Making Intuitive Choices In High Stress Times

When life throws a curveball, whether it’s an unexpected crisis or everyday anxieties, staying connected to your intuition can feel impossible. In this post, I’ll share how to make intuitive decisions in high-stress times, using practical tools that help you ground yourself and access your inner wisdom, even when emotions are running high.

Recently, I faced a family emergency that involved a hurricane and my loved ones in the hospital. This experience reminded me just how easy it is for heightened emotions to interfere with intuition, and how important it is to stay calm and grounded when making decisions under pressure.

I’ll be sharing insights from that experience and giving you practical tools for staying grounded in times of stress, so you can connect with your intuition and trust the guidance that’s always available to you.

The Impact of Stress on Intuition

When you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, your body is in a heightened state of alert. Your mind races, and your energy becomes scattered. In this state, it’s harder for you to access your inner guidance. You may find that your thoughts are clouded by fear or worry, making it challenging to make clear decisions.

Stress affects your ability to hear your intuition because intuition requires stillness and presence. Your intuitive guidance speaks to you through calm, subtle signals—whether that’s a gut feeling, an inner knowing, or a sensation in your body. When your mind is full of fear, those signals can be drowned out.

So, how do you shift from this anxious state to a place where you can hear your inner wisdom? It starts with calming your nervous system and bringing your awareness back into your body.

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Grounding Yourself During Times of Stress

One of the most effective ways to quiet your mind and reconnect with your intuition is through grounding. Grounding practices bring your awareness from your head down into your body, helping you feel more stable and present.

When you’re grounded, you’re better able to listen to your intuition because you’re not being carried away by anxious thoughts. Grounding also helps you become more objective, which is essential for making intuitive decisions. If you’re attached to a particular outcome, it’s harder to hear the quiet nudges of your intuition.

Here’s a simple grounding exercise you can practice when you’re feeling stressed:

  1. Breathe deeply. Take a few deep breaths, bringing your attention to your breath. As you inhale, feel your chest and belly expand. As you exhale, let go of tension.
  2. Feel your feet on the ground. Bring your awareness to your feet. Imagine roots growing down from the soles of your feet into the earth. Feel the stability of the ground beneath you.
  3. Connect to the earth. Visualize yourself grounded to the earth, with energy flowing from your body into the earth and back into you. This helps anchor your energy and brings a sense of calm.

When you’re in this grounded state, ask yourself, “What is the best decision for me right now?” Pay attention to how your body responds. If you feel a sense of openness or calm, that’s a positive signal from your intuition. If you feel tension or resistance, it may be a sign that a different path is better for you.

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