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December 2022 Astrology Forecast

Yay! You did it! You made it through the Eclipse and Scorpio seasons in the last month of the year. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your December forecast.

And before we get into what’s coming up ahead, I just want you to take a moment and really reflect and gather yourself and take a moment to acknowledge how awesome you are and how much you’ve grown this year and what you’ve done.

It’s been a minute, right? It’s been something. There have been a lot of ups and downs and a lot of challenges, and hopefully, a lot of triumphs as well. And it’s a lot, and you made it.

December 2022 Astrology Forecast

And so I know this is a time of year when we’re all rushing around trying to do everything for everyone else or with other people, but take this moment to yourself.

To acknowledge yourself because you’re amazing. So, that said, I want to talk about numerology first of this month because December 2022 is a 9 Universal Month in numerology. Nine is the number of endings, culminations, and celebrations. So that’s why it’s really good to reflect right now.

So the 9 teaches you to let go. You’re letting go of everything in your life that’s no longer serving you people, situations, habits, all the things. I’m sure you’ve recognized what those are.

December 2022 Astrology Forecast

Last month’s eclipses were about, too, like going in and figuring out or having the world show you what’s not right for you anymore.

There’s more of that now because this is the time to go within and be your wise teacher. That’s another thing that the 9 teaches you.

And also, the 9 teaches you how to individuate, be yourself, and be more authentically you because you may have been making decisions that weren’t the best for you, that didn’t feel right in your heart.

So this is really a time to tune into that. Really well, and to recognize what is appropriate for you and what you want to do and do not do anymore. We’re gonna go into that a lot next year. 2023 is a 7 Universal Year. It’s all about soul searching and the soul. I go a lot into that in my 2023 forecast.

December 2022 Astrology Forecast

My Divining 2023 forecast. I’ll leave a link below about that. So, this month there’s a lot of tuning in and looking forward, so you’re looking back and touching base with yourself. And also, because we’re in Sagittarius season for the first three weeks of the month, you’re looking forward. Sagittarius is the archer and always points toward the future with some joy and optimism.

So hopefully, you have some hope for your future and your life. Hope is a discipline. Hope is a practice. You have to focus on the things you want to do instead of the things that aren’t working for you anymore. So as you’re looking back and reflecting on the year, make sure you’re being kind to yourself.

Make sure you’re being gentle with yourself. It’s a year of immense growth, spiritual growth, strength, emotional strength, and spiritual strength. So, as you’re looking forward, instead of focusing on what you don’t want anymore, focus on what you can achieve and what you can accomplish or that you would like to.

December 2022 Astrology Forecast

Also, while we’re in this Sagittarius season, Jupiter is finishing up its time in Pisces, dreamy Pisces, all about your dreams and hopes, and your connection and connection to spirit. So, this is a time to feel into what you like, what you love, and what doesn’t feel right to you anymore.

So as you are reflecting, make sure you’re tuning into your body, heart, and emotional center. And so, things take a turn after the 20th because that’s when Jupiter changes signs. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, which is why it’s all about abundance and expansion and feeling grand and generous. Which is perfect for the holiday season right now, too.

So, Jupiter spends about a year on each sign. It moves into Aries on the 20th, a big transition from Pisces, the end of the Zodiac, to Aries, which is the beginning of our Zodiac. So, this is more about feeling a sense of self, drive, ambition, and courage.

December 2022 Astrology Forecast

So, this is part of what will help you move forward with joy and confidence into the new year as you’re tuning into what you want. Believe in yourself so that you can create it. No matter what you’ve experienced this year, things can change quickly, just as the Zodiac wheel changes. Right?

So we move from Jupiter to Aries, which will be there until May of 2023. And then, the next day is our solstice. That beautiful time. Which is known as the veils thinning here in the Northern hemisphere.

It’s the darkest day. It’s that time to go within again; after that, there’s a return to the light. And in the southern hemisphere, there’s a return of more warmth. So wherever you are, this solstice creates some sense of life and regeneration.

December 2022 Astrology Forecast

And the planets change toward the end of the month, too. We go from fiery Sagittarius, and things get very earthy. We have a Capricorn Stellium. We have a lot in Capricorn. The sun goes into Capricorn after that wonderful solstice. That’s what the solstice does, it changes seasons and signs, and Capricorn is all about your ambition and getting to where you want, one step at a time.

Capricorn’s totem is the sea goat. So you have your feet in the spiritual and emotional waters and climbing to the top of the mountain. So that’s what this is about, tuning into your heart and soul so that you know your ambitions, and then you create some practical, earthy steps to get there.

What’s amazing and synchronistic about this planetary shift we began this year with Venus conjunct Pluto. Venus, your heart, conjunct Pluto, the planet of transformation, and going through what’s been buried and transforming and healing it like the Phoenix. And we end the year with Venus conjunct Pluto.

December 2022 Astrology Forecast

We’re also starting the year, so there’s a continuity between this year and next year because we’re going into the year with Mars retrograde, and also Mercury goes retrograde at the end of this month and into next year. So, we kind of head into next year, looking back still.

So it’s okay if you do not feel like you’re clear on your intentions. It’s okay to know what you don’t want and what you are feeling you want to head towards as you go into the new year because your mind, your heart, your passions, they’re all changing, and that’s what those personal planets are telling us.

So, what do you do with this magnificent and dynamic energy to help you end this year beautifully and head into the new year with grace and joy?

Step One

So the first step that I encourage you to do is to take stock of all your successes, which you may not recognize at the moment.

So get a pen and paper, write them down, and put them into different sections: emotional successes, spiritual, physical, and material. Whatever you’ve overcome or achieved, take stock of it because with every challenge you’ve gone through, here you are, better and stronger, wiser.

Perhaps even more loving than you were before. So it’s important to acknowledge that and take stock of that.

Step Two

And after you do that, step two is to take stock of everything weighing you down. What is it that doesn’t feel right anymore?

What is it that maybe feels a little heavy or a little inappropriate or maybe a lot inappropriate that you’re dreading or that you’ve dreaded and want to change?

Take stock of relationships that don’t feel aligned anymore and all your habits that aren’t benefiting you. All of the people, perhaps that no longer feel in alignment. The things in your work that don’t light you up inside. It’s important to take stock of that so you can let them go.

Step Three

This brings us to step number three. Write down what you would like to create moving forward. What experiences you’d like to have? What goals would you like to have physically, emotionally, financially, in your career, in your love life, or anything else? What would you like to experience and create this next year and move forward?

Now I do have something to help you with this. I have a free Personal Year Numerology guide.

So what is that? It’s based on your birthdate every year when the calendar changes, so does your Year Number. Knowing that will help you focus your energy and know where your advantages are, your opportunities, and maybe some of your challenges.

This is a very accurate system. Numerology is ancient, and this can help you focus on the best timing for things and what you’d like to do, so you can access that free guide using the link below. I highly encourage you to do that. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, share it with your friends and family.

December 2022 Astrology Forecast

I am still having my early bird special throughout the holidays on my Divining 2023 Forecast and healing event. It includes a hundred-plus page celestial guide that will guide you throughout this year that you can refer to every day. We will have a healing event and an intention-setting ritual at the top of the year.

We review your personal numerology relating to the year and everything about the year ahead. There are so many twists and turns. It is a soul-searching year, and I want you to prepare, so you can also find out about that using the link below. And I wish you a joyous holiday season and an extraordinary new year.

I love you so much, and I am so grateful for you. Lots of love. Bye for now.

December 2022 Astrology Forecast

After the intensity of Scorpio season, fiery Sagittarius restores your optimism and joy. This is a time to expand your horizons and explore new frontiers.

Sagittarius is an explorer of the mind and the globe. Learning from diverse cultures and philosophies can elevate your consciousness. Sagittarius is the sign of the archer pointing toward the future with joy and enthusiasm.

Expect the best as you quest toward your most lofty goals. The highest expression of Sagittarius is to inspire humanity through visionary ideals. Set your sights on joy and reach for the sky!

9 is the number of culmination and endings. Youโ€™re learning how to release the energy and circumstances you have outgrown so you can be the Lightworker you were born to be. You will deepen your intuitive connection. Make sure you take time for yourself.

Change is in the air. Your decisions must be in alignment with your intuition. When making choices, make sure your heart and mind are in sync.

Tune out the opinions of others and tune into your inner voice. Release your fears regarding being different so you can trust your Higher Guidance.

This is a period of letting go. You may culminate a project, circumstance,
or relationship. You are making space to express your beautiful self in new and exciting ways.

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November 2022 Astrology Forecast

November is a wild month. Anything that can happen will happen, so expect the unexpected. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your November forecast. And I’m sure you are feeling this emotional intensity. We are in Scorpio season until the 22nd. Scorpio is known for that emotional depth, transformation, and intensity.

So it’s more than just that. This is a very waterlogged first part of the month. We have a lot of planets in Scorpio and water signs, and that’s deep emotional energy. And there’s so much transformation happening because as we head into the month, we are in an eclipse portal.

November 2022 Astrology Forecast

That first eclipse, New Moon Eclipse, happened in Scorpio on October 25th. And up until our total lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8th, we are in that Eclipse portal when things are coming up for you to be healed, to be transformed. And because this is so much water and emotion, and Scorpio, and all the things, everything is coming up for you.

One moment you feel like you’re on top of the world and you could do anything, and everything is hilarious. And then, the next minute, you are crying. And I mean really crying. Trust me. I get it. I’m in it too.

There’s a lot happening, particularly with the Taurus and Scorpio themes, which are about love, sex, death, emotional transformation, and money…what you value, how you value yourself, the economy, and all the things. I mean, like so much.

November 2022 Astrology Forecast

And this total lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8th is conjunct within one degree. The planet of shocking transformation, freedom change, and liberation revelations. This is really paradigm-shifting stuff.

And that is also square other planets. Total lunar eclipses always bring about karmic endings, and this in Taurus is about how you communicate. Taurus rules the throat, what you value, how you manage your resources, and your sense of security. It’s very intense. It’s going to bring about incredible, shocking new beginnings.

It also happens to be on election day in the United States. So no big deal, right? Okay, so here’s the thing, because there’s so much full Moon and Eclipse energy, and Uranus can bring shocks, and this is square Saturn, and we have this Mars energy that’s very intense. If you live in the United States, you get your ballot in early.

November 2022 Astrology Forecast

Take it to a dropbox or polling station if you can, and mail it if you must, but do it early, okay? Because things are going to be more intense than usual for an American election. I mean, go figure! It’s so important. And these shocking revelations could bring us in a very positive direction to move us forward with progress.

That’s why you’ve got to vote! Or we can have some shocking upsets, or we can have a combination of a lot of things. There’s a war of words happening now, and that’s because Mars has been retrograde in Gemini since October 30th. Mars is usually only in a sign for about six weeks. Mars is going to be in Gemini for seven months because of this retrograde.

Mars is going to be retrograde in Gemini all through late January of next year. So Mars is the warrior planet. It’s aggression. It’s action. Gemini is words, communication, and transportation. So we will see some slowdowns in transportation, and it’s not like Mercury retrograde. Mars is more about vitality, but Gemini is ruled by Mercury.

November 2022 Astrology Forecast

So we have those elements as well. And mars retrograde can make you feel like you don’t have a lot of energy or you don’t have a lot of vitality. Yet, in Gemini, you’re getting in touch with repressed anger, and we’re seeing that now, but it can also cause some anger with your words if you’re too quick or you don’t think before you say something or write it on social media.

So I encourage you to be very careful with your words, what you write and how you speak. Especially since Mars is helping you get in touch with pent-up anger. Mar’s retrograde can also help you get in touch with your passions that have been buried and how to communicate them. I have a whole section on Mars retrograde in Gemini in my Celestial Guide, my 2022 Celestial Guide.

You can get that for FREE using the link below. There’s so much in there for you. You can learn about eclipses and all the retrogrades. You can look forward to the next two months, and you can also look back. I’ll tell you more about that at the end of this video, but for now, know that you can get that for free using the link below.

So again, there’s a lot to Mars Retrograde and Gemini. And so the most important thing for you to remember is to watch your words, to use your words wisely, and to really connect with parts of yourself that have been repressed through anger. Your anger tells you where your boundaries have been crossed and where you’re not maintaining boundaries, where you’ve been tread upon, and where someone is imposing their will on you.

November 2022 Astrology Forecast

And so that will really bring up some anger as well. And sometimes that’s going to help you, especially as we get toward the end of the month. We have this incredibly positive New Moon in Sagittarius. The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd, and that next day we have a beautiful, lucky New Moon in Sagittarius.

It’s really a benevolent one. It’s one of the best new moons of the year. And just after that, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance and optimism, goes direct after being retrograde since July. And it goes direct in Pisces, which is about your dreams and your empathy and your compassion and feeling connected.

And so this is a very beautiful time to pursue your dreams. Everything at the end of the month starts moving into the fire and more positive emotions. So after this, Really reflection and letting go of these karmic patterns that the eclipses are bringing up and all that waters helping you connect.

You can really connect to your ideals and dreams, and that Sagittarius energy is going to help you move forward with joy and enthusiasm. So even though Mars is slowing you down a bit in your action, Jupiter is going to help you move forward with things that really matter. It’s really stewarding your energy on things that are really important to you so that you can really go for your dreams.

Three Action Steps

So I have three action steps to help you navigate this very dynamic energy. Your first action step is to calm your nervous system. Eclipse season can feel like you have all your fingers in an electric socket.

It’s very highly charged. It can really run through your nervous system and cause a lot of anxiety and agitation. Maybe you have trouble sleeping. Maybe you feel like you can’t calm down. So ground yourself. Mars in Gemini is breathing. Okay, so instead of pushing yourself forward, you find exercises that restore you.

That’s part of what Mars and Gemini retrograde is teaching you and really work with your breath. If you find yourself getting really nervous, slow down your breath. Feel it in your body. Make sure you’re exhaling right, and make sure you’re slowing down that exhale.

I like to imagine the breath is massaging my nervous system, really slowing it down to relax and calm my nervous system, and that’s what I suggest you do.

Second Action Step

So remember, if you feel yourself elevating and getting too agitated or you fried, calm yourself with your breath, which brings us to action, step number two, which is to listen to your body. Especially with this Mars retrograde, you may feel like pushing yourself, but everything in the universe is saying, “Hey, you have to restore yourself.”

You have to find what regenerates you. And Mars is your physical vitality. So again, you may not have as much vitality. Gemini rules the respiratory system and the lungs. Now with Jupiter in Pisces, Jupiter expands everything it touches, and Pisces actually rules the hospital system.

So we are going to see more people, maybe the hospital’s filling up and some of these respiratory issues. All kinds of respiratory issues are surfacing now.

And if you are run down, you don’t want to push yourself into a situation that doesn’t feel comfortable for you. So make sure that you are tuning into yourself so as you get invited to social events or parties or travel.

If you are not feeling up to it, promise yourself that you’re going to listen to yourself and take care of yourself, and your body is also telling you what feels good for you and what you’re excited about, what lights you up and what doesn’t anymore. So really make a practice of tuning into your body to tell you what’s right for yourself and what’s not right for you.

Third Action Step

Now your third action step is to make space for new growth. This is a time of karmic endings and destiny, new beginnings as you let go of what is not right for you. As you create healthy boundaries, as you let go of people and circumstances that deplete you, you’re making space for new growth. And as Jupiter is moving forward in Pisces, this is going to connect you more to your dreams.

As we’re in Sagittarius season, towards the end of the month, you will be more connected to your dreams, and so you want to really tune into your dreams and also let go of anything that’s keeping you from themโ€”actualizing your dreams. So I know it’s scary to let go of security. That’s what this Full Moon in Taurus is teaching you.

Because Taurus is all about security, so the eclipse is telling you that as you elevate your self-esteem and your self-worth and what you value and really connect with your ideals, it’s important for you to move forward in a way that represents who you truly are.

Rather than who you thought you once were. So really feel confident as you let go of those old aspects of yourself that you are moving towards something renewing and joyful and beautiful, and your body will always show you when you’re in the right direction.

November 2022 Astrology Forecast

So I hope that this has helped you really understand this big picture of what’s happening now and know that you’re not alone, and this is something that we’re all experiencing, and this is why I really want to share my 2022 Celestial Guide with you. This 160-page guide is your ultimate oracle to all things divine: tarot, astrology, numerology, and my intuitive insights.

They’re all there. We have journal prompts and affirmations, so that’s going to help you plan your next two months and then some. And it’s also going to help you look back on these months and understand why you went through certain things at certain times. And tracking your life through the planetary cycles helps you become more in tune with the planetary cycles.

It helps you understand why things happen to you so that you can be more empowered. And this is why I am so passionate about astrology, numerology, and all things divine. So again, you can download that for free using the link below. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, make sure to like it and subscribe to this channel, and make sure you hit that bell to be notified when I come out with a new video.

I will have lots of videos for you moving forward. And let me know in the comments how you are enjoying itโ€”Scorpio season and what’s going on for you with the eclipses. I love you so much, and I wish you an incredibly joyful November and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

November 2022 Astrology Forecast

Prepare to chart a new course. The winds of change are coming.

We begin the month amid eclipse season. Eclipses are always two weeks apart. Our New Moon eclipse was on October 25, and we have a powerful Full Moon eclipse in Taurus on November 8.

The time between lunations is brimming with intuitive insights. You will feel especially sensitive with our Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio.

We’re in Scorpio Season

Scorpioโ€™s element is fixed water, taking you to the depths of your psyche. You are uncovering hidden gifts and buried emotions.

Also in sensitive water signs are Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Your cup may spill over with emotions. One moment you can feel immeasurable joy followed by a wave of sadness then washed over with peace and serenity. Your moods can change like tides. Allow your feelings to flow.

As you connect with these deeper aspects of yourself, you will recognize what you have been avoiding. People often donโ€™t make changes because they are uncomfortable.

Yet, you will find that you can no longer hide from your truth. Relationships and circumstances that do not nourish you will feel unsustainable. You will need to let go of whatever no longer supports you.

The elements take a turn toward the middle of the month. After being oversaturated in sensitive water signs, your spirits will be lifted by a series of planets in fiery Sagittarius.

New Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the sign of the archer, aiming your sights toward a more joyous future. A jubilant New Moon in Sagittarius blesses our skies on November 23, just one day after the Sun sailed into this optimistic sign.

This is one of the luckiest New Moons of the year! With the Sun and Moon aligned in the first degree of this sign, joined by Venus and Mercury, your manifesting potential is immensely potent.

If you dare to embark upon new horizons, you have a bright future. Change is most frightening in your mind. On the other side of it is magic.

There’s More to Explore!

We have busy and bustling last two months of the year, that’s why I’m offering my entire 160+ page 2022 Celestial Guide as a free gift to you. Get your FREE 2022 Celestial Guide Now ยป

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October 2022 Astrology Forecast

We have a dizzying amount of activity in the heavens this month. So many twists and turns. It’s a life-changing month that is going to change the course of your destiny.

Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your October forecast. And a lot is happening. So I’m going to say this to you chronologically and weave this together for you at the end because a lot is going on.

And Venus is very involved all month long. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, attraction, and your relationships. Including your relationship to your self-worth.

A Twist of Fate!

Very busy. So this is a month of tuning into your heart so you can change your direction towards one that lights you up Inside. Relationships are a theme throughout the month because we are in Libra season until the 23rd.

And then we move into Scorpio, which is also about relationships. And, of course, with Venus being so prominent, your relationships mirror what is in your heart.

So please pay attention to everything happening in your life, how people are receiving you, relating to you, how you’re relating to them, and things coming up for you. Things are going to be in bold relief right now. The universe is going to illustrate to you how you value yourself or how you don’t.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

It will become clear your relationship with money, your career, and the balance in your life are the things Libra illustrates. All of those things, the reciprocity in your relationship. Are you giving more than you are receiving? Please pay attention to all of it. We enter this month with SIX planets, retrograde plus Chiron, the Wounded Healer.

And I know that you have been feeling those retrogrades throughout September, and we’ve had Mercury retrograde. So hallelujah! Mercury goes direct on October 2nd!

Mercury’s the planet of your mind, and so you’ve been changing your mind. You’ve been reevaluating how you think about things and how you feel about things, and you’ve been reevaluating your relationships while Mercury was in Libra. Now it’s in Virgo.

A Twist of Fate!

So you’re discerning what is good for you and what isn’t good for you. So when Mercury goes direct, you’ll be better signing those contracts or making those big decisions that you may have been holding off on. Yet, Mercury’s going to be opposing Neptune, which clouds your vision a little bit but helps you connect to your dreams.

So make sure as you’re planning and setting your intentions for the future that you’re connecting with something that feels delightful for you. Now, on October 9th, we have a powerful Full Moon in Aries. Aries is the sign of the self. It’s confident; Mars rules it. Our Sun will be in Libra. So there’s that Aries – Libra dynamic.

Mars rules Aries. Venus rules Libra, Okay? Venus is Libra’s ruling planet. So this polarity will help illuminate where you have been giving too much of yourself rather than putting yourself first.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

Now, this full moon is conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer. So this may make things clear. Some issues you’re feeling in your heart or things may come up for you that point out some previous or current hurts that you have that need to be healed.

And this moon is also opposite Venus. Okay, so again, you’re going to be seeing what’s in your heart, what needs to be healed in your heart, and this will help you create more balance and reciprocity in your relationships and put your needs first. Now, October 22nd is another big day! Venus is conjunct to the Sun.

A Twist of Fate!

So this will bring to light two matters of your heart, and this will help you express yourself with more confidence and will motivate you to share what’s in your heart more directly and boldly. Now, right after that, October 23rd – this is a big day. Whew. Okay, so on October 23rd, Venus goes into Scorpio, the Sun goes into Scorpio, and Saturn goes direct.

Now, Pluto is going direct on October 9th, the day of that Full Moon, and October 23rd. Saturn is going direct. Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld. Saturn is the Lord of Karma.

So they’ve been retrograde, and you’ve been reevaluating power, money, status, your place in the world. These planets going direct are going to help you put some actions into place to make your mark in the world.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

And with that Scorpio energy, you’re going inside and transforming and transmuting some deeper emotions that have held you back. Scorpio is all about deepening your relationships as well. So you want to bring people into your life more closely who will nurture and support you.

And, of course, let go of who isn’t. And this is going to be highlighted on October 25th, which is a New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio. Scorpio is already intense. Right? New Moon eclipses bring things to light and start new beginnings for you. Often we have fateful new beginnings. You can meet people who are going to change your life.

Your destiny can change course during a New Moon Eclipse. Now this one is activating our South Node in Scorpio. The South Node of the Moon is related to karma. Anything you need to let go of yet is familiar to you. So things that are in our South Node are a real pull for us because we’ve experienced them.

A Twist of Fate!

We’ve practiced these karmic behaviors, sometimes lifetime after lifetime. So anything in our South Node needs to be released. And this New Moony Eclipse is also conjunct Venus.

So again, we have everything that’s bringing your awareness into your heart, things that are important for you, and things that you need to let go of. Because this moon activating that South Node is telling you that you need to let go of the people and places and the way you share your energy.

You must release in ways that are no longer beneficial for you, even though there may be a pull there for you. Okay? And I said this at the top of the year in my forecast.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

As soon as I saw that our eclipses were in the Scorpio – Taurus access and our South Node was in Scorpio, I knew there was going to be something around having to change the way we share resources, money, power – around fossil fuels, minerals, and just the way we rely on those for our economy.

Scorpio has shared resources and anything that’s beneath the surface. And, of course, that is what manifested, right? So all this is happening this year with having to change the countries that rely on for fossil fuels to be less energy dependent.

A Twist of Fate!

And so that’s what you’re doing on a personal level too. You’re examining who you share your resources with and how you share your resources. That includes the energy of your heart.

The fuel of your life. All of that needs to be redirected and transformed to benefit you. So around this time in the world, we will maybe see shocks to the stock market. We’ll have some shocking events come to light around power, money, shared resources, and fossil fuels.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

So don’t take too many risks right now around money. And understand this is happening in the world. This is to get us to change our values and how we invest. And our North Node in Taurus is about investing in more beauty-oriented ways and taking care of Mother Earth.

So personally, it’s a huge day, and that’s not all. This whole time, the 25th for two weeks is the eclipse season. And things are going to be brought to the light.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

On October 31st, Mars is going retrograde in Gemini. Mars is the warrior planet. Gemini is how you communicate. So this can be a war of the worlds. But it can also be around speaking passionately and from the heart.

Mars will be in Gemini for an extraordinarily long time this year because it’s going retrograde into January of next year. So we are all learning how the Warrior Planet wants to help us with our communication.
I know this is a lot.

Three Action Steps

So I have three action steps to help you navigate this tumultuous terrain. Now, your first action step is to USE YOUR WORDS WISELY. That is one of the things Mars in Gemini is teaching you. You want to make sure you are speaking from the heart. You are speaking passionately.

Since there’s going to be so much agitation in the air, so much energy coming up for you, so much emotion, you want to take some time out before you speak. Do not react. Take time out.

Feel into what you want to say and make sure you’re not too agitated when you do it. Okay? You want to use your words confidently, clearly, and directly and express yourself from the heart.

That’s going to change how you experience your relationships, and you want these changes to be for the better, right? Okay, so use those words wisely.

Second Action Step

Your second action step is to TAKE TIME AND SPACE FOR YOURSELF. Do not overbook whatever you do. So many unexpected changes will happen, and you will have so many emotions to process.

You want to make sure you are creating that sacred space for yourself to process that. Write in a journal. Take baths. Go for walks in nature. Do not overbook yourself.

Or make sure you’re not spending too much time with other people. Even though this is about relationships, you want to process how you feel every day at the moment, so you know how you are relating to people is in your highest and best. Please take that time and space for yourself.

Third Action Step

Now, this brings us to action step number three. Say YES to what lights your heart and NO to what no longer serves. This is a pivot point. It is a change in your destiny.

The universe is waking you up to all kinds of revelations about yourself and other people, and you want to make sure that you are investing your time, your heart, and your precious heart into people and projects that make you excited and that you love.

And if anyone or anything is draining your energy, you want to let that go consciously. And as you do that, you’re going to steer yourself more and more toward your destiny. Let your heart be your guide.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast

Now, I also have something that will help you so much with my Free “Love by the Numbers Guide” This guide will help you learn your unique love language and your loved one’s love language based on your birthdate and your numerology.

It’s really fascinating. It’s astoundingly accurate, and this can help you harmonize your relationships with yourself and other people. Now you can get that free guide using the link below. And I have so much more to share with you, so make sure you subscribe to my channel.

LIKE this video if you’ve enjoyed it. And share it with your friends. And I’d love to hear what you are doing this month, all the revelations happening to you. There might be some drama, so you can share that, too, using the comments below. And I’m wishing you a beautiful, love-filled, joyful October and beyond.

Lots of love. Bye for now.

October 2022 Astrology Forecast – A Twist of Fate!

October Astrology is a whirlwind!

There is a lot of coming and going in the heavens.

We enter this month with six planets in retrograde.

Thankfully, Mercury stations direct in Virgo on October 2nd. Hallelujah!

If you’ve been holding off signing contracts, investing in larger purchases, or making decisions, now is a more opportune time.

Venus is a star player in the sky. She has a major role throughout the month. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and attraction.

You are waking up to your worth. Matters of the heart, particularly in relationships, will come to focus. You’ll also become more aware of how your self-worth affects your net worth.

Our Sun and Venus are in Libra until they move into Scorpio on October 23rd. Libra and Scorpio are relationship-oriented signs.

Mark your calendar! October 25th is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. You are sure to have some eye-opening revelations and fateful new beginnings.

Throughout the month, you may feel extra sensitive or over-emotional. You are getting in touch with feelings that you have previously buried.

In this October 2022 astrology forecast video, I offer essential steps to navigate this tumultuous terrain. Have a beautiful month!

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September 2022 Astrology Forecast

September is a month to slow down. We have SIX planets in retrograde, plus Chiron, an asteroid known as the Wounded Healer.

Mercury goes retrograde in Libra and Virgo from September 9 through October 2. Mercury is a personal planet. Jupiter and Saturn are social planets. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are transpersonal planets.

ALL of these planets are retrograde this month. With retrogrades in every corner of the heavens, you will rethink all aspects of your life. Itโ€™s essential to leave a lot of flexibility in your calendar. Your plans are likely to change. Your relationships can demand your attention, making it challenging to focus on projects.

Our Sun is in Virgo for the first three weeks of the month. Virgo is a sign that wants to get down to business and work. Yet, you may find that you are less productive than usual. If you try to do too much, you will be thwarted. If you leave yourself open to possibilities, you can make steady gains.


Retrogrades foster inner work. Progress is an inside job. Itโ€™s best to reassess your plans and intentions. You may want to change course and diverge on a different path. What was once stable may no longer feel suitable to you.

Your interests can pique in another direction. Allow yourself the time and space to process your emotions. This is an ideal month to receive healing or engage in therapy. Releasing stuck and stagnant emotions is an excellent retrograde activity.


Itโ€™s not all work and no play. Romance is on the radar as well. With Mercury retrograde in relationship-oriented Libra, you may hear from old flames, rekindle a romance, or pay more attention to the partner you already have.

You may want more balance between work and play and emphasize enjoying time with your loved ones. Tune into your heart when making decisions. This moment is a pivot point. Choose what will make you happy rather than what looks good on paper. You will make the right choices if you pay attention to your feelings rather than other peopleโ€™s idea of happiness.


September 22 is the Equinox, that glorious time when the day and night are equal in measure. This initiates the balance-seeking sign of Libra, and a change of seasons. This is a beautiful day to celebrate the light within and around you.



15/6 6 is the number of the heart chakra. You must learn to make choices based on what you really want, rather than what others expect of you. 6 is nurturing energy associated with children and pregnancy. This could be your lucky month if you want to bring another being into this world. Furbabies and creative projects count too!

Itโ€™s also a lovely time to beautify yourself, your home, or your environment. 15/6 can illuminate the shadow side of love, such as perfectionism and feeling responsible for other peopleโ€™s happiness. Make your well-being a priority. Focus on self-love, and you will thrive.


Relationships, Love, Harmony, Beauty, Home, Children, Pets, Beauty, Romance, Choice, Relationships, Responsibility, Family, Security, Destiny, Temptation, Ego, Perfectionism, Martyrdom


August 22 โ€“ September 22 Earthy Virgo will help ground you. Get back to earth and put your plans into practice. This is a purifying sign, helping you discern what nourishes you and what is energetically toxic.

You may feel the urge to purge, clear the clutter in your home, and let go of people and activities that donโ€™t support you. Your mind may be busy with ideas. Virgo helps you synthesize information to make it useful. All that you learned and explored in the previous months may begin to make sense now in a tangible, practical way.

Your body will inform your decisions. You can enhance this integration process by journaling and meditation โ€“ and of course, being in nature!


Key dates this month:
9/9 โ€“ Oct 2 โ€“ Mercury Retrograde
9/10 โ€“ Full Moon in Pisces 5:59 am EDT
9/22 โ€“ Autumn / Spring Equinox
9/25 โ€“ New Moon in Libra, 5:54 pm EDT ย 

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August 2022 Astrology Forecast – Break FREE & Be BOLD

This month’s energy is larger than life. And, of course, we are in Leo season. Would you expect anything less? I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your August forecast. And this month begins with a shebang. On August 1st, we have extraordinary conjunction between Mars and Uranus in Taurus, conjunct the North Node of the moon, otherwise known as the Lunar Nodes of Destiny. So what does this mean for you? Well, Mars is the planet of action, and it’s empowering. It’s about how you embody energy. It’s aggressive and sometimes warlike. It’s masculine energy. Uranus Is the planet of liberation, freedom, breakthrough consciousness, innovation, and progress. It brings swift and sudden changes, often shocking. And the North Node of the moon is about where we are headed as a collective to transform our karmic patterns into our dharma, our destiny, and our learning to find new ways of being. Now, these are all in Taurus.

Break FREE & Be BOLD

This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. The last time these planets came together in Taurus was in 1855. It’s not going to happen for at least another 250 years. This is big. And this isn’t just a one-and-done type of situation. These are paradigm-shifting changes that are happening now. In case you haven’t noticed, the world is going bonkers, and it’s changing, and things are transforming. So this energy can be shocking. Many truths are coming to the consciousness that can ultimately liberate us because, of course. The truth sets us free. These are system-changing paradigm-shifting kinds of energies. And that’s what we’re going through as a collective globally. And in you, you are going through a paradigm shift. Things are changing, and they will never be the same again. This North Node, where these planets are conjunct, opposes the moon’s South Node. Now the South Node of the moon represents our collective karma, where we are moving away from. And these karmic patterns are habits that have created imbalances that are hard to shake.

August 2022 Astrology Forecast

And that’s why this energy’s so dramatic. Right? So as a collective and you as a person are shaking and shifting your paradigm, your whole belief system is transforming, and we’re going through an inner revolution. We’re learning about Taurus. Taurus is all about love and beauty. And instead of giving yourself away and getting caught up in people’s trauma and drama, Taurus teaches you to be self-sufficient – to value yourself. It’s also associated with money and how your self-worth affects your net worth. How do you value money? How do you valuable resources, including your time and your energy? It’s about art, culture, beauty, love, and taking care of this planet. And that’s what we’re all waking up to right now. And so, as we’re doing that, things are shifting beneath our feet in dramatic and sometimes scary ways. These are transformations designed to help us towards love, beauty, and stewarding resources in a way that honors your spirit and the earth and the beauty of the world. And what’s in you? So that’s what’s happening. This is big. And of course, it’s big. We are in Leo season! ๐Ÿฆ

Break FREE & Be BOLD

The Sun is in Leo until August 22nd. And Leo teaches you to shine and radiate. Its ruler is the Sun. So this is about not being shy about who you are. Its about taking credit for your gifts and shining more brightly radiating. Because that is a gift to the world, Leo rules the heart. So it’s about getting you to listen to your heart and to honor love, and what’s in your heart. In numerology, August 2022 is a 14 universal month, and 14 is associated with media and groups and speaking and sharing your gifts loud and proud. So that’s a lot of what we’re learning this month. Of course, because 14 is a karmic lesson number, we have more karmic lessons right now. There are a lot of these karmic patterns coming to the surface. And karmic patterns are ways we have been living out of balance habits that we’re stuck in that need to be transformed. To create more balance in our lives and in the world. And in the case of the number 14, what that’s designed to teach you is where you’ve been dependent on other people or restrictive circumstances and even sometimes on substances.

August 2022 Astrology Forecast

And that can mean your phone or computers, so you have been dependent on unhealthy habits. And there could be a lot of ways that you are dependent on people or circumstances where you’re sacrificing that part of your soul when you’re doing things just for money or lifestyle, but there’s a part of you that doesn’t feel right. You know, right? So that’s what we’re learning this month about letting go of our dependencies on unhealthy resources. And we’re seeing that in the world with this karmic south node, all those planets are, with gas and oil and resources that keep us dependent in unhealthy ways that are hard for the earth.

Break FREE & Be BOLD

Or money and spending habits. All these things are coming to the surface right now in the world. Things are coming to the surface to shift our paradigms, ultimately for liberation. Within your life, you recognize ways that you have kept yourself stuck and created situations in your life that have restricted you. And now it’s time to set yourself free. This energy is about, and it will not be easy. We also have this incredible full moon on August 11th. And 11 is a Master Number that brings more light. And so all of this energy is designed to bring light, and when Full Moons are illuminated. They bring light to things that were in our unconscious. And so, on the 11th, that full moon is a fixed square. A fixed T square means we have two sets of opposing planets in fixed signs. And fixed signs want to dig in. So we have all this tension of opposing energies in the world and within you, that just don’t want to give in.

August 2022 Astrology Forecast

And eventually, we have to learn what to let go of, where to compromise, and where to find that balancing middle point. That is all that this month’s energy is teaching you. Remember, the truth will set you free. So with that, I have three action steps to help you navigate this incredibly dynamic energy. Your first action step is to take stock of where you have restricted yourself. Where in your life are you keeping yourself stuck? In ways that you can transform, but you’ve been afraid. In your relationships, are there things you’re doing for money or your career inhibiting your wellbeing, but you haven’t changed them yet? Are there addictive habits that you have that are siphoning up your resources that could be liberated to move you forward in life? Are you giving yourself away to the people in your life? Or the circumstances in your life where you are not getting what you need or desire in return? Take stock of where those areas of your life are.

Break FREE & Be BOLD

Go through everything and be honest with yourself because that’s what this energy demands. Now, your second action step is to liberate yourself from restrictive circumstances. So that means if you are addicted to your phone or to the computer, or you’re spending too much time with television or games or whatever it is, how can you free up your time? Or if there are people in your life…I can’t even tell you how many readings I’ve done when I was doing readings. Did people stay in marriages for their kids, money, or lifestyle, but at what price? Right? So, it’s time to make changes that feel good in your heart and are good for you.

August 2022 Astrology Forecast

Not good for what you think this circumstance is. Take more time to do things that are nourishing for you instead of those things that are siphoning time from you. And if you have a career sucking your soul dry, take some steps to transition into something more fulfilling. And now, with that, your third action step is to BE BOLD.

Break FREE & Be BOLD

I know I’ve told you to take baby steps in the past, but right now, this energy is calling for, especially with the Sun and Leo until the 22nd and this Mars energy is very fiery. This is teaching you to shine more brightly. To live large, to believe in yourself and to be bold. Also with that 14 that we have right now, which is very much associated with the media, if you want to put yourself out there in the world, Do it! And you know, we don’t have any personal planets in retrograde this month. So this is a great time to do things like that. And 14 is also associated with learning things. So if there’s something you want to invest in, in yourself, if you want to learn more about yourself or another craft or any way, you can shine more brightly. One thing you can do is to ask yourself, what would be the most confident I do?

August 2022 Astrology Forecast

What would I do if I was confident, had so much courage that I wasn’t afraid of failing, or what people think, or being rejected? To embody that most confident version of yourself and take steps with that. Embody that energy. Your Sun sign helps you understand how you radiate in the world and what drives you. So if you want to know more about your sun sign, I have a free Zodiac guide for your Sun Sign that you can download using the link below. So download that. It’s free, and it can help you. And it’s so much fun also to learn about you and your loved ones. And even people you may not love!

Break FREE & Be BOLD

And also, for the first time, I have astrology reports on my site. And this is a deep dive into your soul, into your psyche – your soul’s blueprint, the unique soul’s blueprint that you came into the world with. That will help you understand yourself, your desires, your talents, and your karmic lessons. You can access that and so much more. I’ve got many astrology resources for you on my website at So check those out. I’m so excited to offer that to you finally. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel, where I will share more about astrology, intuition, numerology, and all things divine. I love you so much and wish you an amazing, empowering August. Lots of love buy for now.

August 2022 Astrology Forecast – Break FREE & Be BOLD

August begins with a shebang!

On August 1, fiery Mars conjuncts electrifying Uranus and the North Node of the Moon. This celestial meetup in Taurus has not occurred since 1855.

This combustible connection is a cosmic wake-up call. It can prompt you to make some much-needed changes. Change can be initiated by passion or anger. These fiery emotions can propel you to demand more for yourself and leave a limiting situation.


While our Sun is in Leo until August 22, the fire in your belly will fuel you to be bolder and brighter in the world.
You can use the effusive energy of the month to shine more brightly than youโ€™ve ever dared.
In this forecast, I share how you can channel this fierce energy to free yourself from restrictive circumstances.
Have a beautiful month!

Astrology Reports