Libra Zodiac Sign
September 23 – October 22
The first day of Libra zodiac sign is the Equinox. This is when the day and night are of equal measure. Discover the libra astrology.
Your Astrological Sign, Zodiac Sign, Star Sign, and Sun Sign are all names for the same thing. They represent the constellation on which the Sun appears to travel at the time of your birth.
Knowing your Sun Sign is akin to having an owner’s manual. Some characteristics are hard-wired into your sign that shapes how you relate to the world. When you understand your true nature, you can fully express your purpose.
Venus is the goddess of love! This planet rules the feminine realm, including art, beauty, and adornment. Venus attracts rather than pursues. Since everything you attract into your life is dependent on your self-worth, Venus governs what you value. For this reason, Venus associates with self-worth and money.
Cardinal signs initiate seasons. They are pioneering and enterprising. Their role is to initiate new paradigms and ideas.
Air is much lighter than Earth. Air naturally rises and moves. Therefore, air signs focus their energy in their minds, thinking and analyzing. They are natural communicators.
Their nature is to seek connections, so you will often find them exploring and socializing. They are the information processors of the zodiac, bringing new ideas into circulation.
The first day of Libra zodiac sign is the Equinox. This is when the day and night are of equal measure. It is no surprise that Libra desires harmony and balance. Being ruled by Venus, this eye for harmony lends itself to design, fashion, music, and the arts.
Libras crave balance in all things, especially relationships. This doesn’t mean they are inherently balanced. Like the scales that represent this sign, they can feel off-kilter when not in a romantic partnership.
Natural peacemakers, Libra creates beautiful environments for all to enjoy. Yet, they can be over-accommodating to others, leading to people-pleasing and codependency. Libra’s ultimate expression is to create peace, harmony, and beauty in the world and their relationships.
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