witnessing this personally, there are things that are infuriating you, that are making you angry. This is giving you the Moxie, the fire in your belly to stand up for what’s important for you and to also stand up for yourself. So as we have this Virgo energy that is teaching you to nourish yourself, we have this retrograde in Aries.

September Energy Forecast

That’s teaching you to remember, to believe in yourself, to put yourself first, to fire up your passions for what’s important for you and what you believe in and how you can be of service in the world and how you can also preserve your energy. So you’re not giving away all of your energy to the world. That’s a delicate balance, right? This is the art of life. This is a lesson that we all live every day. It’s really being accentuated this month.

So how do you navigate all of these different energies at once? I have three action steps for you. They are very practical action steps because I am a Virgo and I love to give practical action steps. So these are practical steps that you can do to help you navigate this sometimes fiery energy and this sometimes introverted energy of Virgo. How do you navigate this dance?

First Step

Okay. So your first action step is to notice how you feel as you are thinking your thoughts. We all get into these loops, these mental loops, these thought patterns that are not nourishing. The way to notice what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling or how you’re responding to people and situations in your environment is to notice how you feel as you interact with these elements. As you interact with the people in your environment, as you interact with your own thoughts. You want to Marie Kondo your life, right? This is Marie Kondoing your thoughts.

So it’s like, as you’re thinking something, notice, be the witness, notice, is this nourishing me? Or is this really bringing down my energy? Is this causing me fear or anxiety? Is this like depleting my life force? Remember the energy of autumn, the weeding. This is about weeding out. What’s depleting your life force. So you really want to notice when you’re thinking something. And when you’re caught in a spiral and addiction of a thought pattern, that’s enervating you that’s causing you fear. Are you listening to people who are invoking fear?

Are you listening to people who are divisive or causing chaos? Or are you doing that with your own mind? So Marie Kondo that. Is this bringing me love or moving me forward? Is this motivating me passionately, giving me life, or nurturing me? Or is this depleting my life force and making me anxious? People, circumstances and thoughts. You want to be mindful and notice how you’re feeling.

Second Step

So after you do that, this brings us to action step number two. Let go of the people, circumstances and thoughts that are depleting your energy. Remember weed, that garden, right? You want to bring new life and new growth. There’s a lot of opportunities. This four energy is teaching you how to have freedom within restrictions. When you pare down what’s important for you, when you let go of the people, the circumstances, the thoughts that are bringing you down that are bringing you into chaos, that are bringing you into those energy drains.

When you, when you let those go, you can garner your energy and use that towards what you’re passionate about. What’s going to bring you life, bring you growth. What’s going to help you flourish and be creative and bring you love and bring love to the world because that’s what you’re here for. Right? So be brave about letting go of the people, thoughts and circumstances that do not nourish you. You can feel that life force energy leaving you. So you have to take that back by cutting that off, cutting off those life enervating situations, circumstances, and people, and bringing back your life force. So be very deliberate about that.

Third Step

Now your third action step is to tune into nature. So this is different than just being in nature. Tune into nature. Virgo is all about the details, the earth, the fire things. There’s so much chaos out in the world. You need to bring calm into your being. And nature is a calming grounding force.

And one way to discern what’s good for you. What’s real for you is to be in your body. When I teach intuition, the foundation, the very first step is about being in your body. The chakras are about starting with the root chakra. Trees need to ground themselves before they elevate to the light. So as you tune into nature, you’re tuning into the order of nature, the beauty of the world.

So listen for the birds. Look at the birds, the squirrel how they go about gathering nuts right now. And they’re adorable. Puppies are always lovely. As the wind blows, the breeze happens. Feel what that’s like on your face or notice how the leaves shimmer. Notice how the light changes. There’s so much beauty to tune into in nature that can really nourish your spirit ground you and get you back in your body.

September Energy Forecast

This is where your intuition is. It’s not just all out here. And I feel like we’re all being pulled outside of ourselves because there’s so much outside of ourselves that’s pulling us. So come back into your body, by tuning into nature, tuning into your breath, tuning into the animals, the birds, the trees, the flowers, and by doing that, you appreciate them. And the earth needs our love right now. And you can receive love from the earth in return. Now, I know that if you do these three steps, you’re going to navigate this dramatic energy. That’s coming our way with some grace.

Now, I also have a special gift for you. I have created a new free intuition course, Six Steps to Awaken your Sixth Sense, and that is free. And you can get that on my new website, using the link below. I am so excited. My new website is so much what I wanted for you. It’s such a more beautiful experience for you. It’s easier to navigate. There are some sparkly bits and there’s a lot of goodies on there for you to explore. So please download this free goodie.

This can really help you. This is an extensive course. This is an in depth free intuition course so that you can tune into your soul, ground yourself as you attune to the higher realms. And we all need that right now. So enjoy this free course. You can get that using the link below, and I am wishing you an absolutely spectacular, soulful sensational September and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

September Energy Forecast – Restore Your Well Being

Sweet September is here!

The astrology and numerology of September bring some intensity. It will be a soulful month full of spiritual lessons.

This is a time to ground yourself and get back to business.

We’re in Virgo season throughout most of the month. This is Earth sign will help you synthesize and assimilate the often confusing energy in our chaotic world.

In numerology, September 2020 is a 4 Universal Month. 2020 is also a 4 Universal Year. Whatever challenges and opportunities you’ve had throughout the year will be intensified.

Mars, the planet of action and aggression, will be retrograde from September 9 – November 13. This will fuel the flames of anger we’ve been experiencing in the world.

In this September forecast video, I share with you how to navigate these challenging energies with grace.

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

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August Energy Forecast – Rekindle Your Passions

Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach with your August forecast. And I missed you. I hope that you have been well and happy and healthy during this absolutely bananas time in our world.

So we have so much happening in August and I really want to help you make the most of it. Cause it can be a really positive and fun and productive time, or it could be nuts, totally your choice, because it’s all how you are channeling the energy. So we begin with our first three weeks of August that are in the sun sign of Leo. Now Leo is ruled by the sun that’s its ruling planet.

So the sun is all about radiance and joy. The sun is what gives us a life on this planet. And it’s a creative energy. Leo is all about love and exuberance and radiance and creativity. Now that’s the positive aspect of Leo and it’s such a loving energy.

So we also have a lot of Cardinal planets this month, Cardinal planets are initiating energy. So this is really a time to radiate more of what’s in your heart to initiate projects. All of the personal planets are now moving forward. We don’t have that Venus and Mercury retrograde that was really tripping us up for a while, right? I mean, Oh, so much.

August Energy Forecast

So this is forward moving energy. A lot of the projects that you’ve put on hold, it’s a really great time to move forward with them. And Leo teaches you how to be confident. The sun is associated with your solar plexus, which is all about confidence and courage and personal power. This is a really amazing time to radiate more confidence, to be more you than ever before, to be more joyful, to be more passionate. And to radiate, it’s so creative.

And so that is the energy that’s going to keep you moving forward in the most joyful way this month. So please ride that. Okay. Use that energy, tap into it and be as creative as you can. Be as radiant as you can and radiate as much love as you can. And you have so much inside of you. And now it’s time to shine.

Now, along with the sign Mercury, which is the planet of communication, is very close with the sun this month. When the sun Leo for the first three weeks, Mercury is right there with it for a lot of that time. And then when the sun moves into Virgo, Mercury is moving into Virgo.

August Energy Forecast

So the sun and Mercury are really, really in close alignment. Since Mercury is the planet of communication and expression, even more of this energy is around communicating, speaking, creating from within, from what’s in your heart. It’s not a time to keep this inside.

We had two months of really intense retrogrades. That was a lot of cocooning energy. That was a lot of internal energy. So now this is like the opposite. It’s like you’ve done some soul searching. So now it’s time to reinvent yourself in some ways. And to express some of these new passions of yours or you want to rekindle some of your other passions. It’s really about expression.

And to even emphasize that even more, August 2020 is a three universal month. Now three is actually also the number of communication and expression and joy. It’s a very social vibration. So even though we’re in this time of social distancing, you can still have fun.

You can still share your joy with other people. You can still be social, even if that is over the interwebs, right? I mean, there’s so many ways to connect with people and to share what’s in your heart and to be joyful and creative.

August Energy Forecast

So be creative about how you’re being creative. This three energy is also associated with anything having to do with the mouth, including smiling. Humor is a very important aspect of how you’re going to navigate this month and your life. Humor is very important. Looking on the bright side of things, seeing the joy in things, not to be Pollyanna, but to really simply create more joy and more love, it has a ripple effect.

And that’s what the three energy is about. And three is associated with words. So this is a time when you really have to speak what is in your heart. You really have to, all that stuff that’s been inside of you, especially after all this retrograde again, and the soul searching and the eclipses, all the June, July were really intense with that, right?

So if there’s anything that you haven’t been expressing, this is time to share it. Now, being that it’s 2020, there was a big twist to this, because you know, nothing this year is, I mean, nothing ever is all butterflies and roses, but oh my goodness, there’s a very intense energy around all of this.

August Energy Forecast

Mars is an Aries. Now Mars is going to be in Aries all through January of 2021. Mars is going to be in Aries for an extraordinarily long period of time because it’s going retrograde next month. And we’re in pre shadow of that retrograde this month.

Now Mars and Aries. Mars is also a fire. It’s a fiery planet, right? Like it’s just, what’s a war-like planet and it’s aggressive, action oriented. In the sign of Aries, his native sign, Aries is a fellow fire sign. We have Leo. We have this Aries. Mars is going to be in very tense aspects to a bunch of planets this month.

And you have this very combative planet in his native sign, in his pre shadow of retrograde. So going back and reclaiming these, these really these parts of you, these angry parts of you, maybe these things that you pushed in your shadow, because it’s not really spiritual seeming, you don’t think you’re like, Ooh, I shouldn’t get angry ever. I always have to look on the bright side or whatever. So all of that stuff that we push in our shadow, especially anger and some of those more fiery emotions, they’re going to start expressing themselves.

August Energy Forecast

So with all this Mercury connecting the sun and the three energy where all that expression is happening, that’s great when it’s conscious. Mars and Aries is a bit of a hot head. Aries, literally rules the head. That’s why Aries is the sign of the Ram.

So we have a lot of this hot headed energy happening now through the end of the year, just what 2020 needs. Right? So, we also began this month on the third with this beautiful Aquarius full moon, but it was also kind of a tense full moon. So this, this brings up issues, amplifies issues of freedom.

And so everyone’s going to want to express what their idea of freedom is, which is great. So you are going to want to express what’s in your heart to allow yourself more freedom in all areas of your life. Personally, professionally, politically. There’s so many ways that we’re expressing our freedom right now, but there’s a lot of like Ram energy, right? But he has a different idea about what that means.

So it’s really important that you are aware of this energy. Cause like I said, you can channel this in a really positive, productive, and proactive way, but you have to understand that this energy right now is very rambunctious. It’s very much about hardheadedness and impulsiveness and aggression.

August Energy Forecast

And we’re going to have quite a bit of this energy, throughout the rest of the year surprise. But right now it’s really intense. So I want you to be aware of that so that you can navigate this energy and you stay out of trouble. You can get yourself into good trouble. Like the late John Lewis had said. So go ahead, get yourself into good trouble. You want to stay out of certain kinds of trouble, right? Trouble that you can avoid, like physical things.

This is not a time to take physical risks. Definitely not a time for road rage. Okay. So if somebody’s doing their road ragey thing, you just let them, right? Don’t don’t counteract anything that you’re seeing someone being impulsive, you just, you know, manage, right. Do not instigate and do not do not get involved in anything that you feel can be combustible because this fire energy fire is the element of fire and nature.

As you see it can bring warmth, it can bring life, it can bring sustenance. It has a beautiful glow. It’s so calming sometimes like if you light a candle, it’s so beautiful or the sun, which is so joyful. And that is the element of fire at its very best. But fire can also rage out of control and be very combustive.

So I want you to be aware of that with how quickly things can escalate right now, so that you allow yourself to really be in the joyful, creative, beautiful aspects of this energy and really stay out of the wrong kind of trouble.

3 action steps

So, I have three action steps that you can take to help you really navigate this energy with grace. Your first action step for the month is to pursue your passions. This also means romance. So if, if you have not romanced your life in any way. If life has felt a little bit dull in any way, because, Oh my gosh, it’s been rough, right? So it’s a time to rekindle that kind of spark for life and joy for life and romance.

Whatever that means to you, and if you’ve put your passions aside, because things have gotten too complicated or there’s too much to do, it’s really, really, really, really important that you get that fire in the belly, that you get that fire, that passion for life really sparked and ignited and acted upon.

Any passion projects, remember we have all this Cardinal energy this month, this initiating energy, which is really such a great time to pursue any of your passions to pursue any projects.

So really take advantage of it, and bring that joy back in your life in any way if you’ve lost it. Spark it even more, if you’re on a roll, go for it. This is an incredible time to put yourself out there to be courageous, to do things that you love to have romance, to have joy. This is a great time for it. So you go do that.

Second Action Step

Now, your second action step is to chill out if you’re feeling hotheaded. Okay. So, you know, it’s like, I feel like everyone’s like a volcano or a pressure cooker right now. I know, you know, those times when you have maybe spoken too quickly or you were really feeling hot under the collar and you just reacted instead of taking some time to process your feelings and then responding.

It’s really an important time to just like release the valve of that pressure cooker to vent off some steam, if you’re feeling agitated or angry or upset in any way before you to talk to the people or person or whatever it is that you want to share. Remember, it’s a good time to express yourself, but you want to do that in a very productive way.

And usually when you’re feeling super emotionally charged, it’s not the best time for it. I’m giving you fair warning here, because you remember those times in your life where you didn’t do that. You don’t want to burn bridges, right?

This is a really good time when you’re feeling really emotional, to take some time to yourself, write in a journal or talk to a loved one, vent, whatever you want and then communicate, okay, that’s going to really save you a lot of anxiety.

Third Action Step

Now, your third action step is to use your words wisely, use your words to uplift and inspire in the beginning was the word, right? So the word is what creates things. This is what shapes our reality. So you want to be very conscious of how you’re talking to yourself about yourself, about your life, about the world. You want to be very conscious about how you’re communicating what’s in your heart to other people.

So really be mindful as you’re writing, as you’re talking, as you’re speaking, as you’re texting, right? You don’t want to be like, ah, you said this. You just want to be like really mindful about how your words are impacting you and also shaping the world around you.

This is a time where we need so much kindness, so much love and tearing people down, fighting with people where you know it’s not going to make an impact. Really don’t waste your breath. Use your breath, your words, to create the world that you want to inhabit. Your words have power. Your expression has power. Creativity has power. Use that power wisely. I feel like I, is there a baby Yoda? I feel like we need something like that right now.

August Energy Forecast

Now, if you need assistance, staying grounded, I do have a free grounding meditation for you. And you can access that using the link below, it’s absolutely free and that’s going to help you stay grounded during this kind of turbulent time. And grounding’s really important right now. So again, you can access that using the link below and that’s completely free for you.

I hope I’ve inspired you to create a joyful world, a world full of love and beauty, because that is what’s in your heart. I love you so much. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, share it with your friend. And I’d love to hear what you’re doing this August. Feel free to leave a comment below. I love you so much. Have an amazing August and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

August Energy Forecast

Amazing August is here!

Can you feel the fire?

We’re in Leo Season for the first three weeks of the month, which intensifies your passions, brings courage and confidence, and a joyful creativity.

In numerology, August 2020 is a 3 Universal Month.

You might have missed your mojo during the past two months, with so many planets in retrograde.

Now it’s time to ROAR!

It’s a time for creative expression and fun. It can also be a time for chaos and conflict.

In this August astrology and numerology forecast, you’ll learn how to navigate this energy for a positive productive and joyful month.

Your July forecast is here and we’re halfway through the year!

Your July forecast is here and we’re halfway through the year!

This month brings some much-needed closure to some deep-seated karmic patterns. (You didn’t think all this intense inner-work was for nothing, did you?)โ 

July 2020 is a Master Number 11 Universal Month.โ โ 

We also have FIVE planets in retrograde.

This is a time of insightful introspection and consciousness-raising revelations.

You’re being guided to make your emotional needs a priority.

That said, I’m heeding my own advice and taking these retrograde months to reflect and rejuvenate. I’ll be writing energy updates here, and will be back making videos in August.

I’m sharing with you the July forecast from the 2020 Celestial Guide below.

The 100 page 2020 Celestial Guide is one of the many bonuses of 2020 Illuminated forecast event.

The spiritual lessons that were illuminated in the stars at the top of the year are more relevant now than ever.

I had told the participants to clear their calendars for June and July because your plans will definitely change, and you might feel too emotional to be productive.

You can now access the 2020 forecast event + 4 bonuses at 70% off ยป

The lessons of this year are far from over and I want you to have the tools to navigate these epic changes with grace.

If you want to take advantage of 40%-70% savings on my entire collection of courses and products, the time is now. You can access my store wide Health & Happiness Sale ยป for the next two weeks. The sale will end when my new website launches later this month.

In the meantime, enjoy this illuminating energy!

I’m taking time this month to listen and learn. Instead of my usual video, I’m sharing with you the forecast from my 2020 Illuminated Celestial Guide (read below).



Your psychic senses are on high! You might remember your past or receive visions for your future. Your Spirit Guides are communicating to you through symbols and synchronicities, so pay attention!

You might feel as if you are being pulled in two directions this month. As you make your choices, remember to focus on what makes you happy. Once you know what you really want, you can be honest and direct about your feelings with those you love. If you are trying to compromise to accommodate others, you might find yourself con- fused and anxious.

This month we experience our third eclipse in a row. The Universe REALLY wants you to tune into your feelings so you can make any necessary changes in your life. Complacency can no longer be a choice. You must learn to nurture yourself before putting other people’s needs before your own.

Eclipses lift the veil between Spirit and Matter.

You can experience psychic overload if you don’t process your emotions and insights. You will FEEL everything more intensely. It’s important to ground your energy, and exercise – or else you will have an excess of spiritual energy that puts your nervous system in overdrive.

Although our Sun in Cancer will foster some nesting instincts, it’s not necessarily the best time to purchase a home. Mercury is still retrograde for the first two weeks of the month (until the 12th), and will be in shadow for the remainder of the month.

This can be a month of immense healing and growth if you allow yourself to take time to tune into your inner voice.

Saturn, the planet that governs our structures, is also going retrograde this month July 1 until September 29th. Also in retrograde are Jupiter (ideals), Neptune (dreams), Pluto (truth) and Chiron (the wounded healer).

With all these retrogrades combined with the eclipses and the high octane energy of 11/2, you’ll have a lot to process!

Numerology: July is an 11/2 Universal Month

11 is a Master Number. This is a highly sensitive vibration. You will receive an influx of divine down- loads. This high vibration energy, if left unexpressed, can have you feeling anxious.

Exercise is a wonderful outlet to help you feel grounded and centered.

Journaling and writing are also helpful tools to get you in touch with your deepest feelings.

The sacred geometry of 11 creates a conduit between Spirit and Matter.

You can receive many inspired ideas if you allow yourself to relax and tune in.

11 is the number that is most perfectly aligned with the Divine.

The lesson of 11/2 is to center yourself when you are being pulled in opposing directions. You can find more relationship harmony with others through deep listening.

Stay centered. Listen to your intuition, and be true to yourself.

July 1 – September 29: Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn


There will be many lessons for you during this transit.

Saturn governs our structures and what we build – whether it’s a home, a business or a dream.

During this retrograde cycle, your future plans might take a step backwards, so you can truly evaluate whether or not what you are currently building will have long-term staying power.

Capricorn is associated with your career. Evaluate your how you are investing your time and energy to ensure that you are in alignment with your personal truth, rather than an ego-based ambition.

Capricorn is also associated with your personal authority. Make sure you are giving yourself credit and not diminishing your worth. You’ll have ample opportunity during this transit to make sure you are owning your authority rather than deflecting it.

This is not the most ideal time to start a major building project. Rather, it’s a period to redefine and refine your current plans by making sure your foundations are solid.

It is a wonderful time for you to look at the structures in your life – the home you live in, your career and financial situation. Make sure they are supporting you and your loved ones long-term. This transit is a wonderful time to make modification to the structures that would support your security and well-being.


You might also find yourself re-evaluating your responsibilities at this time. Let go of responsibilities that aren’t benefiting you. Yet you might consider taking on additional responsibilities that will help you and/or your family over time.

Make sure you are keeping healthy boundaries and managing your time well. This is the key to growth and abundance during this transit.

Tarot Teachers – July Forecast

Justice (11) & the High Priestess (2)

Blessings from the Light:
You will receive many divine downloads. This will require you to slow down and tune in. Your relationships will come into balance as you honor your sacred path and take time for yourself.

You might find that your intentions and ideals are changing. It’s okay that you are still figuring things out. Allow yourself to receive these new intuitive insights without judgement or the need for speed.

Lessons from the Shadow: Justice represents the Law of Karma, which teaches you about cause and effect. Justice wears a blindfold, because she is not looking toward the outside world for guidance; she is relying on her inner senses. To balance the scales of Karma, you must have reciprocity – where one person isn’t giving or receiving more than others, and both parties are treated fairly. This month, your relationships will show you if you are giving to others more than you are receiving, or you are or you are living out of balance. Pay attention to your inner equilibrium.

Keywords: Inspiration, Insight, Intuition, Balance, Harmony, Reciprocity, Centering, Discernment, Truth, Fairness, Relationships, Division

Moon Scopes

Full Moon – July 5, Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

Element: Earth Time: 12:44 am EDT

Full Moons are always a time of heightened emotions. Eclipses magnify this energy exponentially.

This lunar eclipse will enhance your intuitive awareness, so pay attention to any images or feelings that come to you now.

They are trying to tell you something! Your career and ambitions might need to be reevaluated. Where would you like to experience more power? Have you felt you have undervalued yourself and deserve more appreciation? Where do you seek more status and recognition? It’s OK to want to be successful. Release your fears of success or failure. You can do this by writing down all the things you are afraid of and either tearing up the paper or burning it. Then declare what you want instead, and say, “It is done!”.

Let go of: Workaholism, pushing yourself too hard, rigid thinking, playing small, giving away your power, people who want to control you, circumstances that no longer nurture your well-being.

New Moon – July 20th in Cancer

Element: Water Time: 1:32 pm EDT

Get in touch with your deeper emotions. Cancer is associated with your emotional security, as well as your feelings about home and family.

How would like to be nurtured more?

Would you like more emotional support?

How can you connect more to feel a sense of family and community?

Cancer is a cardinal sign of initiation. Use this potent New Moon to set powerful intentions and as you do, FEEL what you are asking for. Open up your heart chakra and let your feelings flow.

I hope you enjoyed this July Forecast. Take care and bye for now.

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

Lessons Learned

You’ve certainly learned more about what’s dear to you, and are not the same person you were just a short month ago! But breezy Gemini will bring a breath of fresh air and some levity.

On 5-20-20 we enter the sign of the twins, Gemini. Notice the 2s in today’s date.

2 is teaching us a lot in this 2020 year.

Two, in the highest vibration, is the number of diplomacy, intuition, and peace.

Yet, there are a LOT of lessons to learn before experiencing the sense of calm that this number can bring.

For example, 2 also teaches you to learn how to compromise between two extremes.

As you’re learning to balance diverse energies, sometimes you can feel pulled in two different directions. You can second guess y ourself and not know what to think.

The shadow side of 2 is duality and division.

Which brings us to Gemini…

Gemini is a double-bodied sign and it’s element is mutable air, which is a wonderful gift for learning new things and seeing two sides of things.

ALL of these energies will be amplified during Gemini 2020. Especially since Venus, the planet of love, money, and self-worth is RETROGRADE in Gemini as well.

As you are learning new things (and a whole new way of being now!), you might feel uncertain about your next steps.

This is all part of the process of expanding your world so you can enjoy new experiences and see the world through other’s eyes.

Coincidentally Gemini rules the lungs, so keep breathing! And bring light and healing to the lungs to the planet and to people’s lungs as well!

Enjoy the energy!

Mercury is in Retrograde!

For the next three weeks, the trickster planet Mercury will bring technical snafus, communication mishaps, and cross-wiring as it goes retrograde.โ โ 

2020 being the way it is, the effects of this transit are much, much deeper than that.โ โ 

Mercury will be retrograde in Cancer – the sign of nurturing, motherhood, and childhood memories.โ โ  With Venus, the sign of the heart, also in retrograde (along with five other planets this month),you are entering the realm of the emotions and spirit.โ โ 


As we heal the wounds of our collective psyche, our personal traumas are unearthed as well.โ โ 

How can it be any other way? Like drops in the ocean, the water element teaches us how deeply connected we all are.โ โ 

With Venus, the sign of the heart, also in retrograde (along with five other planets this month), you are entering the realm of the emotions and spirit.โ โ 

This next month will be devoted to learning more compassionate ways to communicate, deepening our understanding of how to nurture ourselves while finding strength through vulnerability, and understanding how to make this planet a safe home for all beings.โ โ 

Your childhood wounds may make themselves known. This is part of the healing that needs to happen.โ โ 

The eclipses over the next two weeks will bring many revelations. โ โ 

This is a liberating process, not one to be feared. โ โ 

Stay open to the possibilities. And as always, bring your angels with you.โ 

These eclipse/retrograde energies call for deep introspection. I’m taking time this month to listen and learn. Instead of my usual video, I’m sharing with you the forecast from my 2020 Illuminated Celestial Guide (read below).



Fasten your seat belt! This is an action-packed month! It’s a pivot point within the year.

You might want to change direction and redefine your intentions. The Sun is in restless Gemini for most of the month, so you can feel scattered if you do too many things at once.

You can have some uncertainty about what you want in relationships. Mercury and Venus are both retrograde this month. These are personal planets that will motivate you to re-evaluate all that’s near and dear to you.

Mercury Retrograde and Your Relationships

Your relationships will be under review, as well as how you make money. You are learning to value yourself more and enhance your self-worth.

You’ll have much more clarity regarding relationships after June 25th when Venus goes direct.

Mercury will go retrograde on June 18th. With Mercury in the sign of hearth and home (Cancer) during its retrograde, it’s not an ideal time to sign a lease or mortgage a house.

Hold off until after July 12th if you can. After that, sign your contracts and buy your electronics. Mercury will be direct.

There are two super-potent eclipses this month bringing many feelings and insights to the surface. Because of the revelations the eclipses will bring, you are waking up to the truth of who you really are so you can release old identities. It’s time to reinvent yourself!

Our June 21st New Moon Eclipse is on the solstice at 0 degrees in Cancer.

This is one of the most powerful days of the year to set your intentions for your home, family, security and love.

The eclipse energies will make you feel more emotional. You might find the need to stand up for yourself more, or assert better boundaries. Perhaps you’ll find yourself speaking before you think.

Be aware that if you find yourself feeling somewhat agitated, it’s because you have deep emotions that need to be expressed.

Mars is moving into Aries for the rest of the year! This will fan the flames of independence and help you stand up for yourself. (This will also fire up your passions as well).

Jupiter and Pluto are having their second powerful conjunction this year (out of three total) on June 30. Pluto always brings an end to power plays and summons the Truth. Jupiter brings joy and abundance.

This conjunction happening during the potent eclipse portal will awaken you to new possibilities. If you’ve been giving away your power or diminishing your worth, your path to self-actualization can now be more clear.

Numerology: June is a 1 Universal Month

1 is the number of innovation, independence and insights. In this 1 Universal Month, you are recognizing that you need to make yourself a number one priority in your life. Set yourself free by expressing your voice and being creative. Liberate yourself from any relationships or circumstances that are stifling.

There’s only one of you in this world. Have the courage to be bigger and brighter than you’ve allowed yourself before.

1 also opens you to receive divine downloads. It would be helpful to keep a journal to write down all of the emotions you are releasing and all the intuitive insights you are receiving.

It’s a time of total transformation. Have the courage to act on your dreams.

June 18 – July 12 Mercury Retrograde in Cancer

As always, during Mercury Retrograde, it is best to wait before signing contracts or buying major purchases, especially electronics. You DO want to fix things that are broken, so if something breaks down, do take care of it.

Mercury Retrograde can also signal extreme weather, transportation delays, technical glitches and communication snafus. It’s best to check everything twice.

You can make decisions during this time, but you will most likely make some adjustments after Mercury goes direct. This is because you are prone to change your mind during Mercury Retrograde.

During this transit, it is time for you to re-evaluate what your dreams really are. Ask yourself if you are truly passionate about what you are doing, or are you doing things purely out of ego (fear) or security.

With Mercury Retrograde in Cancer, you can expect some flooding and heavy storms around the world. Pay careful attention to pipes, plumbing, storm drains, and any appliances that deal with water.

Make sure their structural integrity is intact before the retrograde begins. Hold off on buying or leasing property until mid-July.

Tarot Teacher for June

The Magician (1)

Blessings from the Light:

You are the Magician – the creator of miracles. The Alchemist who can transform the ordinary into something extraordinary. You are recognizing your need to shine more brightly. Make life more magical every day by being creative.

Explore the intuitive arts. Your intuition is speaking to you through inspired ideas. Begin putting your ideas into action.

Take those bold steps to make your dreams a reality. You’ve got everything within you (with the assistance of your divine helpers) to make magic happen.

Lessons from the Shadow:

Perhaps you are afraid of shining too brightly. You might have difficulty acknowledging your good qualities.

When you do this, life seems less than magical – it can feel boring, stifling, or dull. Perhaps you are feeling overpowered by others who don’t acknowledge how awesome you are.

When this happens, remember that the more you allow yourself to shine brightly and claim your authority and true gifts, the more respect and positive energy will be reflected back to you.


Independence, Innovation, Invention, Inspiration, Action, Playing, Creating, Awareness, Will, Rebirth, Renewal, Healing, Regenerating, Vitality, Manifesting

New Moon Scope

June 21st, New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer & Solstice

Element: Water Time: 2:41am EDT

Light that solstice candle and make a wish! Today is a powerful day for intention setting. New Moons always initiate new beginnings. Eclipse energy makes that exponential. New Moon eclipses can initiate new fateful events that are life-changing.

Cancer helps you get in touch with your deepest emotions, as well as your need to nurture and be nurtured. Pamper yourself. Treat yourself as your number one priority.

Remember, your well-being benefits all beings. Set your intentions about the beautiful fulfilling life you’d like to experience, and let the Universe do its magic.