Sensitive Souls, Empaths and Lightworkers!
How do sensitive souls stay positive when negative people are around and the world feels chaotic? t can feel like an impossible task sometimes.
Read More ยปYou don't need to be afraid of negativity!
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from the Archangels, is that the energy of LOVE is the strongest energy in the Universe.
Read More ยปI used to take things very personally.
If you are anything like me, you’re sensitive to other people’s energy. You can walk into a room and feel what’s been go on there. Or when you meet someone, you immediately know what they’re about.
Read More ยปThe Messages Around Us
I was on a road trip recently when I noticed the license plate in front of me. It was almost the same as mine. Take heed, I thought, your guides are trying to tell you something. Every time there is a recurrence of letters, numbers, or events, it signals a symbolic message from your Divine helpers.