Hello and happy 2025. You have such a big year ahead of you. This year is going to change your life and the course of the world. And I am here to help you through some of these dramatic changes ahead. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach with your 2025 yearly forecast. Now I can only cover so many of the twists and turns ahead of us, you.
I literally spent hours talking about all the changes in my 2025 Illuminated course. So I’m giving you an overview of the most important things to know about this year ahead. There’s really so much, ao make sure you’re subscribed to the channel because I’m going to be going through this every month to help you through it.
First of all, There are so many people on the internet right now telling you that this is going to be a year where you can manifest anything you want and focus on manifesting and accelerated energy [00:01:00] and all that, which I think is really misleading in many, many ways, because yes, it is a year of immense opportunities, things that you couldn’t have even imagined.
And. can happen. This is a year of miracles in many ways and it is one of the most challenging years astrologically we’ve ever had. The astrology this year is really more dramatic and intense than we’ve ever had in recorded history with some of the changes that we have coming up. And what happens out here is not just in the stars out in space.
It’s a reflection, a mirror of what is happening in our lives, in your personal life and in the collective. Astrology works all the time. as a celestial forecast showing you the energetic [00:02:00] weather of what’s going to transpire not in terms of like the events that will happen really the elemental shifts that we’re having the archetypes that are emerging and how they’re interacting that’s how astrology works and so it doesn’t make you do things that’s why it’s important to have an awareness of what’s happening with astrology and numerology because it guides you about what’s going on.
Because if you want to plan anything in your life, right? You’re planning a big event, an outdoor event, especially you’re going to want to know the weather. The celestial weather ahead is very dramatic and just like mind bogglingly like changing all the time because We have four of the outer planets moving into new signs and then [00:03:00] retrograding back into their previous signs.
And then we have Aquarius, Pluto and Aquarius just newly minted in that sign. Pluto, the lord of the underworld, what brings up the shadow. 20 years in a sign. And it just went into Aquarius, November for its 20 year sojourn of what it’s going to bring up in terms of the shadow and the light and the revolution and the change of all things Aquarian.
This is why we’re seeing so much about AI and cryptocurrency and space and aliens and I know there are some days when you want aliens to just come and take you please because like Aquarius also rules society and Pluto in Aquarius is bringing up shadow elements of our society as a whole. However, the gift of Pluto in Aquarius is [00:04:00] revolution in technology, revolution from the bottom up, power to the people.
This is when people come together to join forces to change the world. And oftentimes that happens when there’s a shadow energy that causes that kind of change. I think you may have noticed that people don’t change proactively unless the universe makes you do it. There’ll be a lot of that this year and every single one of us is going to have something happen that is going to change the way we look at the world, change the way we do things,
every single one of us is going to have a dramatic shift in how things are operating in our lives. I’m telling you, you cannot avoid it because of all these planets changing signs, right? You have a natal chart. So in addition to [00:05:00] like all the archetypes changing in our sky, in our environment, in our collective consciousness, in your birth chart, how these planets interact with your natal chart are bringing up different things.
right now. They’re bringing up all kinds of new awareness within you because they’re touching different parts of your chart. They’re changing the houses which are like the places in your psyche, how you live. your energy, right? They’re moving into different signs, different houses relative to your chart.
So things are emerging. You may have already noticed that you’re feeling different. Things that used to excite you no longer do. And you’re looking for what sparks your joy. Maybe you already have new interests that are like really lighting you up inside. Maybe you have new relationships or maybe some of the [00:06:00] relationships that have been dragging you down.
are no longer feeling tenable anymore. So everything is changing. Personal and collective. This is a year where every single planet is retrograde. Mars goes retrograde around every two years. Venus every 18 months or so. We are beginning this year with Mars retrograde. Mars, that planet of anger and frustration and energy and drive.
You may have started this year feeling like, oh gosh, man, I’m just not ready. And this is why I’m filming this forecast three weeks into the year. I needed to recharge and you’ve needed to recharge. We’ve been through a lot. You’ve been through a lot, right? So Mars is like, okay, you have a big year ahead of you.
So we’re going to start out retrograde. We’re going to [00:07:00] start out where you really just need to like plant some seeds and get some momentum, but you’re not really. Doing a big push. So if you’ve been feeling that way, really be kind to yourself. That’s what the planets are telling you to do. It’s like, Hey, don’t just like go head on.
I actually know a couple of people who’ve had literal head injuries because Aries rules the head. That’s Mars is ruling planet. It’s just like, you’re trying to like push your way through things and force your way through things. And like the universe is like easy now, speed racer, you need to calm down and you need to like, really take some time to reevaluate.
What’s going on? So Mars is going to be retrograde. I believe it’s until February 25th and then personal planet hands over the retrograde to Venus and Mercury in March. It’s like, okay, other personal planets go retrograde. So there’s every single planet, right? We’ll go retrograde this year. The outer planets always go retrograde, but what’s interesting and unique about this [00:08:00] year, every planet will be retrograde in the 29th final karmic degree of their sign.
changing signs within the retrograde, which is wow.
So when you’re in the 29th degree, that’s the last degree that a sign can be in. And it’s like, you have to create some kind of mastery within that sign. Before you move into the next archetype, you’re finishing up the karmic lessons. So you are finishing up karmic lessons around every single area of your life.
And the universe is making sure it is. So you’re not moving forward into this new phase of the world. This new elements of our soul’s evolution. You’re not moving forward until you master some lessons. And so there’s going to be elements of fate and destiny. Occurring chapters closing [00:09:00] Areas of your life ending suddenly and sometimes dramatically often dramatically this year and the planets moving into their new signs.
So they first have to go through the last degrees of their signs two of them in the final degrees. Actually Venus will be retrograding also in Pisces in the final degrees of Pisces. So Venus going to be retrograding in Pisces and Aries. Last degree of the Zodiac, the entire Zodiac wheel, 360 degrees.
That last, last, last, last, last degree. The end of all of your karmic lessons, all wrapped up. Venus, retrograde for 40 days and 40 nights. Beginning in March. And, Neptune also changing signs in March. The very, very, very, [00:10:00] very, very last degree of our zodiac wheel Pisces 29 degrees Pisces. So it’s not just like the end of that sign is the end of the whole karmic cycle into Aries, which is the first breath of the whole zodiac wheel the beginning of new life Saturn also going to be moving 29 degrees.
Pisces into Aries. So you have all these planets, not only in 29 degrees of their sign, but three of them going to be in the last degree, the karmic final mastery degree of the zodiac, the death and rebirth point. That’s really, really tremendous. That’s not just like a concept that’s going to happen. In the world and in our life, there’s going to be a death and ending of ways that we’ve been living for as long as we’ve [00:11:00] known and the birth of new ways of being.
And it sort of feels like after any tragedy, and we’ve had so many tragedies already this year, we’ve had so many tragedies already, this is going to be a year of many, many, many natural disasters. That 29th degree in Pisces, especially, is when we saw the, the hurricanes in Florida.
Because Pisces, right, and Neptune, which is the ruler of Pisces, which is the god of the sea, right, in that karmic, final, dramatic degree. Endings and beginnings in this Saturn and Neptune both finishing up their time in the last degrees of the entire Zodiac. Dramatic endings and beginnings. Saturn changes signs around every two years.
Neptune [00:12:00] around every 14 years. And so when they change, they bring with them a lot of lessons and the elements are also changing this year. Did I mention change? Like everything about this year is change. Death, rebirth. It’s the year of the snake, which is also about death and rebirth, shedding skin. It’s the wood snake.
And here’s the thing. The elements are shifting from earth and water, which are yin, feminine, receptive. Slower. Two more. Fire and air. Mars and Aries, which Mars is the ruling planet of Aries. They are really pronounced this year. And of course one of the things that was the signature of this year were fires caused by wind, air.
We’re also going to be seeing a shift in [00:13:00] dramatic like the rhetoric. Okay, because air rules communication. Aquarius rules technology and social media. And we have all this fire now, which is a war of the words. And it’s how quickly hate can spread online. So you have to be extremely careful. We need to be a force.
Remember, Aquarius is power to the people. We need to be a force for good. in the world. You need to be a force for kindness in the world. Because with all this aggression, all this Mars, and this lack of feminine yin energy, Venus is like not comfortable this year. Mars is also not comfortable because Mars is retrograding in cancer as well, which is like a sign it is not comfortable in.
And so we have all this very [00:14:00] aggressive, fiery energy fueled by wind, air, communication, misinformation, disinformation. You need to be a force of kindness, compassion, and love because the force of love needs to counterbalance What is transpiring? And there needs to be a sense of coming together and community.
And that is what Pluto in Aquarius brings. Often when I see, especially with Saturn and Neptune connecting in Pisces, the sign of compassion, like really finishing up its time together. In this sign of compassion and empathy and intuition, but also like cult leaders and delusion and [00:15:00] that kind of thing, which we’ve seen a lot of, and we will continue to, it’s really about opening our hearts.
And oftentimes when I see these like mastery Lessons that the sky is showing us around compassion. It happens from tragedies. It happens from things that like just tear your heart open. And oftentimes it’s tragedy that brings people together. People of differing beliefs and politics. We’ve already seen division, though, like sometimes now actually These disasters aren’t bringing people together.
So again, it’s even more important now to love your neighbor, to be there in community, to not fan the flames of division or hate, to really find it within you, focus your energy on how you can open your heart, your mind, your words, and [00:16:00] your energy to be a force of love, compassion and unity. I’ve heard some channelers and people say, Oh, this is a year of unity.
It is a year where we need to learn that. It is a year where you need to focus on that. None of these things just happen. And I know that with so much happening in the world, it’s easier for you to maybe like tune out and not want to be a part of it. That’s actually a good thing. Some of the lesson, but it’s not a year to tune out the world and disconnect from the world.
It’s a year to tune out the drama, to tune out divisiveness, to tune out like noise, and to tune into how can I be of service in the world? How can I help in the world? Actually, beginning January 11th. The nodes of the [00:17:00] moon change signs. They change signs around every 18 months. They’ve been in. Aries and Libra.
The south node shows you like what you’re moving away from, what we’re moving away from. And the north node of the moon, the nodes of destiny show what we’re moving towards. Last year the south node was in Libra, the north node was in Aries,, some of the positive aspects of that. Were that you learn to put yourself first. Libra in the South note is like overgiving and like really not focusing your energy on what you need to do to make your life better, but like giving your energy away to everyone else.
And so were some of the like personal helpful aspects of those nodes. So they just went into Virgo. Pisces, Pisces North Node. So what we’re headed toward Virgo South Node. Those are the signs of service. Those are the signs of really helping people [00:18:00] for the greater good. Pisces is all about compassion. So again, we’re moving toward more compassion and we really really need that right now.
It gives me hope, right?
That we’ll see more people coming together to help each other. One thing about the Virgo and the South node is that it is related to health and habits. So you want to really refine your habits so that they are healthy for you. And maybe even some things that you’re doing for your health or some things that need to change, but that also can bring up some like we’re already seeing, mass health issues.
with animals because Virgo rules domestic animals and we’re already seeing that that cats are being affected, birds we’re going to see like that is in a, like a tax on that. And so be mindful of your health as well, [00:19:00] because. For the next 18 months.
There’s going to be a lot of like mass health issues I would feel with Virgo in the south node and Pisces it’s like that where things can spread very quickly among groups, so you want to mind yourself your pets health wise and Also, change what habits? Change your habits that are things that are really healthy for you and that feel good.
Not just that you think are healthy for you, but like really truly feel good for you. And how you can be of service in the world. This is part of what the Virgo Pisces is bringing with all these dramatic changes. You may be asking yourself, how in the world? What? What am I doing that matters? You’re probably already asking yourself some very big questions as the world is like, really just going bananas [00:20:00] in so many ways.
You’re probably asking like, do I even like people anymore or like, what is my role here? What is my role here? You have a big role here. You were born for a specific reason in this moment in time, in this moment in history, because you were meant to shine your light. This is a nine universal year in numerology, which is the number of the hermit in the tarot.
And the hermit, of course, is tuning out all the noise of the world, yet shining their lantern. as a light for others. So you’re meant to tune into yourself, tune into what’s right for you, and tune out the drama, yet still be a light. You’re still meant to be connected, still meant to be part of everything, and an important light bearer in the world.
With that said, I have three [00:21:00] keys to focus on throughout the year. They’re going to help you navigate this incredibly dramatic year ahead. Now, your first key of focus this year is to focus on what really matters. This is a year of asking soul questions because things are really shifting in ways that You cannot rely on the material world to be stable.
You can’t rely on anything that you thought was always going to be there for you. You can’t rely on that because this is a year to focus on your spiritual life, not the material world. Yes, build whatever you need in your life to help you feel secure, material things, material comfort. Yes. However, the world is going to show you that.
[00:22:00] You can’t take it with you because nine is associated with death and endings and letting go. And there’s a lot of death, rebirth energy this year. So every single one of us is going to experience something in our lives that is changing the way we move through the world in ways that you need to focus more on the The spiritual essence of being human.
What’s really important. The love that you create and share and receive. That is what’s most important. And that is what everything in this year is designed to help you do. To focus on what is really important and what really matters.
And your second key to focus on this year is to be true to yourself. Because as the [00:23:00] world outside changes, and as things shift in our world and your world, everything, remember I said, like everything is changing in how it relates to your natal chart and your personal life as well. And so things are not going to feel the same.
Nothing’s going to feel the same. And as you’re focusing on what’s really important, right? Things are going to shift for you. Like, is what I’m doing in my career? Is this really the highest and best use of my talents? Do I really enjoy the people that I’m working with? Do I really enjoy what I’m doing? Do I really enjoy the people around me?
Do I want to explore new frontiers? Listen to that. That’s your intuition guiding you. The snake is all about shedding old skins and moving into a new identity. You have new identities emerging within you. Be true to yourself and don’t let other people sway you into their [00:24:00] drama and definitely don’t let people sway you into negativity.
Stay true to yourself. Stay true to your kind heart. Stay true to your compassion. Stand up for what you believe in and who you believe in. Always stay true to yourself. Don’t listen to the trends. Don’t listen to whatever anyone else is telling you you should do with your life. Only you know what’s right for you.
Which brings us to action step number three. Be flexible to change on a dime. Because things are going to happen very quickly and dramatically. And so this is one of those years where it’s like, Do I really have plans? Because the universe seems to be laughing at me. So your plans, many of them will go awry.
So just say, okay, what are you trying to teach me? What am I meant to focus on? And maybe because there’s so much happening, [00:25:00] there’s going to be, there’s going to be things happening, whether they’re to other people in your life or loved ones that are going to need your help. And so you’ll have to drop everything, right?
To help people because sometimes life is going to get in the way of your plans. So this is a year when life is getting in the way of your plans. So stay open to new possibilities and as you do and pay attention to like, okay, I had this idea about where my month and my days were going, but the universe is guiding me to focus in another direction.
And that’s. That’s wonderful. That’s what’s meant to happen. Because really what is important is who you are and what you’re sharing with the world. So I hope that I’ve helped you get an idea about what the drama is and what everyone’s been talking about, like why this year is so big and so important.
Next [00:26:00] year is another very big, important year as well. And so I hope that you take these. Focus points into consideration and stay true to yourself and know how valuable you are. I also have many tools to help you. I have a free personal year numerology guide. You can get that using the link below. I have a beautiful astrology calendar that’s color coded for all the like eclipses and retrogrades and things like that because I’m a Virgo so of course it’s color coded.
There’s that link to that below. I have a Celestial Guide that is a 157 page download that you can get, um, that describes like the whole year’s energy and month to month to month like very detailed what you need to know. You can get that using the link below and Illuminated and the Celestial Guide is part of that but a lot of people really wanted Celestial Guide on its own.
So I have all the [00:27:00] things and those are tools that are really going to help you throughout the year. So I’ll make sure to include all of that. And of course, subscribe to this channel. If you want to stay with me, I have a lot more to share with you in the days and moments to come. I love you so much and I’m wishing you a fulfilling, joy filled year ahead.
Lots of love. Bye for now.
Kari, it’s Pam in San Diego. I’m a holistic nurse here was was part of your powerful psychic playground group. You changed my life by not allowing me to not embrace my inner power. I was shy and you said, we don’t do that here. It was a shock to me. I knew I needed to be there so I allowed myself to be more and my life instantly changed awareness and momentum on my souls path and journey. Thank you Kari, for being my light ⭐️❤️
PAM! As soon as I saw your name of course I remember you and your wonderful self! YOU are the one with the healing power and kind heart, I am glad I could help you recognize that. Sending love!
Kari, it’s Pam in San Diego. I’m a holistic nurse here was was part of your powerful psychic playground group. You changed my life by not allowing me to not embrace my inner power. I was shy and you said, we don’t do that here. It was a shock to me. I knew I needed to be there so I allowed myself to be more and my life instantly changed awareness and momentum on my souls path and journey. Thank you Kari, for being my light ⭐️❤️
Perfect timing, I really needed to hear this today.
Well look at the clown show…..began on Jan 20. 🤡🥲🥲🥲get ready …..